A cell membrane has permeability, which means that the membrane?


Answer 1
Cell membranes serve as barriers and gatekeepers. They are semi-permeable, which means that some molecules can diffuse across the lipid bilayer but others cannot.
Answer 2
Cell membranes serve as barriers and gatekeepers. They are semi-permeable, which means that some molecules can diffuse across the lipid bilayer but others cannot. ... On the other hand, cell membranes restrict diffusion of highly charged molecules, such as ions, and large molecules, such as sugars and amino acids.

Related Questions

Classify the receptor descriptions or names below based on which neurotransmitter each is associated with. alpha-Adrenergic beta-Adrenergic Muscarinic Nicotinic Only receptor found in parasympathetic synapses Associated with mushroom poison Ultilizes calcium ions as a second messenger Associated with tobacco Norepinephrine Acetylcholine Reset



1. Acetylcholine:  

- Muscarinic  

- Nicotinic  

- Associated with mushroom poison  

- Only receptor found in parasympathetic synapses  

- Associated with tobacco  

2. Norepinephrine:  

- alpha-Adrenergic  

- beta-Adrenergic

- Utilizes calcium ions as a second messenger


Acetylcholine (ACh) is a neurotransmitter that acts in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Cholinergic receptors are receptors that bind to ACh. Muscarinic receptors are G protein-coupled receptors involved in the parasympathetic nervous system, which play roles in a variety of physiological responses (e.g., ACh binds to muscarinic receptors in the pathophysiology of asthma, leading to an increased mucus secretion). Nicotinic receptors bind to nicotine, while muscarinic receptors bind to muscarin (muscarine is a well-known neurotoxic alkaloid found in certain mushrooms). Nicotine receptors are also called cholinergic receptors since they also respond to ACh.  On the other hand, norepinephrine (NE) binds to alpha-adrenergic and beta-adrenergic receptors in different tissues. Both alpha-adrenergic and beta-adrenergic receptors are G-protein coupled receptors. Alpha-adrenergic receptors are involved in the regulation of blood pressure and generating a sympathetic 'fight and flight response'; whereas beta-adrenergic receptors modulate sympathetic responses in the cardiovascular, metabolic, and central nervous systems (NE activates the beta1-receptor). NE can induce Ca2+ release, which is a second messenger that controls a wide variety of cellular processes.

g Jack fell down and broke his crown. He broke the most anterior bone connected to the coronal suture. What LETTER is this, and what is the NAME of this bone


Coronal suture. This extends from ear to ear. Each frontal bone plate meets with a parietal bone plate at the coronal suture.

6. The probability that the two offspring you produced share every genotype in common is extremely low. Explain why they are likely to be different.



Sexual reproduction is able to generate genetic variation in offspring by 1-independent assortment and 2-recombination during meiosis, and 3-random fertilization.


Sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that increases the amount of genetic variation in offspring by three main mechanisms: independent assortment of homologous chromosome pairs and recombination during meiosis, and random union of gametes during fertilization. First, sexual reproduction is associated with the independent assortment of chromosomes during meiosis, i.e., the orientation of homologous chromosome pairs is a random process that is different for every cell that undergoes meiosis. In consequence, chromosomes assort randomly into gametes, thereby the segregation of alleles of a gene pair is independent of the segregation of another set of alleles of a different gene (as stated in the law of independent assortment). Second, sexual reproduction generates genetic variation by recombination, which is the exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids during meiosis I (prophase I). This genetic process (recombination) is able to generate new alleles in offspring. Third, sexual reproduction also involves the random union of two haploids (n) gametes during fertilization, which results in the formation of a diploid (2n) zygote that develops into a new individual. In humans, the sperm cell has 8 million possible (2²³) chromosome combinations, which fertilizes an ovum cell that also has approximately 8 million chromosome combinations, thereby producing a tremendous genetic variation in offspring (around 64 trillion possible zygote combinations).

what are the difference between DNA and RNA​



There are two differences that distinguish DNA from RNA: (a) RNA contains the sugar ribose, while DNA contains the slightly different sugar deoxyribose (a type of ribose that lacks one oxygen atom), and (b) RNA has the nucleobase uracil while DNA contains thymine.

8. Two rabbits are bred together. One is heterozygous for agouti coat
(genotype: Cch) and the other is albino. What are the possible phenotypes
of their offspring? Construct a Punnett square to support your answer.



