Please answer all questions thank you its due today the questions or on the pdf I attached

Please Answer All Questions Thank You Its Due Today The Questions Or On The Pdf I Attached


Answer 1

The Nation of Islam (NOI) regards Wallace D. Fard as a divine and mysterious figure who brought a new message of Islam to the African American community in the early 20th century.

What is the nation of Islam?

The NOI teaches that Fard was not only a religious leader but also a social reformer who sought to uplift the black community from the oppression and discrimination they faced.

According to NOI teachings, Fard founded the organization in Detroit, Michigan, in 1930 and appointed Elijah Muhammad as his successor. Fard disappeared in 1934, and his whereabouts and fate are unknown. However, the NOI believes that he will one day return to complete his mission.

The importance of these beliefs to the NOI is that they provide a unique and empowering identity for African Americans, separate from mainstream Islam and Christianity. The NOI's teachings on Fard also emphasize self-reliance, self-determination, and the need for African Americans to come together and work towards their own liberation and progress.

Learn more about Islam on;


Read the Nation of Islam Perspective on its founder, Briefly summarize what you have learned from the assigned reading(s) and discuss why these are important to you.

Related Questions

How did Reagan try to make the government smaller? Check all that apply.

He cut funding for drug programs and federal drug-control agencies.
He eliminated government programs to address money mismanagement.
He decreased spending on nuclear weapons and anti-ballistic missiles.
He proposed cutting funding to certain government agencies and groups.
He reduced government regulations on business.



These actions suggest a political agenda that prioritizes reducing the size and role of government in various areas. The cut in funding for drug programs and federal drug-control agencies could be seen as a prioritization of reducing government spending over addressing drug-related issues. The elimination of government programs to address money mismanagement could be seen as an effort to reduce government intervention in the private sector. The decrease in spending on nuclear weapons and anti-ballistic missiles could be seen as a move towards reducing military spending. The proposed cuts to certain government agencies and groups suggest a belief that certain areas of government are not necessary or are redundant. The reduction of government regulations on business could be seen as a prioritization of reducing government interference in the economy, potentially to stimulate economic growth.

In a paragraph, choose and describe one landmark court ruling during the Civil *
Rights Movement.



One landmark court ruling during the Civil Rights movement was Brown v. Board of Education (1954). In this case, the United States Supreme Court declared that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, overturning the "separate but equal" doctrine established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). The Court held that segregation in education created a feeling of inferiority among African American students and violated their right to equal protection under the law guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. This ruling marked a significant victory for the Civil Rights movement, and set the stage for further legal challenges to segregation and discrimination in other areas of society.


T/F. During Reconstruction, black politicians held upwards of 2,000 offices in the South - from the U.S. Congress down to local school boards.




what impression do you think the forbidden city probably made on the people of ancient china



I think that the residents of beijing were very impressed and proud of the Forbidden City. It showed China's glory and capability of buidling. Although the residents weren't allowed to enter, they probably enjoyed the sight of it and loved the symbol of glory that it brought to them.

How did the united states involvement in the korean war set the stage for continued involvement in asia in the name of containing communism? Please answer asap!


The United States' involvement in the Korean War marked the beginning of its long-term commitment to containing communism in Asia. The war, fought between communist North Korea and non-communist South Korea, was seen as a test of the U.S.'s commitment to its allies and its ability to resist communist aggression. The U.S. ultimately intervened to support South Korea, sending troops and military aid. Although the war ended in a stalemate, the U.S. maintained a significant military presence in South Korea and other countries in the region as part of its containment strategy. This commitment to containing communism in Asia was reinforced by subsequent events, including the Vietnam War and the Cold War more broadly, and continues to shape U.S. foreign policy to this day.

Final answer:

The United States' involvement in the Korean War, according to the Containment Policy, set a precedent for US's readiness to engage in armed conflict to stop the spread of communism. The division between North and South Korea affirmed the communist threat and led the U.S. to maintain a military presence in South Korea and extend containment efforts to other Asian countries, most notably Vietnam.


