what impact do third-party candidates have on a presidential election?


Answer 1
Making their mark
Voters seldom pick third-party and independent candidates, but the outsider candidates make their mark by adding their ideas to the agenda. “The most important role of third parties is to bring new ideas and institutions into politics

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which of the following is not true regarding contratistas? group of answer choices they were mexican or mexican american labor contractors who served as intermediaries between mexican laborers and their employers (who were typically anglo american) some contratistas felt genuine concern for immigrants some contratistas exploited immigrants they were always born in the u.s.


Among the given statements, the statement that is not true regarding contratistas is: they were always born in the U.S.  

The following is the explanation:Contractors or contratistas were Mexican or Mexican American labor contractors who served as intermediaries between Mexican laborers and their employers, who were generally Anglo Americans. In some situations, some contractors felt genuine concern for immigrants, whereas in others, some contractors exploited immigrants.

These contractors have various activities in providing workers with jobs and negotiating with employers, but it is not valid that they were always born in the U.S. In fact, some of them were born in Mexico, but they lived in the U.S., where they operated their business with Mexican and other Latin American workers.

The correct option is they were always born in the U.S.

To know more about contratistas refer here:



According to Baltes and his colleagues, the most successful adaptation to declining physical and cognitive abilities in late adulthood involves ____.


According to Baltes and his colleagues, the most successful adaptation to declining physical and cognitive abilities in late adulthood involves proactivity.

Proactivity is the process of taking initiative and making positive changes to meet life challenges and opportunities. It involves engaging in activities that promote positive development and wellbeing, such as staying physically active, learning new skills, and actively participating in social activities.

This can help to reduce the impact of physical and cognitive decline, and provide individuals with a sense of control over their lives.

Proactivity also involves planning for the future, and maintaining positive attitudes and outlooks. By making positive changes and staying engaged, individuals can help to preserve their physical and cognitive abilities, and maintain their quality of life.

To know more about cognitive abilities click on below link:



Statistics on which of the following could best be used to support the argument made in the excerpt? (Booker T Washington, 1895)
The proportion of African Americans offered the ability to vote in southern states
The gap between the rich and the poor
The social and economic conditions in segregated areas of the South
The number of children involved in industrial labor


The statistics on C) "the social and economic conditions in segregated areas of the South" could best be used to support the argument made in the excerpt.

What does the excerpt say?

The excerpt in the question is from a speech given by Booker T. Washington in 1895. He argued that instead of pushing for social equality, African Americans should focus on economic self-reliance and education. He further stated that once they were economically and educationally self-sufficient, social equality would follow.

Now, let's look at the answer options:

Option A: The proportion of African Americans offered the ability to vote in southern states:

This option is not relevant to the argument made in the excerpt.

Therefore, it is incorrect.

Option B: The gap between the rich and the poor: This option is also not relevant to the argument made in the excerpt. Therefore, it is incorrect.

Option C: The social and economic conditions in segregated areas of the South: This option is directly related to the argument made in the excerpt. The author is arguing that African Americans should focus on economic self-reliance to overcome the social and economic conditions of segregated areas. Therefore, this option is correct.

Option D: The number of children involved in industrial labor: This option is also not relevant to the argument made in the excerpt. Therefore, it is incorrect.

Learn more about economic self reliance at



what are the three levels of moral thinking according to kohlberg?



He organized his six stages into three general levels of moral development.

Level 1: Preconventional level. At the preconventional level, morality is externally controlled.Level 2: Conventional level.Level 3: Postconventional or principled level.

The three levels of moral thinking according to kohlberg are preconventional, conventional, and postconventional.

Kohlberg's idea was founded on a series of moral quandaries provided to his research subjects. Participants were also interviewed to find out why they made the decisions they did in each scenario. According to Kohlberg, there are three degrees of moral thinking: preconventional, conventional, and postconventional.

Preconventional morality is the most primitive stage of moral formation. It lasts till the age of nine. Conventional: The acceptance of social conventions governing what is good and moral marks the next stage of moral development. Postconventional Morality: At this stage of moral growth, humans get an awareness of abstract moral ideas.

