what were the bird and the speaker singing about?​


Answer 1



They were singing about the dew and the wind.

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The top-ten in the race would be exempled from fatiue work
True or false​



The top-ten in the race would be exempled from fatiue work

this statment is false


You are trying to persuade members of your class to volunteer to tutor underprivileged children Is it Ethos, Pathos, or Logos and why.



Pathos appeals to the audience's emotions and evokes feelings.


Logos or the appeal to logic is the use of logic or reason to persuade an audience.

Ethos  It is an appeal to authority and credibility in persuasive language. Ensuring an audience of the speaker/or writer's argument's reliability or credibility. Making yourself (or your argument) appear credible and trustworthy will help you persuade your audience.

Question 20 (Essay Worth 5 points)

Read this text from the Constitution:

Passed by Congress March 23, 1971. Ratified July 1, 1971.

Note: Amendment 14, section 2, of the Constitution was modified by section 1 of the 26th amendment.

Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

This amendment is the last of three voting rights amendments. Write a short essay of 5 to 7 sentences explaining how this and the other voting rights amendments expanded voting rights in the United States.


First, we must define the original definition for who is allowed to vote to be able to understand what exactly is expanded upon. At the conceiving of this nation, the white male, land-owning, 21-year old and older were allowed to vote. Meaning, females, people of other skin-color (or even mixed), and non-land owning entities were not allowed to vote. The first change to the right to vote occurred in 1860, and African Americans gained the right to vote 10 years later when the amendment was passed. Following this, Women were allowed to vote in 1920, which saw the rise of support for women (and Native Americans), as they were essentially citizens, and to deny citizens their basic rights was against the natural rights espoused to all when they were born. Of course, with the right to vote comes the responsibility of such a vote. A person is expected to vote for such people in which they believe are aligned to their personal beliefs, as well as what is "better" for the nation. On top of that there would be responsibilities espoused to citizens, such as jury service, etc.

However, while the rights of who and what for voting has expanded, restrictions has also occurred, such as non-citizens (obviously), as well as criminals and felons.


What features are typically associated with postmodern fiction?



Postmodern literature is a form of literature which is marked, both stylistically and ideologically, by a reliance on such literary conventions as fragmentation, paradox, unreliable narrators, often unrealistic and downright impossible plots, games, parody, paranoia, dark humor and authorial self-reference.


Postmodern writers tend to view experiments with form as part of the message of expressing human experiences; they want to represent the act of writing itself, when done most authentically, as an experiment. Another feature of postmodernism is that the chaotic nature of modern life is often a condition to be celebrated rather than "solved" or organized by the calm voices of reason. Contemporary writers seek to represent the crazy unpredictability of life in the 20th century without attempting to impose a traditional logic on that experience. As a result, this genre of literature is often difficult to interpret and understand. More characteristics of the movement are the tendencies to approach each work of art differently as well as mess with readers' expectations of a narrative by changing the structure as an example. Irony is also often used.


Rewrite the sentences below using the correct word in place of the one misspelt.
1: Joan of Arc was tied to a steak and burnt
2: Eight men carried the beer at the headmaster's funeral.



1. Joan of Arc was tied to a stake and burnt

2. Eight men carried the beer to the headmaster's funeral.

What have George and Lennie discussed many times? (from Of Mice and Men)
a) Lennie hiding in the brush if he gets into trouble
b) the differences between them and other ranch hands
o the rabbits Lennie will own someday
d) both banda​





What is the definition of AFFIDAVIT?​



may this answer is helpful for you


a written statement that you say officially is true, and that can be used as evidence in a court of law

what is photosynthesis? hope yall have a great day.​



it is a process by which plants manufacture their food using CO2 from atmosphere, water and sunlight, leaving off oxygen as a waste product

Hey there!

Photosynthesis is the reaction that converts light energy to chemical energy in sugar and carbohydrates. Humans can't eat sunlight, so we eat plants. Plants convert the energy in the sunlight into chemical energy using chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a molecule produced by plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, which aids in the conversion of light energy into chemical bonds. It is the green pigment found in the chloroplasts of higher plants. They are a part of our ecosystem, and they are lower on the food chain.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day, too! :)

can someone help me create an Acrostic Poem based on the words MY HOUSE ​



Magical, old and pretty,

Your eyes shine when you see it

How did I get so lucky?

