What is the definition of "prosthesis"?
A. a remarkable or outstanding person

C. utilizing electronic devices and mechanical parts to assist humans in performing difficult, dangerous, or intricate tasks

D.an artificial device used to replace a missing body part

B. a condition marked by misfortune, calamity, d.
or distress


Answer 1

The definition of "prosthesis" is an artificial device used to replace a missing body part. Prostheses are used when a body part is lost or damaged due to injury, disease, or a congenital condition.

The correct option is D.

They are designed to function as closely as possible to the body part they replace and can include limbs, fingers, toes, eyes, and teeth, among others. Prostheses can be made from various materials, including plastic, metal, and silicone, and can be customized to fit an individual's specific needs and lifestyle. Prostheses can significantly improve a person's quality of life by restoring function and improving mobility.

Prostheses can significantly impact the quality of life of those who use them, allowing them to perform everyday tasks and activities that might otherwise be impossible.

To know more about prosthesis, visit:



Related Questions

she hasn't got ________ friends.( many/ much)​



she hasn't got many friends.

much refers to uncountable nouns while many refers to countable nouns.


Transcendentalism emphasized living a simple life and celebrating the truth found in nature, emotion, and imagination. How does Walden reflect these key aspects of Transcendentalism?




Walden, written by Henry David Thoreau, is a prime example of Transcendentalist literature. Thoreau lived at Walden Pond for two years, two months, and two days, and his experiences there shaped his philosophical beliefs and the ideas expressed in his work. The book reflects several key aspects of Transcendentalism, including the celebration of nature, the importance of self-reliance, and the value of simplicity.

One of the most prominent themes in Walden is the celebration of nature. Thoreau believed that nature was a source of truth and wisdom, and he spent much of his time at Walden Pond observing and reflecting on the natural world. He wrote about the changing seasons, the plants and animals he encountered, and the beauty and power of the natural environment. Through his experiences, Thoreau came to believe that nature could teach us important lessons about life and ourselves.

Another important aspect of Transcendentalism reflected in Walden is the emphasis on self-reliance. Thoreau believed that individuals should rely on themselves and their own experiences rather than conforming to society's expectations. He lived a simple life at Walden Pond, growing his own food, building his own shelter, and living without many of the modern conveniences of his time. Through his experiences, Thoreau came to appreciate the value of self-reliance and independence.

Finally, Walden reflects the Transcendentalist emphasis on simplicity. Thoreau believed that living a simple life was essential to achieving a deep understanding of oneself and the world. He wrote about the benefits of living with only what is necessary, and he rejected the materialistic values of his time. Through his experiences at Walden Pond, Thoreau came to believe that simplicity was not only desirable but necessary for living a fulfilling life.

Overall, Walden is a reflection of several key aspects of Transcendentalism, including the celebration of nature, the importance of self-reliance, and the value of simplicity. Through his experiences at Walden Pond, Thoreau developed a philosophical perspective that continues to influence readers today.

Write a thematic statement that relates to Elie Wiesel’s culture

Find 1 quote from Chapters 1-2 that also connects to this thematic statement. Cite the page number.

Explain why you chose this quote and how it relates to Elie Wiesel’s culture in 2 or more sentences.

Find 1 quote from Chapters 5-9 that also connects to this thematic statement. Cite the page number

Explain why you chose this quote and how it relates to Elie Wiesel’s culture in 2 or more sentences.

Explain your understanding of how this General Theme (Topic) ha2 developed from the beginning of the book until the end



Thematic Statement: Elie Wiesel's culture of suffering and resilience demonstrates the power of the human spirit to survive and overcome adversity.

Quote from Chapters 1-2: “But my eyes were opened and I was no longer the same. The student of the Talmud, the child I was, had been consumed in the flames” (Wiesel 13).

This quote demonstrates how Elie's culture and identity was forever changed by the Holocaust. He went from being a student of the Talmud to having his innocence and naivety consumed in the flames of tragedy. This quote highlights the immense suffering that Elie and the Jewish people experienced during the Holocaust and how it drastically changed their lives.

Quote from Chapters 5-9: “Every Jew, every human being, carried his fate within him…” (Wiesel 64).

