what type of Literary Devices is this passage and provide an explanation
" “A wealthy peasant marches
Weakly across a blazing glacier
As the stars in the cloudy sky
Glisten grimly.”
need this ASAP please


Answer 1

Answer: Oxymoron


An oxymoron refers to a self-contradicting word. An oxymoron is a literary device thars used in putting two words that has opposite meanings together in order to create a special effect.

In this case, weak and blazing are quite opposite. Blazing here represents outstanding heat, intensity of speed. This is opposed to weak which means full or lack of energy. Therefore, this is an oxymoron.

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Family is important, your mum and dad are the adults who raised you to become a kind, sweet child. You may think being round your parents near friends is embarrassing but they are the people who raised you, your mum gave birth to for crying out loud! You'd be sad if something happened to them - you may be getting older but their still your family.


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hi balle prrtty we have seen you

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Mary wants to write an email to thank her team for doing extra work while she was out of the office. Which opening
statement would be most appropriate?
A. "Thanks for your help while I was out. Much appreciated."
B. “Thank you for your dedicated work while I was out of the office."
C. "I really appreciate your help while I was out of the office!!!"
D. "You guys rock! You must know that you are the BEST team ever!"





It sounds like the most appropriate for a work E-mail.


“Thank you for your dedicated work while I was out of the office.”


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Homework is work that is given by teachers for students to do at home. Homework is usually given to students by their school teachers. It is a practice work which helps students revise what they've learned that day.

Homework helps students to remember what they learned. Some students will get more homework and some will get less. This depends on how old they are, what grade/primary/year they are in and how smart/intelligent they are. This could help decide what level they are at.

Some students say that homework is a waste of time and that they do enough work at school. However, it is often believed that homework is important for a student because it may help in their exams and education. Homework is essential for anyone that is confused or behind a subject.

Homework helps parents to get to know about their children progress in studies. It can also teach a child to be responsible. However, it has sometimes been a controversial form of learning as some groups argue about its disadvantages.

how to write common mistakes ​



The answer for your question is given below:


Punctuation errors: Punctuation errors include not adding full stops, question marks, commas etc.

Starting errors: Starting errors means adding words that are not meant to be written before a starting sentence. This has only one example, i.e., the.

Capitalization: This is a common mistake for any person. A lot of people forget to make their first letter of a sentence capital.

Spelling errors: Again another common mistake. Spelling errors almost happen every single time.

As far as I can remember these are all the common mistakes I can recollect..

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!

Inaugural address, which statement best describes the persuasive strategy of the speaker?



The statement which best describes the persuasive strategy of the speaker is, 'The speaker passionately argues the idea that America needs to continue to grow.

What American ‘norms’ are the the young men struggling with. Cue: The young men are struggling with ?



Traditional American masculine norms include heterosexual presentation, risk taking, emotional restraint, power over women, dominance, self-reliance, and winning


No Explaintain lol

what is notion of praxis in law​



Praxis is a Greek word which means, doing action. In critical legal studies, praxis means practical action. It is the practical application or exercise of a branch of learning. It also means the practice of living the ethical life in conjunction and in cooperation with others.


Is the process by which a theory is realized or enacted

The word chirping is intended to suggest a sound that is



Innocent and birdlike?!?


I think this is right but don't quote me on this

Why is it necessary to know about other cultures and why adapting to change is an important aspect of life?.



You know how to do things in a variety of ways. Interacting with individuals from various cultures may often help you see things from a new viewpoint. You develop new ways of thinking and addressing and solving issues when you learn about various cultures.


If he got the job, he would have to commute 50 miles to wok, so he decided the work
was not worth it.
What sentence type is this?





Copound- Complex sentence

Tell me about your reading habits. When do you read? Where do you read? What do you read? Why do you read? Tell me anything else about your reading habits.


When: pretty much anytime i have free time and a book with me

Where: anywhere i can

Why: Books are my escape from reality, I dont have to worry about my problems when I’m reading about someone else’s

Other: I read mostly novels, Brad Meltzer is an author I am very interested in currently, I am soon planning to read 1984 by John Grishim and many other law books by him

Hope this helps!

Hyperbole is a
type of figurative language involving exaggeration. Which two sets of
lines in this
excerpt from Andrew Marvel's "To His Coy Mistress" are examples of


Select the correct text in the passage.

Hyperbole is a type of figurative language involving exaggeration. Which two sets of lines in this excerpt from Andrew Marvel's "To His Coy Mistress" are examples of hyperbole?

Had we but world enough and time,

This coyness, lady, were no crime.

We would sit down, and think which way

To walk, and pass our long love’s day.

Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side

Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide

Of Humber would complain. I would

Love you ten years before the flood,

And you should, if you please, refuse

Till the conversion of the Jews.

