What qualities contribute to a person's positive self-image?
Select all that apply.
resisting peer pressure
disregarding authority
showing self-confidence
limiting self-efficacy


Answer 1

Well, if you want to have a positive self image you would want to avoid any negativity towards your appearance/personality, and only accept positivity and constructive criticism. I think your answer would be:

Resisting peer pressure. Explanation: If you resist peer pressure, then you have confidence in your beliefs and your choices, rather than going along with what people are pressuring you to do. usually those who may not be self-assured and have lower self esteems may be easier to pressure.

Showing self-confidence. Explanation: Even though I think that you can put on a face and fake confidence, if you are confident in yourself you're supporting yourself. Therefore, I think this would contribute to a positive self-image.

I don't think that the other two choices would show a positive self-image because:

- If one is disregarding authority, they may not have respect for themselves or the consequences that may come upon themselves. Therefore, it doesn't necessarily mean someone has a positive self-image, since it may very well ruin their life and they may not care about that.

- It's the same logic with limiting self-efficacy. If one is limiting themselves and their success, they may not be confident in their choices/themselves, so they will subconsciously limit their future.

So just to state again, I think the answer is resisting peer pressure and showing self-confidence

Related Questions

ASAP Which symptoms possibly indicate a major depressive disorder?
Select all that apply.
irritability and angry outbursts
loss of interest in favorite activities
excessive sleeping and fatigue
occasional bursts of intense energy



1) Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness.

2) Sleep disturbances or sleeping too much.

3) Occasional outbursts, irritability or frustration, even over small matters.

4) Loss of interest in favorite activities, such as hobbies or sports.  

2,3, and four, for the simple fact I was diagnosed with mdd, I hope that helps

What are some of the chemicals in tobacco or in cigarette smoke that have been identified as carcinogens or dangerous chemicals?
5 sentences!!!
thank you!


Answer: nicotine


Makers of e-cigarettes and other ENDS often claim the ingredients are safe. But the aerosols (mixtures of very small particles) that these products produce can contain addictive nicotine, flavorings, and a variety of other chemicals, some known to be toxic or to cause cancer. The levels of many of these substances appear to be lower than in traditional cigarettes, but the amounts of nicotine and other substances in these products can vary widely because they are not standardized. The long-term health effects of these devices aren't yet known.

list down at least 3-5 myths and fallacies that you heard in your family or community,?​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The three myths and fallacies that I heard in my family or community are the following.

1.- If you rinse with warm salt water, you are going to kill the coronavirus.

2.- Watch out! Cholesterol is bad for your health.

3.- Eat chocolate. It is an aphrodisiac.

They say that one lie retold many times became a truth. And many times it is true. The problem is that people do not like to inquiry, ask questions, go get the proper sources to confirm what they hear or read on social media. That is the problem. That is why myths have a life on their own.

People have to check reliable sources to learn, or to confirm what they hear. One of the best sources is your medical doctor. He is an exért and spent many years in college and a couple of more years in his specialization. Go ask them.  

Which responses to stress involve a person's behavior?
Select all that apply.
withdrawing from friends
abusing drugs or alcohol
having difficulty falling asleep
getting frequent headaches



withdrawing from friends

abusing drugs or alcohol

Loss of consciousness; dangerously slow breathing may occur at a BAC of...

> 0.7





Consider this report belongs to an athlete with a calculated BMI of 28.9. The BMI value mathematically correlates height and weight with risks to health. BMI is useful for evaluating health risks of obesity. However, BMI is not equally useful in all populations because BMI fails to:________.
a) measure how much of a person's weight is fat
b) measure weight in kilograms
c) where the fat is located
d) a and c
e) all of the above



d) a&c


because BMI measures your weight in kilograms but it dosen't measure your fat or where its located in the body. Hope this helps

MSAs may have either a partial network, full network, or no network of providers.



Explanation:MSAs may have either a partial network, full network, or no network of providers.

Illustrate what effects do dimensions of diversity have on health care disparity



The summary of the given question is summarized throughout the below segment.


Disparities throughout health care entail inequalities amongst communities about their healthcare coverage as well as accessibility and effectiveness of service.Humans from diverse social and economic strata have varied aspects of variety. Certain people having access to various health services, that's why a difference exists.

What is the best strategy for avoiding long-term stress


The best strategy for avoiding long-term stress is - Develop a fun hobby and spend time on it every day and Manage time effectively and include time to relax.

Please help me answer all these health questions:⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️XTRA POINTS✅
What is a survival chain?

