1. Create a pseudocode program that asks students to enter a word. Call a function to compute the different ways in which the letters that make up the word can be arranged.
2. Convert the pseudocode in question one to JavaScript and test your program.


Answer 1



Prompt user to enter string

Pass it to combination function which can calculate the entire combination and can return it in an array

In combination method -

Check if the string is length 2 size ie of 0 or 1 length then return string itself

Else iterate through string user entered

Get the present character within the variable and check if the variable is already used then skip

Create a string from 0 to i the index + (concatenate) i+1 to length and recursive call combination function and pass this string and store end in subpermutation array

For each recursive call push character + sub permutation in total arrangement array.

2)Code -

function combinations(userStr) {

   /* when string length is less than 2 then simply return string */

   if (userStr.length < 2) return userStr;

   /* this array will store number of arrangement that word can be stored */

   var totalArrangements = [];

   /* iterate through string user enter  */

   for (var i = 0; i < userStr.length; i++) {

       /* get the current  character  */

       var character = userStr[i];

       /*check if character is already used than skip  */

       if (userStr.indexOf(character) != i)


       /* create a string and concanete it form  0  to i index and i+1 to length of array   */

      var str = userStr.slice(0, i) + userStr.slice(i + 1, userStr.length);

       /* push it to totalArrangments  */

       for (var subPermutation of combinations(str))

           totalArrangements.push(character + subPermutation)


   /* return the total arrangements */

   return totalArrangements;


/* ask user to prompt string  */

var userStr = prompt("Enter a string: ");

/* count to count the total number of combinations */

let count = 0;

/* call function the return tolal number of arrangement in array */

totalArrangements = combinations(userStr);

/* print the combination in console  */

for (permutation of totalArrangements) {



/* total combination will be  totalArrangements.length */

count = totalArrangements.length;

/*print it to console  */

console.log("Total combination " + count)


1. Create A Pseudocode Program That Asks Students To Enter A Word. Call A Function To Compute The Different

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Write a program that reads a list of 10 integers, and outputs those integers in reverse. For coding simplicity, follow each output integer by a space, including the last one. Then, output a newline. coral


def reverse_list (num_list):


if num_list.isdigit() == True:

return num_list[::-1]

elif num_list < 0:

return "Negative numbers aren't allowed!"

except ValueError:

return "Invalid input!"

user_list = list (int (input ("Please enter ten random positive numbers: " )))

print (reverse_list (user_list))

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You are interested in buying a laptop computer. Your list of considerations include the computer's speed in processing data, its weight, screen size and price. You consider a number of different models, and narrow your list based on its speed and monitor screen size, then finally select a model to buy based on its weight and price. In this decision, speed and monitor screen size are examples of:_______.
a. order winners.
b. the voice of the supplier.
c. the voice of the customer.
d. order qualifiers.


In this decision, speed and monitor screen size of a laptop are examples of a. order winners.

What is a laptop?

A laptop can be defined as a small, portable computer that is embedded with a keyboard and mousepad, and it is usually light enough to be placed on an end user's lap while he or she is using it to work.

What are order winners?

Order winners are can be defined as the aspects of a product that wins the heart of a customer over, so as to choose or select a product by a specific business firm. Some examples of order winners include the following:

SpeedMonitor screen sizePerformance

Read more on a laptop here: https://brainly.com/question/26021194

cloud offers better protection compare to on premise?​


Why is cloud better than on-premise? Dubbed better than on-premise due to its flexibility, reliability and security, cloud removes the hassle of maintaining and updating systems, allowing you to invest your time, money and resources into fulfilling your core business strategies.

The security of the cloud vs. on-premises is a key consideration in this debate. Cloud security controls have historically been considered less robust than onprem ones, but cloud computing is no longer a new technology. . A company running its own on-premises servers retains more complete control over security.

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these are instructions to a question?

