What is the percent yield of either if 1.11L(d=0.7134 g/mL) is isolated from the reaction of 1.500L of C2H5OH


Answer 1


Percent yield of ether = 83.18%


Equation of the synthesis reaction of ether from ethanol is given as follows :

2 C₂H₅OH -----> C₂H₅OC₂H₅ + H₂0

Density = mass / volume

Therefore mass = density × volume

Density of ether = 0.7134 g/mL; volume of ether produced = 1.11 L = 1110 mL; Molar mass of ether = 74 g/mol

Mass of ether produced = 0.7134 g/mL × 1110 mL = 791.874 g

Density of ethanol = 0.789 g/mL; volume of ethanol = 1.50 L = 1500 mL; molar mass of ethanol = 46 g/mol

Mass of ethanol reacted = 0.789 g/mL × 1500 mL = 1183.5 g

From the equation of reaction, 2 mole of ethanol produces 1 mole of ether

Mass of 2 moles of ethanol = 2 × 46 = 92 g

Therefore, 92 g of ethanol produces 74 g of ether

1183.5 g of ethanol will produce 1183.5 × 74/92 grams of ether = 951.945 g of ether

Percent yield of ether = actual yield/theoretical yield × 100%

Actual yield of ether = 791.874 g; theoretical yield of ether = 951.945 g

Percent yield of ether = (791.874 g × 951.945 g) × 100 %

Percent yield of ether = 83.18%

Related Questions

Read the chemical equation.

2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

Which of the following statements would be correct if one mole of H2 was used in this reaction?

One mole of oxygen was used in this reaction.
Two moles of oxygen were used in this reaction.
One mole of water was produced from this reaction.
Two moles of water were produced from this reaction.




One mole of water was produced from this reaction.


According to this question, the following equation is given as follows:

2H2 + O2 → 2H2O

Two (2) moles of hydrogen gas produces two (2) moles of water in this balanced chemical equation.

If 1 mole of hydrogen gas was used, then:

1 × 2/2 moles of water would be produced

1 mole of water would be produced.


One mole of water was produced from this reaction.


Guy above me is right

What information does the percent composition of an atom in a molecule
A. The relative number of atoms one element contributes to a
B. The relative amount of mass an atom contributes to a molecule
C. The total mass that element contributes to a molecule
D. The total number of atoms of that element in a molecule



This is basically the definition of percent composition which is how much mass a element contributes to a specific molecule.

Answer: B.


the relative amount of mass an atom contributes to a molecule




It should be the answer D. A type of atom


A model is a "synthetic coordination entity that closely approaches the properties of a metal ion in a protein"

An ion is a charged atom.

define briefly about kilogram​



it's the SI unit of mass (equivalent to

approximately 2.205 lb), first introduced as a unit of mass for the metric system.

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1.76 g


2HgO(s) ==> 2Hg(l) + O2(g)

Number of moles of Hg = 22.3 g/ 201g/mol

= 0.11 moles

From the reaction equation;

2 moles of Hg is formed alongside 1 mole of oxygen


0.11 moles of Hg forms 0.11 moles × 1/2

= 0.055 moles of oxygen

Mass of oxygen formed = 0.055 moles of oxygen × 32g/mol = 1.76 g

what is the anode material used in the extraction of aluminium by electrolysis and why it needs to be changed at interval​



the anode material is graphite(replaceable graphite rods).

The oxygen gas burns away the anode as Carbon dioxide therefore the anode must be replaced continuously.

1. El genotipo es el conjunto de alelos que posee un individuo, y cuando dos alelos son idéntica
heterocigoto para ese locus.
a Falso
b Verdadero
2. En genética se utilizan letras para representar los alelos de las caracteristicas hereditarias,
mayúscula representa el alelo recesivo y la letra minuscula representa al alelo dominante.
b. Verdadero
3. Usualmente los cruces se presentan en un cuadro de Punnett, y ayuda a determinar la probat
de un genotipo y fenotipo en particular
a Falso
b. Verdadero
4. Para corroborar un genotipo a partir del fenotipo, Mendel realizó cruces de prueba, esto es p
conociendo la dominancia y el genotipo de un progenitor
b. Verdadero
5. Las mutaciones pueden ser heredables debido a que ocurren a nivel genético
a Falso
b. Verdadero
C. Tareas de la semana
1. Cruce monohibrido (50%)
Elabora el cruce de dos organismos heterocigotos: Aa x Aa. Donde: A - verde, a - rojo
. Coloca los resultados
А a
• Determina la frecuencia genotipica y fenotipica
Frecuencias fenotipica Frecuencias genotipica:
X-4 Homocigotos
x:4 heterocigotos


El genotipo es el conjunto de información genética en un organismo, y se encuentra codificado en el ADN en su secuencia de bases. Dicha información se expresa mediante síntesis de proteínas.

