A newly discovered pigmented microbe contains a capsule and flagella, but no chloroplasts or cilia. This microbe is approximately 2 microns in size, and divides by binary fission. The nucleic acid of this microbe is packaged within an envelope. Based on this information, is this microbe a eukaryote or a prokaryote? Explain the reasoning behind your answer.


Answer 1


in which grade did u read

Related Questions

Describe the unique anatomical features of cardiac muscle. What role does the unique structure of cardiac muscle play in its function



The cardiac muscle is made up of branched muscle cells, which have 1 or 2 nuclei and which the contact area between the heart fibers gives rise to specialized regions at the level of the plasma membrane called intercalary discs. The intercalary discs unite the cardiac muscle cells with each other, which provides greater adhesion to the tissue and intervenes in the rapid communication between cells. This allows its simultaneous contraction and the production of the beat.


The intercalary discs are the union systems that associate the cardiac muscle cells to form the myocardial fibers, the cardiac muscle is the muscle tissue of mixed components, which is located exclusively in the walls of the heart. For this reason, it has the function of generating the necessary contractions for the blood to reach all parts of the body.The intercalary discs are a special type of intercellular junction, a gap that guarantees electrical communication between these cells; and on the other hand, it provides places of adhesion and anchorage of one cell with another. The intercalary discs provide the structural foundation that allows the heart to behave as a functional syncytium.

Which process produces a phase change for water molecules? What is the factor that drivers this process?



I think this is the answer i try to do it

A degraded ecosystem is replaced with a different but productive ecosystem type, one that might even include some nonnative species. For example, a degraded forest might be replaced with a productive pasture.a. passive restoration b. remediation c. partial restoration d. rehabilitation e. complete restoration



d. rehabilitation


Technology-associated rehabilitation is an ecological practice that allows a degraded area to be restored, rehabilitating all its degraded habitats. However, this restoration is not done naturally, but is caused by human intervention, which can cultivate the entire plant population in the area, even adding non-native species, which are selected to leave the productive area, but ecologically harmonious.

a scientist is is using a microscope to observe a type of bacteria



If your question is:  Which two structures would the scientist most likely see? Then:

A scientist is using a microscope to observe a type of bacteria. The scientist most likely see cell wall and vacuole.

Discuss the sensory neurons for vision. What are the two
types of sensory neurons for vision? Where are they located?
What are their functions in the eye? What path does visual
input take AFTER reaching the sensory neurons (be specific,
outlining the entire path to the destination point of the brain)?



Olfactory sensory neurons (OSN).


Olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) are the sensory neurons that is responsible for vision. Photoreceptors and olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) are the two types of sensory neurons for vision. Both olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) and photoreceptors is responsible for the receiving of photons and enable us to see things. The right half of the visual field will travel in the left optic tract, while on the other hand, the stimuli from the left half of the visual field will pass through the right optic tract.

Answer: The two types of sensory neurones are the CONES and RODS. Their functions are better outlined below


The CONES and RODS are the sensory neurones ( photoreceptors) of the eye which are located in the retina.

The RODS: They are extremely sensitive and can detect light of very low intensity. They also perceive light in black and white. They, therefore, play an important role in dim light.

The CONES: They function in bright light and are responsible for colour vision.

The path visual input take AFTER reaching the sensory neurons is as follows:

--> the rods and cones are stimulated

--> A pattern of electrical impulses is sent to the brain through the optic nerve which interprets it, drawing on past experience.

The brain tells us that the object is upright and gives us it's real size and distance from the eye. We, therefore, see the object as it actually is, and not as the image formed on the retina.

And here is another one, help meeeee HUHUHU, I'm exhausted (only for those who know the answer)

I need explanation for your answers, even though it's multiple choices, I still need your explanation for it.


If your answer is NONSENSE it will be deleted as soon as possible!