Write a program that uses input to prompt a user for their name and then welcomes them. Note that input will pop up a dialog box. Enter Sarah in the pop-up box when you are prompted so your output will match the desired output.


user_name = str (input = ("Please enter your name: "))

def greet (user_name):

print ("Welcome to your ghetto, {0}!".format(user_name) )

Calculate the total time required to transfer a 500KB file in the following cases. Assume an RTT of 50ms, a packet size of 2KB, and an initial 2xRTT of handshaking before data is sent. A. If the bandwidth is 2Mbps, what is the Bandwidth-Delay Product (BDP)



i) Total time = 2457.73 secs

ii) BDP = 0.01 Mbyte


Packet size : 2 Kb = ( 2 * 8192 ) bits = 16384 bits

Bandwidth : 2Mbps = 2,000,000 bits/sec

RTT = 50 ms = 0.050 secs

i) Determine total time required to transfer 500 kB

= Initial handshake + Time for transmission of all files + propagation delay

= 2 x RTT +  Time for transmission + RTT /2

Total time = ( 2 * 0.05 ) +  (1500 * 1.6384 )+ ( 0.050 / 2 ) = 2457.73 secs

ii) Determine the Bandwidth-delay product

= data link capacity * RTT

= 2 Mbps  * 50 ms =  100,000 =  0.01 MByte

please give me correct answer

please give me very short answer​



1.A table is a range of data that is defined and named in a particular way.

2.Table tools and layout

3.In insert tab Select the table and select the number of rows and colums

4.Split cell is use to split the data of a cell.Merge cell is used to combine a row or column of cells.

5.Select the cell and click down arrow next to the border button.

Illustrate why sally's slide meets or does not not meet professional expectations?


Your missing info to solve this

You are the network administrator for the ABC Company. Your network consists of two DNS servers named DNS1 and DNS2. The users who are configured to use DNS2 complain because they are unable to connect to internet websites. The following shows the configuration of both servers:

Server Configurations:

DNS1: _msdcs.abc.comabc.com
DNS2: .(root)_msdcs.abc.comabc.com

The users connected to DNS2 need to be able to access the internet. What should be done?



ABC Company

The action to take is to:

Delete the .(root) zone from the DNS2.  Then configure conditional forwarding on the DNS2 server.  If this is not done, the users will be unable to access the internet.


DNS forwarding enables DNS queries to be forwarded to a designated server, say DNS2, for resolution according to the DNS domain name.  This stops the initial server, DNS1, that was contacted by the client from handling the query, thereby improving the network's performance and resilience and enabling the users to be connected to the DNS2 in order to access the internet.

tinh S(n) = 1+2+3+.....+n





[tex]\sum_{k=0}^{k=n} k = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}\\[/tex]

look up the derivation by Srinivasa Ramanujan for a formal proof.

Write a recursive function stringReverse that takes a string and a starting subscript as arguments, prints the string backward and returns nothing. The function should stop processing and return when the end of the string is encountered. Note that like an array, the square brackets ( [ ] ) operator can be used to iterate through the characters in a string.



void stringReverse(string s, int start){










with the aid of examples explain the differences between open source software and licensed software​




Source is when a company go no limits to run the software but can easily be taken done by a complaint or two or a bug while a licensed it a protected version of the software.

Write a program that repeatedly accepts as input a string of ACGT triples and produces a list of the triples and the corresponding amino acids, one set per line. The program will continue to accept input until the user just presses ENTER without entering any DNA codes.




The following code is written in Python. I created a dictionary with all the possible gene combinations and their corresponding amino acids. The user then enters a string. The string is split into triples and checked against the dictionary. If a value exists the gene and amino acid is printed, otherwise an "Invalid Sequence" error is printed for that triple. The program has been tested and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

def printAminoAcids():

