___1. Journalistic writing is generally expected to be objective, relying on? ___ 2. It is the feature of journalistic writing that catches reader's attention. ___ 3. What do we call its feature that answers the 5 W's? ___4. The part in journalistic writing where a writer can put his opinion? ___5. The journalist should write his article in the ________ form?A. Headline B. Facts and evidence C. Summing up D. Orientation E. Present Tense F. Past Tense


Answer 1


___1. Journalistic writing is generally expected to be objective, relying on

Facts and evidence

___ 2. It is the feature of journalistic writing that catches reader's attention.


___ 3. What do we call its feature that answers the 5 W's?

Summing up

___4. The part in journalistic writing where a writer can put his opinion?


___5. The journalist should write his article in the ________ form

Present Tense

Related Questions

What kind of people can be negative influence in your life?​


People who are always discouraging can have negative influence in our life. They don't do anything for themselves and always discourage others. But it depends on is if we want to get influenced or not.

What is one theme of "To Build a Fire" by Jack London?
A. A man travels by foot along a trail in the snow.
B. Weather can impede a person's ability to travel.
C. Relying on intelligence is better than relying on instinct.
D. Depending on others is critical to survival.


The option among the answer choices that represents one theme of "To Build a Fire" is "Depending on others is critical to survival," letter D, as seen below.

The definition of theme

Theme of a literary work is an idea, message or lesson we can find in the story. The same story can actually have more than one theme. In the short story "To Build a Fire," by Jack London, one of the main themes is about how depending on others is essential for people to survive.

The story develops such theme through the character's actions and his tragic ending. The main character is a man who goes out into the wilderness alone, ignoring the warning by an old man not to do so. He ends up dying because of the freezing temperatures as he is unable to start and maintain a fire.

Had the man heeded the warning or had he had a companion other than the dog, he would have likely survived. Therefore, this confirms that the theme of the story is option D.

Learn more about theme here:



Answer: D. Depending on others is critical to survival.


Hope this helps!

How does Machiavelli work to achieve his primary purpose to convince readers that a prince must ruin a conquered republic or live there? Select two options.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options to answer the question.

Yo ask us to select two options, but where are the options?

However, trying to help you we did some deep research and can comment on the following.

How does Machiavelli work to achieve his primary purpose to convince readers that a prince must ruin a conquered republic or live there?

Correct answers:

"He explains the roots of rebellion in conquered republics" and "He contrasts the characteristics of principalities and republics."

In “The Prince,” Machiavelli shares many political principles that created controversy at the time, but even today are of great influence on some politicians around the globe. Among the controversial ideas he stated, we find:

For instance, “The end justifies the means”. This is interpreted as one individual can make any decision or do something to accomplish the result he wants. It doesn’t matter if he messes with other people's ideas or steps over other people´s principles.

Or what about this other; “For a Prince, it is better to be feared than to be loved”. This idea created controversy because it invites the ruler to establish the kind of government that provokes fear instead of respect or love. Machiavelli considered that if people loved the ruler, it could appear weak. But if the ruler was strong and provoked fear, the consequences would be the control of its people.


C. E.

C. He explains the roots of rebellion in conquered republics.

E. He contrasts the characteristics of principalities and republics.

It’s the 5 one because I looked it up



what do you mean by its 5. I looked it up.

How does the main character in Don Quixote experience both internal and external conflict? Provide specific examples from the text of both types of conflict. Make sure to explain why each conflict is either internal or external.


Answer and Explanation:

The internal conflict that Don Quixote experiences is established by his refusal to accept reality as it is. That's because Don Quizote, was so focused on the books of chivalry he read, that he started to apply those unreal stories in reality. He started acting like the world was like in the books and that created a lot of problems for him. Don Quixote is trapped in his own world of illusions and refuses to attend to the realistic part of him, which needs to get back to reasoning correctly and take care of his problems. This is an example of internal conflict, because it shows the character's struggle with himself. This happens when two contrary thoughts fight within the same mind.

The external conflict in which he finds himself is established with society's repulsion on the way he behaves. This is a conflict called person versus society and it is established in history, because Don Quixote includes society in his daydreams and this society does not accept this and fights him so much, calling him crazy and fighting with him. This is an external conflict because it takes place outside the character and includes elements that don't belong to him.

"Don Quixote" was written by Miguel de Servantes and is the most important book in the Spanish language. In this story, we know how Don Quixote gave himself up to his love for stories of chivalry and abandoned everything to live as a knight errant.

