Write a personal essay of at least three paragraphs explaining your thoughts to one
of the following questions:

TOPIC ONE: Discuss a time when you or someone you know could have benefited from a
change in perspective in a challenging situation. Could the situation have improved if the
outlook of one or both parties had changed?

TOPIC TWO: Discuss a situation in your life or experience that conveyed a moment when
there was a dangerous or perilous power dynamic between individuals that could have led to
distressing outcomes? Could the situation have improved with a change in perspective?

You should consider these
questions in your metacognitive response (MR):
• What is a monster?

• Can you provide a list of monsters from literature and/or popular culture? What do they have in
common? What makes them different?

• What functions do monsters serve in literature? In popular culture?

• In this article a criminal act is being related to the term "monster? Is this an accurate
connection? Why? Why not?

• Does one person have to fall in order for another to succeed?
What can we do in our schools and lives to eradicate dangerous power dynamics that lead to
devastating outcomes?

• Why do we find pleasure in the pain of others?

• Are we lacking empathy? If so, how do we develop it?


Answer 1


notice two assumptions: first is that the main value of art is its artifacts, its products, and that the change it would produce would be in the viewer (who needs to be educated "about art" to comprehend its value or message). Closely related is the assumption that people should only make art if they are "good at it." If we think that art is mainly about making excellent products to be viewed by others, then (it is implied) it better be "good," to be worthy of the viewers' time, ticket price, grant and tax dollars, etc. This is used as basis for questioning the value of art.

After three decades of art making (I am a dancer/choreographer) and teaching such practices, I have come to find that perhaps the most valuable aspect of art, and its greatest potential to generate change, is in the individual and the experience/learning that occurs through artistic processes. When one engages in art-making practices, they activate new areas of the brain, foster novel connections, make advantage of bilateral brain functioning, and discover not only new content, but new means of thinking about problems. Art making fosters creativity--that is, altering assumptions that block ability to change. The applications of training the mind in this way are difficult to estimate, and go well beyond making art to communicate a message to a viewer. I agree with Hugo's comment on the primary value of education. I would obviate the dualism and argue that education wouldn't have to be "first," before art, if artistic processes and practices were better understood and functionally integrated as core methods of education and critical thinking, rather than merely added as "extra-curriculars" or "enrichment" (and only if funding is sufficient to warrant such "luxuries.")

If we were to culturally shift our appreciation of art to primarily value its processes and experiences as integrative learning in their own right then art gains a much stronger argument for its function in society, education, health/welll-being, and so on. If more people were engaged in artistic processes, that might lead to more creative change.

Now whether that change is "positive" is really another question. One shouldn't assume that art's purpose is "positive" anymore than science and technology. Science has produced many negative outcomes in its primary pursuits of knowledge and control of nature. Question: To what extent do we assume that science (education and products) contributes mainly to "positive" change?

Related Questions

Which of the following is the correct way to punctuate this statement?
A. before you take the test; make sure you study.


Where is b? Or is it just A

weroc arange in words​




Step-by-Step Explanation:

There could be a lot of other words, but I found it on Wordsolver.




what pages have flashbacks that develop the understanding of Jay Gatsby?



Gatsby indulges in the use of flashbacks to keep alive his fantasy that someday he and Daisy will be able to shed other connections and complications and build a future together. ... He expresses his regret that Daisy didn't enjoy the party, then begins remembering earlier and better times in their relationship.

Which option describes an interaction in a text that you might analyze?


Answer:which option describes an interaction in a text that you might analyze


Which option describes an interaction in a text that you might analyze?

A statistical evidence such as data from a scientific experiment

B a significant similarity between people, things, events, or ideas

C a notable difference between people, things, events, and ideas

D the effect that one person, thing, event, or idea has on another

The answer to this question is option D. An interaction that one may want to analyze is the effect that one person, events, things or idea has on another.

While a reader is going through a text, it is useful to think about the happenings, events and ideas in the text.

The major goals are to

Establish how the happenings in the text have an effect on people and things. Take note of the interactions and the results that arise from the interactions.


They.... a new computer ( to get )
a) be going to b) will



I think the anwser will be,b)will

which word has the most negative connotation?


