Which war resulted in defeat for Russia that prompted many changes in Russian society?
Balkan War
Crimean War
Russo-Korean War
Franco-Prussian War


Answer 1




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The Muslim's conquering of the Holy
Land angered which religious group?


It angered the Christians, which leads to the Catholics (a branch of Christianity) Pope Urban II call for a Crusade.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, I just learned about this part of history this morning…

Which of the following statements about the burial process in ancient Egypt is TRUE?
Everyone in ancient Egypt was mummified
The brains of the corpse were fed to cats who guarded the afterlife
Slaves in ancient Egypt were usually wrapped in cloth and buried in the sand
The limbs of the deceased were stored in canopic jars



Slaves in ancient Egypt were usually wrapped in cloth and buried in the sand.


Mummification was a method to preserve the dead body after death. Pharaohs, Queens and Wealthy Egyptians conserve their body after death so that the soul could enter their body in the afterlife.

Most common ancient Egyptians and slaves buried in the desert after death. Their bodies would be wrapped in a simple cloth and bury with objects and food in the sand.

Why would a researcher use a secondary source instead of its primary source when analyzing a historical event?

Answer: To learn from the conclusions of many other experts on the event.​



Yes they will look at other sourses so they could analyze other research results.



In opposition to British Rule, the Founders of the United states chose to set up a national government . Create a Graphic organizer that's lists the purposes of government in one column , in the second column , describe how our society mighty operate today without a government . Consider Specific Functions of Goverment such as leadership , maintataning order, and providing public services ,etc .



the Founders of the United states chose to set up a national government


In opposition to British Rule, "the Founders of the United States chose to set up a national government."

During the period when the British still rules America, the British style of government was a combination of monarchy and Parliamentary involving the King, House of Lords, and House of Commons.

However, having witnessed the power held by the British King, the American founding fathers felt the need to do something different in their new nation, hence, they chose to set up a national government.

Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor,
belonged to what famous European
ruling family?



The family of Habsburg


Ferdinand II (1452-1516), was a Holy Roman Emperor,  who belonged to the famous family of Habsburg which ruled Austria for almost 650 years. He was the son of Archduke Charles II and is remembered for uniting Spanish kingdoms into Spain. Following to which he introduced Spain into the imperial expansion. Scholars such as Machiavelli refer to Ferdinand II as the renaissance prince.

answer this question for me plssss :)))


the answer is b


because being true means being loyal


not sure but i think its be


at the bottom is said be true to the future

How does the Wart know immediately that the sword in the stone is no ordinary sword? *
Your answer



He was much wiser and was born with the knowledge


It just is.

The doctrine of national self-determination states that nations have the right to create their own state and choose their form of government.






BECAUSE internet have answers

it’s false. this speaks of individuals themselves making their own decisions on certain matters. not the entire state

Very short answer questions

2. What does a society need to speed up the development process?



majority of population live in poverty so if poverty is removed then they become manpower of the nation as well as of the society which speed up to the development of process


Answer: FIRSTLY Is to remove poverty from society. ... majority of population live in poverty so if poverty is removed then they become manpower of the nation as well as of the society which speed up to the development of process.

What was the ten percent plan



the ten percent plan was 34% for this answer

Explanation: if you divide 34 / ten you get this answer

Please Help Me Quickly, TIME LIMIT, i will give brainliest





What is an effect of industrialization on women's lives?



In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution had a profound effect on the lives of women. They saw their role in society dramatically shift and many of them entered the workforce in order to support their families. Once in the workplace their faced discrimination and poor treatment

hope it's help

The area of the Sudetenland can best
be described in which of the following
A. It was an area owned and operated by the Soviet
B. It was an area that was its own independent nation.
C. It was an area Italy owned, but the French lived in.
D. It was an area Germans lived in, but was owned by


D. It was an area Germans lived in but was owned by Czechoslovakia

The Sudetenland used to be former territory of the German Empire. Adolf Hitler had expanded German territories through aggressive-diplomacy which Britain and France had tried appeasement.

We the People of the United States, in order to form a
more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic
Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America. 1
Which idea is expressed in this excerpt from the Constitution?
A. The government's power should be limited to protect individual
B. The government is divided into three branches,
G. State governments should have as much power as the federal
D. The government is responsible for protecting citizens.


Answer:D. The government is responsible for protecting citizens.


The government is divided into three branches,




the answer to number 9 is A

In about 40 to 50 words, summarize the effects of the Great Schism of 1054.



