Write the conjugation of each verb according to the subject given.

subir: Usted


Answer 1
I believe the conjugation is, subió

Related Questions

Juan Carlos and his family were all involved in the preparations for his grandparents’ anniversary celebration. What did each person do or make? For each item, do the following:
Unscramble the words and write them in the correct order to form a complete sentence.
Conjugate the verb hacer in the preterite to match the subject of the sentence.
Be sure to start each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a period.
las / Uds. / hacer / reservaciones / el / salón / para
Uds. hicieron las reservaciones para el salón.
1. hacer / Tú / invitaciones / las

your answer is empty
Correct answer Tú hiciste las invitaciones.
Tú hiciste las invitaciones.
2. Analisa / pastel / bonito / hacer / un

your answer is empty
Correct answer Analisa hizo un pastel bonito.
Analisa hizo un pastel bonito.
3. Rafael / yo / y / decoraciones / las / hacer

your answer is empty
Correct answer Rafael y yo hicimos las decoraciones.
Rafael y yo hicimos las decoraciones.
4. hacer / regalo / un / Los / niños / especial

your answer is empty
Correct answer Los niños hicieron un regalo especial.
Los niños hicieron un regalo especial.
5. sándwiches / hacer / Yo / unos

your answer is empty
Correct answer Yo hice unos sándwiches.
Yo hice unos sándwiches.



Tú hiciste las invitaciones.Ana Lisa hizo un pastel bonito.Rafael y yo hicimos las decoraciones.Los niños hicieron un regalo especial.Yo hice unos sándwiches


1) Your pen-pal has just written to you saying that he would
like to spend two weeks with you during the x mass period
write a letter to him inviting him to come and telling him how
you propose to make his visit enjoyable ​




Hey , i would love for you to comae and cant wait to see you. Let me know any fun things to do and your allergies

3-71¿Qué planes tenemos? Rewrite the sentences to describe your plans for the near
future. Use the ir a + infinitive construction.
MODELO: Practico fútbol a las ocho.
Voy a practicar fútbol a las ocho.
1. Marta y Miguel José esquían en las montañas.
2. Vosotros tomáis el sol en junio.
3. Tomo un café por la tarde.
4. Mis primos andan en bicicleta los fines de semana.
5. Eduardo corre en el parque.
6. Sacas fotos en la fiesta.
7.Usted baila en una discoteca.
8. Nosotros vamos de compras el sábado.



Van a esquiar en las montañasVais a a tomar el sol en junioVoy a tomar un café por la tardeVan a andar en bicicleta el fin de semanaVa a correr en el parqueVas a sacar fotos en la fiesta.Va a bailar en una discoteca Vamos a ir de compras el sábado


Help me answer these questions please!


1)Antes yo barria a menudo la escalera de mi casa.

2)Antes mi hermano pequeño casi nunca apagaba la luz de su habitación.

3)Antes la ropa era más barata.

4)Antes mis amigas apenas iban al centro comercial.

5)Antes tú a veces quitabas el polvo de los muebles.

Bueno lo hice así porque lo entendí así,una disculpa si está mal.

Please help me answer # 3



Mí compañero siempre discutía durante la clase


es el N3

Mi compañero siempre discutía durante la clase

25-4. [5-2.(-3)] cula es el resulatdo






= 25 - 4 · [5 + 6]

= 25 - 4 · [11]

= 25 - 44

= -19

-19 hope this helps!!!

Choose the best answer.

¿Qué vas a beber?

Vas a beber agua.
Voy a beber agua.
Vamos a beber agua.
Va a beber agua.


Correct answer : voy a beber agua

¿Cuál ____________ tú?

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Compras would be the correct answer




got it right on engenuity

¿Cuales son los recursos gráficos del catálogo?




Diseños gráficos





Mi novio, ernesto, y yo fuimos (went) el domingo a un centro comercial a comprar repa. Nosotros llegamos a las nueve y media de la manana



7 de la tarde


tu novio esta con otra

Any help is much appreciated!