Learn more about preconventional, here:



Jonna, aged 4, was adopted from an orphanage where children were more likely to be harshly treated than nurtured. Her caregivers varied from day to day and were, at best, indifferent to her needs, ignoring her attempts to get their attention. Jonna is very much wanted and loved in her new home, yet she does not seek comfort, attention, or nurturing and when they are offered, she rejects them. Jonna's symptoms are most consistent with _____. (Ch 16)
a. separation anxiety disorder
b. schizotypal personality disorder
c. disinhibited social engagement disorder
d. reactive attachment disorde


Jonna's symptoms are most consistent with "reactive attachment disorder". Option D is the correct answer.

Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is a mental health condition that is caused by a lack of regular attachment to an adult caregiver during the child's first few years of life. As a result, the child may experience a range of difficulties such as attachment problems, distrust in adults, difficulty in social relationships, lack of self-care, and aggression, among others.

RAD is a rare condition, affecting less than 1% of the general population. This condition typically affects children who have been orphaned or adopted into families, as well as children who have experienced neglect or abuse in their early years. Therefore, it is clear that Jonna's symptoms are most consistent with D) reactive attachment disorder.

You can learn more about reactive attachment disorder at



Executive Branch: Electoral College & Executive Order US HISTORY
OPENER: What do you know about the electoral college? Brainstorm everything and anything you can remember about it, as well as what questions you have about it. White, draw, rap, poem, do something!
What is the Electoral College?
During a presidential election, you are
The Electoral College
who will
decided in the
Why Do We Have the Electoral College?
►The electoral in your state is equal to the
(# of representatives in
How Does the President Win?
►The candidate with the
in a
state wins all of that state's'
A majority
of the votes in the Electoral
College must be won for the candidate to be elected President.
If no candidate receives a majority, the election is with each state having one vote.
If we had
for presidents. ► Presidents would just spend all their
in states with
Click here for an interactive map of the electoral college
The Electoral College:
Ensures that citizens of small states are not
by the citizens in a large states
For example: Wyoming has a population of 584,153 and 3 electoral votes, which means each elector represents 194,717 voters. California has a population of 38,800,000 with 55 electoral votes so each elector represents 705,454 voters. So each vote in Wyoming is worth 3.6 times more than each vote in California.
How does the electoral college work?
Why is the electoral college controversial?



The Electoral College is a system used in the United States to elect the President and Vice President. During a presidential election, voters in each state cast their vote for a candidate, but the candidate who wins the popular vote may not necessarily win the election. Instead, the candidate who wins the majority of electoral votes (270 out of 538) becomes the President.

The number of electoral votes each state has is based on their representation in Congress, with each state getting one electoral vote for each member of Congress they have (House of Representatives + Senate). This means that smaller states have a proportionally larger impact on the election than larger states.

The President wins by receiving a majority of the electoral votes. If no candidate receives a majority, the election is decided by the House of Representatives with each state having one vote. This means that a candidate can win the popular vote but still lose the election if they don't win enough electoral votes.

The Electoral College is controversial because some people believe it is undemocratic and that it can lead to situations where the candidate who wins the popular vote does not become President. Others argue that it protects smaller states from being ignored in the election and ensures that candidates have a broad base of support across the country.

Why is there speculation that the Galilean moon Europa might be an abode for life?


It has been speculated that the Galilean moon Europa might be an abode for life because of the following reasons: Europa is one of the four largest moons of Jupiter and has the highest possibility of having a subsurface ocean of water, which could be supporting life.

There is speculation that the Galilean moon Europa might be an abode for life because of several factors that suggest the presence of a subsurface ocean that could potentially support life.

Firstly, observations from the Galileo spacecraft and other missions have shown that Europa has a smooth and relatively young icy surface, suggesting that it is geologically active and potentially harboring a subsurface ocean.

