Photosystem II A) has P700 at its reaction center. B) is reduced by NADPH. C) passes electrons to photosystem I. D) does not have a reaction center. E) releases CO2 as a by-product.


Answer 1

Photosystem II has P700 at its reaction center. This is a photosystem composed of chlorophyll and other accessory pigments that absorb light energy. P700 is the type of chlorophyll that acts as the reaction center for this photosystem.

Photosystem II is reduced by NADPH. This is a coenzyme that carries electrons and is responsible for providing the electrons necessary for Photosystem II's function. Photosystem II passes electrons to Photosystem I. Photosystem I then passes electrons to an enzyme known as Ferredoxin, which in turn passes electrons to NADP+. Photosystem II does not have a reaction center. This is because the reaction center is composed of P700 chlorophyll, which is only found in Photosystem II. Photosystem II releases CO2 as a by-product. This happens when energy from light is absorbed by the reaction center and the electrons from Photosystem II are passed to Photosystem I. The CO2 is then released as a result of the electron transfer.

To learn more about Chlorophyll :


Related Questions

select all of the reasons that gene regulation is advantageous in multicellular eukaryotic organisms.


The reasons that gene regulation is advantageous in multicellular eukaryotic organisms are;

B-it saves energyC-not all cells need all proteins encoded in the genome

What is gene regulation?

Gene regulation is the process by which the expression of genes is controlled in response to various internal and external signals. It is a complex process that involves several mechanisms, including the binding of regulatory proteins to specific DNA sequences, chemical modification of DNA or histones, and the action of non-coding RNAs.

Gene regulation is essential for the proper development and functioning of all living organisms. It allows cells to respond to changes in their environment, differentiate into different cell types, and perform specialized functions.

Learn more on gene regulation here:


The complete question:

select all of the reasons that gene regulation is advantageous in multicellular organisms.

-it allows cells to delete unneeded genes and recycle the nucleotides for other processes

-it saves energy

-not all cells need all proteins encoded in the genome

which of the following molecules is a nucleotide precursor that is incorporated into the newly synthesized dna strand during normal dna replication?


During DNA replication, the nucleotides that make up the newly synthesized DNA strand are derived from deoxynucleotide triphosphates, which consist of a deoxyribose sugar, a nitrogenous base, and three phosphate groups. The correct answer is (d) Deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP).

One of these nucleotides is deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP), which pairs with deoxyadenosine triphosphate (dATP) through hydrogen bonds to form the base pairs that hold the two strands of DNA together. Ribose is the sugar component found in RNA, but it is not a precursor for DNA synthesis. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an important energy molecule in the cell, but it is not incorporated into DNA during replication.

Learn more about nucleotides


Full Question ;

"Which of the following molecules is a nucleotide precursor that is incorporated into the newly synthesized DNA strand during normal DNA replication: (a) Deoxyribose, (b) Ribose, (c) Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), or (d) Deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP)?"

contrast the following activities in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: replication of dna transcription or translation gene regulation cell division


The cytoplasm of the cell is where prokaryotic transcription takes place, whereas the nucleus of the cell is where eukaryotic transcription takes place.

Direct transcription of prokaryotic mRNA from DNA is possible. Eukaryotes, in contrast, produce pre-mRNA first, followed by the processing of mature mRNA. DNA replication, which is primarily accomplished through binary fission or budding in prokaryotes, is the initial stage of cell division. DNA replication happens during the synthesis (S) phase of the cell cycle, which is a somewhat complex process in eukaryotes. Transcriptional control happens at the transcriptional level in prokaryotes, where transcription and translation both take place concurrently in the cytoplasm.

To know more about cytoplasm, click here:


Contrast the following activities in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: Replication of DNA, Transcription, Gene Regulation, Cell Division.

as characteristized in lecture, an oil spill is an example of: question 12 options: competition antagonism ammensalism commensalism


Antagonism can take one of two forms: competitive and non-competitive. Ketamine, on the other hand, is a non-competitive foe of the NMDA-glutamate receptor, whereas naloxone is a competitive foe of all opioid receptors. The correct answer is Antagonism.

Competitive antagonism is based on the idea that an agonist or antagonist can bind to the same recognition site(s) on the receptor and compete for those sites when they are present simultaneously.

