जिल्ला समन्वय समितीमा कति सदस्यहरु हुन्छन् ।​


Answer 1




The DA elects the DCC, consisting of a maximum of nine members, including one chief, one deputy chief, at least three women and at least one dalit or another member of a minority group. The DCC discharges all functions required to be carried out by the DA.

Related Questions

Three-year-old Chase rarely speaks and has little interest in interacting with his siblings or parents. His interest seems completely absorbed by a few of his toys, and sometimes, he will spin around and around for nearly an hour. Chase may be diagnosed with _____ disorder.



Autism spectrum


No explanation

His interest seems completely absorbed by a few of his toys, and sometimes, he will spin around and around for nearly an hour. Chase may be diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder.

What is a disorder?

If you have a strict and harmful habit of thinking, acting, and treating, you may have a mental problem. An individual with psychopathology has issues understanding and interacting with people and circumstances.

Chase may have some connection with the changes that have been happening in autism. He will not care about the crowd that is present around them.  People with autism spectrum condition can live freely as an adult.

People with ASD frequently struggle with social language and contact, as well as with constrained or repeating habits or hobbies. But not everyone reaches the same degree of autonomy.

Learn more about disorder, here:



What difference do you find between agrarian society and industrial society?make a list



The dominant difference in agrarian and industrial societies is the freedom of individuals to participate in networks with high productivity. Agrarian society tends to organize around the need to violently defend or take land on which to grow crops, using hierarchies for command by an aristocracy. This aristocratic hierarchy then restricts participation in networks like markets, to channel the wealth from the land into their own families for control. When this control of wealth could not be maintained, we got the industrial revolution, with its most competent published description being:

"When a society moves from allocating resources by custom and tradition (moderns read here, by politics) to allocating resources by markets, they may be said to have undergone an industrial revolution" Arnold Toynbee-1884

IMHO, this freedom for market network activity is the *first* part of the industrial revolution seen, while other levels of human activity are also important. Intellectual freedoms of activity to participate in intellectual networks are needed to exchange ideas that lead to new markets. Spiritual freedoms of activity are needed for individuals to clarify the mind to perceive new ideas. Physical freedoms to change the physical environment are needed, so that people have the wealth and time to pay attention to spirit and intellect. Political freedoms are needed, to keep in check the tendency of agrarian culture reactionaries to retake control using corruption and confiscatory levels of taxation.

So, the difference between agrarian and industrial society turns out to be freedom of action, that agrarian culture suppresses, and industrial culture celebrates.

Why Was The necessity of getting a constitution fromlated by a popularly elected constitution assembly felt after the second popular movement 2062 / 63 ? list the reasons.​



kullabs:I n the history of Nepal, altogether 6 constitutions were promulgated. They were made by a single authority. All of them did not comprehend the sentiments of the people and their aspirations due to which Mass Movement 2062/63 took place and Loktantra was established. After the establishment of Loktantra in Nepal, the constituent assembly was conducted and thus, a constituent assembly was formed. It was formed to ensure better rights and freedom to the people.


I guess this is the answer but I don't know the reasons

Functions of peace keeping force ?



Peacekeepers protect civilians, actively prevent conflict, reduce violence, strengthen security and empower national authorities to assume these responsibilities. This requires a coherent security and peacebuilding strategy that supports the political strategy.



2. How does a good society get its recognition?​



universal social services. Working closely with their friend William

Beveridge, they were highly influential with academics and senior

politicians and laid the intellectual foundations for what became the

welfare state.

To commemorate the centenary of the Minority Report, the Trust

commissioned the Fabian Society to produce The solidarity society:

Fighting poverty and inequality in an age of affluence 1909–2009.

which had persisted despite  progress of the previous 100 years. However, many proposals entailed.

increased state spending and, following the financial crash of 2008 and

the austerity policies emerging from the 2010 Coalition government,

it was unlikely that the book’s proposals would be taken up.

