Which do you consider more convincing evidence, dna or physical features? Why?


Answer 1

Answer: dna

Explanation:dna is what creates your physical

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When there is a genotype that consists of a dominant and a recessive allele, the phenotype generally looks like the dominant one.


Yes, when there is a genotype consisting of a dominant and a recessive allele, the phenotype is generally the same as the dominant allele.

This is because the dominant allele has a greater effect on the phenotype than the recessive allele, and it is the trait that is expressed when both alleles are present. For example, if the genotype is heterozygous for the trait of eye color, the phenotype will usually look like the dominant eye color (e.g. blue) rather than the recessive one (e.g. brown). This is because the dominant allele is what is expressed when the two alleles are present in the same genotype. In some cases, however, both alleles can be expressed, resulting in a blended phenotype. In conclusion, when there is a genotype that consists of a dominant and a recessive allele, the phenotype generally looks like the dominant one.

To learn more about Genotype :



look at picture for guidance need help asap 30 points! (troll I will report you and surely get you banned)​



this should be it


Fish respiration and plant photosynthesis simulation


Photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and ecological output can all be studied using this program. Set the plant number to 0 to try the fish only. Set the fish to 0 to try only vegetation. Set the light level to 0 to monitor plant cellular respiration. The simulation will execute immediately whenever a variable is modified.

Aquatic plants, like land plants, engage in photosynthesis and internal metabolism. When marine autotrophs release oxygen as a result of photosynthesis, it dissolves in water. Dissolved oxygen can be detected directly to determine whether aquatic plants engage in photosynthesis or cellular respiration under various circumstances.

Finding a consistent supply of aquatic plants can be challenging because some species are only accessible periodically and others are invasive. As a result, for this novel exercise,We suggest Java moss (Vesicularia dubyana) or Christmas moss (Vesicularia montagnei), two watery aquaria-friendly aquatic bryophytes. As evidenced by our findings, Java moss experiences cellular respiration in the dark, resulting in a decrease in dissolved oxygen, and rapidly changes to photosynthesis when subjected to an LED or halogen plant light. Using this tough aquatic plant, students can simply adjust light levels to learn more about photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

5.3.c contrast euchromatin and heterochromatin in terms of structure, gene activity, and location along an interphase chromosome.


Contrast euchromatin and heterochromatin in terms of structure is euchromatin and heterochromatin are in their structures, gene activity, and location along the interphase chromosome.

The DNA of a cell is packed into chromatin fibers, which exist in two forms: euchromatin and heterochromatin. They differ in terms of structure, gene activity, and location along an interphase chromosome. Structure: Euchromatin fibers are thin and uncondensed, while heterochromatin fibers are thick and condensed. Gene Activity: The majority of genes are found in euchromatin, which is actively transcribed. Heterochromatin has fewer genes and is generally transcriptionally silent. Location Along an Interphase Chromosome. Thus, in general, euchromatin is more readily accessible to transcriptional machinery than heterochromatin.

To learn more about Euchromatin :



Which of the following events is an important part of the engineering design process?
testing and evaluating models
evaluating design constraints
designing and building models
all of these


D. all of these are important parts of the engineering design process. Testing and evaluating models, evaluating design constraints, and designing and building models are all key steps in the iterative process of engineering design.

What is an engineering?

Engineering is a field of study and practice that involves the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design, develop, build, and maintain structures, machines, systems, processes, and materials that solve practical problems and improve our lives. Engineers use creativity, critical thinking, and technical knowledge to address challenges related to a wide range of industries.

What is desigh constraints?

Design constraints are the limitations, requirements, or conditions that must be taken into account when creating a design solution. They may be imposed by various factors, such as the project's scope, budget, timeline, regulatory requirements, safety standards, environmental concerns, user needs, or technological limitations.