Why are Piney and the Duchess described as sleeping beneath the white snow, which covers "all human stain" In a "spotless mantle (cloak]"?
A. Because in death both women look pure and sinless.
B. They are cold but make a blanket out of the snow.
C. Because when help comes, no one will want to save the Duchess due to her profession.
D. Mr. Oakhurst left his coat to cover the women while he went for help.


I think it’s b the second option

Short Essay on advantage and disadvantage of internet in " GERMAN "​



The brief essay on the topic ‘Disadvantages of the Internet’ is in English. Essay on Disadvantages of Internet is helpful for children and kids of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Furthermore, students who are preparing for speeches, debates, or any extra-curricular activities can take advantage of this essay.

Das Internet hat sowohl Vor- als auch Nachteile. Das Internet verbindet die ganze Welt und hat die Kommunikation erleichtert. Das Internet bildet die Basis für viele Unternehmen und der Datenaustausch kann in Sekundenschnelle über das Internet erfolgen. Wenn das Internet anfängt, in das Privatleben einzudringen, kann es Menschen süchtig machen.

hope this helps u :)

(i like u) ;)

what is the example of comparision with as...as




I want to give an example of a song;

As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox

As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear

As free as a bird, as neat as a word

As quiet as a mouse, as big as a house


I wanna be


I wanna be

Oh oh oh! All

I wanna be

Is everything

As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth

As deep as a bite, as dark as the night

As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong

As long as a road, as ugly as a toad

As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture

Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be

Bright as day, as light as play

As hard as nails, as grand as a whale


I wanna be

Oh oh oh! All

I wanna be

Oh oh oh! All

I wanna be

Is everything

Everything at once

Everything at once

Oh oh oh, everything at once

As warm as the sun, as silly as fun

As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea

As hot as fire, cold as ice

Sweet as sugar and everything nice

As old as time, as straight as a line

As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee

As stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glider

Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be


I wanna be

Oh oh oh! All

I wanna be

Oh oh oh! All

I wanna be

Is everything

Everything at once.



Greetings from Turkey ツ


comparison with as...as is a simile

e.g. as brave as a lion, as sly as a fox


identify the function performed by the following sentences 1.I saw my friend in town a.imperative b.exclamatory c. Declarative d.interrogative



C, Declarative


The sentence is a statement, meaning that it could either be declarative or imperative. The sentence however, is not of great importance, like a command - it's a simple statement. This means the sentence is declarative.

Which sentence best avoids bias?
A. If there is an engineer on staff, he likely knows me.
B. The girls from accounting know I'm a good boss.
C. I have extensive experience in women's health.
D. Every Veterans Day, I support the men overseas.




The sentence which best avoids bias among the answer choices is; Choice A; If there is an engineer on staff, he likely knows me.

Which sentence best avoids bias?

In the context of writing, objectivity means to write with curiosity, rather than having a preset opinion, Similarly, in sentence construction, to avoid bias involves leaving allowance for objectivity and hence, the sentence which avoids bias is; Choice A; If there is an engineer on staff, he likely knows me.

Read more on avoiding bias;



Why is Hamlet by Shakespeare the greatest play ever written?



Many people say Hamlet is the greatest play of all time.  Shakespeare does that through the soliloquy  the character alone on stage talking to himself, opening up his mind  and Hamlet just does that more than any other character. So there is that psychological complexity. That's one reason the play is revered.


How are Napi from the Blackfeet myth and Kúterastan from the Apache myth alike?



they are both myths


I MET a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things.
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Which of the following sentences best describes the dramatic irony in the poem?
The traveler knows he will see the statue in the desert.
The traveler knows who the king was.
The audience knows the traveler has seen the statue in the desert
The audience knows the boastful king's power did not last.


The correct answer is D. The audience knows the boastful king's power did not last.


Dramatic irony is a literary device that is based on giving the reader information about the story so that he understands the hidden meanings of the story related to the actions of the characters. In addition, the reader understands aspects that the characters themselves are unaware of, creating a feeling of suspense. In the excerpt presented the narrator tells the reader the power of the king will not last, as the narrator says "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains".

