why should gun violence be stopped


Answer 1
This is so that no one’ll get hurt and be safe from any violence. Also, this may bring peace and love to one another.
Answer 2
Gun violence should be stopped because it causes
Intentional homicide.
Domestic violence.
Robbery and assault.
Accidental firearm deaths.
Economic costs

Related Questions

To be subjective means:

A. to represent the ideas of others.

B. to be true for everyone.

C. to represent your own point of view.

D. to intentionally influence others.



to represent your own point of view




its something based on influence, so ur influencing someone  

i had something similar with diff. answers, but tis is the same answer that i got right.


The original story and the film version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" share these two major themes: the danger of jumping to conclusions and blank . However, the two versions differ in certain ways. For example, in the original story, Helen Stoner gets engaged blank years after her sister’s death, while in the film version, the engagement takes place one year later. The film version also establishes a more intimate connection between Watson and Helen as blank



The original story and the film version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" share these two major themes: the danger of jumping to conclusions and the idea that crime doent pay . However, the two versions differ in certain ways. For example, in the original story, Helen Stoner gets engaged two years after her sister’s death, while in the film version, the engagement takes place one year later. The film version also establishes a more intimate connection between Watson and Helen as family friends.


"The Adventure of the Speckled Band" was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and tells how Helen Stoner, after having her sister murdered asks Sherlock Holmes for help in solving the crime, finding the culprit and finding out if her stepfather was involved in the murder.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's work has won a cinamatographic version that has many similarities with the written work, but also has many differences so that the story fits better with the Holliwoodian standards.

In short, the original story and the film version of "The Adventure of the Splattered Band" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle share these two main themes: the danger of jumping to conclusions and the idea that crime does not pay. However, the two versions differ in certain ways. For example, in the original story, Helen Stoner is engaged two years after the death of her sister, while in the film version, the engagement occurs a year later. The film version also establishes a more intimate connection between Watson and Helen as friends of the family.


View the picture please!

Hope this helps :))

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one of his blank
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shoes go on your feet


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What are specific things a vanguard would do to help his / (her) community?




personal online advisor

help people

sell things to earn money

Help I have a very important question for the boys only? My teacher wants us to fo a project where we have to report what go's on in "the boys" group



we make a bunch of gay jokes, but never mean them. we also joke about each other a lot, but we would stick together no matter what if anyone else dared to joke.


Read the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence.

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Which statement below best describes the language in this excerpt?
1. objective and timid
2. personal and casual
3. complex and intellectual
4. passionate and logical


The answer would be number 4. Hope that helped!

A written story about an alien invasion is adapted for a dramatic radio
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B. It would take place live, adding to a feeling of suspense
C. It would be listened to during other activities, making its message
more effective.
D. It would be interrupted by commercials, making it feel more





It would take place live, adding to a feeling of suspense is one difference in presenting the story through radio that might make it work even better. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is radio?

The sounds are turned to electromagnetic waves and conveyed to a receiver, which converts the waves back to sounds, that is how radio works as a medium for widespread communication across great distances.

Because sound effects can be used during radio broadcasts, the story has a more aesthetically pleasing effect.

As a result, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on radio, here:



Select the correct answer.
Read the following writing prompt for a persuasive essay. Who is the audience for the essay?

Congress would like to create a new national holiday to honor an important person or event from American history. Choose a person or event and explain the reasons why this person or event is deserving of this honor.

people who visit Congress
members of a history society
members of Congress
people who live in your community





I got 19 out of 19 right




I took the test

Select ALL the correct words in the passage. Read each sentence and select the three words or phrases after which a colon should be placed. One thought kept crossing Jen's mind as Friday approached "Please let this week be over." Thomas Jefferson famously stated that people's unalienable rights included the following life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Ander's family comes from two different cultures his mother's side of the family is Swedish, while his father's side is Brazilian.



approached: following: cultures:


The three words or phrases after which a colon should be placed:

One thought kept crossing Jen's mind as Friday approached: "Please let this week be over."Thomas Jefferson famously stated that people's unalienable rights included the following: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.Ander's family comes from two different cultures: his mother's side of the family is Swedish, while his father's side is Brazilian.

What are Phrases?

A phrase is a collection of words that serve as a cohesive thought within a sentence. A phrase can be made up of one or more words, but it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.

Depending on its grammatical role in the sentence, it may be a noun phrase, verb phrase, adverbial phrase, or prepositional phrase, among others. For instance, in the sentence "The big brown dog barked loudly at the mailman," the noun phrase "the big brown dog" serves as the sentence's subject, while the verb phrase "barked loudly" defines the activity that is being carried out. Writing clearly and effectively requires an understanding of phrases and their roles within sentences.

Therefore, the three words or phrases after which a colon should be placed:

One thought kept crossing Jen's mind as Friday approached: "Please let this week be over."Thomas Jefferson famously stated that people's unalienable rights included the following: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.Ander's family comes from two different cultures: his mother's side of the family is Swedish, while his father's side is Brazilian.

