in 1975 the u.s., canada, the soviet union and most european countries met to sign an international agreement, recognizing post world war ii borders and promising respect for human rights is known as the


Answer 1

The international agreement that you are referring to is known as the Helsinki Accords, signed in 1975.

The Helsinki Accords, also called the Helsinki Final Act, was a series of agreements made between the United States, Canada, the Soviet Union, and most European countries that sought to improve relations between East and West during the Cold War.

The Accords recognized post-World War II borders in Europe and pledged to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. The Accords also affirmed the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other countries.

The Helsinki Accords were a significant milestone in international diplomacy, as they helped to reduce tensions between East and West and paved the way for further negotiations and agreements between the two sides. They also helped to advance the cause of human rights and fundamental freedoms, which became a major focus of international diplomacy in the decades that followed.

To learn more about Helsinki Accords refer to:


Related Questions

who helped liberate venezuela, colombia, panama, bolivia, ecuador and peru from spain?


Simón Bolívar helped liberate Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru from Spain .

Simón Bolvar, often known as The Liberator, was a South American soldier and statesman who oversaw the revolts against Spanish power in New Granada (present-day Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador), Peru, and Upper Peru. He was born in Caracas, New Granada, on July 24, 1783, and passed away in Santa Maria, Colombia, on December 17, 1830. (now Bolivia).

Colombia didn't win full independence until 1819, under Simon Bolivar's leadership. An offensive against Venezuela started a year earlier and culminated on August 7th, 1819, in the Battle of Boyaca. The Angostura Congress and the founding of the current Republic of Colombia resulted from this closure.

To know more about liberation of Venezuela visit :


provide manage their
own budgets
serve the same
area as the county
All Special Districts
oversee their
own operations
have an
elected board
Some Special Districts
provide a wide
range of functions
No Special Districts




No special districts maintain

put these in order english colonies settle in jamestown, europeans explore the americas, the french and indian war ends, the colonies become a free country, the revolutionary war begins, only indians lived in North Americans



1. Only Indians lived in North America (before European arrival)

2. Europeans explore the Americas

3. English colonies settle in Jamestown

4. The French and Indian War ends

5. The colonies become a free country

6. The Revolutionary War begins.

(please could you kindly mark my answer as brainliest)(please could you kindly mark my answer as brainliest)(please could you kindly mark my answer as brainliest)

What was the result of Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare?


The objective was to starve England before the English bar crushed Germany. On May 7, 1915, the German submarine U-20 torpedoed the Lusitania, a Cunard traveler liner, off the shore of Ireland. Almost 1,200 everyone, including 128 Americans, lost their lives.

On 4 February 1915, Germany proclaimed a disaster area around England, inside which shipper ships were sunk without warning. This 'unrestricted submarine fighting' rankled neutral countries, particularly the United States. The strategy was deserted on 1 September 1915, following the deficiency of American lives in the torpedoed liners Lusitania and Arabic.

Subsequent to neglecting to seize control of the ocean from the English at the Battle of Jutland in 1916, Germany resumed unrestricted submarine fighting on 1 February 1917. This, coupled with the Zimmermann Wire, brought the United States into the conflict on 6 April. But the new U-boat bar almost succeeded and between February and April 1917, U-boats sank in excess of 500 vendor ships. In the final part of April, a normal of 13 boats were sunk every day.

to know more about the battle of Jutland click here:


Read the responsibilities that were required of clerks from the "Immigrant Inspector" section of "The Workers of Ellis Island. "

- Conducted face-to-face interviews with every foreigner

- Verified immigrants’ answers by checking them against answers given at the port of exit

- Needed to make sure that the person entering was not a member of a class not permitted under US immigration laws

These details all relate to the central idea that the immigrant inspectors at Ellis Island

Read the responsibilities that were required of clerks from the "Immigrant Inspector" section of "The Workers of Ellis Island. "

- Conducted face-to-face interviews with every foreigner

- Verified immigrants’ answers by checking them against answers given at the port of exit

- Needed to make sure that the person entering was not a member of a class not permitted under US immigration laws

These details all relate to the central idea that the immigrant inspectors at Ellis Island ________. Choises , watched for diseases,

preformed a crucial job,

treated imagrents kindly

were most edicated


Option B is correct, These details all relate to the central idea that the immigrant inspectors at Ellis Island performed a crucial job.