The United States' involvement in the Korean War indeed set the stage for its continued involvement in Asia to contain communism. This notion is rooted in the US's adoption of the Containment Policy, aimed at stopping the spread of communism globally. The Korean War was one of the first significant conflicts under this policy, and the subsequent military commitment demonstrated U.S.'s readiness to engage in armed conflict to achieve this goal.

The outcome of the Korean War didn't decisively quell communism in the region but rather affirmed the division between communist North Korea and democratic South Korea. Bearing witness to this division, and the ongoing threat of communism, the U.S. retained a significant military presence in South Korea and continued its containment efforts in other Asian countries, most notably Vietnam. This continued involvement in Asia in the name of preventing communism expansion is direct sequel to the stand it took during the Korean War.

Learn more about Korean War here:


true/false. during the enlightenment, also referred to as the age of reason, thinkers gave free reign to the pursuit of truth and the discovery of natural laws.


It is true that during enlightenment, also referred to as the age of reason, thinkers gave free reign to pursuit of truth and the discovery of natural laws.

What is enlightenment?

Enlightenment refers to a state of profound understanding and awareness of the nature of reality, often associated with spiritual or philosophical growth. It involves the transcendence of ignorance and the recognition of one's true self and the interconnectedness of all beings. Enlightenment can bring about a sense of inner peace, contentment, and freedom from suffering. It is often described as a state of pure consciousness, where one is free from the illusions and limitations of the ego and fully aligned with universal truths. Achieving enlightenment can be a lifelong pursuit, but the process can involve practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and the cultivation of virtues like compassion and wisdom.

To learn more about enlightenment, visit:


in 200 words. In addition to the reflection guidelines in the syllabus, I would like you to consider whether or not a company like Black Water could ever contribute to a common good. What would a Hobbesian realist say? Be sure to ground your response in the text!
following the readings please include the readings in the text!


Blackwater's actions would likely be justified as long as they serve their self-interest, which may or may not align with the common good

What would the opinion be?

A company like Blackwater, a private military contractor, could potentially contribute to the common good by providing security services in areas where the state's capacity to provide such services is limited.

The company's involvement in controversial activities such as the Iraq War and accusations of human rights abuses raise ethical concerns.

From a Hobbesian realist perspective, the pursuit of self-interest is the primary motivating factor for individuals and organizations, including corporations.

Therefore, Blackwater's actions would likely be justified as long as they serve their self-interest, which may or may not align with the common good.

Ultimately, the answer to whether Blackwater could contribute to the common good depends on one's values and priorities.

Read more about Hobbesian realist here:


50 points & brainliest

Choose two of the excerpted newspaper editorials that seem to take different views of the Brown v. Board of Education ruling. Then write an essay examining what events led to the ruling as well as the effects of the ruling on the larger civil rights movement. Use information from the excerpted newspaper editorials, the lesson, and your own research in your response.


The Brown v. Board of Education ruling in 1954 was a landmark decision in the fight for civil rights in the United States. The ruling declared that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional and violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. While the ruling was a victory for the civil rights movement, it was met with mixed reactions from different segments of society, as reflected in the excerpted newspaper editorials.

One editorial in The Richmond News Leader from May 18, 1954, argued that the Brown v. Board of Education ruling was an overreach of federal power and would lead to chaos and conflict. The editorial claimed that the ruling went against established legal precedent and would disrupt the long-held practice of separate but equal. The editorial stated, "This is not the first time that the Supreme Court has been deluded by the false theory that it has the power to reshape the Constitution."

In contrast, an editorial in The New York Times from the same day praised the Brown v. Board of Education ruling as a significant step towards ending segregation and achieving racial equality. The editorial declared, "The Supreme Court has taken a courageous step in affirming the principles of democracy." The editorial also acknowledged that the ruling would face resistance and that it would take time for it to be fully implemented, but it was a necessary step in the struggle for civil rights.

The Brown v. Board of Education ruling had significant effects on the larger civil rights movement. It paved the way for the desegregation of schools and other public spaces and challenged the legal basis of segregation. The ruling also inspired other civil rights activists to fight for their rights and encouraged them to use the legal system to do so.

