16. Which of the following is the correct interval? ​

16. Which Of The Following Is The Correct Interval?


Answer 1




It is correct

Related Questions

The developments described in the excerpt most directly reflect which of the
following changes in the 1920s? "The Model T was the car of the century,
transforming motoring for millions. Its cheapness and flexibility meant that the
car became less of a symbol of wealth and leisure than an affordable adjunct to
the everyday life of even the humblest worker. And the key to its cheapness was
its revolutionary production method."-Source: Steven Parissien, historian. The
Life of the Automobile: The Complete History of the Motor Car, 2013 *

A. the development of highways
B. the spread of regional cultures
C. the rise in consumerism
D. the promotion of free trade





How do fishing gears cause decrease in the population of marine species?
A) by changing water drifts
B) by decreasing phytoplankton population
by causing loss of habitat
D) by increasing water salinity
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



wrong its d


4. An organization that strives to hold agencies accountable for truth in news reporting plans to select a random sample of 100 news stories from major U.S. news agencies in order to estimate the proportion of news stories produced by major U.S. news agencies that contain false information. A 90 percent confidence interval for the proportion of all news stories that contain false information will then be constructed. Before selecting the sample, the organization determines that they want to make the margin of error as small as possible. Which of the following is the best way for them to decrease the margin of error?
(A)Increase the confidence level to 95%.
(B)Increase the confidence level to 99%.
(C) Include a wider diversity of sources, such as local and international news agencies.
(D)Include news stories over a broad period of time, such as over the past decade.
(E) Increase the sample size.​


Answer: E) Increase the sample size

Explanation: with the confidence level and sample proportion held constant, the margin of error will decrease as the sample size increases.

How did monasticism impact Buddhism?


It impacted Buddhism because they had different beliefs so people were confused.
One of the important factors in the spread and growth of Buddhist monasticism was its adaptability. As long as monks and nuns preserved the basic teachings and social behavior patterns, Buddhism could be translated into any language or culture.

What is the derivative of -cot(2x)?



[tex]\displaystyle y' = 2 \csc^2 (2x)[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:



DerivativesDerivative Notation

Derivative Property [Multiplied Constant]:                                                           [tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx} [cf(x)] = c \cdot f'(x)[/tex]

Basic Power Rule:

f(x) = cxⁿf’(x) = c·nxⁿ⁻¹

Derivative Rule [Chain Rule]:                                                                                 [tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}[f(g(x))] =f'(g(x)) \cdot g'(x)[/tex]


Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle y = - \cot (2x)[/tex]

Step 2: Differentiate

Trigonometric Differentiation [Derivative Rule - Chain Rule]:                   [tex]\displaystyle y' = - \big(- \csc^2 (2x) \big)(2x)'[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle y' = \csc^2 (2x)(2x)'[/tex]Basic Power Rule [Derivative Property - Multiplied Constant]:                 [tex]\displaystyle y' = 2 \csc^2 (2x)[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit: Differentiation

One good way to cut down on the expenses of technology while in college is
A. borrow your friend's computer.
B. use a smartphone for most of your communication needs.
c. take advantage of the free Wi-Fi available on most college
O D. use a typewriter.



C and A


For A you first look through his history

Take advantage of the free Wi-Fi available on most college campuses. The correct option is C.

What is technology?

Technology refers to the tools, techniques, and processes that are used to create, develop, and improve products, services, and processes.

It encompasses a wide range of fields such as electronics, telecommunications, software, computers, and robotics.

College campuses typically offer free Wi-Fi for their students, which can be used to access the internet and other resources on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Using these resources can help cut down on technology expenses, as students can use their own devices instead of purchasing new ones or relying on friends to borrow theirs.

Additionally, using a smartphone for communication needs may not be as efficient or practical as using a laptop or tablet, and using a typewriter is an outdated technology that is not commonly used anymore.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding technology, visit:



Write a story about a man who does and then comes back to life and then you have to write it in Spanish or in Vietnamese