Oh my, what a place to be in.

Unlike my friend's houses,

Sober, small and with grace

Enter please to my place.

Explanation: An acrostic poem is a poem where the writer uses a letter from each line, to spell a word or a phrase. In this kind of poetry, the composer can either decide to capitalize the first letter of each line, a letter in between, or the last letter. In this case, the secret words; "my house" are highlighted in the first word of each line. The poem as well, describes the writer's small and precious house.

4. He …….. books for children for years.
A. collected B. has collected C. collects D. will collect



B.has collected

The answer is
A.) collected

kinds of noun definition.​


Types could be

Nouns can name a person:

Albert Einstein
the president
my mother
a girl
Nouns can also name a place:

Mount Vesuvius
my bedroom
Nouns can also name things, although sometimes they might be intangible things, such as concepts, activities, or processes. Some might even be hypothetical or imaginary things.

The Elder Wand

read the question and select the answer



Change Its to It's and there to their.


Its is the possesive pronoun of it.

It's is the short form of it is.

There refers to a place.

Their is the possesive pronoun of they

what should i write my book about it has to includee a supernatural theme



mythical creatures?

magical powers?


those are always fun

Reading An online message board 1 2.20 Read and listen to the message board.

Who doesn't suggest a way of making money? 2 Answer the questions.

1 Why does PennyLess need some money?
2. What kind of jobs does Cinderella do?
3. What is owen99 going to do in August?
4. How can PennyLess help the
5. Where does TrendyGirl go shopping?




A new coffee shop is being built. Its location is the reflection of the arcade's coordinates across

the y-axis. Which procedure will find the correct distance between the arcade and the new coffee shop

Which phrase provides the best context clue for the meaning of the word laborious?



The best context clue for the meaning of the word laborious is' a tremendous effort


The best context clue for the meaning of the word laborious is' a tremendous effort'

2. In 2020, they __________________ (built) a bridge on this river.





that's the correct answer




it is the answer only

1) From the second paragraph of the passage, it may be inferred that
the Confederate battle flag got its name from being
used in battle.
the Confederate battle flag was never the state flag
of Georgia
the Confederate battle flag was used before the
D) the Confederate battle flag was objected to by many.


The answer is number a

Tick the word with a different stress pattern from the others: a. Underground b. Family c. Tomorrow d. Beautiful



C.) Tomorrow


The stress pattern simply refers to how syllables that make up a word are stressed. As such different words possess different stress pattern. Words may have one, two, three or more syllables. With one of this syllables carrying a longer stress than the others.

UNDERGROUND : the stress is on the first syllable ;

FAMILY : The stress is also an the first syllable

TOMORROW : Here, the stress is on the second syllable

BEAUTIFUL : The stress is on the first syllable here too.

Only the word TOMORROW has its stress on the second syllable.

Throughout Act 2 it is implied that Eliza values herself and has self-respect. All of the following provides evidence for that conclusion except...

she is suspicious of Higgin’s offer and his wager with Pickering

she has put ostrich feathers in her cap and tried to clean her coat

she claims that despite not having a mom she is a good girl

she stays when Higgins offers her chocolate and taxi rides



she stays when offered chocolate and taxi rides


this is something that encourages her and she likes it




tag question. They decided to have a wash,........they? (have/didn't/haven't)​



C. Haven't


I figured this out by the process of elimination.

"They decided to have a wash have they." This sentence doesn't make sense because this is not the right word to fill in the blank.

"They decided to have a wash, didn't they." Also does not make sense because it is not the right type of past, present, or future tense.

"They decided to have a wash, haven't they." This is the only word that fits this sentence.

