Outside the lining of the alveolus is blood, which is at a gauge pressure of 5 mmHg, while air is contained inside the alveolus. What is the absolute pressure inside the alveolus


Answer 1


765 mmHg


The gauge pressure = 5 mmHg

To get the absolute pressure we use the relationship

[tex]P_{ab}= P_{g}+ P_{atm}[/tex]

where [tex]P_{ab}[/tex] is the absolute pressure = ?

[tex]P_{g}[/tex] is the gauge pressure = 5 mmHg

[tex]P_{atm}[/tex] = atmospheric pressure = 760 mmHg

substituting, we have

[tex]P_{ab}[/tex] = 5 mmHg + 760 mmHg = 765 mmHg

Related Questions

The ostrich is a bird. However, it has traits that are different from those of the birds we typically see flying around our neighborhoods. Using credible sources, investigate the environment and adaptations of ostriches to explain how they evolved to survive in their environment.



According to National Geographic, ostriches are a part of a very small group of birds that cannot fly because unlike most birds, their small wings are not strong enough to carry their body for flight and their breastbone isn't balanced enough for flying. Birds that are unable to fly are called ratites.

A number of scientists namely Thomas Huxley, Richard Owen, and others have tried to show that these ratites are actually related to each other and eventually, it was discovered that they all had one thing in common, the way the bones at the roof of the mouth were arranged was similar to that of reptiles rather than other birds.

Richard Owen found and assembled the remains of an extinct ostrich skeleton which was an extinct moa and contrary to already held opinion, one ratite known as tinamous did not really fit with the profile of a ratite because it could fly, even though almost grudgingly and they possessed keeled sternum which suggests that they evolved from flying birds.

DNA tests showed that tinamous evolved within ratites and not necessarily as a separate entity. The tests also showed that moas and tinamous are related.

It was also speculated that the division of the supercontinent Pangaea southern side led to the separation of flightless ratite ancestors, causing each landlocked group to evolve and become the flightless birds we know today such as the ostrich, rheas, etc.


An ostrich is an extremely large bird that lives in Africa. It can’t fly, but it has powerful legs that allow it to outrun most predators. Its flexible knees and two-toed feet enable it to run easily. An ostrich has strong leg muscles that it can use to kick large predators. It has claws on its wings to defend itself from predators and thick feathers to keep it warm at night. Ostriches have thick eyelids that protect their eyes from sandstorms.


When the body cells are hypotonic to the blood plasma, water will move from intracellular fluid to extracellular fluid.
A. True
B. False





I need help with this



I know the answer





Following antigenic stimulation, phosphorylation of _________ relieves inhibition of the transcription factor


Answer: zap70, ITAM.


An antigen is any substance that is capable of stimulating an immune response by activating lymphocytes, which are the body’s infection-fighting white blood cells. Examples of antigens could be proteins that are part of bacteria or viruses or components of serum and red blood cells from other individuals, all of them are foreign antigens originated outside the body. However, there can also be autoantigens (which are self-antigens), originated within the body. In normal conditions, the body is able to distinguish self from nonself. And the antigens that represent a danger induces an immune response by stimulating the lymphocytes to produce antibody or to attack the antigen directly. This is called an antigenic stimulation of the immune system.

ZAP-70 (Zeta-chain-associated protein kinase 70) is a protein that is part of the T cell receptor, thereby it plays a critical role in T-cell signaling. When the TCR (receptor of T cells) is activated by the presentation of the specific antigen through the MHC, a protein called Lck acts to phosphorylate the intracellular CD3 chains and the ζ chains of the TCR complex, allowing the binding of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase, ZAP-70. Lck then phosphorylates and activates ZAP-70, which in turn phosphorylates another molecule in the signaling cascade called LAT (short for Linker of Activated T cells), a transmembrane protein that serves as an anchor site for several other proteins. The tyrosine phosphorylation cascade initiated by the Lck culminates in the intracellular mobilization of calcium ion (Ca2+) and the activation of important signaling cascades within the lymphocytes. These include the Ras-MEK-ERK pathway, which is based on activating certain transcription factors such as NFAT, NFκB and AP-1. These transcription factors regulate the production of of certain gene products, most notably cytokines such as interleukin-2 that promote the long-term proliferation and differentiation of activated lymphocytes.