Learn more about Phrases, here:



Which quotation best develops the concept that Douglass craves freedom?

"What he most dreaded, that I most desired. What he most loved, that I most hated. That which to him was a great evil, to be carefully shunned, was to me a great good,..."
"These words sank deep into my heart, stirred up sentiments within that lay slumbering, and called into existence an entirely new train of thought."
"I now understood what had been to me a most perplexing difficulty--to wit, the white man's power to enslave the black man."
"I used also to carry bread with me, enough of which was always in the house, and to which I was always welcome;..."



"What he most dreaded, that I most desired. What he most loved, that I most hated. That which to him was a great evil, to be carefully shunned, was to me a great good,..."


This is my answer because for what his master dreaded but he desired was freedom. What his master loved and Douglass hated was having to work for this man.

What is the problem that has Mrs. Dover so worried?



Question 16 (2 points)
A Midsummer Night's Dream:
Which character may have to become a nun?





Do you think future colleges/employers have the right to read your social media posts to decide acceptance/employment?





Because someone cant determine who you are by looking at your post

I think it would depend on what kind of post they find if it’s something that’s harmful to you or others then I could understand why they wouldn’t accept or employe you but if it’s personal stuff like family, vacation or just stuff that you like then they shouldn’t be able to judge you. I hope that makes sense sometimes I’m pretty bad with words!!

Based on James's quotation, what was the scene like
when they left the church? Use the drop-down menu to
complete the sentence.
When the marchers left the church, the scene was
Plz hurry



Chaotic and Wild.


"Hundreds of black adults crowded the park. “I could see reporters . . . I remember hearing a man saying, ‘They’re coming out! They’re coming out!’ There were lights and people all around.”

That is very chaotic and wild


chaotic and wild


i just took the test on edge 2020

11) Identify each boldface verb as present, past, future, present perfect, past perfect, or future perfect. The class presented a play to the nursing home residents. past perfect present past future future perfect





Read the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence.We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Which statement below best describes the language in this excerpt? 1. objective and timid. 2. personal and casual. 3. complex and intellectual. 4. passionate and logical.





You can tell it is 4 because in the excerpt the wording they chose shows the passion in it and shows the logical point of view.

What is the conflict presented by Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.

A That five score is. Very long time to remember what took place .

B that negros are still not free although the emancipation proclamation was signed 100 years ago.

C The negros are free and there is no need to worry about anything.


B. That negros are still not free although...

based on this conclusion what can you infer about the author and her audience a= the author is a teen writig for other teensb= the author is a teen writing for adultsc= the author is an adult writing for teens= the author is and adult writing for other adults


The infer about the author and her audience the author is a teen writing for other teens. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is author?

The writer of the story is referred to as the "author." The author is currently working on getting her manuscript published. The author is expected to compose the story based on her understanding. The author writes the articles entirely for financial gain. The author's primary body of work is in English literature.

According to author and her audience the author was the writing for the teens. The author was the more interested in the writing of the article are the reader purposes to the teens are the mostly interested. The author was the written the article for the teenager purpose if they are the more to the likely.

As a result, they infer about the author and her audience the author is a teen writing for other teens. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on author, here;



Read the following paragraph. How does sentence 3 develop the main idea of the paragraph? (5 points)

Gertrude Belle Elion was born on Jan. 23, 1918, in New York City.
She graduated from Hunter College in New York City with a degree in biochemistry in 1937.
Unable to obtain a graduate research position because she was a woman, she took a series of jobs, including lab assistant, chemistry and physics teacher in New York City high schools, and research chemist.
During this time she also took classes at New York University, where she earned a master's degree in 1941.
Because she could not devote herself to full-time studies, Elion never received a doctorate.
Group of answer choices

It shows how determined Elion was to learn more about biochemistry.

It supports the idea that Elion could not get accepted into colleges.

It shows how her different jobs helped her to be a better chemist.

It supports the idea that women can be very determined.



The first option.


She was so determined to learn that she took that many different positions.

Please help :(
Which option is the CLEAREST example of a theme?
A. A legend about gods and heroes.
B. George finally wins the contest.
C. The heart as a symbol of love.
D.The war between good and evil.


I feel like it is D. The war between good and evil


I agree with the answer D


The war between good and evil

Good and evil can be good in life vs the bad in life like a person vs drugs or any bad addictions. It just makes the most sense.

Where the discrimination started?





they do be taking slaves tho

Bonjour, is there someone who can help me please . thank you



Answers are below


The first one remove it and put which instead.

The second one remove his and put whose.

The third one remove it and put that.

The fourth one remove it and out which.

Then combine and make them into one sentence.