This quote reveals how Elie's culture taught him to remain resilient in the face of adversity. Despite the difficult conditions of the camps and the unimaginable suffering that he experienced, Elie was determined to take control of his own fate and remain strong. This quote shows how Elie's culture taught him to persevere and remain hopeful in the midst of tragedy.

The general theme of Elie Wiesel's culture of suffering and resilience is developed throughout the novel. At the beginning of the book, Elie is a young and innocent student of the Talmud who is unaware of the tragedy that awaits him. As the story progresses, Elie experiences the suffering of Auschwitz and other concentration camps and is forced to confront the harsh truth of his reality. Although he is deeply impacted by the Holocaust, his culture of resilience helps him to survive and remain hopeful in the face of adversity. By the end of the novel, Elie is a changed man who is determined to carry his fate within him and never forget the horrors of the Holocaust.

maya (not/seem) happy at the moment. put correct form of verb​


Maya doesn't seem happy at the moment.

Is this what you were looking for?


Maya does not seem happy at the moment.


The correct verb in the sentence "Maya does not seem happy at the moment" is "seem."

The verb "seem" is used to express an opinion or a perception about something or someone. In this case, the speaker is expressing their observation or perception that Maya is not happy at the moment.

The use of "seem" in this sentence indicates that the speaker is not certain whether Maya is actually unhappy or not, but is making an educated guess based on Maya's behavior or demeanor. It also allows for the possibility that Maya may be experiencing a different emotion or may be hiding her true emotions.

Therefore, "seem" is the appropriate verb to use in this context to convey the speaker's perception or observation about Maya's emotional state.

I hope that helps, please don't forget to give a Brainliest :) any feedback is appreciated. Hope you have a great day!

“Incarceration Nation”: Watch this video and write 750 words summarizing in detail the argument made by Michelle Alexander and what you think should be done.


Michelle Alexander, a civil rights lawyer and author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, argues in the video “Incarceration Nation” that the United States has become a prison state, with over two million people incarcerated and millions more under criminal supervision. She contends that the War on Drugs and tough-on-crime policies have led to a massive expansion of the criminal justice system, and that this system is racially biased and perpetuates social inequality.

Alexander begins by noting that the U.S. has the highest rate of incarceration in the world, with 5% of the world’s population but 25% of its prisoners. She argues that this is not because Americans are inherently more criminal, but because of policy choices that have led to the criminalization of poverty and the targeting of communities of color. She cites the history of racial oppression in the U.S., from slavery to Jim Crow to the War on Drugs, and argues that the criminal justice system has been a key tool of social control and discrimination.

Alexander contends that the War on Drugs, launched in the 1980s, was a deliberate effort to target communities of color, particularly black and Latino communities. She notes that drug use was not a major problem at the time, but that politicians and the media created a moral panic around drugs that allowed them to justify harsh policies. She argues that these policies, such as mandatory minimum sentences and three-strikes laws, have led to the mass incarceration of nonviolent drug offenders, many of whom are black or Latino. She notes that the racial disparities in the criminal justice system are not just a matter of individual bias, but are built into the system itself, from policing to sentencing to parole.

Alexander argues that the criminal justice system perpetuates social inequality by creating a permanent underclass of ex-offenders, who face discrimination in employment, housing, and voting rights. She notes that the majority of people in prison are there for nonviolent offenses, and that many of them are serving disproportionately long sentences. She argues that the focus on punishment and retribution has led to the neglect of rehabilitation and restorative justice programs that could actually reduce crime and help lift people out of poverty.

Alexander concludes by calling for a radical overhaul of the criminal justice system, including the decriminalization of drug use, the elimination of mandatory minimum sentences and three-strikes laws, and the expansion of rehabilitation and reentry programs. She argues that the U.S. needs to shift from a punitive to a restorative justice model, one that focuses on healing and reconciliation rather than punishment and revenge. She notes that this will require a fundamental change in our values and priorities, and that it will not be easy, but that it is necessary if we want to create a more just and humane society.