But if your answer is CORRECT, HELPFUL, HAS AN EXPLANATION, I'll chose your answer as the BRAINLIEST ANSWER!​



14. (a) Pb

15. (d) Al

16. (A) increases



In the reactivity series of metals an element can displace another element from a compound if and only if it is not placed below that metal, as the reactivity of metals decreases when moving from top to bottom- if a metal is placed below Hydrogen it means that it is less reactive than Hydrogen and hence cannot displace Hydrogen from its compound.

All options except A are placed below Hydrogen in the reactivity series, so they wont displace Hydrogen from its compound, but option (a) that is Pb can do so as it is above Hydrogen in the reactivity series.


Al is placed below Mg in the reactivity series and hence cannot displace Mg from its compound.


The reactivity of metals increases down the GROUP.

[CAUTION :- We were talking 'bout REACTIVITY SERIES in the top 2 questions where reactivity decreases down the group, but we're talkin' 'bout GROUPS of the periodic table here, where reactivity increases down the group.]

The size of metals increases down the group causing their valence electrons to drift far from the nucleus so that they can be lost easily. The metals have a property of losing electrons so the more electrons it can lose more will be its reactivity.

Hence, reactivity increases down the group.

Two of the five types of taste buds are activated by directly hypopolarizing the taste buds; i.e. do not involve a second-messenger pathway. The tastes that activate these receptors are:


Answer: salty and sour


Taste buds consist of the taste receptor cells and they're the nerve endings on the tongue that provide the sense of taste.

Based on the information given, the tastes that activate these receptors are salty and sour. The tastes depolarize the cell receptor directly.

All claims in science should be supported by biology





Because science &biology have a connection

The Big Bang is an idea that states that billions of years ago the universe began in a huge expansion of matter. This
idea has come about through numerous experiments performed by scientists including Edwin Hubble, Albert
Einstein, and Robert Wilson, all of whom revised and added to it over time The Big Bang has not yet been proven as
The Big Bang can be best described as a(n)



The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model explaining the existence of the observable universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution. The model describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature,and offers a comprehensive explanation for a broad range of observed phenomena, including the abundance of light elements, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, and large-scale structure.

Crucially, the theory is compatible with Hubble–Lemaître law—the observation that the farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from Earth. Extrapolating this cosmic expansion backwards in time using the known laws of physics, the theory describes an increasingly concentrated cosmos preceded by a singularity in which space and time lose meaning (typically named "the Big Bang singularity"). Detailed measurements of the expansion rate of the universe place the Big Bang singularity at around 13.8 billion years ago, which is thus considered the age of the universe.

After its initial expansion, an event that is by itself often called "the Big Bang", the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation of subatomic particles, and later atoms. Giant clouds of these primordial elements—mostly hydrogen, with some helium and lithium—later coalesced through gravity, forming early stars and galaxies, the descendants of which are visible today. Besides these primordial building materials, astronomers observe the gravitational effects of an unknown dark matter surrounding galaxies. Most of the gravitational potential in the universe seems to be in this form, and the Big Bang theory and various observations indicate that this excess gravitational potential is not created by baryonic matter, such as normal atoms. Measurements of the redshifts of supernovae indicate that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, an observation attributed to dark energy's existence.

Georges Lemaître first noted in 1927 that an expanding universe could be traced back in time to an originating single point, which he called the "primeval atom". Edwin Hubble confirmed through analysis of galactic redshifts in 1929 that galaxies are indeed drifting apart; this is important observational evidence for an expanding universe. For several decades, the scientific community was divided between supporters of the Big Bang and the rival steady-state model which both offered explanations for the observed expansion, but the steady-state model stipulated an eternal universe in contrast to the Big Bang's finite age. In 1964, the CMB was discovered, which convinced many cosmologists that the steady-state theory was falsified, since, unlike the steady-state theory, the hot Big Bang predicted a uniform background radiation throughout the universe caused by the high temperatures and densities in the distant past. A wide range of empirical evidence strongly favors the Big Bang, which is now essentially universally accepted.




its a theory

When blood pH becomes overly acidic, respiration and kidney function change to bring the acidity back to its normal pH level of 7.4. What does this process best exemplify





Homeostasis has to do with processes that maintain the internal balance within an organism. It can succinctly be defined as the process of regulating an organism's internal environment. The process of homeostasis is very important in the maintenance of important indicators of balance in the body such as body temperature, body pH, etc.