2. What are the 3 steps of the survival chain, in order?
3. Names some common injuries requiring first aid?
4. What should you do if an object punctures the skin?
5. What is the recovery position? Explain
6. Why would you put someone in the recovery position?
7. What is poison defined as?
8. If poison is ingested, what do you do?
Lesson 8 Section 2
1. What is first aid?
2. What is a universal precaution?
3. How many degrees of a burn are there, according to the lesson video? Explain each
4. What are the 4 types of injuries that can occur to your skin? Explain each one.
5. What does CPR stand for?
6. What are the 2 steps of CPR?
7. What is the universal choking sign?
8. What action you should take if someone is choking?
9. What are the actions you should take if someone is in shock?
Lesson 9 Section 1
1. To decrease teen violence, what are the 4 protective factors which may help?
2. What are some strategies for staying safe?
3. What are 4 ways to be safe while online?
4. What is the definition of violence?
5. What is the % of students who reported being bullied on school property?
6. Who should you report bullying to at school?
7. Why would someone be hesitant to tell that they have witnessed bullying or that they
have been bullied?
8. What is the difference between bullying and hazing?
9. What is hate violence?
10. What is the definition of sexual harassment?
11. List some ways to reduce the risk of violence?
Lesson 9 Section 2
1. What are common causes and the 4 reasons why violence occurs?
2. What are some influences of violence?
3. What are the types of violence?
4. What are 4 types of abuse? Give an example of each
5. Why does dating violence occur?
6. How can abuse be progressive?
7. Why is violence a cycle? Explain
Prepare for Unit 3 Exam (Optional):
1. In the accident chain, what are the five steps connected to unintentional injuries?
2. Compare and contrast heat exhaustion and hypothermia. What are safety measures that
can prevent these conditions?
3. What are some ways to keep your home safe and secure?
4. What are some ways to prevent unintentional injuries from occurring in the home?
5. What are some simple precautions to reduce the risk of injuries from falls?
6. What are some safety precautions to prevent electrical shock?
7. What are some bicycle safety tips?
8. What are the ordered steps in applying a roller bandage to a wound?
9. What does the acronym R.I.C.E. stand for and what injuries is it most commonly used
10. Explain the steps in CPR?
11. What advice would you give someone providing first aid or CPR to prevent the spread of
disease through blood or other body fluids?
12. Name some strategies to make our communities and schools safer?
13. What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?
14. What is the difference between a sexual harassment and a sexual assault?
15. What is hate violence and who are the most commonly targeted groups of these hate
16. Explain how body language, assertiveness and self-defense strategies protect you?
17. What are the typical steps in a peer mediation session?
18. What are some protective factors that decrease the likelihood of teen violence?



1. The Chain of Survival depicts the critical actions required to treat life-threatening emergencies, including heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke, and foreign body airway obstruction

2. the three steps of survival chain are early access, early basic CPR, early defibrillation, and early ACLS

3. They are: Communication Skills,

If you are able to communicate effectively with the injured person,

they will be much more likely to trust you and feel reassured,

The Ability to Work Under Pressure,

Initiative and Leadership,

The Ability to Work in a Team and


plz mark me as brainliest

have a good day

how to calculate quickly ?



you just have to practice.

What is one way DSPs can help the individual they serve manage their seizure disorder?


1. Provide medication support. Anticonvulsant medications can substantially lower a person's risk of having a seizure. Help the individuals you serve take their medications on time and as prescribed by their doctor.

Which of these describes a possible sexual orientation?

A. Heterosexuality
B. Masculine-oriented
C. Transgender
D. Intersexuality






The answer is A. Heterosexuality


What is the quality of this data about HCV?



The answer is on e-eduanswers.com


what is a sign that a person may need help for a mental disorder?
A. Spending more time listening to music
B. Becoming dark or moody
C. becoming interested in different activities at school
D. Experiencing sudden changes in interests or hobbies​



B. Becoming dark or moody.


Hope this helps




What is the basic concepts of movement and exercises?


Movement concepts (or elements of movement) explored in the curriculum include body awareness, spatial awareness, effort awareness, and relationship to/with objects, people and space. Movement strategies refer to a variety of approaches that will help a player or team to successfully achieve a movement outcome or goal.


i think it's

Movement concepts (or elements of movement) explored in the curriculum include body awareness, spatial awareness, effort awareness, and relationship to/with objects, people and space. Movement strategies refer to a variety of approaches that will help a player or team to successfully achieve a movement outcome or goa

9. Consequences are:
What happens as a result of a behavior
What happens as a result of the antecedent
What happens just before a behavior
What happens that strengthens a behavior


The answer is: what happens as a result of a behavior.

Access to psychological testing is limited by



the age of the individual seeking the service

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women. Caring for the cancer patient and family requires a multidimensional approach.

What does it mean to provide a multidimensional approach? What are some examples of how the care team can meet the patient and the family’s needs? Who are the members of the care team and how are they involved in providing multidimensional care?



- Cancer is determined by environmental (e.g., lifestyle habits) and genetic (e.g. mutations) factors

- A multidimensional care approach in cancer patients can be accomplished by fulfilling patients' demands and supporting their  different perceptions and unique needs

- Nurses are primarily involved in providing multidimensional care


Cancer is a complex disease that includes genetic, environmental, cultural, lifestyle (e.g., obesity, smoking, etc), and socioeconomic risk factors. In consequence, in cancer patients, health care teams aim to provide treatment (and prevention) by a multidimensional care approach involving nursing and personal care, patient´s needs assessment; and psychosocial support. In diseases where a multidimensional approach is required, all the healthcare workers related to patient care (i.e., physicians, psychologists, medical residents, nurses, etc) must be involved. Nurses are healthcare workers that play a fundamental role in multidimensional diseases because they know very well the patient's needs and generally provide both spiritual (emotional, affective) and physical support, thereby providing the highest level of care.

