write a program in qbasic to accept a character and check it is vowel or consonant​


Answer 1


In sub procedure or normal program?

Related Questions

De que se dio cuenta el sol al participar de la limpieza de playas?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es ls siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder, ni tampoco anexas algún contexto, lectura, libro artículo para poder responder, tratando de ayudarte hicimos una profunda investigación y podemos comentarte lo siguiente.

¿De que se dio cuenta el sol al participar de la limpieza de playas?

El Sol se dio cuenta de que desafortunadamente, los humanos no cuidan los océanos ya que tiran mucha basura y desperdicios al mar. Por lo tanto, lo contaminan.

Por esa razón, el Sol hizo una reflexión. La reflexión fu en el sentido del grado de daño que estamos provocando al mar y al medio ambiente en general. Lo estamos dañando.

Esto nos afecta a todos en mayor o menor grado porque el humano depende totalmente del medio ambiente y de la naturaleza. Aquí es donde la conciencia social debe hacer un alto para reflexionar y preguntarse hasta cuándo resistirá el medio ambiente tanta daño que se le ha provocado. La conciencia social debe crear un comportamiento social que actúo inmediatamente para proteger a la naturaleza, los mares, los ríos, los lagos, las selvas, los bosques, los desiertos, las tundras, los animales.

El ser humano depende de esos ecosistemas, y si los seguimos contaminando, estaremos acelerando nuestra destrucción. Debemos proteger el medio ambiente y crear una mayor conciencia en la importancia de la responsabilidad social.

"in a corporate environment, a well integrated management information system is a hacker's dream" . With reference to two examples, discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree to this statement





In a corporate environments systems are usually integrated to improve work efficiency. The more integration will result in well structured data organizing. It is necessary to put controls on misuse of this data. There should be strict internal controls placed in the system to avoid haccking as if there is hacck attack in one system, the whole integration may be haccked. The company should have backup plan in case of hacck attack so to completely shut down current system and work on another secured system to continue business operations.

i was able to solve the question :))



ill take the points anyway


Write a program num2rome.cpp that converts a positive integer into the Roman number system. The Roman number system has digits I 1 V 5 X 10 L 50 C 100 D 500 M 1,000 Numbers are formed according to the following rules: a. Only numbers 1 to 3,999 (inclusive) are represented. b. As in the decimal system, the thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones are express separately. c. The numbers 1 to 9 are expressed as I 1 II 2 III 3 IV 4 V 5 VI 6 VII 7 VIII 8 IX 9 As




#include <stdio.h>  

int main(void)  


   int num, rem;

   printf("Enter a number: ");

   scanf("%d", &num);

   printf("Roman numerals: ");        

   while(num != 0)


       if (num >= 1000)       // 1000 - m



          num -= 1000;


       else if (num >= 900)   // 900 -  cm



          num -= 900;


       else if (num >= 500)   // 500 - d



          num -= 500;


       else if (num >= 400)   // 400 -  cd



          num -= 400;


       else if (num >= 100)   // 100 - c



          num -= 100;                        


       else if (num >= 90)    // 90 - xc



          num -= 90;                                              


       else if (num >= 50)    // 50 - l



          num -= 50;                                                                      


       else if (num >= 40)    // 40 - xl



          num -= 40;


       else if (num >= 10)    // 10 - x



          num -= 10;            


       else if (num >= 9)     // 9 - ix



          num -= 9;                          


       else if (num >= 5)     // 5 - v



          num -= 5;                                      


       else if (num >= 4)     // 4 - iv



          num -= 4;                                                            


       else if (num >= 1)     // 1 - i



          num -= 1;                                                                                    



   return 0;


How many characters should a strong password have? four six eight ten



I say it have to be aleast 8 to complete a strong password


it's common sense




The more the better but ten too much

Select the item that best represents technology transfer?
Newtonian telescope
Magnetic Compass
Printing Press



Printing Press


Technology transfer is the simple process of sharing or dissemination of information from person to person (or from one organisation to another)

Therefore, the item that best represents technology transfer from the given answer choices is the printing press.

