The function of an audio mixer is to _____. layer audio tracks at their ideal volume combine, control, and route audio signals from inputs to outputs process and edit pre-recorded audio signals automatically adjust volume for audio channe


Answer 1

Answer: combine, control, and route audio signals from inputs to outputs


A audio mixer is refered to as the sound mixer or the mixing console and it's an electronic device that's used for mixing, and combining several audio signals and sounds.

The input to the console is the microphone. The audio mixer can also be used in controlling digital or analog signals. These are then summed up in producing output signals.

Therefore, the function of the audio mixer is to combine, control, and route audio signals from inputs to outputs.

Related Questions

Evie clicks through her presentation slides and realizes they all have transition effects coming from the same location, from the bottom up. She wants to change some of the slides to have transition effects from different locations. What steps can she take change slide transition effects



1) Choose Slide

2) Transition Tab

3) Transition To This Slide

4) Select New Transition


There are 4 main steps that Evie needs to take in order to accomplish this. First, she needs to choose the slide that she wants to apply the transition to. Secondly, she needs to click on the Transitions Tab at the top of the application. Thirdly, she needs to go to the "Transition to this Slide" section of the tab. Lastly, she needs to choose one of the available animation/transitions from the list of options. This will apply that transition effect to that slide, so that when she switches to that slide it performs the animation.


Transition Tab > Transition To This Slide > Select New Transition


The Fourth Amendment does not allow police to randomly test people for drunk driving. True or False





1. According to Turner and Wilson (2018), Information Literacy consists of
tasks EXCEPT...
A applying previous knowledge.
C. finding appropriate information
B. determining information need.
2. Outlining your problem, developing research questions, selecting keywords a
developing concept charts are activities during...
D. using information ethically
A. communicating information.
B. determining information need.
C. evaluating search results.
D. finding appropriate resources,
3. Asking questions such as what, why, where and how is an effective way to
A. craft your research questions.
B. develop good keywords
C. find good information
D. understand your topic,
4. In asking "what" questions, you intend to find...
A. answers and solutions.​



Answer my first question

Write a program to input the radius of the base and height of a cylinder, and calculate and print the surface area, volume, and area of the base of the cylinder.According to the problem statement above, which of the following would be a data member?a) Radius of the baseb) Surface areac) Volumed) Input


Data members and member functions jointly determine the characteristics and actions of the objects in a Class. Data members are the variables that make up the data, and member functions are the methods used to modify these variables.

What are the data member in a program?

Members declared using any of the basic kinds as well as other types, such as pointer, reference, array types, bit fields, and user-defined types, are referred to as data members.

Any class may contain however many data members are necessary. The only situation in which a limitation might occur is when there is not enough memory.

Member data — information about the thing. Member functions — behavior-related aspects of the object-related functions A class is an object's blueprint. A class is a user-defined type that specifies the appearance of a certain type of object.

Therefore, radius, cylinder, print would be a data member.

Learn more about program here:


H0: Protype design has at most 37mpg vs. HA: prototype design has greater than 37mpg. If H0 is rejected, the action will be move the protype deisgn to prpduction. What kind of test is required



A one-tailed test with upper reject region


H0 : μ ≤ 37

H1 : μ > 37

This is a right tailed tailed test as indicated by the greater than symbol on the hypothesis defined. Hence, the critical region will lie to the right of the area under the curve.

Critical region which lies to the right of the curve is called the upper rejection region.

Rejecting the Null, H0 means that ; the value of the test statistic exceeds the critical value;

When the hypothesis is declared with the less than sign, rejection region lies to the left or lower region.

While a two tailed test has rejection region shares between each tail.

Imagine a typical website that works as a storefront for a business, allowing customers to browse goods online, place orders, review information about past orders, and contact the business. What would a testing process for a website like that look like?


Answer: See explanation


Following the information given in the question, the testing process for the website will include testing the links that are on the site.

Another that ng to test is to check if the menus and the buttons are working properly. Furthermore, the layout should be ensured that it's consistent as well as the ease with which the website can be used.

What should businesses do in order to remain competitive under the current Cloud



Cloud Landscape

They must evangelize the benefits of cloud computing to company executives in order to assist them in developing and extracting business benefits that will give them a competitive advantage and increase profits


The most successful organisations carefully plan out a multiyear effort to improve their cloud adoption, focusing on multiple streams of work across several stages of maturity.

