Many African nations earned their independence by the mid-1900s and returned rule back to the African
people. What do you think would happen when a nation is no longer run by a colonial power, and is ruled by
these groups that may or may not get along?


Answer 1

When African states gained independence, a major issue they encountered was a lack of infrastructure. While European imperialists took great delight in delivering civilization to Africa and helping it thrive, they left their former colonies with scant infrastructure.

Which African nation had maintained its independence by 1900?

Liberia was the only country in Africa at the time to have resisted a European invasion.

What two African nations maintained their independence in the early 1900s?

In contrast to the centuries-long buildup, the European conquest of Africa was completed in a matter of only 15 years. At the conclusion of it, only Ethiopia and Liberia remained in Africa. Since the 19th century, historians have been interested in the topic of why these two countries have endured while so many others have failed.

To Know more about infrastructure.


Answer 2

A couple possibilities are:

Power struggles and conflict: If the groups in power have conflicting interests or ideologies, there may be power struggles and tensions. This could result in political instability, protests, and even violent conflicts. Disagreements over resource distribution, territorial disputes, or cultural differences could exacerbate these conflicts.
Economic challenges: The transition from colonial rule to self-rule can bring economic challenges. The new leaders may need to establish institutions and policies that promote economic growth and development. However, if these leaders are inexperienced or corrupt, it could lead to mismanagement, economic stagnation, or even economic decline.
Ethnic or tribal tensions: Some nations have diverse ethnic or tribal groups, and tensions among these groups can arise. When power is transferred to the African people, these tensions can sometimes intensify. It may require strong leadership and efforts to promote inclusivity and equality among different groups to mitigate these tensions.

Happy to help; have a great day; and please give me brainliest! :)

Related Questions

how did the use of machine guns in world war I contribute to stalemate?


The use of machine guns in World War I contributed to stalemate by creating a powerful defensive weapon that made it difficult for attacking forces to advance. Machine guns were also used by both sides, which made it difficult for either side to gain a significant advantage over the other.

Machine guns were firearms that could fire rapidly and continuously, making them extremely deadly. They could fire hundreds of rounds per minute, and they were capable of mowing down large numbers of enemy troops in a matter of seconds.

Machine guns made it very difficult for attacking forces to advance. This is because the machine guns were often placed in strategic locations, such as on hilltops or at the top of trenches, where they had a clear line of sight and could easily mow down approaching enemy troops.

This meant that attacking forces had to advance slowly and cautiously, taking cover wherever possible and trying to advance in small groups to avoid being cut down by machine gun fire.

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American Entranchisement
Question 7 of 10
One major limit of Reconstruction was that it:
A. failed to provide opportunities for Black landownership.
B. did not receive enough federal government support.
C. failed to advance agricultural technology.
D. did not lead to Black Americans gaining political rights.


American Enfranchisement One major limit of Reconstruction was that it  failed to provide opportunities for Black landownership.

Which one of Reconstruction's primary initiatives failed?

After the Democratic Party took control of the House of Representatives in 1874 as a result of white intimidation, a serious economic crisis in the South, and other factors, Reconstruction started to wane.

What significant issue did Reconstruction deal with?

Leaders started thinking about how to rebuild the country after the Civil War. The ability to vote was a crucial issue, and there was a lot of discussion over how voting rights applied to black males in America and men who had served in the Confederacy.

How many black congressman served during the Reconstruction period?

During Reconstruction, 16 African Americans held seats in the U.S. Congress; more than 600 more were elected to state legislatures; and hundreds more occupied municipal office positions throughout the South.

To Know more about Confederacy.


during the middle ages, women a. were not permitted to sing in church b. sang at all church services c. could sing only in monasteries d. were not permitted to participate in church services


During the Middle Ages, women in some regions and contexts were permitted to sing in church.

b. sang at all church services

How women help in the church?

In some areas, women were active participants in liturgical music, performing chants and hymns in the choir and as soloists. For example, in the medieval period, many convents had choirs of nuns who sang at daily services. Some women also played instruments such as the harp and lute, and were known for their musical talents.

However, there were also areas and periods where women's participation in church music was limited or prohibited. In some cases, women were only permitted to sing in monasteries or convents, while in other contexts, they were excluded from singing in public services altogether.

Learn more about Middle Ages at:


How did the treatment of Americans at the prisoner of war camp compare with the treatment they received on the march through Bataan?


Prisoners were treated poorly in both situations.

what event in ukraine has caused international attention to focus on possible russian annexation of narva?


The event in Ukraine that caused international attention to focus on possible Russian annexation of Narva is Russia's annexation of Crimea. Crimea is a peninsula in the Black Sea that was part of Ukraine before it was annexed by Russia in 2014.