   data = {

       'TTT': 'Phe', 'TCT': 'Ser', 'TGT': 'Cys', 'TAT': 'Tyr',

       'TTC': 'Phe', 'TCC': 'Ser', 'TGC': 'Cys', 'TAC': 'Tyr',

       'TTG': 'Leu', 'TCG': 'Ser', 'TGG': 'Trp', 'TAG': '***',

       'TTA': 'Leu', 'TCA': 'Ser', 'TGA': '***', 'TAA': '***',

       'CTT': 'Leu', 'CCT': 'Pro', 'CGT': 'Arg', 'CAT': 'His',

       'CTC': 'Leu', 'CCC': 'Pro', 'CGC': 'Arg', 'CAC': 'His',

       'CTG': 'Leu', 'CCG': 'Pro', 'CGG': 'Arg', 'CAG': 'Gln',

       'CTA': 'Leu', 'CCA': 'Pro', 'CGA': 'Arg', 'CAA': 'Gln',

       'GTT': 'Val', 'GCT': 'Ala', 'GGT': 'Gly', 'GAT': 'Asp',

       'GTC': 'Val', 'GCC': 'Ala', 'GGC': 'Gly', 'GAC': 'Asp',

       'GTG': 'Val', 'GCG': 'Ala', 'GGG': 'Gly', 'GAG': 'Glu',

       'GTA': 'Val', 'GCA': 'Ala', 'GGA': 'Gly', 'GAA': 'Glu',

       'ATT': 'Ile', 'ACT': 'Thr', 'AGT': 'Ser', 'AAT': 'Asn',

       'ATC': 'Ile', 'ACC': 'Thr', 'AGC': 'Ser', 'AAC': 'Asn',

       'ATG': 'Met', 'ACG': 'Thr', 'AGG': 'Arg', 'AAG': 'Lys',

       'ATA': 'Ile', 'ACA': 'Thr', 'AGA': 'Arg', 'AAA': 'Lys'


   string = input("Enter Sequence or just click Enter to quit: ")

   sequence_list = []

   count = 0

   gene = ""

   for x in range(len(string)):

       if count < 3:

           gene += string[x]

           count += 1



           gene = ""

           gene += string[x]

           count = 1


   for gene in sequence_list:

       if gene.upper() in data:

           print(str(gene.upper()) + ": " + str(data[gene.upper()]))


           print(str(gene.upper()) + ": invalid sequence")


Java there are n coins each showing either heads or tails we would like all the coins to form a sequence of alternating heads and tails what is the minimum number of coins that must be reversed to achieve this


El número mínimo de monedas que se deben invertir para lograr esto:

45 moas

python is an example of a low level programming language true or false?​


False- python is an example of a high level language. Other high levels are c++, PHP, and Java

3. Using Assume the following list of keys: 36, 55, 89, 95, 65, 75, 13, 62, 86, 9, 23, 74, 2, 100, 98 This list is to be sorted using the quick sort algorithm as discussed in this chapter. Use pivot as the middle element of the list. a. Give the resulting list after one call to the function partition. b. What is the size of the list that the function partition partitioned



a. 36, 55, 13, 9, 23, 2, 62, 86, 95, 65,74, 75, 100, 98, 89

b. 15


Please draw the dynamic array stack structure (you must mention the size and capacity at each step) after the following lines of code are executed. You should assume that the initial capacity is 2 and a resize doubles the capacity.

values = Stack()
for i in range( 16 ) :
if i % 3 == 0 :
values.push( i )
else if i % 4 == 0 :





Over-activity on LinkedIn?



Being over-enthusiastic and crossing the line always get you in trouble even if you’re using the best LinkedIn automation tool in the world.  

When you try to hit the jackpot over the night and send thousands of connection requests in 24 hours, LinkedIn will know you’re using bots or tools and they will block you, temporarily or permanently.    

This is clearly against the rules of LinkedIn. It cracks down against all spammers because spamming is a big ‘NO’ on LinkedIn.    

What people do is that they send thousands of connection requests and that too with the same old spammy templates, “I see we have many common connections, I’d like to add you to my network.”    

It will only create spam.    

The LinkedIn algorithm is very advanced and it can easily detect that you’re using a bot or LinkedIn automation tool and you’ll be called out on it.

If your organization hires a new employee, what would you do to create a user account in the Linux system and add the account to a group? What commands would you use? What configuration files would you check and modify?


Following are the responses to this question:

The user account is "olivia".In the Linux system to see the account go to the "/home directory".For the configuration file we use ".bash_logout , .bash_profile, and .bashrc" files.

Creating users:

We will use the useradd command to achieve this. Using that same command, you can create users who would log in or customers who would log in (in the case of creating a user for a software installation).