I agree with Alexander’s argument that the U.S. has become an incarceration nation, and that this is a result of policy choices that have targeted communities of color and perpetuated social inequality. I think that the War on Drugs has been a particularly pernicious policy, one that has wasted billions of dollars and ruined countless lives. I agree that drug use should be treated as a public health issue, not a criminal one, and that we need to focus on prevention, education, and treatment rather than punishment.

I also think that we need to address the racial biases in the criminal justice system, from policing to sentencing to reentry. We need to acknowledge that racism is not just a matter of individual prejudice, but is built into our institutions and structures. We need to invest in community policing and other strategies that build trust and reduce violence, and we need to reform sentencing guidelines to ensure that people are not punished unfairly or excessively. We need to provide more support for rehabilitation and reentry programs, and we need to ensure that ex-offenders have a real chance to rebuild their lives and contribute to society.

Ultimately, I agree with Alexander that we need to shift from a punitive to a restorative justice model, one that emphasizes healing and reconciliation rather than punishment and revenge. This will require a major shift in our values and priorities, but I think it is necessary if we want to create a more just and humane society. We need to recognize that crime is a social problem, not an individual one, and that we need to address the root causes of crime, such as poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunity. We need to invest in education, healthcare, and social services, and we need to ensure that everyone has a fair shot at

In “Who Burns For the Perfection of Paper,” what does it show about Espada that he connects working in a legal pad factory with being a law student?




In "Who Burns For the Perfection of Paper," connecting working in a legal pad factory with being a law student shows that Espada understands the connection between work, education, and social justice. By making this connection, Espada highlights the importance of understanding the experiences of workers and the impact that the law can have on their lives. He recognizes that the experiences of the workers in the legal pad factory are not separate from his own experiences as a law student. Rather, they are interconnected, as the law has the power to affect the lives of working-class people like the factory workers. This connection also reveals Espada's empathy and his commitment to social justice. He is not simply using the experiences of the factory workers as a literary device, but rather sees their struggles as linked to his own, and is therefore able to create a powerful and compelling narrative that speaks to the struggles of working-class people in general. Overall, the connection between working in a legal pad factory and being a law student in "Who Burns For the Perfection of Paper" shows Espada's awareness of the intersections between work, education, and social justice, and his ability to connect these experiences in a way that is both personal and political.

what did roy learn in roy secret


Roy learned the secrets of the universe in Roy Secret.

Roy Secret is an ancient book that contains all of the secrets of the universe, such as the hidden knowledge of the ages and the power of the divine. It teaches Roy how to access the power of the universe, use it to his benefit, and to live in harmony with nature and the divine. The term "Roy Secret" is also used to refer to the knowledge Roy has gained from the book.

Roy Secret is a chapter in the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, which is about a young boy named Auggie Pullman, who has a friend named Roy. And here is the story begin.

More about Roy Secret:



Examine Katherine’s final speech on marital duty in Taming of a Shrew



Which ideas do the people in the cartoon represent?
Select two options.
the use of the Internet for everything
the change from business to casual wear
the young age of internet users
the benefits of shopping online
the shift of retail from storefronts to devices



Which ideas do the people in the cartoon represent?

Select two options.

the use of the Internet for everything

the change from business to casual wear

the young age of internet users

the benefits of shopping online

the shift of retail from storefronts to devices


the benefits of shopping online

the shift of retail from storefronts to devices

How will you spend during your summer holidays? essay please​


Renovating your room, taking on a summer job, etc. are a few unique ways to modify oneself over the summer.

How I Spend My summertime holidays essay?

I enrolled in a summer camp during my break. It was the weeklong camp that my school hosted. I participated in karate, yoga, painting, singing, dancing, and other camp activities. It was 15 days program, and on the final day, my lecturers scheduled an excursion to the local park. There are many ways to make the most of a summer vacation. It can be accomplished by engaging in a variety of activities. One might enrol in a summer camp that teaches students new skills. One can even travel to see their grandparents, a freezing location, or another country.

