You have observed that there are variations in your environment in relation to natural, cultural or social.
Example, all vegetations are not of the same variety. Can you argue that geography is not about differentiion or variation?


Answer 1



No, I cannot argue that geography is not about differentiation or variation. In fact, differentiation and variation are essential components of geography. Geography is concerned with understanding and explaining the differences and variations that exist within and between different regions of the world, whether they are related to physical, biological, or human factors.

For example, the study of physical geography involves examining the variations in landforms, climate, vegetation, and water bodies that exist in different regions of the world. In human geography, differentiation and variation can be observed in the differences in language, culture, religion, economic activities, and political systems between different regions.

Geography is also concerned with understanding the interactions between different factors and how they contribute to the uniqueness of a particular region or environment. For example, in the study of environmental geography, differentiation and variation are observed in the different ways that human activities impact the natural environment, such as deforestation, air and water pollution, and climate change.

Therefore, the observation that there are variations in the environment in relation to natural, cultural, or social factors is actually a fundamental aspect of geography, and the discipline seeks to understand and explain these variations.

Related Questions

a metamorphic rock with minerals aligned in a preferred orientation or has alternating dark-colored and light-colored layers is said to have


Metamorphic rocks in which the minerals are oriented in a particular direction, or in which dark and light layers alternate, are said to be foliate metamorphic rocks.

To understand this class of rocks, we first need to elaborate on the nature of foliation. The word comes from the Latin folium, which means leaf. Geologists use foliation to refer to parallel surfaces and/or layers that can occur in metamorphic rocks. Sheeting can give outcropping metamorphic rocks a banded or banded appearance and/or the ability to divide into thin layers. Foliated metamorphic rocks contain different mineral crystals oriented parallel to each other and exhibit foliation because they define preferred mineral orientations and/or because rocks have alternating dark and light layers.

A fine-grained sheet-like metamorphic rock, shale is formed by the metamorphism of shale or mudstone (a rock that is primarily clay) under relatively low pressure and temperature. Slate contains a type of leaf-like structure called a cleavage that allows it to split into thin sheets that make excellent roofing shingles (figure a above). Shale fracturing occurs when a pressure solution grows clay flakes perpendicular to the direction of compression while removing portions of the clay flakes that are not perpendicular to the direction of compression. 

Know more about metamorphic rocks here:


How did the winter at Valley Forge affect the Continental Army?

1. The Continental Army knew how to stay warm, while the British army lost many men to sickness and cold.

2. After being inspired by Washington and trained by von Steuben, the soldiers became more disciplined and confident.

3. The Continental Army made enough money to hire professional soldiers to replace the untrained minutemen.

4. Almost half the soldiers deserted, requiring French reinforcements to replace them.


The transformative events at Valley Forge transformed the Continental Army into a more cohesive force that was able to defeat the British and win independence during the remaining five years of the war. Option 1 is correct .

What befell the warriors of the Mainland Armed force at Valley Produce?

They were there from December 19, 1777, to June 19, 1778, for six months. While retraining and reorganizing their units at Valley Forge, the Continentals struggled to manage a disastrous supply crisis. Malnutrition may have contributed to the deaths of between 1,700 and 2,000 soldiers from disease. The army had to deal with rain, snow, and cold temperatures, but they didn't have any shelter, blankets, winter coats, or even shoes. At Valley Forge, it has been estimated that a third of Washington's army lacked appropriate footwear.

To learn more about army visit :


How is the troposphere formed?



The troposphere is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere, extending from the surface up to about 7-20 km (4-12 miles) depending on the latitude and season. It is the layer where most of the Earth's weather occurs, and where we live and breathe.

The troposphere is formed by a combination of processes involving the Earth's surface and the Sun's energy. The Sun's radiation heats the Earth's surface, causing it to warm up and create thermal energy. This thermal energy is then transferred to the air molecules in contact with the surface, causing them to rise and expand. As the warm air rises, it cools and loses some of its moisture, which condenses into clouds and precipitation.

