Which function in Excel tells how
? many numeric entries are there


Answer 1




Let's see which function does what:


This function totals one or more numbers in a range of cells.


This function gets the number of entries in a number field that is in a range or array of numbers


This  function returns the square root of a number.


This function sorts the contents of a range or array.

As we see, Count is the function that gets the number of entries.

Answer 2




Tells how many numeric entries are there.

Related Questions

By using ____, you can use reasonable, easy-to-remember names for methods and concentrate on their purpose rather than on memorizing different method names.





If we use polymorphism so we can apply the names that could be easy to remember for the methods' purpose.

The information regarding the polymorphism is as follows:

The person has various attributes at the same timeFor example,  a man could be a father, a husband, an entrepreneur at the same time.In this, the similar person has different types of behavior in different situations.

Therefore we can conclude that If we use polymorphism so we can apply the names that could be easy to remember for the methods' purpose.

Learn more about the behavior here: brainly.com/question/9152289

the part of the computer that contains the brain , or central processing unit , is also known the what ?



system unit


A system unit is the part of a computer that contains the brain or central processing unit. The primary device such as central processing unit as contained in the system unit perform operations hence produces result for complex calculations.

The system unit also house other main components of a computer system like hard drive , CPU, motherboard and RAM. The major work that a computer is required to do or performed is carried out by the system unit. Other peripheral devices are the keyboard, monitor and mouse.

Write a script named dif.py. This script should prompt the user for the names of two text files and compare the contents of the two files to see if they are the same. If they are, the script should simply output "Yes". If they are not, the script should output "No", followed by the first lines of each file that differ from each other. The input loop should read and compare lines from each file, including whitespace and punctuation. The loop should break as soon as a pair of different lines is found.



Following are the code to this question:

f1=input('Input first file name: ')#defining f1 variable that input file 1

f2=input('Input second file name: ')#defining f2 variable that input file 2

file1=open(f1,'r')#defining file1 variable that opens first files by using open method  

file2=open(f2,'r')#defining file1 variable that opens second files by using open method  

d1=file1.readlines()#defining d1 variable that use readlines method to read first file data

d2=file2.readlines()#defining d2 variable that use readlines method to read second file data

if d1==d2:#defining if block that check file data

   print('Yes')#when value is matched it will print message yes  

   exit# use exit keyword for exit from if block

for j in range(0,min(len(d1),len(d2))):#defining for loop that stores the length of the file  

   if (d1[j]!=d2[j]):#defining if block that check value is not matched

       print('No')#print the message "NO"

       print("mismatch values: ",d1[j]," ",d2[j])#print file values


please find the attached file.


code description:

In the above code, the "f1 and f2" variable is used for input value from the user end, in which it stores the file names. In the next step, the "file1 and file2" variable is declared that uses the open method to open the file. In the next line, the"d1 and d2" variable is declared for reads file by using the "readlines" method. Then, if block is used that uses the "d1 and d2" variable to match the file value if it matches it will print "yes", otherwise a for loop is declared, that prints files mismatch values.


first = input("enter first file name: ")

second = input("enter second file name: ")

file_one = open(first, 'r')

file_two = open(second, 'r')

if file_one.read() == file_two.read():

  print("Both files are the same")


  print("Different files")



Windows workstations all have elements of server software built-in. What are these elements, and why is the Windows Professional OS not considered a server?



The answer is below


Elements of Server software that is built-in, in Windows workstations are:

1. Hard drives,

2. RAM (Random Access Memory)

3. Processors

4. Network adapters.

Windows Professional OS is not considered a server due to the following:

1. Windows Professional OS has a limit on the number of client connections it allowed.

2. Unlike Server, Professional OS uses less memory

2. In comparison to Server, Professional OS uses the CPU less efficiently

4. Professional OS is not built to process background tasks, unlike Server that is configured to perform background tasks.

The breastbone or ________________ extends down the chest.



The sternum or breastbone is a long flat bone located in the central part of the chest.

The sternum or breastbone is a long flat bone located in the central part of the chest.

In the middle of the chest, there is a long, flat bone known as the sternum or breastbone. It forms the front of the rib cage and is joined to the ribs by cartilage, assisting in the protection of the heart, lungs, and major blood arteries from harm. It is one of the longest and largest flat bones in the body, somewhat resembling a necktie. The manubrium, body, and xiphoid process are its three regions.

