1.- Barbara …………… (live) in Greece for three years before she ………… (move) to Italy.
2.-My team …………….. (not win) the football match because they ……………. (play) badly.
3.-The teacher ……………. (punish) the student because he …….……. (be) very naughty.
4.-By winter, the new soap opera ……………. (become) the most popular show on TV.
5.-He …………… (mug) three passengers by the time the police …………….. (arrive)
6.-The pirates ……………. (hijack) an enormous ship two months ago in Somalia.
7.-The captain of the ship ………………….(surrender) because he … ……… (hate) violence.
8.-The journalist …………. (interview) the famous actress before the TV…………. (come)
9.-Everyone ……………. (leave) the train before the bomb ……………… (explode)
10.- By the time my mum …………..… (prepare) lunch, we ………….. (lay) the table.


Answer 1


1 lived,moved

2 did not,played

3 punished, had been

4 became

5 mugged, arrived

6 hijacked

7 surrendered, hated

8 interviewed, came

9 left, exploded

10 prepared, laid

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Karangan tentang rasuah


Rasuah merujuk kepada suatu bentuk kegiatan jenayah atau ketidakjujuran. Ia merujuk kepada perbuatan jahat oleh individu atau kumpulan. Paling penting, tindakan ini menjejaskan hak dan hak istimewa orang lain. Tambahan pula, Rasuah merangkumi aktiviti seperti rasuah atau penggelapan wang. Walau bagaimanapun, Rasuah boleh berlaku dalam pelbagai cara. Kemungkinan besar, orang-orang yang memegang jawatan berkuasa rentan terhadap Rasuah. Rasuah tentunya menggambarkan sikap tamak dan mementingkan diri sendiri. ( maaf jika tanda otaknya salah jika betul !! )


Abd Allah (or Abdullah) was born on Sunday night, 5th Safar, 1044 AH (1634 CE) in al-Subayr, a village on the outskirts of Tarim in Hadramawt. His father was Alawi bin Muhammad al-Haddad, a pious man of taqwa, from the people of Allah. Imam al-Haddad's paternal grandmother, Salma, was also known to be a woman of gnosis and sainthood. His mother was Salma bint Aidrus bin Ahmad al-Habshi. His maternal great-grandfather, Ahmad al-Habshi, met Imam al-Haddad's father, prior to Imam al-Haddad's father knowing Imam al-Haddad's mother and he said to Imam al-Haddad's father "Your children are my children, and there is a blessing in them". As a Sayyid, his sanctity and direct experience of God are clearly reflected in his writings, which include several books, a collection of Sufi letters, and a volume of mystical poetry.​



عبد الله (يا عبدالله) آچر جي رات ، 5 صفر ، 1044 ھ (1634 ع) تي الصبير ۾ پيدا ٿيو ، ھڪڙو Hadو Had ھدراموٽ ۾ ترم جي skرپاسي تي. سندس پيءُ علوي بن محمد الحداد هو ، جيڪو تقويٰ جو متقي ماڻهو هو ، الله جي ماڻهن مان هو. امام الحداد جي ناني ، سلميٰ کي به gاتو وي ٿو ته هوءَ عقل ۽ تقدس واري عورت آهي. سندس والده سلمه بنت ادريس بن احمد الحبشي هئي. هن جي ناني ، ڏاڏي ، احمد الحبشي ، امام الحداد جي پيءُ سان ملاقات ڪئي ، ان کان ا Imam جو امام الحداد جي والد امام الحداد جي ماءُ کي ساڻي ۽ هن امام الحداد جي پيءُ کي چيو ته ”تنهنجا myار منهنجا childrenار آهن ، ۽ اتي آهي. انهن ۾ هڪ نعمت ". هڪ سيد جي حيثيت ۾ ، هن جي تقدس ۽ خدا جو س directو تجربو واضح طور تي ظاهر ٿئي ٿو سندس لکڻين ۾ ، جنهن ۾ شامل آهن ڪيترائي ڪتاب ، صوفي خطن جو هڪ مجموعو ، ۽ صوفيانه شاعريءَ جو هڪ مجموعو

तलका शब्दहरुको अर्थ लेख्नुहोस्
1. मित्रता
2. क्षमा
3. माया
4. स्नेही
5. राजकुमारी
❣️ तिमीलाई मेरो नाम थाहा छ मेरो पहिचान होइन
तिमीले मेरो खुःशी देख्न सक्छौं दुःख होइन
तिमीले मेरो घाउ देख्न सक्छौं तर मलाई भइरहेको पिडा होइन ।
Correct answer =thanks
Best answer=brainliest
Random answers or unexplained answers=reported
Be careful while giving answers
answer if you know otherwise don't



तलका शब्दहरुको अर्थ लेख्नुहोस्

1. मित्रता -- asal mitra maa hune vaab

2. क्षमा ---- maafi

3. माया ...... sneha,pyaar

4. स्नेही -- jasle mayaa garcha

5. राजकुमारी---raaja ko chori

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