identify the author of the communist manifesto and its purpose.


Answer 1

The Communist Manifesto, which argued that capitalism will eventually self-destruct and be replaced by socialism and then communism, served as the foundation for the contemporary communist movement as we know it today.

Commissioned by the Communist League and first published in London in 1848, the Manifesto is one of the world's most influential political documents. It presents an analytical approach to class struggle and criticizes capitalism and its mode of production without attempting to predict possible future forms of communism.

The Communist Manifesto summarizes Marx and Engels' theories of the nature of society and politics. That is, in their own words, "The history of all previous societies is the history of class struggle." It also briefly gives their thoughts on how the then capitalist society would eventually be replaced by socialism. In the final paragraph of the manifesto, the author called for "the violent overthrow of all existing social relations" and served as a call for communist revolutions around the world.  

Know more about Communist Manifesto here:


Related Questions

The Shocking Cynicism Behind the Voyage of the “St. Louis” and Its Ship Full of Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany



1. It was published in 1939. This is relevant because the ship returned to Europe, docking at the Port of Antwerp (Belgium) on June 17, 1939, with the 908 passengers. The British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain agreed to take 288 (32 percent) of the passengers, who disembarked and travelled to the UK via other steamers. And, the holocaust had just starred.

2. Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass, also called the November pogrom, was a pogrom against Jews carried out by the Nazi Party's Sturmabteilung paramilitary and Schutzstaffel paramilitary forces.

3. Because they were denied entry.

4. He wanted to exploit the voyage for the purpose of the Nazi propaganda machine.

5. After the St. Louis arrived in Havana, the passengers learned that the Cuban government had canceled their landing permits. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) negotiated with Cuba on behalf of the passengers, but the negotiations failed and the Cuban government forced the ship to leave the harbor.

6. Government officials from the State Department to the FBI to President Franklin Roosevelt himself argued that refugees posed a serious threat to national security. Yet today, historians believe that Bahr's case was practically unique—and the concern about refugee spies was blown far out of proportion.

7. Two hundred fifty-four passengers in Belgium, France, and the Netherlands were murdered in the killing centers of Auschwitz and Sobibór; the rest died in internment camps, in hiding or attempting to evade the Nazis.

8 - 10. Unsure


1. It was published in 1939. This is significant because the ship returned to Europe, docking at the Port of Antwerp (Belgium) on June 17, 1939, with 908 people. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain agreed to take 288 (32 percent) of the people who disembarked and traveled to the UK on other steamers. And the Holocaust had just begun.

2. Kristallnacht, also known as the November pogrom, was a pogrom against Jews carried out by the Nazi Party's paramilitary Sturmabteilung and Schutzstaffel troops.

3. They were denied admittance.

4. He intended to use the voyage to further Nazi propaganda.

5. As the St. Louis arrived in Havana, the passengers were informed that their landing permits had been revoked by the Cuban authorities. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) negotiated with Cuba on behalf of the passengers, but the talks fell through, and the ship was compelled to leave the harbor by the Cuban government.

6. Officials from the State Department to the FBI, as well as President Franklin D. Roosevelt, argued that refugees posed a major threat to national security. Historians now feel that Bahr's situation was almost unusual, and that the fear of refugee spies was exaggerated.

7. Two hundred fifty-four passengers in Belgium, France, and the Netherlands were murdered in the Auschwitz and Sobibór concentration camps; the remainder died in internment camps, in hiding, or attempting to elude the Nazis.

Which religion dominated the German states?


The states of northern and central Germany became Protestant ( chiefly Lutheran, but also Calvinist/reformed ) while the states of southern Germany and the Rhineland largely remained Catholic.

The Northeast is often called “the birthplace of our nation,” and there are a few reasons why.

In 1620, the Pilgrims came to Massachusetts and signed the Mayflower Compact. This was one of the first democratic documents in the US.

In 1775, the Revolutionary War began in Boston, Massachusetts. In this war, the 13 original colonies fought for independence from Great Britain. A year later, the Declaration of Independence was officially adopted in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4. In it, Thomas Jefferson argued for individual rights, including the rights of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Massachusetts and Pennsylvania have which of the following in common?

The Pilgrims signed important documents in both states.

Both states were once part of the Northeast but are not any longer.

Thomas Jefferson lived and worked in both states.

Founding documents of the US were signed in both states.


The following are things that Massachusetts as well as Pennsylvania have in common. Both states saw the signing of the US constitution.

Which three things are Massachusetts known for?

In Massachusetts, Bartholomew Gosnold founded the first bazaar in 1602. In 1620, the first Pilgrims arrive in Provincetown. Plymouth saw the construction of the first religious main hall in 1620. Plymouth hosted the first Thanksgiving in 1621.

What is Massachusetts' culture?

With approximately 70% of the population being Christian Massachusetts is still a fairly religious state thanks to the history of the first Pilgrims and Puritans. Massachusetts is now a pleasantly progressive and diverse destination thanks to the progressivism that has offset this state's conservatism.

To know more about Massachusetts visit:


how did the federal government regulate american life during the war


American citizens of Japanese heritage were rounded up and interned by the federal government during the war. The office of Price Administration was established to control inflation.

What is federal government?The U.S. Constitution gives Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, respectively, the authority to exercise the three separate departments of the federal government: legislative, executive, and judicial.In a federal country or system of government, the several states or provinces of the nation are given significant authority to enact their own laws and make policy choices. With a newly created federal structure of government, five of the six provinces will be transformed into autonomous regions.The USA serves as an illustration of a federal state. After the 50 states, each with its own government, comes the federal government, which is based in Washington, DC.