At the same time, cooler air from higher altitudes sinks down to replace the rising warm air. This creates a convective cycle, where warm air rises and cool air sinks, creating a mixing of the atmosphere that distributes heat and moisture.

The boundary between the troposphere and the layer above it, the stratosphere, is marked by a temperature inversion layer called the tropopause, where the temperature stops decreasing with height and begins to increase again. This is due to the absorption of ultraviolet radiation by ozone molecules in the stratosphere, which creates a warming effect that prevents the mixing of air between the two layers.


which of these reasons might result in the modern (human) development of a floodplain? (select all that apply.)


The modern development of a floodplain can be caused by natural river processes, human-induced changes to river systems, and climate change.

A floodplain may eventually form as a result of natural river processes such silt deposition, erosion, and channel migration.

Levees, dams, and other human-made changes to river systems, such as channelization, can alter the river's natural flow and result in flooding in places that weren't previously floodplains.

Climate change can lead to increased precipitation and extreme weather events, which can result in floods and the expansion of existing floodplains. It is possible for natural river processes like silt deposition, erosion, and channel migration to lead to the modern formation of a floodplain. Levees, dams, and other human-made changes to river systems, such as channelization, can alter the river's natural flow and result in flooding in places that weren't previously floodplains. Climate change can also contribute to increased precipitation and extreme weather events, leading in floods and the expansion of existing floodplains. Therefore, the modern development of a floodplain could be caused by any of the three causes.

learn more about floodplain here:


Which of the following events was the most significant change to the balance of powers depicted on the map?The Napoleonic WarsThe Congress of ViennaGerman and Italian unificationThe Russian Revolution


The Napoleonic Wars, which resulted in the dissolution of the old European order and the ascent of France as a dominating power, were the most significant alteration to the balance of powers shown on the map.

This move ultimately reshaped Europe's political landscape. The French Empire under Napoleon Bonaparte challenged the established control of the Great Powers during the Napoleonic Wars, which were fought between 1803 and 1815. The battles caused the Old Regime to dissolve, the Holy Roman Empire to fall, and new governments and political ideas to emerge. Following the wars, the Congress of Vienna attempted to reinstate the previous order, but Napoleon's reforms were irreversible. The Napoleonic Wars left a lasting legacy that changed the balance of power and prepared the way for subsequent wars.

learn more about Napoleonic here:


which of these places in latin america has a high minority indian (from india) population? argentina trinidad


There is no sizable Indian minority in either Trinidad or Argentina. However, due to their history of indentured labour under British colonial authority, Guyana and Suriname, both of which are in South America, have high Indian populations.

There is not a significant Indian minority in either Trinidad or Argentina. Less than 0.01% of the country's overall population, or about 4,000 people, are thought to be members of Argentina's minuscule Indian community. On the other side, Trinidad is home to a sizable population of Indo-Trinidadians, who are descended from indentured Indian labourers who were transported to the island during the 19th century. Around 35% of Trinidadians are classified as Indo-Trinidadians, but they are Trinidadian natives with Indian ancestry rather than immigrants from India.

learn more about populations here:


What Latin American country or territory has a high population of Indian (from India) minorities: Argentina or Trinidad?

Which of the following lists has one rock from each major category (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) that contains quartz? basalt, limestone, greenstone basalt, sandstone, greenstone O granite, limestone, schist O granite, sandstone, gneiss


In order to include a rock from each main type (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic) that contains quartz, the proper response is "granite, limestone, schist."

