Modest Proposal lines 186-203 Summarize the cost benefit analysis the narrator offers in lines 186-196. What is Swift satirizing here?


Answer 1


Swift is satirizing the state's neglect of caring for the poor.


In "Modest Proposal" Swift addresses a solution for the large number of poor children who are abandoned, or stay on the streets asking for alms and end up growing and becoming social problems, like thieves, due to the lack of opportunities.

The solution that Switf shows is that these poor children must be bought and fed by wealthy families and once they are fat enough, serve as food for these families, in addition, the skin can be used to make clothing. In the text, he shows how the cost benefit of this can be good for the country, since it provides money for poor mothers, prevents children from being abandoned or stay on the street disturbing wealthy families and provides a raw material for food and clothing. cheaper than conventional raw material.

With this text, Swift sought to satirize the state's neglect to address the problems of poor society, in addition to showing how poor people were of no value to rich people.

Related Questions

Provide evidence from the text that shows that the family is white. What is the effect of the author never explicitly stating the family's race? Once upon a time by Nadine Gordimer.



This is a morality tale so Gordimer does not specify race. By doing this she can illustrate that the problem she is discussing is universal : it transcends South Africa's apartheid situation at the time.


Find an antonym for inventive




Poverty- Wealth

Punishment- Praise

Discomfort- Comfort

Ignorance- Wise

Fill in the right form of the verbs.
1. I _____never______(see) an elephant. 2. My cousin _______(live) in the USA. 3. We will go for a walk when we ________(finish) our lessons. 4. When I came to my friend’s place he _______(work) in the garden. 5. Listen. Somebody ______(play) the piano so beautifully. 6. My parents ______(buy) me a new bike next month. 7. We _____(have) a wonderful time in the mountains last summer. 8. If we go to the village, I _____(go) fishing. 9. Diana ________(wash) the fruits before she made the salad. va rog rapid!!!! DAU 15 PUNCTE, POATE SI COROANA



1. have - seen

2. lives

3. finish

4. was working

5. is playing

6. will buy

7. had

8. will go

9. washed

Select the transitional word from the sentence below. anton chekhov wrote hundreds of short stories and several hilarious one act comedies.

a. and

c. wrote

b. of

d. several



Option A



A transitional word is a word in a sentence, that is used to join clauses or phrases that make up a sentence together. They are commonly known as conjunctions.

In this sentence, the  prominent conjunction is the word "and". This is because it joins a simple sentence and a clause, to make the compound sentence in the question.

This co -joining of these two parts of the sentence, makes "and" the transition word in the sentence.

Simple sentence: Chekhov wrote hundreds of short stories

transition word: and

Clause: several hilarious one act comedies.

Compound sentence: Chekhov wrote hundreds of short stories and several hilarious one act comedies.

Compare and contrast the first stanza and the last stanza. What is the effect of the stanzas' repetition on the text?


by William Blake1794

William Blake (1757-1827) was an English poet during the Romantic era who wrote extensively about God, nature, and the beauty of the human imagination. “The Tyger,” published alongside another poem called “The Lamb” in Blake’s poetry collection Songs of Experience, is one of the most anthologized poems in English. As you read, take notes on how the poem discusses the human condition and the question of existence.

Tyger Tyger, burning bright

In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies

Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

On what wings dare he aspire?

What the hand, dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

And when thy heart began to beat,

What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?

In what furnace was thy brain?

What the anvil? what dread grasp

Dare its deadly terrors clasp!

When the stars threw down their spears

And water'd heaven with their tears:

Did he smile his work to see?

Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger tyger burning bright

In the forests of the night:

What immortal hand or eye,

Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?



the repition is to  show the idea that a universal creator is evident in "The Tyger," in which the questions the poet asks have to do with the creation of the fearsome tiger. its is reapeated to bring the poem to a close and connect the main idea

hope this helps, plz vote me the brainliest :)


The two repetitions can provoke questions, however, the first repetition provokes a question that must be answered in the proximal stanzas, while the last repetition, promotes a question that will not be answered, but will remain open for reflection.