To know more about engineering, visit:



Select all these that are DNA sequences required for the replication and segregation of eukaryotic chromosomes
(A) Telomeres at ends of chromosomes
(B) Centromeres
(C) Promoters at the starts of genes
(D) Exons in the genes
(E) Origins of replication
(F) Introns in the genes


Select all the DNA sequences required for the replication and segregation of eukaryotic chromosomes. The following DNA sequences are required for the replication and segregation of eukaryotic chromosomes: Telomeres at the ends of chromosomes, Centromeres Origins of replication.

The initiation of DNA replication begins at specific sites on the chromosomes known as the origins of replication. Origin recognition complexes (ORC) are multisubunit protein complexes that bind to specific sites on chromosomes and recruit other proteins to form a pre-replication complex (pre-RC). The pre-RC assembles and activates DNA helicases, which separate the two strands of DNA at the origin of replication, forming a replication fork. The DNA polymerase complex binds to the replication fork, synthesizes new strands of DNA in the 5' to 3' direction, and discontinuously elongates the strands. The synthesis of the two strands of DNA continues until they meet at another specific site on the chromosome. The formation of two new DNA molecules is then complete. The telomeres are protective structures at the ends of chromosomes. Telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences, composed of TTAGGG repeats, which form a cap-like structure at the ends of chromosomes.

They protect the chromosome ends from being degraded or fused with other chromosomes. Centromeres are the constricted regions of chromosomes that attach to spindle fibers during cell division. They are essential for the correct separation of chromosomes during cell division. The origin of replication is a specific site on the chromosome where DNA replication begins. The origins of replication occur at specific sites on chromosomes, and the initiation of replication is tightly regulated.

To learn more about Chromosomes :



The Localistic Model of brain function was first hypothesized by Earnest Aubertin. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true regarding this model?
[mark all correct answers]
The Localistic Model states that a particular region of the brain is dedicated to a specific task.
The Localistic Model has been thoroughly discredited by science.
It is also known as the Distributed Model, popularized by Pierre Gratiolet.
Science supports many aspects of the Localistic Model. However this model does not entirely explain how the brain works.
The Localistic Model explains that different regions work together to accomplish various different functions.


According to the Localistic Model, a specific area of the brain is saved for a clear activity. Numerous facets of the Localistic Model are backed by science. Yet, the brain's workings are not fully defined by this model. The correct answer is (A, D).

The study of the nervous system and the brain is referred to as "neuroscience," while the study of how the nervous system influences behavior is referred to as "biological psychology."

Signals are sent from the brain to the rest of the body, including internal organs, by the nervous system. The activity of the nervous system controls the ability to move, breathe, see, and think, among other things.

The scientific study of the nervous system—the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system—and how it works is known as neuroscience.

To learn more about Localistic, here



How does water flow?


water flows down due to gravity.
Water will always form a flat surface unless it is acted on by another force, such as wind. Objects can sink, float, or stay suspended in water. Air takes up space in water and will float to the top. In nature, water flows down due to gravity.

3. Use the diagram and information to answer questions below the figure.

You may use the amino acid table at beginning of exam to look up the 3 letter amino acid abbreciation and structure.
You have discovered a new enzyme that you name Pac-Manase that breaks down Pac-dot substrates (see figure below). You determine that the following potential interactions may occur between amino acids (3 letter abbreviation in red) in the enzyme's active site and its substrate (in yellow in figure below). At each site between the chemical group (in green) on the substrate and the closest side chain of an amino acid (in red) on the enzyme (in the gray circles), Pac-Manase, determine if a favorable interaction is likely to take place.
For each amino acid and substrate functional group pair, decide if a favorable interaction is likely take place and if so state the name for the strongest interaction/bond that may occur. For all cases where a potential interaction seems unfavorable, explain why.







The interactions that take place between each amino acid and substrate functional group pair play important roles in determining the structure and function of the enzyme Pac-Manase.

What interaction takes place between each amino acid and substrate functional group pair?

Several interactions take place between each amino acid and substrate functional group pair of the enzyme Pac-Manase.

