Is the child in the garden? a pasado


Answer 1
No they are not a pass adi

Related Questions


Read the following passage from Mulr's "Calypso Borealis and respond to the prompt.
15] How long I sat beside Calypso I don't know Hunger and weariness vanished, and only after the sun was low in the west i splashed on through the swamp, strong and exhilarated as it never more to feel any mortal care. At length I saw maple woods on a hill and found a log house
was gladly received. Where ha ye come fra? The swamp, that awtu' swamp. What were ye doin' there? etc "Mony a pur body has been lost in that muckle, cauld,
dreary bog and never been found. When I told her I had entered it in search of plants and had been in it all day, she
wondered how plants could draw me to these awful places, and said, "I's god's mercy ye ever got out."
16 Ottentimes I had to sleep without blankets, and sometimes without supper, but usually had no great difficulty in finding a loaf of bread here and there at the houses of the farmer settlers in the widely scattered clearings. With one of these large backwoods loaves I was able to
wander many a long wild fertile mile in the forests and bogs, free as the winds, gathering plants, and glorying in God's abounding inexhaustible spiritual beauty bread. Storms, thunderclouds, winds in the woods--were welcomed as finds.
How do uthors communicate their done in a piece of writing? Identify the fone (or tones) of this passage Explain how the tone(s) is created, providing at least two examples from the passage and explaining how each contributes specifically to the tone(s) you identified. Your response
should be a paragraph of 5-7 sentences


Answer:According to the passage, authors communicate through figurative speech. In the passage, they used similes. For example, "How long I sat beside Calypso I don't know hunger and wariness vanished, and only after the sun was low in the west, I splashed on through the swamp, strong and exhilarated as if never more to feel any mortal care." The passage also has personification. For example, "When I told her I had entered it in search of plants and had been in it all day, she wondered how plants could draw me to these awful places, and said, "it's God's mercy ye ever get out." In conclusion, authors communicate through figurative language according to this passage.



What sentence is correct?

Let's keep this among the two of us.

Let’s keep this between the two of us.



Let's keep this between the two of us

Lets keep this between the two of us. Have a nice day/night!

Which of these thesis statements is restricted?

Cancer is a deadly disease.
Pets are a welcome addition in most homes.
Social Security is a tricky issue for any president.
Antibacterial products are unnecessary and may contribute to antibiotic resistance.



Cancer is a deadly disease.


HELP Describe one main ideas that walt whitman and Henry David have in common (read the picture for full question )



Walt Whitman and Henry David Thoreau possess strong beliefs about the essentials of human life. As romanticist writers in the 1800s, they espouse the value of self-reliance and desire for a return back to nature.


13. Is the word LAWYER in the following sentence a predicate nominative or a
predicate adjective?
My sister became a lawyer after years of study.



Predicate adjective...

Which of the following tones correctly matches the topic of writing? Question 10 options: Writing a research paper about the Industrial Revolution with an informal tone Writing a magazine column on the latest relationship drama in Hollywood with a formal tone Writing a blog post for a lifestyle website with an informal tone Writing an industry summary for business research with an informal tone


writing a research paper

hi! would it be correct if i said

"the components of our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity"

I'm not looking for punctuation corrections but just if it sounds right or something like that :>


Yes, it sounds ok. But I think ‘the components of’ is unnecessary. You can just start by saying ‘the solar system consists of…’.


The components in our solar system consist of the stars, the sun, and everything bound by gravity.

One of the letters in the chapter explained how a man's wife and daughter were:
forced to grind barley until the man paid his debt.
trying to get a man to buy them beads.
left on the side of a road when their chariot broke down.
None of the choices are correct.


They were grinding barley forcefully until the man pay the debt to the person.

The man's wife and daughter were forced to grind barley until the man paid his debt because the person wanted to recover his money from the man by forcing him. The person takes the advantage of work from the wife and daughter by doing household work from them such as grinding of barley etc. This act of person will compel the man to collect money from anywhere in order to buy the freedom of his wife and daughter but until his wife and daughter will do the work at the person's house from which the man takes money.