The ITAM motifs (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif) are sequences of four amino acids present in the intracellular tails of certain proteins that serve as receptors within the immune system. Thus, some receptors such as the TCR have ITAM sequences that, when activated, trigger an intracellular reaction based on consecutive phosphorylations.  Kinases are recruited for this purpose.

So, ZAP-70 is a protein tyrosine kinase with a role in T-cell receptor signal transduction. During T-cell activation, ZAP-70 binds to ITAM and becomes tyrosine phosphorylated. The binding of ZAP-70 to the phosphorylated ITAM is able to activate its kinase activity, and relieves the inhibition of the transcription factor which regulates genes that are involved in the immune reaction.

Which medical conditions are associated with large amounts of fat and sugar in your diet? Select three options.



gall bladder disease





heart disease



A decrease in muscular activity or damage to neurons that attach to skeletal muscle can lead to a reduction in the size of muscle called



The correct answer is atrophy

Which sentence about protist is accurate



there are no sentences


Why are G proteins known as guanine nucleotide-binding protein?



G proteins, also known as guanine nucleotide-binding proteins, are a family of proteins that act as molecular switches inside cells, and are involved in transmitting signals from a variety of stimuli outside a cell to its interior. ... G proteins belong to the larger group of enzymes called GTPases.

What term matches the following definition: " ...a fundamental evolutionary process that results in both the adaptation of species to their environments and the generation of biodiversity (new species)"?



a.Natural selection


c.Artificial selection


The correct option is A.

Natural selection.


The correct answer is natural selection because Natural selection is an evolutionary process which was discussed by Charles Darwin in 1859, In one of his theory that it is the ability of organisms to develop traits or characteristics that will help them to adapt and ensure their survival in their environment and then passing or transferring these new traits to new species or offsprings over generations through reproduction.

Properties of Water Lab Report

Instructions: Choose a property of water and design an experiment to test the property. Use the following lab template to ensure all lab report components are included.


Identify the purpose of your investigation or the question you are attempting to answer. Be sure to tie in the property of water you are testing.

Safety Notes:
Always have parent(s) or guardian(s) permission and supervision when performing a lab activity at home.
Wear proper protective clothing and eyewear when needed.
Be sure to dispose of all materials properly.
Always wash your hands carefully after touching anything in a lab investigation.

Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Controlled Variable:


The procedure should be clear and detailed so that others can repeat it. The details should be specific in how the procedure changes the independent variable, controls all variables that need to be controlled, and observes or measures the resulting changes to the dependent variable.

Data and Observations:
Present all data and observations in a neat and organized manner. Include tables and graphs where appropriate/possible.

Be sure to answer the following reflection questions as a summary in the conclusion of your lab report:
Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not?
What were the results of your experiment?
What changes would you make if you were to repeat the experiment?

Using what you have learned in the lesson and the experiment, answer the following question in complete sentences.
Analyze the property of water you investigated and provide some real-world applications of the importance of this property of water.



Hypothesis: I think the penny will hold more droplets plain water because adding soap to the water will disrupt surface tension

Independent variable: Penny and water dropper

Dependent variable: plain water

Independent variable:soapy water

Hope this helped

Use the following scenario to answer the next following question(s):

You and your friends go to the beach for vacation. You all walk down to the beach to go swimming. When you get there, you see the water is murky and green, and there are algae blooms floating on top.

Reference: Ref 6-3

If it is excess nutrients which are feeding the algae blooms and lowering the oxygen content in the water, that process is called:
A. nutrient cycling.
B. nitrification.
C. eutrophication.
D. hypoxia.





Eutrophication refers to a situation in which the aquatic environment becomes excessively enriched with nutrients. This leads to algal blooms in aquatic habitats such as lakes. These nutrients come from Fertilisers used in farming, which find their way into water bodies through run-off thereby increasing nutrient levels.

Excess nutrients causes phytoplankton to grow and reproduce at an alarming rate resulting in algal blooms. This bloom disrupts the balance in the ecosystem leading to many problems.

The algae may end up using all the oxygen in the water, causing oxygen shortage for aquatic life. Some of the algae may die, their decay may lead to further oxygen depletion. As oxygen is depleted, aquatic organisms may also begin to die.

1. A star is 520 light years from Earth. During what event in history did the
light now arriving at Earth leave the star?



A light year is the distance which is equal to 9,460,730,472,580.8 km, so:  

= 4.91957985 X [tex]10^{15}[/tex]km  

which is distance travels by the light.  Now what time it takes light to travel distance we found.  