The common experience of arriving at Ellis Island was long lines of immigrants slowly entering the Main Building where they were rapidly and carefully inspected by the doctors for any sign of disease or signs of physical or mental weakness. In the Ellis Island Immigration Station, immigrants frequently interacted with inspectors, interpreters, nurses, medical professionals, social workers, and many other staff members.

Ellis Island had a sizable government staff of about 500 workers at a time, and they were a well-organized group. Between 1892 and 1954, the period of operation of Ellis Island, almost 12 million immigrants would travel through. They came from Southern and Eastern Europe in large numbers. Russians, Italians, Slavs, Jews, and Turks were among them. Cities were overrun with new immigrants.

To learn more about Ellis Island, click at:


according to raiders of the lost ark, in what third intermediate period city was the lost ark located?


Tanis, an ancient Egyptian city from the Third Intermediate Period, was where The Lost Ark was discovered (1070-664 BCE). It is now known as Sân el-Hagar.

During the Tanite monarchs' rule in the Third Intermediate period of Egyptian history, the site, located in the Nile Delta northeast of Cairo, served as the capital of the 21st and 22nd dynasties. After Thebes, Tanis was the second ancient capital of Egypt and is a real city in the Nile delta. Even though it has been conjectured that the Ark of the Covenant may indeed be interred there, it was never a lost city as depicted in the movie.

To know more about Egyptian cities refer to the link below :


The Federal Reserve System (1913) and the Federal Trade Commission (1914) were major examples of the remarkable expansion of the role of the federal government in the economy during the Progressive era. true or false?


The statement "The Federal Reserve System (1913) and the Federal Trade Commission (1914) were major examples of the remarkable expansion of the role of the federal government in the economy during the Progressive era." is true because the Federal Reserve System was created to provide the United States with a secure, adaptable, and stable monetary and financial system.

It is commonly known as the Federal Reserve, the Fed, or the central bank of the United States, and is the nation's bank regulator. It was established by Congress in 1913 to offer the nation with a more stable and elastic monetary system. The Federal Reserve System serves as the US government's banker, provides banking services to commercial banks, and regulates the supply of money and credit in the United States.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is a US government agency that was created in 1914 to safeguard consumers by enforcing antitrust and consumer protection regulations. The Federal Trade Commission Act, which President Woodrow Wilson signed on September 26, 1914, established the Federal Trade Commission.

The commission is in charge of ensuring that consumers are not deceived or injured by corporations, as well as promoting business competition, which keeps prices low and encourages innovation. The commission is also in charge of enforcing federal antitrust rules that prohibit monopolistic behavior and preserve market competition.

To know more about the Federal Reserve System, refer here:


The most significant technological breakthrough in the early industrial period was an engine that burned coal to boil water and create __________, which was used to drive mechanical devices.


The most significant technological breakthrough in the early industrial period was an engine that burned coal to boil water and create steam, which was used to drive mechanical devices.

What was the technological breakthrough in the early industrial period?

The most significant technological breakthrough in the early industrial period was an engine that burned coal to boil water and create steam, which was used to drive mechanical devices.

What was the industrial revolution?

The Industrial Revolution was a period of great change that occurred during the 18th and early 19th centuries in which new machines were invented, new forms of power were developed, and production methods changed significantly.

It began in Great Britain and spread to other countries such as the United States.

What were the effects of the industrial revolution?

The Industrial Revolution brought many changes to society, including new inventions, new forms of energy, and new ways of manufacturing goods.

It also led to the growth of cities and an increase in the number of people who lived in them, as well as the rise of a new class of people who were wealthy but did not own land.

To know about mechanical devices refer here:


what factors shaped american foreign policy in the years between world war i and the u.s. entry into wwii?


During the years between World War I and the United States entry into WWII, the following factors shaped American foreign policy:

1. Isolationism

2. Economic and commercial interests

3. Ideology and morality

4. Domestic politics

5. U.S. military power

6. Growing concern for national security

About American foreign policy

In this period, American foreign policy was governed by isolationist values. In the early 20th century, Americans were more focused on domestic issues rather than foreign policy.

Isolationism grew following the end of World War I as a reaction to the high number of casualties, disillusionment with war, and disappointment with the peace settlement. Americans were hesitant to become involved in international affairs and instead focused on rebuilding the economy and promoting domestic issues.