According to the above, it can be established that the correct answer is D. The audience knows the boastful king's power did not last.

in what way do you think overseas commitment " influence the rise and fall of nations in Europe​


Answer and Explanation:

Commitment to the outside world allows European nations to establish commercial, political and social relations with countries outside Europe that can offer elements and factors that Europe does not have, but which are necessary for its progress. This type of relationship requires the commitment of Europe, and when this commitment is strong and efficient, these reactions are also strong and manage to promote the progress and rise of European countries. However, when commitment is deficient and weak, relationships can be broken, or even not started, which can help the return and downfall of European nations.

a. 3. Report the following sentences as in the example below.
a. "You can use my pencil."
I'm allowed to use her pencil.
b. "Don't let them enter through this gate.”
They are not permitted to enter through this gate.

a. "You can take photographs here."
b. "Don't let them leave the school."
c. “Let her sit here."
d. "You can play here."
e. “Don't let them speak English in Nepali class."​



a. I am allowed to take photographs here.

b. They are not allowed to leave the school.

c. She can sit here.

d. I am permitted to play here.

e. They are banned from speaking English in Nepali class.

Hopefully this is what you were looking for!


a) I'm allowed to take photographs there

b)They are not permitted to leave the school.

c) She is allowed to sit there

d) I'm allowed to play there

e)They are not permitted to speak English in Nepali Class

Which revision is the most logical for karishma to make her prediction as she continues to read

A: The narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected

B: The narrator will be seen but not heard as the murder is committed

C: the old man becomes aware of a frightening presence in the room

D: the old man prepares for his own murder





Answer: B



Being thus passed the vast ocean, and a sea of troubles before in their preparation (as may be remembered by that which went before), they had now no friends to welcome them, nor inns to entertain or refresh their weatherbeaten bodies, no houses or much less towns to repair to, to seek for succor...And for the season it was winter, and they that know the winters of that country know them to be sharp and violent, and subject to cruel and fierce storms, dangerous to travel to known places, much more to search an unknown coast. Besides, what could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness, full of wild beasts and wild men


Hi. Although you submitted a text, you did not submit any questions regarding it. This prevents me from giving you any answers. However, to help you out, I'll explain what the text presented means. Hope it's useful.

The text posed in the question above is an excerpt from "Of Plymouth Plantation" written by William Bradford, where he presents a real account of the life of the first English settlers, recently arrived in America. In this excerpt, he shows how the arrival in America was very challenging for all the settlers. They had already faced problems on the way between England and America and when they arrived in the new world, they landed in a place where there was no one to help them with anything. The settlers had neither house nor food, they had to face the harsh winter without any resources to protect them, they did not know any place they could shelter and lived in constant concern about being attacked by the "savages", that is, the natives.

Read the following scenario. Imagine you are at a gas station to put some gas in your car, and you see these directions.

1. Turn off car engine.
2. Avoid the use of cell phones or other electronic devices while pumping gas, since they may cause sparks and result in fire danger.
3. Pay with credit card at pump or enter cash into the electronic vendor between pumps 3 and 4. Prepayment is required.
4. After entering payment, remove nozzle and select the grade of gasoline desired.
5. Remain at your vehicle as you pump gas.
6. When finished, return nozzle to pump.
7. Collect change and receipt from electronic vendor.

According to these directions, which of the following is true?

a. It is okay to walk away while pumping gas because there is an automatic shutoff when your tank is full.
b. You can pay after you pump if you are using cash.
c. You can pay with cash at the electronic vendor between pumps 3 and 4.
d. Change is not available, so you should be sure that you do not enter more cash than you can use.
Please answer quick. Need ASAP!



c. You can pay with cash at the electronic vendor between pumps 3 and 4.


This is because the statement is clearly stated in paragraph 3.

What is a majestic voice


having or characterized by majesty; very grand or dignified; lofty; stately. : also maˈjestical. SIMILAR WORDS: grand.

Epaphus was the son of Jupiter and Io. Phaeton, child of the
Sun, was one day boasting to him of his high descent and of his
father Phoebus. Epaphus could not bear it. "Foolish fellow,"
said he, "you believe your mother in all things, and you are
puffed up by your pride in a false father."
The underlined text is an example of which of the following?



Context clues. It is context for the conversation.


It is context for the conversation

Finally, a break in the case appeared to set him in the right direction.

infinitive phrase



infinities infinities phrases

Atticus's summation to the jury is a powerful, brilliant speech. Write a paragraph (at least five sentences) of your personal reaction to the truth of what he says.



He means that the justice system works only when each individual juror takes his duty seriously. This means that a juror must use reason and intellect, weigh the evidence objectively, and leave all biases and/or prejudices out of the courtroom.