Hence, when blood pH becomes overly acidic, respiration and kidney function change to bring the acidity back to its normal pH level of 7.4. This is a homeostatic response.

Which of the following is correctly defined?

A. Ecosystem - A group of conspecific organisms.

B. Population - An individual life form.

C. Community - A group of populations.

D. Population - A group of communities.
I need help!!1



both b and c I think..........

Population - An individual life form. and Community - A group of populations.

What is population?

A population is the entire set of people in a group, whether that group is a country or a collection of people who share a certain trait.

A population is the group of people from which a statistical sample is taken in statistics. Therefore, a population is any collection of people who have something in common.

A statistically significant portion of a population, rather than the full population, may also be referred to as a sample. For this reason, the standard deviation, or standard error, of a statistical study of a sample from the full population must be disclosed.

Therefore, Population - An individual life form. and Community - A group of populations.

To learn more about population, refer to the link:



Comparing Densities
If two balls have the same volume, but ball A has twice as much mass as ball B, which one will have the greater
If ball C is 3 times the volume of ball D and ball D has 1/3 the mass of ball C, which has the greater density?
If two balls have the same mass, but ball P is twice as large as ball Q, which one will have the greater density?
If ball X is twice as big as ball Y and weighs only half as much as ball Y, then which one will have the greater
mious Activity



Ball A has more density.  


Density is found using mass divided by volume. Let's say ball A has a mass of 6 grams, and ball B has a mass of 3 grams. If the volume for both is 1 mL, then ball A has more density.

Innate talents or gifts enhanced through study and practice are:
B-Holland's occupational types.



D) Abilities


If you have a talent or a gift that is enhanced through study then you have the abilities to do so to be able to practice

Innate talents or gifts enhanced through study and practice are abilities. The correct option is D.

What are innate talents?

Innate talents are those talents that are present in the organism from birth, They are not learned or observed from outside. These abilities are only enhanced as we grow up. They are already present in the body.

They are the natural, talents that with we grow up. Innate talents are also called natural skills. They are genetically present in our bodies. Some people are born with natural potential and skills. But without hard work and practice, these skills would not work.

Abilities are the things that are used by the organism to perform activities. Every organism has some abilities.

Thus, the correct option is D. abilities.

To learn more about innate talents, refer to the link:



A biologist thinks the population of chipmunks will be in the range of 2900 to 3100 in the year 2000. Is that a reasonable guess? Why or why not?




Why not:

The midpoint of range is 3000. Yes, in from 1950-1955 there was a massive increase of the population of chipmunks but from then on it slowly decreased until 1990. In 1995, the population doubled from 1990. If you double 1440, you will get 2880. The biologist said between 2900-3100, using the midpoint of this range (3000) it is too low therefore being a bit unreasonable.

Hoped it is correct and helped you!

BIOL-041-CR: Biology, Part 1 / Unit 1: Biology: The Study of Life /12: Cha
3. What is the name of the process whereby some organisms are able to keep their internal conditions suitable for living?
O reproduction
O photosynthesis
O metabolism
4. In order to keep a steady population, animals in a population must reproduce at a rate that is at least equal to
O the rate of deaths
twice the number of births from the previous year
O the current population
O half the number of deaths



3) homeostasis


is the process where by some oranism keep their internal conditions suitable for living

define cell and atom.....​



cells are the basic building blocks of all organisms , whether living or dead.

atoms are the basic building blocks of matter(non-living things) . every item , for eg, chair, book, toothbrush are made of atoms?

