you drop a rock off of a cliff, and it hits the ground 8.1 seconds later. how tall is the cliff?


Answer 1


the answers is 321 m


here's a picture of it

You Drop A Rock Off Of A Cliff, And It Hits The Ground 8.1 Seconds Later. How Tall Is The Cliff?

Related Questions

Why is raw sewage a major pollutant in some countries but not in developed countries?


Answer:because developed cities are more equipped to deal with raw sewage than less developed cities


You are alertly driving a car at 40 MPH (18 m/s). You come around a
bend and see a tree that has fallen across the road 50 meters away. Will
you be able to stop before you hit the tree:
a. on a dry road? Show your evidence.
b. on a wet road? Show your evidence.


Answer: A because yoir tires will grip the ground other than the wet road you will slide and go of in the ditch or go into the tree ...hope this helps


write any two health disorders caused by noise pollution



Cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, tinnitus and hearing loss


The two health disorders caused by noise pollution are:

hearing impairmenttinnitushypertensionischemic heart diseasesleep disturbance etc.


Plz mark me as brainliest....., , ..

A sphere of radius 10.0cm is moulded into a uniform cylindrical wire of same radius r calculate length in millimeters​



133.33 mm


First we need to find the volume of the sphere. The volume of a sphere is given by:

V = (4/3) * pi * r^3

With a radius of 10 cm, we have:

V = (4/3) * pi * r^3 = 4188.79 cm3

The sphere will be moulded into a cylinder, so the volume will be the same. The volume of a cylinder is:

V = pi * r^2 * h

Where h is the height of the cylinder, and for this case, it will be the length.

The radius is the same old radius, so we have:

4188.79 = pi * 10^2 * h

h = 4188.79 / 100pi = 13.3333 cm

In millimeters, we have h = 133.33 mm

An elephant pushes with 2000 N on a load of trees. If it takes the elephant 45 seconds to move trees 15 meters, how much power did the elephant generate?​



Power generate by elephant = 666.67 W



Force = 2,000 N

Change in time = 45 Seconds

Distance = 15 meter


Power generate by elephant ?


⇒ Work Done = Force × Distance

⇒ Work Done = 2,000 × 15

⇒ Work Done = 30,000

⇒ Power = Work Done / Time taken

⇒ Power generate by elephant = 30,000 / 45 seconds

⇒ Power generate by elephant = 666.67 W

How does increasing the height of the counterweight affect the amount of potential energy of the counterweight?




It’s because of gravitational potential energy, the higher the object is from the ground, the more potential energy due to gravity

Which of these questions is the best example of elasticity?



Elastic goods and services generally have plenty of substitutes. As an elastic service/good's price increases, the quantity demanded of that good can drop fast. Example of elastic goods and services include furniture, motor vehicles, instrument engineering products, professional services, and transportation services.


elasticity of supply measures the responsiveness to the supply of a good or service after a change in its market price. According to basic economic theory, the supply of a good will increase when its price rises. Conversely, the supply of a good will decrease when its price decreases.

Ski lift carry people along 150 m cable up the side of a mountain. Riders are lifted a total of 75 m in elevation. What is the ideal mechanical advantage of the ski lift?


Ideal Mechanical Advantage (IMA) can be found by using the formula:


ID = Input Distance

OD = Output Distance

In the question, we are given:

ID = 150

OD = 75

Now, solve the expression with what we have.

IMA = 150/75

IMA = 2

Therefore, the IMA is 2.

Best of Luck!

Which nanotechnology product would most likely help the
electronics company?
carbon wires
quantum dots


Answer: OLEDs


The nanotechnology uses the surface of the carbon materials to generate the electricity. The evaporation of water on the surface of carbon materials helps in generation of electrical energy due to generation of thermal energy.

OLEDs can be defined as solid-state devices that comprises of organic molecules like carbon that will create electricity by exposing a surface for generation of thermal energy.

this refers to the process of manufacturing that introduced powered machinery to the production of goods​


This had to do with gain power and trade inequality business

Whats the voltage supplied by the battery if the resistance is 480 Ohms?