Cloud computing governance is difficult even when only one cloud provider is involved, and it becomes even more difficult as organisations move toward multi cloud.

Continuous workload placement analysis involves reassessing workloads at a regular cadence, evaluating whether the current execution venue sufficiently meets the organization’s needs and if migrating to an alternative model provides higher value without adding significant risk to the organization’s operations

They must evangelize the benefits of cloud computing to company executives in order to assist them in developing and extracting business benefits that will give them a competitive advantage and increase profits.

In this question, the response is "Cloud Landscape" which can be defined as follows:

The organizations should adopt these new technologies to benefit from the digital transformation offered by the cloud.New enterprises were embracing cloud computing management strategies, placing established companies at risk.In the multi-year efforts for improving cloud security were meticulously planned by even the most successful enterprises. In several contributing to higher at various maturity levels are addressed.The multi-cloud plan enables governance of cloud computing increasingly challenging, even and there is only one cloud service provider involved in the agreement.  

Learn more:

cloud computing:

Write a C++ program that takes a single character and prints the corresponding digit on the old-style dial or touchtone telephone keypad, if it exists, or a message stating that the character does not correspond to a digit on the keypad.


Ok thanks Ianswer: c++

Write a program that asks the user for the name of their dog, and then generates a fake DNA background report on the pet dog. It should assign a random percentage to 5 dog breeds (that should add up to 100%!)




import java.util.*;

public class Main{

public static void main(String []args){


Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("What is your dog's name?");

// Entering name of dog

String name = sc.nextLine();


System.out.println("Well then, I have this highly reliable report on " + name + "'s prestigious background right here.");


System.out.println("\n\nSir " + name + " is\n\n");


//Generating random numbers

Random ran = new Random();

int sum = 0;

int a = 0;

int b = 0;

int c = 0;

int d = 0;

int e = 0;

while(sum != 100)


a = ran.nextInt(100);

b = ran.nextInt(100-a);

c = ran.nextInt(100-b);  

d = ran.nextInt(100-c);

e = ran.nextInt(100-d);

sum = a + b+ c + d + e;



System.out.println(a + "% St. Bernard");

System.out.println(b + "% Chihuahua");

System.out.println(c + "% Dramatic RedNosed Asian Pug");

System.out.println(d + "% Common Cur");

System.out.println(e + "% King Doberman");


System.out.println("\n\nWow, that's QUITE the dog!");




For functional programming languages, the scope of a local name Group of answer choices is always the entire program. starts immediately at the point when the name is declared. is in the body part of the declaration or definition. is exactly same as object-oriented programming languages such as C++.



in the body part of the declaration or definition


In functional programming the scope of a variable is in the body part of the declaration or definition. Meaning that as soon as it is declared, whatever body it is in can call and use that variable but not any code outside of that body. For example, in the below code variable (var1) is declared inside func1 and therefore can be used by any code inside the body of func1 but not by code inside func2 since it is outside the body of func1.

void func1() {

int var1;


void func2() {

var1 = 2 // This will not work, since var1 is only available in func1()


Write a program that asks a user to enter a date in month day year format (for example 10 12 2016) and displays the day of the week for that date, in this case, Wednesday.


Answer and Explanation:

Using javascript:

function dayof_theweek(){

var TodayDate = window. prompt("enter today's date in the format 'year, month, day' ");

var Datenow=new date(TodayDate);

var Dayofweek=Datenow.getday();

var Days=["monday","Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];






The program above uses a date object which uses the method getday to get the day of the week(get day returns an integer from 0 to 6).we then use a comparison operator == to test the condition that returned value Dayoftheweek is same with the index of the array Days and then print to a html document. The program may need improvements such as the fact that errors may arise when proper input isn't given, and therefore must be handled.

Juan has performed a search on his inbox and would like to ensure that the results only include those items with
attachments which command group will he use?
O Scope
O Results
O Refine
Ο Ορtions



The Refine command group


On my bookshelf of paper books, I have a dictionary that consists of multiple volumes, each of which is a book. One covers A-E, another F-J, another K-M, and so on. To find a word, I look at the alphabetic ranges to find the right volume. Then I use the ranges at the top of each page to turn to the proper page. Then I find the word on the page. What is this most like?