We can arrive at this answer because:

William Blake questions why God created such a powerful creature, in this poem.He repeats the first stanza in the last stanza, showing little difference between them, to reinforce these questions.In the first stanza, however, Blake asks God about something that he himself can answer and answered in the other stanzas.In the last stanza, he questions something that only God can answer and that question remains unanswered, but it promotes great reflection.

In this case, we can say that the repetitions are intended to highlight doubts, but the effects of these doubts are different.

More information:

As used in paragraph 3, what does the word “zeal” suggest about Akakiy? *



please let me  know when you find answer


What was the poet's purpose in writing the poem “Escape?” Please make sure you use proper grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and textual evidence in your thoughtful answer.


According to a different source, this question refers to the poem "Escape" by Elinor Wylie.

The main purpose of this poem is to reflect on the beauty of the world, and the importance that this has on human life. The author tells us that when all the beautiful things of the world are gone (the "golden grapes" or the "white antelope") she will escape. This conveys her need to be around beautiful things, and to leave behind a mundane life.

She also tells us that she will escape by making herself so small, no one will be able to find her. The rest of the world will have "blind moons" as eyes. This shows that the world will not be able to chase her because people will be too preoccupied with normal society to notice the things she notices.

Finally, the author tells us that she will then live "In hollows under the mangrove root, Or where, in apple-scented rain, The silver wasp-nests hang like fruit." This shows how the author will eventually be able to live among beauty again, away from the society that destroyed it in the first place.

The plasma slows down and grows weak. The nuclear reactions stop. The center of the star caves in. The star's center begins to cool. What is the correct order of the cause-and-effect chain?



The correct order of these statements would be as follows:

The nuclear reactions stop.

The star's center begins to cool.

The plasma slows down and grows weak.

The center of the star caves in.




George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen, and Dave are drinking soda. Using logic, is Elizabeth drinking coffee or soda?



maybe just maybe she is drinking both :)




Elizabeth is drinking coffee.


Elizabeth is drinking coffee, not soda. The letter E appears twice in her name, just like the in the other names of people who are drinking coffee.

It would take a long time to read “the lady, or the tiger?” aloud, but this film tells entire story and under two minutes. What technique does the films director use?



The director uses a narrator to summarize the story


i took the test look


Which word is an example of a demonstrative adjective?





‘Cars are noisy, dirty, smelly and downright dangerous. They should be banned from all town and city centres, allowing people to walk and cycle in peace.' Write a letter to the Minister for Transport arguing your point of view on this statement


This is a personal assignment that only you can complete. However, we can provide some guidance to help you. This is an example of a letter with these specifications:

Dear Minister of Transport,

I understand that your time is spent looking for ways to ensure that people have effective, efficient and reliable transportation so that they can conduct their lives in the way they desire. However, I believe that using cars is not the right way to ensure this. I think that all city centres should be car-free, in order to allow people to walk and cycle easily. It is a known fact that many accidents occur in cars, and that these often affect young people who do not have much experience driving. Moreover, cars can cause both noise and air pollution, decreasing the quality of live of people who live in the centre, as well as those who visit it. These are enough reasons to ban cars as soon as possible, and I am sure that you will consider this in your future projects.

Thank you for your time,

John Smith

The movement of people, animals and product from one location to another is known as transportation.

Dear Minister of Transport,

I understand that your time is spent looking for ways to ensure that people have effective, efficient and reliable transportation so that they can conduct their lives in the way they desire. However, I believe that using cars is not the right way to ensure this. I think that all city centers should be car-free, in order to allow people to walk and cycle easily.

It is a known fact that many accidents occur in cars, and that these often affect young people who do not have much experience driving. Moreover, cars can cause both noise and air pollution, decreasing the quality of live of people who live in the center, as well as those who visit it.

These are enough reasons to ban cars as soon as possible, and I am sure that you will consider this in your future projects.