These interactions are described below:

GLN and -OH: GLN contains a side chain with a carboxamide group (-CONH2), which can form hydrogen bonds with a hydroxyl group (-OH). This interaction is called a hydrogen bond.ASP and -NH2: ASP contains a negatively charged side chain, while -NH2 represents a positively charged amino group. The oppositely charged groups can attract each other, forming an ionic bond.ILE and -CH3: ILE contains a side chain with a methyl group (-CH3), which can interact with other methyl groups through van der Waals forces. This interaction is called hydrophobic interaction.LYS and -NH2: LYS contains a positively charged side chain, while -NH2 represents a positively charged amino group. The two positively charged groups can repel each other, but they can also form a salt bridge, which is a strong ionic interaction between oppositely charged groups.ARG and -COOH: ARG contains a positively charged side chain, while -COOH represents a negatively charged carboxyl group. The oppositely charged groups can attract each other, forming a salt bridge.

Learn more about amino acids at: https://brainly.com/question/14351754


If the temperature of the skin is too low or too high this information is conveyed to an area of the brain called the
A. cerebellum.
B. hypothalamus.
C. cerebrum.
D. medulla oblongata.
E. spinal cord.


If the temperature of the skin is too low or too high, this information is conveyed to an area of the brain called the hypothalamus. Therefore the correct option is option B.

The hypothalamus is a small part of the brain that performs a variety of critical functions. The hypothalamus is found in the brain's basal region, at the bottom of the third ventricle. It is situated between the optic nerves and above the pituitary gland.

The hypothalamus is the body's regulatory centre. The hypothalamus is responsible for: Body temperature control Hunger regulation Thirst regulation Water and salt balance The release of hormones The control of emotional behaviour.The hypothalamus, in addition to these roles, controls the pituitary gland's function.

The hypothalamus sends information to the pituitary gland, which then transmits signals to other endocrine organs. The hypothalamus is also involved in the control of the autonomic nervous system. Therefore the correct option is option B.

For such more question on hypothalamus:





Here are the marks that can be found on a bullet include: Land, Primer dent, Groove and Right or left striations.

What is a bullet's trajectory?

A bullet's trajectory is the path it follows from the moment it is fired from the gun until it hits its target or stops. The trajectory of a bullet is influenced by a number of factors, including the initial velocity of the bullet, the angle at which the gun is fired, the weight and shape of the bullet, and the presence of any external forces such as wind or gravity.

The trajectory of a bullet can be calculated using mathematical models, which take into account the various factors that affect its flight path. One thing we cannot use to predict the trajectory of a bullet is the type of gunpowder used in the bullet.

Learn more on bullets here: https://brainly.com/question/13073762


Image transcribed:

1. What marks can be found on a bullet? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY*


Primer dent


Right or left striations

2. What is one thing we CANNOT use to predict the trajectory of a bullet?

the cat, felis domestica, has a diploid number of 38 chromosomes in its somatics cell. consisting of 19 homologous pairs ( that is 19 maternal and 19 paternal chromosomes). a student stated that only one fourth of the gametes produced by meiosis in this animal will have all of its chromosomes from either maternal or paternal origin. explain wether you think the student is right or wrong




The student is incorrect. During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair up and can undergo crossing over, where genetic material can be exchanged between maternal and paternal chromosomes. This results in the formation of genetically unique haploid cells (gametes) with a combination of chromosomes from both maternal and paternal origin.

In the case of a diploid organism with 19 homologous pairs, the total possible combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes in the gametes is 2^19, or approximately 524,000. This means that there are a large number of possible combinations of chromosomes that can end up in a gamete, making it unlikely for all of the chromosomes in a gamete to come from either maternal or paternal origin.

Therefore, the correct statement is that only a small fraction of the gametes produced by meiosis in this animal will have all of its chromosomes from either maternal or paternal origin, while the majority of the gametes will have a combination of chromosomes from both maternal and paternal origin.