In its basic form, the command is as follows:

[Options] useradd username

Take this user olivia, for instance. Assuming that you had been to issue the command prompt:

olivia has become a user.

Users are added to the system without the need for a home directory and are unable to log on. It if we were using this rather than running the command without arguments?

sudo using useradd -m olivia

Using the command above, a new user would be created, including a home directory that corresponded to the username. That means that you might now see the name "olivia" in the directory "/home".

But what about the lockout concern that was raised earlier? Both these methods are possible. After creating the user, you can enter the following command:

Password for olivia is: sudo passwd olivia

You'll be requested to enter & verify your new password once you've completed the process. This unlocks the user profile, allowing them to log in.

This command might look like if you wanted to accomplish it in one go:

sudo useradd -m olivia -p PASSWORD

You should be using Passcodes as the login for the user olivia.

As soon as the user logs in, he or she can update their account password by using the password command to input their current password, and afterward entering/verifying their new one.

To create a user that has no personal account and cannot log in, execute the following instructions:

sudo use useradd as  the-M USERNAME ​sudo use usermod as the -L USERNAME

The user to be added is identified by USERNAME.

It establishes a user with really no root folder and prevents them from signing in with a second operation.

To add an existing user to a group on Linux, follow the instructions:

As root, log in to your accountUse the useradd instruction to add a new user (for example, useradd roman)If you'd like to log on as a new customer, type su plus that user's name.Entering the word "exit" will logout you from your account.

Another way to add a user to a group under Linux would be to use the following syntax:

Alternatively, you can use the usermod command.The name of the club should be substituted for example group in this sentence.Example username should be replaced with the name of the user you'd like added.

The following operations are performed when a new login is added to the system.

The user's home directory (/home/username by default) is now created.To set configuration files for the user's session, the following secret files are copied into another user's home directory.




/var/spool/mail/username includes the user's mail spool.The new user account is arranged in groups with the same name.

Learn more:

Linux system: brainly.com/question/13843535

You are consulting with another medium sized business regarding a new database they want to create. They currently have multiple normalized source databases that need consolidation for reporting and analytics. What type of database would you recommend and why



The enormous amount of data and information that a company generates and consumes today can become an organizational and logistical nightmare. Storing data, integrating it and protecting it, so that it can be accessed in a fluid, fast and remote way, is one of the fundamental pillars for the successful management of any company, both for productive reasons and for being able to manage and give an effective response to the customers.

Good big data management is key to compete in a globalized market. With employees, suppliers and customers physically spread across different cities and countries, the better the data is handled in an organization, the greater its ability to react to market demand and its competitors.

Databases are nowadays an indispensable pillar to manage all the information handled by an organization that wants to be competitive. However, at a certain point of development in a company, when growth is sustained and the objective is expansion, the doubt faced by many managers and system administrators is whether they should continue to use a database system, or if they should consider the leap to a data warehouse. When is the right time to move from one data storage system to another?

outline three difference each of a raster filled and vector file​



Unlike raster graphics, which are comprised of colored pixels arranged to display an image, vector graphics are made up of paths, each with a mathematical formula (vector) that tells the path how it is shaped and what color it is bordered with or filled by.


write a programmimg code in c++ for school based grading system, the program should accept the subject in the number of students from a user and store their details in the array of type student(class) the student class you have:
1. number student name, index number remarks as variables of type string, marks as integer and grade as char.
2. avoid function called getData which is used to get student details
3. avoid function called calculate which will work on the marks and give the corresponding great and remarks as given below on
Marks 70-100 grade A remarks excellent Mark 60-69 Grade B remarks very good marks 50-59 grade C remarks pass maths 0-49 grade F remarks fail​



The program is as follows:

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Student{

string studName, indexNo, remarks; int marks;  char grade;


 void getData(){


     cout<<"ID: "; getline(cin,indexNo);

  cout<<"Name:"; getline(cin,studName);

  cout<<"Marks: ";cin>>marks;  }

 void calculate(){

  if(marks>=70 && marks<=100){

      remarks ="Excellent";       grade = 'A';   }

  else if(marks>=60 && marks<=69){

      remarks ="Very Good";       grade = 'B';   }

  else if(marks>=50 && marks<=59){

      remarks ="Pass";       grade = 'D';   }


      remarks ="Fail";       grade = 'F';   }

  cout << "Grade : " << grade << endl;

  cout << "Remark : " << remarks << endl;  }


int main(){

int numStudents;

cout<<"Number of students: "; cin>>numStudents;

Student students[numStudents];

for( int i=0; i<numStudents; i++ ) {

 cout << "Student " << i + 1 << endl;


 students[i].calculate(); }

return 0;}


This defines the student class

class Student{

This declares all variables

string studName, indexNo, remarks; int marks;  char grade;

This declares function getData()


 void getData(){


Prompt and get input for indexNo

     cout<<"ID: "; getline(cin,indexNo);

Prompt and get input for studName

  cout<<"Name:"; getline(cin,studName);

Prompt and get input for marks

  cout<<"Marks: ";cin>>marks;  }

This declares funcion calculate()

 void calculate(){

The following if conditions determine the remark and grade, respectively

  if(marks>=70 && marks<=100){

      remarks ="Excellent";       grade = 'A';   }

  else if(marks>=60 && marks<=69){

      remarks ="Very Good";       grade = 'B';   }

  else if(marks>=50 && marks<=59){

      remarks ="Pass";       grade = 'D';   }


      remarks ="Fail";       grade = 'F';   }

This prints the grade

  cout << "Grade : " << grade << endl;

This prints the remark

  cout << "Remark : " << remarks << endl;  }


The main begins here

int main(){

This declares number of students as integer

int numStudents;

Prompt and get input for number of students

cout<<"Number of students: "; cin>>numStudents;

This calls the student object to declare array students

Student students[numStudents];

This is repeated for all students

for( int i=0; i<numStudents; i++ ) {

Print number

 cout << "Student " << i + 1 << endl;

Call function to get data


Call function to calculate

 students[i].calculate(); }

return 0;}

hi, solution, help me please.​





is it infinity ? let me know

Write a function called changeCharacter that takes three parameters – a character array, its size, and the replacement character – to change every third character in the array to its replacement character

(C++ coding)


Method explanation:

Defining a method "changeCharacter" that takes three parameters that are "character array", and two integer variable "s, k" in its parameters.Inside the method, a for loop is declared that takes array value and defines a conditional statement that checks the 3rd character value in the array, is used to the array that holds its key-value.Please find the full program in the attachment.

Method description:

void changeCharacter(char* ar, int s, int k)//defining a method changeCharacter that takes three parameters


  for(int j = 1; ar[j]!='\0'; j++)//defining a for loop for 3rd character value in array  


      if(j%3== 0)//use if block that check 3rd character value in array  


          ar[j-1] = k; //Changing the 3rd character in array




Learn more:

Program: brainly.com/question/12975989

Give minimum computers configuration that can be used by a law firm.​



Processor: Intel i3, i5, or i7 processor or equivalent. Memory: 8 GB or more. Hard Disk Storage: 500 GB or more. Display: 13-inch or larger.


The lowest computers configuration that can be used are:

Operating System: such as MacOS 10.14. Windows 10 or higher version.Processor: such as Intel i3, i5, or i7 processor or others.Memory: 8 GB and more.Hard Disk Storage: 500 GB and more.Display: such as 13-inch or more.

What is  Configuration of a system?

This is known to be the ways that the parts are said to be arranged to compose of the computer system.

Note that in the above case, The lowest computers configuration that can be used are:

Operating System: such as MacOS 10.14. Windows 10 or higher version.Processor: such as Intel i3, i5, or i7 processor or others.Memory: 8 GB and more.Hard Disk Storage: 500 GB and more.Display: such as 13-inch or more.

Learn more about computers from



An administrator needs to protect rive websites with SSL certificates Three of the websites have different domain names, and two of the websites share the domain name but have different subdomain prefixes.
Which of the following SSL certificates should the administrator purchase to protect all the websites and be able to administer them easily at a later time?
A . One SAN certificate
B . One Unified Communications Certificate and one wildcard certificate
C . One wildcard certificate and two standard certificates
D . Five standard certificates



Option A (One SAN certificate) is the right answer.