Se desvió por la carretera interestatal cuando un gran camión aceleró hacia él a lo que parecía ser la velocidad de la luz. Su esposo gritó: "¡Cuidado!" Un destello rojo, un ruido de metal que partía del oído contra metal, un crujido de huesos y luego silencio. Sintió una paz inmediata pero al mismo tiempo no sintió nada. Solo vio una luz brillante, pero nada. Era una sensación de existir en la inexistencia. La única forma en que el hombre podría describir su muerte cuando se despertara era flotando de dolor, paz, oscuridad y luz de una vez. Cuando de repente, sintió un shock en sus venas. "Damian!" Sus ojos se abrieron de golpe, y la realidad se estrelló contra él como si la camioneta se hubiera estrellado contra su cuerpo. Los doctores se pararon a su alrededor, sonriendo con alivio. "¿Qué?" Él farfulló, era todo lo que podía manejar. "Bienvenido de nuevo, Damian", dijo uno de los médicos. Tenía la cabeza llena de algodón, le apretaban el corazón y le cortaban el brazo por la mitad. Miró hacia un lado y vio que, de hecho, tenía el brazo cortado por la mitad. Él se estremeció. "¿Gary?" Preguntó, casi sin querer saber. "Lo siento mucho, Damian", respondió un médico con tristeza. "El se fue." La única forma en que describiría su dolor cuando se despertara era flotando de dolor, paz, oscuridad y luz, todo a la vez.

He swerved across the interstate as a large truck sped towards him at what seemed to be the speed of light. His husband screamed,
“Watch out!” A flash of red, an ear splitting noise of metal against metal, a crack of bone, and then silence. He felt immediate peace but at the same time felt nothing. He saw only a bright light, but nothing. It was a feeling of existing in nonexistence. The only way the man would be able to describe his death when he awoke was floating in pain, peace, darkness, and light all at once. When suddenly, he felt a shock course through his veins.
“Damian!” His eyes flashed open, and reality came crashing into him like the truck had crashed into his body. Doctors stood around him, smiling with relief.
“What?” He sputtered, it was all he could manage.
“Welcome back, Damian,” said one of the doctors. His head was full of cotton, his heart was being squeezed, his arm was cut in half. He looked to the side and saw that his arm was in fact cut in half. He shivered.
“Gary?” He asked, almost not wanting to know.
“I’m so sorry, Damian,” a doctor answered sorrowfully. “He’s gone.”
The only way he would describe his grief when he awoke was floating in pain, peace, darkness, and light all at once.

In extreme driving conditions such as snow, ice or heavy rain, you should stay at
least seconds behind the next vehicle.
A. 2-3
B. 4
C. 6-10


C 6-10 because if it’s extreme weather there a higher chance of car crashes or accidents the farthest is the safest.
C would be your best bet

8. Candidate A and Candidate B are running for president. You are planning a survey to determine what proportion of registered voters plan to vote for Candidate A (p). You will contact a random sample of registered voters. You want to estimate p with 99% confidence and a margin of error no greater than 0.01. What is the minimum number of registered voters you will need to survey in order to meet these requirements?



The correct answer is (E).

The minimum sample size of registered voters that are needs to be surveyed in order to meet these requirements is 16590 registered voters.

What is the required sample size?

The sample size, n, can be calculated using the formula below:

[tex]n = \frac{z^{2}×p(1-p)}{(\frac{ε}{2}) ^{2}}[/tex]


z = is the z scoreε is the margin of errorpis the population proportion

For the data provided:

z for 99% confidence = 2.58

ε/2 = 0.005

p = 0.5

Substituting the values:

[tex]n = \frac{2.58^{2}×0.5(1-0.5)}{0.005^{2}} = 16641[/tex]

Therefore, the minimum sample size of registered voters that are needs to be surveyed in order to meet these requirements is 16590 registered voters.

Learn more about sample size at: https://brainly.com/question/24084761


9.A game show producer asked 100 randomly selected adults, “Have you ever bungee jumped?” Of the adults surveyed, 14 said “Yes!” Is there convincing statistical evidence that the true proportion of all adults that have bungee jumped is more than 10%?
(A)No, because the difference between the sample proportion and the population proportion is only 0.04, which is not greater than 0.05.
(B)No, because the probability of observing a sample proportion at least as large as 0.14, if the population proportion is 0.10, is greater than 0.05.
(C)Yes, because the probability of observing a sample proportion at least as large as 0.14, if the population proportion is 0.10, is greater than 0.05.
(D)Yes, because the probability of observing a sample proportion at least as large as 0.14, if the population proportion is 0.10, is less than 0.05.
(E)Yes, because the difference between the sample proportion and the population proportion is 0.04, which is less than 0.05.​


Answer: B.

Explanation: No, Because the probability of observing a sample proportion at least as large as 0.14, if the population proportion is 0.10, is greater than 0.05.