The Trust therefore commissioned two pieces of research: a review

of social policy since 1945, undertaken by the Smith Institute, to

identify which policies were effective in reducing poverty,2 and a

series of essays from academics and practitioners in which they were

asked to imagine what Beatrice Webb would suggest doing about

poverty now.3 Following these publications, the Trust concluded

that traditional social policy is inadequate to deal with the challenges

facing the UK and produced a consultation document: Beatrice Webb:

A fitting legacy. Its publication in 2012 set out the prospectus for the

research described here.

The reframes the debate about poverty and how a good society

should eliminate it. We hope that this research, like that of the Webbs,

will stimulate our partners and others to develop their ideas and help

to create the society we want, rather than the society we have.

Juanita has always found people to take care of her. She has convinced a neighbor to do her laundry by saying she doesn't know how, and countless coworkers have finished her projects to get them done on time. Things are no different in her interpersonal relationships, except she finds that she loses friends once they feel she is taking advantage of them.
A. Personality disorders often cause a person to lose his or her job.
B. Personality disorders are exhibited in a wide range of contexts.
C. Personality disorders are predominately found in women.



A) and also Juanita is needs some ✨therapy✨

why is transportation considerd as an important infrastructures of development?​



Transport infrastructure is one of the most important factors for a country's progress. ... It has been proven by so many instances how transport infrastructure has added speed and efficiency to a country's progress. Good physical connectivity in the urban and rural areas is essential for economic growth


I think because it can get us anywhere

Eun Sun is a young and enthusiastic intern in a law firm and puts a lot of effort into her work. Her boss, however, never appreciates her work; he rather increases her workload every time she submits something for his approval. Though she is quite content with the nature of the work and the pay, Eun Sun is personally discontent with the work culture. On the basis of these factors, which of the following is most likely true of Eun Sun?

-Eun Sun lacks intrinsic motivation.
-Eun Sun lacks perceived organizational support.
-Eun Sun lacks extrinsic motivation.
-Eun Sun lacks both intrinsic and organizational support.



It's option B. Eun Sun lacks perceived organizational support.

The reason I chose this option is that perceived organizational support means that an individual working for the company is receiving good remarks or support for their hard work done. This is exactly what Eun Sun is in need of but unfortunately, her boss, fails to understand this and instead keeps giving her a hard time. Now, only if he were to say things like, "thank you for your hard work," or " you did great", Eun Sun would probably want to work even harder and better. Supportive words and encouragement can take you far.

what is the importance of energy? Make a list.​



1)Energy helps us to improve the quality of our life.

2)It supports economic competitiveness.

3)Development of energy generates employment to jobless people.

4)Many objects around us works on electrical energy.

5)We use energy to heat and cool our homes, schools, and businesses.

6). We use energy for lights and appliances.

7) Energy makes our vehicles go, planes fly, boats sail, and machines run.

8) All living things need energy too.

9)People use energy to walk and bicycle, to move cars along roads and boats through water, to cook food on stoves, to make ice in freezers, to light our homes and offices, to manufacture products, and to send astronauts into space.

Which of the following statements reflects subjectivism? Dennis says that morality is universal. Dennis says that morality is a personal choice. Dennis says that morality depends on the situation. Dennis says that morality is dictated by a person's culture.


This is a personal choice !

Based on the philosophical and scientific discoveries of Wolfgang Smith, the Philos-Sophia Initiative seeks to facilitate a revolutionary impact upon our civilization through the recovery of the "vertical" part of cosmic reality.

What is civilization?

A society governed by a state that has a well-developed culture, language, writing system, and money is referred to as a civilization.  As its etymology suggests, the term "civilization" was first connected to towns and cities.

Domestication of plant and animal species, labor specialization, building, upkeep of infrastructure, technological advancement, taxes, and regulation are further characteristics of civilizations.

In the past, a civilization was frequently thought of as a larger and "more sophisticated" culture, in contrast to smaller, ostensibly less developed societies.

In the broadest sense, a civilization contrasts with non-centralized tribal communities, such as the cultures of nomadically herding livestock, Neolithic societies, or hunter-gatherer societies; yet, on occasion, it also contrasts with the cultures that are found inside civilizations itself.