Therefore, the sternum or breastbone is a long flat bone located in the central part of the chest.

Learn more about the breastbone here:



Develop a CPP program to test is an array conforms heap ordered binary tree. This program read data from cin (console) and gives an error if the last item entered violates the heap condition. Use will enter at most 7 numbers. Example runs and comments (after // ) are below. Your program does not print any comments. An output similar to Exp-3 and Exp-4 is expected.
Enter a number: 65
Enter a number: 56 // this is first item (root,[1]) in the heap three. it does not violate any other item. So, no // this is third [3] number, should be less than or equal to its root ([1])
Enter a number: 45 // this is fourth number, should be less than or equal to its root ([2])
Enter a number: 61 // this is fifth number, should be less than or equal to its root ([2]). It is not, 61 > 55. The 61 violated the heap.
Enter a number: 100
Enter a number: 95 1/ 95 < 100, OK
Enter a number: 76 // 76 < 100, OK
Enter a number: 58 // 58 < 95, OK
Enter a number: 66 1/ 66 < 95, OK
Enter a number: 58 // 58 < 76, OK
Enter a number: 66 // 66 < 76, OK
Enter a number: -15
Enter a number: -5
-5 violated the heap.
Enter a number: 45
Enter a number: 0
Enter a number: 55
55 violated the heap.



Following are the code to this question:

#include<iostream>//import header file

using namespace std;

int main()//defining main method


int ar[7];//defining 1_D array that stores value      

int i,x=0,l1=1,j; //defining integer variable

for(i=0;i<7;i++)//defining for loop for input value from user ends  


cout<<"Enter a Number: ";//print message

cin>>ar[i];//input value in array

if(l1<=2 && i>0)//using if block that checks the array values  


x++;//increment the value of x by 1  


if(l1>2 && i>0)//using if block that checks the array values  


l1=l1-2;//using l1 variable that decrases the l1 value by 2  


j=i-x;//using j variable that holds the index of the root of the subtree

if(i>0 && ar[j]>ar[i])// use if block that checks heap condition  


l1++; //increment the value of l1 variable


if(i>0 && ar[j]<ar[i])// using the if block that violate the heap rule  


cout<<ar[i]<<" "<<"Violate the heap";//print message with value

break;//using break keyword  



return 0;




Enter a Number: -15

Enter a Number: -5

-5 Violate the heap


Enter a Number: 45

Enter a Number: 0

Enter a Number: 55

55 Violate the heap


In the above-given C++ language code, an array "ar" and other integer variables " i,x,l1, j" is declared, in which "i" variable used in the loop for input values from the user end.In this loop two, if block is defined, that checks the array values and in the first, if the block it will increment the value of x, and in the second if the block, it will decrease the l1 value by 2.In the next step, j variable is used that is the index of the root of the subtree. In the next step, another if block is used, that checks heap condition, that increment the value of l1 variable. In the, if block it violate the heap rule and print its values.

UAAR is planning to build in house software similar to Zoom Application. University Authorities contact with you in order to provide best solution with in limited time and limited resources in term of cost.
Describe the roles, Artifacts and activities, keeping in view Scrum process model.
Compare and contract your answer with scrum over XP for development of above mention system. Justify your answer with the help of strong reasons, why you choose scrum model over XP model. How scrum is more productive for project management. Furthermore, highlight the shortcoming of XP model.



Following are the answer to this question:


If working to develop Zoom-like house software, its best solution is now in a limited period of time even with effectively reduced assets;  

Evaluate all roles in preparation  

Create a "Pool Draw"  

Choose a singular set of resources.  

Utilize Time Recording.  

Concentrate on assignments and project objectives.  

An object, in which by-product of the development in the software. It's created for the development of even a software program. It could include database schemas, illustrations, configuration screenplays-the list just goes on.  

All development activities of Scrum are composed with one or several groups from a lineout, each containing four ruck roles:  

Holder of the drug  

ScrumMaster and Master  

Equipment for development.  

Owner of the drug

It is the motivating core of the product marketing idea, that Keeps transparent the vision about what the team member is trying to seek so that to accomplish as well as interacts to all of the other members, the project manager is responsible for the success of the way to solve being formed or retained.  