What is annexation?Annexation is the process of adding or attaching a territory to another larger or more significant country, state, or entity. It is typically used in the context of political or territorial expansion or control. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine, which caused international attention to focus on possible Russian annexation of Narva.What is Narva?Narva is a city in Estonia that borders Russia. It is located in the northeastern part of the country and has a population of about 55,000 people. The city is strategically important because it is located on the Narva River, which forms part of the border between Estonia and Russia. It is also close to the Baltic Sea, which makes it a potential location for a Russian naval base.In conclusion, Russia's annexation of Crimea has caused international attention to focus on possible Russian annexation of Narva. Narva is strategically important because it is located on the Narva River, which forms part of the border between Estonia and Russia, and is close to the Baltic Sea, which makes it a potential location for a Russian naval base.

For more questions on Russia


identify one example of political moderniaztion/westernization by the ottoman empire in the nineteenth century ways of the world


The Tanzim Reforms were one instance of political modernization or westernization undertaken by the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century.

How did Westernization affect the Ottoman Empire?

The Tanzim reforms, which started in 1840, were a series of changes made to the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was to be strengthened in a manner similar to that of powerful Western nations through the implementation of these reforms.

In the nineteenth century, what was occurring to the Ottoman Empire?

By the time Mahmud II passed away in 1839, the Ottoman Empire had shrunk in size. It was stronger and more consolidated than it had been at its height, but it was coming under increasing pressure from Europe, with Russia supporting and Britain opposing separatist movements while the other powers oscillated between them. The Tanzim Reforms were one instance of political modernization or westernization undertaken by the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century.

To Know more about Ottoman Empire.


In a 1500 or more word rhetorical analysis essay (typed, double spaced), analyze the use and effect of argument (persuasion/rhetorical strategies and devices) in the "Peter H. Coors-I’m the NRA" ad (posted on Canvas). In your essay, address the following through the analysis of rhetorical strategy and appeals—intent, audience, and central arguments/claims (sometimes these, as well as the intent, are not presented overtly or openly in the text and are implied and meant to be inferred by the target audience). We have already gone over one ad from the same NRA campaign. So use your experience with that text to inform your analysis of this one.Remember analyze for rhetorical strategies such as the Aristotelian appeals--ethos, pathos logos,. Also consider the specific use of these appeals-- to fear, guilt, freedom, choice, logic, charity, etc… Also note the use of fallacies and how they are used to insinuate a logical argument. You should also consider how other rhetorical devices work (like anaphora, loaded diction, myth—from Barthes--, simile, analogy, etc…) Remember to use specific examples from the ad and to support your claims about the persuasive aspects of the ad with complete explanations of how the rhetorical strategies/devices work to persuade.PETER H. COORS: President of the Brewing Division of Aldolph Coors Company, Husband, Father, Hunter, Life Member of the National Rifle Association."Lots of people have asked me why I like to hunt. I just feel something about being in the country. Getting up early when it’s cold and crisp, sitting in a duck bind watching the orange sun rise over the bulrush, swapping stories and drinking hot coffee. It’s like bowling or fishing or dirtbiking for other people. It’s part of our heritage and our freedom, And some of the most enjoyable times I’ve had with my kids have been in that environment. "But there is constant pressure from people who would like to take away the privilege of owning a gun. It’s always been difficult for me to understand why they want to restrict legitimate use of firearms. It’s not a social problem. The social problem is the illegitimate use of firearms, which should be taken care of by our courts and legal system."I support the NRA because it is the most effective way for individuals to join together in supporting the rights of legitimate users of firearms. Without those rights, the privilege and enjoyment of the hunting experience might be lost for me and my kids. We’d be missing a lot." I’m the NRA(In small print below the image)The NRA’s Hunter Services Division offers programs and publications for hunter safety and education, including the comprehensive "Basic Hunter’s Guide." If you would like more information about our publications or would like to join the NRA write to...(NRA address given)



The "Peter H. Coors-I'm the NRA" advertisement uses various rhetorical strategies to persuade the audience to support the National Rifle Association (NRA) and their fight for gun rights. The advertisement features Peter H. Coors, the President of the Brewing Division of Aldolph Coors Company, who is also a hunter, husband, father, and life member of the NRA. Coors begins the advertisement by talking about his love for hunting and how it is a part of his heritage and freedom. He uses personal anecdotes and emotional appeals to connect with the audience and establish his credibility as a hunter and gun owner. Throughout the advertisement, Coors employs various rhetorical devices to appeal to the audience's emotions, logic, and values, with the ultimate goal of persuading them to support the NRA.

