One exception to President Warren G. Harding's policy of isolationism involved in the Middle East, where the United States sought to
a. support a homeland for Jews in Israel.
b. prevent the League of Nations from establishing British and French protectorates in the region.
c. stop the Soviet Union from dominating the area.
d. secure oil-drilling concessions for American companies.
e. curb the rise of Arab nationalism.


Answer 1

President Democratic Candidate Harding made a break from his isolationist approach in the Mideast, where the country worked to get oil drilling rights for American firms. (Choice d)

What do we mean by the policy of isolation?

Isolationists favoured staying out of international affairs and staying out of conflicts in Europe and Asia. The United States continued to expand financially and defend its interests throughout Latin America even while it took steps to prevent political as well as military conflicts across oceans. China is a prime illustration of isolationism. In the fifteenth century, China closed itself off from the outside world and made an effort to maintain its isolation ever since. China sent out large-scale voyages inside the early 14th and early sixteenth centuries, but none more left port after that.

To know more about Isolationists visit:


Related Questions

Which historical interpretation is supported by this source?



This source supports the interpretation that the American Revolution was largely driven by economic concerns. It shows that the American colonists were motivated by economic grievances, such as the taxes imposed on them by the British government, to rebel against their colonial rulers. The source further suggests that the colonists saw the fight for independence as a way to achieve economic freedom from the British.

Read the following sentence.
But while the new labor system was celebrated throughout the northern United States as "free labor," it was also lamented by a growing powerless class of laborers.
What does the author use the word "lamented" to mean?

Question 4 options:

apologized for or regretted later
opposed and quickly removed
longed for and greatly missed
criticized or complained about


The author just use word "lamented" to indicate apologized for or regretted subsequently.

Is a late apology better than none at all?

The findings demonstrated that later apology were more beneficial than early ones, and that feeling heard and appreciated mediated this effect. There is discussion of the effects of fostering a  preparedness for  resolution.

A sincere apology is what?

A real apology that conveys empathy, regret, and a commitment to making amends for past errors is one that is sincere and effective. To put it another way, you must sincerely feel guilty about what you did and regret the mistake  you caused.

To know more about lamented visit:


1. Compare and contrast The Law of the Salian Franks with other law codes. What similarities and differences do you note?

2. All of the sources in this chapter refer to personal relationships — among neighbors, the sick and their caregivers, residents in a monastery, fellow villagers, and family members. How would you compare the ways the sources portray these relationships? How are these shaped by the type of source and who wrote it?

3.Both the Frankish law code and the sources about Charlemagne include information about women’s roles. How are these roles depicted differently between sources? What might account for that difference?



1.The Law of the Salian Franks was a Germanic law code that governed the Salian Franks during the early Middle Ages. This law code was mainly concerned with property law and was used to settle disputes over land, inheritance, and theft. The law code was unique in its emphasis on the ordeal as a means of determining guilt or innocence. In contrast, other law codes such as the Justinian Code and the Code of Hammurabi were more comprehensive, covering a wide range of legal issues such as marriage, divorce, and contracts. However, like the Law of the Salian Franks, these codes also relied on physical punishments, such as mutilation or death, to enforce the law.

2.The sources in this chapter all portray personal relationships differently depending on the type of source and who wrote it. For example, the sources about residents in a monastery portray relationships as hierarchical and formal, with a clear distinction between the abbot and the other residents. In contrast, the sources about family members portray relationships as intimate and emotional, with a focus on love and loyalty. The sources written by religious figures tend to emphasize charity and compassion, while secular sources often focus on practical concerns such as property and inheritance.

3.Both the Frankish law code and the sources about Charlemagne provide information about women's roles, but they depict these roles differently. The Frankish law code tends to portray women as passive and subordinate to men, with limited legal rights and no independent status. In contrast, the sources about Charlemagne depict women as active participants in politics and culture, with some women serving as advisers or even rulers in their own right. This difference may be due to the fact that the sources about Charlemagne were written by members of the court, who were more likely to encounter powerful women, while the Frankish law code was written by men who saw women mainly as wives and mothers.