History and Science are considered major subject areas.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided t or f​



History and Science are considered major subject areas. is a true sentence


Major subject areas are the ones that cover a fundamental part of the academic program from the development in the different levels of education, these are key points in the core system education and they are considered mandatory inside any academic program as they also become majors in college levels.

Answer: True

Explanation: History and Science are major subject areas because they matter the most.

Emerson's father was
A. the son of a slave.
B. someone with whom Emerson spent a lot of time when his young
wife passed away.
C. a minister of the Unitarian faith.
D. a helpful editor of Emerson's writings throughout his career.




Explanation:the son of a slave


c, a minister of the Unitarian faith.


Read the following passage from “The Camera Does Lie” and answer the question.

In a video like this one, Allain also measures the way things move, accelerate, and fall to see if they obey natural laws...

Which of the following best describes the function of the word ‘also’ in the sentence?

a transition
call to Action



a transition or a call to action, i can't decide from those two but im tilting towards a transition

brainliest please, i hope i helped, Have a nice day :)

Abigail, Betty and the others believed in the mysterious abilities of Tituba, who claimed to learn her magic on the island of Barbados. Is it made clear in this play whether or not Tituba was actually practicing witchcraft with the girls, or whether it was an outrageous claim by extremely religious townspeople? Yes or no. Please explain why.



This was an outrageous claim by the religious townspeople.


Because witchcraft isn't real, though some people think do, I think she just wanted to scare the townspeople. Though there may have been a witch years ago there isn't a possibility for someone to learn magic by being mortals uless they have witchcraft in their blood. I watch a lot of harry potter and I do a lot of research on witchcraft so heh. heh.

Does Via ever plan to have her own children?



As the previous answer has said, Via is nervous and scared to risk the babys life. Thus, she choses not to take that dangerous risk and hurt her non occuring child.

Which statement best describes Johnson’s treatment of the underlined word?

A. Johnson uses the word to criticize established publications.
B. Johnson uses the word to express indifference about written material.
C. Johnson uses the word so assert his admiration for published writing.
D. Johnson uses the word to suggest that his writing is worthy of high praise.



the answer is C


Johnson uses the word so assert his admiration for published writing.

Thus, the correct option is C.

What is published writing?

Publication is really simple: it's when you share your writing with other people. It might be your grandfather, your writing group, or The Atlantic Monthly's audience.

Your work was regarded as published if it was included in a book, journal, anthology, textbook, newsletter, newspaper, magazine, or any other kind of publishing.

The final step before writers submit their work to a publisher is publishing. Before submitting your written work to the publication, make sure it is finished. However, publishing one's work and getting it in front of readers are everyone's objectives.

A book's publication is a product. Therefore, the subject or issue you choose for your book must be one that readers are interested in reading about.

A "published work" is any hard copy work with copyright that has been published; this includes, but is not limited to, books, loose-leaf publications, law reports, periodicals, journals, magazines, and newspapers. Unpublished content, such as theses, are not considered "published works."

Learn more about published writing, here



Does Gatsby's "incorruptible dream" negate his business activities? Cite evidence from the book to support your opinion.

Please help!! 10 points and I’ll give you best brainliest



That line is delivered in Chapter 8, as Nick is waving good-bye to Gatsby on the morning after the disastrous Sunday afternoon trip to the city.  It is the last time he will see Gatsby alive.  Gatsby has just told Nick the truth about who he is (originally James Gatz of North Dakota) and of how he first fell in love with Daisy.  Nick calls Gatsby "corrupt" because he is a pretender.  His money is made from selling "grain alcohol over the counter" of a string of drugstores (this is during Prohibition).   This would be shocking to the guests at his parties, who had "guessed at his corruption," that is, guessed that his money was not honestly earned or inherited, though Gatsby is passing himself off as upper-class.  Gatsby has deceived Daisy as well.  When they first met, he did not intend to fall in love with her, pursue her, and marry her.  He was a poor boy who was besotted with the kind of life she lived (her house, for example), and wanted to belong to that world.  He knew that he could never do this, so he intended just to seduce Daisy and then get away before she realized that he had deceived her.  But they accidentally fell in love.  Then Gatsby was sent away to the war, and while he was gone, Daisy married Tom. Gatsby has spent the last four years trying to become what Daisy thought he was, so that he can win her back "honestly."  And this is his incorruptible dream: that he can actually turn himself into someone else ... into his "Platonic ideal" of himself, as Nick calls it. James Gatz can turn into Jay Gatsby, and he can go back and re create the past: he can be Jay Gatsby, truly rich, truly worthy of Daisy, and he and Daisy can fall in love as they did five years ago, but get married this time.  Gatsby's incorruptible dream is the whole scene: himself, rich and sophisticated, in love with Daisy, and Daisy in love with him.  Of course, it is not possible to achieve this, but Nick sees and, in a sense, respects Gatsby's dream.

hello, can anyone please help me with this exercice. Thank you very much



hersheheitthatthatHope it helps! :)


Your answers :


hope it helps! :')

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