Which question is not answered in the passage?
What type of parrot is Alex?
Where is Alex studied?
How does Alex learn English?
How high can Alex count?



What’s the passage



c.How does Alex learn English is the answer on ed 2022


Which statement offers a central idea of the poem "Spanish Dancer"?
O An observer is drawn to watch a performance of a stylish, ceremonial dance that expands and changes like a burning match.
O A bystander pauses to watch i
musical performance that begins like a small flickering flame and ends in fiery movements that sizzle.
A spectator examines how a dancer begins her steps with caution, but later gives her movements unrestrained execution.
O An onlooker observes an arrogant dancer as she begins her haughty dance but is too consumed by the frenzied rhythms to finish.



An onlooker observes an arrogant dancer as she begins her haughty dance but is too consumed by the frenzied rhythms to finish.


Solve all questions, please.​



1. mixes

2. add

3. were laughing

4. had written

5. had been walking

6. haven't been

7. will have been

8. any

9. The English class is very lovely

10. Present continuous

11. has been

12. patiently


All the verbs must match the rest of the sentence in their tense.

1. mixes
2. add
3. were laughing
4. had written
5. had been walking
6. haven’t been
7. will have been
8. any
9. The English class is very lovely.
10. Present continuous
11. has been
12. Patiently

Hope this helps!

I.Grammar and vocabulary
Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Write your answers in the ANSWER SHEET. (2.5 points)

If I ………with clients just by email and phone, I would lose business.
A. communicated B. talked C.negotiate D.refer
2. Carla and Jason…………a very successful wine making Company.
A. get B. run C. operate D. make
3. Usually, I have to take my child…………school, and I might also have to go to the bank or supermarket .
A. from B. to C. to and from D. in
4. Indian software engineers are very good, and they also speak ……..
A. English well B. good English
C. English good D. A and B are correct
I like……in the boat,……nothing, and……up into the layers of cloud !
To sit/ to do/to look B.sit/do/look
C.siting/ doing/looking
6. Andrea wants to be successful at work and get ………in the company.
A.job top B.a top job C. top job D. job
7. We had……………to have any parties last three months, we had to study for our final exams.
A. no time B. not time C. time D. any time
8. Listen! ……………is knocking the at door . Let’s me go and see…
A.Someone B.Anyone C.Everyone D. Who
9. ……………books is always useful. Do it frequently!
A.Read B.Reading C.To read D.Non is correct
10. Understanding cultural……………is extremely important in human communication.
A.conference B. differently C.differences D. different
11. You…………miss the Eiffel Tower whenever you visit France.
A. should B.should not to C. should to D.shouldn’t
12. A business meeting is usually very………………… .
A. informally B. informal C. formally D. formal
13. Appearance and good manners……always important in an interview.
A. is B. be C. are D. being
14. We won’t t buy…………coffee, but we need to buy………sugar..
A. our/any B. any/ some C. any/ a few D. the/a little
15.…………you…………any good films last month?
A. Did /see B. Did/ saw C. Have/ seen D. Didn’t/ seen
16. How long ago…………………university?
A. did/ finish B. have / finished
C. were/ finished D. had/ finished
17. Would you like…………tea or coffee?
A. any B. some C. a little D. a few
18. Mississippi is ………………river in the world.
A. longest B. the longer C. the longest D. the long
19. Look at the cloud in the sky. It _______ rain in a while !
A. going to B. may going to D. Both B&C are correc
20. What did the Manager _______ them to do this morning?
A. tell B. ask C. speak D. A&B are correct
21.I have a car _______ I don’t use it very often.
A. and B. so C. but D. although
22. Factory farming creates the environmental…………………..
A. Contamination B. pollution
C. poison D. A,B,and C are accepted
23. The numbers of car drivers died …………….allover the world because they are using phones while driving.
A. every year B.each year
C. annually D.A,B,and C are correct
24. There are 1.7 billions people in over the world have chosen “Alternative life” (………………………).
A. Living differently B. living off the National utilities
C. Living off the grid D. A,B,and C are correct
25. What does “alternative medicine” mean?It means………………..
A. using different kinds of medical treatment methods
B. using the combination of some medical treatment methods
C.using not only the conventional medical treatment, but also some others ones.
D.All the three explanations are correct.


