With a ruling elite and subordinate urban and rural populations that participate in intensive agriculture, mining, small-scale manufacturing, and trading, civilizations are structured as densely inhabited communities.

Learn more about civilization, here



तालिमप्राप्त स्तक्या विकासले कमरी जनताको जीवनस्तरमा सुधार गहि । वटा उमाउल्लेख गर्नुठीम्।​



क्या विकासले कमरी जनताको जीवनस्तरमा सुधार गहि । वटा उमाउल्लेखExplanation:

Going outside the home alone, being in a crowd, standing in line, or riding in a car can be impossible for people with which disorder who fear that something extremely embarrassing will happen if they leave home or enter an unfamiliar situation





After Rachel bought a magazine subscription, she does not enjoy the articles in the magazine. However, she dutifully reads the entire magazine every month because she had already paid for the subscription and feels the money will be wasted if she does not read it. What psychological factor associated with behavioral economics explains Rachel's behavior



The sunk cost fallacy

Write a couple of paragraph on changes in our locality. include the comparison of the houses, life style and attitudes of people that you have seen in past and at present.



pipol livin in the past used to live a simple life and they relied mostly on farm produce,they used primitive weapons, they are also able to anticipate the seasons, they use weapons for hunting and gatherin. People livin in this day have had their lifestyle changed due to the influences of social media and celebrities, their lifestyle is totally diferent and also their dress up . All these have changed bcos the world has become more modernised and has evolved. Countries are becomin interconnected rough globalisation..THANK U ...Did u like the words of wisdom??

'Development of the society is a universal process'.Justify the statement.​


Development of a society is a universal process because it is impossible for any society to remain unaffected by other societies. ... With different influences by different cultures, our societies become more open-minded and can see things from varied perspectives.

In Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer's classic experiment, participants were injected with epinephrine and either informed or not informed about the drug's effects. Participants were later asked to rate their own emotional states. In this experiment, participants' emotion ratings are the:



Early studies showed that most emotions exhibited the same physicological reactions. More recent studies have showed some discrimination between extreme emotions.

The researchers hypothesize that "an emotional state may be considered a function of a state of physiological arousal and of a cognition appropriate to this state of arousal". "Cognitions arising from the immediate situation as interpreted by past experience provide the framework wihin which one understand and labels his feelings".

what efforts have been undertaken in Nepal to develop skilled human resource for bringing social and economic development?



they are giving proper education to people

Menciona 3 ideas para evitar la contaminacion y preservar el medio ambiente



Evitar malgastar el agua como por ejemplo cuando me lavo los dientes apagar la llave mientras lo hago.

Evitar usar o comprar las botellas de agua para no hacer mas grande lq contaminación por el plástico.

Usar energías renovables

For what purposes did the Greeks use the hilly land around their city-states?
h. What impact did mountains and seas have on Greek city-states?



mountains & Mediterranean:

encouraged the formation of many local centers of power, rather than one all-powerful capital

aristocracy strove to maintain their city-states' independence and to unseat any potential tyrants.

Greek polis (city-states) rather than kingdoms

raised goats,sheep, olive trees and grape vines


Janis volunteered to participate in a psychology experiment. When she arrives at the lab, a lab assistant standing on the other side of a counter greets her. The lab assistant explains the informed consent procedure and asks her to sign the form. As the lab assistant reaches for the form he drops it behind the counter. He drops down behind the counter to pick up the form, but, unbeknownst to Janis, another person stands up holding the form. After Janis signs the form, she is asked if she noticed the change. She replies that she did not. This phenomenon is known as: blindsight. inattentional blindness. change blindness. the cocktail party effect. visual interaction.



The phenomenon is known specifically as change blindness.


This is a phenomenon where the observer has fails to notice the differences that have been laid out to him or her when a certain visual stimulus is triggered or the observer is exposed to.

If a draft were started in the United States during a time of war, who would be affected?
Citizens would be required to participate in the draft.
Citizens would be able to choose whether or not to participate in the draft.
Only green-card holders would be affected by the draft.
Only permanent residents would be required to participate in the draft.
Reset Next


The correct answer is A) Citizens would be required to participate in the draft.