This is because, the printing press helped to print paper containing information which was sent from one location to another.

what are binary code​



Binary code is a coding system using binary digits 0 and 1 to represent a letter, digit, or other characters in a computer or other electronic device. The binary code assigns a pattern of binary digits, also known as bits, to each character, instruction, etc.

A binary code is a two-symbol system that represents text, computer processor instructions, or any other data. The binary number system's "0" and "1" are frequently utilised as the two-symbol system.

write any four common hardware devices​



Input devices: For raw data input.

Processing devices: To process raw data instructions into information.

Output devices: To disseminate data and information.

Storage devices: For data and information retention.

What is a compiler?
a tool used to integrate multiple software programs
a tool used to extract a single software program from an integrated collection of programs
a computer software application that translates binary computer machine language into a computer programming language
a computer software application that translates a computer programming language into a binary computer machine language



A computer software application that translates a computer programming language into a binary computer machine language


ita in the answer




im god

10 ICTs that encourage reading...?​


10 ICTs that encourage reading are given below:-

laptop / desktopprojectorphotocopierprinterIpadswebboardsinteractive white boardmicrophoneTablets Internet .

Hope it is helpful to you

Your knowledge of algorithms helps you obtain an exciting job with the Acme Computer Company, along with a $10,000 signing bonus. You decide to invest this money with the goal of maximizing your return at the end of 10 years. You decide to use the Amalgamated Investment Company to manage your investments. Amalgamated Investments requires you to observe the following rules. It offers n different investments, numbered 1 through n. In each year j , investment i provides a return rate of rij . In other words, if you invest d dollars in investment i in year j , then at the end of year j, you have drij dollars. The return rates are guaranteed, that is, you are given all the return rates for the next 10 years for each investment. You make investment decisions only once per year. At the end of each year, you can leave the money made in the previous year in the same investments, or you can shift money to other investments, by either shifting money between existing investments or moving money to a new investement. If you do not move your money between two consecutive years, you pay a fee of f1 dollars, whereas if you switch your money, you pay a fee of f2 dollars, where f2 > f1.

a) The problem, as stated, allows you to invest your money in multiple investments in each year. Prove that there exists an optimal investment strategy that, in each year, puts all the money into a single investment. (Recall that an optimal investment strategy maximizes the amount of money after 10 years and is not concerned with any other objectives, such as minimizing risk.)

b) Prove that the problem of planning your optimal investment strategy exhibits optimal substructure.

c) Design an algorithm that plans your optimal investment strategy. What is the running time of your algorithm?

d) Suppose that Amalgamated Investments imposed the additional restriction that, at any point, you can have no more than $15,000 in any one investment. Show that the problem of maximizing your income at the end of 10 years no longer exhibits optimal substructure.





What is the difference between a hard drive and a tape drive? Hard drives use magnetic heads and are fast to write data; tape drives write to disks and are fast to retrieve data. Hard drives write to disks and are fast to retrieve data; tape drives use magnetic heads and are fast to write data. Hard drives use magnetic heads and are best for archival data; tape drives write to disks and are used for ongoing backups. Hard drives write to disks and are used for ongoing backups; tape drives use magnetic heads and are best for archival data.



A tape drive provides sequential access storage, unlike a hard disk drive, which provides direct access storage. A disk drive can move to any position on the disk in a few milliseconds, but a tape drive must physically wind tape between reels to read any one particular piece of data.


Architecturally tape drives are sequential storage, meaning that if you need to access some data at the end of the tape you needed to seek to the end and retrieve it. This can take seconds or minutes. Disks, OTOH are random access. Some hard drives use rotating media and movable heads , so the seek times are instantaneous , at least compared with tape drives. However, like tapes, there is a big advantage to using a rotating hard drive as sequential storage. It takes time, measured in milliseconds, for a head to move to another track. So traditionally, random access is much slower than sequential access.

SSDs have no internal moving parts so random access occurs in the same time frame as sequential access. Moreover, these drives usually have very high performance. For example, they can saturate a SATA data link, meaning that the SATA connection to the motherboard is now a bottleneck in disk access.