My vegetable love should grow

Vaster than empires and more slow;

An hundred years should go to praise

Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze;

Two hundred to adore each breast,

But thirty thousand to the rest;

An age at least to every part,

And the last age should show your heart.

For, lady, you deserve this state,

Nor would I love at lower rate.

But at my back I always hear

Time's wingèd chariot hurrying near;

And yonder all before us lie

Deserts of vast eternity.

Thy beauty shall no more be found;

Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound

My echoing song; then worms shall try

That long-preserved virginity,

And your quaint honour turn to dust,

And into ashes all my lust;

The grave's a fine and private place,

But none, I think, do there embrace.


"(...)I would

Love you ten years before the flood, (...)"


"(...) An hundred years should go to praise

Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze; (...)"


He asked me How much didyou pay for this book?​
turn it to indirect speech



How much was paid for this book?

Hope this helps!

Is It possible to make an Airplane with Brushless DC motor??​



yes it is

if you put effort and if you want I can give you a nice vid link don't report;(

Directions: In the space before each group of words, mark P if it is a phrase, D if it is a
dependent clause and I if it is an independent clause.
______1. Over my head
______2. Because I was afraid
______3. I didn’t get very much sleep
______4. That night
______5. I knew what happened
______6. So that I could get some rest
______7. I heard the cat’s meow
______8. Sitting by the broken plate licking the crumbs
______9. When I finally got up
______10. I got so tired
______11. Even though I counted sheep
______12. Ear plugs would be a good investment
______13. I never realized how losing sleep affected me
______14. The next day
______15. When I got to work
______16. I forgot to lock the door of my car
______17. Walking into the parking garage
______18. Did you ever get a strange feeling that someone was around you
______19. On the back of my neck
______20. All because I hadn’t had enough sleep


P 1. Over my head

D 2. Because I was afraid

I 3. I didn’t get very much sleep

O 4. That night

D 5. I knew what happened

D 6. So that I could get some rest

I 7. I heard the cat’s meow

D 8. Sitting by the broken plate licking the crumbs

D 9. When I finally got up

I 10. I got so tired

D 11. Even though I counted sheep

I 12. Ear plugs would be a good investment

I 13. I never realized how losing sleep affected me

P 14. The next day

D 15. When I got to work

I 16. I forgot to lock the door of my car

I 17. Walking into the parking garage

I 18. Did you ever get a strange feeling that someone was around you

P 19. On the back of my neck

D 20. All because I hadn’t had enough sleep

I'm not very sure of some, hope I'm right

According to the given, the sentence was to represent the phrase (P), dependent clause (D), and independent clause (I).

P 1. Over my head.D 2. Because I was afraid.I 3. I didn’t get very much sleep.D 4. That night.D 5. I knew what happened.D 6. So that I could get some rest.I 7. I heard the cat’s meow.D 8. Sitting by the broken plate, licking the crumbs.D 9. When I finally got up.I 10. I got so tired.D 11. Even though I counted sheep.I 12. Ear plugs would be a good investment.I 13. I never realized how losing sleep affected me.P 14. The next day.D 15. When I got to work.I 16. I forgot to lock the door of my car.I 17. Walking into the parking garage.I 18. Did you ever get a strange feeling that someone was around you?P 19. On the back of my neck.D 20. All because I hadn’t had enough sleep.

What is independent clause?

The complex sentence was the used in the independent clause. The independent clause is that as the which, what, that, whom and the use. The sentence was the related to the student council as the prepared the decoration.

According to the given, the three types was the given in the sentence are  the phrase (P), dependent clause (D), and independent clause (I).

The term phrase refers to the paring of the group of the words. There are the involved the two or more words are the express, and they described the single idea or sentence. A whole word group is referred to in the independent clause. A full statement is expressed by an independent sentence, which has a verb and a subject.The dependent clause refers to the group of words in the sentence that contain a subject and verb, but not the expression of the complete thought of the sentence.

Learn more about on independent clause, here:



They often pray to god early in the morning.​



Who ? What shld i ans ?


looking for one another and another creatures here on earth is a shared responsible among us ______ we are called to be good stewards of creation



Looking for one another and other creatures here on earth is a shared responsibility among us BECAUSE we are called to be good stewards of creation.

how to make personal history​


Yes yes nice to see you in the morning

Give me brinlist please

Which of the following would significantly improve the memo?
o include a clever title
use bullets instead of numbers
o include a picture of a spilled drink near a computer
O to change the phrase "a couple of things" because the eight items are more than "a couple"



use bullets instead of numbers


The question is not complete because there is no meme attached so, I would try to answer as logically as I can.