Protein Quality of Foods Click and drag to indicate whether the following foods provide high-quality (complete) or lower quality (incomplete) protein High-Quality (Complete) Protein Lower-Quality (Incomplete) Protein GELATIN Gelatin Whey (mik protein) Garbanro bean


High-Quality (Complete) (Complete) Protein: Low-Quality Whey (milk protein) (Incomplete) gelatin with garbanzo beans for protein

What types of food include incomplete proteins?

The majority of plant-based foods, such as nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, whole grains, tofu, rice, and vegetables, are incomplete protein sources. A complete protein can be created by combining incomplete proteins at meals or throughout the day.

What kind of sources of protein are complete and incomplete?

All animal-based foods, including meat, dairy, and eggs, include complete protein, according to Harvard Health Publications. Most plant-based protein sources, including whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, spinach, broccoli, and mushrooms, are deficient in certain essential amino acids.

To know more about Protein visit:-



In what type of organisms can the CRISPR/Cas system be found naturally?


Bacteria and archaea

Why is the rumen not acidic?​



please make me brainalist


To keep the rumen bugs happy, cows chew cud. Chewing cud creates saliva, which has bicarbonate in it and opposes acid. Therefore, the more the cows chew cud, the more saliva they produce, and this saliva when swallowed with the cud maintains a rumen pH between 6.0 and 7.0, keeping the important microbes happy.

Answer: How come the rumen is not acidic? Rumen bacteria quickly break down carbohydrates in the rumen into sugars, which are subsequently fermented to produce an excess of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), lowering the rumen's pH. In what way do ruminants and rumen microorganisms interact?

Explanation: I changed the wording for you so you do not have to

I hope this helps broski

select all of the following that are ethical concerns associated with the use of transgenic organisms. multiple select question.


Potential harm to the environment

Potential harm to non-target organisms

Unintended consequences of gene transfer

What is a gene ?

The DNA sequence of a gene determines the specific characteristics or traits that it codes for, such as eye color, hair color, height, susceptibility to certain diseases, and more. Genes can be turned on or off by various regulatory mechanisms, and mutations or changes in the DNA sequence of a gene can result in altered or non-functional proteins, leading to genetic disorders.

Humans have an estimated 20,000-25,000 genes, and each individual inherits one copy of each gene from each parent. The study of genes and their functions is known as genetics, and has important applications in fields such as medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology.

To know more about gene visit :

select all of the reasons that gene regulation is advantageous in multicellular eukaryotic organisms.


The reasons that gene regulation is advantageous in multicellular eukaryotic organisms are;

B-it saves energyC-not all cells need all proteins encoded in the genome

What is gene regulation?

Gene regulation is the process by which the expression of genes is controlled in response to various internal and external signals. It is a complex process that involves several mechanisms, including the binding of regulatory proteins to specific DNA sequences, chemical modification of DNA or histones, and the action of non-coding RNAs.

Gene regulation is essential for the proper development and functioning of all living organisms. It allows cells to respond to changes in their environment, differentiate into different cell types, and perform specialized functions.

Learn more on gene regulation here: https://brainly.com/question/25703686


The complete question:

select all of the reasons that gene regulation is advantageous in multicellular organisms.

-it allows cells to delete unneeded genes and recycle the nucleotides for other processes

-it saves energy

-not all cells need all proteins encoded in the genome

PLEASE HELP!!!What type of air masses form over land in polar regions?
cold and dry air masses
warm and dry air masses
cold and wet air masses
warm and wet air masses


In polar regions, air masses that develop over land tend to be chilly and dry.

These air masses are characterized by their cold temperatures and low moisture content and are thought to originate over high latitudes.