II. Sequencing Directions: Arrange the procedure/steps to fold a banana table napkin by writing 1 to 8 on the blank before the number.
Repeat the last step with the left side, folding the left tip up to the far corner, creating a diamond shape with a seam running down the center.
Fold the right end up to meet the far corner, ensuring the edge of this new fold lays on the centerline as shown.
Stand it up and tug at it where needed to even it up and out. If your napkins are too limp, then think of starch as a napkin and make them good and stiff round it.
Lay the napkin face down in front of you. Curl the left and right sides of the napkin up so they meet in the middle and tuck one into the other.
Fold the bottom of the napkin up about 2/4's of the way and press this fold down well. Fold the napkin in half diagonally. Orient the napkin so the open ends point away from you.
Fold the smaller triangle down so the point rests on the near edge of the napkin. Press.
Can you please answer it for me
Please if someone know



Lay a square napkin down on a clean work surface so that it's open all the way. Iron if needed.


Grab a hold of the right hand corner nearest you and fold it over to meet the opposite upper left corner. Straighten out the edges so that they all meet up.


Turn the triangle so that the longest side is parallel to you and the table's edge.


Fold the left corner in so that it sits JUST past the midway point of the long side of the triangle, like pictured.


Now repeat for the right hand corner.


Take the lower left corner and bring it in to the bottom midpoint of the now 'house' shaped napkin. Press the new left side fold down.


Repeat on the right side.


Take both bottom corners and bring them up to rest just below the top right corners. Press down the new folds.


Take the top point of the envelope 'flap' and bring it down (or close it) to complete the envelope.


Use your envelope napkins to include a personalized 'letter' or card to each guest's plate. Some ideas for what this could be are:

holiday greeting card


place card

family photos from past celebrations

holiday story or poem

coloring cards with pencil crayons for kids

game cards: trivia, scavenger hunt, etc

How is the evidence for the multi-regional theory of migration supported?


The main fossil evidence in support of the multiregional and candelabra hypotheses was the discovery of the Dali Man in China. ... Some genetic studies also offered support to a multiregional and candelabra models, inferring the origin of a few genetic loci outside of the African continent.

Las semillas de las plantas, especialmente las más consumidas en nuestra dieta como el trigo, el maíz, el arroz y otros cereales o las lentejas, los porotos y otras legumbres, tienen un depósito de almidón que está destinado a alimentar el embrión en las primeras etapas del desarrollo, hasta que esté en condiciones de hacer la fotosíntesis por sí solo. ¿Con qué función de los lípidos se relaciona esta adaptación? Justificar.



lol I dont know the answer

Our understanding of many of the evolutionary relationships among animals changed after those phylogenies were based on morphological and molecular data (as opposed to only using morphological data). Which of the following groups represents an example of this change?
a. Lochotrophozora
b. Bivalvia
c. Brachiopoda
d. Placozoa



a. Lochotrophozora


Molecular research and studies complement morphological research and improve our awareness and knowledge of evolutionary history. Previously, morphological studies could only reveal to us the variations and distinctions, but molecular studies and phylogeny have enabled us to pinpoint the fundamental mechanism of this variation on a genetic level, as well as locate it down to evolutionary lineage, which has led to more enhanced genealogy and evolutionary studies.

However, the group of organisms that best reflects and represents this kind of change is: Lochotrophozora

Groups represent an example of this change is option "A" which is Lochotrophozora.

What is Lochotrophozora diversification?

Lophotrochozoa is a monophyletic group of animals that includes annelids, molluscs, bryozoans, brachiopods, Platyhelminthes, and other animals that descended from the common progenitor of these organisms.

Lophotrochozoa is one of the three major clades that include bilateral animals, or Bilateria.

Thus, option "A" is Lochotrophozora.

To learn more about Lochotrophozora diversification click here:


Select the correct answer
Which term refers to the maximum number of organisms of a particular species that can be supported by an environment?
OA Population density
OB Exponential growth
OG carrying capacity



Carrying capacity


Carrying capacity means the number of organisms that a region can support without environmental degradation.