A competitive antagonist blocks the agonist's action by binding to the same site as the agonist but not activating it. To prevent the receptor from being activated, a non-competitive antagonist binds to an allosteric (non-agonist) site on the receptor.

To learn more about Antagonism here


What is a structural observation you can make to explain why the rumen does not rip or burst?​



The rumen is a specialized compartment of the stomach found in ruminant animals such as cows, sheep, and goats. It is designed to handle the fermentation of cellulose and other complex carbohydrates through the activity of microorganisms. One structural observation that explains why the rumen does not rip or burst is its ability to stretch and accommodate large volumes of feed.

The rumen is a muscular sac that can expand and contract as needed to accommodate the incoming feed. The walls of the rumen are lined with folds of tissue called papillae, which increase the surface area available for nutrient absorption. The rumen also contains a complex network of muscles and nerves that allow it to move and mix the contents, ensuring that all parts of the feed are exposed to the microorganisms and digestive enzymes.

Additionally, the rumen is supported by the diaphragm and other surrounding organs, which help to prevent it from overexpanding or rupturing. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities and provides support to the rumen as it expands.

Overall, the combination of muscularity, papillae, and support from surrounding structures enables the rumen to handle large volumes of feed without ripping or bursting.





Choose the right answer.

If the stem on the left has the weights of the juniors and the stem on the right has the weights of the freshmen, we can see that the

weigh more.jioj

Fish respiration and plant photosynthesis simulation


Photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and ecological output can all be studied using this program. Set the plant number to 0 to try the fish only. Set the fish to 0 to try only vegetation. Set the light level to 0 to monitor plant cellular respiration. The simulation will execute immediately whenever a variable is modified.

Aquatic plants, like land plants, engage in photosynthesis and internal metabolism. When marine autotrophs release oxygen as a result of photosynthesis, it dissolves in water. Dissolved oxygen can be detected directly to determine whether aquatic plants engage in photosynthesis or cellular respiration under various circumstances.

Finding a consistent supply of aquatic plants can be challenging because some species are only accessible periodically and others are invasive. As a result, for this novel exercise,We suggest Java moss (Vesicularia dubyana) or Christmas moss (Vesicularia montagnei), two watery aquaria-friendly aquatic bryophytes. As evidenced by our findings, Java moss experiences cellular respiration in the dark, resulting in a decrease in dissolved oxygen, and rapidly changes to photosynthesis when subjected to an LED or halogen plant light. Using this tough aquatic plant, students can simply adjust light levels to learn more about photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

PLEASE HELP!!!What type of air masses form over land in polar regions?
cold and dry air masses
warm and dry air masses
cold and wet air masses
warm and wet air masses


In polar regions, air masses that develop over land tend to be chilly and dry.

These air masses are characterized by their cold temperatures and low moisture content and are thought to originate over high latitudes.

Air massesLarge bodies of air known as air masses have similar properties with one another, including stability, humidity, and temperature. The area across which an air mass originates affects the features of that air mass. A Continental Polar (cP) air mass is the term used to describe the air mass that develops over land in polar latitudes.The high latitudes where the cP air mass originates have extremely frigid temperatures, frequently below freezing. Because of its lack of access to a source of moisture, this air mass gets dry as it passes over land. As a result, the air mass has low relative humidity and moisture content.

learn more about air masses here


When electrons flow along the electron transport chains of mitochondria, which of the changes occurs? The correct answer is (B) the pH of the matrix increases. As electrons are passed along the electron transport chains, protons are actively transported from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space.


Protons are actively transferred from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane gap as electrons move along the electron transport chains. Option 4 is Correct.

One of the changes that takes place as electrons move along mitochondria's electron transport chains is a rise in the matrix's pH. Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration take place in mitochondria. In the former, energy is released together with the release of electrons from the breakdown of organic molecules.

In the latter, after being activated by light, the electrons join the chain, and the energy released is utilized to create carbs. At the conclusion of cellular respiration comes the electron transport chain, a network of chemical processes. This chain is found in the cell's cristae or inner mitochondrial membrane. Option 4 is Correct.