In order to include a rock from each main type (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic) that contains quartz, the proper response is "granite, limestone, schist." Quartz is a common mineral found in all three igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, including granite, limestone, and schist. Justification: Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks all include the common mineral quartz. When magma or lava cools and solidifies, igneous rocks are created, and they can contain quartz, as in the case of granite. Sedimentary rocks, like limestone, are created by the accumulation of sediment and may also include quartz. Rocks that have undergone heat and pressure to change into metamorphic rocks can include

learn more about limestone here:


What does the arrow with 15 mph inside it indicate on the weather map?A. The humidityB. The wind speedC. The precipitationD. The air pressure


In a weather map, the arrow with "15 mph" inside it denotes the wind speed at a specific area. The length and thickness of the arrow may be used to determine the wind speed. Wind direction is often depicted by an arrow pointing in the direction that the wind is blowing.

In this instance, the arrow with "15 mph" inside it denotes that the wind speed at that place is 15 miles per hour. This knowledge is crucial for forecasting storm severity, understanding how weather systems move, and determining how wind affects various systems and buildings.. The arrow with "15 mph" inside it on a weather map represents the wind speed at a particular location. Wind direction is typically represented by an arrow pointing in the direction that the wind is blowing, and the length and thickness of the arrow can be used to indicate the wind speed.

In this case, the "15 mph" inside the arrow indicates that the wind speed at that location is 15 miles per hour.

learn more about weather map here:


_____: process by which beings keep track of their position within an environment when they move question mark


Ability to remain conscious of one's position and orientation with reference to the immediate environment, whether one is moving or still.

The capacity of an organism to understand its physical location and direction in relation to its surroundings is known as spatial orientation. This entails the fusion of diverse cognitive processes like memory and attention with sensory inputs including vision, proprioception, and vestibular sensation. For navigation, spatial learning, and motor control, spatial orientation is crucial. When one's spatial orientation is impaired, it might be challenging to drive, walk, or even just find your way about in a strange environment.

learn more about environment here:


why dams and furrows have large number on a topographical map​



These numbers represent two grid systems that can be used to find your exact location. The first is called latitude and longitude. The exact latitude and longitude is given at each corner of that map and at equally spaced intervals between the corners. The second is called UTM's.


How does economic development affect diffusion?



Economic development results in higher levels of education, greater employment opportunities, and higher income levels. Communities are strengthened with economic development because increasing numbers of jobs result in higher income levels.


Economic development can have a significant impact on the diffusion of innovations, ideas, and technologies within a society or across different societies. Here are some ways in which economic development can affect diffusion:

Availability of resources: Economic development can increase the availability of resources such as capital, technology, and human resources that are needed to develop and adopt new innovations. With more resources, societies can invest in research and development, create better infrastructure for communication and transportation, and promote education and training to support the adoption and diffusion of innovations.

Market demand: Economic development can also create greater demand for new technologies and innovations, especially in emerging markets that are growing rapidly. This can drive companies and entrepreneurs to invest in the development and dissemination of new products and services that are tailored to the needs of these markets.

Cultural factors: Economic development can also impact the cultural factors that influence the diffusion of innovations. For example, societies with high levels of economic development may have more open and diverse cultures that are more receptive to new ideas and technologies. They may also have more established networks of communication and exchange that facilitate the spread of innovations.

Policy and regulation: Economic development can also lead to changes in policy and regulation that can either facilitate or hinder the diffusion of innovations. For example, policies that promote innovation and entrepreneurship, or that provide funding and support for research and development, can help to accelerate the adoption and diffusion of new technologies.

Overall, economic development can create the conditions that support the adoption and diffusion of new innovations, by increasing resources, creating demand, shaping cultural factors, and driving policy and regulation.

Immigration vs emigration in the American Rocky Mountains chart




• Population growth in the American Rocky Mountains has been driven by immigration.

• Immigration to the region increased significantly during the 1980s and 1990s, with the majority of immigrants coming from Mexico and Central and South America.

• The influx of immigrants has led to an increase in the population of cities like Denver, Colorado Springs, and Albuquerque.


• Emigration from the American Rocky Mountains has been relatively low, with most people leaving the region for other parts of the United States.

• The majority of emigrants are young people seeking better job opportunities or a change of scenery.

• Emigration has been offset by immigration, resulting in a net population gain for the region.

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