Thank you for your time,

John Smith

To know more about this statement, refer to the link:

Chicago is a city that is fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action?





Answer: A.) Simile

Explanation: I took the test it's correct

The volume of a cone is 50x cubic feet. Its height is 6 feet. In feet, what is the radius of the cone? Round the answer to the
nearest tenth


Answer: I got's you

The radius if the cone is 5 ft


Hope this help's let me know whatcha get

FOIL- Two characters who are clear contrasts to each other.
Choose ONE pair, and explain how they are showing they are FOILS in this reading: Romeo and Mercutio OR Juliet and Rosaline.



Explanation:The point of the scene is to show how large the feud is between the two ... Which two characters act as foils in this scene? ... Benvolio and Tybalt are foils because they contrast one another. ... Romeo eventually reads the list and sees Rosaline's name is on it, but so is ... Describe Lady Capulet's reaction to Juliet's feelings.

Choose the correct answer: *

(Posso) I use your telephone ? (formal)





Choose the correct answer: *

Madam, you know everything, so certainly you (sabe) swim.





Choose the correct answer: *

Too much radiation from the sun (pode) cause dry skin or sunburn.





Choose the correct answer: *

It (pode, talvez) even cause skin cancer.

( )Might

( )Can

( )Should

( )Might not

Choose the correct answer: *

I (sabia) swim well when I was young.

( )Can

( )Could

( )May

( )Might

Which sentence is correct? *

( )What see you in the picture?

( )What can you see in the picture?

Which sentence is correct? *

( )I mustn't forget to post these letters.

( )I don't have to forget to posto these letters

Which sentence is correct? *

( )Could I go now, please? -- Yes, you can, of course.

( )Could I go now, please? -- Yes, you could, of course.

Which sentence is correct? *

( )That might be for me. -- I've ordered a pizza.

( )That can be for me. -- I've ordered a pizza.

Which sentence is correct? *

( )Sue doesn't may come this evening.

( )Sue may not come this evening.​


First one is may

Second is can

third is might

Fouth is might

Fifth is could

sixth is What could you see in the picture?

7 is I musn't forget to post these letters

8 is Could I go now, please? -- Yes, you can, of course.

9 is That might be for me. -- I've ordered a pizza.

10 is Sue may not come this evening.

I would really appreciate a brainliest! I hope this helped!!

What is most likely the authors purpose in the following statement? After Dominic peeled out of the parking lot in his new sports car, Shirland said, I’m sure no one will notice him now.


The author's intention with the following sentence is probably to express a strong feeling by making it feel insignificant.

What is the authors' purpose in the following statement?

From the aforementioned line, it is clear that the character was trying to hide her intense sentiments of envy by saying the exact says like it's not noticeable car.

It is clear from the line above that Sheralyn did not particularly enjoy the thought that Dominic had a new sport automobile, and she is probably feeling envious of Dominic as a result of his vehicle. Sheralyn was relieved that no one would notice Dominic's new sport vehicle anymore when he pulled out of the parking lot.

As a result, option (c) is accurate.

Learn more about on feel insignificant, here:


tell about an inference that you made about the man in the story. (an american childhood)




I recommend that Sharoon trust her instinct when it comes to people.

The sentence above uses the verb mood in the









The suffixes -ed, -ee, -ing, and -ment can be added to the end of the word commit.

For which of the following do you not need to double the final consonant before adding the suffix?

commit + -ing

commit + -ee

commit + -ment

commit + -ed



commit + -ment


Read the excerpt from “Husky-The Wolf Dog of the North.”

Neck, from head to shoulders, a mass of bristling hair; sharp pointed ears, long-snouted, lips snarling, fangs dripping; yelping rather than barking; wolfish of aspect and not nice to look upon when in anger—this is the husky, or wolf-dog of the North.

What clue helps the reader recognize the author’s purpose in this excerpt?

The use of argument and opinion helps the reader recognize that the author’s purpose is to persuade.
The use of humor helps the reader recognize that the author’s purpose is to entertain
The use of facts and details helps the reader recognize that the author’s purpose is to inform.
The use of storytelling helps the reader recognize that the author’s purpose is to entertain.



