In addition to the structure of the letter, consider the organizational structure you'll use to present your ideas. A logical structure will help your writing be more coherent. Keep your purpose, audience, topic, and ideas in mind as you decide. What organizational structure will you use to write your letter?


Answer 1

Hello. You have not informed the type of letter or the subject that the letter will deal with. This makes it impossible for me to answer your question. However, to help you out I'm going to tell you the types of structures you can use in your letter. Hope this is helpful for you.

First, it is important that you know that structure is how the information in your letter will be presented. This structure can be of the Chronological type, if in the letter, you are talking about an order of events that happened in a sequence of different dates or times. The structure can also be of the Comparison/Contrast type, if the letter is shown the similarities and differences between elements. The letter may also present the Problem-Solution structure, if it is showing how certain problems and ways to solve them, or how those problems are solved.

In addition, the card may have the structure called Cause and Effect, which occurs when the letter features certain elements that exist because they were caused by other elements. Finally, the letter can have a structure called Descriptive, which occurs when the letter is describing something or someone.

Answer 2


Part D

Now, use your prewriting in part B to compose a letter. Here are some tips to help your writing stay focused and coherent


Emme Taylor

13 Buccaneer Lane

Buffalo, TX 77789

June 3, 2019

Lois Lowry

40 Community Way

New York, NY 10000

Dear Mrs. Lowry:

I spent most of my life looking only far enough ahead to think about what I was going to do the next weekend. Thoughts of the future—one year, four years, 20 years away—never really crossed my mind. I definitely didn’t think about my future children or my children’s children and the world they would live in.

Then I read The Giver. At first, I didn’t understand this world you described. People had no recollection of the past, no understanding of animals. What had happened? I will admit that, in the beginning, I thought, “Wow, this is a perfect world.” There wasn’t any bullying; there wasn’t any pain.

But then I read about Release. I put the book down and tried to rationalize how the society could do this with a clean conscience. I realized that they didn’t know any better. They had no understanding of what they were actually doing. Or did they? Maybe Release was just acceptable in that society. I still think about that from time to time.

I closed your book with two new life lessons. First, Jonas only knew true joy after he felt true pain. That reminder helps me through tough days. Second, it is up to us to make sure that future generations will be able to ride a sled down a snowy hill and feel the love of family.


Emme Taylor

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I need friend ,,, anyone like to be my friend ,,lol​​



yes bro im your friend.


from now we are friends

The woods are getting ready to sleep—they are not yet asleep but they are disrobing and are having all sorts of little bed-time conferences and whisperings and good-nights. What meaning does the use of personification convey


Answer: It conveys the idea of trees losing their leaves and making noises in the wind.


Personification occurs when the attributes of human beings are given to

the things that are non human.

With regards to the question, the use of personification conveys the idea of trees losing their leaves and making noises in the wind. The trees were given human like qualities such as sleeping and making little bed-time conferences.

Someone pls help me ill give out brainliest pls don’t answer if you don’t know



It's 1st pov


the answer is the first pov

The underlined part of the sentence is a

restrictive phrase.
nonrestrictive phrase.
restrictive clause.
nonrestrictive clause.





The underlined part of the sentence is a restrictive clause. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is a restrictive clause?

A restrictive clause is a type of subordinate clause that provides essential information to the sentence, without which the meaning of the sentence would be unclear or incomplete. It is also known as an essential clause.

A restrictive clause is usually introduced by a relative pronoun, such as "who," "whom," "that," "which," or "whose," and it modifies the noun or pronoun that immediately precedes it in the sentence.

It is important to note that a restrictive clause is not set off by commas, as it is an essential part of the sentence. In contrast, a non-restrictive clause, which provides additional, non-essential information to the sentence, is set off by commas.

Learn more about restrictive clause, here


How does education open door to employment? Give example.



Was founded with the belief that all students deserve the opportunity to pursue their limitless potential.


They have the right to understand the value of an education and how to access and attain all options available to them after high school.

If you do good in school pass your GCSEs you will have a better chance of being employed. As this shows that you are better than the rest and can learn know do more than others.