Its 1,920 V. If V=IR (Voltage= Current x Resistance) then V= (4)(480) which is equal to 1920V.

terms used to measure motion



velocity term


Answer:velocity term


Chris has a part time job as a cannon ball catcher for the circus. One day he was located an unknown distance away from the cannon. A cannonball was fired from the cannon at 425 m/s. The speed of sound was 345 m/s. Unfortunately the cannonball went past Chris 0.20 s before he heard the sound of the blast. How far away was the cannon from Chris?

show work with answer for brainliest plz


Answer: 366.56 meters.


Velocity of the cannon ball = 425m/s

Velocity of sound = 345 m/s

For the "position" of both, we have the equation:

Pc = 425m/s*t

Ps = 345m/s*t

Where t is time in seconds.

If the position of Chris is X, we have that if the ball reaches the position of Chris in T seconds, then the soundwave reaches the position of Chris in T + 0.20 seconds, we can write this as:

425m/s*T = X

345m/s*(T + 0.20s) = X

Now we can solve this system of equations. First we can replace the first equation in the second equation and get

345m/s*(T - 0.20s) = 425m/s*T

Now we solve this for T.

345*T + 69 = 425*T

69 = (425 - 345)*T = 80*T

T = 69/80 = 0.8625 seconds.

Now we replace this in the first equation and get:

X = 425m/s*T = 425m/s*0.8625s =  366.56 meters.

Which step should you take before you begin a scientific investigation? Print the directions after you complete the experiment. Test out all of the emergency equipment you may need. Clarify any confusing information in the instructions. Purchase the equipment and chemicals you will need.



Clarify any confusing information in the instructions.

Purchase the equipment and chemicals you will need.


Steps of a scientific investigation include identifying a research question or problem, forming a hypothesis, gathering evidence, analyzing evidence, deciding whether the evidence supports the hypothesis, drawing conclusions, and communicating the results.


C. Clarify any confusing information in the instructions


This is not a multiple choice question, however, all of these are correct. The question above is looking for the BEST step to take before beginning.

Verified as correct on e2020

Determinați numărul protonilor și cel al neutronilor în nucleul atomului

de beriliu .

Determinaţi structura nucleelor izotopilor de uraniu și de toriu Care forţe se numesc forţe nucleare. Enumeraţi particularităţile forţelor nucleare



- Beryllium has 4 protons and 5 neutrons in its nucleus.

- The nucleus of the periodic table isotope of Uranium has 92 protons and 146 neutrons.

The nucleus of the periodic table isotope of Thorium has 90 protons and 142 neutrons.

- Check Explanation

- Check Explanation

In Romanian/In limba romana

- Berilul are 4 protoni și 5 neutroni în nucleul său.

- Nucleul izotopului tabelului periodic al Uraniului are 92 de protoni și 146 de neutroni.

Nucleul izotopului tabelului periodic al Toriului are 90 de protoni și 142 de neutroni.

- Verificați Explicația

- Verificați Explicația


English Translation

- Determine the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom of beryllium.

- Determine the structure of the nuclei of the isotopes of uranium and thorium

- Which forces are called nuclear forces.

- List the peculiarities of nuclear forces.


Note that the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is the atomic number of that atom.

And the mass number of the atom is the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom.

The nucleus of an atom is the most massive part of an atom containing almost exclusively the neutrons and the protons of the atom.

- Beryllium has an atomic number of 4 and a mass number of 9.

Hence, its number of protons = atomic number = 4

(Number of protons) + (Number of neutrons) = mass number

Number of neutrons

= (mass number) - (Number of protons)

= 9 - 4 = 5

- Uranium has atomic number of 92 and mass number of 238.

Number of protons = 92

Number of neutrons = 238 - 92 = 146

Thorium has atomic number of 90 and a mass number of 232.

Number of protons = 90

Number of neutrons = 232 - 90 = 142 neutrons.

- Nuclear forces are the forces that keep the neutrons and protons of an atom bonded to the nucleus of an atom. The constituents of the atom's nucleus are called nucleons. Nuclear forces are the forces between two or more nucleons.

- The nuclear forces are about 10 million times stronger than the forces that bind atoms together in molecules and compounds.

Hence, massive energies are required to break into the nucleus of atoms.

This is why nuclear reactors produce about a million times more energy per kilogram fuel compared to chemical fuel.