The use of facts and details helps the reader recognize that the author’s purpose is to inform.



The use of facts and details helps the reader recognize that the author’s purpose is to inform.


Complete the sentences with SOMEBODY, ANYBODY or NOBODY

1.There is _____________ in the classroom.
2.There isn’t ______________ in the garden.
3.There is ______________ at school at this time of the day. It’s closed.
4.Who are you going to visit? I’m going to visit ________________. But, it’s a secret!
5.What’s happening? I don’t know. ______________ knows.
6.Do you know _______________ in Rio de Janeiro?
7.Who did you meet? ________________. The party was over.
8.I’m lonely. I don’t have ______________ to talk to.



1.) Somebody

2.) Anybody






8.) Anybody


Read this excerpt from a short story. Liam navigated the busy park, scanning the crowd for his friends. They had agreed to meet at the water slide, and soon the towering steps came into view. He spotted Rachel and Marco by the inner tubes, and soon the three were racing to the top of the slide. There were over a hundred wooden stairs to climb, but the friends usually climbed them without pause. This time, however, their progress was slowed by a surprising mid-day crowd. Spiraling up the stairs were dozens of eager park patrons, each gripping a slippery tube. Liam shook his head and told his friends they would need a little more patience than usual waiting for their favorite view from the top. What complication is introduced in the excerpt?



C. Marco and his friends have to wait in a long line.


It is NOT D. Park patrons are not following the rules of the slide.

"This time, however, their progress was slowed by a surprising mid-day crowd. "

This is the complication.

The complication that is introduced in the excerpt is that C. Marco and his friends have to wait in a long line.

What is a Narration?

This refers to the telling of a story, usually with the aid of a narrator by showing the sequence of events and how they occurred.

Hence, we can see that from the given excerpt, there is the use of narration to show the navigation to the park by Liam and how Marco and his friends have to wait in a very long line as this was unexpected.

They usually climbed the long stairs without a pause, but this time there was a crowd, so they had to go slower than before.

Read more about narrations here:


The wheel of a bike has a diameter of 27 inches. Find the circumference of the wheel. Round your answer to the nearest whole number.



85 in


The formula for finding the circumference of a circle is 2πr, and the radius is just half of the diameter. This means that to find the circumference, you just need to multiply the diameter by pi. Rounding to the nearest whole number would give you 85 inches.

Which of the following would be the BEST source to find the most current information about a topic? 1. A legal document
2. A newspaper
3. A scholarly journal
4. A textbook


A textbook because it’s better to find info

4. How does the speaker describe the sea as a final resting place? How does this develop the meaning of the poem? Cite evidence from the text in your answer.

The Ocean

By: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Thanks in advance


This is the poem down here:

The Ocean has its

silent cave,

Deep, quiet, and


Though there be

fury on the waves,

Beneath them there is none.

The awful spirits of the deep

hold their communion there;

And there are those for whom we weep,

The young, the bright, the fair.

Calmly the weary seamen rest

Beneath their own blue sea.

The ocean solitude are blest,

For there is purity.

The earth had guilt, the earth has care,

Unquiet are its graves;

But peaceful sleep is ever there,

Beneath the dark blue waves.


Check below for the answer and explanations.


The speaker describes the sea as though tempestous and uncalm at the surface, is very calm and silent deep in the bottom. It is so calm that the spirits have their meetings there and even the dead are found there. "The awful spirits of the deep hold their communion there; And there are those for whom we weep, The young, the bright, the fair."

He said there is purity and blest under the sea and it provides a better resting place for the dead than the earth which is uncalm and whose graves lack peace and solitude. He said, "The earth had guilt, the earth has care,

Unquiet are its graves;

But peaceful sleep is ever there,

Beneath the dark blue waves."