One of the most effective rhetorical strategies used in the advertisement is pathos, or emotional appeals. Coors connects with the audience on an emotional level by sharing his personal experiences as a hunter and a father. He talks about the joy he feels when he is in the country, watching the sunrise, swapping stories, and drinking coffee. By describing these experiences in vivid detail, Coors evokes feelings of nostalgia, happiness, and connection with nature. He also appeals to the audience's sense of family values by mentioning the enjoyable times he has had with his children in the hunting environment. Coors uses these emotional appeals to create a sense of community and belonging among the audience and to convince them that supporting the NRA is not only a matter of gun rights but also a matter of preserving a way of life.

Another rhetorical strategy used in the advertisement is ethos, or credibility. Coors establishes his credibility as a hunter and gun owner by mentioning his personal involvement in these activities. He also positions himself as a responsible gun owner by stating that he supports the NRA because it is the most effective way for individuals to support the rights of legitimate gun owners. By using his personal experience and knowledge, Coors builds trust with the audience and convinces them that he is a credible source of information on gun rights issues. Coors also appeals to the audience's sense of patriotism and love for freedom by framing gun ownership as a part of American heritage and values. By doing so, he positions the NRA as an organization that fights to protect these values and, therefore, deserves the audience's support.

The advertisement also uses logos, or logical appeals, to support the argument for gun ownership. Coors argues that the problem with gun violence is not the legitimate use of firearms but rather their illegitimate use. He suggests that the solution to gun violence is not to restrict the rights of gun owners but to improve the court and legal system to ensure that firearms are only used in a legitimate and responsible manner. By framing the issue in this way, Coors appeals to the audience's sense of logic and reason and suggests that the NRA is fighting for a responsible and sensible approach to gun ownership.

However, the advertisement also uses some fallacies to insinuate a logical argument. One of them is the straw man fallacy. Coors sets up the argument as if those who want to restrict the use of guns want to take away the privilege of owning them. He oversimplifies the other side of the argument and sets up a false premise. Additionally, the advertisement uses loaded diction to create a sense of urgency and fear. Coors uses words such as "constant pressure" and "restrict" to suggest that gun owners are under attack and that their rights are in danger. By using these words, Coors evokes fear and creates a sense of urgency among the audience, which can lead them to support the NRA out of a fear of losing their gun rights.

Furthermore, the advertisement uses anaphora, or the repetition of a word or phrase, to create

(please could you kindly mark my answer as brainliest)

how many british soldiers were against 100 colonists?


About 32,000 British soldiers were against 100 colonists . The French had a force that was nearly four times bigger; yet, many people in Britain did not see the need for a significant army.

At the outset of the battle, British forces outnumbered Continental forces; for example, in 1776, British commander William Howe's expeditionary army had a total of 32,000 soldiers, compared to American general George Washington's force of less than 20,000. The world's largest and most potent fleet was that of Great Britain.

Throughout the following century, the army's size fluctuated, reaching an estimated 48,000 soldiers in 1775, depending on the circumstance. By European standards, the British Army was incredibly small.

To know more about colonists visit :


this federal organization established by wilson explained the war to the american people and compelled america to take arms in defense of its liberties and free institutions.


The organization you are referring to is the Committee on Public Information, which was established by President Woodrow Wilson in April 1917.

The Committee's goal was to inform the public about the war and to generate enthusiasm and support for the war effort.

It used a variety of methods such as films, radio broadcasts, posters, newspaper articles, and public speeches to educate the American people about the war and encourage them to support the Allied cause.

The CPI used a range of techniques including propaganda, advertising, and censorship to shape public opinion and control the narrative of the war.

To know about Committee on Public Information refer here:


Evaluate the different methods of punishment in medieval europe. Were they effective in reducing crime? Why/why not? Do you think that they were too harsh?


If you were found guilty of a crime, you could expect a harsh punishment. Thieves' hands were severed. Women who committed murder were strangled and then burned.

People who illegally hunted in royal parks had their ears cut off, and high treason was punishable by being hung, drawn, and quartered. Crime must be punished, but in the Middle Ages, the punishments were intended to reflect the crimes committed. Because the punishments were very effective but not very reasonable, the world today had to change those extreme punishments.

Learn more about punishment


how did the early new deal legislation attempt to achieve the three goals of relief, recovery and reform? which of the many programs was the most successful? least successful?


The early New Deal legislation attempted to achieve relief through emergency relief programs, recovery through public works programs, and reform through financial regulation and labor protection laws.

The most successful program was likely the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), while the least successful was the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA).

The Explanation to Each Answer

In response to the Great Depression, the early New Deal legislation aimed to provide immediate relief for those suffering from unemployment and poverty, stimulate economic recovery through government investment in public works projects, and reform the financial and labor systems to prevent future economic crises.