Economic and commercial interests were another factor shaping American foreign policy during this period. The United States was a powerful economic force and had interests abroad that required protection. By promoting open-door policies, the United States aimed to create markets and opportunities for its goods and services.

Ideology and morality also influenced American foreign policy during this period. There was a strong belief in the spread of democracy, individual freedom, and human rights, and the United States saw it as their responsibility to promote these values abroad.

Domestic politics were a significant factor shaping American foreign policy during this period. Presidents had to balance foreign policy objectives with domestic concerns and pressure from Congress and interest groups. U.S. military power was another factor influencing American foreign policy. The United States became increasingly involved in international affairs due to its powerful military and the need to protect its economic interests and allies.

Finally, the growing concern for national security shaped American foreign policy in the years between World War I and the United States' entry into WWII. As tensions mounted in Europe, the United States recognized the need to protect its interests and maintain a strong military presence.

Learn more about WWII at


this is due soon!!!!!!!!



The correct answer is C. receive a college education.

During the mid-19th century, women were increasingly able to receive a college education. While women's colleges had been established in the United States in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, their curriculum was often limited and focused on domestic skills. However, during the mid-19th century, women's colleges began to offer a more rigorous academic education, including courses in mathematics, science, and literature.

This increased access to education helped to pave the way for the women's suffrage movement, which sought to give women the right to vote in federal elections. Women also began to enter professions such as teaching, nursing, and social work, and to advocate for other forms of political and social equality.

Which religion dominated the German states?


The states of northern and central Germany became Protestant ( chiefly Lutheran, but also Calvinist/reformed ) while the states of southern Germany and the Rhineland largely remained Catholic.

When the President recommends to Congress laws he wants passed, he is acting as the



Chief Legislator


This is one of the roles of the President as outlined in the Constitution of the United States. The Chief Legislator has the power to influence the legislative agenda by recommending and vetoing laws. The President may also work with members of Congress to craft legislation and negotiate compromises to ensure that bills become law.

How did Little Rock 9 impact society?




The Little Rock Nine were a group of nine black students who enrolled at formerly all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in September 1957.

How did the Little Rock Nine influence the Civil Rights Movement?

The Little Rock Nine (were 9 black high school students selected to be the first black high school students at the segregated white high school in Little Rock Arkansas. Their arrival at the school initiated a historical conflict among local, state, and Federal jurisdiction and enforcement units known as the Little Rock Crisis.

The events, positions, and historical consequences are all quite significant. In some ways, these nine students going to high school was a harbinger for, and an initial point of, the civil rights movement.

In 1954, the US Supreme Court, in Brown vs. The Board of Education, determined that segregation of schools violated the 14th amendment and must end.The NAACP reviewed and managed desegregation plans, including in Arkansas.The Little Rock Board of Education first expressed a willingness to comply, then agreed to comply with minimal requirements, then resisted further, going out of compliance with Federal law and regulation. Their motives were probably mixed - some racism, and some need to face the fact that, if desegregation were enforced, violence would break out.The City of Little Rock favored desegregation.The Governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus, opposed and resisted Segregation.The President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, enforced the Supreme Court ruling.Initially, the National Guard of the State of Arkansas was under the control of Governor Faubus, with orders to maintain order and prevent the black youths from attending the school.

There were various tactics used over the course of about two years, including the closing of all public schools to prevent desegregation. When the opening of private schools was blocked, racist attacks against blacks occurred.

The nine children were told that they had been selected as black children most likely to be accepted, but that they would face harassment and assault, and they should not respond with violence. They did so.

The military could get them inside the school, but could not protect them once they were inside. Their fellow students spat on them, cursed them, and physically assaulted them. One young woman had acid thrown in her eyes. Another one faced attempted murder, as other girls tried to burn her alive. And the attacks were not just from youth. One harassed student dropped her lunch tray, and was suspended for dropping the tray. So the persecution was from adults and official bodies within the school, as well.

A crucial element that made the event historical was when President Eisenhower ordered the 101st Army Airborne Division to take over the State National Guard and escort the students into the school while maintaining order. At the same time, the President federalized the Arkansas state National Guard, so that it was no longer under the command of Governor Faubus. As a result, the same soldiers who, obeying the governor’s orders, had prevented the students from entering the school now escorted them in.

The use of US armed forces on American soil is a constitutional issue. So is a state government resisting an order of the Supreme Court. Fortunately, there was no armed rebellion, and individual and mob violence was largely kept under control.