However, the range of the nuclear force is short, only about 10⁻¹⁵ m, beyond which it decreases rapidly.

This is why, in spite of its enormous strength, we do not feel anything of this force on the atomic scale or in everyday life.

In Romanian/In limba romana

Rețineți că numărul protonilor din nucleul unui atom este numărul atomic al acelui atom. Și numărul de masă al atomului este suma protonilor și neutronilor din nucleul atomului. Nucleul unui atom este partea cea mai masivă a unui atom care conține aproape exclusiv neutroni și protonii atomului.

- Beriliu are un număr atomic de 4 și un număr de masă de 9.

Prin urmare, numărul său de protoni = numărul atomic = 4

(Număr de protoni) + (Număr de neutroni) = număr de masă

Numărul de neutroni = (număr de masă) - (Număr de protoni) = 9 - 4 = 5

- Uraniul are numărul atomic de 92 și numărul de masă de 238.

Numărul de protoni = 92

Numărul de neutroni = 238 - 92 = 146

Toriul are un număr atomic de 90 și un număr de masă de 232.

Numărul de protoni = 90

Numărul de neutroni = 232 - 90 = 142 neutroni.

- Forțele nucleare sunt forțele care mențin neutronii și protonii unui atom legați de nucleul unui atom.

Constituenții nucleului atomului se numesc nucleoni. Forțele nucleare sunt forțele dintre doi sau mai mulți nucleoni.

- Forțele nucleare sunt de aproximativ 10 milioane de ori mai puternice decât forțele care leagă atomii împreună în molecule și compuși.

Prin urmare, energiile masive sunt necesare pentru a pătrunde în nucleul atomilor.

Acesta este motivul pentru care reactoarele nucleare produc aproximativ un milion de ori mai multă energie pe kilogram de combustibil în comparație cu combustibilul chimic.

Cu toate acestea, domeniul forței nucleare este scurt, doar aproximativ 10⁻¹⁵ m, dincolo de care scade rapid.

Acesta este motivul pentru care, în ciuda puterii sale enorme, nu simțim nimic din această forță pe scara atomică sau în viața de zi cu zi.

Hope this Helps!!!

Sper că acest lucru vă ajută!!!

My tooth is aching. Change the noubs on the following sentence in plural and rewrite...



My teeth are aching.


Hope helped

You toss an apple across the room to a friend. Which of the following
statements is true about the apple at the top of its trajectory?


Your question is incomplete. Please find below the complete question.

B. Its acceleration is 9.8 m/s^2 down.

What does acceleration mean?

Acceleration, is the rate at which speed adjustments with time, in phrases of pace and path. A point or an item moving in a line is expanded if it hurries up or slows down.

We always have a vertical (downward ) acceleration of 9,8 m/s^2. The horizontal acceleration is zero in case you overlook friction forces. The vertical issue of speed is zero on the top of the trajectory whilst the horizontal component isn't like zero in any other case the apple will no longer arrive at your buddy.

You toss an apple across the room to a friend. Which of the following statements is true about the apple at the top of its trajectory?

A. Its acceleration is zero.

B. Its acceleration is 9.8 m/s2 down.

C. The horizontal component of its velocity is zero.

D. The vertical component of its velocity is 9.8 m/s down.

Learn more about acceleration here:


A chocolate wrapper is 6.7 cm long and 5.4 cm wide. Calculate its area up to
reasonable number of significant figures.


A= LxW
= 6.7x5.4
= 36.18 cm2

IS IT right to the left a b c d



c ok      

Explanation: right?




How old does an individual need to be in the United states to purchase any tobacco products


Answer: 18 years of age


10 pts!!!!!! please answer ASAP picture and inscription included

The wavelength of a wave is equal to the distance from one disturbance to
the next and is measured in meters. If the distance between two wave
crests is 2 m, what is the wavelength?




Explanation: a crest is a disturbance


I think its 4m, but don't quote me. hope I helped

Hydrogen is a nonmetal with many nonmetal properties. Why is it on the periodic table with the metals in Group 1?



This is because it has ns1 electron configuration like the alkali metals.

Pls Mark Brainiest, am trying to become Virtuoso

Chet plans an experimental investigation to see how well a new fertilizer works on daisies. The fertilizer must be dissolved in water and delivered to the plants by spraying it onto the leaves and stems.