Question options:

A. Multi-level Indexes

B. Secondary indexes

C. None the above


A. Multi-level Indexes


Multi-level indexes are deep level arrays like arrays in an array. For example how we would have ripped in an array. If we select a particular element in that array, that array holds another array as we would have in the dictionary volumes that hold pages with their own indexes. If a volume A-F is an element in array then it holds pages 1,2,3,4...etc in that order.

The U.S. government has put in place IPv6-compliance mandates to help with the IPv4-to-IPv6 transition. Such mandates require government agencies to have their websites, email and other services available over IPv6.
Let’s consider that you’ve been appointed as the IPv6 transition manager at a relatively small branch of a government agency (e.g., a branch of the Social Security agency in a medium-size town). Your main responsibility is to produce a plan with a timetable for achieving compliance with the IPv6 mandate. The plan should specify the guidelines, solutions, and technologies for supporting IPv6 throughout the agency branch. The plan should include the following, among other things:
Summary of the applicable government IPv6 mandate
Brief description of the networking facility at the branch (LANs, servers, routers, etc.)
Summary of the main IPv6-related RFCs that pertain to the IPv6 support
Cooperation with ISPs and equipment vendors to implement IPv6 support
Summary of the solutions and technologies to be employed in implementing IPv6 (e.g., dual-stack, tunneling, translation)
Timetable for completion of IPv6 transition
Plan for testing the IPv6 compliance in expectation of an audit by the government
The deliverable is a report (in Word) of 6 to 10 pages, excluding the name and biblio pages, with 3 to 5 solid references (APA format), at least. The use of drawings and other graphics is highly recommended.



The U.S. Government has put in place an IPv6 mandate that comes into affect on September 30th. That new mandate requires all government agencies to have their public facing websites and email services available over IPv6.

At this point, it’s not likely that every government website will meet the deadline, though a large number of them will. Christine Schweickert, senior engagement manager for public sector at Akamai, told EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet that she expects over 1,800 U.S Government websites will be on IPv6 by the mandate deadline.

From an Akamai perspective, the company has a large number of U.S. Government customers that it is enabling for IPv6 with dual-stack servers. In a dual-stack implementation, a site is available natively over both IPv4 and IPv6. Akamai’s Content Delivery Network has a mapping technology that optimizes traffic around the Internet. Getting the government websites to run on IPv6 is just a matter of putting the site configuration on the Akamai dual-stack server maps.

“So if a request comes in to a government website from an IPv6 client, we will go ahead and route them to the best performing Akamai Edge server that can speak IPv6 back to that request,” Schweickert explained.

Another approach that some network administrators have tried for IPv6 support has been to tunnel the IPv6 traffic over an IPv4 network, or vice-versa. In Schweickert’s view, that’s not an ideal solution as it tends to break things.“When you’re tunneling, you’re routing through IPv4 packets and that’s not in the spirit that we have to operate in globally,” Schweickert said.

In contrast, Schweickert noted that with dual-stack, the server will respond to IPv4 requests with IPv4 content and to IPv6 requests with IPv6 content. “If you’re using tunneling, you’re really just doing a workaround,” Schweickert said.

To make it even easier for the U.S. Government websites, Akamai isn’t actually charging more money for the dual-stack service either. Schweickert noted that the dual-stack capability is a feature that is already part of the delivery service that Akamai is providing to its U.S Government customers.

David Helms, Vice President, Cyber Security Center of Excellence at Salient Federal Solutions is among those that are backers of the Akamai approach to meeting the September 30th IPv6 mandate. In his view, it’s all about enabling interesting services and locations over IPv6 in order to spur adoption.

When a Select Case statement executes, the value of the test expression is compared with the values that follow each of the _______ keywords.





In Computer programming, a variable can be defined as a placeholder or container for holding a piece of information that can be modified or edited.

Basically, variable stores information which is passed from the location of the method call directly to the method that is called by the program.

For example, they can serve as a model for a function; when used as an input, such as for passing a value to a function and when used as an output, such as for retrieving a value from the same function. Therefore, when you create variables in a function, you can can set the values for their parameters.

A Select Case statement can be defined as a conditional statement that avails software developers or programmers the ability to test a variable by comparing it with a list of values.

In a Select Case statement, each variable is referred to as a Case.

Generally, when a Select Case statement executes, the value of the test expression is compared with the values that follow each of the Case keywords.