However, the ruling also faced backlash from those who opposed desegregation and the civil rights movement as a whole. Some states even defied the ruling and refused to integrate their schools, leading to further legal battles and tensions between federal and state governments.

In conclusion, the Brown v. Board of Education ruling was a significant moment in the history of the civil rights movement in the United States. While it was met with mixed reactions, it marked a turning point in the fight against segregation and discrimination. The ruling's effects were far-reaching, impacting not only the education system but also other areas of society.


The Brown v. Board of Education ruling was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court in 1954 that declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional. This ruling was a critical moment in the civil rights movement, and it had a significant impact on American society as a whole. While some newspaper editorials praised the decision, others were critical. This essay will examine the events that led to the ruling, as well as the effects of the ruling on the larger civil rights movement.

The Brown v. Board of Education ruling was the result of a legal challenge brought by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1951. The NAACP argued that segregation in public schools violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The case was consolidated with several other cases from across the country that also challenged segregation in public schools. The Supreme Court heard arguments in the case in 1952, and the case was re-argued in 1953.

In its unanimous decision, the Supreme Court held that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional because it violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. The Court reasoned that separate educational facilities were inherently unequal and that segregation had a detrimental effect on the education and development of black children.

The Brown v. Board of Education ruling had a profound impact on the larger civil rights movement. The ruling was a critical victory for the NAACP and other civil rights organizations that had been fighting segregation for decades. The decision also gave a significant boost to the growing civil rights movement, which was gaining momentum in the 1950s.

One of the newspaper editorials that praised the Brown v. Board of Education ruling was published in The New York Times. The editorial argued that the decision was a victory for American democracy and that it would help to strengthen the nation's commitment to equal rights. The editorial also acknowledged that the ruling would be difficult to implement, but it called on Americans to work together to ensure that the decision was fully enforced.

Another editorial that took a different view was published in The Daily Oklahoman. The editorial argued that the Brown v. Board of Education ruling was an example of judicial activism and that it undermined the authority of state and local governments. The editorial also claimed that the decision would lead to chaos and conflict in the South.

Despite these criticisms, the Brown v. Board of Education ruling had a profound and lasting impact on American society. The decision paved the way for other civil rights victories, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It also helped to inspire a new generation of civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr., who would go on to lead the movement in the 1960s.

In conclusion, the Brown v. Board of Education ruling was a critical moment in the civil rights movement, and it had a significant impact on American society. The ruling was the result of years of hard work by civil rights organizations, and it marked a turning point in the struggle for equal rights. While some newspaper editorials praised the decision, others were critical, but the ruling's impact was undeniable. It helped to pave the way for other civil rights victories and inspired a new generation of leaders to continue the fight for equality.

between 1920 and 1921, postwar inflation caused a severe recession marked by which of the following?


Answer: the loss of nearly 5 million jobs. the bankruptcy of 100,000 businesses.


For many middle-class Americans, the 1920s was a decade of unprecedented prosperity. Rising earnings generated more disposable income for the purchase of consumer goods. Henry Ford's advances in assembly-line efficiency created a truly affordable automobile, making car ownership a possibility for many Americans.

what line in the speech best supports your answer to question 5? what to the slave is the 4th of july



Which line from "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" supports Douglass's claim that the Fourth of July is not a cause worthy of celebration by all? Fellow-citizens, above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions!

What conclusion can you draw about Asian American and African American communities?

Both groups mostly lived in the northern section of the city.
Both groups mostly lived in segregated areas of the city.
Both groups made their homes in the University District.
Both groups were scattered across southern communities.



kdjhsifhai85wt84 . I am sure you have any

Answer: Both groups mostly lived in segregated areas of the city.


Next, with your team members, add information that is similar or different from the Before Class
reading assignment and the OWI film. You may reference your Journal Entry 3.6 response if needed.
Ronald Takaki's "Japanese Americans: "A Tremendous Hole" in the Constitution" excerpts
Similarities to OWI film
Differences from OWI film


The similarities and the differences that exist in the Ronald Takaki reading and the OWI film are stated below.