Secondly, scientists have detected magnetic fields around Europa that could be generated by a subsurface ocean of salty water, which would indicate the presence of an electrically conducting fluid such as seawater.

Thirdly, recent observations have provided evidence for plumes of water vapor and ice erupting from the surface of Europa, which could be originating from a subsurface ocean and provide a potential means for sampling the ocean's composition.

Finally, on Earth, wherever there is liquid water, there is life. Therefore, the presence of a subsurface ocean on Europa has led to speculation that it could harbor simple forms of life such as bacteria or other microorganisms.

While there is no direct evidence of life on Europa, the combination of these factors has led scientists to consider the moon as a potential target for future exploration and the search for extraterrestrial life.

Learn more about Galilean moon Europa:



describe four ways in which the convention on the rights of the child seek to protect school going children from discrimination based on HIV status ​


It is necessary to end discrimination based on HIV status.

What are the reasons for protecting one's HIV status?

To begin, we must understand what HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is. HIV is a virus that strikes cells that assist the immune system to fight infection, making a human more especially vulnerable to other infections and diseases. It is spread through contact with a person's HIV-positive bodily fluids, most commonly during unsafe intercourse (sex without a contraceptive or HIV pharmaceutics to prevent or treat HIV) or through passing on needles.

1.Providing precise and straightforward HIV/AIDS information to all staff, students, and family members.

2.Enacting an HIV/AIDS policy.

The national Department of Education (DoE) had also developed a national policy on HIV/AIDS management in schools. Both students and teachers are covered by the national policy.

School governing bodies must create and implement their own policies, that have to be consistent with national policy. They should do so in consultation with the rest of the school community.

Know Your responsibilities and rights provides details regarding the important locations of the government policy as well as how to develop an Education HIV/AIDS policy.

to know more about HIV virus visit:



how many districts make up the federal reserve system



Federal Reserve Districts operate independently but with supervision. Federal Reserve District boundaries are based on economic considerations; the Districts operate independently but under the supervision of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.Aug 24, 2022


hope its help

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create a query that shows the employee id, last name, state, and date hired for employees who live in delaware and were hired after 12/31/99. perform an ascending sort by employee id.


The following SQL query can be used for employee ID: SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, State, DateHiredFROM EmployeesWHERE State='Delaware' AND DateHired > '1999-12-31'ORDER BY EmployeeID ASC

To show employee ID, last name, state, and date hired for employees who live in Delaware and were hired after 12/31/99 in ascending order of employee ID. Here, the SELECT statement is used to choose the required columns, i.e., EmployeeID, LastName, State, and DateHired. The FROM statement is used to specify the table, which is 'Employees'.The WHERE statement filters the results to show only those employees who live in Delaware and were hired after 12/31/99.

The ORDER BY statement sorts the results in ascending order of employee ID.

Learn more about queries at https://brainly.com/question/25694408


Proponemos acciones para promover la participación en la escuela y la comunidad, y sustentamos la importancia de nuestra propuesta de acciones planteadas. 8. PLANTEAMOS acciones que promuevan la participación responsable en los diferentes espacios de la escuela y de la comunidad, y que contribuyan a la convivencia y al bien común


The statement is in Spanish and it roughly translates to:

"We propose actions to promote participation in school and the community, and support the importance of our proposed actions.

We propose actions that promote responsible participation in different spaces within the school and the community, and that contribute to coexistence and the common good."

Based on this statement, it appears that the authors are advocating for the promotion of responsible participation and involvement within the school and the broader community.

The proposed actions are likely intended to foster a sense of community and shared responsibility, and to encourage individuals to take an active role in shaping the future of their schools and communities. By doing so, the authors may hope to create a more inclusive and supportive environment that benefits all members of the community.

To know  more about responsible participation . here



Discuss how far sociologists agreee that nucleur families benefit frim members of the family and society



George Murdock (1949) argued that that the nuclear family performs four essential functions to meet the needs of society and its members: The stable satisfaction of the sex drive – which prevents the social disruption cased by a ‘sexual free for all’; the reproduction of the next generation and thus the continuation of society over time; thirdly, the socialisation of the young into society’s shared norms and values and finally he argued the family provides for society’s economic needs by providing food and shelter.