help me please pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee





Write an essay on the Causes of Environmental Degradation​



Environmental degradation is a process throughwhich the natural environment is compromised in some way, reducing biological diversity and the general health of the environment. This process can be entirely natural in origin, or it can be accelerated or caused by human activities. Many international organizations recognize environmental degradation as one of the major threats facing the planet, since humans have only been given one Earth to work with, and if the environment becomesirreparably compromised, it could mean the end of human existence. One of the major threat the planet faces today, environmental degradation, is bound to make life difficult for all the life forms, including human beings, now or later. Studies by some of the eminent organizations reveal that the deterioration of environment is occurring at an alarming rate. In fact, the High Level Threat Panel of the United Nations has enlisted environmental degradation as one of the ten threats for us. This issue shares space with problems like poverty, terrorism and civil war in the list, and this itself highlights the fact that we are heading for a certain disaster. It is defined as a process wherein the natural environment of the planet is degenerated to such an extent, that the biodiversity and the general health of the planet is subjected to drastic reduction.In otherwords, this phenomenon can be defined as deterioration of the Earth’s natural surroundings as a result of excessive exploitation of the available resources. These resources include water, air, flora, fauna, soil etc. Basically, the life on the planet is interwoven to such an extent that a decrease in a particular attribute triggers a domino effect on all the other attributes dependent on it. It is the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife. It is defined as any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable.

Environmental degradation is one of the Ten Threats officially cautioned by the High Level Threat Panel of the United Nations.

Fig,1 Showing pollution from chimneysCauses:

Environmental degradation is a result of the dynamic inters play of socio-economic, institutional and technological activities. Environmental degradation can be attributed to various human activities, as well as some natural processes, with the later having an insignificant share. Most of the resources on the planet are vulnerable to depletion, and the rates at which we are exploiting them have already brought some of them to the brink of exhaustion. Exploitation of the fossil fuels is the best example of this phenomenon. Large scale exploitation has depleted the fossil fuel reserves across the world, thus leaving us with no option but to find an alternate source of energy. Other human activities which have been contributing to environmental degradation include urbanization, overpopulation, deforestation, pollution, hunting, etc.Environmental changes may be driven by many factors including economic growth, population growth, urbanization, intensification of agriculture, rising energy use and transportation.

Poverty still remains a problem at the root of several environmental problems.Social Factors:


Population is an important source of development, yet it is a major source of environmental degradation when it exceeds the threshold limits of the support systems. Unless the relationship between the multiplying population and the life support system can be stabilized, development programmes, howsoever, innovative are not likely to yield desired results.

Population impacts on the environment primarily through the use of natural resources and production of wastes and is associated with environmental stresses like loss of biodiversity, air and water pollution and increased pressure on arable land.

Change the folowing in to active voice:The platform allows users to post on walls,update their status,upload photos and videos,and comment on these posts.​



Users are allowed to  post on walls, update their status, upload photos and videos, and comment on these posts by the platform.


* 17. The train sometimes ....... late.
O arriving
O arrived
O arrives
O arrive
O have arrived​



the train sometimes arrives late.


O arrives


The train sometimes arrives late

indicate the world that does not belong to the sound group bean,pick,bead,peak​



Peak Im not sure if its correct though


I believe it’s peak.

who are most prone to get bird flu virus.according to the doctor? ​



Birds infected with H5N1 continue to release the virus in feces and saliva for as long as 10 days. Touching contaminated surfaces can spread the infection. You may have a greater risk of contracting H5N1 if you are: a poultry farmer.



Birds infected with H5N1 continue to release the virus in feces and saliva for as long as 10 days. Touching contaminated surfaces can spread the infection. You may have a greater risk of contracting H5N1 if you are: a poultry farmer.