What are the similarities and differences to OWI film?

Similarities to OWI film:

Both the Ronald Takaki reading and the OWI film discuss the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

Both sources highlight the racism and discrimination faced by Japanese Americans during this time period.

They both mention the Executive Order 9066, which authorized the forced relocation and incarceration of Japanese Americans.

Both sources also touch on the impact that the internment had on Japanese American communities, including the loss of property, jobs, and personal freedoms.

Differences from OWI film:

The Ronald Takaki reading goes into more detail about the historical context of anti-Asian racism in the United States, tracing it back to the 19th century and the arrival of Chinese immigrants.

The reading also examines the legal framework behind the internment, specifically the Supreme Court case Korematsu v. United States, which upheld the constitutionality of the internment.

While the OWI film briefly mentions the resistance of some Japanese Americans to the internment, the Takaki reading provides more information on this topic, including the formation of the Fair Play Committee and the resistance at the Heart Mountain internment camp.

The reading also discusses the impact of the internment on the children of Japanese American families, who were often forced to attend segregated schools and faced discrimination even after the war.

learn more about Ronald Takaki reading:


Which factor led to the Philippine-American War?
the U.S. attempt to end Spanish control of the islands
the Philippines's attempt to gain independence after the U.S. annexed the
the U.S. goal to establish free trade with other countries in the Philippines
the Philippines alliance with the U.S. to gain independence from Spain


Answer is A because the first Philippines republic objected the terms of the treaty in Paris which took possession of the Philippines from Spain which ended the Spanish American war


B) The Philippines's attempt to gain independence after the U.S. annexed the islands.


The United States acquired the Philippines from Spain following the Spanish-American War in 1989. It is important to note that during this time, the Philipino's had already themselves been trying to fight for independence from Spanish rule. The acquisition of Philippines by the United States following the war without acknowledging the independence of the islands led to the Philippine-American War (1899-1902). The Philippine independence movement failed, and Philippine remained a US territory until 1935, when it gained autonomy, and 1946, when they gained full independence.


Learn more about the Spanish-American War, here:

What is the answer to this question


Based on the concept of wood defect, the type of defect that affects the lumber grading, in this case, is Knot.

What is the Knot defect in Lumbering?

Knot defect is a term that is used to describe the defects in timber, which occur when branches die off and the bases become enclosed by a second layer of wood.

Generally, Knot is considered a natural defect in the wood, and can create an interesting visual sight which is commonly seen on hardwood floors.

In this case, the oval shape depicts a form of knot defects in the wood.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Knot.

Learn more about Wood defects here:



What defect that affects lumber grading is illustrated in the photo below?

Please review the political cartoon below. In Chapter 28, you have studied imperialism. Who does the man in the hat
represent, what places is he grabbing, and what do you think this cartoon means?


Answer:I think it means England's government or the Law.

Explanation: As stated in the Washington post "The British government still faces a daunting economic challenge."

which answer???

idc if i run out of points i just need all of yall help


The correct answer is Carl Friedrich Gauss

1.What happened to nationalism throughout the world following World War II?

It became culturally unacceptable due to the horrors that German hyper-nationalism committed.
It intensified throughout much of the world, leading to widespread independence movements.
It increased in Europe but all but disappeared in Africa and Southeast Asia.
It led to a third wave of imperialism and the creation of new overseas empires.

2.Read this quote from Haidar Abd El-Shafi, then answer the question:

"We, the people of Palestine, stand before you in the fullness of our pain, our pride, and our anticipation, for we long harbored a yearning for peace and a dream of justice and freedom. For too long, the Palestinian people have gone unheeded, silenced and denied, our identity negated by political expedience, our right for struggle against injustice maligned, and our present existence subsumed by the past tragedy of another people."—Haidar Abd El-Shafi, head of the Palestinian Delegation to the Madrid Peace Conference, 1991

The above quote is from a speech given at the Madrid Peace Conference by a Palestinian leader. To which of the following does the speaker attribute the ignoring of his people's suffering?