ScrumMaster   It operates as a mentor and providing guidance throughout the development phase, it takes a leadership position in the abolishment with impediments that also impact employee productivity and therefore have no ability to control the team, but the roles of both the project team or program manager are not quite the same thing. It works as a leader instead of the management team.  

Equipe for development

The Scrum characterizes the design team as a diverse, multi-functional community of individuals who design, construct as well as evaluate the application of those who want.  

In this usually 5 to 9 individuals; one's representatives should be able to make quality responsive applications collaboratively.  

It is a framework that operates along with teams. It is often seen as agile project management as well as explains a set of conferences, techniques, and roles that also assist individuals to organize as well as complete their employees together.  The multidisciplinary team from Scrum means that a person should take a feature from idea to completion.

Scrum and XP differences:  

Its team members in Scrum usually operate in the various weeks with one month-long incarnation. The XP teams generally work in incarnations which are either one two weeklong.  Scrum doesn't write a prescription the certain project management; XP seems to do.  Scrum may not make access to other their sprints. XP teams are far more receptive to intervention inside of their repetitions.

Your system is infected with a virus that can modify signature each time it is executed to fool antivirus software. Which type of virus is this?


Answer:Polymorphic Virus


Malware that can change its signature each time is polymorphic

1)What is Big Data?
2) What is machine learning?
3) Give one advantage of Big data analytics.
4) Give any one application of Big Data Analytics. 5) What are the features of Big Data Analytics?



Big data is defined as the extremely large data set that may be analysed computationally to reveal pattern,trends and associations, related to human behaviour and interaction.

Machine learning is a sub area of artifical intelligence where by the terms refers to the ability of IT system to independently find the solution to problem by reconnaissance pattern in databases.

The one advantage of bigdata is

To ensure hire the right employees.

The application of bigdata data is

to communicate media application nd entertainment

Review the given requirements using the checklist and discover possible problems with them. The following requirements are for a library system which is an interactive system providing access to a large document database and which allows the automated ordering and electronic delivery of documents to local and remote end-users. Some requirements for this system are: Req. 1 The user interface shall be html. Users shall access the system via standard web browsers such as Netscape and Internet Explorer. Req. 2 The system shall primarily an end-user system. Users shall use the system within the constraints of the permissions assigned by the administrator to identify, locate, order and receive documents. Req. 3 Users shall communicate with the system mainly via the html interface. Req. 4 User shall provide input to the system via the html interface. Req. 5 The system shall give output to the user via the html interface, email and print. The print output shall mainly be documents.




Req. 1 and Req. 3 are seemed to say the same thing. We need to remove the first sentence in Req. 1

Conflict and understandability

Req. 1 states that access is through web browser while Req. 4 states that access is via html. We have to re-write the Req. 3 to make it clear that users do not actually have to write directly html to communicate with the system.


Req. 5 states that print out will “mainly” be documents. What else might be printed? What other inputs will be produced?

Either remove mainly or clarify other print out.

What version of html or web browser is assumed in Req. 1 and Req. 3?


Suppose there are 4 nodes sharing a broadcast channel using TDMA protocol. Suppose at time t=0: • Node 1 has 6 frames to transmit, • Node 2 has 4 frames to transmit, • Node 3 has 8 frames to transmit, • Node 4 has 3 frames to transmit. Maximum number of frames which can be transmitted by a node in a time slot = 3 The time required to transmit one frame = 1 Second Explain how TDMA protocol works to complete this task? How much time will it take to transmit all frames?



Following are the description of the given nodes:


The Multiple Access frequency - division facilitates control by granting every node a fixed time slot. Also, every slot seems to be identical in width. Its whole channel bandwidth is often used in every channel node. Compared to FDMA it takes more time.  

Time slot=3 frames for all the above scenario

In the first point, It is reserved the node 1, and as well as 3 frames were also transmitted 1.  In the second point, It is reserved the node 2, and as well as 3 frames are transmitted. In the third point, It is reserved 3 nodes, and as well as 3 frames were transmitted.  In the fourth point, It is reserved 4 slots and the transmit 3 frames.  In the fifth point, It stores the slot 1 and the transmit 3 frames.  In the sixth point, It stores the slot 2 and the transmit 1 frame.  In the seventh point, It stores the slot 3  and the transmit 3 frames.  In the Eight points, It stores the slot 3 and the transmit 2 frames.  