A year has 365.25 days, so,

[tex]1 (\frac{365.25)}{1 year}) (\frac{24}{1 day}) (\frac{3600 s}{1 hr} )[/tex] = 31557600 seg/year

The light speed in the space is equal to 299,792.458 km/s, so:  

4.91957985 x [tex]10^{15} (\frac{1 seg}{29792.458}) \frac{1 year}{31557600}[/tex] = 520 years

if today, August, 2020, then

2020 - 520 = 1500

Spanish and Portuguese spread out over the southern part of the Western Hemisphere and bring in America brought to Spanish colony of Santo Domingo in year 1500.

Therefore, during the  period 1499 AD Columbus discovered JamaicaA light-year is a distance traveled by light in space during a period of one year from a celestial object to another celestial object. The distance between stars and Earth is 520 light-years. So, the light leaving the star is 520 years ago. The present year is 2019. Light from the star left 520 years ago. The time period on Earth is,

[tex]t=2019-520\\ t=1499 AD[/tex]

Learn More:https://brainly.com/question/8244352

Aquatic organisms in coastal areas face a variety of predators on land and in the water and air. Which ocean process exposes the coastal aquatic organisms to land-based predators? a. Changing wind patterns alter the ocean currents, changing tide levels. b. Daily tidal patterns leave areas exposed to the land for part of the day. c. The constant wave action generates nutrients that attract predators. d. The ocean conveyor belt raises and lowers the water levels on the coasts.





The correct answer as to the ocean process that exposes the coastal organisms to land-based predators would be the daily tidal patterns that leave the coastal area exposed to the land for a part of the day.

Some parts of the coastal areas become exposed to land during certain periods of the day as a result of tidal waves. When this happens, the aquatic organisms occupying these coastal areas become temporarily exposed to land predators who hunt and kill them for food.

Therefore, the correct option is b.

g UV radiation causes covalent dimerization of two subsequent ______ bases in DNA. This dimer is recognized and repaired by ______.


Answer: The options are not given.

Here are the options.

a. C and C ;;;; DNA photolyase

b. T and T ;;;;; DNA photolyase

c. C and C ;;;; DNA photoisomerase

d. T and T ;;;;; DNA photoisomerase

e. None of the above


UV light damages the DNA of cells that are exposed by making bonds to be formed between adjacent pyrimidine bases, usually thymines, in the DNA chains. The thymine dimers inhibit or hinder the DNA correct replication during reproduction of the cell.

UV radiation causes covalent dimerization of two subsequent T and T because Thymine bases of DNA directly absorbs a UVB photon . UVB light causes thymine base pairs close to each other in genetic sequences to bond together into pyrimidine dimers, thereby causing a disruption in the strand, which reproductive enzymes cannot copy.

UV-induced thymine dimers can be repaired by photoreactivation, in a process where energy from visible light is used to split the bonds forming the cyclobutane ring through the action of DNA photolyase, an enzyme that repaired damaged cause by uv radiation to dna.

Knowledge of the driver mutations underlying cancer has led to targeted therapeutics, such as the protein kinase inhibitor imatinib (trade name Gleevec) in cases of chronic myeloid leukemia. Cancer cells often become resistant to a given drug, so researchers continue searching for new drugs that target proteins that contribute to the cancerous phenotype. One recent promising approach uses drugs that lead to ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of the target protein. Which of the following mutated proteins are good candidates for this approach?
A) oncogenes
B) proteins with loss-of-function mutations
C) proteins with gain-of-function mutations
D) tumor suppressor genes



C) proteins with gain-of-function mutations


Gain-of-function mutations: In biology, the term "gain-of-function mutation" is described as one of the different types of mutation in which the altered or changed "gene product" consists of an entirely new pattern or molecular function associated with gene expression. However, the "gene-of-function mutations" are being always considered as "Semidominant or Dominant".

In the question above, the correct answer is option C.

A.While the traits studied in Exercise 1 were hypothetical genetic traits, what type of genetic traits do you think are important to study and predict



Genetic disturbances harmful to the organism are genetic characteristics that must be studied and predicted.


Genetic disorders that harm an organism such as sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, Turner syndrome, among others, are important to be studied and predicted, because it will provide better maintenance of that organism. Allowing people who inherit these characteristics to have more efficient treatments and a better life, since the prediction of these characteristics allows the family to establish better adapapitativo methods, that will make the life of this individual easier and with more quality.