Read the paragraph. Maria excels in gymnastics and tumbling. She has the commitment and dedication it takes to be successful in a demanding sport. The balance beam is my favorite event to watch because it requires a great deal of focus. Maria will continue training in the hopes of landing a spot on the competitive team. Which best explains the inconsistency in writing used in this paragraph



It does not maintain the same tone throughout. (c)


The question of whether or not to allow cell phones in school is an important one. Cell phones are a monumental distraction to young people whose attention should be focused on learning. However, they do serve a purpose in that phones allow students to communicate with their parents. Plus, cell phones are great for taking pictures with friends. In all, cell phone use at school must be carefully regulated.

Which best explains the inconsistency in writing used in this paragraph?

Just took the test on edge

It's crucial to consider whether or not to permit cell phones in classrooms. For young individuals whose emphasis should be on learning, cell phones are a major distraction.

What do you mean by learning?

The process of picking up new information, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences is known as learning. Humans, animals, and some robots all have the capacity to learn, and there is evidence that some plants also have this capacity.

While some learning is instantaneous and brought on by a single event, many skills and knowledge develop over time as a result of repeated experiences.

Learning typically results in changes that last a lifetime, making it difficult to tell the difference between knowledge that seems to be "lost" and knowledge that cannot be recovered.

As a result of continuing interactions between people and their environment, human learning begins at birth and lasts until death. Both existing and developing domains of study investigate the nature and procedures of learning.

Learn more about learning, here


In at least 150 words, what is satire, and how does Mark Twain use it in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?



main pivot point is that the escaped slave was given a name in the story: Jim


Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain is a great example of a satire that Twain uses to mock different aspects of the society. ... Twain uses the feud between Grangerfords and Shepardsons to satirize religion and to expose the hypocrisy in people during this time.

ukessays dot com

Horatian satire. Twain uses the innocence and of his young hero and narrator, Huck, to point out the hypocrisies of the adult world.

Twain uses satire to poke dark fun at the institution of slavery and the racism that upholds it by showing Huck's moral struggles in regards to slavery. He has been taught all his life that it is a sin to help a slave escape.

Which argument is a straw man fallacy?

A. Some people like online voting, but I'm against cheating.

B. My flute skills make me a natural candidate for senator.

C. Vote for me for city council. Everyone's doing it after all.

D. You're not allowed to ski because it's against the rules.



A. Some people like online voting, but I'm against cheating.

A straw man fallacy is when somebody’s rebuttal in an argument doesn’t have anything to do with the topic of the argument.

Therefore, the answer is A.

write 5 sentences using coordinating conjunctions and 5 sentences using adverb​




He had climbed many mountains when he was a boy.

Her hands were hard yet firm.

He wanted to wear either the blue shirt or the red shirt.

I like cheese pizza, but Hanna like pepperoni.

Please help me find a book, but not one that is boring.


The baby was gazing adoringly at chocolate cakes.

He read only action books.

Dogs don't usually walk backwards.

He cleans his room once a month.

The bus is moving north.


The Monkey and the Snake

One winter a Monkey found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom. The Snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and resuming its natural instincts, bit the monkey, inflicting on him a mortal wound.

What is the moral of the story?

Explain how your answer relates to the story:



It's good to help others, but still be cautious


the monkey helped the snake but also got bitten because he wasn't careful

A/An _________ is a set of words which has a meaning that is different from the meanings of individual words in that group.





An IDIOM is a set of words which has a meaning that is different from the meanings of individual words in that group.

What idea is emphasized through repetition?

Commuter traffic is a daily inconvenience.
The streets are unusually crowded.
The narrator is looking for her friends.
Mother Lois is not a skilled driver.


Answer:   B : the streets are unusually crowded.

Explanation:  got it correct on edg


answer is B


I took the test




I hope this helps you write your 3 paragraphs:

1st paragraph - life lesson learned in JB is to not be a coward. Write about how people need to face their fears, gain some confidence, and then triumph over the issues.

2nd paragraph - discuss how Mowgli is a young indian boy who comes of age. He wants to remain loyal to his wolf family, and he wants to be able to have his own identity. Give information about how the Mother Wolf decides that to allow Mowgli to grow up, but she has to let him go.

