why English still relevant lingua franca?​


Answer 1

Why English has become the lingua Franca is because English is a universal word for some countries and it makes people to understand themselves

I just hope it I.helps uthank you

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Write a couple sentences about how you got your drivers license and how it felt for your autobiography essay. (About 5 sentences will do)


The Steps to Obtain Your Driver’s License Getting a driver’s license is one of the biggest things in a young adult’s time as a teenager. Some young adults can wait until they are eighteen years of age to get it, but it is possible to get at the age of sixteen. Not only do more responsibilities come along, but a teenager is also acting like a more mature adult. It is a great achievement, but to get your driver’s license, you have to go through a big process. To get your driver’s license at age sixteen, it takes a lot of work, time and effort. Before you get close to even getting your driver’s license, you got to take it from step one and go through the process called driver’s education.


poem must include :

- my love for music
- i’m a musician (drummer)
- i’m inspired by many bands,
eg; rush, black sabbath, elp, and led zeppelin

these things technically make up my identity so yeah help, i’m bad at making poems !!!



The raw sound which flows from an instrument

Permeating the air with distinct chords and

The beat, the harmonious beating of a drum by one who has become one with it

I acquaint myself with the feeling of wood as my fingers grip the drumsticks once again

Begging to make contact with my drum

Begging to make something beautiful, a sound, a symphony,

Begging to bring with it, memories of times my being felt such passion

And then take away something of me also, just to return it when next i grace the stools where legends and bands had sat upon

Like the legacy of black sabbath as i absorb the music like a feast knowing that it may be my last supper,

But i take it in anyway, the Rush, like a lover, lays claim a piece of my heart

And i let it, because i give away myself so i may receive of them greater than I am


guys i need help ok so the question is Research and compare the name and meaning of the African symbols Think about the events of each chapter and compare the titles and events of the chapters that have the same symbols. What similarities and differences do you notice? Is there a relationship to your character and the symbols of the chapters?
it about a book title Tristan strong punches a hole in the sky pls someone answer



    The characters, The God of Gods, and the events that follow all interact with each other and bring about some of the same themes from different civilizations when comparing and contrasting Genesis and Gilgamesh. Adam and Eve vs. Gilgamesh and Enkidu, Serpent vs. Humbaba, and Noah vs. Utnapishtim will be compared in the Genesis and Gilgamesh stories. Why did external factors, such as God or Gods or other characters, play a role in the results of the accounts to the primary characters? What was the message to be learned from accounts, and how do they differ from each other? Each character's perspective will be examined in detail, as will similarities and variances in character roles, external factors interaction with characters, key messages learned, and how those messages differ.

    What are the similarities and differences between the Genesis and Gilgamesh accounts of Adam and Eve? God created the Earth and Heavens in seven days, as well as men. So “Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and no man to work the ground” when the Earth was created. (Genesis 2:5) Lord God summoned underground streams of water to irrigate the earth, and from the earth's dust, he made man. The guy came to life when God "breathed life into his nostrils" (Genesis Bible 2:7). When God created Adam, his responsibility was to till the ground that God had planted with his strength. “It is not good for a man to be alone,” the Lord God declared. I'll get him a helper." (Gen. 2:18 ) Lord God put Adam to sleep and used his ribs to create his servant. Eve was Adam's aide.


Is this enough or more is needed?

A new phone costs ____ money these days.
A. such a lot of B. such much C. so a lot of D. so much


A new phone costs so much money these days.

Answer: D


A new phone costs so much money these days .


Here such a lot can be a solution also if the sentence ending with exclamation as it is used on surprising cases.Such much and so alot can't be an answer.

1. When we watch TV in my house, my older brother always has the _________ in his hand.
2. I always watch the news on TV3. It`s my favorite _____________________.
3. If you want to see British television in my country, you need to install_________________.
4. We have two TV_________________ in the house: a small one in the kitchen and a big one in the living room.
5. I know someone who was on a _____________once. He answered all the questions correctly and won a big prize.
6.I´m watching a____________________about the Russian Revolution right now. The actors are great, and there are only



Here's my thoughts...


1. Remote.

2. Channel.

3. (not sure about this one sorry)

4. Sets.

5. Gameshow.

6. Documentary. ♥

things fall apart dicuss conflict as the central theme in the novel


As a story about a culture on the verge of change, Things Fall Apart deals with how the prospect and reality of change affect various characters.

Major conflict On one level, the conflict is between the traditional society of Umuofia and the new customs brought by the whites, which are in turn adopted by many of the villagers.


Pls help!!!!!!!!!!! Will give


Answer:can’t see the picture


1. What does Walter learn about himself in this conversation?


As Mama’s only son, Ruth’s defiant husband, Travis’s caring father, and Beneatha’s belligerent brother, Walter serves as both protagonist and antagonist of the play. The plot revolves around him and the actions that he takes, and his character evolves the most during the course of the play. Most of his actions and mistakes hurt the family greatly, but his belated rise to manhood makes him a sort of hero in the last scene.

