Which of the following strategies does McCarthy use in his speech?

A. He infers that the U.S. is morally superior to the Soviet Union.

B. He uses statistics to try to convince the audience that Communism is spreading rapidly.

C. He uses real-world examples to make his arguments about Soviet spies more convincing.

D. All of these choices are correct.


Answer 1


A. he infers that the U.s is morally superior to the Soviet Union

Related Questions

What was the first advance in refrigeration technologies in the 1800s?
AUS patent for refrigeration was filed.
A practical refrigerated train car was built.
A refrigerated ship transported meat by sea.
A refrigerated food storage plant was built.





The first one so
US patent for refrigeration was filed

Which of these costs seem justified? Which costs seem unjustified? France debt


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached or further references or context, we can say the following.

Regarding the French debt, the costs that seemed justified were the French intervention in the Seven Years War, because France had a great rivalry against England, and France had to send troops to the North American territory and other parts of the European continent.

Another justified cost was the support the government of France offered the Continental Army when it was fighting against the British troops during the Revolutionary War of Independence. At that time, the United Kingdom was the natural enemy of France.

Now, the costs that seemed unjustified were the following. First the construction of luxurious buildings such as the Versailles Palace, in the outskirts of Paris. This was an excessive massive luxurious building in a time where most of the French people were very poor.

The other unjustified cost was the extravagant parties and luxurious lifestyle of the King of France Louis XIV and his wife Maria Antonieta. Fancy parties, fancy clothes, and fancy food, when the Third State in France was dying of hunger.

We then can say that a class conflict started the revolution.

The French Revolution began in 1789. The Storming of the Bastille started the hostilities in Paris, France. French people were tired of the tyranny of the monarch. The class system had produced social inequality and the tax burden on the thirds state (the commoners, the poor people) angered the French.

Which of the following movements was a reactionary development in the mid-18th century to the policies influenced by the passage?

Shia Islam
Sunni Islam


Option D. Wahhabism was the reactionary development in the mid-18th century to the policies.

What was Wahhabism?

This was the Islamic movement that was increased in the 18th century due to the teachings of the Islamic preacher  Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab.

The goal of the teaching was to purify the Islam from the heterodoxy and all forms of religious innovations.

Read more on Wahhabism here:



in which are of study did avicenna make his main contribution



he made his main contribution in science and philosophy




Avicenna made significant strides in his ideas of metaphysical doctrine and the existence of God.

truyền thống văn hóa việt nam tác động đến sự hình thành tư tưởng hồ chí minh



Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh là một hệ thống quan điểm và tư tưởng của Hồ Chí Minh trong sự nghiệp cách mạng của ông được Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam tổng kết, hệ thống hóa. Hệ thống tư tưởng này bao gồm những quan điểm về những vấn đề cơ bản của cách mạng Việt Nam,[1] từ cách mạng dân tộc dân chủ nhân dân đến cách mạng xã hội chủ nghĩa; vận dụng và phát triển Chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin vào điều kiện cụ thể của Việt Nam.[2]

Các nội dung trong tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh được hình thành và phát triển gắn với các thời kì hoạt động của Hồ Chí Minh trong phong trào cách mạng Việt Nam và quốc tế[3] vào đầu và giữa thế kỷ 20. Giáo trình tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh nhận định Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh là sự kết tinh của văn hóa dân tộc Việt Nam, tư tưởng cách mạng Pháp, tư tưởng tự do của Hoa Kỳ, lý tưởng cộng sản Marx - Lenin, tư tưởng văn hóa phương Đông, văn hóa phương Tây và phẩm chất cá nhân của Hồ Chí Minh.[4]

Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh đã được xác định là một hệ tư tưởng chính thống của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam bên cạnh chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin, được chính thức đưa ra từ Đại hội VII của Đảng. Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam, Nhà nước Việt Nam cùng các quan điểm chính thống ở Việt Nam hiện nay đều thống nhất đánh giá Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh chính là cách vận dụng sáng tạo Chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin trong điều kiện cụ thể của Việt Nam và coi tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh đã trở thành một tài sản tinh thần quý báu của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam và của dân tộc Việt Nam.[5] Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam xác định lấy Chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin và tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh là kim chỉ nam cho mọi hành động và thắng lợi của cách mạng Việt Nam.[6][7] Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam luôn tăng cường tuyên truyền thúc đẩy việc học tập và làm theo Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh ở tất cả các tầng lớp trong xã hội.