Read the following passage:
Our people were being forced to move from our land - land our ancestors had lived on for centuries, it was either that or assimilate into the culture that had taken over. None of us wanted to move Most of us didn't want to change. But I'll admit that I was interested in learning the language and culture. Their clothing and their schools also intrigued me. What is one plot development that would decrease the cultural conflict in this story?
A. The narrator attends a new school but feels taken advantage of and returns to his family.
B. The narrator's people all move to a new area, where they maintain their traditional culture. O C. The narrator's family supports his interest in learning a new language and culture.
D. The narrator decides to leave behind his traditional culture to assimilate into the new one.​



the narrator decides to leave behind his traditional culture to assimilate into the new one

one plot development that would drop the artistic conflict in this story is The narrator decides to leave behind his traditional culture to assimilate into the new bone. Hence( D) is the correct option.

What's meant by a traditional culture?

Traditional artistic expressions( TCEs), also called" expressions of myth", may include music, cotillion , art, designs, names, signs and symbols, performances, observances, architectural forms, crafts and narratives, or numerous other cultural or artistic expressions in which traditional culture is expressed; form part of the identity and heritage of a traditional or indigenous community; are passed down from generation to generation.

TCEs are integral to the artistic and social individualities of indigenous and original communities, embody know- how and chops, and transmit core values and beliefs. Their protection is related to the creation of creativity, enhanced artistic diversity and the preservation of artistic heritage.

Learn more about traditional culture, from :


The waves pound the rocks and gradually break them up into sand. a. Simple b. Compound


a. Simple


This is a simple sentence

hope it helps!




have a good one

I spent little as I had little, _________?(tag question)



Past Simple


I spent little as I had little, didn't I?

As a new manager, you will be responsible _______ scheduling all of the full-time employees as well as keeping track of the payroll.

Select one:
A. for
B. by
C. with
D. to




hope it helps you

keep smiling

As a new manager, you will be responsible for scheduling all of the full-time employees as well as keeping track of the payroll.

What and where to use propositions?Proposition is a word governing and usually preceding a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element, examples of prepositions are in, on, by, to, from, since, for, of.The various uses of prepositions in English are they are used to show the direction of something. They can refer to the time of something happening. They can be used to denote the position or location of an object in the sentence. Propositions are also used to represent spatial relationships.

Hence, option A is the answer.

To learn more about propositions, refer to:


The police _______ the criminal last month. (catch) *​


The police caught the criminal last month.

What’s middle ground in a composition?


The middleground is the space within a composition between the foreground and the background. In the shot composition above, it is the yellow-outlined space, which you can see juxtaposed against the red foreground (the obstructive bars) and the out-of-focus background.

We rejoice .......... her success.


we rejoice for her success


hope it is helpful

mark me as brilliant


We rejoice (for) her success.


Please help me ASAP?!!!!!



1. orchestra

2. conductor



The answer is:


1) A) The Orchestra

2) B) The concert master

2 Tables. A 2-column table with 2 rows is titled Table A. Column 1 is labeled Squares with entries 5, 10. Column 2 is labeled Circles with entries 3, 6. A 2-column table with 2 rows is titled Table B. Column 1 is labeled Squares with entries 10, 20. Column 2 is labeled Circles with entries 3, 9. Which statement is true about the ratios of squares to circles in the tables? The ratios in Table A are greater than the ratios in Table B. The ratios in Table B are greater than the ratios in Table A. Only some of the ratios in Table A are greater than the ratios in Table B. The ratios in Table A are equal to the ratios in Table B.





I did it on my math! Good luck!

How do you respect the guest at your home?​



When people come to your home, whether planned or not, be hospitable. Meet them at the door and greet them warmly. Offer for them to step inside, even if only for a moment. It is your home, and you set the tone for the interaction by how you present yourself and approach the other person.

Hope this helps you.

Type the spelling word suggested by the root or related word.



I don’t really understand you question but I would say popularity.

which part of the passage provides details that are also in the image



what image and passage

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