1. El genotipo es el conjunto de alelos que posee un individuo, y cuando dos alelos son idéntica
heterocigoto para ese locus.
a Falso
b Verdadero
2. En genética se utilizan letras para representar los alelos de las caracteristicas hereditarias,
mayúscula representa el alelo recesivo y la letra minuscula representa al alelo dominante.
b. Verdadero
3. Usualmente los cruces se presentan en un cuadro de Punnett, y ayuda a determinar la probat
de un genotipo y fenotipo en particular
a Falso
b. Verdadero
4. Para corroborar un genotipo a partir del fenotipo, Mendel realizó cruces de prueba, esto es p
conociendo la dominancia y el genotipo de un progenitor
b. Verdadero
5. Las mutaciones pueden ser heredables debido a que ocurren a nivel genético
a Falso
b. Verdadero
C. Tareas de la semana
1. Cruce monohibrido (50%)
Elabora el cruce de dos organismos heterocigotos: Aa x Aa. Donde: A - verde, a - rojo
. Coloca los resultados
А a
• Determina la frecuencia genotipica y fenotipica
Frecuencias fenotipica Frecuencias genotipica:
X-4 Homocigotos
x:4 heterocigotos

1. El Genotipo Es El Conjunto De Alelos Que Posee Un Individuo, Y Cuando Dos Alelos Son Idnticaheterocigoto


Answer 1

El genotipo es el conjunto de información genética en un organismo, y se encuentra codificado en el ADN en su secuencia de bases. Dicha información se expresa mediante síntesis de proteínas.

1.  Los genes son unidades de herencia​ pues almacenan la información genética. El conjunto de genes de una especie se denomina genoma. Cada gen ocupa en el cromosoma una determinada posición, denominada locus. Para cada locus hay dos tipos o formas de genes, llamados alelos. Los mismos pueden ser iguales (siendo el organismo homocigota para ese locus) o distintos (heterocigota). Entonces, la respuesta es "b: Verdadero"

2. Los alelos dominantes, se representan con letras mayúsculas mientras que los alelos recesivos se representan con letras minúsculas. Ejemplo, el alelo que codifica para el color de ojos marrones puede ser dominante (se puede representar con la letra A, por ejemplo), mientras que el alelo que codifica para ojos verdes puede ser recesivo (a). Un individuo cuyo genotipo es Aa, tendrá ojos marrones ya que el alelo dominante enmascara los efectos del alelo recesivo. Un individuo AA también tendrá ojos marrones pues es el único alelo presente. Sin embargo, un individuo aa tendrá ojos verdes ya que tiene ambos alelos recesivos que se expresan. Entonces, la respuesta es "a: Falso"

3. Un cuadro de Punnett es un diagrama utilizado para determinar la probabilidad de obtener descendencia con un determinado fenotipo (características visibles) y genotipo (conjunto de genes). Permite utilizar genotipos maternos y paternos con sus alelos dominantes y recesivos , para cruzarlos y realizar el análisis. Entonces, la respuesta es "b: Verdadero"

4. Mendel realizó un experimento para estudiar los genes de la planta de guisantes. Cruzó una plantas de dos variedades distintas (gigantes y enanas), espolvoreando el polen de una sobre el pistilo de otra. Observó que en la primera generación de descendencia, habían todas plantas gigantes y no de tamaño "intermedio" Luego de esto, entendió que había una característica dominante para el tamaño gigante de una planta, y una recesivo para el tamaño enano. Pero previamente a todo esto, no conocía la dominancia ni el genotipo de los progenitores. Entonces, la respuesta es "a: Falso"

5. Una mutación es una alteración azarosa o por acción de un mutágeno en el ADN, ya sea en su secuencia de bases o en su organización. Esto hace que se produzca una variación en las características del organismo, que puede o no transmitirse a una descendencia. Una mutación genética hereditaria ocurre en las gametas femeninas (óvulo) y/o masculinas (espermatozoide). Cuando ocurre la fertilización, se crea un cigoto que dará lugar a un nuevo organismo que portará la mutación. Entonces, la respuesta es "b: Verdadero"