Which location is least likely to experience a volcanic eruption? Α. an island hot spot, such as the island of Hawaii B. Hamilton County on the plains of central Texas с. a convergent boundary, as in the Ring of Fire D a volcanic island arc, such as the Aleutian Arc in Alaska



i think that the answer is B. Hamilton County on the plains of central Texas i took the test


Hamilton County on the plains of central Texas is least likely to experience a volcanic eruption. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What are volcanoes?

Molten rock and gases stored under the surface erupt through a volcano, generating a hill or mountain.

Active, inactive, or extinct volcanoes. Active volcanoes are likely to erupt again. Dormant volcanoes may erupt again. Extinct volcanoes won't erupt.Magma collects inside active volcanoes. The magma chamber's pressure forces it through rock channels and onto the planet's surface.

Volcanic eruptions can be violent or slow-moving. Volcanoes erupt through vents on the sides or a primary entrance at the top. The volcano's morphology depends on eruption rate and magma chemistry. Land and sea volcanoes exist. As lava cools and hardens, underwater volcanoes build mountains and ranges. When volcanoes rise above the ocean, they create islands.

Learn more about volcano, here:



contrast primary growth and secondary growth



There are contrast of the Primary growth and Secondary growth in many ways.


The Primary growth is to increase the length of that shoot and the root is referred to the primary growth.The primary growth act the way as shoot apical causing extension to the growth system into the root and ground they root are apical.The primary growth is the plant into that ground to contain water and nutrients that with the soil relation.The primary growth is that root can take different forms depends on the plant is Mono cot,the primary root replace by the stem after the plant germinates its called Adventitious root.The secondary growth is that performed to increase by the girth of the plant.Secondary growth is to produce the lateral cambiums that layer of tissue add to the plant growth.Secondary growth is that performed and support from the shoot system into the transporting  that water and nutrients.Secondary growth is to provide the cross section of the stem and the replace with newer layer, the layer of that growth bark.Secondary growth is to consist that bark remain that the narrow of band, it root is transformed.

Circle the most reactive metal in each set.
1) Magnesium / Potassium
2) Aluminum / Gold
3) Cobalt / Cesium / Calcium
4) Iron / Titanium / Potassium
5) Francium / Lithium / Beryllium




1) potassium


3) Cesium

4) potassium

5) Beryllium

If tall is dominant over short, and yellow seed is dominant over green, how would you write the genotype of a pea plant that is heterozygous for tall, and that produces yellow seeds



The answer has been written in paper and the image of the paper has been attached. Feel free to raise any doubt.

Which statement correctly compares the "Analysis" and "Conclusion" sections of a lab report?



Hello. You did not enter the answer options, but I can help you by stating that the correct comparison between "analyze" and "conclusion" is one that shows that "Analysis" is able to compare specific research data, while "conclusion" is able to suggest additional research to arrive at more concrete data.


In a scientific research, the "Analysis" section is where the specific research data and the interactions and information that can be extracted from them are analyzed, in a succinct and explanatory way. This section is very important to present how these data were acquired and how they work within the theme developed in the research.

The section called "conclusion", in turn, presents the section where the research will conclude the established theme, showing an affirmation discovered through the research or suggesting additional research that will help to establish an efficient conclusion.

For this task, you will imagine that you are a reporter for a scientific magazine. Your task is to explain the process of protein synthesis to someone who does NOT have a science background. Therefore, the explanation needs to be in simple enough terms for anyone to understand. You will organize your article in the following way: Structure and Function of DNA and RNA Transcription and RNA processing Translation Protein modification (general) You must also include the following terms: Double helix Helicase Codon Polymerase 5’ cap Poly (A) tail Introns Exons Splicesomes rRNA, tRNA, Mrna Ribosomes Anticodons E site, P site, A site Initiation Elongation Termination



Please find the explanation below


Our nucleus is made up of a genetic material called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is a double-helical structure that stores the genetic information needed for the optimal functioning of any organism. DNA, alongside RNA are nucleic acids that are composed of NUCLEOTIDES subunits. The nucleotide consists of a pentose sugar (deoxyribose in DNA and ribose in RNA), nitrogenous base and a phosphate group.