In cell K8, create a formula using the SUM function that calculates the total of the range D17:D20 and subtracts it from the value in cell J8.



so like what are you asking for so i can help u just tell me what u need and i will help u :)


1. What does the word “processing” in data pro- cessing mean?
2. Give three examples in which raw data also serves as useful information.
3. Give three business examples (not mentioned in the text) of data that must be processed to provide useful information.
4. Give three examples of subsystems not operat- ing in the context of IT. Why are these consid- ered subsystems and not systems?
5. How do TPSs and DSSs differ?
6. What is a problem? Give an example of a busi- ness problem and discuss how a computer- based information system could solve it.
7. What is synergy? How is synergy accomplished when a person uses a computer? Explain the connection between synergy and increased productivity.
8. “An information system consists of hardware and software.” Why is this statement inadequate?
9. In which situations does one need to make a decision? Give three examples not mentioned in the chapter.
10. How can a DSS help make decisions?
11. Note the word “support” in decision support systems. Why are these applications not called decision-making systems?
12. Who is considered a knowledge worker? Will you have a career as a knowledge worker? Explain.
13. What is the most prevalent type of information system? Why is this type of IS so ubiquitous?
14. TPSs are usually used at the boundaries of the organization. What are boundaries in this context? Give three examples of boundaries.
15. Among IT professionals, the greatest demand is for network administrators and analysts. Why?



Word processing is the process of creating and editing documents on a computer. It allows a user to create documents that mimic the format and style of a typical typewriter. It requires a computer and word processing software. A printer may also be used to create a physical copy of the document.


1. Processing means any action that produces information from data, such as finding totals, averages, ratios, and. trends.
2. Names, addresses, and educational experience of employment candidates, consumers, and members of
professional organizations are some examples. They are data, but are also used as information, because they are
often needed as is, without processing.
5. A TPS merely records transactions and channels them into files and databases. It does not analyze the data nor
create any information. A DSS contains software that help make decisions. It provides useful information gleaned and manipulated from raw data.

Which application-testing technique is the most likely to uncover improper input handling?



Fuzzing provides a large amount of input data, even invalid data, to an application in order to observe its behavior. the idea is to ensure that the application is stable and secure with its input and error handling.


Several disaster relief nonprofits want to create a centralized application and repository of information so that they can efficiently share and distribute resources related to various disasters that they may respond to together. Which of the following cloud service models would best fit their needs?

a. Public cloud
b. Private cloud
c. Multi-cloud
d. Community cloud


Answer: Community cloud


A community cloud is a collaborative effort whereby infrastructure is shared among different organizations from a particular community that has common concerns such as compliance, security etc.

Since several disaster relief nonprofits want to create a centralized application

in order to efficiently share and distribute resources related to various disasters that they may respond to together, then the community cloud will be useful in this regard.

15) Three primary activities of a program are: A) Variables, Operators, and Key Words B) Lines, Statements, and Punctuation C) Input, Processing, and Output D) Integer, Floating-point and Character E) None of the above​



yes sir


A small e-commerce company uses a series of Robotic Process Automation solutions to manage the backup of data from individual workstations to an on-premise server. However, the company is opening another office and would like to more easily share data between locations, along with better protecting the data from loss.
Which technology could be combined with their current automated processes to do this?





Cloud computing can be defined as a form of data computing which requires the use of shared computing resources such as cloud storage (data storage), servers, computer power, and software over the internet rather than local servers and hard drives.

Generally, cloud computing offer individuals and businesses a fast, secured, effective and efficient way of providing services over the internet.

Basically, cloud computing comprises three (3) service models and these include;

1. Platform as a Service (PaaS).

2. Software as a Service (SaaS).

3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Additionally, the two (2) main characteristics of cloud computing are;

I. Measured service: it allows cloud service providers to monitor and measure the level of service used by various clients with respect to subscriptions.

II. Resource pooling: this allows cloud service providers to serve multiple customers or clients with services that are scalable and provisional.

For example, the provisioning of On-demand computing resources such as storage, network, virtual machines (VMs), etc., so as to enable the end users install various software applications, database and servers.

Hence, the technology that could be combined by the small e-commerce company with its current automated processes is cloud storage.

There are different tools used in data sharing. The technology that could be combined with their current automated processes to do this is blockchain.

Blockchain is known to use different kinds of distributed ledger that is often shared across networked devices. Through this, people on the network can share files and values securely and even on a peer-to-peer basis. This is no need any middlemen.