1. Cruce entre Aa x Aa

siendo A: verde, a: rojo

Cada genotipo, en este caso ambos Aa, representa los genes de un organismo. Sin embargo, en el cuadro de Punnett, se utilizan las gametas producidas por los mismos organismos. Cada gameta solo posee un alelo de cada gen, ya que son haploides. Entonces los organismos con genotipo Aa, pueden producir gametas A o a. (Ver archivo adjunto)

Como se puede ver en el cuadro, hay un 25% de probabilidades de obtener descendencia con genotipo AA (verde), 25% para aa (rojo) y 50% para Aa (verde). Lo mismo se puede expresar como 2:1:1 (de un total de 4, 2 son Aa, 1 es AA y 1 es aa). Recordando que el alelo A es dominante sobre a, la frecuencia fenotípica será de 75% verde y 25% rojo, lo que se puede expresar como 3:1 (de un total de 4, 3 son verdes y 1 es rojo).

Para concluir, recordemos que los genes codifican para las características visibles (fenotipo), y el conjunto de genes forma el genotipo. Para cada gen, hay dos alelos que ocupan un determinado locus o posición en el cromosoma y los mismos pueden ser dominantes o recesivos. Para estudiar esto, se pueden utilizar cuadros de Punnett en donde se cruzan organismos maternos y paternos, conociendo sus genes para así determinar el posible genotipo y fenotipo de la descendencia que puedan tener. Aunque hay que considerar que puede ocurrir una mutación en sus gametas, que se herede y afecte los genes y las características visibles.

Aprende mas sobre este tema aquí: https://brainly.com/question/22852761

1. El Genotipo Es El Conjunto De Alelos Que Posee Un Individuo, Y Cuando Dos Alelos Son Idnticaheterocigoto

Related Questions

What is the mass percent of a sodium fluoride solution prepared by dissolving 0.64 moles of sodium fluoride into 63.5 grams of water?


The answer is 29.7% view on how to solve

The mass percent of a sodium fluoride solution prepared by dissolving 0.64 moles of sodium fluoride into 63.5 grams of water is 29.7%.

What is mass percent ?

Mass percent is a means to describe a component in a specific combination or to convey a concentration. The mass percentage used to describe the solution composition indicates the mass of solute contained in a given mass of solution.

To determine the mass percent of an element in a compound, we divide the mass of the element in one mole of the compound by the compound's molar mass and multiply the result by 100.


Number of moles = 0.64 moles

Moles of sodium fluoride = Given mass/molar mass

0.64 moles = Mass / 42

Mass = 26.88gram

Mass % = Mass of solute/ mass of solution × 100

= 26.88/90.48 × 100

= 29.7 %

Thus, 29.7 % is the mass percent of a sodium fluoride solution prepared by dissolving 0.64 moles of sodium fluoride into 63.5 grams of water

To learn more about the mass percent, follow the link;



The world is made up of ​




           The world is made up of ​living beings .    

What is the purpose of a catalyst in the production of hydrogen?
Select the correct answer.
- to increase the rate at which water molecules decompose
- to decrease the amount of oxygen produced
- to decrease the temperature of the reaction
- to increase the activation energy of the reaction


The purpose of a catalyst in the production of hydrogen is to increase the rate at which water molecules decompose.

What is a catalyst-A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed or produced during the reaction. As a result, catalysts assist in speeding up chemical reactions while also decreasing the amount of energy needed for the reaction to occur. In hydrogen production, catalysts are used to speed up the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen. The use of catalysts lowers the activation energy required for the reaction to occur, resulting in a faster reaction rate and lower operating temperatures.What is the process of hydrogen production?Hydrogen production has various methods, and one of the most commonly used methods is water electrolysis. In this method, water molecules are split into hydrogen and oxygen using an electric current passed through an electrode. Water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen during the process, with the assistance of a catalyst. During this process, a catalyst like platinum or nickel is employed to speed up the chemical reaction of water decomposition.

When an electric current is applied to the catalyst, water molecules are broken apart, releasing hydrogen and oxygen atoms.Catalysts lower the activation energy of the reaction, allowing it to occur faster than it would otherwise. In hydrogen production, catalysts are crucial since they enable the reaction to occur at a lower temperature, reducing energy consumption and minimizing operating costs. As a result, the use of catalysts is essential to the production of hydrogen.

for such more questions on  catalyst



How the amount of acid rain caused by the burning of fossil fuels can be reduced ?