Phần lớn các giáo trình tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh không phân tích các quan điểm của ông theo các thời kỳ lịch sử, không phân tích cụ thể các tác phẩm của ông theo chiều thời gian. Điển hình như năm 1930 khi thành lập Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam, ông cho rằng đấu tranh giải phóng dân tộc đi kèm đấu tranh giải phóng giai cấp. Khi thành lập Việt Minh thì gác lại chủ trương đấu tranh giai cấp mà thực hiện đấu tranh đòi các quyền tự do dân chủ và đoàn kết toàn dân chống phát xít theo đường lối Quốc tế Cộng sản (chủ trương này khá trùng lặp với đường lối của Nguyễn Văn Cừ khi làm Tổng bí thư). Đến giai đoạn năm 1945, khi cần tranh thủ sự ủng hộ của Đồng Minh cho nền độc lập của Việt Nam, ông tuyên bố "giải tán Đảng Cộng sản Đông Dương" và tán dương nền dân chủ.

Tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh chỉ chính thức đưa vào Cương lĩnh của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam năm 1991, sau khi công cuộc Đổi mới phát động, chấp thuận phân hóa giai cấp, nhiều lý luận của chủ nghĩa Mác - Lênin không có tính khả thi trong cơ chế thị trường phải gác lại như đạo đức xã hội chủ nghĩa, xây dựng con người xã hội chủ nghĩa, làm theo năng lực hưởng theo lao động trên toàn xã hội... (chủ nghĩa cộng sản đặt ra mục tiêu cuối cùng là xóa bỏ giai cấp, bóc lột, xóa bỏ giàu - nghèo, làm theo năng lực hưởng theo nhu cầu, công hữu trên nền tảng dân chủ, xóa bỏ giáo điều tôn giáo được xem là mị dân, xóa bỏ nhà nước đi đến dân chủ trực tiếp và bình đẳng, xóa bỏ các đường biên giới quốc gia, đưa các dân tộc đến cùng một lợi ích, xóa bỏ bất bình đẳng giữa các dân tộc trên phạm vi thế giới...). Các giáo trình của Việt Nam thường khai thác tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh theo chiều hướng trên.


How did the Atlantic slave trade impact the Americas’ role in triangular trade?


The Atlantic slave trade implied hundreds of Africans were forcibly taken to American and forced to work as slaves. ... Thus, the Atlantic trade impacted the role of America in the triangular trade because "it increased the number of enslaved laborers forced to grow crops that were exported from the Americas to Europe".


A. It increased the number of enslaved laborers forced to grow crops that were exported from the Americas to Europe.



Bagaimanakah sistem pendidikan tidak formal dalam masyarakat Melayu tradisional berlaku? ​


Alright. I quite don’t understand what you wrote

How is Animalism and the animals' creation of "Animal Farm” similar to Communism
And the rise of the Soviet Union?



Animalism and the creation of "Animal Farm" presented a policy of equality for all individuals, where everyone should work for the common good, which should be available to all members of the community in an equal way. Communism and the rise of the Soviet Union presented this same policy, but like animalism and the "Animal Farm" it did not distribute the common good with equality among the members, but promoted the exploitation of some members to promote the privilege of other members.


"Animal farm" is the title of the fable written by George Orwell. In this fable we are introduced to a farm, where animals take over and expel humans because they are tired of being exploited. Soon after, animals create an animalism, a kind of political system that states that all animals are equal and will be treated that way in the farm, because everyone would work in it to promote privileges to each other in an equal way. However, over time, we can see that this "equality" among animals is not true, as many animals continue to be exploited by a small portion of animals that have many privileges that are not available to all animals equally.

The rise of the Soviet Union is similar to this, as this rise happened with the hard work of individuals who believed they would live in an egalitarian country, since the communism established in the country precluded the end of the private institution and the equal distribution of the common good to all citizens. However, what happened was the exploitation of workers to maintain an extremely privileged and overvalued class.


Well it would be called an animal farm because of the animals being held hostage

Which is true about the nation’s first economic crisis?

Stockholders bought government bonds for less than they were worth.

The American Revolution had left the nation deeply in debt.

The government had enough money to pay back war veterans and farmers.

The national government refused to pay back state debts.



The government had enough money to pay back war veterans and farmers

Communist governments traditionally believe that the needs of society as a whole are mor
Basic civil rights are severely restricted.
Local governments assume more power than the central government does.
Education is considered less important.
Ethnic groups are allowed to keep their cultural identity.



Basic civil rights are severely restricted


Communism is a system of government in which all property are controlled by the state/community and those properties are allocated or given out to citizens based on their needs.

With this in mind, communist governments traditionally believe that the needs of society as a whole are more important than those of the individual.

Therefore, in a communist system, basic civil rights are severely restricted

Consecuencias del movimiento 14 de junio ?