Some of the nine students have written about their experience, and seven of them reunited on the Oprah Winfrey show in 1996. Some of the white students who had persecuted them were on the show, as well.

This incident was a less famous precursor to The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door (Stand in the Schoolhouse Door) in 1963, where Alabama Governor Wallace showed up to prevent two black students from starting at the University of Alabama, violating a court order in doing so. The later event is more famous for several reasons: The governor showed up in person; Television was more prevalent and TV media were present; Kennedy was President, and federalized the Alabama National Guard, following in President Eisenhower’s footsteps, but Kennedy’s civil rights actions were more in the public eye, and the event was immortalized in Bob Dylan’s song The Times, They Are A’Changin’.

Investors were gambling and guessing that stock prices would rise and they
could make a quick gain on their investment.


Although a lot of investors think they can timing the market well, the evidence strongly suggests otherwise. There is far too much assurance.

What do investors do in an illogical manner?

Behavioral finance contends that by behaving more or less "irrationally," investors succumb to a number of cognitive, emotional, and social influences that impair their decision-making abilities and harm their performance in the markets and elsewhere.

What sorts of investor behavior are there?

The four behavioral investor types are Aggressive Accumulator, Independent Individualist, Friendly Follower, and Passive Preserver. Examples of the cognitive and emotional biases connected to each behavioral investor type are given, along with a description of that type.

To know more about Investors  visit:-


What is “total war”?




a war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued, especially one in which the laws of war are disregarded.

Federalist believed in all of the following except?
a. The government should have more power than the people
b. Only a few people should be in charge of the government
c. The central government should not be too strong
d. States' rights are not as important as national power


Federalists believed in all of the following except a. The government should have more power than the people

The Federalists favoured a strong central government and thought that authority should be vested in a select group of skilled individuals. As a result, it is only partially accurate to say that they thought "the government should have greater power than the people." This is because they supported a balance of power between the two.

However, option c. is erroneous because they did not think that the central government should be weak. Option d. is likewise inaccurate because they did not think states' rights were unimportant. As a result, the Federalists supported a strong central government and the consolidation of power in the hands of talented leaders but did not believe that the government should have greater power than the people.

Read more about Federalists on:


The Shocking Cynicism Behind the Voyage of the “St. Louis” and Its Ship Full of Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany



1. It was published in 1939. This is relevant because the ship returned to Europe, docking at the Port of Antwerp (Belgium) on June 17, 1939, with the 908 passengers. The British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain agreed to take 288 (32 percent) of the passengers, who disembarked and travelled to the UK via other steamers. And, the holocaust had just starred.

2. Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass, also called the November pogrom, was a pogrom against Jews carried out by the Nazi Party's Sturmabteilung paramilitary and Schutzstaffel paramilitary forces.

3. Because they were denied entry.

4. He wanted to exploit the voyage for the purpose of the Nazi propaganda machine.

5. After the St. Louis arrived in Havana, the passengers learned that the Cuban government had canceled their landing permits. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) negotiated with Cuba on behalf of the passengers, but the negotiations failed and the Cuban government forced the ship to leave the harbor.

6. Government officials from the State Department to the FBI to President Franklin Roosevelt himself argued that refugees posed a serious threat to national security. Yet today, historians believe that Bahr's case was practically unique—and the concern about refugee spies was blown far out of proportion.

7. Two hundred fifty-four passengers in Belgium, France, and the Netherlands were murdered in the killing centers of Auschwitz and Sobibór; the rest died in internment camps, in hiding or attempting to evade the Nazis.

8 - 10. Unsure


1. It was published in 1939. This is significant because the ship returned to Europe, docking at the Port of Antwerp (Belgium) on June 17, 1939, with 908 people. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain agreed to take 288 (32 percent) of the people who disembarked and traveled to the UK on other steamers. And the Holocaust had just begun.

2. Kristallnacht, also known as the November pogrom, was a pogrom against Jews carried out by the Nazi Party's paramilitary Sturmabteilung and Schutzstaffel troops.

3. They were denied admittance.

4. He intended to use the voyage to further Nazi propaganda.

5. As the St. Louis arrived in Havana, the passengers were informed that their landing permits had been revoked by the Cuban authorities. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) negotiated with Cuba on behalf of the passengers, but the talks fell through, and the ship was compelled to leave the harbor by the Cuban government.