What was the Confederate response to General Buell’s arrival?
A) They fought even harder.
B) They retreated twenty miles south to Corinth.
C) They started the fields on fire to panic the soldiers.
D) They retreated to the mouth of the Mississippi at New Orleans.




General Buell's arrival during the Civil War was during the Battle of Shiloh in April 1862. The Confederate response to General Buell's arrival was Option B) They retreated twenty miles south to Corinth. The Confederate forces under General Albert Sidney Johnston and General P.G.T. Beauregard were initially successful in the battle, but were eventually pushed back by the Union forces led by General Ulysses S. Grant and General Buell. After the first day of fighting, the Confederates retreated to Corinth, Mississippi to regroup and plan their next move.

What do HUAC and McCarthyism tell you about American attitudes during the 1950'5?



Some Americans felt that their personal freedoms were being taken away, while others believed HUAC and McCarthyism were necessary to secure national security


HUAC was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and rebel activities on the part of private citizens, public employees and organizations suspected of having Communist ties. Citizens suspected of having ties to the communist party would be tried in a court of law.

In a paragraph, explain the significance of the Civil Rights Movement of the
1950s-1960s. Cite at least ONE specific example that helped promote civil rights
for minorities in America.



The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s-1960s aimed to eliminate racial discrimination and segregation against African Americans and other minorities. Through civil disobedience, nonviolent protests, and legal challenges, activists and organizations like Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference made significant progress in the fight for civil rights. The Montgomery bus boycott in 1955, led by Rosa Parks, protested the segregation of African American passengers on public buses and ultimately led to a Supreme Court ruling that declared segregation on public buses unconstitutional. This movement helped pave the way for more equitable and inclusive policies and practices, making it a crucial milestone in American history.

1: Kublai Khan divided China into four social classes with differing privileges. What long-term impact did this have on the Southern Chinese people?

It increased wealth throughout the region.
It gave the people an opportunity to hold public offices.
It opened up trade on the Silk Road and created a new merchant class.
It angered the people and eventually led to revolt.

2:Kublai Khan divided China into four social classes with differing privileges. What long-term impact did this have on the Southern Chinese people?

It increased wealth throughout the region.
It gave the people an opportunity to hold public offices.
It opened up trade on the Silk Road and created a new merchant class.
It angered the people and eventually led to revolt.

3:Which of the following are examples of reforms during the rule of Kublai Khan?

Merchant class laws and extensive new roads
Religious tolerance and increased literacy
Paper money and a Mongol alphabet
Iron plow and farming education

4:Which of the following contributed to the decline of the Mongol Empire?

Natural resources were depleted due to overworking the land.
Genghis Khan did not have any sons to take over the empire.
The Black Death caused a massive population decline.
The empire stopped all expansion and focused only on China.

5:Which of the following is considered a reason Genghis Khan was successful in his invasion of China?

He left major cities untouched.
He was very popular with the Chinese people.
He had a large, wealthy army.
He invaded China from the south.


Answer: This easy The awnser is

Explanation: right below you

Which of the following events occurred in the weeks following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
1. Germany declared war on both Russia and France
2. Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire began hostilities.
3. Germany invaded Belgium


The event that occurred in the weeks following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is Germany declared war on both Russia and France.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was a prince of Austria-Este and was assassinated in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on June 28, 1914. This incident is the immediate cause of World War I. The following events occurred in the weeks following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: On July 5, the Kaiser met with his leading advisers and set Germany on a course that led to war with Russia and France. The Kaiser's army leaders demanded war to suppress the Russian threat before it was too late.

Germany declared war on Russia on August 1 and France on August 3. The Schlieffen Plan was launched by Germany on August 4, which was an attack on France via Belgium. This act of aggression sparked the First World War.

