Write a story about a man who does and then comes back to life and then you have to write it in Spanish or in Vietnamese


Answer 1
Se desvió por la carretera interestatal cuando un gran camión aceleró hacia él a lo que parecía ser la velocidad de la luz. Su esposo gritó: "¡Cuidado!" Un destello rojo, un ruido de metal que partía del oído contra metal, un crujido de huesos y luego silencio. Sintió una paz inmediata pero al mismo tiempo no sintió nada. Solo vio una luz brillante, pero nada. Era una sensación de existir en la inexistencia. La única forma en que el hombre podría describir su muerte cuando se despertara era flotando de dolor, paz, oscuridad y luz de una vez. Cuando de repente, sintió un shock en sus venas. "Damian!" Sus ojos se abrieron de golpe, y la realidad se estrelló contra él como si la camioneta se hubiera estrellado contra su cuerpo. Los doctores se pararon a su alrededor, sonriendo con alivio. "¿Qué?" Él farfulló, era todo lo que podía manejar. "Bienvenido de nuevo, Damian", dijo uno de los médicos. Tenía la cabeza llena de algodón, le apretaban el corazón y le cortaban el brazo por la mitad. Miró hacia un lado y vio que, de hecho, tenía el brazo cortado por la mitad. Él se estremeció. "¿Gary?" Preguntó, casi sin querer saber. "Lo siento mucho, Damian", respondió un médico con tristeza. "El se fue." La única forma en que describiría su dolor cuando se despertara era flotando de dolor, paz, oscuridad y luz, todo a la vez.

He swerved across the interstate as a large truck sped towards him at what seemed to be the speed of light. His husband screamed,
“Watch out!” A flash of red, an ear splitting noise of metal against metal, a crack of bone, and then silence. He felt immediate peace but at the same time felt nothing. He saw only a bright light, but nothing. It was a feeling of existing in nonexistence. The only way the man would be able to describe his death when he awoke was floating in pain, peace, darkness, and light all at once. When suddenly, he felt a shock course through his veins.
“Damian!” His eyes flashed open, and reality came crashing into him like the truck had crashed into his body. Doctors stood around him, smiling with relief.
“What?” He sputtered, it was all he could manage.
“Welcome back, Damian,” said one of the doctors. His head was full of cotton, his heart was being squeezed, his arm was cut in half. He looked to the side and saw that his arm was in fact cut in half. He shivered.
“Gary?” He asked, almost not wanting to know.
“I’m so sorry, Damian,” a doctor answered sorrowfully. “He’s gone.”
The only way he would describe his grief when he awoke was floating in pain, peace, darkness, and light all at once.

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i would think population restrictions  


stage 2 is characterized by a rapid decrease in a country’s death rate so the total population of a country in Stage 2 will rise

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