Time interval = number of frames in first slot Time to send 1 frame number of images  

                      [tex]= 8 \times 3 \times 1 \\\\ = 8 \times 3 \\\\= 24 \ seconds[/tex]

1. Describe your Microsoft word skills that need to be improved upon the most. 2. Explain the Microsoft word skills you are most confident in performing. 3. How can your Microsoft word processing skills affect your overall writing skills on the job?



The answer varies from person to person.


All kinds of people are using Word, so people would recognize if the answer if plagiarized. So, simply answer truthfully; no matter h1ow embarrasing.

The Microsoft word skills that I will need to improve upon the most is how to be faster when typing.

It should be noted that the Microsoft word skill that I am mostly confident in performing is the creation of word documents and text formatting.

Lastly, Microsoft word processing skills have affected my overall writing skills on the job as it has helped in improving my writing and grammar.

Learn more about Microsoft on:


Implement the generator function scale(s, k), which yields elements of the given iterable s, scaled by k. As an extra challenge, try writing this function using a yield from statement!

def scale(s, k):

"""Yield elements of the iterable s scaled by a number k.

>>> s = scale([1, 5, 2], 5)

>>> type(s)

>>> list(s)

[5, 25, 10]

>>> m = scale(naturals(), 2)

>>> [next(m) for _ in range(5)]

[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]




The generator function using yield from:

def scale(s, k):

   yield from map(lambda x: x * k, s)

Another way to implement generator function that works same as above using only yield:

def scale(s, k):

  for i in s:

       yield i * k


The complete program is:

def scale(s, k):

   """Yield elements of the iterable s scaled by a number k.  

   >>> s = scale([1, 5, 2], 5)

   >>> type(s)

   <class 'generator'>

   >>> list(s)

   [5, 25, 10]  

   >>> m = scale(naturals(), 2)

   >>> [next(m) for _ in range(5)]

   [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]


   yield from map(lambda x: x * k, s)

If you want to see the working of the above generator function scale() as per mentioned in the above comments, use the following statements :

s = scale([1, 5, 2], 5)  


#The above print statement outputs:

#<class 'generator'>


#The above print statement outputs a list s with following items:

#[5, 25, 10]                                                                                                                    

The function def scale(s, k): is

def scale(s, k):

   yield from map(lambda x: x * k, s)    

This function takes two parameters i.e. s and k and this function yields elements of the given iterable s, scaled by k.

In this statement:    yield from map(lambda x: x * k, s)    

yield from is used which allows to refactor a generator in a simple way by splitting up generator into multiple generators.

The yield from is used inside the body of a generator function.

The lambda function is a function that has any number of arguments but can only have one expression. This expression is evaluated to an iterable from which an iterator will be extracted. This iterator yields and receives values to or from the caller of the generator. Here the expression is x: x * k and iterable is s. This expression multiplies each item to k.

map() method applies the defined function for each time in an iterable.

The generator function can also be defined as:

def scale(s, k):

  for i in s:

       yield i * k

For the above example

s = scale([1, 5, 2], 5)  

def scale(s,k): works as follows:

s = [1, 5, 2]

k = 5

for loop iterates for each item i in iterable s and yields i*k

i*k multiplies each element i.e 1,5 and 2 to k=5 and returns a list

At first iteration, for example, i*k = 1 * 5 = 5, next iteration i*k = 5*5 = 25 and last iteration i*k = 2*5 = 10. So the output. So

s = scale([1, 5, 2], 5)  In this statement now s contains 5, 25 and 10

print(list(s))  prints the values of s in a list as: [5, 25, 10] So output is:

[5, 25, 10]

If the processor has 32 address lines in its address bus; i.e. 32-bit address range, what is its address space or range; i.e. what is the smallest and largest address that can be represented



The answer is "0 to 4294967295"


Given bit:

32 bits

Calculating smallest and largest bits:

In any processor, it works only on the 0 and 1 bit and it also stores 0 and 1 values. so, the smallest address in bit value is= 0 and the largest bit value can be defined as follows:

largest address value in bits:

[tex]\Longrightarrow 2^{32}-1\\\\\Longrightarrow 4294967296 -1\\\\\Longrightarrow 4294967295\\\\[/tex]

smallest address= 0

largest address = 4294967295

Write a method named coinFlip that accepts as its parameter a string holding a file name, opens that file and reads its contents as a sequence of whitespace-separated tokens. Assume that the input file data represents results of sets of coin flips. A coin flip is either the letter H or T, or the word Heads or Tails, in either upper or lower case, separated by at least one space. You should read the sequence of coin flips and output to the console the number of heads and the percentage of heads in that line, rounded to the nearest whole number. If this percentage is 50% or greater, you should print a "You win!" message; otherwise, print "You lose!". For example, consider the following input file: H T H H T Tails taIlS tAILs TailS heads HEAds hEadS For the input above, your method should produce the following output: 6 heads (50%) You win!