1.  Los genes son unidades de herencia​ pues almacenan la información genética. El conjunto de genes de una especie se denomina genoma. Cada gen ocupa en el cromosoma una determinada posición, denominada locus. Para cada locus hay dos tipos o formas de genes, llamados alelos. Los mismos pueden ser iguales (siendo el organismo homocigota para ese locus) o distintos (heterocigota). Entonces, la respuesta es "b: Verdadero"

2. Los alelos dominantes, se representan con letras mayúsculas mientras que los alelos recesivos se representan con letras minúsculas. Ejemplo, el alelo que codifica para el color de ojos marrones puede ser dominante (se puede representar con la letra A, por ejemplo), mientras que el alelo que codifica para ojos verdes puede ser recesivo (a). Un individuo cuyo genotipo es Aa, tendrá ojos marrones ya que el alelo dominante enmascara los efectos del alelo recesivo. Un individuo AA también tendrá ojos marrones pues es el único alelo presente. Sin embargo, un individuo aa tendrá ojos verdes ya que tiene ambos alelos recesivos que se expresan. Entonces, la respuesta es "a: Falso"

3. Un cuadro de Punnett es un diagrama utilizado para determinar la probabilidad de obtener descendencia con un determinado fenotipo (características visibles) y genotipo (conjunto de genes). Permite utilizar genotipos maternos y paternos con sus alelos dominantes y recesivos , para cruzarlos y realizar el análisis. Entonces, la respuesta es "b: Verdadero"

4. Mendel realizó un experimento para estudiar los genes de la planta de guisantes. Cruzó una plantas de dos variedades distintas (gigantes y enanas), espolvoreando el polen de una sobre el pistilo de otra. Observó que en la primera generación de descendencia, habían todas plantas gigantes y no de tamaño "intermedio" Luego de esto, entendió que había una característica dominante para el tamaño gigante de una planta, y una recesivo para el tamaño enano. Pero previamente a todo esto, no conocía la dominancia ni el genotipo de los progenitores. Entonces, la respuesta es "a: Falso"

5. Una mutación es una alteración azarosa o por acción de un mutágeno en el ADN, ya sea en su secuencia de bases o en su organización. Esto hace que se produzca una variación en las características del organismo, que puede o no transmitirse a una descendencia. Una mutación genética hereditaria ocurre en las gametas femeninas (óvulo) y/o masculinas (espermatozoide). Cuando ocurre la fertilización, se crea un cigoto que dará lugar a un nuevo organismo que portará la mutación. Entonces, la respuesta es "b: Verdadero"

1. Cruce entre Aa x Aa

siendo A: verde, a: rojo

Cada genotipo, en este caso ambos Aa, representa los genes de un organismo. Sin embargo, en el cuadro de Punnett, se utilizan las gametas producidas por los mismos organismos. Cada gameta solo posee un alelo de cada gen, ya que son haploides. Entonces los organismos con genotipo Aa, pueden producir gametas A o a. (Ver archivo adjunto)

Como se puede ver en el cuadro, hay un 25% de probabilidades de obtener descendencia con genotipo AA (verde), 25% para aa (rojo) y 50% para Aa (verde). Lo mismo se puede expresar como 2:1:1 (de un total de 4, 2 son Aa, 1 es AA y 1 es aa). Recordando que el alelo A es dominante sobre a, la frecuencia fenotípica será de 75% verde y 25% rojo, lo que se puede expresar como 3:1 (de un total de 4, 3 son verdes y 1 es rojo).

Para concluir, recordemos que los genes codifican para las características visibles (fenotipo), y el conjunto de genes forma el genotipo. Para cada gen, hay dos alelos que ocupan un determinado locus o posición en el cromosoma y los mismos pueden ser dominantes o recesivos. Para estudiar esto, se pueden utilizar cuadros de Punnett en donde se cruzan organismos maternos y paternos, conociendo sus genes para así determinar el posible genotipo y fenotipo de la descendencia que puedan tener. Aunque hay que considerar que puede ocurrir una mutación en sus gametas, que se herede y afecte los genes y las características visibles.

Aprende mas sobre este tema aquí: https://brainly.com/question/22852761

Write an equation to show how perchloric acid, HClO4, reacts with water. Include states of matter in your answer.