6. Officials from the State Department to the FBI, as well as President Franklin D. Roosevelt, argued that refugees posed a major threat to national security. Historians now feel that Bahr's situation was almost unusual, and that the fear of refugee spies was exaggerated.

7. Two hundred fifty-four passengers in Belgium, France, and the Netherlands were murdered in the Auschwitz and Sobibór concentration camps; the remainder died in internment camps, in hiding, or attempting to elude the Nazis.

President Eisenhower took an activist role when he pushed for two large government programs to help transportation and trade, the St. Lawrence Seaway and
a. Expanded public housing
b. Federal Highway Act (Interstate System)
c. The school construction bill
d. The Tennessee Valley Authority


President Eisenhower took an activist role when he pushed for two large government programs to help transportation and trade, the St. Lawrence Seaway and b. Federal Highway Act (Interstate System).

President Eisenhower took an activist role when he pushed for two large government programs to help transportation and trade.

The first was the St. Lawrence Seaway, a navigable waterway connecting the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.

The second was the Federal Highway Act, commonly referred to as the Interstate System. This act authorized the construction of a 41,000-mile network of highways that would connect all major cities in the United States.

The other options (a. Expanded public housing, c. The school construction bill, d. The Tennessee Valley Authority) are not programs championed by President Eisenhower.

To know more about Federal Highway Act  refer here:


How did the Czar’s response help lead to the revolution?



Hundreds of unarmed protesters were killed or wounded by the czar's troops. The Bloody Sunday massacre sparked the Russian Revolution of 1905, during which angry workers responded with a series of crippling strikes throughout the country.

Which of the following nations hosted
the "Great White Fleet" of the United
States in 1908 and, as a result, decided to
create a large navy of their own?
A. India
B. France
C. Japan
D. Russia



C. Japan hosted the "Great White Fleet" of the United States in 1908 and, as a result, decided to create a large navy of its own.

What evidence was used to support the early spherical model of Earth? Select all that apply


The evidence used to support the early spherical model of Earth was that when sailing in the ocean there is no edge to sail off of. it was also evidenced by the fact that when the moon is eclipsed, a curving shadow can be seen spanning it.

The Earth's spherical shape was commonly acknowledged by the fifth century B.C. This is important to note because it's a common myth that ancient peoples believed the Earth was flat. Simply put, this was untrue. Based on his observations of the stars, Aristotle, one of the most well-known ancient Greek philosophers, claimed that the Earth was a sphere. Empirical evidence for Earth's nearly spherical shape can come from a variety of observational techniques, including ground-based, aerial, and orbital observations. The spherical shape produces a multitude of consequences and occurrences that taken together refute the theory of a flat Earth.

The evidences include the ability to see distant things on Earth's surface, lunar eclipses, the moon's appearance, sky viewing from a height, stargazing with specific, fixed objects from various locations, observing the Sun, surface navigation, gravity, weather patterns, grid distortion on a spherical surface, and contemporary technologies.

To know more about Aristotle, click here:


The early Jamestown colony had a high death toll for all the following reasons EXCEPT:
a. Poor relations with the local natives
b. Hunger
c. Ingesting poisonous plants
d. Disease


The early Jamestown colony had a high death toll for all the following reasons EXCEPT for ingesting poisonous plants.

What is Jamestown?

Jamestown is a city in the United States. It is situated in southeastern Virginia, on the James River's banks, across from Newport News. The town, which was the capital of Virginia for more than 80 years, is one of the state's earliest permanent English settlements

In 1607, Jamestown was established by the London Company, and it served as the capital of Virginia until 1699.When the London Company established Jamestown in 1607, life was harsh for the early Jamestown colonists.

They encountered a variety of issues, including a lack of access to clean water, food shortages, and conflicts with indigenous tribes.

This was an issue they encountered in the beginning of the Jamestown settlement. In fact, some historians believe that disease was the biggest contributor to the high death toll. Although they had a difficult time in Jamestown, many colonists did survive and flourish, and today, the town is a vital piece of American history.

To know more about Jamestown colony refer here


What is the purpose of each plant structure?
transports water and nutrients
transports foo



transports water and nutrients

griots hold which position in traditional african societies?


In traditional African societies, griots hold an important position as oral historians and keepers of cultural traditions.

Griots are musicians, storytellers, and poets who are responsible for preserving the history, customs, and values of their communities through songs, tales, and other forms of oral expression.