However, the genetic information stored in the DNA molecule needs to be expressed in order to form useful products (proteins). This genetic expression is done in two stages viz: transcription and translation. Transcription, which is catalyzed by an enzyme called RNA polymerase is the process whereby the information stored in the DNA is used to synthesize a mRNA molecule. However, this mRNA molecule is considered pre-mature until it is processed. RNA processing occurs in three stages viz: 5' capping, polyadenylation, and splicing.

5' capping involves adding a 5' cap to the marks molecule. Polyadenylation involves adding a poly(A) tail to the mRNA molecule while splicing is the removal of introns (non coding regions) with the aid of Spliceosomes and joining of the exons (coding region). After processing, the mRNA becomes matured and ready to be translated.

Translation is the process whereby the mRNA transcript is used to synthesize a protein molecule. It occurs in the ribosomes (organelles for protein synthesis, a complex of rRNA and proteins) where the mRNA is read in a group of three nucleotides called CODON. The reading is done by the Anticodon of a transfer RNA (tRNA), which is complementary to the codon.

Translation occurs in three stages: initiation, elongation and termination. The mRNA attaches to the P site of the ribosomes (initiation) where it is attached to by a tRNA's anticodon complementary to it. The anticodon carries the amino acid corresponding the codon and shifts to the A-site. The addition of amino acid to the polypeptide chain continues (elongation) until a stop codon is encountered, which signals the end of the translation process i.e. termination. This causes the polypeptide (protein) to be released from the E-site.

The synthesized protein undergoes packaging and modification in the Golgi apparatus.

A purebred tall pea plant is cross-pollinated with a tall, can you please help
heterozygous pea plant. Use a Punnett square to determine the probability the offspring inherita
recessive short allele. (I point)





because if you use the box method you see that half receive a short alele

   T     t

T TT  Tt

T TT   Tt

ASAP What is a photosynthetic pigment? What is a photosynthetic pigment? A. An oxygen based compound that captures light energy. B. A light sensitive compound that changes color. C. A colored compound that captures light energy. D. A manmade compound that reacts to light.


I think the answer is A.


A. An oxygen based compound that captures light energy.

Which of the circumstances below most accurately describes conditions that are likely to permit a robust anti-tumor adaptive immune response?

a. A tumor with high expression of proteins that have mutations in sequences encoding HLA-binding peptides.
b. A robust acute inflammatory response to PAMPs expressed specifically by tumor cells.
c. Anti-tumor T lymphocytes that have high expression of CTLA-4.
d. A tumor with high expression of PD-L1.


Did you ever figure out the answer to this question?

The study of PAMP-DAMP complexes is vital to the advancement of knowledge regarding inflammatory disorders in general and cancer in particular. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What is PAMP-DAMP complexes?

Increasing evidence links inflammation to cancer, and at the root of inflammation are PAMPs and DAMPs (DAMPs). Microorganisms contain PAMPs, which are detected by pattern recognition receptors on monocytes and DCs (PRRs). PRR activation produces pro-inflammatory cytokines.

A robust immune response requires endogenous chemicals that pose 'risk' to self-tissues and are created by injured or stressed cells; these are DAMPs, which also trigger inflammation. PAMPs and DAMPs each have about 100 receptors. PAMPs and DAMPs interact; a PRR can bind to both. In this system, PAMPs and DAMPs affect each other's activation threshold. Thus, PAMP-DAMP relationships describe inflammation in a predictable 'inflammatory code'

PAMP-DAMP complexes are key to understanding inflammatory disorders and cancer.

Learn more about adaptive immune response, here:



During cellular movement which filaments will be the ones that are responsible for attaching and pulling the other filaments along?





Myosin are the major components of both muscle and non muscle cells in striated muscles which is responsible for contraction or movement that convert chemical energy (ATP) into mechanical work thereby generating force and movement.

During cellular movement , myosin filament will be the ones that are responsible for attaching and pulling the other filaments along because Myosin binds to actin at a binding site on the globular actin protein,it also have ATP binding sites which hydrolyses ADP to ATP , ATP binding causes myosin to release actin, which make actin and myosin to detach from each other thereby causing attachment and contraction of other filaments

identify the components ( parts) of DNA



Phosphorus group, a sugar(like deoxyribose or ribose), and a nitrogenous base

(06.03 LC) Which of the following is an example of how HIV can be transmitted from one person to another? Contact between infected blood and a mucus membrane Contact between infected saliva and an open wound Contact between infected blood and skin Contact between infected saliva and lining of mouth



i believe the answer is contact between a infected blood and a mucus membrane


A mutation that hides the effect of another mutation at a site that is distinct from the site of the original mutation, but with in the same gene. This mutation is best described as a



The correct answer is intragenic suppressor mutation.