Atticus's closing speech is found at the end of chapter 20 where he begins by saying that there aren't many complicated facts in this case. What the jury must remember, and what Atticus does not take time to retell for them is first, Mayella was beaten on her right side which signifies that the abuser was left-handed. Mr. Ewell is left-handed and Tom Robinson's left hand is crippled and unable to have hurt anyone. Next, there is no medical evidence showing that Mayella was raped by anyone, let alone by Tom. Finally, there are no secondary witnesses to testify for either side to say who is telling the truth. Therefore, Atticus shifts all of the blame to Mayella Ewell and places the word guilty upon her during his closing arguments. Atticus also blames the South's social and racial boundaries for the situation that the Ewells and Tom Robinson find themselves in that day.

And you can add your personal reaction

Atticus has been the central character of the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird". He was a lawyer by profession. He defends a black man from the accusation by putting forward the facts.

The closing speech by Atticus focuses on the comment towards jury members. Atticus came forward with the facts of the investigation that blame Mayella Ewell. Atticus pointed that every jury member should work based on the reasons and facts and are not biased. Atticus summation remarks the evidence of injury mark Mayella. He also considers the lack of witnesses to justify the truth. Atticus in the end blames Mayella Ewell and the South's social and racial boundaries.

For more information about Atticus Finch, refer to the link:


What is a central idea of the article Lee Sherman and the toxic Louisiana bayou ?



Self interest and individual freedom


Self-interest is a term that refers to a person's concentration on his or her own wants and objectives. Self-interested activities are frequently taken without the person being aware of it. The function of personality in driving human activity is investigated in a variety of philosophical, psychological, as well as economic perspectives.

Personal liberty is defined as a person 's liberty to go and come, equality well before laws, the protection of private property, freedom of thought and speech, and freedom of conscience subject to the rights of others and the community.

How does this legal document from 1672 illustrate the role of the Christian religion in the early New England colonies?

Religion was based on community laws.

Religion had minimal influence in the colonies.

Religion was the basis for government as well as private life.

Religion was separate from local government.



C. Religion was the basis for government as well as private life.


The majority of the presidents were devout Christians, although their private faiths and practices varied widely. Many of them belonged to many branches of Christianity, including Catholicism, Protestantism, and ecumenism.

The majority of presidents had religious views, as shown by their taking the oath of office on the Bible with the words "so help me God."

Learn more on Separation of religion and government at:


Explain the metaphor beyond the symbol by choosing the phrase that establishes what is similar in the pair of words. Select the item that best expresses this. Use your notes if you need them.

boy: old man

to find one's own resources
the old man's youth
to find one's life
to be in life



to find one's own resources


the old mans youth


Is the use of smartphones useful for the Skudents of secondary level? Write an e assay discussing the advantages md disadvantages of smartphones in about 300 words.​


Yes, it is useful for the students in secondary levels to have smartphones because they might need it for distance comunication with friends/ even family... they can also so be useful when it comes to online learning especially when we are in lockdown and to upload and revise...

But if u think about it, there is lots of bad things that happen on the internet and social media... kids/teens are too young to understand or experience what adults know already or experience... and all this that happen, is all because of the phone. if it weren't the phone, they will be no way they wil be able to comunicate to strangers on social media or even have the ordercity to meet up with that stranger... thats why smartphones might be toooooo risky for kids/teens........

He said that" I am busy these days? ( indirect speech)


[tex]\boxed{ \sf{Answer}} [/tex]

Direct Speech :

↦ He said, "I'm busy these days".

Indirect Speech :

↦ He said that he was busy those days.

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꧁❣ ʀᴀɪɴʙᴏᴡˢᵃˡᵗ2²2² ࿐

Indirect Speech: He said he was busy those days

Look at the pictures and write sentences use the verb present continuos tense.


1. My brother and I are reading a storybook our mom gifted us on Christmas Day.
2. Adam does not feel like cycling this evening, he is running instead.
3. Liam is eating his favourite dish cooked by his beloved mother.
4. Leah and Lewis are rehearsing a dance for their performance this weekend.

Why is objectivity so important to historical accounts?



It is important to be as objective as possible when doing historical research so that your work does not end up having excessive biases. Having such preconceptions can make us prone to bias. Therefore, we must be as objective as possible so our conclusions will be as valid as possible.

A(n) ____ expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence.

dependent clause
adverbial clause
independent clause
indefinite clause



independet clause


it is independent so it doesn't rely on anything

Independent clause, can be alone
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