Griots are typically members of hereditary families who have passed down their skills and knowledge from one generation to the next. They are respected members of their communities and are often called upon to perform at important ceremonies and events, such as weddings, funerals, and religious festivals.

In addition to their role as cultural ambassadors, griots also serve as mediators and advisors to rulers and other leaders. They use their storytelling and persuasive abilities to help resolve disputes and promote harmony within their communities. Overall, griots play a crucial role in maintaining social cohesion and preserving the cultural heritage of traditional African societies.

Learn more about griots here


from an evolutionary and genetic perspective, how has interbreeding impacted homo sapiens


Neurological and behavioral distinctions in modern humans are probably a result of geographic heterogeneity in the level of interbreeding between H. sapiens and Neanderthals.

Interbreeding between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens has a long-lasting effect on human DNA. Remaining Neanderthal DNA in the human genome has been linked to features in people like depression, nicotine addiction, blood clotting, and skin lesions, according to a study published last week in the journal Science.

This, according to the researchers, is proof that early modern humans and Neanderthals had "strong gene flow" and frequently interbred. In fact, it happened so frequently that as Neanderthal populations declined toward the conclusion of their life, their Y chromosomes may have completely supplanted ours.

To know more about genetic perspective visit :


Neurological and behavioral distinctions in modern humans are probably a result of geographic heterogeneity in the level of interbreeding between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals.

Human DNA is permanently altered by Neanderthal and Homo sapiens hybridization. A study published last week in the journal Science found that the human genome's residual Neanderthal DNA has been connected to traits like depression, nicotine addiction, blood clotting, and skin lesions.

This demonstrates that there was "strong gene flow" and frequent interbreeding between early modern humans and Neanderthals, according to the researchers. In fact, it occurred so frequently that Neanderthal Y chromosomes may have completely replaced ours as their populations declined toward the end of their life.

Learn more about chromosomes at:


What are 2 reasons plastic straws should be banned


Answer: plastic straws harm the enviornment and are very hard to decompose


Single-use plastic items are contributing to the destruction of our environment and endangering marine animals and wildlife. Plastic straws can’t be recycled

the passage above best exemplifies which of the following processes shortly after the outbreak of the first world war? responses the increasingly authoritarian methods used by european teachers the increasingly authoritarian methods used by european teachers the strengthening of nationalist sentiment throughout europe the strengthening of nationalist sentiment throughout europe the emergence of a pan-european antiwar movement the emergence of a pan-european antiwar movement the key role european women played in sustaining the war effort


The development of nationalist sentiment across Europe in the immediate aftermath of the start of the First World War.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes why the movement mentioned in the chapter started after World War II?

The Allies had to make political compromises in order to organize colonial populations militarily and economically in order to defeat the Axis forces.

The First World War was said to as the first total war in modern history for what reason?

That sort of engagement of different segment of population was witnessed during 1st and 2nd world war ,thats why these wars are called as "Total war". A "Total War" involves the majority of the world's countries. Europe and America were intimately involved in the First and Second World Wars.

To know more about World War visit:-


Summarize the story of Romulus and Remus in about 5 sentences:


Their father was the fierce Roman god of war, Mars. The king where the boys lived was scared that someday Romulus and Remus would overthrow him and take his throne. So he had the boys left in a basket on the Tiber River.


Explanation: Romulus and Remus were twin boys born to a princess named Rhea Silvia. Their father was the fierce Roman god of war, Mars. The king where the boys lived was scared that someday Romulus and Remus would overthrow him and take his throne. So he had the boys left in a basket on the Tiber River.

how world war i and its aftermath intensified ongoing debates about the nation's role in the world and how best to achieve national security and pursue american interests


World War I prompted changes in America and the geopolitical landscape and a greater focus on the development of military technology, weapons, and tactics to help increase the country's world power.

In other words, the aftermath of the war highlighted the importance of America's role in the world and prompted debates about how to achieve national security and pursue American interests. All this had a great impact on society as a whole, reshaping the way the United States viewed its place in the world.

The United States and World War I

The United States had not been actively involved in World War I until 1917. However, the country's entry into the war was a game-changer. It tipped the scales in favor of the Allies, who ultimately emerged victorious. This victory, in turn, made the United States a major player on the world stage and solidified its status as a world power.

The war had demonstrated the importance of military power, and many Americans believed that a strong army and advanced weapons were necessary for national security. However, others argued that the war had been fought for the wrong reasons and that the United States should focus on diplomacy and international cooperation instead.