Murdock thus agrees with the two statements in the question and goes further, arguing that the nuclear family performs even more functions. Furthermore, he argued that the nuclear family was universal, following his study of over 250 different societies.

Some sociologists, however, criticise Murdock’s view as being too rose tinted – pointing out that conflict and disharmony can occur both within nuclear families and within societies where the nuclear family is dominant. A second criticism is that the nuclear family is not universal – Gough studied the Nayr of South India and found that women and men had several sexual partners, but this type of matrifocal family was functional for that society.

A second Functionalist, Talcott Parsons  argued that the type of society affects the shape of the family – different societies require the family to perform different functions and so some types of family ‘fit in’ better with particular societies.

To illustrate this, Parsons argued that there were two basic types of society – modern industrial society and traditional pre-industrial society. He argued that the nuclear family fits the needs of industrial society and that the extended family fitted the needs of pre-industrial society. He argued that as society became industrialised, society had different needs, and that the nuclear family evolved to meet these needs. For example, one thing industrial society needed was a geographically mobile workforce – the nuclear family is appropriate here because it is more mobile than the extended family.

Parsons also argued that the family performs less functions with the move to industrialisation – as the health care and welfare functions come to be taken over by the state. However, the family becomes more specialised – and performs two ‘essential and irreducible functions’ – these are the two mentioned in the question – the primary socialisation of children is where we are first taught societies norms and values and learn to integrate with wider society and the stabilisation of adult personalities is where the family is the place of relaxation – the place to which one returns after a hard day of working to de – stress.

Parsons has, however been criticised, as with Murdock, for having a ‘rose tinted view’ – Feminists argue that women get an unfair deal in the traditional nuclear family, for example. A second criticism is that while he may have been right about the 1950s, when he was writing, the nuclear family seams less relevant in our post-modern age when many couples need dual incomes – meaning the nuclear family may be too small to effectively perform the two functions mentioned in the question.



if professor columbo is interested in the general trend of research findings regarding infant visual attention and childhood intelligence, what technique would be most amenable to his inquiry?


If Professor Columbo is interested in the general trend of research findings regarding infant visual attention and childhood intelligence, a meta-analysis would be the most amenable technique to his inquiry.

A meta-analysis is a statistical technique used to combine the results of multiple studies on a particular research question, with the aim of identifying the overall effect size and patterns across studies. By pooling data from multiple studies, a meta-analysis can provide a more precise and reliable estimate of the relationship between infant visual attention and childhood intelligence than any single study could achieve.

Meta-analyses can also identify sources of variability and potential biases across studies, such as differences in sample size, study design, or measurement methods. This can help researchers to better understand the strengths and limitations of the existing evidence and to identify areas for future research. Therefore, a meta-analysis is a powerful tool for synthesizing and interpreting research findings in a particular area.

You can learn more about meta-analysis at



when hassan celebrated his thirtieth anniversary at the company, he felt that the rare, autographed baseball he was given, while nice, was just a meaningless trinket. hassan thought that his wife and children were much more important than the job. hassan is in the stage of development called


Hassan is at the developmental stage known as generativity versus stagnation.

What do we mean by stagnation versus generativity?

In contrast to stagnation, which is characterised by a lack of ambition and a propensity to become trapped in one place, creative process refers to a person creating their mark and achieving goals appropriate to their stage of life. Inside the generativity vs. stagnation, being a parent is a significant event. People in this stage start to look back on their lives and consider what they are left for the future generation as a new generation starts to reach the identity vs. job confusion stage.

To know more about generativity vs. stagnation visit:



identify a true statement about state, county, and municipal elections.


It is up to individual states, counties, and municipalities to establish their own election laws. So, option B is correct.