- Parental cross = Cch  x chch  

- F1 = 1/2 Cch (agouti coat); 1/2 chch (albino coat) >> 1:1 phenotypic ratio

Punnett  square:  

          ch         ch

C       Cch       Cch

ch    chch      chch



A heterozygous individual is an individual who has two different gene variants (i.e., alleles) at a particular locus. In this case, individuals having the "agouti coat" trait are heterozygous carrying both 'C' and 'ch' alleles. On the other hand, a homo-zygous individual has the same allele at a given locus (here, the 'chch' genotype associated with the albino phenotype). Therefore, as observed in the Punnett Square above, when a heterozygous parent is crossed with a homo-zygous recessive parent for a single gene, alleles segregate in the gametes of both parents so an expected 1:1 phenotypic ratio will be observed.

choose the letter of the correct answer 1. Which one of the following is NOT an organic compound? a. Methane b. Carbon dioxide d. Lactic acid C. Oil​





Look at the scientific names for the two organisms below:

Felis domesticus
Felis bengalensis

What can you tell about these two organisms from their scientific names?
You cannot tell anything about an organism from its scientific name alone.
The organisms are different subgroups of the same species.
The organisms are different species but belong to the same genus.
The organisms belong to the same kingdom but different phyla.



B. The organisms are different subgroups of the same species.


Felis domesticus (Domestic CAT)

Felis bengalensis (Leopard Cat)

What can you tell about these two organisms from their scientific names?


You cannot tell anything about an organism from its scientific name alone.


The organisms are different subgroups of the same species.


The organisms are different species but belong to the same genus.


The organisms belong to the same kingdom but different phyla.








C. The organisms are different species but belong to the same genus.

All of the following are examples of specialized cells except





the results Mendel obtained during his experiments. It showed that if you cross two plants that were true-breeding for different colors (purple and white), the offspring or first generation (F1) would be ______________ instead of true-breeds, and all were _____________ in color. Interestingly, when he crossed two of these F1 plants, their offspring did not all come out _____________. Instead he obtain a ratio of ______ purple-flowered plant for every ______ white-flowered plant. He concluded that the “heritable factor” for the ____________ trait (white flowers) was not destroyed in the F1 generation. Instead it had been _______________ by the “heritable factor” of the ________________ trait (purple flowers).



1. Heterozygous

2. Purple

3. Purple

4. 3

5. 1

6. Recessive

7. Masked

8. Dominant

Please find the missing answers to the questions in BOLD.


As illustrated in this question, Gregor Mendel used the color trait of pea plant to discover his law of dominance.

The results Mendel obtained during his experiments. It showed that if you cross two plants that were true breeding for different colors (purple and white), the offspring or first generation (F1) would be HETEROZYGOUS (Pp) instead of true-breeds, and all were PURPLE in color.

Interestingly, when he crossed two of these F1 plants (Pp × Pp), their offspring did not all come out PURPLE, instead he obtain a ratio of 3 purple-flowered plant for every 1 white-flowered plant. He concluded that the “heritable factor” for the RECESSIVE trait (white flowers) was not destroyed in the F1 generation. Instead it had been MASKED by the “heritable factor” of the DOMINANT trait (purple flowers).

Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly? Carol was the last person out of the house wasn't, she? Carol was the last person, out of the house wasn't she? Carol was the last person out of the house, wasn't she? Carol, was the last person out of the house wasn't she?



The third sentence......................


The correct sentence is Carol was the last person out of the house, wasn't she?

Why is a comma important?

Commas help your reader figure out which words go together in a sentence and which parts of your sentences are most important. Using commas incorrectly may confuse the reader, signal ignorance of writing rules, or indicate carelessness.

What are the Rules of commas?

Comma Rules

Use a comma after an introductory phrase or clause. Use commas before and after a parenthetical phrase or clause. Use a comma to separate two independent clauses linked by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, nor or, so, yet) Use a comma to separate items in a series.

Learn more about the use of commas here https://brainly.com/question/2251561


help me what is this stuff please i really need halp



i dont no the answer



which fundamental units are involved in force do step Wise ​


Force = ma

We know, the unit that the S.I. unit of mass is Kg.

We also know that a = (v - u)/t.

We know that v = d/t and u = d/t and the S.I. unit of t(time) is s.

We know that the S.I. unit of d(displacement) is m.

So, the S.I. unit of v is m/s and the S.I. unit of u is m/s and the S.I. unit of t is s.