1. Llegar
2. Ponerse
3. Decir
4. Explicar
5. Ser


1) llegaria

2) Pondria

3) Diria

4) Explicaria



3-10 | Preguntas personales Answer the following questions with complete sentences.
1. Normalmente, ¿a qué hora sales para tus clases?
2.¿A qué hora vas a tu clase de español?
3.¿Qué traes a la clase de español?
4. ¿A quién conoces bien de la clase?
5.¿Estás en casa los fines de semana?
ESTRUCTURA 4 Expressing knowledge and familiarity: Saber, conocer,
and the personal a
3-11 | ¿Qué verbos usas? Decide whether to use saber (S) or conocer (C) to talk about
the following people, places and activities.
1.hablar español 3. Bogotá
5. mi dirección
2.la profesora
4. sacar fotos
6. Carlos
3-12 | La a personal Write the personal a, if needed.
1.Conozco Martha.
2.No conozco Colombia.
3.Conocen la profesora de inglés.
4.Juan conoce Cali.
5.Tú conoces la obra de García Márquez.


Preguntas personales

1. Normalmente, yo salgo a mis clases a las seis y media de la mañana

2. Voy a mi clase de español a las diez menos de once.

3. Traje mi lápiz, un sacapuntas, mi cerebro cognitivo y un cuaderno a la clase de español.

4. Conozco a mis amigos (name here), (name here) y (name here) que se sientan en la parte trasera del aula.

5. No. Normalmente estoy fuera viendo películas o comiendo en diferentes reasturantes con mis compañeros.

¿Qué verbos usas?

1. saber

2. conocer

3. conocer

4. saber

5. conocer

6. conocer

La a personal

1. Conozco a Martha.

2. No conozco a Colombia.

3. Conocen a la profesora de inglés.

4. Juan conoce Cali.

5. Tú conoces la obra de García Márquez.

Escoge la palabra que completa la frase. Choose the word that completes the sentence.

El motivo del movimiento era pintar para comunicar los sentimientos del artista del sujeto. A los artistas no les interesaba capturar los elementos reales. En el ________ usaban los pinceles y las técnicas húmedas para contar una historia según el punto de vista del pintor.







Mi familia y yo somos muy activos. Mi mamá y yo montamos a caballo y jugamos al
tenis. Mi hermana Ana Belén nada y esquía en el agua. Mi tio Gregorio anda en bicicleta.
Mi hermano Tomás y mi padre pescan. Mis tias Anita y Rosa Hilda levantan pesas con
sus esposos. Mi primo Jesús corre y juega al béisbol. En cambio (On the contrary), mis
amigos Beltrán y Patricia son un poco perezosos. Prefieren mirar la tele o ver peliculas. A
veces (Sometimes) van a bares y cada fin de semana dan fiestas en su apartamento. Este
sábado, voy a ir a un concierto con Patricia, y después ella y yo vamos a ir a una
discoteca. A ella no le gusta hacer ejercicio, pero le gusta bailar!
3-2 | Emparejar (Matching) Match the people mentioned in the paragraph with the
objects or activities you associate them with
1. la madre a. la pesca
2. Tomás b. la pelota
3. la hermana c. el ciclismo
4. Beltrán d. el cine
5. Gregorio e. la natación
6. Jesús 1. la cancha de tenis
3-31 Cierto o falso? Indicate whether each statement is cierto (C) o falso (F).
1. Patricia y Beltrán viven juntos (together).
2. Beltrán es una persona muy activa.
3. Ana Belén le tiene miedo al agua.
4. A la madre le gustan los caballos.
5. Jesús pasa tiempo en el campo de golf.




1. la cancha de tenis

2. la pesca

3.  la natación

4. el cine

5.  el ciclismo

6.  la pelota

C o F

1. Patricia y Beltrán viven juntos (together). C

2. Beltrán es una persona muy activa. F

3. Ana Belén le tiene miedo al agua. F

4. A la madre le gustan los caballos. C

5. Jesús pasa tiempo en el campo de golf. F

Cuales son los elementos comunicativos del instructivo


Las partes de un instructivo en las que suele dividirse generalmente son índice, instrucciones de armado, materiales necesarios, recomendaciones, instrucciones básicas o normas de uso y recomendaciones. Un instructivo es un texto que agrupa todos los pasos que se deben seguir para hacer una actividad.