El nombre de Movimiento Revolucionario 14 de Junio-14J nace de la inspiración de la Gesta Gloriosa de Constanza, Maimón y Estero Hondo del 14 y 20 de junio de 1959, que fue una expedición formada por 198 hombres, dominicanos en el exilio y un grupo de extranjeros, de diversas ideologías, que apoyaron al Movimiento de Liberación Dominicana con el interés de darle término a la dictadura de Rafael Leónidas Trujillo. Esa expedición que no tuvo éxito en el orden militar, sembró la semilla de libertad e inspiró a los creadores del Movimiento Revolucionario 14 de Junio para colocarle ese nombre en honor de los héroes y mártires de esa gesta.

How did Japan gain territory and control of areas of China during WW1?



Japan participated in World War I from 1914 to 1918 in an alliance with Entente Powers and played an important role in securing the sea lanes in the West Pacific and Indian Oceans against the Imperial German Navy as a member of the Allies. Politically, the Japanese Empire seized the opportunity to expand its sphere of influence in China, and to gain recognition as a great power in postwar geopolitics.

Japan's military, taking advantage of the great distances and Imperial Germany's preoccupation with the war in Europe, seized German possessions in the Pacific and East Asia, but there was no large-scale mobilization of the economy.[1] Foreign Minister Katō Takaaki and Prime Minister Ōkuma Shigenobu wanted to use the opportunity to expand Japanese influence in China. They enlisted Sun Yat-sen (1866–1925), then in exile in Japan, but they had little success.[2] The Imperial Japanese Navy, a nearly autonomous bureaucratic institution, made its own decision to undertake expansion in the Pacific. It captured Germany's Micronesian territories north of the equator, and ruled the islands until they were transitioned to civilian control in 1921. The operation gave the Navy a rationale for enlarging its budget to double the Army budget and expanding the fleet. The Navy thus gained significant political influence over national and international affairs.[3]


japan presented chinese leaders with the twenty one demands

What job does Columbus think the American Indians would be well suited for?


Answer:Columbus thought the american indians would be "great workers" in other words slaves


He would sell the natives into slavery (which most died before he could). If they were not sold into slavery he would put them to work to look for gold in mines and work on plantations.

American policy toward Indians was comprised of these two things _____________________.



Native American Relation

Which country is not a former soviet republic?



Pakistan is not a former Soviet republic


Socorroooóoóoóó alguém me ajuda pfvrrrrr



this is too much


A Lone Star Reader by Swanlund/Bane/Sosebee.


Did you read that book?

How did World War I contribute to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in



He only rose to power because he had the Brown Shirts (group of assassins) kill important people this terrified the citizens and if you didn't support him, he would threaten to take away your family or something to that effect.

need help please......​



Look below


He argued that the system of high tariffs "cuts us off from our proper part in the commerce of the world, violates the just principles of taxation, and makes the government a facile instrument in the hands of private interests."

According to Wikipedia.

According to the Bueareau of Justice Statistics (BJS), drug offenders received an average sentence of years in 2009.

Group of answer choices







the drug offenders received 7 years in prison

During this era, what is the first step of the scientific process?



Creating a hypothesis

Economic Theories
Use the drop-down menus to indicate the type of economy found in each country.
1. In this country, the government tells an appliance factory that it must produce a minimum of one thousand
refrigerators, People are assigned jobs at the factory based on their abilities, and the government determines
how much they will be paid. The government decides how much a new refrigerator will cost,
2. In this country, an appliance factory produces one thousand dishwashers per month. People want more of its
dishwashers because of their high quality, so the company hires additional workers. The company decides
what the workers' wages will be and how much the dishwashers will sell for. Most of the profits go to the
company's owners,



1. Command economy.

2. Capitalist economy.


An economy is a function of how money, means of production and resources (raw materials) are carefully used to facilitate the demands and supply of goods and services to meet the unending needs or requirements of the consumers.

Basically, there are four (4) main types of economy and these are;

I. Mixed economy.

II. Command economy.

III. Traditional economy.

IV. Capitalist economy.

A command economy also referred to as planned economy, can be defined as a type of economy in which the government owns and control the means of production.

Generally, a command economy requires that the quantity of goods, method of exchange, distribution, sales price, employees or worker's wages,  investments, as well as the means of production of goods and services and allocation of resources for production should be controlled or regulated by the public (government) rather than the private sector (free market).

A capitalist economy also referred to as free-enterprise system, pure capitalism, or free market can be defined as a type of economy in which prices, products and services are being determined by the market rather than the government. Thus, a capitalist economy is devoid (free) of government regulations, interference or control because the market (enterprises) are the ones who are saddled with the responsibility of determining the market forces.