The best answer that would significantly improve the memo would be to use bullets instead of numbers.

I arrived at this answer using elimination method.

First, a memo doesn't need a clever title

Second, it does not have pictures

Finally, changing a phrase that doesn't greatly affect the meaning of the memo doesn't significantly improve the memo.

Therefore, my answer is replacing numbering with bullets as it makes the memo tidier.

explain the importance of accuracy and fluency in learning languages



there's loads


There are so many, not only does it open doors into new friends and better job opportunities but it also gives you a sense of accomplishment, you have broken a barrier into a whole new culture and conveying accuracy and fluency can really mean a lot. It shows that you tried and tried hard it shows perseverance and its really good for yourself as well as respectful to others, many cultures get mocked and by taking the time to perfect your language before attempting to speak them shows you care and is honestly refreshing to converse in.

The bake sale will not have enough baked goods to sell. We all need to contribute to make it a success. We will make enough money.





I think this is right, but don't quote me on this.

common mistakes sentences view​



Run-on Sentence or Comma Splice.

Pronoun Disagreement.

Mistakes in Apostrophe Usage.

Lack of Subject-Verb Agreement.

Misplaced Modifiers.

Sentence Fragments.

Missing Comma in a Compound Sentence.

No Clear Antecedent.


Punctuate this passage please...
then an old fashioned bank-safe in Jefferson city became active and threw out of its crates an eruption of bank-notes amounting to five thousand dollars the losses were now high enough to bring the matter up into ben price's class of work by comparing notes a remarkable similarity in the methods of the burglaries were noticed​



Then an old-fashioned bank-safe in Jefferson City became active and threw out of its crates an eruption of bank-notes amounting to five thousand dollars. The losses were now high enough to bring the matter up into Ben Price's class of work. By comparing notes, a remarkable similarity in the methods of the burglaries was noticed​.

One of the following items is a run-on (or fused) sentence, another contains a comma splice, and another is correct. Choose the item that is correct.

He was late for work because his alarm clock was broken.

He was late for work his alarm clock was broken.

He was late for work, his alarm clock was broken.


“He was late for work because his alarm clock was broken” is the correct one.
He was late for work because his alarm clock was broken.

single parenting negatively affects children's physical and mental development and should be discourage. Do you agree or disagree?


Single parenting can be a struggle for parents and children. Based on the Magazine published by the Bible and tract society entitled: ”Single Parents, Multiple Challenges” states: “I deal with a lot of emotions. I spend nights in the bathroom crying. It’s kind of hard.”​—JANET, A SINGLE MOTHER OF THREE.“ One parent taking care of one or multiple children can be a stress and a burden because all the emotional stress is placed onto them because the father/mother of their children is far away or dead and unable to tend to the emotional needs of who used to be their spouse. The reasons there are single parents are the following: “war, natural disaster, or disease.”

Also, referring widows: “Mothers who have recently become widows have a special burden to carry. They must assume responsibility for their household while still grieving for their lost mate. Their adjustment to this role may take months, even years, as they cope with economic challenges and the responsibility of consoling their children. The widowed mother may find it extremely difficult to assume these added responsibilities. This may leave a child without adequate parenting at a time when he or she desperately needs attention and reassurance.”

Now, referring to divorced parents: “parents going through divorce are under enormous stress. Some parents may feel great anger as a result of the divorce. Feelings of low self-worth and a deep feeling of rejection may also rob some parents of their ability to extend themselves emotionally to their children. Mothers who need to enter the job market for the first time may have difficulty coping with the responsibility of managing a household. They may feel that they have neither the time nor the energy for the special needs of the children, who themselves have to cope with dramatic changes after the divorce of their parents.”

In my personal opinion, single parenting should be discouraged. It’s best to have your spouse with you. However, if the spouse died it’s better to be single. If you are divorced it’s best to remarry, the child understands that the relationship between the parents did not work.

I was stuck by her good looks.
From Passive to Active voice



Her good looks struck me.

what type of Bachelor's degree do you need to become a pharmacist​


In order to get a bachelors degree to become a pharmacist you need a pharmD, program generally takes 3 to 4 years to complete in order to get one we need to get into the school and earn their PharmD, students must earn a black bachelor degree and complete prerequisite course work in chemistry, biology,physics,psychology,microbiology,calculus,statistics,organic, chemistry, and biochemistry. :)

Select the correct Peter was helping (to finish the essay (we) where walking our dogs when it started to rain. Anna is talking to (they) about the problem. I was playing with (she) yesterday (you) are doing the homework​



I think the correct sentences would be

Peter was helping to finish the essay. We were walking our dogs when it started to rain. Anna is talking to them about the problem. I was playing with her yesterday. You are doing the homework.

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