Throughout the play, Walter provides an everyman perspective of the mid-twentieth-century Black male. He is the typical man of the family who struggles to support it and who tries to discover new, better schemes to secure its economic prosperity. Difficulties and barriers that obstruct his and his family’s progress to attain that prosperity constantly frustrate Walter. He believes that money will solve all of their problems, but he is rarely successful with money.

4. A forest fire ________ quickly and ________ many trees.
A. raged/ killed B. burst/ harmed C. spread/ destroyed D. occurred/ cooked
15. The tornado caused a massive ________ to the town.
A. destruction B. extension C. danger D. mishap
16. Hemp was grown throughout history ________ its versatility; it can be used to make many different things.
A. due to B. because C. since D. as a result
17. Global warming ________ if there weren't too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
A. won’t happen B. didn’t happen C. wouldn’t happen D. happened
18. Passengers __________ to smoke in the train.
A. are not allowed B. had not allowed C. has not allowed D. will not allow
19. A powerful __________ off the coast of Indonesia sparked a three-metre-high and killed at least 113 people.
A. earthquake B. tornado C. tsunami D. landslide
20. I ___________ a cup of tea before I left for my office.
A. have B. have had C. had had D. will have
21. “I'll give you your money back tomorrow.”
A. She promised me to give the money back the next day.
B. She promised to give me back the money the next day.
C. She promised to give me back your money the next day.
D. She promised to give you back your money the next day.



4. C


16. A

17. C



20. C

21. B


In class, you have been discussing whether or not people should keep pets.
Here are some comments from your classmates:
People don' always look after their pets properly.
It's expensive to own a pet.
Having a pet can be good fun
You can learn things by looking after a pet.
Write an article for your teacher, giving your views.
The comments above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.
Your article should be between 100 and 150 words long.
You will receive up to 6 marks for the content of your article, and up to 6 marks for the language used



you have to write the article yourself because it's asking about your viewpoint but I will give you a way on how to do it


First of all identify your opinion of owning a pet. After doing so your article should be talking about backing up your viewpoint about owning pets. You should be able to provide examples to your opinion being correct.

let's take an example

maybe your viewpoint is that owning pets is hard and that you have to be responsible enough to take care of the animal

you could back this up by your friend or family member's experience with pets. BONUS if it is your own experience.

for example:

my friend once owned a fish but because she wasn't responsible enough to remember to feed it, the fish sadly passed away. that's why when owning pets you must be accountable to provide their necessities for them to survive.

and simply start stacking those examples and evidence that your viewpoint is right.

2. When I (arrive). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . back at the carpark,my car wasn’t there.
“oh,what you(do). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?” I( report). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it to the police.

3. We (not see). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nga since Monday.
4. Lan (be). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the USA for 2 years.
5. I (go) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to bed at 11 o’clock lastnight.
6. They (move). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to London in 2003.
7. They (live). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in HCM city since January.
8. That’s a very old bike. He (have). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it for a long time.
9. I (buy). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the motobike 5 years ago.



2 arrived

did you


3 did not see

4 is

5 went

6 moved

7 have lived

8 has

9 bought

write the types of nouns with meaning​


write the types of nouns with meaning : .

Answer these questions correctly

5) There ____ to be ____ reasons for changing our plans.

(a) appear; fewer

(b) appears; no

(c) appears; a few

(d) appear; several

6) The chart shows ____ of people who visited the gallery ____ day.

(a) a number; every

(b) number; each

(c) the number; each

(d) numbers; every
7) The number of passengers carried each year ____ gradually.

(a) have risen

(b) has raised

(c) have grown

(d) has risen

8) The car ____ stolen while ____ in an isolated place.

(a) is; being parked

(b) was; parking

(c) has been; parked

(d) was; parked

9) I ____ until the game began.

(a) needn’t wait

(b) shouldn’t wait

(c) oughtn’t to wait

(d) needn’t have waited

10) Everyone likes it here ____ used to it.

(a) when he gets

(b) when she gets

(c) once you get

(d) once they get​


5. (d)

6. (c)

7. (a)

8. (d)

9. probably (b)

10. (d)

The novel from is less than three centuries old____ true or false?



the correct option is false.

Your _____ develop your main ideas




Psychologically, the ego dominates over the I'd, as well as the super ego. But the ego brings balance to extreme thoughts and limited thoughts both morally and in ability wise. The ego therefore helps develop decisions or ideas.

if I want to go do something my parents do not like how do I persuade them


Tell them you’ll do chores

Convert the given text from informal to formal
You work in an office you are talking to your office fellow regarding your experience. Change the informal script into a formal script: My computer has gone completely mad today. I have to feed new drivers to it. After running the drivers, it just turned off and I just stood there wondering what to do. Luckily when I turned it on after a while and it was running swiftly. Technology has changed everything. I used the internet to check out the problems, I was pretty successful, but there were so many videos, got lost for a while, hard to find out one with complete details. I thought if I share the link with my fellows it would ease up things for everyone





In Of Mice and Men, based on the dialogue in the reading excerpt, Lennie struggles mainly with ___________. Question 16 options: a) cooking food b) depression c) paying attention to George d) remembering things


Answer: Remembering things.