Palestinians' unrealistic dreams
The Nazi killing of Jews
The excessive pride of Jews
Palestinians' silence on their plight

3.Use this image to answer the question:
This emblem shows a Jewish star inside a shape that combines a fortress and a shield. Which of the following did this emblem most likely represent?

Jewish diaspora
Jewish assimilation

4.Read this quote from Fidel Castro, then answer the question:

"Marxism taught me what society was. I was like a blindfolded man in a forest, who doesn't even know where north or south is. If you don't eventually come to truly understand the history of the class struggle, or at least have a clear idea that society is divided between the rich and the poor, and that some people subjugate and exploit other people, you're lost in a forest, not knowing anything."—Fidel Castro, 2009

Fidel Castro, long-time leader of Cuba, made the above statement during an interview in 2009. The statement is in response to a question about what influenced him to become a Cuban nationalist. Which of the following can be inferred from this statement?

Geopolitics is important to a people's well-being.
A revolution should arise out of a people's history.
Society's rich should not exploit the poor.
Nonviolence should be used to achieve class equality.

5.The town in this photograph is named Duvalierville. It was founded by the Haitian President Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier. What does this image say about Duvalier's approach toward governing?

He wanted to modernize Haiti.
He focused on improving Haiti's infrastructure.
He did not focus on human welfare programs.
He did not approve of poorly planned projects.

6.Read this quote, then answer the question:

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."

You can tell by the meaning of this quote that this principle was expressed by

Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier
Mahatma Gandhi
Fidel Castro
Yasser Arafat

7.The desired outcome for Basque nationalists in Spain is

limited local autonomy
complete independence
the removal of Spanish troops
a cease-fire with Spain

8.The Yom Kippur War included

increased American arms for the Israelis
a peace agreement between Syria and Israel
a decrease in the violence of the PLO
the assassination of Golda Meir

9.Use this image to answer the question:
This photograph was taken in Rafah in Palestinian territory in 2009. What does the photo reveal about violence in the region?

Entire families are engaged in violent acts of violence.
Children are in harm's way due to acts of violence.
Militants cannot operate out of destroyed buildings.
It has not disrupted the lives of civilians.

10.What do the USMCA and the European Union have in common?

They both promote English as the language of international trade.
They are both moving toward a political union of their members.
Their member nations reduce tariffs to trade with each other.
They have both decreased in size in recent years.

11.How does the European Union differ from the USMCA?

There are tariffs between EU nations.
The USMCA has some political governance elements.
It has its own currency.
The European Union includes fewer nations.

12.Which group in a country is most directly threatened by the international competition of free trade?

domestic suppliers or businesses
domestic consumers
local governments
federal governments

13.How did business impact the process of cultural diffusion in the second half of the twentieth century?

It slowed it down significantly.
It slowed it down modestly.
It had no unmistakable impact.
It accelerated it significantly.

14.Regional trade blocs most directly decrease

tax rates


1. It intensified throughout much of the world, leading to widespread independence movements.

2. Political expedience

3. Zionism

3. A revolution should arise out of a people's history.

4. He did not focus on human welfare programs.

5. Mahatma Gandhi

6. Complete independence

7. Increased American arms for the Israelis

8. Children are in harm's way due to acts of violence.

9. Their member nations reduce tariffs to trade with each other.

10. It has its own currency.

11. Domestic suppliers or businesses

12. It accelerated it significantly.

13. Tariffs

Regional trade blocs, such as the European Union and USMCA, most directly decrease tariffs.

What  does the speaker attribute the ignoring of his people's suffering?

These blocs are agreements between countries that reduce or eliminate tariffs on goods traded between them. This creates a more open and free market within the bloc, promoting trade and economic growth among member nations.

By reducing tariffs, regional trade blocs also aim to reduce trade barriers and promote the free flow of goods, services, and capital within the bloc.

This can lead to increased competition among domestic suppliers, which can be challenging for some businesses but ultimately benefits consumers with lower prices and better products.

