What would be the best topic sentence for the following paragraph?"
At the end of the
half it was clear why The Cowboys were the heavy favorite with The Eagles losing twenty one to
nothing. The Cowboys defense prevented The Eagles from making any progress. However
something changed in the second half. The Eagles started with some luck early in the third quarter
when they recovered a fumble for a touchdown. This gave the underdogs the confidence to rally
back, ending The Cowboys' undefeated streak with a final score of Cowboys twenty one, Eagles
twenty four."
A. The Cowboys lose another game.
B. Football games are very unpredictable.

C. The Eagles upset The Cowboys in a close game.
D. The Eagles are clearly a playoff team.


Answer 1

The Cowboys–Eagles rivalry

it will be perfect

Related Questions

What anchored cach round beneath the water level?



Alright then mabey it is tlaltícpac then again it could be wrong so if their is another answer choose that one and have a nice day mate :)


macbeth of central elite

Which of the following is recommended when drafting a short story?

Look for ways to show events and interactions through dialogue.

Frequently alternate between exposition and resolution.

Add action and interest to the story by avoiding the use of dialogue

Look for ways to use rhythm to illustrate the theme.



Look for ways to show events and interactions through dailogue

Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Bronte (excerpt)
In the following excerpt the narrator, Jane Eyre, describes an interaction with her nursemaid, Bessie.
Bessie asked if I would have a book: the word book acted as a transient stimulus, and I begged her to fetch Gulliver's Travels from the library. This
book I had again and again perused with delight. I considered it a narrative of facts, and discovered in it a vein of interest deeper than what I found in
fairy tales: for as to the elves, having sought them in vain among foxglove leaves and bells, under mushrooms and beneath the ground-ivy mantling
old wall-nooks, I had at length made up my mind to the sad truth, that they were all gone out of England to some savage country where the woods
were wilder and thicker, and the population more scant; whereas, Lilliput and Brobdignag being in my creed, solid parts of the earth's surface,
doubted not that I might one day, by taking a long voyage, see with my own eyes the little fields, houses, and trees, the diminutive people, the tiny
cows, sheep, and birds of the one realm; and the corn-fields forest-high, the mighty mastiffs, the monster cats, the tower-like men and women of the
other. Yet, when this cherished volume was now placed in my hand-when I turned over its leaves, and sought in its marvellous pictures the charm
had, till now, never failed to find-all was eerie and dreary, the giants were gaunt goblins, the plgmies malevolent and fearful imps, Gulliver a most
desolate wanderer in most dread and dangerous regions. I closed the book, which I dared no longer peruse, and put it on the table, beside the
untasted tart.
Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
Read the excerpt. Then complete the paragraph.
The author develops the narrator's character through historical context by portraying the narrator as
. a detail consistent with this historical period.



The author develops the narrator's character through the historical context, portraying the narrator as a person who reads novels as entertainment. A detail consistent with this historical period.


"Jane Eyre" is a book written by Charllotte Bronte and tells the story of How Jane Eyre managed to overcome all her difficulties through study, intelligence and perseverance. Although the book does not determine what period of time this story takes place, it is possible to determine that this story takes place during the late Georgian period and the Victorian period. At that time, people didn't have access to internet and television like we have. The most common forms of entertainment during this period were reading and traveling. As we can see in reading the excerpt shown in the question above, Jane uses reading as entertainment since childhood, which was normal for the society in which she lived.

Help plis

Present perfect vs Present simple

complete the spaces

1)_____ Rosana____ (take) list?
yes, she____

2)____ you____ (enter) the school at 7 AM this morning?
no, I _____

3) What ____you____ (eat) last sunday?
we____ (eat) a big lunch and ____ (drink) an orange juice​



1. Does Rosana take list?

- Yes, she does.

2. Do you enter the school at 7 AM this morning?

- No, I don't

3. What did you eat last Sunday? (I don't think this sentence can use present form because last Sunday is totally in the past.)

- We ate a big lunch and drank orange juice.

Explain why continuing to practice email skills is important as a modern communicator.