If a draft were started in the United States during a time of war, who would be affected?


Citizens would be required to participate in the draft.

United States citizens are required to participate in the draft to enlist them into the war.

One of the past examples could be the Selective Service legislation passed in September 1940 that contributed to mobilization in that it required men to register for the draft.

This law sponsored by legislators Edward R. Burker and James W. Wadsworth was signed into law on September 16, 1940, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This piece of legislation required that all American men from 21 to 26 years old be part of the US draft.



which two dry valleys lie in
lie in Gandaki



The Manang Valley, which lies close to the Nepal-Tibet border, offers ... The northern parts of Manang Valley are dry, brown and desolate places.

Please help it is urgent .​



it has helped us in the sentences like saya thunga phulka Hami aautai malla Nepali means which ever religion we follow which ever caste we are we all are same we celebrate every festival together with happiness

What does the transparency international (TI) lead at global level​


Your Answer is in the attachment.

Hope it helps you Please mark me as brainliest.

El peso máximo de una carga, recomendado por el INSST, para su manipulación sin riesgo dorsolumbar es de



Según lo recomendado por el INSST debe ser de 25Kg


Aunque es el peso ideal sugerido, el trabajador debe tener en cuenta las condiciones ideales para evitar lesiones dorsolumbares como las siguiente:

- Postura ideal :La carga debe estar  cerca del cuerpo así como la espalda debe permanecer derecha, sin giros ni inclinaciones.

-Sujeción firme del objeto por parte del trabajador; en algunos casos se recomienda el uso de guantes rústicos de calibre grueso que permita sostener bien la carga y a la vez proteger las manos.

- Levantamientos suaves y despaciosos.

-Entorno laboral libre de obstáculos y de situaciones que impliquen un gran riesgo de tropiezo o de caída para el trabajador que lleva la carga.

why is HDI index low in nepal .explain



Due to the effect that economies can often suffer from the "snowball" effect, the fact that two-thirds of the nation live below the poverty line of making less than $1 a day, Niger's low HDI is a direct result from poor healthcare, a meager economy, and a lack of centralized, nationalized infrastructure


How is a school a reflection of the society?​


In other words education and its institutions such as the school, university, classrooms and curriculums are all social facts. They exist in society and are a reflection of society. Because they are social facts they cannot be the cause for society; rather it is the reverse that is true.

Which two ways are handy for overall development of a state?​



1. Promoting capital formation: Capital formation is a fundamental requirement for economic  development. Private savings are very low in the underdeveloped countries in view of the low  income of the people. Therefore, there is a need for generation of savings by the government.  Developing countries have to depend primarily on government to mobilize domestic resources  during the early stages of economic development. The government has a major role to play in  promoting capital formation.

2. Development of Economic Infrastructure: Provision of economic infrastructure is mostly the  responsibility of the government. Key economic services, called infrastructure, like railways, road transport, communication network, roads, bridges, irrigation works, gas, electricity, etc. are  very essential for economic development. The absence of infrastructure can reduce economic  development.  


Promoting the capital formation and Development of Economic Infrastructure, are the two ways that handy for overall development of a state.

What is the capital formation?

Capital Formation is defined as the component part of a country's current end product and imports that is not consumed during the accounting period, but alternatively added to its stock of capital goods.

Capital formation modifies investment, that affects economic development. This can also be created by the persons in the investments activities.

Therefore, promoting capital formation and developing economic infrastructure are two methods that are beneficial to a state's overall development.

Learn more about the capital formation, refer to:



Admiral David Farragut led a ___ of about 40 ships past the stronghold forts of Jackson and St. Philip at the mouth of the Mississippi River to transport troops and supplies to capture the cities along the river.

A. Fleet

B. Garrison

C. Convoy

D. Caravan


Answer: A

Explanation: A group of ships is usually called a fleet. I also was reading about this battle and they referenced it as a fleet.

Which of the following could define a physical region?



is the area or pathway of the concentrated place base on your destination

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