While regional trade blocs may impact other factors such as immigration and tax rates, the most direct impact is on tariffs and trade barriers.

Overall, regional trade blocs aim to promote economic integration and cooperation among member nations while stimulating economic growth and development.

Learn more about  World War II here


2. In what ways do Sources B and C
agree about Columbus?


Ask the question you are not telling us the background of the question to answer to you

c. What was one of the causes of World War I that the Fourteen Points were designed to address? How did the Fourteen Points attempt to address that cause? (2 points)


The Fourteen Points were designed to address the issue of territorial disputes and the desire for national self-determination among ethnic groups, by promoting the principles of national self-determination and international cooperation to prevent future conflicts.

What was one of the causes of World War I that the Fourteen Points were designed to address?

One of the causes of World War I that the Fourteen Points were designed to address was the issue of territorial disputes and the desire for national self-determination among various ethnic groups. Prior to World War I, there were numerous territorial disputes and conflicts between different ethnic groups, particularly in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. These disputes often led to tensions and conflicts that contributed to the outbreak of the war.

The Fourteen Points attempted to address this issue by promoting the principle of national self-determination, which called for the recognition of the right of all peoples to govern themselves and choose their own form of government. This principle was meant to address the various territorial disputes by allowing each ethnic group to have its own independent state. The idea was that by giving each ethnic group its own independent state, it would help to reduce tensions and prevent future conflicts.

The Fourteen Points also called for the creation of a League of Nations, which was intended to provide a forum for nations to work out their differences and prevent future conflicts. The League of Nations was meant to be an international organization that would promote diplomacy and cooperation among nations, and provide a mechanism for resolving disputes without resorting to war.

Overall, the Fourteen Points attempted to address the causes of World War I by promoting the principles of national self-determination and international cooperation. While the Fourteen Points did not fully succeed in preventing future conflicts, they did represent an important step towards the promotion of peace and the prevention of future wars.

Learn more on world war I here;


the idea of christian republicanism gained momentum after the american revolution. identify the statements that describe this concept


The idea of Christian republicanism gained momentum after the American Revolution. The following statements describe this concept: The Christian republicanism concept believes in virtue, morality, and civic duty. The Christian republicanism concept is to ensure a free government.

The Christian republicanism concept believes that Christianity and the government are interdependent. The Christian republicanism concept believes in the power of education, especially religious education. The Christian republicanism concept believes that the government should encourage people to attend church and be religious.

After the American Revolution, many religious leaders began to embrace the Christian republican concept. They believed that America's future success was dependent on how virtuous and moral its citizens were.

It was based on the principles of classical republicanism, which emphasizes virtue, civic duty, and education. It believed that the government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people, ensuring that America is a free country.

It emphasizes the power of religious education and encourages people to attend church and be religious. This concept became very popular after the American Revolution.

For such more question on republicanism:


What purposes did the forts serve for the Americans?


Forts existed in the American colonies at some stage in the 17th and 18th centuries to defend seaports from overseas navies and to shield the frontier from Native American attacks. They regularly performed necessary roles in the frontier struggle of the French and Indian War between 1754 and 1763.

What used to be the fortress in American Revolution?

Though Fort Stanwix used to be situated in New York, humans from many states helped to rebuild and shield it during the American Revolution. Because of this the citadel served not solely as an vital army post, however additionally as a location the place humans from 13 very unique states started to forge a countrywide identity.

What was once the first citadel in America?

Built by means of the Spanish in St. Augustine to defend Florida and the Atlantic trade route, Castillo de San Marcos National Monument preserves the oldest masonry fortification in the continental United States and interprets extra than 450 years of cultural intersections

learn more about forts serve here:

SSUSH14 Explain America's evolving relationship with the world at the turn of the 20th century.
What were the 3 reasons to build a canal?
What challenges were overcome in the
construction of the Panama Canal?
What was the message of the Roosevelt
What is the message of Roosevelt's "Big
Stick" foreign policy?
What was the response to the Roosevelt


America was beginning to establish itself as a major world power at the beginning of the 1900s, and as a result, its relations with the rest of the world were changing.