Manuel delega las responsabilidades a los voluntarios en el hogar de ancianos.

Which pronoun would you use to replace the indirect object in the sentence above? (1 point)

Select one:
a. La
b. Lo
c. Les
d. Los


It would be LA
Letter A
I think it’s La to be honest

Como se desarrolla la actividad musical en plena pandemia.

ayudaaa es de una materia de musica



Translation: How do musical activities develops is the midst of a pandemic?

Answer: La música mejora nuestra salud mental. Puede ayudar a la relajación, a la inspiración/espiritualidad, a mejorar el estado de ánimo y a procesar/expresar emociones difíciles. La música también nos ayuda a mantenernos conectados mientras nos distanciamos socialmente.


English Translation: Music improves our mental health. It can help with relaxation, inspiration/spirituality, boost in mood, an outlet to process/express difficult emotions. Music also helped us stay connected while social distancing.


La actividad musical, durante la pandemia, de desarrolla vía streaming o vía de las redes sociales. en otras ocasiones los músicos ofrecen música en vivo desde su balcón o algún otro lugar hacia sus vecinos que, desde sus casas, los puedan escuchar.


Actividad Nº14
a. Imagine que padece un problema de salud (un reiterado dolor de cabeza, por
ejemplo) y va a un centro de atención en el que hace una consulta con un
médico. ¿Qué explicaciones le pediría?


“La guía se basa en los hallazgos de dos revisiones sistemáticas de evidencia. En general, recomienda los AINE tópicos como terapia de primera línea para los pacientes que experimentan dolor debido a este tipo de lesiones. La guía también recomienda que los médicos no receten opioides excepto en casos de lesiones graves o si los pacientes no pueden tolerar las opciones terapéuticas de primera línea.”

"Esta guía no tiene la intención de proporcionar un enfoque único para todos para controlar el dolor de espalda no lumbar", dijo el presidente de la AAFP, Gary LeRoy, M.D., de Dayton, Ohio, en un comunicado de prensa. "Nuestro principal objetivo era proporcionar un marco sólido y transparente para guiar a los médicos de familia en la toma de decisiones compartida con los pacientes.”

¿En qué consistía el proceso para que dos personas se comuniquen mediante la telefonista?



Who was the first president of United States?

Help meet :((( also thank you Mexican person that is helping me not trying to be racist or anything 20 points


Answer:Don’t listen to me I’m just getting points
el jardinero should be the answer

Part 3—Reading Comprehension Read the lecture below concerning geography. Then,



where is the question .


please mark me as brain list

Spanish 20 points anyone here is a chance



serving donor food


Because he says that he doesn't cook he serves the food to the people without houses


Preparing meals for the poor.


"...I cook breakfast, lunch and dinner twice a week for the homeless..."

Help me answer these questions please!


1. I | yo
sweep | barrer
the stairs of my house | la escalera de mi casa
often | a menudo

2. mi hermano pequeno | my little brother
casi nunca | almost never
apagar | turns off
la luz de su habitacion | the light of his room

3. la ropa | the clothes
ser | to be
mas barata | more cheap

4. my friends | my amigas
barely | apenas
go | ir
to the mall | al centro comercial

5. you | tu
quitar | take off
the dust from the furniture | el polvo de los muebles
sometimes | a veces

I hope this helps you <3

Lee y escoge la opción con el nombre correcto del movimiento artístico para completar la frase. Read and choose the option with the correct artistic movement name to complete the sentence.

Lee y escoge la opción con el nombre correcto del movimiento artístico para completar la frase. Read and choose the option with the correct artistic movement name to complete the sentence.

Los artistas del ________ eliminaron el color negro en favor de la luz para reflejar la luz de los objetos. Las obras capturaban una imagen de la realidad.