To know more about summer camp visit:



Which of the following individuals reject the monster's kindness?
the De Lacey family
the young girl drowning in the river
William Frankenstein
All of these choices are correct.




tmr bc it is

What do both authors show about the everyman
archetype in these excerpts?



hope its help thank you

follow na lang po

Write a letter to your cousin and convince hiw to read the book you have read


Dear cousin,

The book I have read is really fascinating! I'm sure you will enjoy it too. The story contains many intriguing plots and characters, and I think you will be amazed at the insights it offers into life and the world around us. It's an amazing read that is sure to leave you wanting more! I highly recommend that you give it a try - you won't be disappointed. Let me know what you think when you're done!

The Princess and the Goblin, Chapter 14, who most likely jumped into Irene’s room from the window?


In Chapter 14 of "The Princess and the Goblin", it is not explicitly stated who jumped into Irene's room from the window. However, it is implied that it was Curdie who did so, as he had been watching over Irene and had promised her that he would protect her. Furthermore, he had previously climbed into her room through the window in order to warn her about danger. Therefore, it is likely that Curdie was the one who jumped into Irene's room from the window in Chapter 14.

Bradford's bibliography of Robert E. Lee reveals him as a general who felt that war was _____________________.
- cruel
- glamorous
- unnecessary


Bradford's bibliography of Robert E. Lee reveals him as a general who felt that war was cruel.

Robert Edward Lee (January 19, 1807 – October 12, 1870) served as a Confederate general during the American Civil War and was later named the army's overall commander. He served as the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, the Confederacy's most potent army, from 1862 until its capitulation in 1865, building a reputation as a shrewd tactician. Throughout the Mexican-American War, Lee stood out (1846–1848). During the march from Veracruz to Mexico City, he served as one of Winfield Scott's top assistants. By conducting reconnaissance as a staff officer, he helped the Americans win numerous battles by identifying attack avenues that the Mexicans had overlooked because they believed the terrain was impassable. Lee defied requests from certain officials to refuse surrender and allowing tiny troops to disperse into the mountains will create a protracted guerrilla conflict.

He vehemently advocated for inter-sectional peace and declared that the battle was over.

To know more about American Civil War, click here:



Analyse how social media could make abusive relationships more common for today's teenagers



Social media has become a prevalent part of teenagers' lives and has brought numerous benefits such as connecting with friends, sharing experiences, and exploring new interests. However, it has also opened up new avenues for abusive behavior in relationships. Here are some ways social media could make abusive relationships more common for today's teenagers:

1. Cyberbullying: Social media platforms provide an easy way for bullies to harass and intimidate their victims online. Cyberbullying can include posting hurtful comments, spreading rumors, or sending threatening messages. This type of behavior can be especially damaging to a teenager's self-esteem and can lead to abusive relationships.

2. Digital control: Abusers can use social media to monitor and control their partner's online activities. This may include checking their partner's messages, tracking their location through social media apps, or even demanding passwords to their partner's social media accounts. This type of control can be very damaging and can isolate the victim from their friends and family.

3. Social media addiction: Teenagers may become addicted to social media, spending countless hours scrolling through their feeds and interacting with others online. This addiction can cause a teenager to prioritize their social media relationships over their real-life relationships, leading to unhealthy and abusive relationships.

4. False sense of security: Social media can give teenagers a false sense of security, leading them to share personal information or intimate photos with their partners. This behavior can leave them vulnerable to abuse or exploitation, as abusers may use this information to control or blackmail them.

In conclusion, social media can make abusive relationships more common for today's teenagers by enabling cyberbullying, digital control, social media addiction, and creating a false sense of security. It is essential to educate teenagers about the risks of social media and to encourage them to seek help if they experience any form of abuse in their relationships. Parents, teachers, and other adults should also be vigilant and look for signs of abuse in the young people around them.

Instruction: For Items 1-8, Read the Sentences and Change Them into Indirect Speech 1. Helen said to me, "When are you returning?" 2. The professor said to Helen, "why are you quit?" 3. My friend said, "I must do the homework." 4. My brother told me," You were right." 5. Grandpa said, "May God bless you." 6. "Bring the witness," said the judge. 7. He said, "I don't like pizza." 8. The boy said, "How will they reach here?"​


A indirect speech report details the precise words a speaker or writer used. Direct speech is typically surrounded by quotation marks.

What is the indirect verbal response?

