what was unusual about Guillaume de Machaut's most famous composition?


Answer 1


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The most famous musical composition of the 14th century is Machaut's "Messe de Notre Dame" (Mass of Our Lady), a four-part setting of the Ordinary of the Mass together with the dismissal formula "Ite, missa est."


Answer 2

Guillaume de Machaut was a medieval composer known for his significant contributions to French poetry and music. One of his most famous compositions is the "Messe de Nostre Dame" (Mass of Our Lady).

The "Messe de Nostre Dame" is unique because it was the first known composition to set all five sections of the Ordinary of the Mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei) in polyphony. This was a departure from the previous practice of adding polyphony to existing Gregorian chants.

During the medieval period, it was common for multiple composers to collaborate on the composition of a Mass. However, Machaut composed the "Messe de Nostre Dame" entirely by himself, which was an uncommon approach at the time. It showcased intricate musical techniques: Machaut's composition displayed his mastery of musical techniques, such as isorhythm, where repeating rhythmic patterns are combined with melodic lines. He also employed intricate counterpoint and complex harmonies in the mass, creating a rich and intricate musical texture.

Learn more about Machaut here:



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