Queridos José Antonio y Amalia:

¿Cómo (1)___? Les escribo ahora porque hoy (2)___ lloviendo, y no vamos a ir a la playa. El hotel (3)___ muy bonito y (4) _____ en un pueblo muy tranquilo. Yo (5) ____muy contenta aquí. Ramiro y yo vamos a la playa todos los días, y después salimos a bailar. Sólo volvemos al hotel cuando (6)___ muy cansados.

El fin de semana que viene, Ramiro quiere visitar a su amigo Gerardo. Ellos estudiaron juntos (together) en secundaria (high school). Gerardo (7) ____periodista y ahora (8) ___ trabajando para la televisión. Su novia se llama Sara. Creo que los cuatro vamos a ir de excursión a una montaña que no (9) ___muy alta, porque yo todavía no (10)__ lista para escalar montañas altas.

Les escribo pronto. Un beso,




1. estan










Las conjugaciones empleadas en la carta son listadas a continuación:


En esta pregunta debemos completar esta carta con las conjugaciones correctas de verbos en español, cuya forma depende del pronombre asociado al sujeto de cada oración. En este caso se emplean conjugaciones en presente de los verbos ser y estar.

A continuación, presentamos la solución completa en cuestión:

Queridos José Antonio y Amalia:

¿Cómo (1) están? Les escribo ahora porque hoy (2)está lloviendo, y no vamos a ir a la playa. El hotel (3)es muy bonito y (4)está en un pueblo muy tranquilo. Yo (5)estoy muy contenta aquí. Ramiro y yo vamos a la playa todos los días, y después salimos a bailar. Sólo volvemos al hotel cuando (6)estamos muy cansados.

El fin de semana que viene, Ramiro quiere visitar a su amigo Gerardo. Ellos estudiaron juntos (together) en secundaria (high school). Gerardo (7)es periodista y ahora (8)está trabajando para la televisión. Su novia se llama Sara. Creo que los cuatro vamos a ir de excursión a una montaña que no (9)es muy alta, porque yo todavía no (10)estoy lista para escalar montañas altas.

Les escribo pronto. Un beso,


Para aprender más sobre verbos en español, invitamos cordialmente a ver esta pregunta verificada: https://brainly.com/question/11946336

Pilar is talking to some new students at school. Choose the most question depending on the answer given.

¿ _____________? Esos valen ocho dólares
Cuánto cuestan
Cómo están
Qué hora es

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Cuanto cuestan is the answer




A. translates to "How much do they cost...", B. translates to "How are they...", and C. translates to "What time is it...". From here, we must look back at the question and understand that the answer given for the question is "They cost eight dollars". This makes the correct answer A, as it is asking about the price. I hope this helped and please don't hesitate to reach out for further clarification!

Andrés, hoy Paulina está en el mercado para comprar fruta, pero ella va a pie. ¿Puedes ________ del carro y ________ a Paulina del mercado?

manejar; llevar
cambiar la llanta; escribir
llenar el tanque; recoger
cerrar el baúl; pasar


llenar el tanque; recoger
La C

Llenar el tanque; recoger

Decide whether the sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT as written. Mi madre siempre me los da en Navidad.


Answer: correct


a story ends with indeed it was the biggest lesson of my life?​



I wouldn't say that the bitter lesson from the that happened in my life was part of my destiny. In fact, I couldn't but remember this particular incident that later came to shape my life adversely. However hard I tried to forget the incident, its ugly memory always come to hunt me.

     I was the third child of a family of four where our lives were regulated by religious doctrines. My father was a clergyman, so we, his children were brought up in a strict and regimented home where things that could be tolerated by other families were forbidden. I grew up as a child in this family until I gained admission into a mission school in a neighbouring city and I had to leave home for a boarding secondary school. I had to live in a hostel and so for the first time, I had the opportunity of mixing with girls from various homes as my school was a girls' school.

     I still remembered the warning of my mother when she was about to leave me after assisting me in carrying my load into my hostel. Shade, you must not forget the home you came from. You must not disappoint your father and me. Be guided by all the religions teachings you have been taught both at home and in the church." After saying these words, my mother with tears cascading down her cheeks, reluctantly entered into the car that brought me and the driver drove off.