For more such questions on assassination


analyze the ways in which two of the following groups challenged british liberalism between 1880 and 1914: feminists; irish nationalists; socialists


Between 1880 and 1914, both feminists and Irish nationalists challenged British liberalism in significant ways.  (Options 1 and 2)

Feminists advocated for women's suffrage and other rights and used various tactics such as protests, civil disobedience, and legal challenges to push for change. Irish nationalists, on the other hand, sought independence from British rule and used a range of tactics such as political organizing, protests, and violence to achieve their goals. Socialists also challenged British liberalism during this period by advocating for workers' rights and pushing for economic reforms.

They used tactics such as strikes, protests, and political organizing to bring attention to issues of social and economic inequality. These groups all challenged the existing power structures and pushed for change in different ways, ultimately contributing to the evolution of British liberalism.

Learn more about liberalism


When did the British occupy New York


Answer:  The British occupied New York during the American Revolutionary War on September 15, 1776, and held it until the end of the war in 1783. British troops, under the command of General William Howe, had been in New York since the summer of 1776.  On August 27 of that year, Howe attacked American troops at the Battle of Long Island, leading to a decisive British victory. The capture of New York City was a major strategic victory for the British, as it allowed them to control the Hudson River and cut off New England from the rest of the colonies.  The British held the city throughout the war, although it was the site of several key battles, including the Battle of Brooklyn and the Battle of Harlem Heights.

Learn more about the American Revolutionary War here:

Complete the following sentence.
The Southern coastline caused it to be ____.

Question 2 options:

easy for the Confederacy to trade slaves
easy for the Confederacy to build large ships for battle
hard for the Union army to form a blockade
hard for the Union army to access the South



hard for the Union army to form a blockade

What other types of resources might be helpful in order to figure out what happened during the Japanese invasion of Nanking?




In addition to primary sources like photographs, diaries, and eyewitness accounts, there are several other types of resources that can be helpful in order to figure out what happened during the Japanese invasion of Nanking. These include:

Secondary sources: These are historical accounts, analyses, and interpretations of the events in Nanking written by historians, journalists, and other scholars. Secondary sources can provide valuable context, analysis, and different perspectives on the events of the invasion.

Official records: These include government and military records, reports, and archives from both China and Japan. These records can provide information about military strategies, orders, and decision-making during the invasion.

Museum collections: Museums in China and around the world have collections of artefacts, documents, and other materials related to the Nanking Massacre. These collections can include photographs, documents, and other primary sources that provide insight into the events of the invasion.

Oral history interviews: Survivors, witnesses, and descendants of those affected by the Nanking Massacre have been interviewed and recorded, providing valuable firsthand accounts of the events of the invasion.

Forensic evidence: Forensic investigations have been conducted in Nanking to uncover evidence of mass graves and other physical evidence of the atrocities committed during the invasion.

Overall, a combination of these different types of resources can help to provide a more comprehensive understanding of what happened during the Japanese invasion of Nanking, and the human toll of the atrocities committed during the massacre.

FILL IN THE BLANK. When Napoleon tried to close the European continent to British Trade, the British responded with an ____ on the European coast.


When Napoleon tried to close the European continent to British Trade, the British responded with an attack on the European coast.

Napoleon's Continental System was an economic blockade that aimed to cut off Britain's trade with the rest of Europe. Napoleon aimed to make Europe self-sufficient by promoting internal commerce while limiting British imports and exports. The Continental System faced many challenges and was never fully implemented. The British responded by blockading the continent, causing the Continental System to collapse. Napoleon's invasion of Russia was a disastrous attempt to enforce the Continental System.

The British response to the Continental System included the establishment of a naval blockade and a focus on trade with the Americas and the East. The British Navy patrolled the coasts of Europe, intercepting and seizing any ships suspected of trading with France. The British also established a network of spies and smugglers to help them break the blockade. As a result of this blockade, the French economy suffered greatly, and Napoleon's empire began to crumble.