Simply stated, a capitalist economy is a type of economy that is completely driven by demand and supply of goods and services.


1. socialist

2. capitalist


Describe how the design of the church contributes to its purposes as a spiritual sanctuary. (ten sentences minimum) Art History



People attend churches. The church building is a geographical location that provides sanctuary.

Biblically, there is a specified design for how a holy sanctuary should look like. This is found in the Good Book from the 25th Chapter of Exodus to the 31st.

It is clear, however, that over the course of history,  those recommendations have been modified.

These changes, some mostly triggered by the radical liturgical activities of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church (which holds Church Building Architecture with utmost reverence and importance) has found it greatly challenging to adopt a newer and better standard architecturally to express its Mass.

For the Catholic church, it is important that the geographical location has a sense of sanctity and sacredness which will serve to enhance the unique spiritual experience of the Catholic Mass.

The above being said, the architectural devices of the church that exude space and a sense of sacredness works together with the liturgical processes to create evoke or amplify an emotional response.

The emotional response in this case relates to the connection between the church attendee and the sacredness they have come to want to achieve.


Why were the mongols such good fighters



A combination of training, tactics, discipline, intelligence and constantly adapting new tactics gave the Mongol army its savage edge against the slower, heavier armies of the times. The light compound bow used by the Mongols had great range and power, the arrows could penetrate plate armor at a close distance


Write a 350-500-word essay discussing a current social injustice, and support your findings with an explanation of a reliable source you used during your investigation. Be sure to include in-text citations and a works-cited page, following the APA format using the style guide.



One way to treat discrimination is to have government intervention discrimination, because federal laws of the United States prohibit discrimination based on a person's country of origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status. Laws prohibiting national origin discrimination deem discrimination or discriminatory acts illegal because of a person's birthplace, ancestry, culture or language (The United States Department of Justice n.p.). The state government also has the power to make laws prohibiting people from discriminatory acts. Many states enacted laws that ban any and all forms of discrimination. Specifically, six states have passed ballot initiatives in order to amend their constitutions and prohibit state and local governments from portraying discrimination in public, contract making, and educational aspects on the basis of race, ethnicity, or sex. These states include California in 1996, Washington in 1998, Michigan in 2006, Nebraska in 2008, Arizona in 2010, and Oklahoma in 2012 (Clegg and von Spavosky n.p.).

           Another way to eradicate discrimination is to promote diversity in our society. Diversity was introduced as a kind of end run around the historical problem of racism, the commitment to diversity is associated with the struggle against racism. The objective of eradication or treating racism is to create a color-blind society rather and having a color-conscious society. Instead of treating people as if their race does not matter, we should not only recognize but celebrate racial identity (Michaels). Cultural diversity is important, because workplaces, and schools increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups which we could learn from. Learning about other cultures helps understand different perspectives within the world in which we find ourselves in, dispelling negative stereotypes and personal biases about different groups or ethnicities. In addition, cultural diversity helps us recognize and respect other cultures. It also makes our country a more interesting place to reside, because people from diverse cultures or contribute to our language skills, thought process, knowledge,


Please pick me as the Brainliest


8. : What does the word priceless mean, based on the way it is
used in paragraph 68?


Answer: how is it used in paragraph 68? What is the sentence its used in?


Drag each tile to the correct box.
Match each branch with an example of one of its foreign policy powers.



Establishing foreign policy regarding Russia

Executive branch

Ratifying a trade agreement between the United States and Canada

Legislative branch

Interpreting a treaty the United States entered into with the United Kingdom

Judiciary branch


The Judiciary has the primary function of interpreting the laws of the land, or in this case, the treaty entered between its country and another country.

The Legislature has the main function of ratifying laws (or treaties), to make sure they are constitutional.

The Executive branch has veto power and also serves the function of starting negotiations and establishing foreign policies.

One of the political "pros" of the Industrial Revolution was the formation of Unions to protect the workers. It is almost 200 years later, are these Unions still an asset to workers?



Yes it is still an asset to workers

After 200 years later this union is an asset to the workers as it is designed to protect workers from exploitation.

What is a union?

A union is referred an association formed to protect the rights of workers in an organization and helps them to provide minimum wages for the work they did.

This union still exists as it is developed to protect the workers from exploitation and raise their voices for their rights and benefits. This will be considered an asset as it safeguards the position of workers in the organization.

Learn more about unions, here:



What kind of impact on the environment did urbanization and industrialization have?
A. A positive one as people began to care
B. A negative one full of pollution and smog
C. A positive one through effective use of the land
D. A negative one as people began to move away from cities and spread more into the rural areas





The impact on the environment due to urbanization and industrialization is a negative one, full of pollution and smog. Hence, Option (B) is correct.