     The warning of my mother echoed in my ear until I fell into the trap set for me by my friends, Susan and Jennifer. Before this time, I was highly regarded by my teachers and mates as a girl who would never want to come near anything that could tarnish her image. Most times, I kept to myself so as to avoid ugly incidences that could make me disappoint my parents. While some of my mates engaged in social activities like sneaking out of school to attend parties, I shunned such things.

     This good reputation of mine was one day tarnished by the bitter experience I had. One open day when we were permitted, as boarders, to visit town. Jennifer and Susan prevailed on me to accompany them to town on a visit to Jennifer's uncle who had just arrived the country from Britain. Jennifer was a native of the city but lived in the same hostel with me in school When we got to Jennifer's house. we were welcomed by three boys whom Jennifer said were her cousins. While we were waiting for Jennifer's uncle who we were told was resting upstairs, we were served drinks. This is what I could remembered until the second day when I woke up to find myself on a hospital bed in a hospital in the town. Unknown to me. Susan and Jennifer must have conspired with Jennifer's cousin to lace my drinks I was served with alcohol and sleeping pills so as to make it easy for me to be raped by her cousins. As I was told, I was indeed raped.

     The incident later became a scandal in my school and I was expelled in my final year. As if this was not enough, three months later, my parents discovered that I was pregnant. This incident traumatized my parent and I was disowned by my father. I had to flee to my uncle's house to have the baby.  

     The reality of this ugly incident now dawn on me. Saddled with a grown-up boy, no man is ready to marry me and my father died three years ago without forgiving me just I also find it difficult to forgive Susan and Jennifer despite their efforts to seek my forgiveness. I now go about with a heavy conscience with the fear that this may ruin my Christian life. But I learn a lesson that it is not good to trust anyone. I had to learn that lesson in a very hard way. Indeed, it was the biggest lesson of my life.


plz give me brainliest and have a nice day!

¿Qué decía Sergio?

Sergio deciba que hacía frío afuera.
Sergio deció que hacía frio afuera.
Sergio decía que hacía frío afuera.
Sergio dejía que hacía frío afuera.