The CCC was widely considered a success as it provided employment and vocational training for young men, while also improving public lands and natural resources. Other successful programs included the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) and the Civil Works Administration (CWA), which provided direct relief and employment opportunities, respectively.

The AAA, however, faced criticism for artificially inflating food prices and benefiting large landowners at the expense of small farmers and consumers. Other programs, such as the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) and the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), were later struck down by the Supreme Court or deemed ineffective in achieving their intended goals.

Learn more about New Deal


Do you think there was just cause for the US to declare war on Great Britain?


On June 12, 1812, the United States declared war on Great as a result of numerous disputes between the two countries. The British continuously engaged in impressment and forced US citizens to serve in the Royal Navy. The British also attacked the USS Chesapeake and this nearly caused a war two year earlier. Additionally, disputes continued with Great Britain over the Northwest Territories and the border with Canada. Finally, Great Britain's blockade of France during the Napoleonic Wars served as a constant source of conflict with the United States.

what is the historical significance of spindletop?


Spindletop is a salt dome oil field located in southeastern Texas, near Beaumont.

It is notable for being one of the first large-scale oil discoveries in the United States, and for the role it played in the development of the modern oil industry. The Spindletop oil field was discovered on January 10, 1901, when a well drilled by the Spindletop Oil Company struck oil at a depth of 1,139 feet. The well produced an initial flow of 100,000 barrels per day, which was unprecedented at the time.

The discovery of the Spindletop oil field marked a turning point in the history of the oil industry. Before the discovery of Spindletop, oil was primarily obtained by digging shallow wells, which produced small amounts of oil. The Spindletop discovery showed that large amounts of oil could be obtained from deep wells drilled into salt domes. This led to a boom in oil exploration and drilling, as companies scrambled to find similar deposits of oil.

The development of the modern oil industry owes a great deal to the discovery of the Spindletop oil field. The success of the Spindletop well inspired a wave of exploration and drilling throughout Texas and the rest of the United States, as well as in other countries such as Mexico, Venezuela, and the Middle East. The demand for oil grew rapidly, leading to the creation of major oil companies such as ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Texaco.

The oil industry became one of the most important industries in the world, providing fuel for transportation, heating, and electricity generation. In addition, the discovery of Spindletop had a significant impact on the economic and political landscape of Texas. The influx of oil money led to the growth of cities such as Houston and Dallas, and helped to make Texas one of the wealthiest and most powerful states in the United States. Today, Spindletop is considered a historical landmark and is open to the public as a museum and tourist attraction.

For similar questions on "Spindletop" :


where passenger disclosure and attestation to the united states of america?


The passenger disclose Before boarding a flight arriving in the US from abroad, the attestation needs to be given to the airline or aircraft operator.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) attestation, which certifies that the non-U.S. citizen has met the entrance immunization requirements, must be completed by all foreign nationals traveling to the United States.

International travel is built on proper identification. You should make sure to have proper identification with you at all times as a result. You can even think about carrying several identification cards, such as your passport, national ID card, and driver's license.

To know more about disclosure visit :


Dust storm blankets in the Midwest and sent deposits as far east and NY and Boston. What happened during 1935?


To offer benefits to pensioners and the unemployed, the Social Security Act is enacted into law.

What is Social Security Act?Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president of the United States, signed the Social Security Act of 1935 into law after it was passed by the 74th US Congress. The Social Security program and unemployment insurance were both established by legislation. Roosevelt's domestic New Deal policy included the statute. An act to ensure the general welfare by creating a system of Federal old-age benefits and allowing the various States to make more adequate provision for the elderly, the blind, the dependent and handicapped, the welfare of mothers and children, public health, and the management of their unemployment. The Social Security Act (the Act) of 1935 is the source of several federal and state programs that give families in the United States financial security.

To learn more about Social Security Act, refer to:

1) Helped bring about the integration of black and white jazz musicians 2) Grew up in the slums of Chicago 3) Got huge success after performing at the Palomar in LA. who is the character above?


The character described above is Benny Goodman, an American jazz clarinetist and bandleader who helped to bring about the integration of black and white musicians.

Benny Goodman is best known for his instrumental role in the development of swing music. During his career, he worked with a number of talented musicians and performers, including Louis Armstrong, Lionel Hampton, and Gene Krupa. In the 1930s and 1940s, Goodman led one of the most popular bands of the era, and he helped to introduce jazz to a wider audience through his recordings and live performances.