A vulnerability management certificate that permits many domain identities to be safeguarded by such a singular or unique certification, is considered a SAN certificate.Though on the verge of replacing common as well as accepted security credentials with either of these de-facto certifications.

Other alternatives are not connected to the given scenario. Thus the above option is correct.

Write a program that prompts the user to input an integer that represents cents. The program will then calculate the smallest combination of coins that the user has. For example, 27 cents is 1 quarter, 0 nickel, and 2 pennies. That is 27=1*25+0*5+2*1.
Example program run 1:
Enter number of cents: 185
Pennies: 0
Nickels: 0
Dimes: 1
Quarters: 7
Example program run 2:
Enter number of cents: 67
Pennies: 2
Nickels: 1
Dimes: 1



The program in Python is as follows:

cents = int(input("Cents: "))

qtr = int(cents/25)

cents = cents - qtr * 25

dms = int(cents/10)

cents = cents - dms * 10

nkl = int(cents/5)

pny = cents - nkl * 5

print("Pennies: ",pny)

print("Nickels: ",nkl)

print("Dimes: ",dms)

print("Quarters: ",qtr)


The program in Python is as follows:

cents = int(input("Cents: "))

This calculate the number of quarters

qtr = int(cents/25)

This gets the remaining cents

cents = cents - qtr * 25

This calculates the number of dimes

dms = int(cents/10)

This gets the remaining cents

cents = cents - dms * 10

This calculates the number of nickels

nkl = int(cents/5)

This calculates the number of pennies

pny = cents - nkl * 5

The next 4 lines print the required output

print("Pennies: ",pny)

print("Nickels: ",nkl)

print("Dimes: ",dms)

print("Quarters: ",qtr)

Write a program that uses linear recursion to generate a copy of an original collection in which the copy contains duplicates of every item in the original collection. Using linear recursion, implement a function that takes a list as user-supplied runtime input and returns a copy of it in which every list item has been duplicated. Given an empty list the function returns the base case of an empty list.


Answer: b


Program using linear recursion to duplicate items in a list:

def duplicate_list(lst):

   if not lst:

       return []


       return [lst[0], lst[0]] + duplicate_list(lst[1:])

# Example usage

user_input = input("Enter a list of items: ").split()

original_list = [item for item in user_input]

duplicated_list = duplicate_list(original_list)

print("Duplicated list:", duplicated_list)

How can a program use linear recursion to duplicate items in a list?

By implementing a function that utilizes linear recursion, we can create a copy of an original list with duplicated items. The function duplicate_list takes a list lst as input and checks if it is empty. If the list is empty, it returns an empty list as the base case.

Otherwise, it combines the first item of the list with itself and recursively calls the function with the remaining items (lst[1:]). The duplicated items are added to the resulting list. This process continues until all items in the original list have been duplicated and the duplicated list is returned.

Read more about linear recursion



different types of computer and state the major difference between them​



computers system may be classified according to their size.

four types of computers are;

microcomputers / personal computers- micro computers are also called personal computers which is PC this computer came in different shapes size and colors. a personal computers are designed to be used by one person at a time.

some examples of the computer are;

laptopdesktopa palmtopa work station

2. mini computers- mini computers are sometimes called mid-range computers which are more powerful than microcomputers and can support a number of users performing different tasks, they were originally developed to perform specific tasks such as engineering calculations.

3. Mainframe computers- Mainframe computers are larger systems that can handle numberous users, store large amounts of data and process transaction at a high rate. these computers are expensive and powerful.

4. super computers- super computers are the most largest, fastest and most powerful computer. this systems are able to process hundreds of million of instructions per second they are used for job requiring and long complex calculation.