The main aim of this poem is to describe the blest, solitude and peace that exist under the ocean, and its suitability for receiving the body of man after death.

when the suffix -ly is added to an adjective like quick, the word becomes



an adverb


adding ly makes it an adverb

change the sentences from active to passive

2 people invited the celebrties to lot of dinners while they were in the UAE.

The auther wrote the script for the movie in 2019.

Different film associations have been given this production many awards.

The producer chose Al ain to film the beach scene.

3 people have bought thousands of tickets to see the film.


Answer and Explanation:

The sentences we are changing are originally in the active voice. That means the subject of the sentence is the person/animal/object performing the action described by the verb. In order to change them to the passive voice, we must transform the object of the verb into the subject. We must also add the verb "be" adequately, which will help clarify that the subject now is not the one performing the action but the one receiving it.

1. Two people invited the celebrities to lot of dinners while they were in the UAE.  ---> The celebrities were invited to a lot of dinners by two people while they were in the UAE.

2. The author wrote the script for the movie in 2019.  ---> The script for the movie was written by the author in 2019.

3. Different film associations have given this production many awards.  ---> Many awards have been given to this production by different film associations.

4. The producer chose Alain to film the beach scene.  ---> Alain was chosen to film the beach scene by the producer.

5. Three people have bought thousands of tickets to see the film. ---> Thousands of tickets have been bought by three people to see the film.

which of the following statements best describes how time progresses in the chapter



Time progresses mostly chronologically with one flashback and a return to the original time.


Time progresses primarily chronologically in the chapter, with one flashback and a return to the original period best describing how time progresses. Thus, option A is correct.

What is time progress?

Time progress refers to the intervals of time that pass despite the time measurement being interrupted between the beginning of the time determination (measured) and the end of the corresponding reported flow segments. The variance in progress periods of succeeding sequence segments is to be used to calculate the length of the flow segments.

Flashbacks follow when someone recalls an event from the past, while flashforwards predict what will take place. Most of the time moves forward in time, with one throwback and an appearance to the beginning.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about time progress, here:


The question is incomplete, Complete question probably will be  is:

Time progresses mostly chronologically with one flashback and a return to the original time.

The original time will not matter in any kind of situation that was prevailing.

the flashback can occur in any order.

Time progresses mostly and is not prescribed in any statement of the chapter.

And when they thought of how they had laboured, what discouragements they had overcome, and the enormous difference that would be made in their lives when the sails were turning and the dynamos running—when they thought of all this, their tiredness forsook them and they gambolled round and round the windmill, uttering cries of triumph. Napoleon himself, attended by his dogs and his cockerel, came down to inspect the completed work; he personally congratulated the animals on their achievement, and announced that the mill would be named Napoleon Mill.

–Animal Farm,
George Orwell

What evidence supports the theme that belief can thrive even in dire situations? Check all that apply.

“they thought of how they had laboured”
“what discouragements they had overcome”
“they gambolled round and round the windmill, uttering cries of triumph”
“Napoleon himself . . . came down to inspect the completed work”
“He . . . announced that the mill would be named Napoleon Mill”



1, 2 and 3



1 2 and 3


Compare Huck’s conversation with Buck with the conversation about killing among Huck, Tom, and the other boys in Chapter Two.



Huck's conversation with Buck is about killing for honor, albeit a forgotten honor, while the conversation among Huck and the other boys is about killing because that's what robbers do.

Both conversations are about killing for principle.


Buck told Huck about the feud between his family and the Shepherdsons and explained why he has got to kill any he comes across because of it, but he doesn't know the reason why, he just knows he must "Why, nothing-only its on account of the feud."

When Huck was with the gang of boys they talked about robbing people and killing them, because "Oh certainly. It's best. Some authorities think differently, but its considered best to kill them-except some that you bring to the cave here and keep them till they're ransomed."

The two conversations are both about killing people because they think they must kill people, without actually knowing the reason why they must do so. In the one with Buck and Huck, its killing due to the feud even though no one knows what it was about.

In the conversation with Huck and the other boys, it was killing because killing is what robbers do, there's no reason why.

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