Data protected in blockchain is very vital.  All records on a blockchain are known too be secured through the act of cryptography. Here, Network people do have their own private keys that are given to them for any  transactions they make.

Learn more about Blockchain from

In the revised version of the library system with Book and Periodical, Question 16 options: a) Book is a subclass of Periodical b) Periodical is a subclass of Book c) Book and Periodical are subclasses of LoanableItem d) Book and Periodical implement LoanableItem



c. Book and Periodical are subclasses of LoanableItem


Books are kept in library in a periodical manner. Both classes are not superior, they are subclasses of LoanableItem. Library uses common guide which makes it easy to find a book.

The Marietta Country Club has asked you to write a program to gather, then display the results of the golf tournament played at the end of March. The Club president Mr. Martin has asked you to write two programs.
The first program will input each player's first name, last name, handicap and golf score and then save these records in a file named golf.txt (each record will have a field for the first name, last name, handicap and golf score).
The second program will read the records from the golf.txt file and display them with appropriate headings above the data being displayed.
If the score is = Par, then display 'Made Par'
If the score is < Par, then display 'Under Par'
If the score is > Par, then display 'Over Par'
There are 16 players in the tournament. Par for the course is 80. The data is as follows:
Andrew Marks 11.2 72
Betty Franks 12.8 89
Connie William 14.6 92
Donny Ventura 9.9 78
Ernie Turner 10.1 81
Fred Smythe 8.1 75
Greg Tucker 7.2 72
Henry Zebulon 8.3 83
Ian Fleming 4.2 72
Jan Holden 7.7 84
Kit Possum 7.9 79
Landy Bern 10.3 93
Mona Docker 11.3 98
Kevin Niles 7.1 80
Pam Stiles 10.9 87
Russ Hunt 5.6 73




The following program is written in Python. It creates two functions, one for writting the players and their scores to the file, and another function for reading the file and outputting whether or not they made Par. The functions can be called as many times that you want and the writeFile function allows for 16 inputs to be made when called. A test case has been provided with all of the players mentioned in the question. The output can be seen in the attached image below.

def writeFile():

   file = open('output.txt', 'w')

   for x in range(16):

       firstName = input("Enter First Name:")

       lastName = input("Enter Last Name:")

       handicap = input("Handicap:")

       score = input("Score:")

       file.write(str(firstName) + " " + str(lastName) + " " + str(handicap) + " " + str(score) + "\n")


def readFile():

   file = open('output.txt', 'r')

   for line in file:

       lineArray = line.split(" ")

       if int(lineArray[-1]) < 80:

           print(str(lineArray[0]) + " " + str(lineArray[1]) + " Under Par" )

       elif int(lineArray[-1]) == 80:

           print(str(lineArray[0]) + " " + str(lineArray[1]) + " Made Par")


           print(str(lineArray[0]) + " " + str(lineArray[1]) + " Over Par")




How do operating system work?



I tv2btb2tnyb3ngng3n3yny4n4yny4m4um


I g4hrb3nu4m4ym4umu4my3my3n3

Given the snippet of code: int x = 5; int bar(int j) { int *k = 0, m = 5; k = &m; return (j+m); } void main(void) { static int i =0; i++; i = bar(i) + x; } Which variables obtain their memory from the stack? A. iB. jC. kD. mE. x



Variables j , k , m will be stored in the stack.


Variable x will not be in stack as is it a global variable.

Variable i will not be in stack as is it a static variable.

Variable j will be in stack as is it a local variable in the function.

Variable m will be in stack as is it a local variable in the function.

Variable k , a pointer will be in stack as it is in the function bar locally.

Implementing HTML best practices and writing code to match the original intentions of each element is known as __________ HTML. standard attribute-based industry semantic





The description provided is describing the practice known as semantic HTML. This is basically code that provides both the user and the developer a description on what the code was originally supposed to do. For example, a method that calculates the total cost of a set of prices could be called calculateTotal(). By doing so you are describing the intention of the method clearly so that the individual using the method does not need to look at anything else to know what it does.

Implementing HTML best practices and writing code to match the original intentions of each element is known as __________ HTML.


Based on the knowledge of semantics HTML which is a programming language used to write codes for the building blocks of any website, it gives the user and programmer the details of what the code is supposed to perform.