Learn more about mitochondria Visit:


Correct Question:

When electrons flow along the electron transport chains of mitochondria, which of the following changes occurs?

1. NAD+ is oxidized.

2. The electrons gain free energy.

3. The cytochromes phosphorylate ADP to form ATP.

4. The pH of the matrix increases.

5. ATP synthase pumps protons by active transport.

6. the pH of the matrix increases.

what are the names for the 2 wind systems where pressure belts meet called



The two wind systems where pressure belts meet are called the "Polar Front" and the "Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)".


9. What number on the diagram is pointing to the deltoid muscle?




17 number on the diagram is pointing to the deltoid muscle

In what type of organisms can the CRISPR/Cas system be found naturally?


Bacteria and archaea

please help me i begging you

topic : Nonodontogenic
inflammatory processes of maxillofacial area (furuncle, carbuncle, erysipelas).

1) Furuncle (boil) is acute infection of:
A. a hair follicle and adjacent soft tissue.
B. a hair folicle.
C. a group of adjacent hair follicles become deeply infected.
D. oil and sweat-gland.
E. oilgland.

2) Cavernous sinus thrombosis can complicate boils or carbuncles on the:
A. lower lip and submentum.
B. parotid region.
C. nose, upper lip and cheek.
D. temporal region.
E. submandibular regionandneck.

3) The boils may coalesce into violaceous plaques at patient with:
B. diabetes mellitus.
C. congenital anomalies.
D. atopic dermatitis.
E. cellulitis.

4)Select the type of microorganism causing of erysipelas:
A. staphylococcus.
B. pneumococcus.
C. actynomycetes.
D. herpes zoster.
E. streptococcus.

5) Depression of which of the following cells delay wound healing:
A. neutrophils.
B. lymphocytes.
C. monocytes.
D. erythrocytes.
E. none of above listed.

6) Organisms gain entry to form abscess:
A. direct infection.
B. local extension.
C. lymphatic and hematogenous spread.
D. none of above listed.
E. all of above.

7) Re-sutured wounds:
A. heals foster.
B. gets infected.
C. heals slower.
D. do not heal easily.
E. none of above listed.

8) If boils are recurred which of the following should be excluded:
A. epilepsy.
B. diabetes.
C. hypertension.
D. arrhythmias.
E. allergy.

9) Boils usually infect regional lymph nodes:
A. secondary.
B. primarily.
C. all of above.
D. none of above.
E. chronically.

10) The major factor in the production of inflammatory edema is:
A. arterial dilatation.
B. venous obstruction.
C. leukocytosis.
D. all of above listed.
E. increased capillary permeability.

11) Multiple pustules appear on the affected surface of skin by:
A. воil.
B. carbuncles.
C. eresipelas.
D. hidradenitis suppurativa.
E. cubcutaneous granuloma.

12) The causative agent of boils and carbuncles are:
A. streptococcus.
B. e. coli;
C. proteus;
D. association s.aureus and proteus.
E. staphylococcus.

13) The unlimited spread of on exudate through the tissues in acute inflammation is a characteristic feature of:
A. granulomatous infection.
B. cellulitis.
C. abscess.
D. leukocytosis
E. leukopedia

14) Predisposing factor for origin of erysipelas in adult is:
A. furunculosis.
B. a cut in the skin, skin ulcers, and problems with the drainage through the veins or lymph system.
C. congenital anomalies of skin.
D. exudative diathesis.
E. cardivascular decompensation.

15) To choice diseases for differential diagnosis of boil:
A. cavernous sinus thrombosis, mediastinitis.
B. siphylis, tuberculosis, actinomycosis.
C. hidradenitis suppurativa, acne vulgaris, anthrax.
D. lymphadenitis.
E. lupus erythematosus.



1) A. a hair follicle and adjacent soft tissue.

2) C. nose, upper lip, and cheek.

3) B. diabetes mellitus.

4) E. streptococcus.

5) B. lymphocytes.

6) E. all of the above.

7) C. heals slower.

8) B. diabetes.

9) A. secondary.

10) E. increased capillary permeability.

11) A. boil.

12) E. staphylococcus.

13) B. cellulitis.