Many people enjoy watching movies, sporting events, and music performances in crowded theaters and arenas more than they like watching them at home alone.

Which theory of emotions might help explain this? How?


Maybe the fear of being alone? Lonliness, i know people personally willing to go out more then alone for the fact the more people the more fun, Maybe they cant handle being alone and want to be with a lot of people to feel included.

Sleeping is very troublesome to me, I can't sleep even though I try my hard to fall asleep (since a month)​


I suggest taking a sleeping supplement (like melatonin) and listen to classical music. The key is to not try to fall asleep, just let it happen, let your mind wander

Epithelial tissue is divided into which two categories?







Cardiac and stratified


Those are the different types of epithelial tissue.


the correct answers are Simple and Stratified


i got it right .

When Tonya was 15, she ran away from home and began a relationship with Eddie, a man much older than she was. She eventually moved in with him. After a few weeks, their relationship changed. “He approached me and told me in so many words, ‘I want you to have sex with this guy for money,’” Tonya said. “I was very uncomfortable and I kept saying no, I didn’t want to do it. He kept telling me, ‘If you love me, you’ll do this. It’s just one thing. Just try it.’” After nearly 30 more minutes of constant pressure, Tonya agreed to have sex with the man. What she thought would be a one-time thing became an everyday routine for the next few weeks.
Is this a case of human trafficking? Why or why not?
1) no, because Eddie did not force Tonya to have sex with the other man
2)no, because Eddie did not make Tonya move to a new location as a result of the trafficking
3) yes, because Tonya was a minor when she had sex for money
4)yes, because it happened on more than one occasion





frankly 3 and 4 but if you have to pick one then I guess 4. human trafficking isn't just moving people around the country or the world as sex slaves. it is also coercing people in order to benefit in some way, (usually financially) from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation. the fact that he was adult and she was a kid makes him a pervbut the fact that he made money off of her makes him a human trafficker.


Is this a case of human trafficking? Why or why not?

no, because Eddie did not force Tonya to have xxx with the other man

no, because Eddie did not make Tonya move to a new location as a result of the trafficking

✓yes, because Tonya was a minor when she had xxx for money

yes, because it happened on more than one occasion


its c or 3 good luck!

Nadia's softball team had the bases loaded in the last inning when her friend Felicia struck out to end the game. How can Nadia demonstrate responsible behavior in this situation?

Ask the coach, in front of the whole team, why she didn't put a pinch hitter in for Felicia
Comfort Felicia with a word of encouragement about her excellent effort
Confront Felicia and let her know that the team would have won had she not struck out
Ignore Felicia and walk to the locker room as quickly as possible to forget the loss



Comfort Felicia with a word of encouragement about her excellent effort.


It is a nice and encouraging thing to do.


opinion 2


Comfort Felicia with a word of encouragement about her excellent effort

For children between the ages of 5and 12 what should strength training focus on?



stronger bones to prevent broken arms and legs


Stronger bones to prevent broke arms and legs

The frontal lobe helps the body cope with stress and promotes muscle development ?



No, the frontal lobe is not responsible for these functions, but the low order Cognitive properties of the hypothalamus that is involved in maintaining homeostatic conditions through regulating blood pressure, and ensures proper digestion and other functions including maintaining tone and muscular development in some ways.

The frontal lobe helps the body cope with stress and promotes muscle development. ... The frontal lobe releases norepinephrine that speeds up bodily processes such as heart rate and breathing rate.

What muscle is located directly beneath the gastrocnemius and has similar functions to the gastrocnemius



the soleus


Lying directly beneath the gastrocnemius is the soleus, which has similar functions to the gastrocnemius. hope that helps>3

The soleus. Lying directly beneath the gastrocnemius is the soleus, which has similar functions to the gastrocnemius.

Activity 4.4: Picture essay 1. Describe the condition of the person. 2. Does he/she show any signs of diseases? 3. What do you think is the non-communicable disease being depicted in the picture? Why?​



I would say she has asthma. Her clutching her chest means she is having a hard time breathing and having pains. The inhaler is to help her breathe and is usually a sure sign someone has asthma. Hope that answer was helpful.


sickle cell anemia is caused by an inherited mutation and can be classified as which type of disease ​



Sickle cell anemia is one of a group of disorders known as sickle cell disease. Sickle cell anemia is an inherited red blood cell disorder in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body.

Sickle cell anemia is an autosomal recessive disease, meaning that it only occurs if both the maternal and paternal copies of the HBB gene are defective.

Which type of contraction is involved in controlling and stopping a movement



Eccentric Contraction


the muscles that are actively involved do so primarily in the

eccentric contraction

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