At one time tape drives were very popular. They were a low-cost alternative to using disks as backup. They were especially useful when IBM invented the Winchester “fixed” drive. This meant that the hard drive is fixed within its enclosure like they are today. Prior to this one could remove the drive pack and replace it. This was helpful when upgrading to a new version of the operating system as it was simple to replace the older drive pack should there be a problem.

Tape drives can be used in larger data centers, due to the fact that tape volumes can be removed and replaced so that the actual tape drive can backup many disk sets. Also the tape volumes can be stored off-site or in a fire-proof vault so this is valuable in a data recovery scenario.

On SnapI blocked someone, unblocked them and I want to add them again but I forgot their username. Is there anything I can do? Does snap have a list of like my former friends or people I’ve blocked?



There is no list of people you had blocked formerly, however you should have seen their username when unblocking them? That's the only way I can think to find their user. Maybe if you have a friend who knows their username, you can get it that way. Or if you remember just a bit of it or their first/last name, you can try searching that.

write a short note about applications of computer



Computer is very effective machine which can be used for teaching, learning, online bill payment, watching TV, home tutoring, social media access , playing games, internet access, etc. It also provides us to communicate with our friends and relatives although, they are in corner of world......

The CPU is considered to be the............of a computer system​



The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain or main source of the computer system.






"++" at the beginning increases your "x" by 1 before using it.

if it placed after your variable, it will increase it after your program used it.

Which tab on the ribbon is used to access the global Access 2016 options?

Database Tools



the answer is Database Tools

Write a Raptor program that will generate a random number between 1 and 10; do not display the randomly generated number. Let the user guess within 3 tries what the random number is. Display hints to help the user, for example "Your guess was too high!". Display appropriate messages based on each try, for example, "1 remaining try" or "You guessed correctly!"



Using javascript, explanation with javascript comment


function guessNumber(){

var randomize= math.random()*10;

var roundrand= math.floor(randomize);

var getInput= prompt("guess number from 1 to 10");

var x= 3;



Console.log("your guess is too high");




Console.log("your guess is too high");




Console.log("you are correct pal!");






/*Observe that we have used a recursive function that calls the function guessNumber again inside the function definition if the input fails the if condition and doesn't guess correctly. It checks for a correct number 3 times with the do... while loop and breaks out of the function once the user enters a correct input.*/

state 4 & circumstances under which warm
booting of a computer may be necessary​



to close an open application

Modify the statistics program from this chapter so that client programshave more flexibility in computing the mean and/ or standard deviation.Specifically, redesign the library to have the following functions:mean(nums) Returns the mean of numbers in nums.stdDev(nums) Returns the standard deviation of nums.meanStdDev (nums) Returns both the mean and standard deviation of nums.


Answer and Explanation:

Using Javascript:

function mean(nums){

var array_numbers= new array(nums);

var meanofNums= array_numbers.reduce()/array_numbers.length;



Function Std(nums){

var OurArray= new Array(nums);

var meanOfnums= mean(nums);

var i;

for(i=0; i<=OurArray.length; i++){

OurArray[i]= OurArray[i]-meanOfnums*OurArray[i]-meanOfnums;


var al_stdOfnums= OurArray.reduce()/OurArray.length;

var stdOfnums= Math. sqrt(al_stdOfnums);



function meanStdDev (nums){




/*From the code above, we have defined functions and used them in the last function definition meanStdDev (nums), making for code reusability. In defining the functions, we have followed the formulas for calculating mean and standard deviations and implemented in that order. Notice how we used a for loop in std(nums) function definition to iterate through the elements of the array nums, squaring each value and reassigning a new value for each element(using index value) in the array. We then added these values in array using reduce method, dividing by array length and square rooting the value using the math object method sqrt().*/

computer in country development explain explain explain in presentation.



A computer is a machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Modern computers can perform generic sets of operations known as programs. These programs enable computers to perform a wide range of tasks. A computer system is a "complete" computer that includes the hardware, operating system (main software), and peripheral equipment needed and used for "full" operation. This term may also refer to a group of computers that are linked and function together, such as a computer network or computer cluster

Elsa wants to save her work at the office to be continued at home either on a pen drive or CD. Outline three reasons why she will choose the pen drive over the CD​



Pen Drive offers more accessibility

Not every device is equipped with a CD player but every device has a USB port for a pen Drive. Saving on the pen Drive will therefore enable the data to be more accessible.