Air massesLarge bodies of air known as air masses have similar properties with one another, including stability, humidity, and temperature. The area across which an air mass originates affects the features of that air mass. A Continental Polar (cP) air mass is the term used to describe the air mass that develops over land in polar latitudes.The high latitudes where the cP air mass originates have extremely frigid temperatures, frequently below freezing. Because of its lack of access to a source of moisture, this air mass gets dry as it passes over land. As a result, the air mass has low relative humidity and moisture content.

learn more about air masses here



identify the letter that indicates the organ that directs sperm towards the seminal vesicles during ejavulation


The letter that indicates the organ that directs sperm towards the seminal vesicles during ejaculation is D.

Ejaculation occurs during orgasm, which is when the intense physical and emotional sensations.

During ejaculation, the vas deferens, which is a tube that carries sperm from the testicles to the urethra, contracts and propels the sperm towards the prostate gland.

The prostate gland then adds a fluid to the semen to nourish and protect the sperm. Finally, the semen is propelled out of the body through the urethra during ejaculation.

The prostate gland (D) is the organ that directs sperm towards the seminal vesicles during ejaculation.

For such more question on ejaculation:



Identify a true statement about waves and their movement in the ocean.
O Waves help transport water to different locations.
O When under a wave trough, the water moves up and forward.
O When under a wave crest, water moves down and back.
O Waves carry energy across the sea surface.



"Waves carry energy across the sea surface."


This is a fundamental characteristic of waves and their behavior in the ocean. As waves travel through the ocean, they transfer energy from one location to another, causing the water to move in a circular motion without transporting water itself. The movement of water associated with waves occurs in a vertical and circular motion, with water particles moving up and down in the vicinity of the wave, but not being transported forward or backward over large distances.
waves carry energy across the sea surface and that is because energy is transferred through movement

label the bone features (bone markings) of the rib articulating with a vertebra by clicking and dragging the label to the correct location.


Heads are the bone markings that make up ball-and-socket joints. From the femur or humerus's proximal end, these are the rounded bone projections. The head fits into the joint's socket on the appropriate bone.

The thoracic vertebrae all have construction (or bone stamping) found horizontally on each side, called the demi facets. The ribs articulate at the demi facets of the thoracic vertebrae. There will be a set of demi facets on each of the 12 thoracic vertebrae because they all connect to the ribs.

The trochlear notch on the ulna, the radial notch on the ulna, the suprasternal notch, and the mandibular notch are just a few examples. The curved portion of a bone that provides the rest of the bone with structural support is called the ramus. The superior/inferior pubic ramus and the mandible ramus are two examples.

To learn more about the humerus's proximal here



which of the following molecules is a nucleotide precursor that is incorporated into the newly synthesized dna strand during normal dna replication?


During DNA replication, the nucleotides that make up the newly synthesized DNA strand are derived from deoxynucleotide triphosphates, which consist of a deoxyribose sugar, a nitrogenous base, and three phosphate groups. The correct answer is (d) Deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP).

One of these nucleotides is deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP), which pairs with deoxyadenosine triphosphate (dATP) through hydrogen bonds to form the base pairs that hold the two strands of DNA together. Ribose is the sugar component found in RNA, but it is not a precursor for DNA synthesis. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an important energy molecule in the cell, but it is not incorporated into DNA during replication.

Learn more about nucleotides



Full Question ;

"Which of the following molecules is a nucleotide precursor that is incorporated into the newly synthesized DNA strand during normal DNA replication: (a) Deoxyribose, (b) Ribose, (c) Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), or (d) Deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP)?"

In the human physiology lab you could measure the physiological activity of all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a. Muscles b. Heart c. Lungs d. Liver.


In the human physiology lab you could measure the physiological activity of all the following except Heart.

Muscle activity can be measured using methods like electromyography (EMG), which records the electrical activity of muscle fibers. This can be used to evaluate the effects of training or rehabilitation programs, as well as to assess muscle function and identify neuromuscular disorders.

Lung activity can be measured using methods like spirometry, which measures the volume and flow of air in and out of the lungs. This can be used to evaluate lung function, identify respiratory disorders.