So, the S.I. unit of a is m/s×s or m/s²

So, the unit of force is

(unit of m) × (unit of a)

= kg × (m/s²)

= kg.m/s²


[tex]kg \: m \: {s}^{ - 2} [/tex]

Or more simply,

F = ma

=> F = m{(v-u)/t}

Putting units,

Newton = kg[{(m/s) - (m/s)}/s]

=> Newton = kg{(m/s)/s}

=> Newton = kg(m/s²)

=> Newton = kg.m/s²

=> Newton = kg.m.(s^-2)

Natural selection is most likely to be the cause of a change in a population's
allele frequencies when:
A. the ecosystem experiences few disturbances,
B. the population drops below its carrying capacity.
C. the predators are removed from the ecosystem,
D. the population has reached its carrying capacity.


Answer:handheld c

Explanation:bend c smlOc

C is probably the right answer to me

The _______ is the part of the neuron that carries information away from the cell body.


mitochondria is the part of the neuron that carried information away from the cell body

Question 8 of 24
Which item is a carbon sink?
A. Beach sand
B. Ocean water
C. Glaciers
D. Forest fires



oceans water


If you grew up with a family pet, then you have surely noticed that they often seem to hear things that you don’t hear. Now that you’ve read this section, you probably have some insight as to why this may be. How would you explain this to a friend who never had the opportunity to take a class like this?



Force her/him


so that she /he can hear u

g 20. Name two bones connected by an interosseous membrane found in the crus and/or sural region. Which one is the medial bone



Tibia and fibula. Tibia (medial bone)


The tibia is the medial bone of the lower leg (it is the second-largest bone next to the femur), whereas the fibula is the lateral bone of the lower leg. The tibia functions to transmit the majority of the force in the lower leg. The tibia articulates at the proximal end with the femur and fibula; where this bone (tibia) articulates at the distal end with the fibula and the talus bone of the ankle. The tibia and fibula are connected via an interosseous membrane, which is a thin sheet of connective tissue that spans the space between two bones.

How is it possible for mad made things to move?


How is it possible for mad made things to move?Answer: Because the human body is designed to use their muscles to create and transfer things from place to place, and that some man-made objects are light enough to be moved

Which product comes from protist

A. Yeast in sourdough bread

B. Mushroom on pizza

C. Cork in bulletin boards

D. Carrageenan in milk



C. The cork in bulletin boards


Cork is made primarily from a plant called Quercus suber (the cork oak).

Find the number of chromosomes are in each daughter cell when a sperm cell with a diploid number of 26 chromosomes undergoes meiosis process​



At the end of mitosis, the two daughter cells will be exact copies of the original cell. Each daughter cell will have 30 chromosomes.

Which non-mineral nutrient is essential for photosynthesis? ANSWER ASAP!!!!!!!!
D. carbon dioxide



A. hydrogen

Nearly all organic compounds also contain H atoms, which explains why plants need the H they get from water molecules through photosynthesis. Hydrogen ions are vital in both aiding proton gradients to help drive the electron transport chain in photosynthesis, and for plant respiration.



carbon dioxide


because carbon dioxide is needed for respiration

What is an office what is an office ​




An office can be referred to a building or rooms or a room which is arranged and set up with furnitures and things needed for commercial use or professional work to achieve a goal.

An office is also refered to position of authority occupied by someone to perform some tasks.


here's your answer


The office helps in controlling the activities of different people and department of an organisation. Through controlling it ensures that the various activities of business are performed with much accuracy. Memory Center: Office protects important information of past in a safe manner.

The pedigree below concerns the autosomal recessive disease phenylketonuria (PKU). The couple marked A and B are contemplating having a baby but are concerned about the baby having PKU. What is the probability of the first child having PKU


Answer: Hello your question some missing data attached below is the complete question


P( first child having PKU )  0.25 ≤ x ≤ 0.5


The pedigree father has PKU ( pp ) ( From the top right )

pedigree mother = PP

The possible resultant progeny = Pp  

Resultant progeny marries non-carrier  ( Pp x PP ) = PP , PP, pP, pP

Hence B is either  ; PP ( non carrier ) or Pp ( carrier )

From left

one of the Resultant progeny = pp ( affected ). this simply means pedigree parents where both carriers or sufferers i.e. Pp or pp

Hence A is either ; Pp or pp

The probability of their first child having PKU

= PP x Pp = PP, Pp, PP, Pp ( probability = 0 in this case )

= Pp x Pp = PP, Pp, pP, pp ( probability = 1/4 * 100 = 25% )

= Pp x pp = Pp, Pp, pp, pp ( probability = 2/4 * 100 = 50% )

P( first child having PKU )  0.25 ≤ x ≤ 0.5

lets denote dominant Gene = PP,  recessive Gene = pp

Discuss the internal and external structure of the testise​



External- The testes are covered by a tough membranous shell called the tunica albuginea. Within the testes are very fine coiled tubes called seminiferous tubules. The tubules are lined with a layer of cells (germ cells) that develop from puberty through old age into sperm cells (also known as spermatozoa or male gametes).