Pen Drive has more space.

CDs usually have a storage capacity of below a gigabyte whilst pen drives can reach up to 2 terabytes thereby offering exponentially more space to save data.

Safety of Data

CDs are more prone to damage as data could be lost if the CD is scratches. Pen Drives on the other hand are encased in an outer case that protects the data.

Which option is used to insert a table in PowerPoint from another Office application?

In the Insert Object dialog box, choose Create from file.
In the Design tab, choose the Table Styles option.
In the Insert Table dialog box, choose Insert Table.
In the Layout tab, choose the Merge option.


Answer: In the Insert Object dialog box, choose Create from file.


To insert a table into PowerPoint from another Office application, go to the Insert Tab. In the Text ribbon on the far right, you will see "Object" next to Equation.

After clicking on that, select the "Create from File" option. It will allow you to browse a file you want to import from. PowerPoint will import the data from this file.

Which of the following is an example of a network layer (layer 3) protocol?





Well, when you say following, I'm guessing you mean:





The answer is IP because, "The most significant protocol at layer 3 (also called the network layer) is the Internet Protocol, or IP. IP is the standard for routing packets across interconnected networks--hence, the name internet." - (ibm.com)

what is technology in computer​



she is right or he :)



well its somthing


ou use productivity apps on your iPad tablet device while traveling between client sites. You're concerned that you may lose your iPad while on the road and want to protect the data stored on it from being compromised. Currently, your iPad uses a 4-digit PIN number for a passcode. You want to use a more complex alpha-numeric passcode. You also want all data on the device to be erased if the wrong passcode is entered more than 10 consecutive times. What should you do



Enable the Erase data optionDisable the simple passcode option


Most smartphone security experts agree that one way to prevent unauthorized access to one's iPad is to enable the erase data feature. Enabling this feature is believed to allow the possibility of all data on the device to be erased if a wrong passcode is entered after a specified number of times.

Of course, it is also possible to set a complex alphanumeric passcode, however, you'll need to first disable the simple passcode option.

The ALIGN attribute of the P-tag cannot take what value right or left or justify or center?​


The align attribute of p tag can not take 'much' value



how are computer used in education and entertainment?​



In Education:It improves students ability to learn fast as it helps us get information or research faster.It saves time.

In Entertainment:

It helps in movies by helping the producer to create special effects for some acts in a movie by making the impossible possible in movies.

What is the name given to the role of digital media users that navigate the Web to find and consume content, but do not create content or contribute their opinions? critic organizer joiner spectator



The answer is Spectator

It is D

A firm would be most likely to establish an enterprise portal if it wanted to Multiple Choice prevent outsiders from using its information network. allow users to access different areas of its network depending on their relationship to the firm. prevent viruses from being downloaded from the company's website. search for hidden patterns and unknown relationships among data stored in different information systems.



prevent outsiders from using its information network.


The firm would use a portal to create a network or intranet for all its information because only employees would have access to it.