Furthermore, this helps them to match the original intentions of the code which helps in understanding of the code which also helps with debugging.

Therefore, the correct answer is semantic

Read more about HTML practises here:

Write a method rearrange that takes a queue of integers as a parameter and rearranges the order of the values so that all of the even values appear before the odd values and that otherwise preserves the original order of the list. For example, suppose a queue called q stores this sequence of values: front [3, 5, 4, 17, 6, 83, 1, 84, 16, 37] back Then the call of rearrange(q); should rearrange the queue to store the following sequence of values: front [4, 6, 84, 16, 3, 5, 17, 83, 1, 37] back Notice that all of the evens appear at the front of the queue followed by the odds and that the order of the evens is the same as in the original list and the order of the odds is the same as in the original list. You may use one stack as auxiliary storage.



i got the answer


hope you can too

Write a program using a dictionary that reads in a single positive digit number [0 - 9] from the user at the keyboard. Your program will then be able to look up the digit key in the dictionary and print the digit value spelled out. If the user types in a number that is either more than one digit, negative, or a non int value, re-prompt the user for valid input. First, before demonstrating your test cases, print out a display copy of the key:value pairs in your dictionary in sorted order. Deliverable: Your source code solution and a copy of the run pasted into your source submission file. Be sure to comment out your run so that your .py file will still run in the grader test bed. Validate user input is a single positive digit [0 - 9].



The program in Python is as follows:

dict = {0:"Zero",1:"One",2:"Two",3:"Three",4:"Four",5:"Five",6:"Six",7:"Seven",8:"Eight",9:"Nine"}

num = input("Number: ")

while(num.isdigit() == False or int(num)<0 or int(num)>9):

   num = input("Number: ")




#This initializes the dictionary

dict = {0:"Zero",1:"One",2:"Two",3:"Three",4:"Four",5:"Five",6:"Six",7:"Seven",8:"Eight",9:"Nine"}

#This gets input from the user

num = input("Number: ")

#This loop is repeated until the user enters a valid input

while(num.isdigit() == False or int(num)<0 or int(num)>9):

   num = input("Number: ")

#This prints the dictionary


#This prints the value of the key


See attachment for sample run

What notation requires parentheses in order to correctly define the order of computation? Group of answer choices prefix notation infix notation postfix notation all of the above



The correct answer is Option B (infix notation).


The conventional format of logical as well as mathematical formulas where operators write the precise manner of infix amongst variables or the inputs is considered as Infix notation.Computer systems cannot easily be scanned like prefix and post-fix kind of notation, nevertheless owing to its convenience it has been used throughout numerous computer programs.

All other given options aren't related to the given scenario. So the above is the correct one.

Daniella is configuring a Wi-Fi network in a restaurant for access by staff and customers. How far does WiFi, the broadband wireless technology that allows computers and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal typically travel indoors in the form of radio waves?
a. 1000 feet
b. 300 feet
c. 120 feet
d. 500 feet



c. 120 feet


WiFi can be defined as a wireless local area network that allows network devices such as access points (APs), computers (both laptops and desktops), smartphones, smart televisions, etc., to communicate with each other wirelessly over a short-ranged network. It is a standard communication network that uses radio waves to establish a channel (medium) between multiple network devices.

This ultimately implies that, the network range or distance covered by WiFi is largely dependent on transmission power and frequency. The standard range or distance covered by WiFi is about 50 meters (160 feet).

Hence, a WiFi traveling indoors in the form of radio waves and operating on the 2.4 GHz band would cover up to a distance of 150 feet. Also, a WiFi can reach or travel up to 300 feet outdoors.

In this scenario, the WiFi network Daniella is configuring in a restaurant for access by staff and customers can go as far as 120 feet indoors.