Here is the JAVA program:

import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException{ //the start of main() function body, it throws an exception that indicates a failed  attempt to open the file

Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("file.txt")); //creates a Scanner object and a File object to open and scan through the file.txt    

coinFlip(input);    } //calls coinFlip method

public static void coinFlip(Scanner input) { //coinFlip method that accepts as its parameter a string input holding a file name

while(input.hasNextLine()) { //iterates through the input file checking if there is another line in the input file

Scanner scan = new Scanner(input.nextLine()); //creates a Scanner object

int head = 0; // stores count of number of heads

int count = 0; //stores count of  total number of tokens

while(scan.hasNext()) { //iterates through the sequence checking if there is another sequence in the input file

String token= scan.next(); // checks and returns the next token

if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("H")||token.equalsIgnoreCase("Heads")) { //compares H or Heads with the tokens in file ignoring lower case and upper case differences

           head++;                } //if a token i.e. any form of heads in file matches with the H or Heads then add 1 to the number of heads

           count++;            } //increment to 1 to compute total number of counts

double result = Percentage(head, count); //calls Percentage method passing number of heads and total counts to compute the percentage of heads

System.out.println(head + " heads " + "(" + result +"%)"); // prints the number of heads

if(result >= 50.00) { //if the percentage is greater or equal to 50

System.out.println("You win!");} //displays this message if above if condition is true

else //if the percentage is less than 50

{System.out.println("You lose!");}  }    } //displays this message if above if condition is false

public static double Percentage(int h, int total) { //method to compute the percentage of heads

double p = (double)h/total* 100; // divide number of heads with the total count and multiply the result by 100 to compute percentage

return p;    } } //returns result


The program is well explained in the comments mentioned with each line of the above code. I will explain how the method coinFlip  works.

Method coinFlip accepts a string holding a file name as its parameter. It opens that file and reads its contents as a sequence of tokens. Then it reads and scans through each token and the if condition statement:

if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("H")||token.equalsIgnoreCase("Heads"))

checks if the each token in the sequence stored in the file is equal to the H or Heads regardless of the case of the token. For example if the first token in the sequence is H then this if condition evaluates to true. Then the head++ statement increments the count of head by 1. After scanning each token in the sequence the variable count is also increased to 1.

If the token of the sequence is HeAds then this if condition evaluates to true because the lower or upper case difference is ignored due to equalsIgnoreCase method. Each time a head is found in the sequence the variable head is incremented to 1.

However if the token in the sequence is Tails then this if condition evaluates to false. Then the value of head variable is not incremented to 1. Next the count variable is incremented to 1 because this variable value is always incremented to 1 each time a token is scanned because count returns the total number of tokens and head returns total number of heads in the tokens.

Percentage method is used to return the percentage of the number of heads in the sequence. It takes head and count as parameters (h and total). Computes the percentage by this formula h/total* 100. If the result of this is greater than or equal to 50 then the message  You win is displayed otherwise message You lose! is displayed in output.

In the design phase of the systems development life cycle (SDLC), the _____ design is an overview of the system and does not include hardware or software choices. Group of answer choices



"Conceptual" is the correct answer.


SDLC would be a particular implementation of a software administration that defines the processes responsible for the creation of such an organization or project, through preliminary feasibility studies to accomplished program activities.The conceptual design seems to be the very first phase of the cycle of brand management, using designs as well as other diagrams or models. It offers an implementation of the study product as a result of a collection of interconnected values and principles about what it will do, function, and look in a user-friendly way.