It is always important to keep a formal formatting when emailing a professional individual or someone that holds a higher title than you. When you sound informal or have misspelling in your email, they might not take you seriously. For example, when emailing your college professor it is good to keep in mind the proper formatting before sending that email. You would want to mention your name and student ID if needed as well as what class/section you are in. With hundreds of students, you can get lost in those emails. At the end you should thank them for reading your email and let them know you are understanding of any situation.

Read the passage and answer the question that follows:

Despite our best efforts as parents, we will always make mistakes in raising our children. It's inevitable. There are so many decisions to be made in any given day, week, month, or year. It's an inhuman task to make all of these decisions correctly. Who would even want to try for perfection?

We shouldn't worry too much, though, because it is precisely our mistakes that teach our children the most about life. Life is full of mistakes, obstacles, and trouble. Shielding our children from these by striving for perfection in our own parenting does them no favors.

Given this, a parent might be tempted to give up trying to make good decisions and simply let the chips fall where they may. Admittedly, that attitude is not without its benefits, but it goes too far in the other direction. Children are much more observant than we think, but often draw the wrong conclusions from what they observe. If we give up trying to make the right decisions, they might get the message that we don't care about their future.

We can take comfort in this much: we teach our children even when we're not trying to. That doesn't mean we should stop trying to do our best, to make the right decisions whenever possible. It just means that we shouldn't beat ourselves up when we make mistakes. Either it won't matter because it's something small, or it just might build some character in our children, a commodity that will serve them well.

"Despite our best efforts as parents, we will always make mistakes in raising our children"?

The word despite is a transition that (5 points)

indicates a relationship
indicates a sequence of time



The word "despite" is a transition that: A. contrasts.


Transition words are used to transition smoothly from one idea to another in a way that connects them. "Despite" is a type of transition word that indicates contrast between the two ideas being expressed. In this same category, we can mention: although, conversely, still, yet, even so, while, whereas, etc.

In the sentence we are analyzing here, "despite" contrasts the ideas of (1) making a lot of effort to be a good parent and (2) making mistakes as a parent.

A girl was walking home one day..

can you help me continue this essay?​


Answer: A girl was walking home one day. It was a wintry night and there was no passer by on the road except for the two souls. It was chilly and dry. She could not walk properly in all those heavy, furry clothes. So she was walking with slowly. Suddenly her dog started barking furiously, clenching and flashing his white and sharp teeth. She saw nothing except a long, empty endless road. She tried to pull her dog and start walking but it stopped and barked. With a whoosh the wind struck her so hard that she fell to the ground.

hope its helps you

keep smiling be happy stay safe.

In the sentence a new tropical wave has just entered the Gulf of Mexico what is this simple subject



The simple subject is the tropical wave.


A simple subject is something that is performing an action. It can be a person, place, or even a thing. In this sentence, the thing is the tropical wave. The tropical wave is performing an action. It is entering the Gulf of Mexico, a place. The answer is not the Gulf of Mexico because the gulf is not performing any action.

what type of clause is the following? if you follow these guidelines independant clause, dependent clause, primary clause, and main clause



Dependent clause.


A dependent clause is a clause or group of words that cannot stand on its own as a sentence. They need to be part of another clause, an independent clause, to be in a sentence. They contain a subject and a verb but cannot function as a complete sentence or thought.

In the given clause "if you follow these guidelines", the presence of the conditional adverb "if" makes it a dependent clause.

Thus, the correct answer is a dependent clause.

Which statement best explains the simile in this


Answer: Please put the question


So no explanation

Which evaluation of her essay is most accurate?


There’s no photo

Very confused about this question

They/watch/football match/TV/at this time tomorow



Ahaha me I'm just playing my instruments like guitar during quarantine

×_× mello ×_×
They will watch a football match on the TV at this time tomorrow

Which propaganda technique is being used in the following statement? "My opponent is much younger than I, and has not learned to be responsible enough to do this job."



Ad hominem.


Propaganda techniques are the devices or techniques used to attack one's opponents. Such techniques are used to influence the readers or listeners, in the hope of appealing to their desires and support.