Paragraph 3 - explain how Mowgli meets many friends along his journey and notice that Baloo is the friend that supports him throughout the story. He learns the rules of the jungle and that he should respect his elders, even if they are wolves or people. End your 3rd paragraph with how the animals and the people (Mowgli) live together in harmony even though they all have differences to share.


don't be a coward

enjoy your life and learn to relax

show respect for your elders

change this into indirect speech.Paul says,"Windhoek is a wonderful city"​



Paul says that Winghoek is a wonderful city.


Paul told us that Windhoek is a wonderful city.

But I fancy I hear some one of my audience say, it is just in this circumstance that you and your brother abolitionists fail to make a favorable impression on the public mind. Would you argue more, and denounce less, would you persuade more, and rebuke less, your cause would be much more likely to succeed. But, I submit, where all is plain there is nothing to be argued. What point in the anti-slavery creed would you have me argue? On what branch of the subject do the people of this country need light? Must I undertake to prove that the slave is a man? That point is conceded already. Nobody doubts it. The slaveholders themselves acknowledge it in the enactment of laws for their government. They acknowledge it when they punish disobedience on the part of the slave.

There are seventy-two crimes in the State of Virginia, which, if committed by a black man, (no matter how ignorant he be), subject him to the punishment of death; while only two of the same crimes will subject a white man to the like punishment. What is this but the acknowledgement that the slave is a moral, intellectual and responsible being? The manhood of the slave is conceded. It is admitted in the fact that Southern statute books are covered with enactments forbidding, under severe fines and penalties, the teaching of the slave to read or to write. When you can point to any such laws, in reference to the beasts of the field, then I may consent to argue the manhood of the slave. When the dogs in your streets, when the fowls of the air, when the cattle on your hills, when the fish of the sea, and the reptiles that crawl, shall be unable to distinguish the slave from a brute, then will I argue with you that the slave is a man! (“What to a Slave Is the Fourth of July” by Frederick Douglass.)

What is Douglass’s main argument in this passage?

A) The laws about slaves are unfair.

B) Slaves are human beings.

C) Slavery should be abolished.

D) He does not need to argue about whether slaves are human beings because everyone already agrees that they are.



slavery should be abolished

Identify the preposition in the following sentence.
I am sure he left from the south side of the stadium.


Hmmmm, I don’t know this one…

This is the second largest flightless bird and is also the best swimmer _____
a) eagle
b) emu
c) pigeon
d) humming bird​



You answer is emu because Emu's cannot fly, but they are known for their aquatic abilities.



c) pigeon the best swimmer

essay on mother's tears​




The place was quiet as it was cold. There were no fancy lights adorning the shabby little cabin, but newspapers and used cardboards sealed the cracks and holes that plagued its wooden walls. There was no laughter of merry family members sitting around a  sumptuous meal celebrating the season. But in the dark and tiny kitchen stood an empty, scratch infested table that hadn't had the company of its masters since the summer  that had just passed. Just beside the kitchen, in a room barely lit by a single light bulb that hung loosely from the ceiling, were two people quietly sitting on a bed. One could tell by their weary and dismal demeanour that the wintry evening wasn't the miscreant behind the murder of their joy and ardour.

"Come on now, you have to finish it all up," Prisca gently urged her son as she held a spoon in front of his lips with one hand, and with the other, a bowl of soup. Her hands were old and trembling, and the scars on her sagging rough skin, if they could, would tell tales of a life of sweat and toil.

Prisca Ralte had always been hard-working. However, after the death of her husband, whatever she had been doing before to make life a little easier, to put a little more food on the table, wasn't quite enough anymore. It became a struggle each day to feed her son and herself. She carried bricks and rendered cement; she cleaned houses and looked after children; she sold vegetables and flowers from the garden she grew behind their cabin, and found no time to mourn. Harsh times persisted and lingered, and a year after her husband's death, she could no longer keep her son in school.

The young boy of twelve started selling newspapers in the town, and occasionally, he would also sell a few v...

... middle of paper ...