Benny Goodman's contributions to jazz song consist of:-helping to interrupt down racial barriers in tune by integrating black and white musicians.-Popularizing swing tune and bringing it to a mainstream target audience.-elevating the role of the clarinet in jazz track.-taking part with a extensive range of proficient musicians to create revolutionary sounds and patterns. overall, Benjamin David Goodman became an American clarinetist and bandleader known as the "King of Swing". From 1936 till the mid-Nineteen Forties, Goodman led one of the most famous swing massive bands within the u.s.a.

To know more about benny goodman, refer here:


: What important innovations and adaptations did medieval Muslims make?



Medieval Muslims made many important innovations and adaptations in various fields such as science, mathematics, architecture, art, and literature. Some of the most notable innovations and adaptations of medieval Muslims are:

Algebra: The word algebra comes from the Arabic word "al-jabr," which means "reunion of broken parts." Medieval Muslim mathematicians, such as Al-Khwarizmi and Al-Karaji, made significant contributions to the development of algebra and introduced many new concepts such as quadratic equations, algebraic expressions, and equations with two or more unknowns.

Astronomy: Medieval Muslim astronomers made important observations and discoveries in the field of astronomy. They developed new techniques for measuring the position and movement of celestial bodies and created elaborate astronomical instruments such as astrolabes and celestial globes.

Medicine: Medieval Muslim physicians, such as Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Al-Razi (Rhazes), made significant contributions to the development of medical science. They wrote important medical texts that were translated into Latin and influenced the development of medicine in Europe.

Architecture: Medieval Muslim architects developed new techniques for constructing large and complex buildings. They created intricate geometric designs and used innovative building materials such as colored tiles, glazed ceramics, and stucco plaster.

Literature: Medieval Muslim writers made significant contributions to the development of literature. They wrote epic poetry, romantic tales, and philosophical treatises that influenced later writers in Europe and Asia.

Calligraphy: Medieval Muslim calligraphers developed a highly refined and stylized form of calligraphy. They used complex geometric designs and intricate patterns to create beautiful works of art.

Overall, medieval Muslims made many important innovations and adaptations that have had a lasting impact on the world. Their contributions helped to shape the modern world in many ways and continue to inspire new ideas and discoveries.

Medieval Muslims made several important innovations and adaptations that had a significant impact on the world. Here are some of the key innovations and adaptations made by medieval Muslims:

Advancements in Science and Technology: Muslim scholars made significant contributions to the fields of mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, and medicine. One of the most important contributions was the development of algebra and algorithms, which laid the foundation for modern mathematics. They also made advancements in optics, invented the astrolabe and the sextant, and developed the concept of the scientific method.
Architectural Innovations: Muslims introduced a unique style of architecture, which incorporated elements from various cultures. One of the most significant innovations was the development of the arch and the dome, which were used to build grand structures like mosques and palaces. They also developed the concept of the horseshoe arch, which was used extensively in Islamic architecture.
Agricultural Innovations: Muslims made several important innovations in agriculture, including the use of irrigation systems, crop rotation, and the development of new farming techniques. They also introduced new crops to different parts of the world, such as oranges, lemons, and sugarcane, which had a significant impact on global agriculture.
Literary Contributions: Muslim scholars made significant contributions to literature, poetry, and art. One of the most important literary contributions was the development of Arabic calligraphy, which is considered an art form in itself. Muslim scholars also translated works from other cultures into Arabic, which helped to preserve and disseminate knowledge across different regions.
Trade and Commerce: Muslims played a crucial role in the development of trade and commerce in the medieval period. They established extensive trade networks across different regions, which facilitated the exchange of goods and ideas. Muslim merchants also played a key role in the development of banking and finance, which laid the foundation for modern banking systems.
In conclusion, medieval Muslims made several important innovations and adaptations that had a significant impact on the world. Their contributions to science, technology, architecture, agriculture, literature, and trade helped to shape the world we live in today.

What factor was NOT a cause of the global depression following World War I?
A Declines in the stock markets
B Increases in income tax rates
C Overproduction in many industries
D Imposition of higher tariffs


B Increases in income tax rates was NOT a cause of the global depression following World War I.

What is global depression?

Global depression is a severe economic downturn that affects multiple countries or regions around the world, leading to a sustained period of economic contraction and high unemployment rates. It is characterized by a significant decline in economic activity, industrial production, and international trade, along with a general decline in business and consumer confidence. Global depressions are typically caused by a combination of factors such as financial crises, recessions, trade imbalances, and political instability, which can create a negative feedback loop that amplifies the economic downturn. The most well-known example of a global depression is the Great Depression of the 1930s, which lasted for almost a decade and had a profound impact on the world economy, politics, and society.

To know more about Global depression, visit:


How has oil production affected Southwest Asia?


Oil production has had a significant impact on Southwest Asia. The production of oil has resulted in the region's rapid economic growth and development, but it has also had negative consequences, such as political instability and environmental degradation.