The amount of acid rain caused by the burning of fossil fuels can be reduced by creating nitrogen oxides in the process of burning coal and other fossil fuels, some power plants are changing the way they burn coal. A great way to reduce acid rain is to produce energy without using fossil fuels. Instead, people can use renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.

Can you help me on this. I will support your correct answer​


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Please mark brainliest

can you answer with working out ​


This is your answer I hope it is right.

How many neutrons are present in 4.4 gram of Co2​



hope it will help you Mark me as a brilliant




[tex]\Huge \mid \underline {\mathcal {{{\color{orange}{Answer...}}}}} \mid[/tex]

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[tex]\boxed{\sf Note:-}[/tex]

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[tex]\begin{gathered} {\underline{\boxed{ \sf {\red{Answer}}}}}\end{gathered}[/tex]

\begin{gathered} {\underline{\boxed{ \sf {\red{Answer}}}}}\end{gathered}





[tex]{\boxed{ \Huge{ \blue{ \mathcal{ \underline{ Answer}}}}}}[/tex]

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[tex]\large\bf\purple{ \longrightarrow} \rm \:[/tex]

\large\bf\purple{ \longrightarrow} \rm \:


[tex]\Huge\bf\overbrace{\underline{ \underbrace{\blue \dag \orange{Answer \blue \dag}}}}[/tex]

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[tex]\Huge\bf { \underline{\mathbb {\green{ Answer }}}} [/tex]

\Huge\bf \underbrace{ \underline{\mathbb {\blue \dag\green{ Answer }}}} \underline\blue\dag

Please help with the Volume one



im a just achild






follow me if you want

help me please I will mark as brainliest for the first correct answer ​



1. 3-methylpentane

2. 2-bromo-3-chloropentane

3. 2,2,4-trimethylpentane



Methyl group is in the third carbon atom in the long chain. The organic compound has five(5) carbon atoms thus it is named as pentane.

Therefore the name of the compound is


2. CH3CH(Br)CH(Cl)CH2CH3

The compound has Chlorine and Bromine in the carbon chain. Chlorine is given as chloro-, Bromine is given as bromo, depending on the position in the carbon chain. Bromine is located in 2 carbon atom and chlorine is in third(3) carbon atom in the long chain. The long chain has five carbon atoms thus pentane.

Naming of the compound we begin with the on lowest in the alphabet. The name of the organic compound is therefore;



In this long chained organic compound, methyl-group is found in 2,2 and 4th positions. Since this is still pentane, naming the organic compounds, we start with the one with the lowest carbon. Therefore this becomes;


I hope this helps you to know how to name the organic compounds.

If ya could change somethin bout ya previous science classes what would it be?


If I could change something in my previous science classes, it would have been the fact that I struggled in the question concerning exponents. It was simple one, but I don't know how I didn't understood that. For example, if there is a question with a calculation "xy²", then I would first multiply x and y, and then calculate the exponent. I did 3 of the questions wrong because of this, it was when I was in 7th grade. I wish I had not done this kind of silly mistake. I an in 10th grade and understand it well now, though.

Answer the following questions based on the above graph(Electron affinity vs Atomic no.)
i)Why on moving from Li to Be, the value of electron gain enthalpy drops.
ii)Cl has a higher peak than fluorine. Explain.
iii)Why Fluorine has the highest value among its period members.


i) Be has a fully filled 2s level.

ii) This is because chlorine is larger than fluorine.

iii) Fluorine needs only one electron to attain the octet configuration.

Electron affinity is the ability of an electron to accept  gaseous electrons to yield gaseous ions with a negative charge.  

Electron affinity depends on the size of an atom. Larger atoms have a higher electron affinity because they are better able to accept electrons.

The drop between Li and Be is because the 2s orbital in Be is already fully filled while Li has incompletely filled 2s level. electrons do not easily go into the higher energy 2p level.

The higher peak of chlorine is because chlorine is larger than fluorine hence the electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of chlorine. The smaller the ion the lesser the electron affinity.

Fluorine has the highest electron affinity in period 2 because it needs only one electron to attain the octet structure.


Describe how to make a buffer solution using a strong base and one other reagent. 15 POINTSSSSSSSS



Hi! hopefully this helps you


You can make a buffer solution for a specific pH (potential of hydrogen) by mixing together a weak acid like acetic acid HC2H3O2 with a salt that contains the conjugate base like sodium acetate NaC2H3O2. A neutralization reaction would occur as you are mixing a weak acid and a strong base.