A computer uses a programmable clock in square-wav e mode. If a 500 MHz crystal is used, what should be the value of the holding register to achieve a clock resolution of (a) a millisecond (a clock tick once every millisecond)





A computer uses a programmable clock in square-wave mode. If a 500 MHz crystal is used, what should be the value of the holding register to achieve a clock resolution of (a) a millisecond (a clock tick once every millisecond)

1 millisecond = 1 million second = 1,000,000

For a 500 MHz crystal, Counter decrement = 2

Therefore value of the holding register to a clock resolution of 1,000,000 seconds :

1,000,000/2 = 500,000

Write a program that reads the input.txt file character by character and writes the content of the input file to output.txt with capitalize each word (it means upper case the first letter of a word and lowercase remaining letters of the word)



def case_convertfile( file_name):

    with open(" new_file","x") as file:

         file.close( )

    with open("file_name", "r") as txt_file:

     while True:

            word = txt_file.readline( )

            word_split= word.split(" ")

            for word in word_split:

                  upper_case = word.uppercase( )

                  file= open("new_file","w+")

                  file= open("new_file","a+")


     txt_file.close( )

     file.close( )


This python function would open an existing file with read privilege and a new file with write and append privileges read and capitalize the content of the old file and store it in the new file.

what are three ways to add receipts to quick books on line receipt capture?



1) Forward the receipt by email to a special receipt capture email

2) You can scan, or take a picture of the receipt and upload it using the QuickBooks mobile app.

3) You can also drag and drop the image, or upload it into QuickBooks Online receipt center.


1) Th first process is simply done using the email address

2) On the app, tap the Menu bar with icon ≡.  Next, tap Receipt snap., and then

tap on the Receipt Camera. Yo can then snap a photo of your receipt, and tap on 'Use this photo.' Tap on done.

3) This method can be done by simply navigating on the company's website.

Write a function called "equals" that accepts 2 arguments The two arguments will be of type list The function should return one string, either "Equals" or "Not Equals" For the lists to be equal, they need to: Have the same number of elements Have all the elements be of the same type Have the order fo the elements be the same DO NOT USE "



import numpy as np

def equals(list1, list2 ):

     compare = np.all( list1, list2)

     if ( compare == True):

           print ( "Equals")

     else :

           print(" Not Equals")


This python function utilizes the numpy package to compare two list items passed as its argument. It prints out "equals" for a true result and "not equal" for a false result.

What will be assigned to the variable s_string after the following code executes? special = '1357 Country Ln.' s_string = special[ :4] Group of answer choices



s_string = 1357


character: index

1: 0

3: 1

5: 2

7: 3

 : 4

C: 5

o: 6

u: 7

n: 8

t: 9

r: 10

y: 11

 : 12

L: 13

n: 14

. : 15

s_tring  = special[:4]

s_tring = special[0] + special[1] + special[2] + special[3]

s_string = 1357

CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 3.7.2: Type casting: Reading and adding values.
Assign totalowls with the sum of num_owls A and num_owls_B.
Sample output with inputs: 34
Number of owls: 7
1. total_owls -
3. num_owls A - input
4. num_owls_B - input
6. " Your solution goes here
8. print("Number of owls:', total_owls)



total_owls = 0

num_owls_A = int(input())

num_owls_B = int(input())

total_owls = num_owls_A + num_owls_B

print("Number of owls:", total_owls)


Initialize the  total_owls as 0

Ask the user to enter num_owls_A and num_owls_B, convert the input to int

Sum the num_owls_A and num_owls_B and set it to the total_owls

Print the total_owls


num_owls_zooA = int(input())

num_owls_zooB = int(input())

num_owls_zooC = int(input())

num_zoos = 3

avg_owls = (num_owls_zooA + num_owls_zooB + num_owls_zooC) / num_zoos

print('Average owls per zoo:', int(avg_owls))

There is a problem while you are trying the calculate the average owls per zoo.

As you may know, in order to calculate the average, you need to get the total number of owls in all the zoos, then divide it to the number of zoos. That is why you need to sum num_owls_zooA + num_owls_zooB + num_owls_zooC and divide the result by num_zoos

Be aware that the average is printed as integer value. That is why you need to cast the avg_owls to an int as int(avg_owls)

Learn more about integer value on:



Generating a signature with RSA alone on a long message would be too slow (presumably using cipher block chaining). Suppose we could do division quickly. Would it be reasonable to compute an RSA signature on a long message by first finding what the message equals (taking the message as a big integer), mod n, and signing that?