What were the 3 reasons to build a canal?

The building of the Panama Canal, which was driven by three factors—military, economic, and political—was a significant development during this time. Trade between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans was made easier by the canal, which was crucial to American commerce. However, there were numerous difficulties during the canal's construction, including medical issues, disease, and a lack of labour. America was beginning to establish itself as a major world power at the beginning of the 1900s, and as a result, its relations with the rest of the world were changing.  Foreign policy under President Theodore Roosevelt was referred to as the "Big Stick" policy. It placed emphasis on the use of force to defend American interests abroad. The Monroe Doctrine's Roosevelt Corollary, which declared that the US had the right to intervene in Latin America.

To Know more about Canal Visit:


The North and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries shared which of the following?
revolution demands based on Enlightenment political Ideas


The North and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries shared the demand for revolution based on Enlightenment political ideas.

Both movements were influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment, including concepts such as natural rights, popular sovereignty, and the social contract. These ideas inspired many of the leaders of the independence movements, who sought to break away from European colonial rule and establish independent republics based on these principles. The American Revolution, which began in 1776, and the Latin American Wars of Independence, which took place from 1810 to the 1820s, were both rooted in these Enlightenment political ideas and helped to shape the political landscape of the Americas.

To know more about American independence movements


What is the Haritage ​



1. property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance

2. a special or individual possession; an allotted portion.


Sorry if this doesn't answer your question. Next time try to be more specific with your question.

Compare and contrast Samples’s and McConnell’s views about the Electoral College.




Both Samples and McConnell have expressed their views about the Electoral College, but they have different perspectives on this issue.

John Samples, the vice president of the Cato Institute, has criticized the Electoral College as an outdated and undemocratic system. He argues that the Electoral College gives too much power to small states and allows for the possibility of electing a president who does not have a popular mandate. Samples believe that the president should be elected by a popular vote, as this would better reflect the will of the people and ensure that all votes count equally.

On the other hand, Mitch McConnell, a former senator and Senate majority leader, has defended the Electoral College as an important component of the U.S. electoral system. He argues that the Electoral College helps to ensure that the president is elected through a balanced and representative process, with every state having a voice in the election. McConnell believes that the Electoral College is a safeguard against the tyranny of the majority and helps to protect the rights of smaller states and minority groups.

In summary, Samples and McConnell have differing views on the Electoral College. While Samples criticizes it as undemocratic and advocates for a popular vote system, McConnell defends it as an important component of the U.S. electoral system that balances the interests of all states and protects against the tyranny of the majority.

this earl nola artist lived out his final years in france where there was less segregation and he regularly performed for large crowds


The Earl Nola artist that lived out his final years in France where there was less segregation and he regularly performed for large crowds was Sidney Bechet.

Sidney Bechet (1897-1959) was a clarinetist, saxophonist, and composer from the United States. He was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, and was known for his improvisational skills and technical virtuosity in jazz music. He was one of the first jazz musicians to achieve international recognition, and his music had a profound influence on the development of jazz in the 20th century.Sidney Bechet was a self-taught musician who began playing the clarinet at the age of six. He later switched to the soprano saxophone and became a virtuoso on the instrument. He was a member of several important jazz bands, including the New Orleans Rhythm Kings, Duke Ellington's Orchestra, and Benny Goodman's Orchestra. He also performed as a soloist, and his recordings of songs such as "Summertime" and "Blue Horizon" are still popular today.In the 1950s, Sidney Bechet moved to France, where he was more widely appreciated and less constrained by the racial segregation that he experienced in the United States. He lived in France until his death in 1959, and he continued to perform for large crowds throughout his life. In addition to his music, Bechet was also a prolific composer, and he wrote more than 100 songs during his career. He was posthumously inducted into the Down Beat Jazz Hall of Fame in 1971.

for more such question on segregation


the secret gentlemen's agreement that president theodore roosevelt worked out with the japanese in 1907-1908


The secret gentlemen's agreement that President Theodore Roosevelt worked out with the Japanese in 1907-1908 is known as the Root-Takahira Agreement.