Let us recall from given question that,


Ha:p≠0.80 (which is the two tailed test)

For the p-value we have,

P-value: Let us assume that the null hypothesis is true, then the probability of observing the sample statistics or the  more extreme,

Therefore if p= 0.80, the probability of observing or detecting proportion of samples is of at least 0.84 or at most 0.76 is 0.273.

What occurs in Type I error?

A Type I error occurs in hypothesis testing when one is rejects the null hypothesis and the null hypothesis is true.

To reject the null hypothesis, statisticians conduct hypothesis testing. However, the process is always accompanied by the possibility of making a mistake. These are referred to as hypothesis testing errors.

Type I and Type II errors are the two mutually exclusive errors in hypothesis testing. Type II errors occur when a statistician fails to reject a false null hypothesis, whereas Type I errors occur when a statistician correctly rejects a genuine null hypothesis. So, c is the right response.

Therefore if p= 0.80, the probability of observing or detecting proportion of samples is of at least 0.84 or at most 0.76 is 0.273.

To learn more about hypothesis testing visit:



James was the lead in the school play. It was opening night. Mr. Ramirez, the director, asked James if he was ready to go on and reminded him about a few last-minute changes in the script. A number of thoughts and feelings came over James as the curtain went up. James became anxious when he saw all the faces of the audience members. Then he saw his mother, who is a professional actress, sitting in the front row. James could not relax. At that instant, he saw his psychology teacher in the audience. He knew that he needed to use the concepts learned in her class to make sense of these thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.
Describe how each of the following concepts might help James give a strong performance.
State-dependent memory
Arousal theory
Positive reinforcement
Selective attention
Social facilitation
Sensory adaptation



Check below for the answer and explanations


State-dependent memory: is the process of remembering things because they happen when you were in a state that is similar to your current state. Before the opening night, James would have gone through series of rehearsals, it will be easy for him to recollect the things he said or did during the rehearsal and apply same in the opening night.

Arousal theory: This theory explains that people tend to have a better performance when they are psychologically motivated. James felt motivated when he saw his psychology teacher in the audience. This motivation will enhance is performance.

Positive reinforcement: James motivated himself by wanting to use the concept learnt in his psychology class to have a positive thought about the surrounding atmosphere. This is a positive reinforcement because James felt motivated after this consideration.

Selective attention: This is the process of focusing only on relevant information or object. James paid more attention to those whose presence can aid his performance. He did not have to set his gaze on every member of the audience.

Imagery: In this context, imagery is the use of mental, imaginary pictures to influence one's thought process. As James is on the stage, there should be a mental picture of when he was taking similar roles during the rehearsals, this will help him perform better.

Social facilitation: The presence of a large audience aids the performance of some people. They tend to perform better in the presence of crowd. James can utilize the advantage of the cheers and the applause he receives from the audience for a better performance.

Sensory adaptation: As James spends more time outside performing, his senses tend to adapt to that atmosphere and the initial fright and timidity will disappear. At this stage, he begins to perform incredibly well.

State dependence memory is the process of remembering things due to what happened. They take place when you are in a state similar to the current state.

Arousal theory suggests that people are driven to take actions that tend to maintain an optimal level of psychological arousal.  Selective attention is a process that allows the individual to focus on a specific topic, or input for further processing. Imagery is any visual figurative language that evokes a mental image. Social facilitation is the improvement or the decrease of performance when working together with other people. Sensory adaptation is the reduction of the sensitivity to stimus after long exposure.

Learn more about the lead in the school play. It was opening night.


3. The phrase, household penetration, describes the percentage of households that purchase a particular item. The household penetration for toilet paper is 97%. You survey a random sample of 50 households and want to compute the probability that at least one of the households does not purchase toilet paper. Which of the following is appropriate for modeling this distribution?
(A)Binomial distribution
(B)Geometric distribution
(C)Normal distribution
(D)t distribution
(E)Chi-square distribution​



A) Binomial Distribution


This situation is binary because there are two options. Either success (buy toilet paper) or failure (do not buy toilet paper). The trials are independent, there are a fixed number of trials, and the probability of success remains the same for each trial. Therefore, it is a binomial distribution.

According to the proclamation, what were African Americans promised in return for fighting for the British in the War of 1812?