When you add the base to an acidic solution, the solution becomes less acidic and moves toward the middle of the pH scale. Aka neutralization

Hope this helps! best of luck <3

Which of the following pairs lists a substance that can neutralize HNO3 and the salt that would be produced from the reaction?
O BaOH2 and Ba(NO3)3
O KOH and K2NO3
O NH3 and NH4NO3
O NH4 and NHA(NO3)2



NH3 and NH4NO3


I took the test and guessed this since I couldn't find it here, it turned out to be correct so I thought I'd share.

The substances that can react with HNO3 to neutralize it  are NH3 and NH4NO3.

What is neutralization?

The term neutralization has to do with the reaction between an acid and a base to yiled salt and water only.

The substances that can react with HNO3 must be basic substances hence the substances required are NH3 and NH4NO3.

Learn more about neutralization reaction:https://brainly.com/question/20038776


What is the pressure in atm exerted by 1.8 g of H2 gas exert in a 4.3 L balloon at 27ºC? R = 0.821(L*atm) / (mol*K)


kakamc cjdismxsjxj xjcodmd xksowmd x

The pressure in atm exerted by 1.8 g of H₂ gas exert in a 4.3 L balloon at 27ºC is 5.12 atm

What is Ideal gas law ?

The ideal gas law (PV = nRT) relates the macroscopic properties of ideal gases. An ideal gas is a gas in which the particles (a) do not attract or repel one another and (b) take up no space (have no volume).

Let's convert grams to moles (via molar mass).

Molar Mass (H₂) :  2 (1.008 g/mol)

Molar Mass (H₂) :  2.016 g/mol

1.8 grams H₂               1 mole

----------------------  x  ----------------------  =  0.893 moles H₂

                                2.016 grams

The Ideal Gas Law equation looks like this:

PV = nRT

In this equation,

P = pressure (atm) V = volume (L) n = moles R = Ideal Gas Constant (0.0821 L*atm/mol*K)T = temperature (K)

After converting Celsius to Kelvin, you can put the given values into the equation and simplify to find the pressure.

P = ? atm                                R = 0.0821 L*atm/mol*K

V = 4.3 L                               T = 27 °C + 273.15 = 300.15 K

n = 0.893 moles

PV = nRT

P (4.3 L) = (0.893 moles) (0.0821 L*atm/mol*K)( 300.15 K)

P (4.3 L) =  22.0021

P = 5.12 atm

Therefore, The pressure in atm exerted by 1.8 g of H₂ gas exert in a 4.3 L balloon at 27ºC is 5.12 atm

Learn more about Ideal gas here ;



If an object is travelling 25.0 meters/second, how far will it travel in 45 minutes?



[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto Distance=Speed(Time)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto Distance=25(2700)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto Distance=67500m[/tex]

The object travelling at 25 m/s, will travel a distance of 67500 m in 45 mins.

We'll begin by converting 45 mins to seconds. This can be obtained as follow:

1 min = 60 s


45 mins = 45 × 60

45 mins = 2700 s

Finally, we shall determine the distance travelled by the object in 2700 s (i.e 45 mins). This can be obtained as follow:

Time = 2700

Speed = 25 m/s

Distance =?

Distance = speed × time

Distance = 25 × 2700

Distance = 67500 m

Therefore, the object will cover a distance of 67500 m in 2700 s (i.e 45 mins)

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/14988345

A sample of gas has a volume of 20 cm³.The pressure is changed to 90 kPa at constant temperature,while the volume increases to 75 cm³.What was the original pressure of the gas?​



337.5kPa ~ 338kPa


Using the ideal gas law PV=nRT we have the following definitions from the problem:

V(initial) = 20cm³

P(initial) = ?kPa

V(final) = 75cm³

P(final) = 90kPa

Since we know that the number of moles of the sample did not change, nor did the temperature, nor does the ideal gas constant (R) we can rewrite this equation to state:

P(initial)V(initial) = nRT =P(final)V(final) ~  P(initial)V(initial) = P(final)V(final)

Rearranging this equation as we are solving for the initial pressure we find that:

P(initial) = (P(final)V(final))/V(initial)