14) B. a cut in the skin, skin ulcers, and problems with the drainage through the veins or lymph system.

15) C. hidradenitis suppurativa, acne vulgaris, anthrax.


1.  A

2.  C

3.  A

4.  E

5.  C

6.  E

7.   C

8.  B

9.  A

10. E

11.  D

12. E

13. B

14. B

15. C

You are crossing two pea plants. One is heterozygous for yellow. The second pea plant is homozygous for green. Use "G/g" as the letter to represent the gene for this problem.



Parent 1 genotype: Gg

Parent 2 genotype: gg

gg's bro

the reason water takes so long to heat up and cool down is because it has a relatively high .


The reason water takes so long to heat up and cool down is due to its relatively high specific heat capacity. Specific heat capacity is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one unit mass of a substance by one degree Celsius.

Water has a very high specific heat capacity compared to many other substances, which means that it requires a large amount of heat energy to raise its temperature even by a small amount. This is why water takes longer to heat up compared to other materials with lower specific heat capacities, such as metals.

Similarly, water also takes a longer time to cool down because it requires a significant amount of heat energy to be removed in order for its temperature to drop. This is why it can take a while for the water to cool down to room temperature even after being heated.

The high specific heat capacity of water is important for many biological and environmental processes. For example, it helps to regulate the temperature of the human body and other living organisms, and it can also moderate temperature changes in aquatic environments.

To learn more about heat capacity


Why is the rumen not acidic?​



please make me brainalist


To keep the rumen bugs happy, cows chew cud. Chewing cud creates saliva, which has bicarbonate in it and opposes acid. Therefore, the more the cows chew cud, the more saliva they produce, and this saliva when swallowed with the cud maintains a rumen pH between 6.0 and 7.0, keeping the important microbes happy.

Answer: How come the rumen is not acidic? Rumen bacteria quickly break down carbohydrates in the rumen into sugars, which are subsequently fermented to produce an excess of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), lowering the rumen's pH. In what way do ruminants and rumen microorganisms interact?

Explanation: I changed the wording for you so you do not have to

I hope this helps broski

All of the following types of metabolism use a membrane-associated electron transport system (ETS) EXCEPT for
Choose one:
A. lithotrophy.
B. phototrophy.
C. mitochondrial respiration.
D. fermentation.
E. organotrophy.


During fermentation, the electrons from glycolytic responses are gotten back to the to some extent oxidized food source as opposed to being gone through an ETS framework to a terminal electron acceptor. The correct answer is (D).

The fact that the protein complexes that make up the various types of ETS share a common ancestor is indicated by their homology.

The electron transport chain is a progression of four protein buildings that couple redox responses, making an electrochemical slope that prompts the production of ATP in a total framework named oxidative phosphorylation. It occurs in mitochondria during photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Smoke that is exhaled by smokers and smoke that is produced when a tobacco product is burned. It is called compulsory or aloof smoking to Breathe in ETS. Likewise called natural tobacco smoke and handed-down cigarette smoke.

To learn more about glycolytic here


Which of the following events is an important part of the engineering design process?
testing and evaluating models
evaluating design constraints
designing and building models
all of these


D. all of these are important parts of the engineering design process. Testing and evaluating models, evaluating design constraints, and designing and building models are all key steps in the iterative process of engineering design.

What is an engineering?

Engineering is a field of study and practice that involves the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design, develop, build, and maintain structures, machines, systems, processes, and materials that solve practical problems and improve our lives. Engineers use creativity, critical thinking, and technical knowledge to address challenges related to a wide range of industries.

What is desigh constraints?

Design constraints are the limitations, requirements, or conditions that must be taken into account when creating a design solution. They may be imposed by various factors, such as the project's scope, budget, timeline, regulatory requirements, safety standards, environmental concerns, user needs, or technological limitations.

To know more about engineering, visit:


which of the following hypotheses emphasizes isolation and environmental factors as forces of natural evolution?


A form of hypothesis that emphasizes isolation and environmental variables as causes of natural evolution stresses stressful environmental circumstances.

According to the principle of natural selection, organisms breed more young than they can withstand in their surroundings. Those who are more physically capable of surviving, maturing, and reproducing. We refer to this as allopatric speciation. Allopatric, peripatric, parapatric, sympatric, and artificial speciation are the five different forms.