Answer: c
I feel like it’s A but I’m not really good at English soooo

At first, I didn't have much interest in the house my great-uncle had left me. I was comfortable living in the city. When I received the deed, however, I decided that I should at least give the place a quick inspection before I sold it. When I drove up, the place looked like something out of horror movie: an old, rotting Victorian mansion with turrets and cobwebs. I stepped inside, took one look at the spooky interior and turned around to leave.

Which final sentence to the paragraph would likely create the most suspense?
A."Not this time, ghosts!" I shouted as I left the place.
B. I then drove straight to the nearest real estate office
C. That's when I realized the door had locked behind me.
D. I screamed an ran from the house as fast as I could.



C. That's when I realized the door had locked behind me


the point which I chose is most likely to create mystery and puts the reader in curiousity and wants more. This type of sentence is a proper and more suitable cliffhanger to the story. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT will the the readers first thought

Read the Bible passage.
Exodus 26:1
This passage…..



Moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make them.



Exodus is a book from the Bible where Moses frees the slaves from Egypt, and wrote the ten commandments from the Lord in the Old Testament. the verse above explains how they should make the tabernacle in details. like in the book of Genesis (means beginning), God told Noah how to build an Ark for his family and all the animals in pairs in detail, like 30 cubits.

Which sentence correctly uses an adverbial phrase?


C is looking pretty convincing

In not more than 250 words write a letter to your friend in another town tell him about three things that make you feel happy in your school. ​


School brings me joy because I spend time with friends and teachers. I learn new things, which makes me smarter. I also learn to get new skills like speaking up and communication with others.

im so dum rn like honestly



I think answer D is correct

D . Emotional music can sway an audience emotions

Write the word that is part of speech indicated in the parenthesis




I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls


adjective is itchy on Melanie wore on itchy sweater

in which case do we experience more friction while walking or running​


We experience more friction while running.

While running exerts more force on ground to go ahead.For which we experience more friction to go forward.When we walks we experience a low friction because we exerts a low force.

. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. stopped B. agreed C. listened D. cleaned

2. A. meat B. seat C. great D. mean

3. A. call B. land C. fall D. ball

4. A. rather B. them C. neither D. think



1 cleaned

2 mean

3 land


DRIVERS ED PERMIT- what are space cushions designed for? are they made so that you cant pass off and hit someone or are they made so that there cant be any crashes?​



A space cushion is a buffer around your vehicle that you maintain to allow room to maneuver, if necessary. So the answer is So that there can't be any crashes.

Explanation: A space cushion is a buffer around your vehicle that you maintain to allow room to maneuver, if necessary. Know what is in your space cushion, scan frequently and maintain awareness of other vehicles. Keep at least a three-second following distance in front of you – four or five seconds in inclement weather.  

A space cushion is an area around your vehicle that is just empty space. No other vehicles are in that space. The space cushion area includes the space in front of, behind, and on both sides of your car.

If you have any questions regarding my question, tell it to me in the comments, and I will come answer them. Have a good day.

Which of the following is typically not a role fulfilled by general early childhood classroom teachers?
A- diagnosing learning disabilities
B- communicating with families
C- teaching children
D- engaging in professional development


i think it’s D but i’m not sure

aktiviti yang manakah meningkatkan kelenturan​



what does that mean ?? let me know if you need any help

outdo to the students of the African Americans have you seen it on your first day back in my head is

V. Complete the second sentence, beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same.
1. My responsibility is to take out the garbage every day.
- I am……………………………………………………………………………
2. When you phoned me, it was my lunch time.
- When you phoned me, I …………………………………………………….
3. David went home before we arrived.
- When we ………………………………………………………………
4. I haven’t been to the cinema for two years.
- The last time………………………………………….
5. I’ve only recently started wearing glasses.
- I didn’t …………………………………………….
6. I started working for the company three years ago.
- I’ve………………………………………………..
VI. Read the passage and choose the co



1) responsible for taking out the garbage

2) was at lunch

3) arrived, David had gotten home

4) I had been to the cinema was last two years

5) wear glasses until recently

6) been working for the company for three years now

I need with a question



What question do you need?

Which of the following things is foreshadowed throughout Act III of Romeo and Juliet?


Answer: D. Romeo and Juliet will die


In act 3 of Romeo and Juliet, there are several elements that foreshadow their demise.

Both of them tell Friar Lawrence that they would end their lives if not able to be together.