Indirect speech includes phrases like "They said you didn't like it," "I asked her what her goals were," and "Citizens complained about the smoke," among others. When someone speaks without using their exact words, this is known as indirect speaking.

What are the three indirect speech sentences?

Paul received a reprimand from the teacher, who also threatened to call his mother if he didn't do the assignment. Puja questioned what I was watching. Joe suggested that I give her another chance. Lilly said she experienced a tummy ache the previous week.

To know more about Indirect Speech visit:-



How does Long John act when he first enters the stockade in chapters 19-21 of Treasure Island?
A. He threatens all of Captain Smollett's men.
B. He introduces himself, as if it was the first time he had ever met Captain Smollett's men.
C. Talks kindly to all of Captain Smollett's men, as if saying hello to old friends.
D. He refuses to speak to anyone other than Captain Smollett.


b seems like best bet

When making a prediction about reading, students should make a(n) educational guess about what is likely to happen next. An educated prediction is one that is made based on information and experience. Hence, such a guess is more likely to be correct.


An educated prediction about reading is more likely to be correct as it is based on information and experience, and students should make such guesses about what is likely to happen next when reading.

By using information from the text and their own prior knowledge, students can make an informed guess about what will happen next, which helps to increase comprehension and engagement with the text.

Educated guesses also require critical thinking skills, as students must consider multiple possibilities and choose the most likely one based on the available information. Additionally, making educated predictions can help students to become more active readers, as they are constantly thinking ahead and anticipating what will come next.

To learn more about information and experience, here



this is a very important question. Are you cool?


It's not important question but I am not cool.

Order the key details to create a
summary of the text.
Lead can enter our
environment and spread.
Lead may be present in our
Both the government and
individuals can help reduce
lead exposure.
Lead is harmful for children,
adults, and fetuses.



Lead is harmful for children, adults, and fetuses.

Lead may be present in our homes.

Lead can enter our environment and spread.

Both the government and individuals can help reduce lead exposure.


Answer: summary of the text.

Lead can enter our

environment and spread.

Lead may be present in our


Both the government and

individuals can help reduce

lead exposure.

Lead is harmful for children,

adults, and fetuses.



How does Long John act when he first enters the stockade in chapters 19-21 of Treasure Island?
A. He threatens all of Captain Smollett's men.
B. He introduces himself, as if it was the first time he had ever met Captain Smollett's men.
C. Talks kindly to all of Captain Smollett's men, as if saying hello to old friends.
D. He refuses to speak to anyone other than Captain Smollett.


In chapters 19-21 of Treasure Island, when Long John Silver first enters the stockade, he introduces himself as if it was the first time he had ever met Captain Smollett's men. The correct answer is option B.

What happens in Treasure Island?

"Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson is a classic adventure novel that tells the story of a young boy named Jim Hawkins and his search for treasure. The novel is set in the 18th century and follows the journey of Jim, who is given a treasure map by a dying pirate. Jim sets out to sea with a crew of sailors, including the one-legged Long John Silver, to find the treasure. However, the journey is fraught with danger as the crew faces mutiny, battles with rival pirates, and treacherous weather.

As the crew reaches their destination, they must face off against their former allies and outwit the dangerous and cunning Long John Silver. With twists and turns at every corner, the story keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

To find out more about Treasure Island, visit:



1.2 Summarise the thesis statement of the text “Nature Returns to the cities”. Provide THREE (3) examples from the text on how the author develops his thesis statement. (10 marks


According to the "Nature Returns to the Cities" article, the pandemic has caused a resurgence of nature in urban areas as people look for green spaces to get back in touch with nature.

Write a brief summary of the text's thesis, "Nature Returns to the Cities."

Example 1: The author provides examples of urban areas where nature has returned, including Los Angeles, where less traffic led to an improvement in the air quality and a rise in the public's awareness of the beauty of the city's hills and canyons. Example 2: The author mentions that as people look to grow their own food and connect with nature, they are turning to urban agriculture and gardening. As a result, urban areas now have rooftop farms and community gardens. Example 3: In order to design more livable and sustainable cities, the author discusses how urban planners are incorporating nature into their plans. To connect parks and other green spaces, some cities are building green corridors, while others are incorporating rain gardens and other natural features into their stormwater management systems. Overall, the author offers a wealth of examples and proof to back up the claim that the pandemic is causing nature to return to urban areas.