Urbanization involves the growth of cities and the concentration of population and infrastructure in specific areas.

Industrialization, on the other hand, refers to the development of industries and the increased production of goods.

These processes have resulted in several negative environmental consequences.

The expansion of industries has led to increased pollution, including air pollution from factories and vehicles.

This pollution contributes to smog and poor air quality, impacting human health and ecosystems.

Furthermore, industrialization and urbanization have also caused water pollution through the release of pollutants into water bodies, and deforestation has occurred to make way for urban development, resulting in habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity.

Thus, the negative environmental impact is associated with urbanization and industrialization.

Learn more about urbanization here:



Globalism in the twentieth century was promoted by advances in
A. politics.
B. transportation.
C. manufacturing
D. communication.


The correct answer is B) transportation.

Globalism in the twentieth century was promoted by advances in transportation.

Globalism sees the entire planet as a place to exert political and economic influence, basically through trade. That is why transportation has promoted this globalized arena in most countries of the world.

This globalism approach revolutionized societies around the world during the 20th century. It has allowed people, cultures, and ideas to spread rapidly to areas that may not have had access to them before.

Although faced with many difficulties in some countries and by some nationalistic leaders, globalization will continue to affect the world in the 21st century. Trade regions or associations will add to their base to include more members and trade among them. This is the case of the European Union, APTA (Asian Pacific Trade Agreement), or USMCA (former NAFTA-the North America Trade Agreement).


D. communication.


DO NOT CHOOSE ANSWER B. transportation.



*This information came directly from the PENN FOSTER reading material

Section 6.6


○ NATO stands for the "North Atlantic Treaty Organization."

○ The purpose is to create safety and security amongst members.

○ Under the treaty, an attack against one NATO nation was an attack on all members.

2. Globalism

○ Policies are enacted on a global basis, both economic and political.

○ Enhanced communication technologies developed in the twentieth century (phone, Internet).

○ Easier communication helped increase globalism.

3. Automation

○ Automation is the ability to use machines with robotic arms to produce goods, often at a lower cost.

○ One significant impact of automation was the loss of jobs, especially in the middle class.

Other Questions
V sao ni tc phm bo ch l mt chnh th? Nhn thc tnh chnh th ca tc phm bo ch c th gip ch g cho nh bo v cng chng trong qu trnh sng to v tip nhn bo ch? The bridge .... by french architects is very nice Triangle A B C is shown. The included side between A and C is side . The included side between A and B is side . The included side between C and B is side . What is the source of energy stored by ATP in cells?AnswersA.oxidation of biological compoundsB.reduction of biological compoundsC.synthesis of biological compoundsD.polymerization of biological compounds During the week, we will explore the differences between cash-basis and accrual-basis accounting, and learn the steps required to complete the accounting cycle. With that in mind, let's begin by discussing the following question: Why do companies make adjusting entries? Brainliest if you help me . President Nixon sent US forces to Cambodia in 1970 to what is height of mount Everest? Help with 5b please . thank you. A telephone service representative believes that the proportion of customers completely satisfied with their local telephone service is different between the South and the Midwest. The representative's belief is based on the results of a survey. The survey included a random sample of 1300 southern residents and 1380 midwestern residents. 39% of the southern residents and 50% of the midwestern residents reported that they were completely satisfied with their local telephone service. Find the 80% confidence interval for the difference in two proportions. Step 1 of 3 : Find the point estimate that should be used in constructing the confidence interval PLS HELP ME ON THIS QUESTION I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIEST IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER PLS GIVE ME A STEP BY STEP EXPLANATION!! Which of the following is NOT true of themuscular system?A. They are connected to bones.B. They allow voluntary movement.C. They allow us to move.D. They are connected by gap junctions. state three differences between text data and number data Tng qut v hot ng lp php ca Singapore. So snh vi hot ng lpphp ca Vit Nam. Instructions: The polygons in each pair are similar. Find themissing side length. 4. SPEAKING Discuss these questions with a partner.1 What other fun sports events have you heard of?2 What do you do to stay fit and healthy? 3 What do you think you should do more of? plz fast help me don't scam a 20.5g sample of cleaning detergent contains 8.61g of NH40H.CALCULATE the percentage composition of nitrogen in the cleaning detergent sample Find the equation for the line that passes through the points ( - 1, - 10) and ( - 6,9). Give youranswer in point-slope form. You do not need to simplify. Pls if anyone knows the answer with work included/steps that will be greatly appreciated :)