The Great Schism permanently divided the eastern Byzantine Christian Church and the western Roman Catholic Church. The popes in Rome claimed papal supremacy, while the leaders in the East rejected the claim. This led to western popes and eastern patriarchs excommunicating each other. It also split the main faction of Christianity into two divisions, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox.


The Great Schism permanently divided the eastern Byzantine Christian Church and the western Roman Catholic Church. The popes in Rome claimed papal supremacy, while the leaders in the East rejected the claim. This led to western popes and eastern patriarchs excommunicating each other. It also split the main faction of Christianity into two divisions, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox.



Apos anexaros territórios ganhos no combate, de qual forma Napoleão organizava o comando da nação dominada



espero q te ayude


La presencia de Napoleón Bonaparte, un militar temido y que encarnaba los ideales revolucionarios, despertó el miedo de las monarquías absolutistas que, temiendo la expansión de las ideas de la revolución francesa y auspiciadas por el Reino Unido, no cesaron en hacerle la guerra a Francia. Sin embargo, se toparon con una serie de derrotas humillantes a manos del emperador. Para el año 1812, Napoleón ya controlaba toda Europa occidental y central, con la excepción de la Gran Bretaña y Portugal. Con sus conquistas, varios gobiernos absolutistas fueron extintos y las ideas de la revolución francesa se diseminaron por Europa.

Napoleón acariciaba el deseo de transformar a Francia en una potencia hegemónica, y se esforzó en lograrlo haciendo gala de un genio militar y una capacidad de liderazgo innatos. Mantuvo un gobierno constitucional, que reservaba un inmenso poder político a la figura del emperador, inspirado en su popularidad y su estrecha relación con el ejército. Aun así, el imperio fue fundado y gobernado en las bases de la revolución francesa: Napoleón fue elegido soberano mediante un plebiscito, estableciendo un estado continental y centralizado muy comparable al antiguo Imperio romano. Su régimen finalizó luego de consecuentes derrotas militares, tras verse obligado a enfrentar a casi toda Europa en conjunto. Sin embargo, la influencia de la Francia napoleónica perduró más allá de su existencia, en las décadas siguientes estallarían por todo el continente una serie de revoluciones populares que pondrían fin definitivo al despotismo y abrirían las puertas a una Europa liberal.

En el plano interno, Napoleón consiguió restablecer la estabilidad política de Francia y creó una infraestructura capaz de impulsar los negocios de la burguesía francesa; bajo su gobierno, Francia alcanzaría su máximo esplendor. Puso fin al ancestral feudalismo de la monarquía y creó una nobleza del mérito comprendida por aquellos considerados competentes y dignos de tal posición. Impulsó el liberalismo económico, las construcciones, la educación, las artes y las leyes, siendo sus famosos código civil y código de comercio (el conjunto de las normas del derecho civil y del derecho mercantil francés un sólo texto legal) uno de sus mayores legados a la humanidad, pues inspira hoy en día a casi la mitad de los ordenamientos jurídicos del mundo.

How did Watergate affect American public opinion?

Help please!!



Gave people the right to see government documents about them. ... As a result of the Watergate Scandal many Americans lost faith in the government and caused the reputation of the presidency to be greatly damaged.

Many Americans lost faith in the government as a result of the Watergate Scandal, which also severely harmed the credibility of the administration.

How did Watergate influence the views of Americans?

According to PBS, the attempt to undermine the American political system itself made Watergate "the worst scandal in American history." Reforms in campaign finance were implemented to reduce the possibility of any potential legal misbehaviour, but the actual harm was done to culture.

Many Americans' deep mistrust of the government was sparked by Watergate. Americans have complained that presidents have been too strong and that there is a lot of room for unbridled power abuses. People started to have far less faith in politics and the government.

Scams are taken seriously, and people will suffer the consequences they deserve. The Watergate incident led to Nixon's resignation, 69 government officials being indicted, and 48 being found guilty.

Learn more about Watergate crisis, from:




La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó incluir el cuadro.

A pesar de que se te olvidó anexar ese cuadro, lo que podemos hacer para ayudarte a responder esta pregunta, es compartirte la siguiente información para que puedas elaborar tu cuadro.

La convivencia armónica de la antigüedad era muy distinta a la convivencia de la actualidad.

En la antigüedad, el núcleo familiar era más sólido y se convivía mucho tiempo entre los integrantes de una familia. Era tiempos en los que la tecnología no existía y todo el tiempo se le dedicaba al trabajo. Las condiciones económicas no eran favorables como para andar perdiendo el tiempo. Los momentos de descanso se aprovechaban para fomentar la convivencia familiar y el convivio con otras familias en lugares sociales o en la iglesia.