To Know more about Nature Returns to the Cities Visit:



advantage of speed reading



Speed reading boosts your confidence.

Speed reading allows you to go through a lot of information in very little time.

It creates better employment opportunities.

Improves memory and creativity.

Reduced stress level.

Clearer thought process.

Can anyone find the answer ​will be brainliest




***** teacher/they/them/games/two/not/called/played/had/when/back) make a correct statement ​


A proper statement with the list of words provided is, The teacher had not called them back when they had played the two games.

What is a proper statement and why is the above statement proper?

A proper statement is a sentence that is grammatically correct and conveys a clear meaning. It should be free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. Additionally, it should be written in a way that is easy to understand and interpret by the reader or listener.

For example: "The cat is sleeping on the sofa." This is a proper statement that is clear, concise, and grammatically correct. It conveys a clear meaning that the cat is currently resting on the sofa.

the statement " The teacher had not called them back when they had played the two games" is grammatically correct and makes sense.

It means that the teacher did not call the students back after they had finished playing the two games. The use of the past perfect tense "had played" indicates that the games had already been completed before the teacher had the opportunity to call them back.

Find more exercises on proper statement;



What is the meaning of "the great difference in mobility between the fast forces and the follow-up infantry"?




"The great difference in mobility between the fast forces and the follow-up infantry" refers to the significant contrast in speed or movement ability between the highly mobile, fast-moving forces (such as armored vehicles, tanks, or helicopters) and the infantry units that follow behind them on foot. This difference in mobility can impact the military strategy and tactics used in a given situation, as the fast forces may be able to move quickly to outflank or surround an enemy, while the infantry may need to move more slowly to keep up and provide support.

why do athletes use shoes with cleats?



To help with traction when running



This helps to have more grip on the floor and chances to slip reduces. This makes it easy for sportsmen to walk or run as their grip on the ground increases.


Spikes increase the surface of the shoes & make it rough which results in an increase in friction

What is the meaning of "The primary front (excluding Finland) from the Baltic to the Black Sea stretched about as far as from Chicago to New Orleans"?



This statement is referring to the area of land occupied by the Soviet Union during World War II. It is saying that the area of land, stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, was roughly the same distance as the distance between Chicago and New Orleans.

Answer BOX
noisy, lovely, tasty, deep, good, big, old, shady, small, bad
C. Fill in the gaps with suitable nouns from the patch.

a beautiful.............
a sweet………..
a clever…….
a long…..
a wild……..
a tall…….
a fat……
a happy…….
a clean……
a sharp…….