To set up his control group for the experiment, Chet should leave out what



The answer is D or Fertilizer, sorry for the late answer



D Fertilizer hope this helps ..


Meeta used an elastic tape to measure the length of her window to stitch a curtain. Do you think she will be able to stitch a curtain of correct measurement? Yes/No . Give scientific reason in detail, also explain the correct method to measure the length of her window.





She will not be able to measure the length of her window accurately due to instrumental error from her choice of instrument. The elastic nature of her tape would alter the measurement because it will stretch as she is taking her readings, thus reducing the true measurement of the length of her window.

To measure the length of her window, she could use an inelastic tape rule or a metre rule. These instruments would eliminate instrumental error.

Which statement is NOT an advantage of renewable resources? A They produce clean energy. B They are expensive to collect and transform into energy. C They are safe for the environment. D They replenish quickly.



B. They are expensive to collect and transform into energy.


All of the other options are positive aspects of renewable resources. B is the only disadvantage of renewable resources given in the question.


They are expensive to collect and transform into energy.



Diffraction of white light with a single slit produces bright lines of different colors.What is the color of the central image?





This experiment causes lines of different colors because the constructive interference depends on the wavelength, so for different wavelength, the position of the maximum will be different.

Now, in diffraction fo a single slit we always have a central maximum (for all the colors)

This means that after the diffraction, we will have that all the colors have a maximum in the center, which will produce white light again, then the color of the central image is white

State the name of the process in each of the following changes of state:
a) Solid to a liquid
b) Liquid to a solid
c) Gas to a liquid
d) Liquid to a gas



A. Melting

B. Freezing

C. Condensing

D. Boiling


Some drops a ball off of the top of a 125-m-tall building. In this prob-lem, you will be solving for the time it takes the ball to hit the ground.(a)Define your coordinate system, be thorough.(b)Write down the given infor-mation, be sure to include hidden information.(c)State what physics principleis at play here. How do you know this?(d)Select an equation.(e)Solve forthe time it takes for the ball to hit the ground.



t = 5.05 s


This is a kinetic problem.

a) to solve it we must fix a reference system, let's use a fixed system on the floor where the height is 0 m

b) in this system the equations of motion are

              y = v₀ t + ½ g t²

where v₀ is the initial velocity that is v₀ = 0 and g is the acceleration of gravity that always points towards the center of the Earth

e)    y = 0 + ½ g t²

     t = √ (2y / g)

     t = √(2 125 / 9.8)

     t = 5.05 s

Contrary to popular belief, America is not a Democracy, it's a Chucktatorship. In order for Chuck to rule America, he must fly around the states. His plane takes off from rest, and reaches a speed of 180 km/min in 1.5 minutes. What is the plane's acceleration?



The plane's acceleration is 33.33 m/s²


The following equation relates velocity, v and acceleration of a moving body;

v = u + a·t


v = The final velocity of the body after time, t = 180 km/min

u = The initial velocity of the body just before the counting of the time = 0 m/s

a = The acceleration of the body during time, t = Required

t = The time of the motion = 1.5 minutes = 1.5×60 seconds = 90 s

v = 180 km/min = 180 km/min × 1000 m/km × 1/60 min/s = 3000 m/s

∴ 3000 m/s = 0 m/s + a × 90

[tex]a = \frac{3000 - 0 }{90} = \frac{100}{3} = 33\tfrac{1}{3} \ m/s^2[/tex]

Therefore, the plane's acceleration = 33.33 m/s².

Rohit placed a pencil perpendicular to principal axis in front of a converging
mirror of focal length 30 cm. The image formed is twice the size of the pencil.
Calculate the distance of the object from the mirror.



45 cm ( in my opinion)‍♀️


( Using the mirror formula)

1/ u + 1/v = 1/f

( introducing magnification; m into the formula )

u( 1/u  + 1/v ) =u×1/f

1 + u/v =u/f

( But u/v =1 ÷v/u= 1/m)

1 +1/m =u/f

(Supposing m is actually equal to 2, and f =30 cm, then;)

1 + 1/2 =u/30

2+1= u/15



45 cm=u

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