Exercise 3: Choose the best option to complete the sentence.
​1.​................. are you doing? - I’m reading a book.
​A. Whom​B. Who​C. Whose​D. What
​2.​................. coffee is this? – It’s mine.
​A. Who​B. Which​C. Whose​D. What
​3.​................. of these problems are you most interested in?
​A. Who​B. Whom​C. Which​D. What
​4.​................. do you know about this subject, and who taught it to you?
​A. Which​B. Who​C. What​D. Whom

​5.​................. is responsible for the accident?
​A. Whose​B. Who​C. Which​D. Whom
​6.​................. children are they? - The Browns’.
​A. Whose​B. Which​C. Whom​D. Who
​7.​................. doesn’t understand what the teacher has explained?
​A. Which​B. Whose​C. Who​D. What
​8.​................. is the weather like today?
​A. What​b. Who​C. Which​D. Whose
​9.​................. the longest river in the world: the Amazon or the Nile?
​A. Whom​B. What​C. Who​D. Which
​10.​With ................. did you go to the seaside?
​A. who​B. whom​C. what​D. which





1. what










III. Give the correct form of the word in the brackets to complete the following sentences.
16. The house was left _______ for most of the year. (USE)
17. Never leave young children ________. (ATTEND)
18. She’s _________ in her own language.(LITERATE)
19. Samples of _______ were drawn using sterile syringes.(BLEED)
20. The animals huddled together for _______.(WARM)


16. Unused.
17. Unattended.
18. Literate.
19. Blood.
20. Warmth.


Tuesday, 13th of August

Dear grandma,

I've been here long enough to be sure: I like the island of Issopyxos! If Mom really never wants to get on a ship more than her for her entire life and therefore has to stay here forever, then let's stay with her. We could have a good time here. The hotel porter told me that in February all the trees already have flowers and that it is five degrees Celsius when it's cold. Of course I would have to learn Greek in order to go to school. Mom could earn some money and I am the dad too. We could paint the stones, the dried pumpkins and even the t-shirts to sell to tourists. Besides, we would need less money than at home, because we don't need winter boots, woolen hats and anoraks here. Now I have to stop writing. Mom and Dad called me from the balcony to go to lunch. A thousand kisses.

The language used is:

The purpose of the letter is:
A: tell experiences, express moods
B: inform in an objective and detached way

|> underline the words that make you understand

The sender is:

The recipient is:

•what relationship is there between the sender and the recipient?



B and A


Which part of an argumentative essay would most likely contain the author's position?
(a) Body text |
(b) Conclusion |
(c) First sentence |
(d) Main idea |


the answer of this question is (conclusion) .

may this answer is helpful for you

body text, conclusion sums up the authors position

Daisy said: " please lend me your history book ,joana"



daisy requests to joanna to lend her history book of joanna

List three reason why there is low involvement of tourism in Ghana​



challenges to tourism planning in Ghana must be addressed. 2. Lack of Legal Backing for Plans : Tourism plans implantation gets mixed up with unnecessary legal battles on issues of land acquisition, prolonged period of time. The Korle lagoon project in Accra is a classic example.


plz mark me as brainliest

Someone please help!:)



It's C.


Define personification


giving a nonhuman thing human characteristics
Giving something that is non human human characteristics

15. In a paragraph, describe what being HUMAN means to you.



Being human means 1. to have the ability to communicate systematically using words, symbols, body gestures/posture, and facial expressions.

2. to make our own decisions and bear the consequences of them.

3. to make and wear clothing, accessories, and other necessities for human life.

4. to become individuals in the process of making our own life in what each one of us want to be in the future.

5. to think about thinking, to ponder on the past, present, and  future.

6. to fit into different personality groups, but our experiences with the personality type is special and different within ourselves.

7. to fit in different racial, cultural, religious, and political groups.

8. to have a government.

9. being unique as an individual in our choices of who we want to be as a person , in our clothing, preferences, talents/gifts, perspectives, likes/dislikes.

10. to live in a economy.

11. to inherit our genes and behaviors from our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and out great grand parents.

12. to be unique and special as a species.


can someone write a story for me about someone getting lost in the forest abd then his friends get taken by these creatures and now he has to find his friends


Two years ago that were a boy name loran, him and his friends went to a forest just to camp and to see the world and the animals that are there, loran fall asleep and his friends went somewhere, loran woke up and didn’t saw anyone, he didn’t know where to go, he was yelling their names, and they answered him back, they said that they left because they saw an scary animal, they get back to their tents and fall asleep again, after few hours of sleeping it was 3am. It was really scary they heard a lot if wolfs out of their tents, they couldn’t go anywhere, so they were just sitting there all quiet, when they didn’t hear any wolfs they ran back home.
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