What do you talk about on Earth Day?


Answer 1
The theme for Earth Day 2020 was climate action. The enormous challenge — but also the vast opportunities — of action on climate change have distinguished the issue as the most pressing topic for the 50th anniversary.
Answer 2


One of the simplest ways to talk about the earth is to get outside! Go camping if that's your thing, or just spend the day outside exploring on a hike or a nature walk. Talk about the things that you see, hear and smell. Look into whether you have local nature centers in your area.


8 Interactive Ways to Teach Children About Earth Day

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 of each year, which is right around the corner. The day is meant to show support for a variety of environmental concerns and ways that we can help keep earth clean and healthy. In its concept stages, Earth Day was set to be held on March 21, the first day of spring, but later it was declared for April 22, and celebrated first in the year 1970. The celebration went international in the year 1990, and today it’s celebrated worldwide with events held in various countries.

Earth Day, there’s only one

So why is it important to teach our children about Earth Day? Children are the future — if anyone is going to make a difference and start new ways of protecting the earth, it’s our children. We can teach them now how to care for earth and keep it healthy and clean for generations to come. We have completed many challenges in keeping the earth healthy for all, and there are so many more to come. Now is the time to show the youth how to keep it going strong!

There are many books available for all ages about how we can recycle, help protect the earth and conserve energy. Head to your local library to see what they have. Many libraries will highlight books about the earth around Earth Day, so it will be easy to find them. If not, ask a librarian for help finding a few that are age appropriate for your children. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and The Lorax by Dr. Seuss are two very popular ones that children enjoy. You can throw in some projects that revolve around those books as well.

Spend time in the outdoors

One of the simplest ways to talk about the earth is to get outside! Go camping if that’s your thing, or just spend the day outside exploring on a hike or a nature walk. Talk about the things that you see, hear and smell. Look into whether you have local nature centers in your area. They will have activities for Earth Day that you and your children can participate in.

Teach them about water and electricity conservation

Around the home, one thing that helps not only the bills, but also the earth, is conserving water and electricity. Even if your child is only 3 years old, you can begin teaching them about:

turning lights off

shutting the water off when they brush their teeth

unplugging things when not in use, etc.

It’s important for kids to grow up doing these things to create good habits for down the road when they are older, or on their own. BONUS: It will help save money and conserve energy!

Create a story about the earth

After reading stories about Earth Day, and being conservative with energy and water, have your child write a short story and color some photos. You can go online and print off Earth Day printables, or just a few things that they might want to make a story with and let them color and tell you what the story is about. Help them decide on a theme and what the characters will do.

Participate in a local event

Many cities will have events on Earth Day to do things like recycle or raise money for local nature centers, recycling centers, etc. Some areas have marathons, children’s events and vendor fairs, among other things. Research what your area or areas near you do to plan your Earth Day festivities. (Here’s what’s happening for Earth Day 2017.)

Create recycled art

There are many, many art projects that can be done with recycled materials. Indoor projects, outdoor lawn projects — the possibilities are endless. If you have friends or family that use a lot of plastic bottles, you can ask them to save them for you so you can set up a bowling game. You could recycle tin cans by painting them or putting paper around them to hold writing utensils, or use old stones, sticks, recycled items and other things to create an outdoor art project. There are tons of ideas online that you can try out with your children!

If you have pets, there are even projects that you can do for them on Earth Day. Upcycle old T-shirts or towels and turn them into dog toys.

Plant a tree, garden or anything else that can grow in your yard

Planting aids in producing more air for the earth, and there are many small varieties that you can purchase for your yard (or large if you are in need of larger trees). If your area has a tree planting event, you can always participate in that as well.

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where is your question


pa brain less

Define guidance and counseling in the perspective of five authors clearly stating the differences and similarities between the two terms?


define guidance and course c

in the perspectiveof five authors clearly stating the differences and similarities between the two terms?

2) verify the commutative property for addition and multiplication for the rational numbers to and 10●>¤●{●•●{●{●>○>○>○○○\\○\{●\>○>•>○}\{\6\☆52225}326♡▪2>▪~>5254`5\ 5~}~▪\♡3 {▪33 {34♢7○47 [●574▪8¤48¤48¤55 75748​




Wich of the following statements best describes the standard of living in Europe


Answer: Europeans have among the highest standard of living in the world.


The statement that best describes the standard of living in Europe is that Europeans have among the highest standard of living in the world.

It should be noted that when taking into account the income, purchasing power and the cost of living, of most European countries, they are better than that of their counterparts in other parts of the world.

Countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands, and Finland are ranked among the top ten countries in the quality of life ranking.