Liver activity can be evaluated using blood tests that assess liver function, such as measurements of liver enzymes, bilirubin, and other liver health markers.

Learn more about Physiology



Scientists are studying a genetic disorder. They discover that when both parents are carriers, and do not express the disorder themselves, their children have a 25% chance of developing the disorder. If only one parent is a carrier, none of the children express the disorder. What type of disorder are they most likely studying?


The genetic disorder that the scientists are most likely studying is an autosomal recessive disorder.

What is the autosomal recessive disorde?

In this type of disorder, a person needs to inherit two copies of the mutated gene, one from each parent, to develop the disorder. When both parents are carriers of a recessive gene mutation, there is a 25% chance that each of their children will inherit two copies of the mutated gene, and therefore develop the disorder.

However, if only one parent is a carrier, the children will inherit one copy of the normal gene from that parent and one copy of the mutated gene from the other parent, and therefore will not develop the disorder.

Read more on disorder here: https://brainly.com/question/16867720


using the chart below, explain which organism is most closely related to the human and why? which is most distantly related and why?


You can see from the chart below that the first species is in the animal kingdom while the other three are in the plant world. Just below the level of domains, the kingdom is a very high degree of categorization.

As a result, creatures from various kingdoms have relatively little in common. Sponge species are our most distant cousins according to the conventional animal tree of life. Like our non-animal ancestors (such as fungi), sponges are structurally basic creatures that lack many sophisticated animal characteristics including a nervous system, muscles, and a through-gut.

The gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans are the big apes that resemble humans the most physically. Yet, DNA testing has revealed that the chimpanzees are our closest living cousins; 95% of our DNA is the same.

Learn more about human kingdoms Visit: brainly.com/question/3801716


Correct Question:

Using the chart below, explain which organism is most closely related to the human and why? which is most distantly related and why?

What is responsible for the high resolution of the electron


Answer: The high resolution of EM images results from the use of electrons (which have very short wavelengths) as the source of the illuminating radiation. Electron microscopy is used in conjunction with a variety of ancillary techniques (e.g. thin sectioning, immuno-labeling, negative staining) to answer specific questions.


All of the following types of metabolism use a membrane-associated electron transport system (ETS) EXCEPT for
Choose one:
A. lithotrophy.
B. phototrophy.
C. mitochondrial respiration.
D. fermentation.
E. organotrophy.


During fermentation, the electrons from glycolytic responses are gotten back to the to some extent oxidized food source as opposed to being gone through an ETS framework to a terminal electron acceptor. The correct answer is (D).

The fact that the protein complexes that make up the various types of ETS share a common ancestor is indicated by their homology.

The electron transport chain is a progression of four protein buildings that couple redox responses, making an electrochemical slope that prompts the production of ATP in a total framework named oxidative phosphorylation. It occurs in mitochondria during photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Smoke that is exhaled by smokers and smoke that is produced when a tobacco product is burned. It is called compulsory or aloof smoking to Breathe in ETS. Likewise called natural tobacco smoke and handed-down cigarette smoke.

To learn more about glycolytic here



When electrons flow along the electron transport chains of mitochondria, which of the changes occurs? The correct answer is (B) the pH of the matrix increases. As electrons are passed along the electron transport chains, protons are actively transported from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space.


Protons are actively transferred from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane gap as electrons move along the electron transport chains. Option 4 is Correct.

One of the changes that takes place as electrons move along mitochondria's electron transport chains is a rise in the matrix's pH. Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration take place in mitochondria. In the former, energy is released together with the release of electrons from the breakdown of organic molecules.

In the latter, after being activated by light, the electrons join the chain, and the energy released is utilized to create carbs. At the conclusion of cellular respiration comes the electron transport chain, a network of chemical processes. This chain is found in the cell's cristae or inner mitochondrial membrane. Option 4 is Correct.