When a species divides into two distinct groups that are separated from one another, allopatric speciation takes place. The impact of isolation was proposed to be explained by the "social control theory." According to the social control hypothesis, internalized commitments to and overt influence from network members tend to deter unhealthy habits and promote healthy ones.

Learn more about natural evolution Visit:


Correct Question:

What type of hypotheses emphasizes isolation and environmental factors as forces of natural evolution?

Color blindness is an X-linked recessive trait. A color-blind man marries a homozygous normal female. They have two children, both with what is known as Turner Syndrome (monosomy X or X0 or X_). One child has normal vision and one is color-blind. Did nondisjunction occur in the mother or father for the child with normal vision? Explain.


Men are more likely than women to have red-green color blindness because it is inherited on the X chromosome. This is due to Only one X chromosome coming from a male's mother.

Red-green color blindness will occur if that X chromosome, as opposed to a normal X chromosome, contains the gene for the condition.

He would have a Y and an Xc, both of which contain DNA that can cause color blindness; that is, all of his Xs would cause color blindness. Because of this, he probably doesn't see colors. There is a 50% chance that each daughter will carry the disease, and there is a 50% chance that each son will be color blind.

Red-green color blindness and hemophilia A are two examples of X-linked recessive conditions: Color blindness that is red-green. A person with red-green color blindness is able to see normally but cannot differentiate between blue-green and red shades.

To learn more about chromosomes here


Scientists are studying a genetic disorder. They discover that when both parents are carriers, and do not express the disorder themselves, their children have a 25% chance of developing the disorder. If only one parent is a carrier, none of the children express the disorder. What type of disorder are they most likely studying?


The genetic disorder that the scientists are most likely studying is an autosomal recessive disorder.

What is the autosomal recessive disorde?

In this type of disorder, a person needs to inherit two copies of the mutated gene, one from each parent, to develop the disorder. When both parents are carriers of a recessive gene mutation, there is a 25% chance that each of their children will inherit two copies of the mutated gene, and therefore develop the disorder.

However, if only one parent is a carrier, the children will inherit one copy of the normal gene from that parent and one copy of the mutated gene from the other parent, and therefore will not develop the disorder.

Read more on disorder here:


select all of the following that are ethical concerns associated with the use of transgenic organisms. multiple select question.


Potential harm to the environment

Potential harm to non-target organisms

Unintended consequences of gene transfer

What is a gene ?

The DNA sequence of a gene determines the specific characteristics or traits that it codes for, such as eye color, hair color, height, susceptibility to certain diseases, and more. Genes can be turned on or off by various regulatory mechanisms, and mutations or changes in the DNA sequence of a gene can result in altered or non-functional proteins, leading to genetic disorders.

Humans have an estimated 20,000-25,000 genes, and each individual inherits one copy of each gene from each parent. The study of genes and their functions is known as genetics, and has important applications in fields such as medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology.

To know more about gene visit :

Please help on this fast


The correct answer is: The moths are living in an environment with dark trees.

2. (b) Describe TWO environmental benefits of urbanization.



Urbanization refers to the process of people moving from rural areas to urban areas, leading to the growth of cities and towns. While urbanization is often associated with negative environmental impacts, such as pollution and habitat destruction, there are also some potential environmental benefits:

Reduced land use: By concentrating people and development in urban areas, urbanization can help to reduce the amount of land that needs to be converted for agricultural or natural ecosystems. This can help to protect biodiversity and reduce the amount of habitat destruction that occurs due to human activities.

Efficient use of resources: In many cases, urban areas are more efficient in their use of resources than rural areas. For example, people in cities often use less water and energy per capita than people in rural areas, due to the more efficient design of urban infrastructure and buildings. This can help to reduce the environmental impact of human activities, including greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution.

How does water flow?


water flows down due to gravity.
Water will always form a flat surface unless it is acted on by another force, such as wind. Objects can sink, float, or stay suspended in water. Air takes up space in water and will float to the top. In nature, water flows down due to gravity.