A formal election is the procedure used by the populace of a nation or group to select its representatives or leaders. Elections are normally held on a regular basis, and candidates run for office by soliciting the votes of citizens. Local, state/provincial, national/federal, and other levels of government can all have elections. They can also be used to choose the leaders or representatives of groups like business associations or labor unions.

Several voting procedures, including mail-in ballots, electronic voting, and paper ballots, may be used during the electoral process. The organization in charge of holding the election, an independent election commission, or a government body are normally in charge of monitoring the voting process.

To know more about election



The complete question is:

Identify a true statement about state, county, and municipal elections.

A) all booth should be captured during the election.

B) It is up to individual states, counties, and municipalities to establish their own election laws.

C) It is mandatory to all individual states, counties, and municipalities to follow a common election.

D) States have no right to conduct election in their own way.

True or False: The strength of the group dynamics of a team depends mostly on how willing leaders are to share authority, responsibility, information, and resources.


The given statement "The strength of the group dynamics of a team depends mostly on how willing leaders are to share authority, responsibility, information, and resources" is true (T) these fosters a sense of trust and collaboration within the team.

This is leading to stronger group dynamics.

What is group dynamics?

Group dynamics is a method of studying the nature of groups, their development, and their interaction with people, other groups, and larger organizations. Group dynamics investigates how groups work together and what factors influence them. Groups are not merely the sum of their parts; the dynamics of a group are determined by the individuals who make up the group and their interactions with one another.

Groups are dynamic since people are dynamic, and the dynamics of a group change as people change their thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors over time. In team-building, the most effective groups have clear goals and objectives, good communication skills, trust and openness among members, active listening skills, and constructive conflict management skills.

Leaders play a critical role in promoting these characteristics, but they must also be willing to share power, responsibility, information, and resources. The leader must be someone who can balance the needs of the team with the needs of the organization.

Learn more about Group dynamics https://brainly.com/question/988990


while grocery shopping, you run into your sociology professor. this creates an awkward interaction because you are not used to seeing her outside of class and you are not sure how to behave. the interaction is awkward because it violated your group of answer choices audience segregation. status. sense of agency. social position.


Because you're not used to seeing her outside of class and are unsure of how to act, this makes for an awkward interaction. Due of audience segmentation, the interaction is awkward.

What is an instance of online interactional vandalism?

vandalism in which people interact. -Users who rely on swearing to convey their ideas. -Users who purposefully publish offensive comments to elicit an emotional response.

These are coercion, conflict, cooperation, exchange, and rivalry. Let's take a closer look at these five sorts.

Which four types of interaction are there?

Every person has a unique communication style, which determines how they interact and impart information to others. The four basic communication tenors are passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and forceful. Understanding each communication technique and the justifications for its use is crucial.

To know more about sociology visit:



Karen is a trusted employee whose productivity declines as she works more and more hours each day. After careful observation of her work performance, her manager prepared the following chart.Daily Number of Hours Worked by Karen / Total Numbers of Work Units Completed1/1002/1903/2704/3405/4006/4507/4808/500Karen's total cost to the firm is $11 per hour. Each work unit completed is worth $0.21 to the firm. Ignoring all other possibilities and considerations, for how many hours should the firm hire Karen per day?Hours


Karen's productivity declines after devoting more hours to work per day. Her work performance chart was prepared by her manager. The firm should hire Karen for 5 hours per day based on the given scenario.

Karen's hourly rate is $11. The work performance of Karen is, the value of each work unit completed by Karen is 0.21. The optimal number of hours the firm should hire Karen per day, considering her total cost and the value of each work unit completed.