Internal -Each testicle is covered by tough, fibrous layers of tissue called the tunica. The outer layer is called the tunica vaginalis and the inner layer is called the tunica albuginea. ... There are about 800 seminiferous tubules tightly coiled within each testicle.

Which of the following is a process that is prompted by a question?
A. Conclusions
B. Observation
C. Measurement
D. Inquiry





Should be correct I guess.

what is the function of the liver?



The Liver Stores Glycogen and Vitamins.

Its helps in Excreting Bilirubin which is produced from the breakdown of Red Blood Cell(RBC).

It also helps In the Production of Bile(This is stored in the gall bladder).

When a neuron is stimulated and sodium channels open, the process of has begun. Structures of the nervous system surrounding, but not part of the central nervous system are part of the . Two consecutive neurons communicate at a , where they physically come together. are a group of natural chemicals that reduce the perception of pain. Supporting cells of the nervous system are collectively called . When potassium channels have been open long enough to go below resting membrane potential, has occurred.



- When a neuron is stimulated and sodium channels open, the process of depolarization has begun.  

- Structures of the nervous system surrounding, but not part of the central nervous system are part of the peripheral nervous system

- Two consecutive neurons communicate at a synapse, where they physically come together.  

- Endorphins are a group of natural chemicals that reduce the perception of pain.  

- Supporting cells of the nervous system are collectively called neuroglia

- When potassium channels have been open long enough to go below resting membrane potential, hyperpolarization has occurred.


Neurons undergo depolarization in response to diverse stimuli (e.g., heat, light, electrical, chemical, etc). The depolarization occurs when sodium (Na+) ions pass through specific channels  (i.e., open voltage-gated Na+ channels) into a neuron, which causes an increase in the positivity of membrane potential. On the other hand, hyperpolarization occurs when potassium (K+) channels remain open and Na+ channels reset, thereby producing an increase in negativity of membrane potential. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is composed of the cranial nerves, spinal nerves, peripheral nerves, and neuromuscular junctions, which connect the Central nervous system (CNS) to the organs, limbs, and skin. Endorphins (e.g., serotonin) are polypeptides secreted by the pituitary gland and CNS to relieve stress and pain. Neuroglia refers to a class of neural cells that have ectodermal (e.g., astroglia, peripheral glial cells) or mesodermal (e.g., microglia) origins. Neuroglia cells are involved in diverse roles, including, among others, the formation of the blood-brain barrier, homeostatic support, provision of nutrients for neurons, structural support to nerve cells, etc.

Using the organisms you identified in part B, create a food web for the ecosystem you chose. Use this sample food web for reference, although your food web will contain fewer organisms. Note that your food web does not have to include images, but you may include them if you choose. However, be sure to include arrows to indicate the direction of energy flow in your food web. Design your food web using any method listed below:


Unfortunately you did not introduce the organisms identified in part B, as the question shows. This makes it impossible for me to answer this question, but I will try and help as best I can.

In the figure attached to the question below, it is possible to see an example of a food web and the arrows that indicate the direction of the energy flow within this food web.

In this sense, we can determine that a food web is the set of food chains that complete and mix. A food chain shows how living organisms organize themselves so that one feeds on the other, whereas in the food web, this food chain is shown in a more realistic way, as it shows how food chains mix and interact within the ecosystem, as they do not there are food chains isolated in nature.


I did Lake Tahoe. Feel free to use this image!


I need help asap
I need help asap​





i dont care

This one too, please?

(3rd time)

I need explanation for your answers, even though it's multiple choices, I still need your explanation for it.


If your answer is NONSENSE it will be deleted as soon as possible!

But if your answer is CORRECT, HELPFUL, HAS AN EXPLANATION, I'll chose your answer as the BRAINLIEST ANSWER!​



1, group 1

2 group 7

3 group 2

4 D

5 B

6 A


7. A 1

8. C 17

9. B 2

10. (d) C and D

11. (b) reactivity

12. (a) corrosion

13. (c) activity series


7. , 8, and 9,

Group 1 elements are named as alkali metals

Group 2 elements are known as alkaline earth metals

group 17 metals are known as halogens


Na and Xe have one valency whereas the other two elements have variable valency which is a property of transition metals so the answer is (d) C and D


It;s the definition of reactivity


Definition of corrosion


definition of activity series

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