The following are the impacts of oil production on Southwest Asia:

1. Economic growth and development: Oil production has resulted in significant economic growth and development in Southwest Asia. The revenue generated from oil exports has enabled the region to modernize its infrastructure and develop its economy. It has also created job opportunities and stimulated the growth of other industries.

2. Political instability: The abundance of oil reserves in Southwest Asia has made the region vulnerable to political instability. Political leaders and rival groups are often in conflict over control of the resources, and this has resulted in frequent political upheavals and instability.

3. Environmental degradation: The oil production process has caused significant environmental degradation in Southwest Asia. Oil spills and leaks can contaminate water sources, soil, and the air, and this has resulted in health problems for local communities.

4. Overdependence on oil: Southwest Asia's reliance on oil exports has made the region overly dependent on this resource. This has resulted in economic vulnerabilities, as oil prices are subject to fluctuations on the global market. Furthermore, the over-reliance on oil exports has hampered the development of other industries, and this has limited economic diversification.

For more such questions on Oil production, click on:


why were more than 110,000 people of japanese ancestry in the united states relocated to places such as the poston relocation center in arizona? include evidence from the introduction and the text of this excerpt to explain your inferences.


The relocation of more than 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry in the United States during World War II was due to their suspicion of being a potential security risk by the US government.

The Japanese-American Internment was carried out by the United States government during World War II. As part of the relocation process, over 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry in the United States were moved to relocation centers such as the Poston relocation center in Arizona. This was done primarily due to fear and racism against Japanese Americans after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

In addition, the United States government's rationale for the internment was to safeguard the country from a perceived Japanese threat. On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which authorized the internment of all individuals of Japanese descent in designated military zones on the West Coast.

This led to the relocation of Japanese Americans to internment camps, where they were held against their will until the end of the war. This was a gross violation of their civil liberties, and it was not until the 1980s that the United States government formally apologized and provided reparations to Japanese Americans who were interned during the war.

Learn more about relocation of Japanese Americans here:


William B. Hartsfield contributed to the growth of Georgia bya.bringing the aviation (airport) industry to the stateb.building world-class resort and golf coursesc.lowering taxes for manufacturing businessesd.persuaded sports teams to move to Atlanta


Option-A: William B. Hartsfield was an influential mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, from 1937 to 1941 and again from 1942 to 1962. He is credited with bringing the aviation industry to Georgia, building world-class resorts and golf courses, lowering taxes for manufacturing businesses, and persuading sports teams to move to Atlanta.

Hartsfield is credited with convincing the federal government to invest in airfields in the state. He is also responsible for constructing the world-class resorts, golf courses, and other leisure activities that brought tourists to the state. He worked to lower taxes for businesses, encouraging investment in the state and its economy.

Hartsfield was also able to persuade the Braves, Falcons, and Hawks sports teams to move to the Atlanta area, increasing tourism and revenue.
In sum, William B. Hartsfield is credited with greatly contributing to the growth and development of Georgia through his efforts to bring the aviation industry to the state, build world-class resorts and golf courses, lower taxes for manufacturing businesses, and persuade sports teams to move to Atlanta.Thus the correct answer is option-A.

For such more questions on William B. Hartsfield:


the democratic party group of answer choices favored strict limitations on voting rights. was organized to oppose andrew jackson. was similar in policy and constituencies to the federalist party. supported both agrarian democratic principles and the continuation of southern slavery. was almost destroyed by the election of 1828


The Democratic Party was a group that favored the continuation of southern slavery and supported agrarian democratic principles. They opposed Andrew Jackson and nearly destroyed themselves due to the 1828 elections. The correct answer is option C.

The Democratic Party is a United States political party that traces its origins to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the 1790s. The party was created in opposition to the Federalist Party, which advocated for a strong central government. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828, following the dissolution of the Democratic-Republican Party.

It originated as a political coalition dedicated to opposing the policies of President John Quincy Adams and his supporters, as well as promoting the Democratic ideals of Jefferson. The Democratic Party supported agrarian democratic principles and wanted to keep southern slavery in place. They opposed Andrew Jackson's presidency and almost destroyed themselves in the 1828 elections.

The party, however, rebounded in the 1830s and 1840s, following Jackson's leadership and successful implementation of the party's ideals. In conclusion, the Democratic Party is a political party that was founded in 1828 to oppose Andrew Jackson, and they supported southern slavery and agrarian democratic principles. They were nearly destroyed by the 1828 elections but rebounded in the following decades under Jackson's leadership.

To know more about Democratic Party, refer here:


in your text, read about james otis in the beginning and end of this chapter. how does his life and actions represent america's feelings that lead to the declaration of independence?