Other Questions
Insert seven rational numbers between 2 and 3. Van der Waals forces hold molecules together by: A. moving electrons from one molecule to another. B. attracting a lone pair of electrons to the positive charge of a hydrogen. C. inducing temporary dipoles that attract each other. D. sharing electrons between atoms. Read the description:Student Voice is a magazine that provides information about different clubs in schools, award winning novels, and cool experiments that can be completed at home.Select the correct way to format the title. Student Voice "Student Voice" Student Voice (Student Voice) For the given annual rate of change, find the corresponding growth or decay factor. + 300% in which case do we experience more friction while walking or running Que preguntas genera la filosofa calculate the volume of 20.5g of oxygen occupied at standard temperature and pressure.what the volume Which subshells are found in each of the following shellselectron subshell - M shell The figure shows a line graph and two shaded triangles that are similar:Which statement about the slope of the line is true?A. It is fraction 1 over 2 throughout the line.B. It is 2 throughout the line.C.The slope from point O to point A is fraction 1 over 2 time the slope of the line from point A to point B. D. The slope from point O to point A is two times the slope of the line from point A to point B. How many significant digits are there in the number 1.00250? OA) 7 OB) 6 OC) 5 OD) 4 Difference between Birds and Bats. BRAINLEST IF CORRECT En qu consista el sistema de riego inventado por los egipcios? Which decimal is equivalent to15/100?A- O 0.015B- 0.15C-o 1.5D- 0.0015 helpp plss STORIES OF USEFUL INVENTIONS, excerptBy S. E. Forman1911THE MATCHThere never was a time when the world was without fire, but there was a time when men did not know how to kindle fire; and after they learned how to kindle one, it was a long, long time before they learned how to kindle one easily. In these days we can kindle a fire without any trouble, because we can easily get a match; but we must remember that the match is one of the most wonderful things in the world, and that it took men thousands of years to learn how to make one. Let us learn the history of this familiar little object, the match.Fire was first given to man by nature itself. When a forest is set on fire by cinders from a neighboring volcano, or when a tree is set ablaze by a thunderbolt, we may say that nature strikes a match. In the early history of the world, nature had to kindle all the fires, for man by his own effort was unable to produce a spark. The first method, then, of getting fire for use was to light sticks of wood at a flame kindled by natureby a volcano, perhaps, or by a stroke of lightning. These firebrands were carried to the home and used in kindling the fires there. The fire secured in this way was carefully guarded and was kept burning as long as possible. But the flame, however faithfully watched, would sometimes be extinguished. A sudden gust of wind or a sudden shower would put it out. Then a new firebrand would have to be secured, and this often meant a long journey and a deal of trouble.In 1827, John Walker, a druggist in a small English town, tipped a splint with sulphur, chlorate of potash, and sulphid of antimony, and rubbed it on sandpaper, and it burst into flame. The druggist had discovered the first friction-chemical match, the kind we use to-day. It is called friction-chemical because it is made by mixing certain chemicals together and rubbing them. Although Walker's match did not require the bottle of acid, nevertheless it was not a good one. It could be lighted only by hard rubbing, and it sputtered and threw fire in all directions. In a few years, however, phosphorus was substituted on the tip for antimony, and the change worked wonders. The match could now be lighted with very little rubbing, and it was no longer necessary to have sandpaper upon which to rub it. It would ignite when rubbed on any dry surface, and there was no longer any sputtering. This was the phosphorus match, the match with which we are so familiar.How does the author develop the idea that relying on nature was problematic? Please respond in three to five complete sentences, using evidence from the text to support your answer. im so dum rn like honestly Please help;Given the range of current speeds shown on the graph above, would deposition ever be possible for clay (0.001 mm) or silt (0.01mm) particles? Answer yes or no and explain your answer. Data concerning Lemelin Corporation's single product appear below: Per Unit Percent of SalesSelling price $ 230 100 %Variable expenses 115 50 %Contribution margin $ 115 50 %The company is currently selling 7,000 units per month. Fixed expenses are $581,000 per month.The marketing manager would like to cut the selling price by $18 and increase the advertising budget by $37,000 per month. The marketing manager predicts that these two changes would increase monthly sales by 1,600 units. What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly net operating income of this change?a. increase of $302,200b. decrease of $118,200c. decrease of $7,800d. increase of $118,200 The following information is available for Birch Company at December 31: Money market fund balance $2,790 Certificate of deposit maturing June 30 of next year $10,000Postdated checks from customers $1,475 Cash in bank account $21,430 NSF checks from customers returned by bank $650 Cash in petty cash fund $200 Inventory of postage stamps $24 U.S. Treasury bill purchased on December 15 and maturing on February 28 of following year $5,000. Based on this information, Birch Company should report Cash and Cash Equivalents on December 31 of: ___________ A charged particle having mass 6.64 x 10-27 kg (that of a helium atom) moving at 8.70 x 105 m/s perpendicular to a 1.30-T magnetic field travels in a circular path of radius 18.0 mm. What is the charge of the particle