The Root-Takahira Agreement was a secret agreement that was signed on November 30, 1908, between the United States and Japan. The agreement was signed by U.S. Secretary of State Elihu Root and Japanese Ambassador to the United States Takahira Kogorō.

The agreement was signed to improve the relationship between the two countries by resolving territorial disputes in Asia and the Pacific. It also allowed the United States to recognize Japan's dominance in Korea, while Japan agreed to respect American interests in the Philippines and the Open Door Policy in China.

The Root-Takahira Agreement was a significant diplomatic accomplishment that helped to reduce tensions between the United States and Japan. However, the agreement was controversial, as it allowed Japan to expand its influence in Asia at the expense of other countries.

For more such questions on Root-Takahira Agreement, click on:


FILL IN THE BLANK when the united states sent military troops into iraq, it was using ____ capital to influence policy.


When the United States sent military troops into Iraq, it was using its military capital to influence policy.

Military capital refers to a nation's military power, including its military personnel, weapons, and technological capabilities. The United States, as a superpower with one of the largest and most advanced military forces in the world, was able to use its military capital to exert influence over other nations and pursue its foreign policy objectives, including the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The decision to send troops to Iraq was made by the U.S. government, which believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and posed a threat to U.S. national security. However, the invasion of Iraq was controversial and divisive, and its long-term consequences are still being felt today.

To know more about Military capital


what are the s.p.i.c.e outcomes at the end of the office of price administration and civilian supply ?




The Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply (OPACS) was an American federal agency that was responsible for regulating prices and rationing scarce goods and supplies during World War II.

The SPICE acronym stands for Social, Political, Intellectual, Cultural, and Economic outcomes, which are broad categories used to analyze historical events. Here are some potential SPICE outcomes at the end of the OPACS:

Social outcomes: The end of the OPACS meant that civilians had more freedom to purchase and consume goods without restrictions. This may have led to a sense of relief and gratitude among the American public, who no longer had to worry about rationing or price controls.

Political outcomes: The end of the OPACS signaled a shift away from government intervention in the economy, which was a controversial issue during World War II. Some Americans may have seen this as a victory for free market capitalism, while others may have been concerned about the potential for inflation or price gouging without government oversight.

Intellectual outcomes: The end of the OPACS may have sparked debates among economists and policymakers about the effectiveness of government intervention in the economy during wartime. Some may have argued that the OPACS was necessary to prevent hoarding and price gouging, while others may have criticized the agency for stifling innovation and market competition.

Cultural outcomes: The end of the OPACS may have affected American popular culture in subtle ways, such as through advertising and media. Companies may have used the lifting of price controls as a marketing strategy to promote their products, while filmmakers and writers may have incorporated themes of economic freedom or government intervention into their work.

Economic outcomes: The end of the OPACS had significant economic implications. With price controls lifted, some goods may have become more expensive or scarce, which could have impacted different sectors of the economy in various ways. Overall, the end of the OPACS signaled a transition to a post-war economy and the challenges that came with rebuilding after the war.

name and date each country that joined ww1 In order


The majority joined on the side of the Allies, including Serbia, Russia, France, Britain, Italy and the United States. They were opposed by Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, who together formed the Central Powers.

What are the reasons of WW1?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was the direct cause of World War I, bringing into play the alliances, imperialism, militarism, and nationalism stated above. The Archduke was assassinated in June 1914 by a Serbian nationalist terrorist organization known as the Black Hand.

Germany has received responsibility for invading Belgium in August 1914 despite Britain's assurances that it would be protected. Nonetheless, historians have the idea that the decision was popular based on the public festivities that followed the British and French declaration of war, and politicians are known to follow popular opinion.

The three days leading up to July 28th, 1914, saw the Russian Empire progressively enlist in World War I. This started when Serbia, a Russian ally, was declared at war by Austria-Hungary.

Learn more about WW1:


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