P(initial) = ((90kPa)(75cm³))/20cm³

P(initial) = 337.5kPa ~ 338kPA

In the figure a cyclist moves A to B and then to C.he could also go through the shortest path AC. Depending on this fact solve the following questions: Find the length of AC .Find the displacement and total distance covered.​



hope it helps you see the attachment for further information

g) silver nitrate + magnesium chloride → silver chloride + magnesium nitrate




I hope this helps

If 56 grams of carbon monoxide burns in oxygen to produce 88 grams of carbon dioxide, the mass of oxygen involved in the reaction is


The answer is 32 grams!

hope I helped

Show the comparative structure of union Parishad and Pourahava in chart.



how will I show?


pLS teacher me

difference between Nitrogen 1 oxide and Oxygen​



one atom of oxygen is not equal to oxygen

1.Which of the following forms only Ionic Bond?
1)Ca 2)C 3)Si 4)P

2.How many atoms of Na are present in 92 a.m.u of it?
a)4 b)5 c)6 d)7​


The Answer is A)4 atoms of NA are present in 92 a.m.u

Cho các dung dịch: Glucozơ, glixerol, fomanđehit, etanol. Có thể dùng thuốc thử nào sau đây để phân biệt được cả 4 dung dịch trên?

A. Cu(OH)2; B. Dung dịch AgNO3 trong NH3;

C. Na kim loại; D. Nước brom.

Xem thêm tại: https://loigiaihay.com/bai-2-trang-25-sgk-hoa-hoc-12-c55a8069.html#ixzz71KH6guhm



chắc là câu B í


In a chemical equation, the symbol that means "dissolved in water" is _____. (s) (l) (aq) (g)


in a chemical equation, the symbol that means “dissolved in water” is (aq).

Which among the following mixtures will show tyndal effect?
i) copper sulphate solution
ii) sand in water.
iii) milk.
iv) starch solution ​



milk and starch solution are the colloids, hence these will show the tyndall effect


milk and starch solution


Tyndall effect is shown by colloidal solutions. It is not shown by true solutions or suspensions.

Milk and starch solution are colloidal solutions. They show tyndall effect. On the other hand, common salt and copper sulphate solution are true solutions. They do not show tyndall effect.

write any two conditions at which a body of certain mass weightless​



A body becomes weightless in a zero-gravity scenario and when a force is applied to a body that is equal and opposite to the force of gravity. If the body is falling only under the influence of gravity.


A body becomes weightless in a zero-gravity scenario and when a force is applied to a body that is equal and opposite to the force of gravity.If the body is falling only under the influence of gravity.

Specific heat capacity is _____.

greater for metal than for wood

the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance 1 oC

represented by the symbol, Q

all of these



all of this


Can compound take part in chemical reaction?





In Rutherford experiment some alpha particles fired at a gold foil bounced backward as a result of ... A.reflection from the surfaces of gold atoms B.electrostatic repulsion by gold nuclei C.electrostatic repulsion by electronsD.all of the aboveE.none of the above



B.electrostatic repulsion by gold nuclei


According to Rutherford's experiment, a thin gold foil was bombarded with alpha particles. Some of the particles passed through the foil undeviated, some were scattered through large angles while some bounced backwards.

It follows that the particles that bounced backwards must have encountered a massive particle of like charge.

The atom is composed of a nucleus which contains positively charged particles. Some of the alpha particles which are positively charged particles bounced back when they encountered the positively charged particles in the nucleus.

Answer: The correct option is B (electrostatic repulsion by gold nuclei).


In the Rutherford's experiment, he used positively charged particles called alpha particles to bombard an atom in order to find out what is inside the atom. Together with two other scientists, Geiger and Marsden, they used a narrow beam of alpha particles emitted from a radioactive source to bombard a thin gold foil. The scattering of the particles from the gold foil was detected by a movable zinc sulphide screen which could be rotated to various positions around the foil.

Each time an alpha particle hit the screen, a visible flash of light or scintillation was produced. This was observed by a microscope attached to the screen. It was then observed that some of the particles followed a straight path through the gold foil while a few where scattered in a backward direction. This was as a result of electrostatic repulsion by gold nuclei which occurs due to the greater part of the mass of the atom was concentrated in a minute nucleus with positive charge.

what is the percentage composition of water in crystallization of oxalic acid



5.17 percentage is water


answer from gauth math

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