Since perchloric acid is a strong acid, it will dissociate completely, along with water. The products will be Perchlorate ions and Hydronium ions after the Perchloric acid gave away its proton and water, acting as a base, accepted that abandoned proton.

how is soda made?
this includes sprite, coca cola, dr pepper, exd.



Soda all start with watered down corn syrup. To get the carbonation companies have different ways of doing this all of which are very different. The last step is to add artificial and natural flavors like lemon and lime, this is also the step in which sugar and preservatives are added.


I hope this answer your question, srry I couldn't go into detail.

Which of these equations for the
formation of an oxide ion is correct?
0 + 2e" --> 02-
0 --> 02- + 2e





Because of the cathode

One way of producing drinking water from seawater is by reverse osmosis.
Reverse osmosis is a type of filtration. Seawater is pushed through a semi-permeable membrane. Pressure is applied to the seawater. Semi-permeable
means salt is trapped on one side of the membrane, but water can pass through.
The trapped salts form a ‘seawater concentrate’ on one side of the membrane.
Where do the trapped salts go?

[a] ocean [b]Water distribution system
[c]Storage tank [d]delivery pipeline
Based on the above picture what will determine whether a particle is able to pass
through the membrane?
[a] particle size [b] particle mass
[c] number of particles [d] charge on the particle


the trapped salts go to seawater concentrate

A toaster has a resistance of 28 Ω and is plugged into a 110 V circuit. Using the GRASS method, what current is measured?



The current of the toaster is 3.93A


Using the GRASS method:

G: Given: The information that is given is that we have 28Ω of Resistance and 110V of voltage.

R: Required: We need to find the current measured.

A: Action: We can use Ohm's law that relates resistance, voltage and current in the equation:

V = R*I


I = V/R

Where I is current in A, V is voltage = 110V and R is resistance = 28Ω

S: Solve:

I = 110V / 28Ω

I = 3.93A

S: Statement:

The current of the toaster is 3.93A

Question 4. Thanks !!



the shape would be square planar.


From the question, we can see that the electron geometry is octahedral. Removing the two axial bonds to fit the description, and we have a square planar structure.

How nephthalene can be purified by sublimation



sublimation. During this process, naphthalene being sublime changes into vapours leaving behind impurities. Vapour can be cooled by condensation. This process is very helpful in separating a volatile solid from a non-volatile solid.

Which of the following describes scientists?
A. People with only one perspective
B. People with similar personalities
C. People from different backgrounds
D. People with perfect understanding of science


I believe the answer I’d D

Hope it helps

A cactus needle is a structure made of different tissues that work together to protect the plant from animals that might want to eat it. What level of body organization does a cactus needle represent?
A. Cell
B. Organ
C. Cell system
D. Body system SUBMIT​


organ, it’s made of tissue, and also it’s out

Question 22 of 30
What is the balanced form of the chemical equation shown below?
C6H1206(s) + O2(g) → H2O(l) + CO2(9)
A. CH 0(s) + O2(g) → H2O(1) + CO2(g)
B. CoH1206(s) + O2(g) → 12H2O(l) + 6CO2(g)
C. C6H1206(s) + O2(g) → H20(1) + CO2(g)
D. CoH 206(s) + 602(g) → 6H2O(l) + 6CO2(g)





So I went through all the answers and could not find the right one amongst. If I'm not wrong the reaction above is the reaction for respiration. The nearest answer is D but unfortunately the first reactant isn't in accordance with that which the question has given.

Mike is gathering equipment for a lab where he will measure the masses of various
chemicals. Which of the following is the most complete list of the equipment he will

electric balance, graduated cylinder, test tube
graduated cylinder test tube, goggles
O graduated cylinder beaker, test tube
electric balance, goggles, beaker



electric balance, goggles, beaker


I did it and got it right

Calculate the amount (in moles) of gas which occupies 250cm³ at STP





volume of 22.4 L (22,400 ml) at s.t.p. 250 ml out of 22,400 ml is 0.01 rounded, therefore I assume that is the answer. About 0.01 mole occupies 250 cm3 at s.t.p.

How can the percentage of air be determined



The composition of air can be determined by an experiment which includes passing a known volume of air, measured at a known temperature and pressure, over sufficient amount heated copper granules/powder, and measuring the volume gas remaining after the gas cools down to the temperature at which the first measurement was taken

Oxygen reacts with copper according to the following chemical reaction

2Cu (s) + O₂ (g) → 2CuO (s)

Cupper does not react with the other constituents of air

Whereby the initial volume of air was 100 cm³, we have;

Percentage of oxygen in air = 100 - The final volume reading of the container initially holding the air

When done using am appropriate experimental setup, the percentage of gases remaining equals 79% to 80%, therefore, the percentage composition of oxygen in air is between 20 and 21 percent


If Bromine has a charge of 1-, how many electrons does it have?