For more questions on Napoleon


what are the s.p.i.c.e outcomes at the end of the war production board ?




The War Production Board (WPB) was a U.S. government agency created during World War II to oversee the production of war materials and ensure that the military had the resources it needed. Here are some potential SPICE outcomes at the end of the War Production Board:

Social outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had social implications, as Americans adjusted to a postwar society. The agency had played a role in coordinating the country's war efforts and promoting national unity, and its dissolution may have had an impact on how Americans viewed themselves and their country.

Political outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had political implications, as well. The agency had been involved in managing the wartime economy and allocating resources, and its dissolution may have signaled a shift in U.S. government priorities or strategies.

Intellectual outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had intellectual implications, as Americans grappled with the legacy of wartime production and the role of government in managing the economy. Some may have questioned the efficiency of the government's wartime mobilization efforts, while others may have considered the challenges of transitioning from a wartime to a peacetime economy.

Cultural outcomes: The end of the War Production Board may have had cultural implications, as well. The agency had played a role in shaping American culture during the war, as many aspects of daily life were affected by the country's war efforts. The dissolution of the agency may have influenced American cultural production in the postwar years.

Economic outcomes: The end of the War Production Board had significant economic consequences, as the country shifted from a wartime to a peacetime economy. The agency had overseen the production and allocation of war materials, and its dissolution may have had an impact on industries that had relied on government contracts during the war. Additionally, the country experienced a postwar recession as demand for war materials decreased and soldiers returned to the workforce.

A similarity between the separation of power the system of checks and balances and federalism is that they


A similarity between the separation of power, the system of checks and balances, and federalism is that they are all structural features of the United States Constitution. They were designed to distribute power and prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful. Each of these features helps to ensure that the government operates within the bounds of the Constitution and that no one person or group can control the entire government. Additionally, they are all designed to protect individual rights and promote the common good. Overall, these features of the Constitution work together to create a system of government that is stable, effective, and accountable to the people.

TRUE/FALSE. in 1652, los angeles developed the first city water system, which was primarily used for firefighting and domestic use.


It is FALSE that in 1652, Los Angeles developed the first city water system, which was primarily used for firefighting and domestic use.

The development of the first city water systems varies by location, as access to clean and reliable water sources has been an important aspect of urban development throughout history. Some of the earliest known examples of sophisticated water supply and distribution systems date back to ancient civilizations such as the Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, and Egypt.

While Los Angeles did develop one of the earliest city water systems in the United States, it was not until the late 19th century, rather than in 1652. The Los Angeles Water Company was established in 1868, and the city's first municipal water system began operation in 1902. This system drew water from the Owens Valley and was primarily used for domestic and industrial purposes, rather than firefighting.

To know more about Los Angeles


the populist party fused with the republicans during the election of 1896 in an attempt to gain free and unlimited coinage of silver.


Populist Movement, was a politically oriented coalition of agrarian reformers that sought for wide range of economic and political legislation in the late 19th century.

      Throughout the 1880s, Farmer's Political Alliances sprang up, who were discontented because of crop failures, falling prices, and poor marketing and credit facilities. As a result, in 1892 their leaders organized the Populist or People’s Party, to put forth demands of Farmers’ Alliances.

They demanded an increase in the circulating currency that was to be achieved by the unlimited coinage of silver, a graduated income tax, government ownership of the railroads and other measures designed to strengthen political democracy.    

Thus, they took the help and fused with Republicans, with hope to win the 1896 election and supplant the Democrats as one of the nation’s two major national parties.  

Learn more about Populist Movement:



In 2-3 sentences, explain the intention of the changing US policies in the years leading up to and during World War II.



Read Below:


In the years leading up to and during World War II, the intention of the changing US policies was to remain neutral and avoid involvement in the conflict, but as the war progressed and the threat of Axis powers increased, the US shifted towards support for the Allies and eventual entry into the war. This was driven by a combination of factors, including economic interests, national security concerns, and moral imperatives.