If the temperature of the skin is too low or too high this information is conveyed to an area of the brain called the
A. cerebellum.
B. hypothalamus.
C. cerebrum.
D. medulla oblongata.
E. spinal cord.


If the temperature of the skin is too low or too high, this information is conveyed to an area of the brain called the hypothalamus. Therefore the correct option is option B.

The hypothalamus is a small part of the brain that performs a variety of critical functions. The hypothalamus is found in the brain's basal region, at the bottom of the third ventricle. It is situated between the optic nerves and above the pituitary gland.

The hypothalamus is the body's regulatory centre. The hypothalamus is responsible for: Body temperature control Hunger regulation Thirst regulation Water and salt balance The release of hormones The control of emotional behaviour.The hypothalamus, in addition to these roles, controls the pituitary gland's function.

The hypothalamus sends information to the pituitary gland, which then transmits signals to other endocrine organs. The hypothalamus is also involved in the control of the autonomic nervous system. Therefore the correct option is option B.

For such more question on hypothalamus:


In the human physiology lab you could measure the physiological activity of all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a. Muscles b. Heart c. Lungs d. Liver.


In the human physiology lab you could measure the physiological activity of all the following except Heart.

Muscle activity can be measured using methods like electromyography (EMG), which records the electrical activity of muscle fibers. This can be used to evaluate the effects of training or rehabilitation programs, as well as to assess muscle function and identify neuromuscular disorders.

Lung activity can be measured using methods like spirometry, which measures the volume and flow of air in and out of the lungs. This can be used to evaluate lung function, identify respiratory disorders.

Liver activity can be evaluated using blood tests that assess liver function, such as measurements of liver enzymes, bilirubin, and other liver health markers.

Learn more about Physiology


Protein Quality of Foods Click and drag to indicate whether the following foods provide high-quality (complete) or lower quality (incomplete) protein High-Quality (Complete) Protein Lower-Quality (Incomplete) Protein GELATIN Gelatin Whey (mik protein) Garbanro bean


High-Quality (Complete) (Complete) Protein: Low-Quality Whey (milk protein) (Incomplete) gelatin with garbanzo beans for protein

What types of food include incomplete proteins?

The majority of plant-based foods, such as nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, whole grains, tofu, rice, and vegetables, are incomplete protein sources. A complete protein can be created by combining incomplete proteins at meals or throughout the day.

What kind of sources of protein are complete and incomplete?

All animal-based foods, including meat, dairy, and eggs, include complete protein, according to Harvard Health Publications. Most plant-based protein sources, including whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, spinach, broccoli, and mushrooms, are deficient in certain essential amino acids.

To know more about Protein visit:-


What is responsible for the high resolution of the electron


Answer: The high resolution of EM images results from the use of electrons (which have very short wavelengths) as the source of the illuminating radiation. Electron microscopy is used in conjunction with a variety of ancillary techniques (e.g. thin sectioning, immuno-labeling, negative staining) to answer specific questions.


FILL IN THE BLANK thousands of scientists have found that ___helps virtually every age-related condition that people encounter.


Thousands of scientists have found that (B) exercise helps virtually every age-related condition that people encounter.

Early adulthood is considered a new stage in life between adolescence and early adulthood, which lasts around 18 to 25 years. Five characteristics of adulthood emerge: exploration of identity, instability, self-focus, feelings between adolescence and adulthood, and a sense of vast future possibilities. Adulthood emerges mainly in industrialized countries, where most young people are educated and where the median age of marriage and childbirth is around 30 years old. Emerging adulthood varies across industrialized countries. It lasted longest in Europe, while in industrialized Asia freedom from emerging egocentrism in adulthood was balanced by obligations to parents and conservative views on sexuality.

Exercise helps with weight loss and weight loss maintenance. Exercise increases your metabolism or the number of calories you burn each day. It can also help you maintain and increase lean body mass, which can also help increase the number of calories you burn each day.

In non-industrialized countries, emerging adults, although present only among middle-class elites, are expected to grow in the 21st century as these countries become more prosperous.

Complete Question:

Thousands of scientist have found that _____ helps virtually every age-related condition that people encounter

A. weight-loss surgery

B. exercise

C. low-fat diets

D. moderate alc consumptions

Learn more about Age related:


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