James Otis was an important figure in the American Revolution and his life and actions represented the feelings of many Americans at the time. He was an advocate for colonial rights, and famously declared that “taxation without representation is tyranny”. This statement highlighted the feeling of frustration that many colonists had with British rule and influenced the Declaration of Independence, which was drafted in 1776.

James Otis was a lawyer and a politician from the state of Massachusetts, and he was one of the key members of the American independence movement. James Otis was born in 1725, and he played an important role in the Boston Tea Party. He was the one who famously said, “No Taxation Without Representation!” He also spoke out against British tyranny and helped to draft the Massachusetts Circular Letter, which helped unite the colonies against the British.James Otis is remembered for his powerful speeches and his commitment to freedom and liberty. He was a true patriot, and his life and actions represent America’s feelings that lead to the Declaration of Independence. In particular, James Otis was a strong advocate for individual rights and liberty, and he believed that the colonists should be free from British tyranny and oppression. His passion for freedom and his commitment to the cause of independence helped to inspire other colonists to stand up against the British and fight for their rights and freedoms.In conclusion, James Otis was a key figure in the American independence movement, and his life and actions represent the feelings of the American people that led to the Declaration of Independence. He was a true patriot, and his commitment to individual rights and freedom helped to inspire other colonists to join the fight for independence

Overall, James Otis's life and actions represent America's feelings that led to the Declaration of Independence by embodying the spirit of resistance to tyranny and oppression, and by articulating the idea that individuals have natural rights that cannot be violated by a distant government without representation. His ideas helped to lay the foundation for the American Revolution, and his legacy continues to inspire Americans to this day..

For more such questions on American Revolution


why was the city of memphis able to develop as an important center of the cotton trade?


Traffic conditions allowed the city of Memphis to develop into an important center for the cotton trade. Cliffs along the Mississippi River.

The Memphis Cotton Exchange is located on the corner of Front Street and Union Avenue in downtown Memphis, Tennessee, USA. It was founded in 1874 with the growth of the cotton market in Memphis, which was a booming trade after the American Civil War.

The first building of the Cotton Exchange was built in 1885 by him. It was replaced by the Exchange Building in 1910 and was housed there until the new Cotton Exchange Building was completed in 1925.

They also recognized the many advantages of the New York and New Orleans Cotton Exchanges.

The exchange has developed a cotton grading method agreed upon by its members. It acted as a 'spot market' and, apart from two short-term experiments, never developed trading in futures contracts. The exchange became a source of information about the world market, and cotton merchants realized they had to be members in order to compete. The exchange also promoted "Memphis cotton" in major markets such as New York and London. 

Know more about cotton trade here:


the pace of settlement of the old northwest (ohio, indiana, illinois, ...) was determined primarily by the prices of


The pace of settlement of the Old Northwest (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, ...) was determined primarily by the prices of public lands.

What is the Old Northwest?

The Old Northwest is the region in the United States bounded by the Great Lakes to the north, the Mississippi River to the west, and the Ohio River to the south, which was acquired by the United States in the Treaty of Paris that ended the American Revolutionary War in 1783.

The settlement of the Old Northwest began in earnest in the late 18th century after the American Revolution and continued into the early 19th century.

What determined the pace of settlement of the Old Northwest?

The prices of public lands, which were set by the federal government, were the primary determinant of the pace of settlement of the Old Northwest. The government sold large tracts of land in the Old Northwest to settlers and speculators, and the prices of these lands fluctuated depending on supply and demand.

When the prices were high, settlement slowed, and when they were low, settlement increased. Land speculation, the construction of canals and roads, and the availability of credit also played a role in determining the pace of settlement of the Old Northwest.

Learn more about Old Northwest here:


describe how the russian revolution had similar characteristics to the french revolution. bolditalicunderline


The similarity of Russian and French revolution are revolt against the ruling class due to social and economic injustice and it led to change in social and political structure of the countries.

How is the Russian revolution similar to French revolution?

The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the French Revolution of 1789 were two significant events that had a profound impact on their respective countries and the world at large. While there are differences between the two revolutions, there are also similarities in their characteristics.

One key similarity between the two revolutions is that both were fueled by social and economic grievances. In France, the ruling monarchy and aristocracy were seen as oppressive and corrupt, while in Russia, the Tsarist regime was viewed as autocratic and backward. Both revolutions were driven by popular demands for greater political participation, social justice, and economic opportunity.

Another similarity is that both revolutions led to radical political and social transformations. In France, the revolution resulted in the establishment of a democratic republic and the abolition of feudal privileges and the monarchy. Similarly, in Russia, the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, overthrew the Tsarist regime and established the world's first socialist state.