In addition, World War I had profound effects on American society. The war brought about significant changes in gender roles and led to the emergence of new cultural trends. It also led to the creation of the League of Nations, an international organization aimed at promoting world peace and cooperation. The League of Nations marked a significant shift in American foreign policy and reflected ongoing debates about the nation's role in the world.

Learn more about World War I:


The public works administration (pwa) and the works progress administration (wpa) funded ______ projects to provide new jobs.


AnswerAnswerAnswer:2 one


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Reduce taxes by 25% b) which compound, a or b, was the limiting reagent in this reaction? compound b c) consider the lane that shows the reaction mixture. are the starting materials more or less polar than the reaction product? more polar what does it mean when sentences run consecutively The Northeast is often called the birthplace of our nation, and there are a few reasons why.In 1620, the Pilgrims came to Massachusetts and signed the Mayflower Compact. This was one of the first democratic documents in the US.In 1775, the Revolutionary War began in Boston, Massachusetts. In this war, the 13 original colonies fought for independence from Great Britain. A year later, the Declaration of Independence was officially adopted in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4. In it, Thomas Jefferson argued for individual rights, including the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.Massachusetts and Pennsylvania have which of the following in common?AThe Pilgrims signed important documents in both states.BBoth states were once part of the Northeast but are not any longer.CThomas Jefferson lived and worked in both states.DFounding documents of the US were signed in both states. The points (-7,4) and (r,19) lie on a line with slope 3. Find the missing coordinate r. There are eight hospitals in a data set showing the number of discharges with the total days in the hospital. A mean length of stay is derived from the average daily census. A mean charge per hospital has been calculated. It appears that one of the hospitals has the highest mean charge and the longest mean length of stay. Is this data quantitative or qualitative? Explain. Activity 2: Who's My Family? A fire has occurred in a nearby maternity clinic. The assigned nurse quickly rushed out of the place to secure the newly born babies. Unfortunately, there were some babies without their identification bracelets. Using your knowledge about codominance inheritance will help bring these babies back to their correct parents. In Problems 21 through 30, set up the appropriate form of aparticular solution yp, but do not determine the values of thecoefficients.y" 2y' + 2y = et sin x = . = How would a reduction in the snail population affect this ecosystem? A. It would cause decreased competition between spiders and owls. B. It would cause increased competition between grasshoppers and beetles. C. It would cause increased competition between wood mice and shrews. D. It would cause decreased competition between spiders and wood mice T/F. According to historians, advertising has existed since 3000 BCE, when wooden or stone signs were placed outside shops in ancient Babylon. JPL, Inc. has provided its sales and expense data for the most recent period. The Controller has asked you prepare a spreadsheet that shows the related CVP Analysis computations. Use the information included in the Excel Simulation and the Excel functions described below to complete the task. True or False, in katz v. united states (1967), the u.s. supreme court determined that the government needs a court order to intrude where a reasonable person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. The table below shows a set of dataWhich statement about the table is true? Answer 1-2 paragraphs for brianliest using the monthly payment formula below, calculate the monthly payment for a 10-year $50,000 amortization loan at 4.5%. Problem #1Do people who need loans to go to college receive better scholarship assistance? In a review of 1620 students, 899 of them did not borrow any money to go to college. The average scholarship amount received by this group was $3890. The other 721 students reviewed received an average of $4320. In other words, there was a difference of $430 between the two groups which seems reasonably large. A group of scholarship coordinators uses this difference to state that they do a pretty good job of giving some additional scholarship assistance to students who have to take out loans. The standard deviation of the difference is $340. (Note: This is the SD - not the standard error. So we do not have to divide by the square root of n.)Do a complete hypothesis test, demonstrating your understanding of each step. (You don't have to explain in extreme detail, just demonstrate your understanding of the steps involved). Use the standard value for alpha.Your answer should be done in the traditional ("older") hypothesis test format. That is, do not use the confidence interval method for this question. You will do so in the question below.In addition, complete your analysis by answering the following in non-statistical terms: Does this data support the coordinators' statement? This is because, as we have discussed previously, at the end of the day, the analyst must be able to describe their statistical calculations in "real world" language to assist non-experts in making their decisions.Friendly Hint: Note that we are looking at two groups to see if the difference of $430 is different from 0, or if it isn't.