Other Questions
Jebali Company reports gross income of $340,000 and other property-related expenses of $229,000 and uses a depletion rate of 14%. Calculate Jebali's depletion allowance for the current year. $fill in the blank 1 Help please!??!!?!? from the21. Space-produced photographs showed that air pollutionindustrial Belts in the middle latitudes.A. is being exportedB. exportedC. has been exportedD. will exportHelp me :((( The tables show how the dollar to euro conversion rate changed during one day.Khalil changed $500 into euros ().How many more euros did Khalil receive if he changed his money at the highest rate compared to the lowest rate? Assume that transportation costs are especially high for Widgets in the two-country, two-product Ricardian model, and Country A enjoys a comparative advantage in Widgets, then A) country B must also enjoy a comparative advantage in Widgets. B) country B may end up exporting Widgets. C) country A may switch to having a comparative advantage in the other good. D) country A will still export Widgets. E) trade may be impossible between the two countries. PLZ HELP ME I NEED TO GET THIS RIGHT 20 POINTS1.) the table shows the weight in kilograms of 10 players on a college basketball team.Weight (kg)[54, 52, 65, 63, 62, 60, 58, 53, 51, 50]Which statement is NOT true about this data?A.) the median is one of the values listed in the tableB.) the mode of the data is 60C.) the mean is less than the medianD.) the data set had no matter2.) This table shows the amount of money in dollars that a group of seventh grade students spend on food each day.Carol=2Anna=3Sophie=11Tom=3Jackie=1Which measure of central tendency is most affected by the amount of money that Sophie spends?A.) the median onlyB.) the mean onlyC.) the mode onlyD.) the mean and the median3.) This table shows the results of a survey that asked a group of people what time of day their favorite tv show aired.5:00=36:00=57:00=108:00=219:00=2510:00=1511:00=12What time corresponds to the mode of this set of data?A.) 8:00 pmB.) 9:00 pmC.) 10:00 pmD.) 11:00 pm Open the sash half way up, take the beaker containing the dry ice / water out of the hood, and slowly move it from right in front of the hood all the way down to the floor. At what point do the fumes stop getting sucked up by the fume hood? A block of amber is placed in water and a laser beam travels from the water through the amber. The angle of incidence is 35 degrees while the angle of refraction is 24 degrees. What is the index of refraction of amber?(index of refraction of water is 1.33) What are the x-intercepts for the function (x) = -x(x 4)? A 0 B -1, 4 C 4 D 0, 4What are the solutions to the quadratic equation 4x2 x 3 = 0? Bit op-amp c Vsat = 12V, R1=R2=R3=R4=R, dng sng in p Vi(t) c cho nh hnh 2.16b a. Tnh V0 theo Vi, li p AVb. V li dng sng in p V0(t) khi Vm= 38 V c. V li dng sng in p V0(t) khi Vm = 5V Rearrange the Jumbled sentences:The Dog Went With Them.pls rearrange the jumbled sentences for this question guys.HELP MEPLS A 10-ft ladder, whose base is sitting on level ground, is leaning at an angle against a vertical wall when its base starts to slide away from the vertical wall. When the base of the ladder is 6 ft away from the bottom of the vertical wall, the base is sliding away at a rate of 4 ft/sec. At what rate is the vertical distance from the top of the ladder to the ground changing at this moment? Which of the following graphs represents a one-to-one function? On a coordinate plane, a function has two curves connected to a straight line. The first curve has a maximum of (negative 6, 4) and a minimum of (negative 4.5, negative 1). The second curve has a maximum of (negative 3.5, 2) and a minimum of (negative 2.5, 0.5). The straight line has a positive slope and starts at (negative 2, 1) and goes through (1, 2). On a coordinate plane, a circle intersects the x=axis at (negative 2, 0) and (2, 0) and intercepts the y-axis at (0, 4) and (0, negative 4). On a coordinate plane, a v-shaped graph is facing up. The vertex is at (0,0) and the function goes through (negative 4, 4) and (4, 4). A coordinate plane has 7 points. The points are (negative 4, 1), (negative 3, 4), (negative 1, 3), (1, negative 3), (3, negative 4), (4, negative 2), (5, 3). Mark this and return Value of [(3/2)^(-2)] is* I need help asap!!!!Please explain the answer A new employee, John Chapman, earns $10 per hour and gets time-and-a-half over 40 hours per week. His first week he worked 45 hours. Deductions from his check were $30 for OASDI, $7 for Medicare, $ 61 for federal income tax withholding, and $15 for a United Way contribution. What was his gross pay for the period 385 x 42.13 x 0.079 is (consider significant figures): Which of the following rational functions is graphed below?oA. F(x) = 1/2xB. AX) = 1/x-2C. F(x) = 1/x+2 Find the center and radius of the circle and sketch its graphX^2+y^2=9 substitute for A,P and T in the fomula A=P (1+r)^t,give that A=1 000 000,P=10 000 and T=2,and express as a quadratic equation