1. Calculate the profit generated for each number of hours worked: Profit = (Number of work units * $0.21) - (Hours worked * $11)

2. Compare the profit generated for each hour worked to determine the optimal number of hours.

Hours 1: Profit = (100 * $0.21) - (1 * $11) = $21 - $11 = $10

Hours 2: Profit = (190 * $0.21) - (2 * $11) = $39.9 - $22 = $17.9

Hours 3: Profit = (270 * $0.21) - (3 * $11) = $56.7 - $33 = $23.7

Hours 4: Profit = (340 * $0.21) - (4 * $11) = $71.4 - $44 = $27.4

Hours 5: Profit = (400 * $0.21) - (5 * $11) = $84 - $55 = $29

Hours 6: Profit = (450 * $0.21) - (6 * $11) = $94.5 - $66 = $28.5

Hours 7: Profit = (480 * $0.21) - (7 * $11) = $100.8 - $77 = $23.8

Hours 8: Profit = (500 * $0.21) - (8 * $11) = $105 - $88 = $17

The optimal number of hours the firm should hire Karen per day is 5 hours, as it generates the highest profit of $29.

Karen's productivity is the number of work units she completes per hour.

Learn more about productivity at:



who was one of the first black physicians in new york city and the first black woman to graduate from bellevue hospital medical school in 1926?


Dr. May Edward Chinn was one of the first black female physicians in New York City and the first black woman to graduate from Bellevue Hospital Medical School in 1926.

A pioneering African-American doctor who broke down barriers in the medical industry was Dr. May Edward Chinn. Dr. Chinn, who was born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, on April 15, 1896, experienced severe racial and gender prejudice all of her life.She was the first black woman to receive a medical degree from Bellevue Hospital Medical School in 1926, despite the obstacles she had to overcome. Dr. Chinn began a private obstetrics and gynaecological practise in Harlem after completing her residency at Harlem Hospital.Dr. Chinn developed a devoted patient base as a result of her medical expertise and compassion, and she gained notoriety for her support of public health and women's health projects. She served in the Army as a captain during World War II.

learn more about black woman here:



the theory of ethical egoism argues that morality is a matter of . group of answer choices advancing one's personal interests picking the choice that will most benefit society selecting an action on the basis of the categorical imperative choosing the action that best aligns with natural law theory


The theory of ethical egoism argues that the morality is a matter of choices advancing one's personal interests. Ethical egoism is a perspective. Thus, the correct option is A.

What is Ethical Egoism?

Ethical egoism is a philosophical perspective that defines a moral theory. It emphasizes individual self-interest and personal gain rather than group or collective benefit. Ethical egoism's basic concept is that individuals are naturally self-interested and that this self-interest motivates their ethical behavior.

Theory of Ethical Egoism: Ethical egoism is a type of consequentialist theory, which argues that the morality of our actions should be determined by their outcomes. This implies that an act is morally correct if its results contribute to the well-being of the individual who performs it rather than being socially beneficial as a whole. Therefore, ethical egoism maintains that an individual ought to behave in a way that enhances their self-interest and personal advantage.

The theory of ethical egoism argues that morality is a matter of advancing one's personal interests. It emphasizes individual self-interest and personal gain rather than group or collective benefit. Ethical egoism is a philosophical perspective that defines a moral theory.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Ethical egoism here:



A testcross is a mating between an individual of unknown genotype and an individual
A) homozygous recessive for the trait of interest.
B) heterozygous for the trait of interest.
C) homozygous dominant for the trait of interest.
D) codominant for the trait of interest.
E) of an unknown genotype.


A testcross is a mating between an individual of unknown genotype and an individual homozygous recessive for the trait of interest.

In the genetic test cross, an organism that is homozygous recessive for a trait is crossed with an organism that has a dominant phenotype but an unknown genotype. This approach will identify if the dominant organism is homozygous or heterozygous for the trait. The offspring's phenotype of the test cross offspring, along with their parent's phenotype, will show the genotype of the dominant parent. The key aspect of a test cross is that the offspring's phenotype may be utilized to decide the genotype of the parent being evaluated. Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Read more about homozygous here:https://brainly.com/question/28744773


samantha wanted to investigate the relationship between the amount of time her students engaged in outside leisure reading and their participation in class discussions. her study would study be classified as .


Samantha's study would be classified as a correlational study, as she is investigating the relationship between two variables. Specifically, she is looking at how the amount of time her students engage in outside leisure reading relates to their participation in class discussions.