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學校很有趣……我最喜歡我的數學老師,他很有趣。 在第四節我學習了(並且可能仍在學習或將學習)關於分數的知識。 我還學到了一些關於小數的知識。 四年級很有趣。


good luck

Từ vựng mới được tạo ra như thế nào trong tiếng Việt? :((



How are new vocabulary created?

3 Transcrie din text calitățile pe care le avea micul ciobănaş.​



If you want it to be translated here


Transcribe from the text the qualities that the little shepherd had.


1. Yo ___ la guitarra el mes pasado. (tocar, preterite)

2 Mis hermanos pequeños ___ muy tarde. (dormirse, preterite)

3. La semana pasada, mis amigos y yo ____ por el parque. (andar, preterite)

4. Tú _____ a la profesora que el examen fue difícil. (decir, preterite)

5. Cuando éramos pequeños, nosotros ____ mucho. (jugar, imperfect)

6. Yo ____ el examen mañana. (estudiar, present progressive)

7. ¿Qué _____ nosotros en la clase hoy? (hacer, present progressive)

8. Sandra _____ ir al cine esta noche. (querer, present)

9. No _____ tan alto. (hablar, tú negative command)

10. No _____ en la biblioteca, (hablar, Uds. negative command)

11. Este verano mi familia y yo _____ por Europa. (viajar, future tense)

12. Yo no _____ esta noche porque tengo que estudiar. (salir, future tense)

13. TÚ _____ estudiar mucho más. (deber, conditional)

14. Ellas _____ una fiesta con muchos amigos. (tener, conditional)

15. Mis padres me ____la respuesta. (decir, conditional)

16. ¿Adónde ____ Marcos y Antonio? (ir, imperfect)

17 _____ aquí ahora mismo. (venir, tú affirmative command)

18 _____ la mesa antes de comer. (poner, tú affirmative command)

19. Mis padres me ____ a qué hora empieza la cena. (decir, future tense)

20. Mi hermano ____ hablar español despues de esta clase, (poder, future tense)



. Yo _toqué__ la guitarra el mes pasado. (tocar, preterite)

2 Mis hermanos pequeños _duermen__ muy tarde. (dormirse, preterite)

3. La semana pasada, mis amigos y yo __andamos__ por el parque. (andar, preterite)

4. Tú ___dile_ a la profesora que el examen fue difícil. (decir, preterite)

5. Cuando éramos pequeños, nosotros _jugamos___ mucho. (jugar, imperfect)

6. Yo __estudiaré__ el examen mañana. (estudiar, present progressive)

7. ¿Qué __haremos__ nosotros en la clase hoy? (hacer, present progressive)

8. Sandra __quiere___ ir al cine esta noche. (querer, present)

9. No habló tan alto. (hablar, tú negative command)

10. No __hablen___ en la biblioteca, (hablar, Uds. negative command)

11. Este verano mi familia y yo ___viajamos__ por Europa. (viajar, future tense)

12. Yo no __salgo___ esta noche porque tengo que estudiar. (salir, future tense)

13. TÚ ___debes__ estudiar mucho más. (deber, conditional)

14. Ellas ___tiene__ una fiesta con muchos amigos. (tener, conditional)

15. Mis padres me _dicen___la respuesta. (decir, conditional)

16. ¿Adónde __irán__ Marcos y Antonio? (ir, imperfect)

17 ___ven_ aquí ahora mismo. (venir, tú affirmative command)

18 ___pone__ la mesa antes de comer. (poner, tú affirmative command)

19. Mis padres me _dicen___ a qué hora empieza la cena. (decir, future tense)

20. Mi hermano __puede__ hablar español despues de esta clase, (poder, future tense)

7. What a world are we in? Where love and care are not in sight Need it most and all the time Lack everything but not these two All other things will be with you Adults, youths and children alike Man, woman and all human Rich, poor and sick alike The whites, blacks and all races Love and care are what they need.​



A world of peace that's called earth.


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Being a feminist means that you fight for the equality of all people


Brain check
Use your brain answer my question.
1.What is as big as you are and yet doesn't weigh anything?
2.You can hold it without using your hands and arms.What is it?
3.Who travels around the world but stays in one spot?
4.What can run but never walks ,has a mouth but never talks ,has a head but never weeps ,and has a bed but never sleeps?
5.What is in the middle of CHINA?
6.What starts with T ,ends with a T ,and has tea in it?
7.Who has hands but cannot clap?
8.What becomes white when it is dirty?
9.Which month has 28 days?
10.Where do fish keep there money?
All the answers are easy if you use your mind .
Let's check whose mind is sharp.



Step 1:  Figure out the riddle

1.)  Your shadow, it's as big as you are but doesn't weigh anything.

2.)  Your breath, you can hold it without using your hands and arms.

3.)  A stamp, it travels the world but stays on the mail that it was stamped on.

4.)  A river, it's all of those things.

5.)  The letter 'I', because it's in the middle of the word.

6.)  A Teapot, it starts with a 't' and ends with a 't' and has tea in it.

7.)  A Clock, it has two hands but it cannot clap.

8.)  A Blackboard, it gets more white the more you draw on it, it gets dirty.

9.)  February, it is the only month that has 28 days.

10.)  Riverbank, get it :D a riverbank lol

I had a harder time spelling February then answering these riddle.  Thanks!

我是越南人,现在在河内工作, 我已经跟越南人结婚了





you from China that's cool


와우 잘하시네요 ㅋㅋㅋ


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Aortic Rupture would be the answer

Read the following sentence. Tyrone was not perfect, but one of his best traits was his willingness to listen to others and to help whenever it was possible. Use context clues to find the definition for the word traits as it is used in this sentence. reasons to like another person positive things about someone helpful people in the community sides of someone’s personality



Here goes-


Traits, in this sentence is a characteristic or quality in someone, that describes them and their personality. In this sentence, it says that Tyrone's best trait is his willingness to listen,  meaning that has a very caring personality.

Why are you down here???? :P

những chuyển biến về kinh tế của Việt Nam trong quá trình hội nhập ASEAN (2001-2020)



i cant understand the language

In what ways Hinduism is different from Islam?​



different people live there


From what i know being Hindu myself in Islam they believe in Allah where as in Hinduism there are multiple gods. (most believe in Vishnu, Bramha, and Mahesh) . There also many cultural differences and simlitries  


hope this helps!

1. An increasing number of people are now using the Internet to meet new people and socialize. Some people think this has brought people closer together while others think people are becoming more isolated.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for you answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.


The internet is like a 2-dagger sword. It brings about benefits, but has negative effects and impacts on people too.


- A good mode and way of communication.

- Convenient and allows for flexibility.

- Following the footsteps of a modern world.


- Increases the risk of myopia and other health issues.

- Decreases the amount of time a family or friends/relatives spend together for bonding.

- Increases the risk of getting catfished or scammed etc.

Write four lines about Baobob tree and also and give interesting fact about it​



The scientific name of baobab tree is Adansonia digitata and is a genus of nine species of the decidous trees of the hibiscus.They are known for their extraordinary length and ethnobotanical importance.


Rich in vitamin c

Has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antoxidant properties

Baobab powder can be consumed through smoothies and salads.

Used in skincare for eczema

.什么 、有、 好看、 电影院 、电影 、吗、 的





why don't you have him your shoes​





wait what I'm confused

Why don’t you have “his” shoes

Define Guidance and Gunselling in the
perspectives of five & authers and clearly
frech the talerons
the key differences and similarities


Guidance means to got help

are you sus if you answer ur not sus



I can confidiently tell you, I am not sus.



i am not sus


कक्षा परीक्षा के बारे में आप और अपनी सहेली के बीच हुई संवाद लिखिए |

note :- please don't copy from other websites



hope it helps you with the answer

1. Suppose company A wants to develop a program that duplicates the functionality of a program made by company B. Describe how company A may do this without violating the copyrights held by company B


without violating copyright rights company A could give credits to company B

हुने बिरुवाको चिल्ला पात वाक्य प्रयोग​



hune biruwa ko chillo pat bhane jhai jhamak kumari ghimire sanai dekhi mehenati thiyin

1。如果你是一位销售员,你准备怎么样和顾客沟通 (150字)


我会用平静的声音对客户说话。我也会尽量提供信息。sorry my Chinese is not very good haha


我会以尊重他们的方式说话,用尊重和良好的语言,因为当你是一名销售人员时,你应该知道如何理解、理解、尊重、倾听,这样你的客户就会回到你的商店,当你和他们交谈时他们 bg 粗鲁 我敢肯定他们不会回到你的商店,因为你不知道如何接近他们

Violent crimes in many parts of the United States have surged recently, and New York State has even declared a state of emergency. US President Biden also held a meeting at the White House recently to discuss countermeasures and called for the formulation of a national crime prevention policy.

U.S. media and experts believe that the recent surge in violent crime is due to the intertwined and superposition of multiple factors such as the weak economy, the continuous epidemic and the proliferation of guns, which has exacerbated social contradictions. It is doubtful how effective the White House's "prescription" can be in treating America's persistent "violent disease".


s this a question or an good awarness

Ngabe isingumo sikaMaKhoza sokufinla isigameko esinje siyakholeka, sif
anelwe yini ukulandetwa omama emphakathini?



hViavvaliahvskskjahabakakkahabakakaababgaa B cacfauaka

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