Please help!! Answers!!! I Need The Right Answer!! A group of scientists studied the environmental impact of internal combustion engines burning hydrocarbon fuels. The scientists equipped four vehicles with devices to capture and measure particulate emissions. One vehicle burned diesel fuel, one burned ordinary gasoline, one burned a gasoline/ethanol mixture, and one burned natural gas. The four vehicles had equal masses and carried identical cargo. The scientists drove each vehicle 400 kilometers, recording the volume of fuel burned and the quantity of particulate emissions generated.
What is the independent variable in this experiment?

type of fuel

distance traveled

mass of vehicle and cargo

quantity of particulate emissions



A. type of fuel


The scientists combusted different types of hydrocarbons (different type of fuel)

Which of the following is the best definition of anaerobic respiration?





Anaerobic respiration is a process of cellular respiration. In this type of cellular process of respiration, oxygen is not needed to break down complex food substances such as glucose. Energy is generated in the process which is used for other cell functions.

Therefore, the answer is C.

Which of the following is correct?
Select one:
a. Industry and agriculture both overuse surface water resources.
b. Industry and agriculture both overuse groundwater resources.
c. Industry overuses surface water and agriculture overuses
O d. Industry overuses groundwater and agriculture overuses
surface water


Hey i think the answer is C :)

Water is a source that is used for various purposes. The industry overuses the surface water, whereas agriculture overuses the groundwater leading to water scarcity. Thus, option C is correct.

What is water scarcity?

Water scarcity is the unavailability of water or can be said as a shortage of water through the regular supplies due to the overuse and excess waste of these resources.

The lack of sufficient amount of water that has been said to be not equal to the demand is a major issue that affects every organism globally. It can lead to economic decline as there will be drought.

Water is used in various fields including the industries for machines and other works, and also in agriculture fields to grow plants and crops. The industry uses the water present on the surfaces like lakes, and rivers, while crops need the water from the wells.

Therefore, option C. the industry and agriculture overuse water.

Learn more about water scarcity here:



After researching the possible effects of music, Elaina proposes that if people listen to faster-paced music, their pulse rates will increase more than if they listen to slower music. Her mother listens to classic rock at a high volume for 30 minutes, her younger brother listens to classical music quietly while he sleeps at night, and her grandmother listens to two hours of rap at a medium volume. Elaina records each person's pulse before and after listening to the music. What is missing from Elaina's scientific investigation?



Constant variables


Elaina's investigation lacked the critical ingredient of constant variables which are important components of every scientific investigation. In every research, there are 3 important variables, namely:

1. Dependent variables: the actual variable to be measured during the course of investigations and whose values are dependent on another variable (independent variable) supplied by the investigators.

2. Independent variable: one of the variables that are supplied by investigators whose values are often manipulated to see the kind of changes it will cause to the dependent variable.

3. Constant variables: other variables that are neither independent nor dependent but constant for all the various experimental groups in investigations.

Constant variable is the factor which is missing from the Elaina's scientific investigation.

Constant variable is a type of variable that does not change or remain constant in the experiment. Elaina has to keep the type of music same to all the individuals such as the rap music should be replaced by classical music. This variable should be maintained constant for all people who participated in the experiment, then we will obtain the right results from the experiment so we can conclude that constant variable is the missing factor.


what type of feature might be observed at this location?



at what location? the question isnt finished

. Imagine the following scenario. A bacteriophage taken for the treatment of cholera infects a cholera-causing bacterium and temporarily enters the lysogenic stage. When the virus re-enters the lytic cycle, it includes some pieces of the bacterial DNA in its own genome. Specifcally, this DNA encodes information for making the cholera toxin. Imagine some of the possible consequences of this scenario. What will happen to the next bacteria that the virus infects



The virus will transfer the DNA encoding cholera toxin to the next bacteria it infects, which will make that bacteria cholera-causing.


The process described in this question is a kind of gene transfer in bacteria called TRANSDUCTION. Transduction is the transfer of fragments of DNA from one bacterium to another via a virus called bacteriophage.