Learn more about mitochondria Visit: brainly.com/question/869305


Correct Question:

When electrons flow along the electron transport chains of mitochondria, which of the following changes occurs?

1. NAD+ is oxidized.

2. The electrons gain free energy.

3. The cytochromes phosphorylate ADP to form ATP.

4. The pH of the matrix increases.

5. ATP synthase pumps protons by active transport.

6. the pH of the matrix increases.

2. (b) Describe TWO environmental benefits of urbanization.



Urbanization refers to the process of people moving from rural areas to urban areas, leading to the growth of cities and towns. While urbanization is often associated with negative environmental impacts, such as pollution and habitat destruction, there are also some potential environmental benefits:

Reduced land use: By concentrating people and development in urban areas, urbanization can help to reduce the amount of land that needs to be converted for agricultural or natural ecosystems. This can help to protect biodiversity and reduce the amount of habitat destruction that occurs due to human activities.

Efficient use of resources: In many cases, urban areas are more efficient in their use of resources than rural areas. For example, people in cities often use less water and energy per capita than people in rural areas, due to the more efficient design of urban infrastructure and buildings. This can help to reduce the environmental impact of human activities, including greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution.

what is alcohol how to prepare it ​



Alcohol is made by putting grains, fruits or vegetables through a process called fermentation. This is a chemical reaction where yeast or bacteria react with the sugars in the other ingredients to produce ethanol (the alcohol in the drink) and carbon dioxide (which can mean the drink has bubbles).

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Which of the following procedures might she be considering?a. Electroconvulsive therapyb. Psychotropic medicationsc. Cognitive behavioral therapyd. MDMA-assisted psychotherapy24. You have been taking piano lessons and you have to give a performance during your year end recital. Youre very stressed because you think youll make mistakes and embarrass yourself. You calm yourself down by challenging your negative thoughts and challenge the idea that you[ll embarrass yourself. What stage of the ABC model would challenging these negative thoughts be considered?a.Activating Eventb.Beliefc.Consequenced.Dispute25. Elijahs house was destroyed during a tornado and he almost died. Hes been experiencing intrusive thoughts, avoiding the remains of his house, and has a strong fear response when a storm comes. His therapist has him describe his traumatic experience over and over again and even has him listen to recordings at home. Over time the anxiety he feels about reminders of the tornado and the aftermath lessen. What type of therapy would this be considered?a.Cognitive Behavioral Therapyb.Dialectical Behavior Therapyc.Prolonged Exposure Therapyd.Psychoanalysis26. Dr. Roberts studied the relationship between trauma and academic performance. Students reported the number of traumas they had experienced in their lifetime and also reported their current cumulative grade point average (GPA). This study is considered a(n):a. longitudinal studyb. observational studyc. experimental studyd. correlational study27.Simone vaguely remembers her 5th birthday party. Her parents had rented a bouncy house and they had pizza and cake. This is an example of an:a. Explicit memoryb. Implicit memoryc. Procedural memoryd. Sensory28. Jacob needed to study for his Physics exam. What should Jacob do to effectively learn the course material?a.Start studying a little every day by testing himself on the materialb.Reread the textbook and his notesc.Highlight the important points in the textbookd.Create summaries of every chapter29. Every time Marias daughter successfully used the potty she was rewarded with a starburst candy. This is an example of:a. Positive reinforcementb. Negative reinforcementc. Positive punishmentd. Negative punishment30 Jerry wanted to replicate John Watsons famous experiment by giving his little brother, Ben, a fear of dogs. Every time the dog approached his little brother, Jerry would shoot him with a nerf gun (that hurt) causing Ben to jump. Eventually, Ben started jumping and experiencing fear just when he saw the dog. The dog is considered the:a.Unconditioned stimulusb.Conditioned stimulusc.Unconditioned responsed.Conditioned response A certain computer loses half of its value every four years. If the value of the computer after 6 years is $835, what was the initial value of the computer?