A correlational study is a research design that is used to investigate the relationship between two variables. It is used when the researcher wants to understand how one variable is related to another.

In this case, Samantha is interested in the relationship between the amount of time her students engage in outside leisure reading and their participation in class discussions. To conduct her study, she would collect data on both of these variables, and then analyze the data to see if there is a correlation between them.

If there is a strong correlation, it would suggest that there is a relationship between the two variables, and that one variable might be influencing the other.

To know more about relationship refer here:



how to reject a job offer politely email because of salary


Answer: Thank you so much for offering me the [Job Title] position. After carefully considering the compensation package outlined in your offer, I must regretfully decline. The salary does not meet the financial requirements of my current situation. It was a pleasure meeting you and learning about your company.

Group cohesiveness does NOT have which of the following characteristics?Interpersonal attractionGroup prideCommitment to the work of the groupGroupthink


Group cohesiveness does NOT have the characteristic of Groupthink. Group cohesiveness refers to the degree to which group members are bound together and feel a sense of loyalty or attachment to the group.

The level of group cohesiveness determines the group's success and the level of members' participation in group tasks. Groupthink, on the other hand, refers to the tendency of group members to conform to the group's decision-making process and accept group decisions without questioning them.

Group cohesiveness also includes interpersonal attraction, which refers to the degree of liking and positive feelings that members of a group have for each other. Group pride, which is another characteristic of group cohesiveness, is the feeling of pride and satisfaction that group members experience when the group achieves its goals.

Commitment to the work of the group is also an important characteristic of group cohesiveness. This refers to the degree of involvement and dedication that members have toward the group's goals and objectives. It is essential for group members to have a strong commitment to the group's work to achieve success.

In conclusion, group cohesiveness does not have the characteristic of Groupthink. Group cohesiveness is characterized by interpersonal attraction, group pride, and commitment to the work of the group. Groupthink is a separate phenomenon that refers to the tendency of group members to conform to group decisions without questioning them.

For such more questions on Groupthink



Examine three influences of spectators behaviour that may trigger incident of unpleasant behaviour


Violence among spectators can be caused by a variety of things, but it frequently results from poorly planned physical places, intense activities, and untrained employees.

What are three influences of spectators behavior that may trigger incident of unpleasant behavior?

Sports fans frequently engage in inappropriate conduct because of their social identities. Supporters attitudes before the game, what happens during the game, what the fans do during the game, hooliganism, drinking while inebriated, field invasions, and overbearing families. if the sports event, such as a local derby when two teams from the neighborhood compete against one another, has a political or historical context.

Violence and other unpleasant conduct might result from the desire of the supporters of both teams to prove that they are superior to one another. They contend that these triggers may be divided into three groups: truth triggers, relationship triggers, and identity triggers. Consider the past as you go through each of the three triggers.

Learn more about unpleasant behavior:



according to bronfenbergers ecological model of enviormental influences which influence plays a role in the childs life


According to Bronfenbrenner's ecological model of environmental influences, the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem are the four influences that play a role in a child's life.

Bronfenbrenner's ecological model of environmental influences, also known as the Ecological Systems Theory, identifies five different levels of influence on a child's development. These levels include:

Microsystem: This refers to the child's immediate environment, such as their family, peers, school, and neighborhood.

Mesosystem: This level refers to the interactions and connections between the different aspects of the microsystem, such as the relationships between family and school, or between family and peers.

Exosystem: This level refers to the external influences on the microsystem, such as government policies, cultural norms, and the media.

Macrosystem: This level refers to the broader cultural, social, and economic influences that affect the other levels, such as beliefs, values, and laws.

Chronosystem: This level refers to the changes that occur over time in the child's environment, such as historical events, social trends, and the child's development over time.

In Bronfenbrenner's model, all of these levels interact to shape a child's development and experiences. For example, a child's family and school environment (microsystem) may be influenced by cultural beliefs and government policies (exosystem) which, in turn, are shaped by broader social and economic factors (macrosystem). Additionally, changes over time (chronosystem) can have an impact on each of these levels, affecting the child's development and experiences.