a beautiful rose

a sweet cake

a clever student

a long road

a wild animal

a tall building

a fat cat

a happy child

a clean kitchen

a sharp knife


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Which of the following would shift the demand curve for the magazine Sports Illustrated to the right?a. a fall in the price of other magazinesb. an increase in the number of sports fansc. a decrease in the price of paperd. a fall in the price of the magazine Sports Illustrated which of the following procedures would an auditor most likely include in establishing the overall audit strategy of a financial statement audit? a. Obtain an understanding of the entity's risk assessment processb. Identify specific internal control activities designed to prevent fraudc. Evaluate the reasonableness of the entity's accounting estimatesd. Perform cutoff tests of the entity's sales and purchases the combination of prices and real output that is compatible with both aggregate demand and aggregate supply is called the . Select the correct molecule that is the main product of the Calvin cycle.1. G3P2. NADPH3. Glucose Which compound below will readily react with a solution of bromine resulting from a mixture of 48% hydrobromic acid and 30% hydrogen peroxide? a.Cyclohexene b.Dichlorometane c.Acetic acid d.t-Butyl alcohol e.Cyclohexane Find the following values. Compounding/discounting occurs annually. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answers to the nearest cent.a. An initial $500 compounded for 10 years at 7%.$b. An initial $500 compounded for 10 years at 14%.$c. The present value of $500 due in 10 years at 7%.$d. The present value of $1,865 due in 10 years at 14% and 7%.Present value at 14%: $Present value at 7%: $e. Define present value.The present value is the value today of a sum of money to be received in the future and in general is less than the future value.The present value is the value today of a sum of money to be received in the future and in general is greater than the future value.The present value is the value today of a sum of money to be received in the future and in general is equal to the future value.The present value is the value in the future of a sum of money to be received today and in general is less than the future value.The present value is the value in the future of a sum of money to be received today and in general is greater than the future value.-Select-IIIIIIIVVItem 6How are present values affected by interest rates? g suppose the acme drug company what is the probability that the percent difference of -.13 or less is seen if the true difference is 0 A(n) ____ works like a burglar alarm in that it detects a violation (some system activities analogous to an opened or broken window) and activates an alarm.SIS, IDS, ITS, IIS, What is the slope of a line that passes through the points (-2, 3) and (4, -12)? WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!If you had a goal of understanding the economic life of a typical American suburban family, which theoretical approach from economic anthropology would you find most valuable?A. Neoclassical EconomicsB. SubstantivismC. MarxismD. Cultural Economics In fruit flies, brown bodies are dominant to black bodies. Cross two heterozygous fruit flies. Determinethe phenotypic and genotypic ratios. Then determine how many fruit flies, if 200 are born, will haveblack bodies. Can we use our brainly points.What did the triangle say to the circle?Your pointless expand 5a(a+6)please help matching question match the sets on the left with a true statement about the cartesian product of those sets on the right. {1, 2} x {3, 4} = {1, 2, 3, 4} x {3, 4, 5, 6} = {4, 5, 6, 7} x {4, 5, 6, 7} = {a, e, i, o, u} x {b, g, t, d} ={1, 2, 3} x {1, 2, 4} =Choose:(5, 5) is a member.its cardinality is 4. (2, 2) is a member. its cardinality is 20.(4, 3) is a member. 5.15 LAB: Output values below an amount Write a program that first gets a list of integers from input. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. Then, get the last value from the input, which indicates a threshold. Output all integers less than or equal to that last threshold value. Assume that the list will always contain fewer than 20 integers. Ex: If the input is: 5 50 60 140 200 75 100 the output is: 50,60,75, The 5 indicates that there are five integers in the list, namely 50, 60, 140, 200, and 75. The 100 indicates that the program should output all integers less than or equal to 100, so the program outputs 50, 60, and 75. For coding simplicity, follow every output value by a comma, including the last one. Such functionality is common on sites like Amazon, where a user can filter results. 301630.1851370.qx3zqy7 LAB ACTIVITY 5.15.1: LAB: Output values below an amount 0 / 10 LabProgram.java Load default template... 1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 3 public class LabProgram { 4 public static void main(String[] args) { 5 Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in); 6 int[] userValues = new int[20]; // List of integers from input 7 8 /* Type your code here. */ 9 } 10 } 11 the process of allocating congressional seats among the states is called Charged ions such as sodium, potassium, and chloride are called ______. Please help meWhat is the range of the quadratic function below? according to porter's five forces model, which of the following firms would be least affected by the threat of substitutes? group of answer choices a used car dealership in new york a convenience store that sells retail products a firm that sells the only drug for a disease a corner latte shop in atlanta a food vendor at a county fair You live in a town with 300 adults and 200 children, and you are thinking about putting on a play to entertain your neighbors and make some money. A play has a fixed cost of $2,000, but selling an extra ticket has zero marginal cost. Here are the demand schedules for your two types of customer:Price. Adults. Children$10. 0. 09. 100. 08. 200. 07. 300. 06. 300. 05. 300. 100 4. 300. 2003. 300. 2002. 300. 2001. 300. 2000. 300. 200a. To maximize profit, what price would you charge for an adult ticket? For a children's ticket? How much profit do you make? b. The city council passes a law prohibiting you from charging different prices to different customers. What price do you set for a ticket now? How much profit do you make? c. Who is worse off because of the law prohibiting price discrimination? Who is better off? (If you can, quantify the changes in welfare.) d. If the fixed cost of the play were $2,500 rather than $2,000, how would your answers to parts (a), (b), and (c) change?