Both revolutions also had far-reaching consequences beyond their respective borders. The French Revolution inspired movements for democratic reform and the spread of revolutionary ideals throughout Europe and beyond. Similarly, the Russian Revolution led to the spread of communism and socialist ideas around the world, which had a significant impact on global politics and economics in the twentieth century.

Finally, both revolutions were marked by violence and political repression. The French Revolution was characterized by the Reign of Terror, in which thousands of people were executed for political reasons. Similarly, the Russian Revolution led to a period of violent civil war and political repression under the Bolshevik regime, which saw the persecution of political opponents and the suppression of dissent.

Learn more on Russian revolution here;


How would President Franklin Roosevelt most likely respond to Father Charles Coughlin concerns
about the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?
A. President Roosevelt would listen to the criticism and assure Father Coughlin that the money was
benefiting the nation as a whole by helping the working people.
B. President Roosevelt would agree with Father Coughlin taxation was necessary for the recovery of
the country but private industries must also contribute.
C. President Roosevelt would explain to Father Coughlin that the use of public tax money benefits
industry and commerce as well as individuals.
President Roosevelt would address Father Coughlin's concerns by reducing the taxes used to
support the relief and recovery efforts.


Based on his previous responses to criticism, President Franklin Roosevelt would most likely respond to Father Charles Coughlin's concerns about the Works Progress Administration (WPA) by listening to the criticism and addressing it with a diplomatic approach. Option A is the most likely response from Roosevelt. He was known for being a skilled communicator and for being able to persuade his critics by acknowledging their concerns and explaining how his policies would benefit the country as a whole. He would likely emphasize how the WPA was providing jobs and economic stimulus to the working people, and how this was helping to lift the country out of the Great Depression. Option B is a possibility, but Roosevelt would also argue that private industries were already contributing through taxes and other measures. Option C is also a possibility, but Roosevelt would likely emphasize the benefits of the WPA to individuals and communities, rather than just industry and commerce. Option D is unlikely, as Roosevelt believed that government spending was necessary to stimulate the economy and provide relief to those in need.

whereas the american economy had once focused on produced goods, by the 1920s a growing number of industries were turning out ______ goods.


In the 1920s, a growing number of industries in the American economy were producing consumer goods for personal consumption.

By the 1920s, a growing number of industries in the American economy were turning out consumer goods. The period between World War I and the Great Depression was marked by a rise in mass production and consumerism, with factories producing goods such as automobiles, household appliances, and clothing on a large scale for an expanding middle class. This shift towards consumer goods signaled a change in the focus of the American economy, as the production of goods for personal consumption became increasingly important.

Learn more about World War I here:


Who was the Japanese admiral who organized the attack on Pearl Harbor?


The Japanese admiral who organized the attack on Pearl Harbor was Isoroku Yamamoto.

Yamamoto was a career naval officer in the Imperial Japanese Navy, and is considered one of Japan's most brilliant naval strategists. He was appointed commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet in 1939, and played a key role in planning and executing Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Despite his success at Pearl Harbor, Yamamoto was aware of Japan's limitations in a prolonged war with the United States, and opposed Japan's entry into the war. He was later killed in action when his plane was shot down by American forces in 1943.

To learn more about admiral refer to:


Select the correct answer each dropdown How did Roosevelt address the needs of veterans during the Depression?



During the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented a number of programs to address the needs of veterans, many of whom were struggling to find work and support themselves and their families.

One of the most significant programs was the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), which was established in 1933 as part of the New Deal. The CCC provided jobs to young, unemployed men, including many veterans, who worked on a variety of conservation projects throughout the country, such as planting trees, building trails, and improving parks. The program provided not only much-needed employment, but also helped to develop infrastructure and natural resources for the country.

Another key program was the Veterans Administration (VA), which was established in 1930 to provide medical care, disability compensation, and other benefits to veterans. The VA expanded during the Depression to provide additional services, including housing assistance, vocational training, and educational benefits. In particular, the GI Bill, which was passed in 1944, provided financial support for veterans to attend college or trade schools, helping them to transition back into civilian life after serving in World War II.

Additionally, the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) established the Public Works Administration (PWA) in 1933, which provided funding for large-scale infrastructure projects, such as highways, bridges, and public buildings. Many veterans found work on these projects, which helped to provide economic stimulus and improve the country's infrastructure.

Overall, Roosevelt recognized the challenges facing veterans during the Depression and worked to provide them with employment, support, and opportunities to improve their lives. The programs he implemented had a lasting impact, helping to shape the social safety net and support systems that continue to provide for veterans today.

Answer: work, GI bill

Explanation: i got it correct

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