After the Punic Wars, the Roman Republic is on the verge of constantly being taken over by dictators. Why? What social, economic, and/or political changes led to this instability?



After the Punic Wars, the Roman Republic is on the verge of constantly being taken over by dictators. Why? What social, economic, and/or political changes led to this instability?


The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage from 264 BCE to 146 BCE. After the final Punic War, which ended in 146 BCE, Rome emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean. However, the victory in the Punic Wars did not bring stability to the Roman Republic. The social, economic, and political changes that occurred during this time period contributed to the instability of the Republic and the rise of dictators.

One of the main social changes was the increase in slavery. Slavery was an integral part of the Roman economy, and the conquests during the Punic Wars led to an influx of enslaved people. The wealthy elite used this cheap labor to increase their profits, while the poor and middle-class citizens suffered from unemployment and a lack of opportunities.

The economic changes during this time period also contributed to the instability of the Republic. The rise of latifundia, large estates owned by the wealthy elite, led to the displacement of small farmers. This led to a decline in the number of citizens who could serve in the military, which was a requirement for holding political office.

Politically, the Republic became increasingly corrupt and ineffective. The Senate, which was supposed to be the governing body of the Republic, became dominated by wealthy landowners who used their power to further their own interests. This led to a decline in the power of the plebeians, or common people, who had once been able to influence the political process.

All of these changes contributed to the instability of the Republic and the rise of dictators. The people of Rome were looking for strong leaders who could restore order and stability to the Republic. This led to the rise of powerful generals such as Julius Caesar and Pompey, who used their military power to gain political control. Eventually, this led to the downfall of the Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

What is the cartoon saying about how this country was treated before the start of World War II?


Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party—abbreviated NSDAP in German and the Nazi Party in English—were propelled to power by political and economic unrest in Germany as well as residual animosity over the harsh conditions imposed by the Versailles Treaty.

How World War II was started and reasons?

Once Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939, France and Great Britain decided to declare war on Germany, starting World War Two. More lives would be lost and more land and property would be destroyed during the following six years of fighting than during any other war in history. From 1939 and 1945, every major nation in the globe took part in World War II. Millions of people died in the most catastrophic conflict in recorded history. The Axis (Germany, Japan, and Italy) and the Allies engaged in combat (Britain, the US, and the Soviet Union among others).

Hitler was obsessed with the notion that the "pure" German race, which he referred to as "Aryan," was superior and thought that the only way to acquire the required "Lebensraum," or living space, for the German race to grow, was through war.

Learn more about World War II:


Which inference can be made based on the information in the excerpt?​



The Americans were persuaded to join the war against Germany after seeing the telegram.


On April 6, 1917, the Congress of the United States declared war on Germany and its allies. This was after the telegram was received, which was on February 24th.

Hope it helped! :)

Which was not a result of the Six Day War, which was fought in 1967? The number of Palestinian refugees increased dramatically. The Palestine Liberation Organization became more militant. Israel gained considerable territory, including the Sinai Peninsula. The peace treaty ended the conflict in the region.​



The peace treaty ended the conflict in the region.​


The conflict is ongoing still

What is a marines most valuable asset


the Marine Corps most vital asset is “people

The Marines are a highly skilled and disciplined military force, and their most valuable asset is their personnel.

What is a marines most valuable asset ?

Each Marine brings unique talents, skills, and experiences that contribute to the overall success of the mission.

In addition to physical and mental toughness, Marines are trained to exhibit leadership, adaptability, and resilience in the face of challenges. Their ability to work together as a cohesive unit, relying on each other's strengths and expertise, is also a critical asset.

Marines also possess a strong sense of duty, honor, and commitment to the Marine Corps and their country. This dedication and loyalty allow them to endure hardship and sacrifice to achieve their objectives.

Ultimately, the Marines' most valuable asset is their people, who possess the training, mindset, and character necessary to overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and protect their country's interests.