Answer: Their freedom


They were promised to be set free because at the time they were slaves

10. Lindsey is an avid tennis player. She kept track of the number of winners she had per game for an entire season. The shape of the distribution of the number of winners is roughly symmetric and the five- number summary of the number of winners is: Min: 10 Q1: 18 Med: 48 Q3: 79 Max: 92
Luke is Lindsey’s biggest rival. The average number of winners Luke had per game for the season has the same value as Lindsey’s IQR. Who had the greatest average number of winners this season? Explain.
(A)Lindsey, she averaged approximately 48 winners per game while Luke only averaged 18 winners per game.
(B)Lindsey, she averaged approximately 49.4 winners per game while Luke only averaged 48 winners per game.
(C)Luke, he averaged 61 winners per game while Lindsey only averaged approximately 48 winners per game.
(D)Luke, he averaged 61 winners per game while Lindsey only averaged approximately 79 winners per game.
(E)There is not enough information provided to determine Lindsey’s average.​





YOU WILL GET BRAINLIEST!! What could help a country move from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of the demographic
- Instituting population restrictions
-increased immigration
-The diffusion of contraceptives
-better sanitation
-Improving education for women



i would think population restrictions  


stage 2 is characterized by a rapid decrease in a country’s death rate so the total population of a country in Stage 2 will rise

18. What is the correct test statistic and conclusion? ​





It is A

Tara mows lawns as a summer job. She
charges $9.50 for each lawn plus $2.50 for
every hour she works. The gasoline she needs
to mow an average lawn costs $1.85. Write an
expression for the profit Tara makes from
cutting a single lawn.





I think this might be it because you don't really get the time she works for a lawn


7.65 + 2.50h


The original expression for finding her profit is:

($9.50x + $2.50h) - 1.85x

x being the number of lawns she mows

h being the number of hours she works

If she were to only mow one lawn, the expression would be:

($9.50(1) + $2.50h) - 1.85(1)

h remains constant because we do not know the number of hours she works for

The above expression simplified:

($9.50 + $2.50h) - 1.85

So, I do... $9.50 - 1.85 to get...

$7.65 +$2.50h

11. Which of the following is FALSE?​



E. This die appears to be fair because of the proportion of sixes fluctuates greatly.


I hope this helped if its wrong then im sorry.

It’s D I’m pretty sure

3a. Are we able to see and hear
everything? Explain why or why not





Because there are many thing u don't see like what the inside of a person is and u can't hear stuff far away.

Hope this helps!!

High-frequency hearing loss occurs when the tiny hair-like sensory hearing cells in your cochlea (inner ear) are damaged. These hair cells, known as stereocilia, are responsible for translating the sounds your ears collect into electrical impulses, which your brain eventually interprets as recognizable sound

14. A manager of a local fast food restaurant wants to determine the average amount of time it takes from when a customer enters the drive-through line until they receive their order, regardless of the time of the day and the day of the week. That is, he would like to know the true average drive-through wait time for all his customers. Which of the following methods would be most likely to estimate the desired parameter with low bias and low variability?
(A)Select a random sample of 100 customers over a period of one month, determine each selected customer’s wait time, then compute the average wait time for all 100 customers.
(B)Select a random sample of 100 customers over a weekend, determine each selected customer’s wait time, then compute the average wait time for all 500 customers.
(C) Select a random sample of 500 customers on a randomly selected weekday, determine each selected customer’s wait time, then compute the average wait time for all 500 customers.
(D)Select a random sample of 500 customers over a weekend, determine each selected customer’s wait time, then compute the average wait time for all 500 customers.
(E) Select a random sample of 500 customers over a period of one month, determine each selected customer’s wait time, then compute the average wait time for all 500 customers.​




Select a random sample of 500 customers over a period of one month, determine each selected customer’s wait time, then compute the average wait time for all 500 customers.​

Why sampling is important?

Sampling saves money by allowing researchers to gather the same answers from a sample that they would receive from the population.

Select a random sample of 500 customers over a period of one month, determine each selected customer’s wait time, then compute the average wait time for all 500 customers.​ it will help in the improve to deduce the time and might be get idea so that costumer will not wait rather than ideal time.

Learn more:



1.Sharon is a good student who enjoys statistics. She sets a goal for herself to do well enough compared to her peers so that her standardized score on her Statistics final is equal to her percentile rank (written as a decimal) among her classmates. What goal did she set for herself?


Answer: B

Explanation: 0.78

i know i know a b c



what do you mean by a b c d ?


What do you mean by you know b and c
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