A suppressor mutation partially or completely converses the effects of a different mutation. A suppressor mutation is of two kinds, that is, an intragenic suppressor and an intergenic suppressor. An intragenic suppressor converses the influence of a mutation at a distinct site in a similar gene.  

On the other hand, an intergenic suppressor converses the influence of a mutation at a distinct locus of the gene. It is the intragenic suppressor mutation, which takes place in a similar gene where the occurrence of the first mutation had taken place. Therefore, the mutation, which hides the influence of another mutation at a location, which is different from the location of the original mutation, but taking place in a similar gene can be illustrated as the intragenic suppressor mutation.  

what type of rocks form from decaying plants



Types of rocks are three types in :- metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rocks, these are rocks formed dirt,soil and organic matter.


Sedimentary rocks are is known to plant contain animal fossils, there is a high level of animals and plant they develop layer of rock fuel include oil natural gas.

Sedimentary rock due to the consist addition of new particles by the water and erosion,basins found on to the earth fore arc and back arc basins.

Coal is the type of sedimentary rock that is plant and dead animals or organic matter,long period under time right conditions.

Sedimentary rock is different type carbonate, coal, chemically performed  carbonate rock several kind of chalk and carbonate minerals.

Metamorphic and igneous rocks are abundant and they the most of rocks are on the earth actually are sedimentary rock,an animal and plant refuse one location and settle there soil and organic matter decaying animals.  


Organic sedimentary rocks form from decaying plants. Over time, organic matter from decaying plants and animals is pressed together and compacted to rocks.


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los principales cambios jurdicos provocados por el coronavirus que tienen un impacto en el sector legal. ? Read and choose the correct option to complete the sentence. Usamos ________ para ir del primero al cuarto piso. la conserje la habitacin el elevador el portero write 32 1/2 in radical form 36. What is the solution to x+3 = -6?HELP! answer if you can! Manufacturing produces self-watering planters for use in upscale retail establishments. Sales projections for the first five months of the upcoming year show the estimated unit sales of the planters each month to be as follows: Inventory at the start of the year was 975 planters. The desired inventory of planters at the end of each month should be equal to 25% of the following month's budgeted sales. Each planter requires four pounds of polypropylene (a type of plastic). The company wants to have 30% of the polypropylene required for next month's production on hand at the end of each month. The polypropylene costs $0.20 per pound. 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Their primary predators in this region are wolves, coyotes, cougars, and bobcats. The reason pronghorn antelope are not found outside of North America is most likely that Group of answer choices Disney established the _______ Film Distribution Company in 1953 to control distribution of its films, an action that became crucial to Disney's efforts to take control over every aspect of the entertainment process, from production to consumption. The treasurer of Riley Coal Co. is asked to compute the cost of fixed income securities for her corporation. Even before making the calculations, she assumes the aftertax cost of debt is at least 3 percent less than that for preferred stock. Debt can be issued at a yield of 11.0 percent, and the corporate tax rate is 20 percent. Preferred stock will be priced at $60 and pay a dividend of $6.40. The flotation cost on the preferred stock is $6. a. Compute the aftertax cost of debt. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Input your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.) b. Compute the aftertax cost of preferred stock. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Input your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.) c. Based on the facts given above, is the treasurer correct? Martha estimated there were 86 marbles in a jar for a contest. The actual number of marbles in the jar was 108. What was the percent error of Martha's estimation? Which of the following descries a solution that contain a buffer? A. Sodium hydroxide, a base, is added to the solution, and the pH of the solution becomes higher. B. Citric acid is added to the solution, but the pH of the solution does not change. C. Acetic acid is added to the solution, and the pH of the solution becomes lower. D. Distilled water is added to the solution, and the pH of the solution does not change. Literature: Short StoryRead this passage from "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar AllanPoe. 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It is equally unredressed when the avenger failsto make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrongIt must be understood that neither by word nor deed had 1given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will. I continued, aswas my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceivethat my smile now was at the thought of his immolation.**