Era una época en donde la interacción personal directa era muy importante y valorada.

La convivencia moderna de nuestros días es fría, y cada vez se enfría más debido al excesivo uso de la tecnología que cada vez está separando más a las familias y a los amigos.

Hoy en día es triste ver como en una reunión en casa o en un restaurante, cada persona está inmerso en su teléfono celular, apartándose completamente de la relación interpersonal directa.  

ancient egypt quien es el criminal



Los crímenes en el antiguo Egipto tendían a dividirse en dos categorías: crímenes contra el Estado y crímenes contra personas. La deserción, la traición y la difamación del faraón cayeron en el primero, mientras que actos como homicidio, lesiones, robo y hurto cayeron en el segundo.


Which best explains how religious tolerance helped the ottoman and Mughal empires succeed


Answer:By showing religious tolerance, both empires maintained stability and earned loyalty from different peoples.


What is stated in the Preamble of the
Declaration of Independence?
A. Why the colonies are fighting for independence
B. Why the colonies were originally formed
C. Why the colonies think they've been mistreated



A. Why the colonies are fighting for independence.


The preamble states that when a government inhibits the inalienable rights of its citizens (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness), people must abolish it and form a new one.

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles supported a foreign policy strategy ofa. going to the brink of war to halt the Soviets' efforts to extend their territory any farther.b. an all-out nuclear assault on the Soviets if they even looked as though they were about to encroach on the free world.c. talking with Soviet officials to make sure the Soviet Union and the United States understood each other.d. rotating diplomatic personnel between the Soviet Union and the United States so the two nations could better understand each other's foreign policy.




Explanation: that's what President Biden showed in his visit to Viena

how did the boundries change between mexico and the united states after the mexican-american war ?



Following the occupation of Mexico City by the US army, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was negotiated, bringing the conflict to a conclusion. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo granted the United States possession of Texas, designated the Rio Grande as the boundary, and surrendered additional Mexican territory in the southwest to the United States.


In a short paragraph, describe the importance of Hollywood’s contributions during the war. Be sure to use at least two examples from your assignment.



Hollywood's greatest contribution to the war effort was morale. Many of the movies produced during the war were patriotic rallying cries that affirmed a sense of national purpose. Combat films of the war years emphasized patriotism, group effort, and the value of individual sacrifices for a larger cause.


Stars founded the Hollywood canteen, and volunteered their time.

Stars like Carole Lombard raised millions of dollars in war bonds campaigns.

Stars like Jimmy Stewart joined the armed forces.

Stars like Bob Hope entertained the troops.


answers on edge on 12-14-22




sorry is this a question and are you bored.thanks for points

Answer: Dhdhkddddrykrdrydhdthbuctcjttc

Thanks for points

Which situation would most likely have been protested by the NCL?

an uncleanly factory building
large tips given to a waiter
a store hiring immigrant workers
the merger of two corporations




a store hiring immigrant workers



It is A. an uncleanly factory building


"Which document does the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence echo?"



John Locke's Second Treatise of Government


The document that the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence echoes is "John Locke's Second Treatise of Government."

This is because "John Locke's Second Treatise of Government, "the main idea focused on the fact that people are equal and invested with natural rights in a state of nature in which they live free from outside rule.

Similarly, the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence states that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable sights.

Which three of the following conditions on Earth at the end of the Ice Age made human survival easier?

abundance of large animals
decrease in sea levels
extinction of mammoths
increase in vegetation
warmer global climate



increase of vegetation and warmer global climate


this is because humans need a warm climate to survive in, we dont do well in the cold, as well as an increase in vegetation create an abundance in food which leads to the overaell abundance in mammals which humans hunt. for the preceding reasons, humans sttrive in increase of vegetation and a warmer global climate.


Select all the correct answers.Which three of the following conditions on Earth at the end of the Ice Age made human survival easier?  abundance of large animals decrease in sea levels extinction of mammoths  increase in vegetation  warmer global climate


What is responsible for executing the nation's laws?

A. Legislative Branch

B. Executive Branch

C. Judicial Branch



B. Executive Branch..

hope it helps.

stay safe healthy and happy....

The Executive branch is responsible for carrying out laws therefore making the answer B.

The power of the Executive Branch is vested in the President of the United States, who also acts as head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress and, to that end, appoints the heads of the federal agencies, including the Cabinet. The Vice President is also part of the Executive Branch, ready to assume the Presidency should the need arise.

The Cabinet and independent federal agencies are responsible for the day-to-day enforcement and administration of federal laws.

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