The given statement is an example of ad hominem because it makes a personal attack on the opponent rather than the argument. The speaker talks of the young age of his opponent, which he states, makes him unsuitable for the job. This argument is based on the capability of the opponent and a personal attack, which makes the whole statement invalid.

Thus, the correct answer is ad hominem.




its obvious

Can you help me______these balloons for the party?
a)blow up
which of them is more appropriate verb​


The correct answer in my opinion is ‘a) blow up’

Write an essay that explains how the foreshadowing in "The Monkey's Paw" by W. W.
Jacobs creates tension, suspense, or both. Your essay will have an introduction
paragraph, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. The ideas in your
essay must be linked by transitions.
Make sure you show a good understanding of what foreshadowing, tension, and
suspense mean. Also make sure you can pick out examples of these elements in
"The Monkey's Paw" so that you can support your essay's claim with evidence.
Your essay should include the following elements:
• A claim about how the foreshadowing in W. W. Jacobs's story creates tension or
• An introduction paragraph, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion
• Evidence from the story that supports your claim
• Transitions that link words and ideas



In ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ the author W.W.Jacobs begins the story by setting the scene and the atmosphere by describing the area in which the White’s live. Jacobs describes the night as cold and wet, while inside the house the blinds are drawn and the fire is burning brightly. This is a good contrast, as the house seems to have a warm and safe atmosphere inside, even though the cottage is situated in a remote area of the country, with extremely unpleasant and harsh weather. Before the Sergeant-Major arrives, the atmosphere of the house seems quite tense and dull. Jacobs shows how tense Mr. White is when he writes “Bawled Mr. White, with sudden and unlooked-for violence”. You can easily see that Mr. White doesn’t seem to be concentrating on his game of chess. As ‘The Monkey’s Paw’ was written over a century ago, Jacobs doesn’t use explicit gory details to create horror like modern scary films and books. Instead, he uses subtle hints in most aspects of the story to build up an element of terror and one of these aspects is the way that Jacobs uses setting. The setting of part I begins with a cliché common to most gothic horror stories. “The night was cold and wet but in the small parlour of a Laburnum villa…” The wet and cold atmosphere has an unpleasant effect on the reader as it makes them immediately feel uneasy about the situation. Cold and wet as a combination are both largely used clichés to set the scene of a story, similar to ‘To Build a Fire’, by Jack London, which did however have a more intense description of the setting which was successfully suspenseful and eerie. The pathetic fallacy at the very beginning conveys the idea that the story will contain dark or evil connotations. The use of the word, ‘but’ has been purposely selected to show there is more to the situation, implying that it is liable to a twist. The first paragraph has a great ambience of normality across it; this had been done to allow the reader to empathize with the characters, as it has been set in a fairly common area. However, by setting it in a commonplace, such as a home – Jacobs is defying the orthodox Gothic Horror genre setting. Most stories or novels which follow the rules of this genre are set in deserted places or a more enchanted/fictional region.

In addition, the transition between each part of the story shows large changes in mood. After Herbert retires for the night, the second part begins, which has a very customary, “prosaic” mood to it. The contrast of mood between the start of part II and the end of part I is very large and keeps the reader alert. The huge amount of tension built when Herbert gazes into the fire is dropped instantaneously, keeping the interest of the reader. The following day, the mood is very calm and relaxed, the reader may feel as if the mood were too normal, and become suspicious, waiting for some action to occur. Following the Gothic Horror genre, there is a cliché that sunlight has a large impact on the mood of a story, as everything seems more controlled and calm during the day.


The author is able to create tension and suspense through many ways in “The Monkey's Paw”. In the opening sentence of the story, we are given a quick description of the surrounding area. In gothic stories, they are usually set in a remote and isolated area, as in “The Monkey's Paw” the main setting is in a remote village where there were only two houses around. “Without, the night was cold and wet,” sets the scene of the story. A gloomy background has been given to set the surrounding area. The weather is similar to the feelings of the main characters.This is a good contrast, as the house seems to have a warm and safe atmosphere inside, even though the cottage is situated in a remote area of the country, with extremely unpleasant and harsh weather. The setting of part I begins with a common to most gothic horror stories. “The night was cold and wet but in the small parlor of a Laburnum villa…” The wet and cold atmosphere has an unpleasant effect on the reader as it makes them immediately feel uneasy about the situation. The use of the word, ‘but’ is used purposely to show there is more to the situation, implying that there might be a twist. The first paragraph has a great mood of routine across it, and this has been done to allow the reader to empathize with the characters, as it has been set in a fairly common area.