Juliet also has a vision of Romeo being dead "in the bottom of a tomb.” And in the very last line of the third act, Juliet claims that if everything else fails, she at least has the power to take her own life, which is what happens in the end

Write a story which ends as follows: It was then that I understood what sort of a man he was



There lived once in Baghdad a very wealthy man, who lost all his substance and became so poor, that he could only earn his living by excessive labor. One night, he lay down to sleep, dejected and sick at heart, and saw in a dream one who said to him, "Thy fortune is at Cairo; go thither and seek it."

So he set out for Cairo; but, when he arrived there, night overtook him and he lay down to sleep in a mosque. Presently, as fate would have it, a company of thieves entered the mosque and made their way thence into an adjoining house; but the people of the house, being aroused by the noise, awoke and cried out; whereupon the chief of the police came to their aid with his officers. The robbers made off; but the police entered the mosque and finding the man from Baghdad asleep there, laid hold of him and beat him with palm-rods, till he was well-nigh dead.

Then they cast him into prison, where he abode three days, after which the chief of the police sent for him and said to him, "Whence art thou?"

"From Baghdad," answered he.

"And what brought thee to Cairo?" asked the magistrate.

Quoth the Baghdadi, "I saw in a dream one who said to me, 'Thy fortune is at Cairo; go thither to it.' But when I came hither, the fortune that he promised me proved to be the beating I had of thee.

The chief of the police laughed, till he showed his jaw teeth, and said, "O man of little wit, thrice have I seen in a dream one who said to me, 'There is in Baghdad a house of such a fashion and situate so-and-so, in the garden whereof is a fountain and thereunder a great sum of money buried. Go thither and take it.' Yet I went not; but thou, of thy little wit, hast journeyed from place to place, on the faith of a dream, which was but an illusion of sleep."

Then he gave him money, saying, "This is to help thee back to thy native land."

Now the house he had described was the man's own house in Baghdad; so the latter returned thither, and digging underneath the fountain in his garden, discovered a great treasure; and [thus] God gave him abundant fortune.





hahaha why would i even look




What do you call the Swiss president’s airplane?

Answer: Tobler One.

Choose the best word to complete the analogy. fish : school :: bee :
Answer choices :


The answer is colony

Morning Glory breakfast bars are packed full of the protein and complex carbohydrates your body needs to start your day on the right track.

Which word in the sentence above has a positive connotation?
A. needs
B. packed
C. start
D. day









helpp plss
By S. E. Forman



There never was a time when the world was without fire, but there was a time when men did not know how to kindle fire; and after they learned how to kindle one, it was a long, long time before they learned how to kindle one easily. In these days we can kindle a fire without any trouble, because we can easily get a match; but we must remember that the match is one of the most wonderful things in the world, and that it took men thousands of years to learn how to make one. Let us learn the history of this familiar little object, the match.

Fire was first given to man by nature itself. When a forest is set on fire by cinders from a neighboring volcano, or when a tree is set ablaze by a thunderbolt, we may say that nature strikes a match. In the early history of the world, nature had to kindle all the fires, for man by his own effort was unable to produce a spark. The first method, then, of getting fire for use was to light sticks of wood at a flame kindled by nature—by a volcano, perhaps, or by a stroke of lightning. These firebrands were carried to the home and used in kindling the fires there. The fire secured in this way was carefully guarded and was kept burning as long as possible. But the flame, however faithfully watched, would sometimes be extinguished. A sudden gust of wind or a sudden shower would put it out. Then a new firebrand would have to be secured, and this often meant a long journey and a deal of trouble.

In 1827, John Walker, a druggist in a small English town, tipped a splint with sulphur, chlorate of potash, and sulphid of antimony, and rubbed it on sandpaper, and it burst into flame. The druggist had discovered the first friction-chemical match, the kind we use to-day. It is called friction-chemical because it is made by mixing certain chemicals together and rubbing them. Although Walker's match did not require the bottle of acid, nevertheless it was not a good one. It could be lighted only by hard rubbing, and it sputtered and threw fire in all directions. In a few years, however, phosphorus was substituted on the tip for antimony, and the change worked wonders. The match could now be lighted with very little rubbing, and it was no longer necessary to have sandpaper upon which to rub it. It would ignite when rubbed on any dry surface, and there was no longer any sputtering. This was the phosphorus match, the match with which we are so familiar.

