What are there cause that led to the creation of the Declaration of Independence


Answer 1


In the early 1770s, more and more colonists became convinced that Parliament intended to take away their freedom. In fact, the Americans saw a pattern of increasing oppression and corruption happening all around the world


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1 . holistic
began training ethnographers
2 . branislaw malinowski
study every aspect of culture
3 . ethnocentrism
evaluating a culture from the native's point of view
4 . culturally relative
comparing things among various societies
5 . noble savage
believing one's own culture is superior to others
6 . comparative method
seeing a primitive culture as superior to one's own


1 . Holistic - study every aspect of culture.

2 . Branislaw Malinowski - began education ethnographers

three . Ethnocentrism - believing one's personal way of life is advanced to others

4 . Culturally relative - evaluating a subculture from the local's point of view

five . Noble savage - seeing a primitive subculture as advanced to one's own

6 . Comparative method - comparing things among numerous societies

way of life is precise to a people. it's far their manner of existence and is probably shaped by positive environmental and ideological elements.

lifestyle may be visible within the manner people get dressed, the shape of food they eat, how they worship, their morality and values. it is interesting to observe the tradition of others.

while someone gets to a brand new surroundings, they may ought to investigate the cultures of others to adapt.

Conclusively, lifestyle is the humans's way of existence.

Learn more about cultures here: https://brainly.com/question/514395


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A mi abuela _____ _____________ los duraznos. (gustar)


Answer: A mi abuela le gusta los duraznos

Translation: My grandmother likes peaches.

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