In addition, the transition between each part of the story shows large changes in mood. After Herbert retires for the night, the second part begins, which has a very usual, “dull” mood to it. The contrast of mood between the start of part II and the end of part I is very large and keeps the reader alert. The huge amount of tension built when Herbert gazes into the fire is dropped instantly, keeping the interest of the reader. The following day, the mood is very calm and relaxed, the reader may feel as if the mood were too normal, and become suspicious, waiting for some action to occur. Following the Gothic Horror genre, it is common that sunlight has a large impact on the mood of a story, as everything seems more controlled and calm during the day.

I moderated it so it fits my vocabulary better :)

Stating that "7,000 people watched the night Frankie Nelson set her 18-hour record" most develops the central idea that the introduction of the bicycle brought with it many changes. indoor track racing was more popular than outdoor racing. female cyclists were more competitive than male cyclists. bicycle racing was a popular sport in the 1880s and 1890s.



The statement most develops the central idea that:

D. bicycle racing was a popular sport in the 1880s and 1890s.


American author Sue Macy (born 1954) published "Wheels of Change" in 2011. The book focuses on how bicycles served as an instrument for women to break rules and challenge societal standards and expectations in the past.

The quote we are analyzing here was taken from Chapter 4 of the book. The paragraph as a whole states that indoor racing was popular and that women were very interest in seeing other women race. However, our focus in on this particular sentence:

"7,000 people watched the night Frankie Nelson set her 18-hour record."

The sentence above develops the idea that bicycle racing was a popular sport in the 1880s and 1890s. Seven thousand people is a lot, even for today's standards. That number shows the popularity of the sport. Since the sentence does not include information concerning who was racing or watching the race, nor where the race was taking place, we can safely choose letter D as the best option.




I was reading while she ……..
a. was sleeping b. slept c. has slept d. sleep​


I was reading while she was sleeping

I was reading while she (option a) .was sleeping.

What is tense?

In grammar, tense exists a variety that represents time reference. Tenses exist usually manifested by the usage of distinct forms of verbs, especially in their conjugation patterns. The primary tenses discovered in many languages contain the past, present, and future.

Tense, in grammar, is a verbal classification describing the time of a narrated event to the duration of the speech event. In many languages, the concept of time exists represented not by the verb but by other parts of speech (temporal adverbials or even nouns, for example).

A verb exists as the action or condition of being in a sentence. Verbs can be expressed in various tenses, depending on when the action exists being performed.

Option A exists as the correct answer because ‘was’ stands in the past tense of is, and is accurate because the statement stands in the past tense.

Hence,I was reading while she (option a) .was sleeping.

To learn more about tense refer to:



How does tragedies refer to the depiction of social realities while comedies present a utopian frame of life?/



In simple words, Tragedy is a sub genre of theater that depicts the tragic or horrible circumstances that a heroic character encounters or causes in a solemn as well as dignified manner. The phrase can also be extended to other creations of literature such as novels. Historically, the goal of drama is to elicit cathartic in the spectator, which is defined as "pain that generates pleasure."

You're doing research for a presentation comparing electric cars to gasoline-powered cars. Which source should you use



I would use gasoline-powered cars

Suppose someone in a collaborative discussion says that the theme of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is that whites are superior to blacks. What should you do next?
Ignore him and move to the next question.
Tell him he is wrong and explain why.
Ask him to explain what he means by superior.
Ask him which events or details support this idea.



ihoner him and movie to the next ques my opinion


Ask him which events or details support this idea.


I took the quiz

U have been installed as a Chief in ur hometown write a letter to ur friend telling him or her at least two things u intend doing to develop the town



See explanation


The Peoples Palace,

40 Palace Close,


July 4, 2021

Dear Omire,

Its my pleasure to let you know that I was coronated the warrant chief of my hometown last week. By this coronation, I have replaced my father as "Omenka III" of Umuigwe clan.