36 electrons


But Bromine anion with a charge of -1 has one extra electron so 35 +1 = 36 electrons.

yall what do ya think shaped ya feelings bout science classes?


I was interested in science when I first saw a diagram of Solar system in my sister's geography book. At that time I was in Senior Kindergarten and she was in 6th grade. At first, I was just interested in space, universe and black holes stuff, but then as I started learning more, I realised how amazing other branches of science are too. They are so systematic. What encourages me to learn more are the gaps in science, its mysteries, I wish to uncover them one day, and for that I am preparing myself. When I am in a science class, I try to imagine where can I apply this knowledge in my day to day life, and my teachers are fascinated when I ask them if this principle is responsible for this phenomena. I love it very much. I like Physics the most, but other branches are great too.

lab report evidence of plate motion



There is variety of evidence that supports the claims that plate tectonics accounts for

(1) the distribution of fossils on different continents

,(2) the occurrence of earthquakes, and

(3) continental and ocean floor features including mountains, volcanoes, faults, and trenches.


Tìm hóa trị của Fe trong hợp chất : FESO4, FE2(SO4)3, FR(OH)2, FE(OH)3


Answer: Fe hóa trị II trong các hợp chất: FeSO4, Fe(OH)2

Fe hóa trị III trong các hợp chất: Fe2(SO4)3, Fe(OH)3


When a single salt crystal is added to a cool liquid, large crystals form. Which statement about the original cool liquid is correct?

A) The liquid is a heterogeneous mixture because the crystals can be easily separated from the liquid

B) The liquid is a pure substance because it was made up of a single compound

C) The liquid is a pure substance because it was uniform before the crystal was added

D) The liquid is a homogenous mixture because the substance that formed the large crystals was uniformly dissolved


The liquid is a homogeneous mixture because the substance that formed the large crystals was uniformly dissolved.

A solution is composed of a solute and a solvent. A solution is a typical example of a homogeneous mixture.

We define a solution as any combination of solute and solvent. A solution can be regarded as a homogeneous mixture since the solute is uniformly distributed throughout the solution. The solute and solvent constitutes one phase.

When a salt crystal is added to the solution, crystallization is induced and large crystals of solute form.


A salt crystal is a cubic form of sodium chloride that is closely bounded together by the reaction of sodium and chlorine ions during electrovalent bonding.

Taking a look at a heterogeneous mixture;

It refers to the mixtures that are not thoroughly mixed and uniform in composition.

On the other hand, homogeneous mixtures are formed when a substance i.e. solute (here, it is the salt crystal) is being added to a cool liquid(solvent) is thoroughly mixed.

From the given information, we are being told that when this single salt crystal is added to the cool liquid, large crystals are formed.

This implies that the formation of large crystals is brought about by the action of crystaliization rendering the liquid to be a homogeneous mixture.

We can therefore conclude that the correct statement about the original cool liquid is in Option D.

Learn more about Solution here:


which of the following will show tyndall effect ?

a. salt solution
b. copper sulphate solution
c. starch solution
d. chalk powder in water​



Starch solution


Colloidal solutions show tyndall effect and starch solution is a colloidal solution.

Can someone help me Please?



111. C .  M2O3

112. A. 5

Question 19 of 30
How does the distance over which the strong nuclear force acts compare to
the distance over which the other fundamental forces act?
O A. The distance is the same as the weak nuclear force and less than
gravitational and electrostatic forces.
B. The distance is the same as the weak nuclear, gravitational, and
electrostatic forces.
O c. The distance is larger than the weak nuclear force but less than
gravitational and electrostatic forces.
D. The distance is smaller than the gravitational force but later than
weak nuclear and electrostatic forces.


option d. is the answer.

is zinc a basic radical or acid radical?​



depends on the element it's reacting with..


if the another element requires less energy to loose electron then zinc will become negatively charged and hence becomes acidic radical..

normally if it is reacting with element with valency 4 and Atomic number less than it(Ti,Si,C) then it will lose electron and gain positive sign and henve becomes basic radical..

Which type of monomer combines and forms nucleic acids?
A. Nucleotide
B. Nitrogenous base
C. Amino acid
D. Monosaccharide



A. Nucleotide


Nucleotides are the monomers that make up nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA.

The answer is nucleotide
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