Learn more about Bronfenbrenner's ecological model:



which of the following is an example of the democratizing quality of new media? three c-span networks broadcasting government proceedings marchers protesting u.s. immigration policy hashtag activism (


An example of the democratizing quality of new media is hashtag activism. Hashtag activism allows people to share their opinions and causes with a large audience quickly and efficiently, allowing more people to become involved in social movements and political issues. #hashtags allow anyone, regardless of resources or socioeconomic status, to join in the conversation.

What is democratizing quality?

Democratizing quality is a term used to describe the process of expanding access to certain resources or services that were previously only available to a small subset of the population. By democratizing access to these resources, more people are able to benefit from them.

The democratizing quality of new media: An important aspect of new media is that it democratizes quality by making it more accessible to the general public. Through new media, individuals can express their views and opinions, share information, and engage with others in a variety of ways that were previously unavailable.

In this case, hashtag activism exemplifies the democratizing quality of new media because it allows people from all over the world to share their opinions and participate in discussions about various issues.

It empowers people who may not have been able to participate in these conversations before, and it allows them to make their voices heard in a way that was not possible before. This makes hashtag activism a prime example of the democratizing quality of new media.

Learn more about democracy here:



Fabio and Priscilla go on a scary roller-coaster ride together. If misattribution of arousal occurs, which of the following will happen?a. They will be more likely to find one another attractive.b. They will attribute their physical arousal to their emotions.c. They will experience increased heart rate and sweaty palms due to the ride.


Fabio and Priscilla go on a scary roller-coaster ride together. If misattribution of ar.ousal occurs, they will be more likely to find one another attractive (option A).

Misattribution of ar.ousal is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when an individual makes incorrect inferences about what is creating them to feel ar.oused. When a person experiences arousal from one source, such as a scary roller coaster ride, and then attributes their arousal to another source, such as the presence of another individual, misattribution of ar.ousal occurs.

Misattribution of ar.ousal can influence people's behavior, perceptions, and attitudes. It can alter the way individuals interact with one another and change their opinions of people they are not acquainted with. When individuals have incorrect thoughts about why they feel ar.oused, their decisions and actions are frequently affected. Misattribution of arousal has the power to influence romantic attraction as well.

Learn more about misattribution of arousal  at https://brainly.com/question/28178292


when working for a software company, and because walter is a(n)____, he created a new venture based solely on his idea while using his company's proprietary technology.


When working for a software company, and because Walter is a(n) Entrepreneur, he created a new venture based solely on his idea while using his company's proprietary technology.

An entrepreneur is a person who sets up a new company or company and takes on the risks and responsibilities associated with it. Walter is an entrepreneur who has created a new venture based solely on his idea while utilizing his company's proprietary technology while working for a software company.

When working for a software company, he demonstrated an entrepreneurial spirit and an innovative approach that allowed him to develop new business concepts using technology. The business world is more dynamic and competitive than ever before.

The entrepreneurs of today have unique characteristics that allow them to take risks, be inventive, and establish profitable companies. These entrepreneurs provide economic advantages by generating new jobs and creating fresh ideas that help us all.

Learn more about entrepreneur here:



what is convergent wind


You are aware that convergence is the process of a strong wind merging with a weak breeze. A divergence of air happens as height contours separate, second. Stronger winds converge into lesser winds, replenishing the mass lost due to the divergence in the turbulent flow.

As in the case of the plum and apricot genes in the plucot, convergence is when two or more things combine to produce a new whole. Convergence is derived from the word con-, which indicates jointly, and the verb verge, which means to turn in that direction.

Convergence can refer to something that is coming together, like the gradual convergence of your opinions with those of your mother, or it can refer to something that has already come together, like the intersection of two roads, or it can refer to something that already exists where two things overlap, like the convergence of your aunt's eccentric wardrobe with avant-garde fashion.

Learn more about convergence here:


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