Following are the algorithm to this question:


In the RSA algorithm can be defined as follows:  

In this algorithm, we select two separate prime numbers that are the "P and Q", To protection purposes, both p and q combines are supposed to become dynamically chosen but must be similar in scale but 'unique in length' so render it easier to influence. Its value can be found by the main analysis effectively.  

Computing N = PQ.  

In this, N can be used for key pair, that is public and private together as the unit and the Length was its key length, normally is spoken bits. Measure,

[tex]\lambda (N) = \ lcm( \lambda (P), \lambda (Q)) = \ lcm(P- 1, Q - 1)[/tex]  where [tex]\lambda[/tex] is the total function of Carmichaels. It is a privately held value. Selecting the integer E to be relatively prime from [tex]1<E < \lambda (N)[/tex]and [tex]gcd(E, \lambda (N) ) = 1;[/tex] that is [tex]E \ \ and \ \ \lambda (N)[/tex].  D was its complex number equivalent to E (modulo [tex]\lambda (N)[/tex] ); that is d was its design multiplicative equivalent of E-1.  

It's more evident as a fix for d provided of DE ≡ 1 (modulo [tex]\lambda (N)[/tex] ).E with an automatic warning latitude or little mass of bigging contribute most frequently to 216 + 1 = 65,537 more qualified encrypted data.

In some situations it's was shown that far lower E values (such as 3) are less stable.  

E is eligible as a supporter of the public key.  

D is retained as the personal supporter of its key.  

Its digital signature was its module N and the assistance for the community (or authentication). Its secret key includes that modulus N and coded (or decoding) sponsor D, that must be kept private. P, Q, and [tex]\lambda (N)[/tex] will also be confined as they can be used in measuring D. The Euler totient operates [tex]\varphi (N) = (P-1)(Q - 1)[/tex] however, could even, as mentioned throughout the initial RSA paper, have been used to compute the private exponent D rather than λ(N).

It applies because [tex]\varphi (N)[/tex], which can always be split into  [tex]\lambda (N)[/tex], and thus any D satisfying DE ≡ 1, it can also satisfy (mod  [tex]\lambda (N)[/tex]). It works because [tex]\varphi (N)[/tex], will always be divided by [tex]\varphi (N)[/tex],. That d issue, in this case, measurement provides a result which is larger than necessary (i.e. D >   [tex]\lambda (N)[/tex] ) for time - to - time). Many RSA frameworks assume notation are generated either by methodology, however, some concepts like fips, 186-4, may demand that D<   [tex]\lambda (N)[/tex]. if they use a private follower D, rather than by streamlined decoding method mostly based on a china rest theorem. Every sensitive "over-sized" exponential which does not cooperate may always be reduced to a shorter corresponding exponential by modulo  [tex]\lambda (N)[/tex].

As there are common threads (P− 1) and (Q – 1) which are present throughout the [tex]N-1 = PQ-1 = (P -1)(Q - 1)+ (P-1) + (Q- 1))[/tex], it's also possible, if there are any, for all the common factors [tex](P -1) \ \ \ and \ \ (Q - 1)[/tex]to become very small, if necessary.  

Indication: Its original writers of RSA articles conduct their main age range by choosing E as a modular D-reverse (module [tex]\varphi (N)[/tex]) multiplying. Because a low value (e.g. 65,537) is beneficial for E to improve the testing purpose, existing RSA implementation, such as PKCS#1, rather use E and compute D.

In Antivirus Software, Heuristic detection looks for things like anomalies, Signature based detection uses content matches.a. Trueb. False





The fact that the speed of a vehicle is lower than the prescribed limits shall relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection. True or false



the answer is false ........

The fact that the speed of a vehicle is lower than the prescribed limits shall relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection is not true.

What is intersection in the traffic rules?

An intersection serves as the point where many lanes cross on the road which is a point where driver is required to follow the traffic rules.

However, the above statement is not true because , a driver can decide not  decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection, even though it is a punishable offense in traffic rules.