How does the author develop the idea that relying on nature was problematic? Please respond in three to five complete sentences, using evidence from the text to support your answer.



We note the author's intriguing statement at the outset when he said "that it took men thousands of years to learn how to make" a match.  

Also, he further highlighted how problematic it was to depend on nature when he said "in the early history of the world, nature had to kindle all the fires, for man by his own effort was unable to produce a spark".  

To express the problems further, the author also says that they would have to guard the fire but the fire would still go out sometimes and then they would have to go on long and difficult journeys.

What view point is being expressed in the e-mail


hi how

his excellent performance surprised everyone into interrogative​



Did his excellent performance surprise everyone?


I guess its right!!!

my day has been going good because

Bird flu is not as lethal to humans as to the birds true or false​


I think it's false

because it a virus and it is very dangerous to both human and bird species.

plz plzzz helpp mee
look photo
plz help asap
i will give brainliest



They said that they forgot to inform you and that they are really sorry

2.The mayor said that he was going to introduce a new system to reduce crime

3.The reporter said to the official that can he give more information about the plan

4.The man said that if i work for him i will be rich soon

5.The woman said that she does not want to buy the watch because it is expensive.

6.The teacher said to the class to study the text carefully.

7.The man said that he could help me with my work.

8. The headmaster said to my parents to come to his office tomorrow morning please.

write meaning of accident and epitome and markeone sentence for each​



Accident: unforseen event,mishap,disaster

Epitome:an abridgement,a compendium

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President Nixon sent US forces to Cambodia in 1970 to what is height of mount Everest? Help with 5b please . thank you. A telephone service representative believes that the proportion of customers completely satisfied with their local telephone service is different between the South and the Midwest. The representative's belief is based on the results of a survey. The survey included a random sample of 1300 southern residents and 1380 midwestern residents. 39% of the southern residents and 50% of the midwestern residents reported that they were completely satisfied with their local telephone service. Find the 80% confidence interval for the difference in two proportions. Step 1 of 3 : Find the point estimate that should be used in constructing the confidence interval Which of the following is NOT true of themuscular system?A. They are connected to bones.B. They allow voluntary movement.C. They allow us to move.D. They are connected by gap junctions. Tng qut v hot ng lp php ca Singapore. So snh vi hot ng lpphp ca Vit Nam. Instructions: The polygons in each pair are similar. Find themissing side length. 4. SPEAKING Discuss these questions with a partner.1 What other fun sports events have you heard of?2 What do you do to stay fit and healthy? 3 What do you think you should do more of? plz fast help me don't scam a 20.5g sample of cleaning detergent contains 8.61g of NH40H.CALCULATE the percentage composition of nitrogen in the cleaning detergent sample Find the equation for the line that passes through the points ( - 1, - 10) and ( - 6,9). Give youranswer in point-slope form. You do not need to simplify. Pls if anyone knows the answer with work included/steps that will be greatly appreciated :) If A=(prime number less than 10)list the element of set A and find n(A) I need help I don't understand it. what is the difference between a state and a government Spinal cord is blank to the esophagus cul es el Inters por los valores humanos. This province produces great quantities of excellent white incense, and also dates in great abundance. No grain is grown here except rice, and not much of that; but it is imported from abroad at a big profit. Fish is plentiful, notably tunnies of large size, which are so abundant that two of them can be bought for a Venetian groat. The staple diet consists of rice, meat, and fish. . . . As for the incense of which I have spoken, which grows here in such profusion, the lord buys it for 10 gold bezants a cantar and then sells it to foreign merchants and others for 40 bezants a cantar. The lord of Shihr does this on behalf of the sultan of the province of Aden. For the sultan of Aden has incense bought up throughout his dominions at the price of 10 bezants and afterwards sold at 40 from which he derives an immense profit.Which detail best indicates the author's opinion of the incense that this province produces?The author notes that the incense is produced in "great quantities."The author uses the phrase "immense profit" to describe the value of the incense.The author includes the detail that the lord "sells it to foreign merchants."The author uses the word "excellent" to describe the incense grown in the province. tinh du no c v ngt how to change mixed fraction into improper fraction and improper to proper fraction easy way