Learn more about marines here


Democratic-Republicans viewed the Alien and Sedition Acts as...



The Democratic-Republican minority in Congress complained that the Sedition Act violated the First Amendment to the Constitution, which protected freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

How did repealing apartheid laws change international sanctions against South Africa? Countries lifted sanctions against South Africa. Countries increased sanctions against South Africa. A few countries kept sanctions in place. Several other countries created sanctions against South Africa.



Countries lifted sanctions against South Africa


Countries sanctioned South Africa in order to pressure them to stop the apartheid


Countries lifted sanctions against South Africa


As a response to South Africa's apartheid policies, the international community adopted economic sanctions as condemnation and pressure.

Which statement is not true about the American settlers who moved into Texas?

1. They were mostly Protestant.
2. They were mostly Catholic.
3. They wanted Texas to become a slave state.
4. They violated Mexican laws.





Offline, create a complete pictogram that represents:
1. The various sources of energy.
2. The percentage of global consumption for each as shown in the video.
3. What each source is used for (electricity, transportation, heat).
Use the illustration from the video as a guide.
Upload your completed pictogram.


The main sources of energy can be categorized into two groups: non-renewable and renewable.

What is the energy about?

Non-renewable sources of energy include fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These sources are finite and cannot be replenished once they are used up. Renewable sources of energy include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. These sources are replenished naturally and can be sustained indefinitely.

According to the video, the breakdown of global energy consumption by source in 2020 is as follows:

Oil: 33.3%

Coal: 27.4%

Natural gas: 24.7%

Renewables: 11.3%

Nuclear: 3.3%

It's worth noting that the exact percentage breakdown can vary depending on the source and year of data used.

Each source of energy has its own unique uses and applications. Fossil fuels are primarily used for transportation and electricity generation, while renewables are increasingly being used for electricity generation, heating, and transportation. Nuclear energy is primarily used for electricity generation as well.

Oil and natural gas are commonly used for transportation, while coal is used for electricity generation in many countries. Renewable sources such as solar and wind are increasingly being used for electricity generation, while biomass is used for heating and transportation. Hydro power is often used for electricity generation as well. Geothermal energy can be used for heating and electricity generation.

Learn more about energy on:


I need to weight a 3.8 paragraph about y I I most identify with the pioneer women from back then


Ree Drummond's life is revealed in The Pioneer Woman: The best-selling cookbook author and award-winning blogger joins Food Network to demonstrate her unique style of home cooking, which ranges from casual get-togethers to formal occasions.

What is the life of Ree Drummond?

Ree Drummond is a celebrity chef, blogger, and photographer. She originally developed a following through her winner blog, The Pioneer Woman, which first started in 2006. She described what it was like for her family to live on to an Oklahoma ranch in her blog, and shortly after she started publishing recipes with artistic food photos. When she began on the Cooking Shows in 2011, her millions of devoted fans followed her there after she wrote a few books on her private life and passion for food.

to know more about Ree Drummond visit:


How did the United States participate in the Soviet Afghan war



The U.S. supplied weapons and support to the Afghan rebels resisting the Soviet Forces


The U.S. hoped that they would be able to help stop the spread of Communism

Provide the word or words that correctly fill in the blank.The opening battle of the Spanish-American War took place in the Philippines in Manila Bay on May 1, 1898, an event in which ____


The opening battle of the Spanish-American War took place in the Philippines in Manila Bay on May 1, 1898, an event in which the United States Navy, under the command of Commodore George Dewey, defeated the Spanish Pacific Squadron.

On May 1, 1898, in Manila Bay, the Philippines, the United States Navy, commanded by Commodore George Dewey, destroyed the Spanish Pacific Squadron in the first combat of the Spanish-American War. The battle, the Spanish-American War's opening military action, resulted in a huge win for the United States. As a result of the American victory, American forces were able to gain a foothold in the Philippines, which eventually led to the colonization of the entire archipelago by the US.

To know more about Spanish-American War


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