...s were awkwardly raised. Her mouth was slightly opened, and her eyes were dismal and confused. Perhaps she should go back inside and wait for him to come. She knew that her son had left her... but she hadn't touched him, nor had she cradled his face. Perhaps she should go inside, and it would turn out to be a bad dream...or maybe she could fool herself a little longer into believing her son was still with her. But she kept on walking...walking, until she stood beside her son. She dropped down on the ground and felt his cold, lifeless body. She held him in her arms and caressed and cradled his face.

Ali says, " I did not play yesterday. " (Indirect)​



Ali said that she had not played yesterday .

Judge the relevance and author's reasoning on the text.

Read the news article below and take note of the important details for you to be able to
fill-out the table of the facts mentioned in the text.
1. The Issue?

2. The Problem?

3. The Speaker's Stand?

4. The Proposed Solution​



The problem what you tried to ask

Re-write the question:
I've arranged to give my wedding party next week. Use "am"​


I am not arranging to give my wedding party next week, am I??

I am having my wedding party next week.

Which option is an example of inductive reasoning?

A. Zhang drinks coffee every day. Therefore, she will drink tea

B. Painters paint. Picasso painted. Therefore, Picasso was a painter.

C. Fire is hot. My apartment is hot. Therefore, my apartment is on

D. Every mouse I've seen is small. Therefore, mice must be small.



A.Zhang drinks coffee everyday. Therefore, she will drink tea tomorrow

What is the voice of the following sentence?
My paycheck was larger because of the raise.
active or



Explanation: She is explaining the raise she has received.

Answer: Active
Explained why the paycheck was larger

Answer this question plssss



I m not sure about the answer is right or wrong..


Near, Around, In, Next to, On


This picture of a small shopping mall near our house. It is very neat and clean. Benches are fixed all around the central plaza for people to sit and rest. The first shop to the right is the toy and gift shop. It looks beautiful with colourful dolls and stuffed animals arranged neatly next to the shelves. Between the toy shop is a bookshop which sells books, posters and interesting games. The books are displayed in the middle shelves.

1. near

2. around

3. next to

4. between

5. in the middle


the one's underline are the answers

hope it helps...

correct me if I'm wrong...

1) Jackie never yelled back, though, and he never hid to avoid their meanness, either. 2) Jackie was calm and strong.

What is the best way to describe the excerpt?

Sentence 1 has direct characterization. Sentence 2 has indirect characterization.
Sentence 1 has indirect characterization. Sentence 2 has direct characterization.
Both sentences have direct characterization.
Both sentences have indirect characterization.



I think sentence two has direct characterization


I also think sentence one has indirect characterization.I'm not sure though

3. Which laws does Ida B. Wells claim are being upheld by white judges and juries?



the lynch laws in America


The lynch laws in America

Meaning of the idiom, "dressed up to the nines"​



To the nines: to perfection or to the highest degree.


The phrase "dressed to the nines" is just a specific application of the Scottish phrase "to the nine " The earliest written evidence of this phrase appeared in the late 18th century in the poetry of Robert Burns. Its meaning is "to perfection; just right." The Scottish National Dictionary speculates that the phrase is derived from the game of ninepins, but this connection is not at all clear.


It means dressed to perfection or highest quality


It means that a person is wearing fashionable elegant, expensive or fomal clothing to a special occasion.

In informational texts, graphics and captions help readers picture the events being described in their minds and help them better understand what they are reading.






The listed are tools to help the reader process information and comprehend the text better.

Hope this helps! Have a great day! :)

The sun shines hot in summer , in question tag​


Answer :--

Does the sun shines in hot summer ?

Explanation :--

To put the question tag we will have a look at the helping verb if it's there then we can use it but if it is not there then we will use do, does or did.



The correct answer is :
The sun shines hot in summer, doesn’t it?
As “ shines” is in present tense and in plural form its tag will be does. And in question tag the tag should be negative if the question is positive and vise versa so we should write doesn’t. And as sun is an object we should write it for sun.

Hope it helps you

How is voice different from point of view?



voice is the language an author use to tell a story while point of view is the perspective from which a narrator tells a story

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