As stated in this question, the virus (bacteriophage) infects a cholera-causing bacterium. The bacteriophage moves from lysogenic cycle to lytic cycle and includes some pieces of the bacterial DNA, which encodes information for making the cholera toxin, in its own genome.

This means that the cholera-making toxin DNA is now a part of the virus's genome and hence, will transfer it to the next bacteria it infects in a process called TRANSDUCTION. This will make that bacteria a cholera causing bacteria.

Which best explains why sawdust burns more quickly than a block of wood of equal mass under the same conditions?
The molecules move more quickly in the sawdust than in the block of wood.
The pressure of oxygen is greater on the sawdust.
More molecules in the sawdust can collide with oxygen molecules.
Oxygen is more concentrated near the sawdust than the block of wood.


Which best explains why, under the same circumstances, sawdust burns more fast than a wood block of equivalent mass The molecules in the sawdust move more swiftly than those in the

A thermal burn is what?

An injury to the skin or other organic tissue known as a burn is one that is primarily brought on by heat, radiation, radioactivity, electricity, friction, or contact with chemicals. When hot liquids, heated solids, or flames come in touch with the skin and other tissues, part or all of the skin's cells are destroyed (flame burns)

What various sorts of Burns are there?

This tiny burn merely penetrates the skin's surface layer (epidermis). It might hurt and make you red. second-degree burn Both the epithelium and the next layer of skin are affected by this kind of burn (dermis). It could result in skin that is swollen, red, white, or patchy. The pain may become intense and blisters may form. Scarring may result from second-degree burns that are deep.

To know more about burns visit:




C.More molecules in the sawdust can collide with oxygen molecules.



What is an ecosystem?


An ecosystem refers to the combination of a community and its environment
It refers to the interaction of an organism and its environment

Match each of the following descriptions with the correct brain structure(s). Drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences.
a. houses the corpora quadrigemina
b. components of the diencephalon
c. connects the third and fourth ventricles
d. continuous with the spinal cord
e. produces cerebrospinal fluid
f. components of the brainstem
g. major homeostatic organ
h. contains Broca's area
i. structure from which pineal gland extends
j. contains lateral ventricles
k. contains arbor vitae
1. pons
2. thalamus
3. cerebellum
4. hypothalamus
5. cerebral aqueduct
6. medulla oblongata
7. midbrain
8. epithalamus
9. cerebrum
10. choroid plexus



a. midbrain

b. thalamus; hypothalamus, epithalamus

c. cerebral aqueduct

d. medulla oblongata

e. choroid plexus

f. pons; medulla oblongata; midbrain

g. hypothalamus

h. cerebrum

i. epithalamus

j. cerebrum

k. cerebellum


The brainstem is the posterior part of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord. The brainstem can be divided into three parts: midbrain (i.e., mesencephalon), the pons (i.e., metencephalon), and the medulla oblongata (i.e., myelencephalon). The mesencephalon is a region of the brain composed of the tectum and tegmentum, which play fundamental roles in motor movement, auditory and visual processing. The corpora quadrigemina is found at the tectum region of the midbrain. The diencephalon is a small part of the brain located above the brainstem (between cerebral hemispheres); which contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, and epithalamus. In turn, the epithalamus is composed of the habenular nuclei, pineal gland, and the stria medullaris thalami. The cerebral aqueduct is a narrow channel (approx. 15 mm) in which the cerebrospinal fluid flows between the third ventricle and the fourth ventricle. The medulla oblongata is a long stem-like structure located in the brainstem of the brain, just in the place where the brainstem connects the brain to the spinal cord. The choroid plexus is a complex network of capillaries located at the cerebral ventricles of the brain, which serve to produce cerebrospinal fluid through ependymal cells that line the ventricles of the brain. The cerebellum is a major structure of the hindbrain and consists of the cerebellar cortex and a core of white matter having the cerebellar nuclei.

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