Read more on traffic rules here: https://brainly.com/question/1071840


What will be displayed after the following code executes? mystr = 'yes' yourstr = 'no' mystr += yourstr * 2 print(mystr)





mystr = 'yes'

yourstr = 'no'

mystr += yourstr * 2

mystr = "yes"yourstr * 2 = "no"+"no"yes + no+noyesnono

Write a program that reads in your question #2 Python source code file and counts the occurrence of each keyword in the file. Your program should prompt the user to enter the Python source code filename



Here is the Python program:

import keyword  #module that contains list of keywords of python

filename = input("Enter Python source code filename: ") # prompts user to enter the filename of a source code

code = open(filename, "r") # opens the file in read mode

keywords = keyword.kwlist #extract list of all keywords of Python and stored it into keywords

dictionary = dict() #creates a dictionary to store each keyword and its number of occurrence in source code

for statement in code: # iterates through each line of the source code in the file

   statement = statement.strip() # removes the spaces in the statement of source code  

   words = statement.split(" ") #break each statement of the source code into a list of words by empty space separator

   for word in words:# iterates through each word/item of the words list  

       if word in keywords:#checks if word in the code is present in the keywords list of Python  

           if word in dictionary: #checks if word is already present in the dictionary

               dictionary[word] = dictionary[word] + 1 #if word is present in dictionary add one to the count of the existing word

           else: #if word is not already present in the dictionary  

               dictionary[word] = 1 #add the word to the dictionary and set the count of word to 1

for key in list(dictionary.keys()): #iterates through each word in the list of all keys in dictionary  

   print(key, ":", dictionary[key])# prints keyword: occurrences in key:value format of dict


The program is well explained in the comments attached with each line of the program.  

The program prompts the user to enter the name of the file that contains the Python source code. Then the file is opened in read mode using open() method.

Then the keyword.kwlist statement contains the list of all keywords of Python. These are stored in keywords.

Then a dictionary is created which is used to store the words from the source code that are the keywords along with their number of occurrences in the file.

Then source code is split into the lines (statements) and the first for loop iterates through each line and removes the spaces in the statement of source code .

Then the lines are split into a list of words using split() method. The second for loop is used to iterate through each word in the list of words of the source code. Now each word is matched with the list of keywords of Python that is stored in keywords. If a word in the source code of the file is present in the keywords then that word is added to the dictionary and the count of that word is set to 1. If the word is already present in the dictionary. For example if there are 3 "import" keywords in the source code and if 1 of the import keywords is already in the dictionary. So when the second import keyword is found, then the count of that keyword is increased by 1 so that becomes 2.

Then the last loop is used to print each word of the Python that is a keyword along with its number of occurrences in the file.

The program and its output is attached in a screenshot. I have used this program as source code file.

3. How many bytes of storage space would be required to store a 400-page novel in which each page contains 3500 characters if ASCII were used? How many bytes would be required if Unicode were used? Represent the answer in MB



A total of 79.3mb will be needed

Given the following code: public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("123", "John Smith"); map.put("111", "George Smith"); map.put("123", "Steve Yao"); map.put("222", "Steve Yao"); } } Which statement is correct?



There are no statements in the question, so I explained the whole code.


A map consists of key - value pairs. The put method allows you to insert values in the map. The first parameter in the put method is the key, and the second one is the value. Also, the keys must be unique.

For example, map.put("123", "John Smith");   -> key = 123, value = John Smith

Even though the key 123 is set to John Smith at the beginning, it will have the updated value Steve Yao at the end. That is because the keys are unique.

Note that the key 222 also has Steve Yao for the value, that is totally acceptable.

What is the quick key to highlighting a column?
Ctrl + down arrow
Ctrl + Shift + down arrow
Right-click + down arrow
Ctrl + Windows + down arrow


The quick key to highlighting a column is the Ctrl + Shift + down arrow. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is column?

The term column refers to how data is organized vertically from top to bottom. Columns are groups of cells that are arranged vertically and run from top to bottom. A column is a group of cells in a table that are vertically aligned. The column is the used in the excel worksheet.

The quick key for highlighting a column is Ctrl + Shift + down arrow. To select downward, press Ctrl-Shift-Down Arrow. To pick anything, use Ctrl-Shift-Right Arrow, then Ctrl-Shift-Down Arrow. In the Move/Highlight Cells, the was employed. The majority of the time, the excel worksheet was used.

As a result, the quick key to highlighting a column is the Ctrl + Shift + down arrow. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about the column, here:




its (B) ctrl+shift+down arrow

hope this helps <3


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