Of Mice and Men is a novella that's written by John Steinbeck. The novella narrates the experience of two displaced migrant whom were ranch workers who were looking for jobs in California during the Great Depression.

The men searching for jobs were Lennie Small and George Milton. Based on the dialogue in the reading excerpt, Lennie struggles mainly with remembering things.

The correct option is D.


remembering things


How do individual roles work within a group or team?
A. The leader of the group assigns each person a role or responsibility.
B. The leader of the group does all the work and doesn't assign any roles.
C. Each person argues for the role he or she would like and creates conflict
D. Each person decides on how he or she can best contribute to the group.

I can’t decide between A and D



It depends on the leadership type - both A and D can be correct. Was there more to this question?


The inference is that individual roles work within a group or team as D. Each person decides on how he or she can best contribute to the group.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduxed based on the information given in a story.

In this case, the inference is that individual roles work within a group or team as each person decides on how he or she can best contribute to the group.

Learn more about inference on:



He wears goggle as he is ...... one-eyed person.
a. a b. an c. the d. none ​







He wears goggle as he is an one-eyed person.

1 Put in the correct question tags for each sentence 1 There are too many people living in the city ?


There are too many people living in the city!

5 complete examples of fragments



Prepositional Phrase Fragments

Prepositional phrase fragments involve prepositions (for, to, during, through, etc.).


He went to Florida. For a month.

Correction: He went to Florida for a month.

During the storm. The dog ran away.

Correction: During the storm, the dog ran away.

The dog ran away. During the storm.

Correction: The dog ran away during the storm.

An essay on Good triumphs evil in Macbeth​



The eternal struggle between good and evil is one of the central themes of the play Macbeth. The conflict between good and evil can be seen in the inner struggles of both Macbeth and Banquo. Macbeth chooses evil when he allies himself with the witches, yet he continues to be troubled by his conscience.

hope that helps you

please follow

please mark brainliest

What type of conflict does this passage reveal?

character vs. character
character vs. nature
character vs. self
character vs. society



character vs. nature


describe this scenery​




One of the most important aspects of rearticulating human development is to emphasize the need for fairness to nature and other living beings. We cannot be developed unless our lives become reconnected and in balance, cooperation and harmony with nature.

this scenery describe about the environment where many people are living together by sharing their feelings , happiness , sorrows etc. they are just happy and they are enjoying the beautiful scenery. some are playing, some are painting,some are just sitting, some are running , some are sleeping. so this scenery is very peaceful and no is conflicting.


A busy day at the park.


In this scenery we see all ages, babies, kids, teenagers, adults and the elderly coming to the park on a nice sunny day. Everyone in the park is doing something that they enjoy for example we have some kids playing basketball and some in the tree house. While people are having a picnic others are watching and feeding the ducks. There is also someone painting a picture of the scene and someone playing the guitar. While all of them are doing different activities they all are in the same park enjoying the sun.


Ladkiyoooooo aaa jaooo♡♥︎♡

Kidhr hoo sab yaaar???



yes <3


Which of the following words with –er suffixes is a comparative adjective?
A. Faster
B. Driver
C. Jumper
D. Tester


The word with the --er suffixes which is a comparative adjective is A. Faster.

What is a comparative adjective?

These are adjectives that are used to compare the difference between two or more objects that they modify.

These words are used in sentences where nouns are compared and the --er word 'Faster' is the only word considered to be a comparative adjective in the option, whereas the other words are merely nouns and not comparative adjectives.

The word 'faster' is the comparative form of the word 'fast' and 'fastest' is the superlative form. The other words, Driver, Jumper, and Tester are not in any way comparative adjectives.

Hence, the correct answer is option A.

Read more about comparative adjectives here:



Write a letter to the principal of your school suggesting at least three ways to improve English speaking in the school




The principal,

School name,

Place Name,



I am writing to put your mind on the poor English spoken by the students of the school. The students of our school are quite poor in English and they feel shy when they speak infront of a large crowd.

I am writing this to inform gou you that if won't took any important decision in this case the reputation of the school will be damaged, you can organize summer camp, extra classes or some type of quiz to encourage students to improve their vocabulary and english.

I shall be thankful if you would look in this case





Riya said that she had been planting trees in barren for five years.( change into direct speech )​


Riya said,"I have been planting trees in barren for five years."

Active Voice:-

The voice told directly by the speaker called active voice .

Passive voice:-

The voice told indirectly by the speaker is called passive voice .

write down a direction from your school to your house as you could give to a friend



2km North travel to cheborge boys high school , then turn left then walk for 1km, then you find a blue gate, that is my home.


first come out (north) and left side is my home

Other Questions
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