This elevation is not without certain grave responsibilities. The most important among them is the pursuit of development in Umuigwe clan.

I plan to initiate a back to school project for all the out-of-school children in the clan. This project will be pursued in partnership with all the illustrious sons of Umuigwe clan in diaspora. This initiative in targeted at increasing the level of literacy in Umuigwe clan to over 90% by the year 2040.

Secondly, In partnership with the state government, we have initiated the reconstruction of certain critical infrastructure in Umuigwe clan such as schools, markets, roads and civic centers. This is geared towards curbing the rate of migration of people out of Umuigwe clan and ultimately to stimulate the economic growth of the clan.

I have also inaugurated an economic realignment committee of the clan whose mandate is to devise ways of putting the clan on the global map of trade and investment. I have also engaged the services certain business consultants to assist the committee in achieving its mandate.

I hope to see you soon in my palace.

Yours Sincerely,


she told me that she had seen my sister the previous day change it into direct speech​



She said to me "I saw your sister,yesterday. "

We are interested in .... The North American representative for your products, and would to like to arrange a meeting to discuss this in detail.



To be natural and do not use scripts to impress the clients.  Ask about the clients' well-being, use names while talking with a client.  


When a company is interested in your product, you have to do the following things i.e. To be natural and do not use scripts to impress the clients.  Ask about the well-being of the clients, use names while talking with a client.  You also have to prove that your products are better than other competitors.   Specify the positive characteristics of the customer and act on emotions.

Which option would likely come last in an index? Recreational versus Professional, popularity, rules, World Cup



1st World Cup

2nd Rules

3rd Popularity

4th Recreational versus Professional

Which two details are most important to include in a summary of the excerpt from Robinson Crusoe



"At length I spied a little cove on the right shore of the creek, to which with great pain and difficulty I guided my raft"

"and thus I lay till the water ebbed away, and left my raft and all my cargo safe on shore." are the two correct ones

fun riddles
What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?



promise or trust

hope it helps

Answer: A Promise is the answer


Trust And Rules can be broken too


What central theme is expressed in this excerpt from Elie Wiesel's Night? Select all that apply.
A coming of age
B the power of hope struggling with faith
C the loss of innocence​


B. This excerpt really draws out the importance of discovering one’s identity with faith, which is why I’m choosing this answer.

shall we read all the books in passive voice​



No u can read any book on active voice tooo

Sometimes we need passive voice too .

No we should read in active voice then if not then passive voice

What do Uncle Billy's actions say about his character?
A. He despises the other outcasts because they got him thrown out of town.
B. His acts of kindness to the other outcasts are not surprising.
C. When he is drunk, he does not know what he is doing.
D. He truly is an immoral man who selfishly only cares about himself.



D. He truly is an immoral man who selfishly only cares about himself.


According to the book, Outcasts of Poker Flat, Uncle Billy's actions shows that his character is immoral who selfishly only cares about himself.

This is because he steals from others, mostly gold when they pan it and is selfish and only cares about himself and his needs.

Which translation of the passage best explains Macbeth's reasoning for not
murdering Duncan?
O A. My wife doesn't like Duncan and is forcing me into committing this
horrible crime.

B. Duncan is weak and powerless and killing him would be like killing
a defenseless baby.
O C. Duncan is such a good and popular king; it would be cruel to kill
him and make the country sad.
D. Duncan is like a brother to me and I don't want to have the stain of
his death on my hands.



C. Duncan is such a good and popular king; it would be cruel to kill him and make the country sad.


Macbeth was host to the king Duncan and at the tine, he was being pushed to kill him by the 3 sisters, Considering that Duncan was host to the king, there shouldn't even be a consideration to murder him rather he should shieod and prevent any harm fromm coming close to him. According to the Book, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, King Duncan was such a good king and this played a role in Macbeth's Decison not to kill King Duncan. Macbeth was concious of the heavenly punishment which would befall him If he killed such a good person.


c is right


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