sergio decia que hacia frio afuera


Sergio decía que hacía frío afuera
Other Questions
The midpoint of has coordinates of (4, -9). The endpoint A has coordinates (-3, -5). What are the coordinates of B? Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be TrueA Speech to the Student Body of Evergreen High[1] Picture this: It's Spring Break, and you fly off to some country where there's lush rainforests and beautiful, blue coastlines to explore. There's also people in need, so you decide to blend your vacation with volunteering. Volunteering as a tourist, or voluntourism, seems like a great way to explore new regions and help people at the same time. However, this "volunteer plus travel" experience can actually harm local communities. While many teens might view traveling and volunteering abroad as a worthwhile adventure, there are more genuine and effective ways to make a difference.[2] Most would agree that volunteering in general is a worthy use of time. However, what if you found out the children you are "helping" are actually being kept in poor conditions so voluntourists will spend money to come to the local area? Dale Rolfe, a supporter of ethical voluntourism, explains the shocking reality that "Animal sanctuaries and orphanages are often manufactured for the voluntourist...encouraging a cycle of exploiting the very animals and children the volunteers are trying to help."[3] Proponents of the "volunteer plus travel" experience also argue that traveling to new places builds character and is a valuable way to learn about different cultures. With voluntourism, however, participants often pursue experiences that are all about them. For example, they sign up to build a school for a gold star on their resume, but they have no real building skills and take jobs away from local construction workers (Schulten). Or, they arrive to teach English but instead take selfies with the locals. One world traveler and ethical voluntourist believes voluntourism "can perpetuate small minded views of the world by taking insulated, fake, and structured experiences and selling them as unabridged and eye opening" (Carlos). The voluntour experience is a mirage. The voluntourist's eyes are not opened to real life at the destination, and lasting change is not achieved.[4] If you want a genuine experience where you can see a lasting impact, there are better options than voluntourism. You can volunteer in your local community. Give an hour every week to your town's animal rescue. Serve monthly dinners to the homeless. Be a reliable, positive influence on a child who needs a mentor. Studies show that volunteering and forming lasting relationships with those you help has a positive impact on your physical and emotional health. In fact, blood pressure is reduced, memory is improved, and rates of depression are reduced (Michaels).[5] There is another reason to look into alternatives to voluntourism. Did you know the average "voluntour" travel package costs $3,400 (Rolfe)? Could that travel money be better spent? If the world's citizens are your passion, it could go to an international organization. If you care about education, your funds can be used to buy books for students in faraway lands. If you want villagers to have clean water, contribute funds to local efforts to dig wells. If you want to experience a different culture, travel to the country as a guest, and learn from the locals how you can best help them after you've returned home. But do not voluntour.[6] In reality, there are better ways to make a difference. Voluntourism might appear to be an adventure that blends travel and helping others, but it does little except provide a costly, superficial experience that might actually do more harm than good. So, volunteer where you are most needed...at home, where you can stay to see the job through and form genuine, lasting relationships. Choose a beautiful coastline closer to home and send the travel money you saved to an international organization that will put it to good use. Whatever you do, don't turn someone else's hardship into your vacation.What is the counterclaim of this argument? A voluntour experience is a necessary addition to an individual's college resume. The cost of voluntouring is minor in light of what one gets out of the experience. There are better ways to make a difference than mixing tourism with volunteering. Voluntourism is a worthwhile way to make a difference and travel the world. 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Please help!"Words that stood out you" What does "Stood out you" mean?-Spanish"Palabras que te destacaron" Que se significa "te destacaron"? Which diagram shows how the spread of television during the Cold Warcontributed to the end of the Vietnam War?causedDecreased influenceof warcorrespondentsIncreasedeffectiveness ofpropagandaO A.causedSpread of graphicwartime imagesDecreased supportfor the warB.causedExpansion ofpro-war broadcastsDecreased protestsagainst the U.S.governmentO c.causedIncreasedgovernmentcensorshipIncreased influenceof the antiwarmovement The direct method of reporting operating cash flows: ________a. Separately lists cash receipts and payments. b. Must be used by all companies. c. Is used by most companies. d. Is considered supplementary disclosure. e. Is not recommended by the FASB, but is commonly used. Please whoever knows they can solve this, help!I have attached the question down below. Please explain in detail and diagrams if the question permits you to do so. Thank you. I will also be marking the brainiest. pls pls pls help answer quick the length and breadth of a hall is two times its breadth and the breadth is two times its height if the cost of papering its wall at rs 25 per sq metre is rs 10800 find the cost of paving marbles on its floor at rs 250 per sq .metre.plzz helpp.. Martin Corporations (a C corporation) bookkeeper told the owner that she could not have all the tax information ready for the accountant immediately after the tax year end of June 30. She was having surgery and asked if the tax return could be postponed. The accountants answer should be: Read the paragraph Mark each statement True or False Summertime is hot in Egypt. so pack light clothing. But he sure to bring warm-weather clothing that is also modest. If you visit a mosque shorts are definitely out of the question for both men and women. In mosques, women should wear longer skirts and a head covering, usually a scarf. And the upper part of their arms should be covered with sleeves. For touring other wonderful sights and historical places, casual comfortable clothing is fine for both men and women.1) Light clothes are not good in the Egyptian summerA True B False2) Warm-weather clothing is light A True B False3) Sleeves are good for covering the head A True B. False4) It's OK for men to wear shorts in a mosque, but not for women A True B False5) In most of Egypt, outside of mosques, casual clothing is appropriate A True B False Bob and Alice enter a contract that is within the statute of frauds. Now, Bob wants to get out of the contract on the basis that it is unenforceable pursuant to the statute of frauds. In response, Alice produces a writing that she says evidences the contract. In order for this writing to support the claim that the contract is enforceable against Bob, it must have been signed by: