Three of the most important agencies in the Executive Office include: (Choose three answers.)

Select one or more:

the National Economic Council

the Office of Management and Budget

the National Security Council

the National Budget Office


Answer 1

I will said a,b & c but if I'm wrong sorry

Related Questions

Why did Madison recharter the Bank of the United States?

to expand the amount of money available for new businesses

to encourage people to save money

to help businesses pay tariffs

to encourage companies to save for future investment



The War of 1812 had left a formidable debt. Inflation surged ever upward due to the ever-increasing amount of notes issued by private banks. Specie was jealously hoarded. For these reasons President Madison signed a bill authorizing the 2nd Bank in 1816 with a charter lasting 20 years.

who created a strong monarchy in england in 11th century?​



King William II



Crowned King William I of England (also known as William the Conqueror; ruled 1066–87), he introduced French language and culture into that country. The Capetians gradually extended their control over the duchies of France during the eleventh and early twelfth centuries.

Why were many African American investigated by the House Un-American Activates Committee (HUAC)?



HUAC was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and rebel activities on the part of private citizens, public employees and organizations suspected of having Communist ties. Citizens suspected of having ties to the communist party would be tried in a court of law.

After Congress held hearings on violent content in television programming in 1993, cable operators and network broadcasters agreed:



- to develop violence ratings for TV programming.


In the year 1993, the proceedings of the Congress regarding the television programs having violent content led to the agreement for 'developing violence ratings for the different television programs as per the quality, quantity, or type of violent content included in them.' This decision led to the 'content rating system' which was supported by the consensus of various cable operators, as well as, network broadcasters so that the particular programs or content could be categorized under high or low violence ratings and marked with age limits so that the children can be prevented from watching such contents and they could be saved from developing aggressive or violent behavioral tendencies.

Review the map above. Which answer best explains why the Oregon Territory was important to the United States? It allowed for increased trade opportunities with Canada, Mexico, and Asia. It increased hunting and trapping opportunities for settlers from the East. It was the intended settlement area for the new effort to relocate Native Americans. Its waterways offered access further into the interior than any other regional features in America.



It allowed for increased trade opportunities with Canada, Mexico, and Asia.


Oregon pulled settlers because of fertile soil, abundant land, and mild climate. The rich fertile lands of Oregon brought thousands of immigrants. The Oregon Territory would also bring opportunities regarding trade from countries like Mexico, Asia and Canada.  Trappers attracted because of fur-bearing animals. People began to collect their belonging and took the trail in wagons.


It allowed for increased trade opportunities with Canada, Mexico, and Asia.


took the test! :)

Which scenario most closely aligns with the ideals of laissez-faire capitalism?





Can someone help me out with my History assignment, please?

1. What was the reason for the Europeans to explore and develop colonies?

2. Who was the first to discover the Americas?

3. Describe the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus.

4. Identify four important explorers and list their accomplishments.

5. Describe the main drawbacks of exploration and colonization.


¿Cuál fue la razón por la que los europeos exploraron y desarrollaron colonias?

El interés de la Corona era tanto material como espiritual. La existencia de oro y plata atrajo a nuevos pobladores y fomentó muchas expediciones en distintas latitudes.

¿Quién fue el primero en descubrir las Américas?

Cristóbal Colón, en representación de los Reyes Católicos de Castilla y Aragón, reinos españoles, realizó cuatro famosos viajes desde Europa a América en 1492, 1493, 1498 y 1502. En el primero de ellos llegó a América el 12 de octubre de 1492, a una isla de las Bahamas llamada Guanahani.

Describe los logros de Cristóbal Colón.

Entre los logros más destacados del famoso navegador Cristóbal Colon tenemos el descubrimiento del continente americano, pues en su primer viaje llego a la isla Huanahani, luego a Cuba y finalmente Haití. Además del descubrimiento de Venezuela donde se establecieron por las riquezas.

Identifique cuatro exploradores importantes y enumere sus logros.

Cristóbal Colón,Vasco da Gama ,James Cook , Charles Robert Darwin,  Sir Richard Francis Burto

Describe los principales inconvenientes de la exploración y colonización.

a pérdida de muchas vidas tanto indígenas como de colonos. La diseminación de enfermedades mortales. La esclavización de las civilizaciones indígenas americanas.



What was the reason that Europeans explored and developed colonies?

The interest of the Crown was both material and spiritual. The existence of gold and silver attracted new settlers and encouraged many expeditions in different latitudes.

Who was the first to discover the Americas?

Christopher Columbus, representing the Catholic Monarchs of Castile and Aragon, Spanish kingdoms, made four famous voyages from Europe to America in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502. On the first of these, he arrived in America on October 12, 1492, at an island in the Bahamas called Guanahani.

He describes the achievements of Christopher Columbus.

Among the most outstanding achievements of the famous navigator Christopher Columbus we have the discovery of the American continent, because on his first trip he arrived at Huanahani Island, then Cuba and finally Haiti. In addition to the discovery of Venezuela where they settled for the riches.

Identify four important explorers and list his achievements.

Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, James Cook, Charles Robert Darwin, Sir Richard Francis Burto

Describe the main drawbacks of exploration and colonization.

to the loss of many lives, both indigenous and settlers. The spread of deadly diseases. The enslavement of American Indian civilizations.


Who was the French military leader in North America during the French and Indian War?

A. a highly respected Iroquois tribal chief
B. General Edward Braddock
C. Colonel George Washington
D. General Louis de Montcalm



d. general Louis-Joseph de Montcalm


Read this excerpt from "The Song of Wandering. Aengus" by William Butler Yeats.
I will find out where she has gone,
And kiss her lips and take her hands;
And walk among long dappled grass,
And pluck till time and times are done
Which words does the poet include to help readers visualize the scene?
"will find out
"she has gone
"long dappled grass"
O times are done



long dappled grass


I don't read the book but I guess it's the answer

I took the test- it’s long dappled grass

The object of the [Fourteenth Almendment was
undoubtedly to enforce the absolute equality of the two
races before the law, but, in the nature of things, it could
not have been intended to abolish distinctions based upon
color, or to enforce social, as distinguished from political,
equality, or a commingling of the two races upon terms
unsatisfactory to either. Laws permitting, and even
requiring, their separation, in places where they are liable
to be brought into contact, do not necessarily imply the
inferiority of either race to the other, and have been
generally, if not universally, recognized as within the
competency of the state legislatures in the exercise of
their police power.
- Justice Brown, Majority Opinion, Plessy v. Ferguson,
What was the response of southern lawmakers to the ruling?
O A. The revision of the equal protection clause in the Fourteenth
B. The investigation of discriminatory business practices
C. The enactment of more segregation laws
D. The denunciation of the one-drop rule in racial differentiation



C. The enactment of more segregation laws


Plessy v. Ferguson

1. says

"separate but equal" is ok

2. also says

up to the state

Question 12 of 20
Which headline announces a successful effort by an interest group?
O A. "City Council Member Makes Speech at High School Graduation"
B. "Boycott Leads to Big Changes at Local Department Store
O C. "Citing Pressure from Lobbyists, Congress Passes Stricter
Environmental Regulations"
O D. "Local Group Distributes Bikes to 500 Homeless Students"


Your answer should be A

Piliin ang mga pangyayaring nagbigay- daan sa Imperyalismong kanluranin sa Asya. 



Uhm where are the choices??

how were liberals different from a converservatives


Liberals were a lower class than a conservatives and also less wealthy

If you could go back in time and tell yourself at 10 years old one thing, what would it be?



well in my perspective I would tell myself always be yourself and never give up no matter what someone tells.


please help, the test is timed
The man in the picture, Padre Miguel Hidalgo, is noted for...
A-stopping the rebellion in a town called Dolores.
B-beginning the Mexican independence movement.
C-defeating the Spanish colonial government.
D-collaborating with criollos and peninsulares.



which dynasty ruled over France during 18 the century

Doesn’t have to be 5 paragraphs please help.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

We are going to choose the two Enlightenment thinkers' topic.

First, John Locke.

This brilliant English thinker from the Enlightenment proposed the idea of the Social Contract. This concept is so influential in today's politics. Social Contract means society accepts a "contract" established by citizens and the government. Through this contract, citizens give some of their liberty so the government can create the rules and regulations to have the proper control of society, by ruling it and protect it. In modern democracies people vote and elect their President and representatives, so they can deliver results and govern with honesty, protect the citizens, and create the economic conditions to grow and prosper.

The other thinker is Voltaire.

Voltaire was one of the most important thinkers of this period in the history of humanity. He favored the use of reason instead of emotions and critiqued some religions like Judaism, Islam, and catholicism. However, he always supported the idea to respect and be tolerant of religious beliefs.

During the Enlightenment period, other great thinkers changed the way people thought. These were Baron of Montesquiou, Tomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jaques Rosseau.

Question 1 of 20
Which of the following was a result of the low wages paid by factories in the
late 1800s?
A. An increase in child labor
B. A decrease in labor unions
C. A decrease in working hours
D. An increase in the price of goods





What Which of the following was the immediate result of emancipating the serfs in Russia?
The serfs were free to work in shops and factories, leading to immediate urbanization and industrialization.
alism in
ope and
The serfs were unable to purchase the land on which they had worked and were poor and discontent.
and the
The serfs were allowed to vote and participate in the new national, constitutional government.
The serfs were so grateful that many volunteered to serve in the Crimea to help bring Russian victory.
and the Spread of
and the Spread of


Answer: The serfs were unable to purchase the land on which they had worked and were poor and discontent.


Much like the enslaved people of America, when the Serfs gained freedom in Russia, they were very impoverished and even though they were granted land, in most cases they had to rent land from the land owners much like African Americans had to engage in sharecropping.

This led to them having to pay huge rents with the crops they farmed and sometimes they would have nothing left. They were therefore free but poor, discontent and under economic bondage.

Why couldn't farmers increase their income by planting more crops?


Answer: Because as the farmers produced more crops, the prices declined.


The Concordat of Worms resolved the disagreement over lay investiture, which was when:

•the pope claimed the right to tax the lords.
•a knight claimed the right to fight in a tournament
•a secular ruler claimed the right to appoint bishops.
•a peasant claimed property rights to a lord's fields by right of plowing.


The correct answer is "a secular ruler claimed the right to appoint bishops."

The Concordat of Worms resolved the disagreement over lay investiture, which was when a secular ruler claimed the right to appoint bishops.

What King Henry V did was to hold an assembly in Worms, Germany, and issued the Edict of Worms. After some negotiations, the king reached an agreement with Pope Calixtus II to end the conflicts regarding the investiture of the popes. The king accepted to allow free elections so bishops could choose the pope without the intervention of the Holy Roman emperor.

Which time he will most likely be made by a supporter of sanctions as a tool of foreign policy?
A. Developing relationships with other government leaders is essential.
B. We can get countries to change their policies by hurting their economy.
C. It is inappropriate to limit the freedom of US businesses and in any way.
D. The best way to influence foreign governments is to provide military advice.


A. For sure. developing relationships with other countries is a big key!

What was the Philosophy/Point of view/ Goals of the Big Four?

Woodrow Wilson
David Lloyd George
Georges Clemenceau
Vittorio Orlando



Woodrow Wilson (28 December 1856 – 3 February 1924)

was elected President of the United States based on domestic issues in 1912, and re-elected in 1916. He based his 1916 re-election campaign around the slogan "he kept us out of war", and had worked hard to broker a compromise peace. In early 1917 Berlin decided to launch all-out submarine warfare designed to sink American ships bringing supplies to Britain; in the Zimmermann Telegram it proposed a military alliance with Mexico to fight a war against the US. The nation was poorly armed when it went to war in April 1917, but it had millions of potential fresh soldiers, billions of dollars, and huge supplies of raw materials needed by the Allies. Officially Wilson kept the US independent of the Allies. In 1918 Wilson took personal control of negotiations with Germany, including the armistice. He issued his Fourteen Points, his view of a post-war world that could avoid another terrible conflict. It had an enormous impact on both sides in Europe and made him the man of the hour in Paris. A leader of the Progressive Movement, he assembled a high-powered group of academic advisors to help him in Paris but his distrustful personality led him to break with a series of close advisors, most notably Colonel House. He made a major blunder by refusing to bring along any prominent Republicans to Paris, which politicised the American debate and weakened his support. His main goal was a long-term solution to end warfare based on the League of Nations and self-determination of nations. He paid special attention to creating new nations out of defunct empires and was opposed to harsh terms and reparations imposed on Germany. A Presbyterian of deep religious faith, Wilson appealed to a gospel of service and infused a profound sense of moralism into his idealistic internationalism, now referred to as "Wilsonianism". Wilsonianism calls for the United States to enter the world arena to fight for democracy, and has been a contentious position in American foreign policy.

David Lloyd George

David Lloyd George, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

David Lloyd George, (17 January 1863 – 26 March 1945) from the British Liberal Party was a highly effective leader of the coalition government that took power in late 1916 and managed the British war effort. However his coalition premiership was supported more by Conservatives than by his own Liberals, and the subsequent split was a key factor in the decline of the Liberal Party as a serious political force.

He won by a landslide in the election of 1918, held just after the war ended, where he spoke out for harsh terms against Germany. However, he was much more moderate in Paris. Unlike Clemenceau and Orlando, Lloyd George did not want to destroy the German economy and political system—as Clemenceau demanded—with massive reparations. When asked how he had done at the peace conference, he commented, "Not badly, considering I was seated between Jesus Christ and Napoleon [Wilson and Clemenceau]."

It has been said that "Lloyd George was the most affable and the most resilient, and he was probably the best at negotiating".[5] In an article from the New York Times, it says that "Lloyd George was a pragmatist determined to protect and expand the interests of the British Empire."[5]

Vittorio Emanuele Orlando

Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, prime minister of Italy.

Vittorio Emanuele Orlando (19 May 1860 – 1 December 1952) was an Italian diplomat and political figure. He was born in Palermo, Sicily. His father, a landed gentleman, delayed venturing out to register his son's birth for fear of Giuseppe Garibaldi's 1,000 patriots who had just stormed into Sicily on the first leg of their march to build an Italian state. He is commonly nicknamed "The Premier of Victory".

In 1897 he was elected in the Italian Chamber of Deputies (Italian: Camera dei Deputati) for the district of Partinico for which he was constantly re-elected until 1925. He aligned himself with Giovanni Giolitti, who was Prime Minister of Italy five times between 1892 and 1921.

As Prime Minister of Italy, he went to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. He demanded the fulfilment of the "secret Treaty of London of 1915, by which the Allies had promised Italy ample territorial compensation in Dalmatia for its entry into World War I."[6] However, Woodrow Wilson brought forth considerable opposition to Orlando's demands. Therefore, Orlando failed to secure British or French support. This caused him to leave the Peace Conference. However, he returned a month later. "Even then no solution satisfactory to Italy was found"; Orlando resigned and the treaties he negotiated were signed by Francesco Saverio Nitti and Giovanni Giolitti. The so-called "Mutilated victory" was used as propaganda in the rise of Benito Mussolini. Opposing Fascism, Orlando gave up (1925) his seat in parliament and devoted himself to teaching and writing."[6]

How did the Spanish and/or Portuguese governments respond to the increasing power of the creole population in the Americas



Portuguese royal authorities strictly limited access to printing presses in the Americas.

The Peninsular War, which resulted from the Napoleonic occupation of Spain, caused Spanish Creoles in Spanish America to question their allegiance to Spain, stoking independence movements that culminated in the wars of independence, lasting almost two decades. The crisis of political legitimacy in Spain with the Napoleonic invasion sparked reaction in Spain’s overseas empire. The outcome in Spanish America was that most of the region achieved political independence and instigated the creation of sovereign nations. The areas that were most recently formed as viceroyalties were the first to achieve independence, while the old centers of Spanish power in Mexico and Peru with strong and entrenched institutions and the elites were the last to achieve independence. The two exceptions were the islands of Cuba and Puerto Rico, which along with the Philippines remained Spanish colonies until the 1898 Spanish-American War. At the same time, the Portuguese monarchy relocated to Brazil during Portugal’s French occupation. After the royal court returned to Lisbon, the prince regent, Pedro, remained in Brazil and in 1822 successfully declared himself emperor of a newly independent Brazil.

The chaos of the Napoleonic wars in Europe cut the direct links between Spain and its American colonies, allowing decolonization to begin.


Portuguese royal authorities strictly limited access to printing presses in the Americas.


why do states have their own supreme courts
A. to hear cases that deal eith state-level laws
b. to hear cases that federal courts dont have time for
c. to hear that involve of their states
D. to hear cases that dont interest federal courts​



Role. The Supreme Court plays a very important role in our constitutional system of government. First, as the highest court in the land, it is the court of last resort for those looking for justice. ... Third, it protects civil rights and liberties by striking down laws that violate the Constitution. so the answer A correct me if im wrong


Answer: answer is A


i got 100% in my highschool test and this was my answer

Explain TWO reasons why some Grenadians were unhappy 2 with Galry's government​



because of fhfjfj

19 xjd

The United Nations was started after the devastation of World War II to help prevent further wars in complex three international cooperation today to you and is involved in a variety of missions and has created a number of programs in organizations that are used throughout the globe give an example of these two programs and explain how they are used worldwide and what impact might have


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Indeed, the United Nations was started after the devastation of World War II to help prevent further wars in complex three international cooperation today to you and is involved in a variety of missions and has created a number of programs in organizations that are used throughout the world

The two agencies that we can mention would be UNICEF and the IMF.

UNICEF stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Its main purpose is to improve the quality of education in every part of the globe, especially in developing countries. Another important function of UNICEF is to preserve archeological or historic sites around the planet.

The other agency is IMF. IMF stands for the International Monetary Fund. Its main function is to promote better economic conditions in the nations of the world and the generation of better jobs, providing temporary monetary assistance when they are living financial issues. Specifically, the IMF loans money to help countries in need.

Which of the following correctly completes circle #1 in the chart above?
A. military
B. citizens
C. schools
D. businesses
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



I also agree that it’s D

MATCHING: Some letters will not be used
1. A government in which the authorities have total control over all aspects of life 2. A government in which the interest of the state comes before the rights of the individual 3. Obedience without question 4. Benito Mussolini 5. Adolf Hitler 6. The German democratic government created after WW I. 7. Means leader in German 8. Book that Hitler wrote while in prison 9. Term for someone or something to blame for the problems of others. 10. Who Hitler blamed for Germany’s problems. 11. Name of Hitler’s political party which grew to be the largest in Germany 12. Law that gave Hitler total control of Germany 13. Hatred of Jews 14. The attempted extermination of Jews by the Nazi's
A. Expectations of citizens in Fascism B. Anti-Semitism C. The Weimar Republic D. Totalitarianism E. Holocaust F. Fascist dictator of Paris G. der Fuhrer H. Fascism K. Fascist dictator of Germany L. Fahr Nughen M. Fascist dictator of Italy N. Nazi Party O. Enabling Act P. Mein Kampf Q. Scapegoat R. Reichstag Party S. Authoritarian Act T. Jews, Communists, and the Versailles Treaty



Just an Explanation!


Benito Mussolini coined the term “fascism” in 1919 to describe his political movement. ... The fascist state seeks total control over all major parts of society. ... As tens of thousands converged on Rome, government leaders became so ... Gentile argued that rights do not belong to the individual but to the people as a whole.

Pleaase write explanation passed on your answer don’t just say a short answer

Did the BLM riots/protests of last year bring about real changes or create new problems or both? Explain.


The BLM riots/protest of 2020 brought about change. Although the change was not extreme, police officers that have committed crimes have been held accountable. This level of accountability would be shocking even a year ago. The problems that we are facing now are problems that already existed, but only now have the media’s attention.

(Notice that this response is a political opinion, other opinions are equally as valid and this is not meant in any way to attack any person, group, or belief.)

Have a great day! :)

In 25 words or fewer, why do you think Bacon's contribution mattered?


Bacon is still widely regarded as a major figure in scientific methodology and natural philosophy during the English Renaissance.
Bacon is amazing. Period.
Other Questions
Conflicts of interest a. have become less frequent today. b. always involve personal financial gain. c. are morally worrisome only when the employee acts to the detriment of the company. d. occur when employees have special or private interests that are substantial enough to interfere with their job duties. Why should you understand what you can and cannot copyright? EXPLAIN:Answer the following questions using 125 words or more:Write about the similarity of the original comic to the enlargement. How similar are they and how can you tell? What would cause differences in the two pictures? If you drew another comic using a grid, is there anything you would do differently?What would happen if you reduced the comic's size rather than enlarged it? Would the process be the same? What would you do differently? Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used to clean cuts and wounds. Its chemical formula isH2O2. This compound has _____.two atoms of hydrogenthree atoms of oxygenthree atoms of hydrogenone atom of oxygenPlease help, take your time! Write down the nth term of the following sequence the following pattern are made using small squares Question 17 of 20Which sentence best clearly describes diction?O A. Owls symbolize death - of people or ideas in this classic workof Modernism.B. The use of "brilliant" to describe the detectives suggests thewriter's sarcasm.C. Curiously, the author writes in sentence fragments, which feelscurt and abrupt.D. By comparing the sand to gold, the character shows her affectionfor the desert.AP-EX help me with this question: Find y example of natural system of classifying organisms Place the words in the correct order:acompano anoche a partido al su tio Find the following products :- ( -7 x ) 2 yplease give answer immediately and give it correctplease don't write incorrect answer ALL I NEED HELP WITH IS WITH PART D, HOW DO I GET THAT Use the function f(x) = 16x^2 + 22x + 3 to answer the questions.Part A: Completely factor f(x). (2 points)Part B: What are the x-intercepts of the graph of f(x)? Show your work. (2 points)Part C: Describe the end behavior of the graph of f(x). Explain. (2 points)Part D: What are the steps you would use to graph f(x)? Justify that you can use the answers obtained in Part B and Part C to draw the graph. (4 points) Instructions: Make Your own recipe. using imperative formal commands, tell your mom how to make your favorite recipe. Use the image to help with this assignment. The step function f(x) is graphedWhat is the value of ( -1)?340 130 0211.-4-3-212345 6X-2 1.If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?2. How are you finding the topic DNA and cell division what is sustainable development? 2) Discuss the various element of nationality Terms of geometric sequence are found by the formula T n = ar n - 1. If a = 3 and r = 2, find the first 4 terms of the sequence. during the electrolysis of cryolite ,aluminium and fluorine are formed in.......molar ratio Cual de las siguientes expreciones permite a fatima obtener t que es la cantidad de palitos nesesaria para armar una figura n List two factors that compression force depends on