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Avery made 6 litres of hot chocolate for the 4th annual bonfire with his family. Ifeach cup holds of a litre of liquid, how many cups can Avery fill? Plan production for the next year. The demand forecast is: spring, 20,600; summer, 9,400; fall, 15,400; winter, 18,400. At the beginning of spring, you have 69 workers and 1,030 units in inventory. The union contract specifies that you may lay off workers only once a year, at the beginning of summer. Also, you may hire new workers only at the end of summer to begin regular work in the fall. The number of workers laid off at the beginning of summer and the number hired at the end of summer should result in planned production levels for summer and fall that equal the demand forecasts for summer and fall, respectively. If demand exceeds supply, use overtime in spring only, which means that backorders could occur in winter. You are given these costs: hiring, $130 per new worker; layoff, $260 per worker laid off; holding, $21 per unit-quarter; backorder cost, $9 per unit; regular time labor, $11 per hour; overtime, $17 per hour. Productivity is 0.5 unit per worker hour, eight hours per day, 50 days per quarter.Find the total cost of this plan. Note: Hiring expense occurs at beginning of Fall. (Leave no cells blank - be certain to enter "O" wherever required.) Fall 15,400 Winter 18,400 15,400 30,800 77 18,400 36,800 77 Spring Summer Forecast 20,600 9,400 Beginning inventory I 1,030 Production required 9,400 Production hours required 39,140 18,800 Regular workforce 69 47 Regular production Overtime hours Overtime production Total production Ending inventory Ending backorders Workers hired Workers laid off Spring Summer Fall Winter Straight time Overtime Inventory Backorder Hiring Layoff Total Total cost Read the following excerpt from Heart of Darkness:I've seen the devil of violence, and the devil of greed, andthe devil of hot desire; but, by all the stars! these werestrong, lusty, red-eyed devils, that swayed and drove men-men, I tell you. But as I stood on this hillside, I foresaw thatin the blinding sunshine of that land I would becomeacquainted with a flabby, pretending, weak-eyed devil of arapacious and pitiless folly.Why did Conrad most likely include this passage in the story?O A. To convey the sense of overwhelming human evil in a world wheredevils outnumber starsO B. To show that devils, like human beings, gain weight if they don'twork out regularlyAC. To express the idea that foolish ineffectiveness is the centralproblem of colonialismO D. To show that pretending to be a devil is foolish, and that it is betterto try to be good Anyone good at Ks3 math? Sally wanted to replace the old carpet in her home. She entered into a contract with Good Carpet Co. (GCC) for the purchase and installation of a new carpet. The price of the carpet was $3,000 and the cost of the labor to install the carpet was $150. Later Sally became dissatisfied with this transaction and wants to sue GCC. Sally wants to apply the contract rules of the UCC, but GCC wants to apply the contract rules of the common law. Which source of law should govern this case Can anyone help with problem 5? Which one is right??? which of the following is an example of a non fasifiable hypothesis? Jed goes to the deli to purchase turkey that costs $6.71 per pound. State regulations indicate that the scale used in the deli must be accurate to within 1 20 pound. According to the scale, Jed's purchase weighs one-fourth pound and costs $1.68. How much might he have been undercharged or overcharged due to a scale error Question 14 please show ALL STEPS Hellllppppppppppppppppppppppp The photo shows a liger. Its father is a male lion, and its mother is a female tiger.Which two facts show that lions and tigers are closely related but separate species?A. Male lions and female tigers can produce offspring.B. Male ligers cannot produce offspring with female ligers.C. Male and female tigers cannot grow as large as ligers.D. Female ligers can produce offspring with male lions or tigers. A sofa is on sale for $703, which is 26% less than the regular price what is the regular price? If Bob gains 15 pounds, then the ratio of Bob's weight to Tom's weight would be 7 to 5. If Tom weighs 115 pounds, what is Bobs weight now? Sarah had 25 candies. Sarah gave 25 of the candies to her sister. Of the amount left, she gave 2/3 to her friend. How many candies does Sarah have left for herself? the first fully automatic computer was the degree of non zero constant polynomial is a. 1 b.4 c. a d.0 A motorist travels 90 miles at a rate of 20 miles per hour. If he returns the same distance at a rate of 40 miles per hour, what is the average speed for the entire trip, in miles per hour? What role do teenagers play now in diffusing respect rather than hate in out local and global community? What is this answer PH=?