To learn more about federal government, refer to:

the gulf of tonkin resolution was significant because it gave president johnson the power to?


The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was significant because it gave President Johnson the power to use military force in Vietnam.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was a joint resolution of the United States Congress passed in August 1964 that authorized the president to take all necessary measures to defend against attacks on American forces in Vietnam.

This gave President Johnson the power to use military force in Vietnam. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution allowed Johnson to escalate the United States’ military involvement in the Vietnam War without seeking a formal declaration of war from Congress.

The resolution was repealed in 1970, but the Vietnam War continued for several more years before coming to an end.

For such more question on Vietnam:


How did the Czar’s response help lead to the revolution?



Hundreds of unarmed protesters were killed or wounded by the czar's troops. The Bloody Sunday massacre sparked the Russian Revolution of 1905, during which angry workers responded with a series of crippling strikes throughout the country.

How did Little Rock 9 impact society?




The Little Rock Nine were a group of nine black students who enrolled at formerly all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in September 1957.

How did the Little Rock Nine influence the Civil Rights Movement?

The Little Rock Nine (were 9 black high school students selected to be the first black high school students at the segregated white high school in Little Rock Arkansas. Their arrival at the school initiated a historical conflict among local, state, and Federal jurisdiction and enforcement units known as the Little Rock Crisis.

The events, positions, and historical consequences are all quite significant. In some ways, these nine students going to high school was a harbinger for, and an initial point of, the civil rights movement.

In 1954, the US Supreme Court, in Brown vs. The Board of Education, determined that segregation of schools violated the 14th amendment and must end.The NAACP reviewed and managed desegregation plans, including in Arkansas.The Little Rock Board of Education first expressed a willingness to comply, then agreed to comply with minimal requirements, then resisted further, going out of compliance with Federal law and regulation. Their motives were probably mixed - some racism, and some need to face the fact that, if desegregation were enforced, violence would break out.The City of Little Rock favored desegregation.The Governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus, opposed and resisted Segregation.The President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, enforced the Supreme Court ruling.Initially, the National Guard of the State of Arkansas was under the control of Governor Faubus, with orders to maintain order and prevent the black youths from attending the school.

There were various tactics used over the course of about two years, including the closing of all public schools to prevent desegregation. When the opening of private schools was blocked, racist attacks against blacks occurred.

The nine children were told that they had been selected as black children most likely to be accepted, but that they would face harassment and assault, and they should not respond with violence. They did so.

The military could get them inside the school, but could not protect them once they were inside. Their fellow students spat on them, cursed them, and physically assaulted them. One young woman had acid thrown in her eyes. Another one faced attempted murder, as other girls tried to burn her alive. And the attacks were not just from youth. One harassed student dropped her lunch tray, and was suspended for dropping the tray. So the persecution was from adults and official bodies within the school, as well.

A crucial element that made the event historical was when President Eisenhower ordered the 101st Army Airborne Division to take over the State National Guard and escort the students into the school while maintaining order. At the same time, the President federalized the Arkansas state National Guard, so that it was no longer under the command of Governor Faubus. As a result, the same soldiers who, obeying the governor’s orders, had prevented the students from entering the school now escorted them in.

The use of US armed forces on American soil is a constitutional issue. So is a state government resisting an order of the Supreme Court. Fortunately, there was no armed rebellion, and individual and mob violence was largely kept under control.

Some of the nine students have written about their experience, and seven of them reunited on the Oprah Winfrey show in 1996. Some of the white students who had persecuted them were on the show, as well.

This incident was a less famous precursor to The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door (Stand in the Schoolhouse Door) in 1963, where Alabama Governor Wallace showed up to prevent two black students from starting at the University of Alabama, violating a court order in doing so. The later event is more famous for several reasons: The governor showed up in person; Television was more prevalent and TV media were present; Kennedy was President, and federalized the Alabama National Guard, following in President Eisenhower’s footsteps, but Kennedy’s civil rights actions were more in the public eye, and the event was immortalized in Bob Dylan’s song The Times, They Are A’Changin’.

1 ptFollowers of Zen Buddhism discipline their bodies throughfaith.martial arts.meditation.poetry.


Followers of Zen Buddhism discipline their bodies through meditation. Zen meditation, also known as Zazen, is a key practice in Zen Buddhism.

Zen Buddhism is known for its focus on disciplining the body and mind through meditation. This meditation practice, referred to as Zazen, is one of the most important aspects of Zen Buddhism.

It involves sitting in a cross-legged position with one's eyes slightly open, focusing on their breath and calming the mind. Zazen meditation helps followers of Zen Buddhism find inner peace, mental clarity, and focus. Practicing Zazen regularly is a great way to develop one's physical and mental wellbeing, as well as reach spiritual enlightenment.

To know more about Buddhism , click here.


the arguments thomas jefferson and james madison put forth in the virginia and kentucky resolutions were based on


The arguments that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison put forth in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were based on the principle of states' rights.

What is the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were political statements issued in 1798 and 1799 in which the legislatures of Virginia and Kentucky articulated the states' rights theory of constitutional interpretation. The documents were written in response to the Federalist Party's passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798.

The acts, according to the Republicans, were intended to stifle dissenting political views and restrict the liberties guaranteed by the First Amendment. Arguments of Jefferson and Madison in the Virginia and Kentucky

Learn more about  thomas jefferson and james madison here:


The most significant technological breakthrough in the early industrial period was an engine that burned coal to boil water and create __________, which was used to drive mechanical devices.


The most significant technological breakthrough in the early industrial period was an engine that burned coal to boil water and create steam, which was used to drive mechanical devices.

What was the technological breakthrough in the early industrial period?

The most significant technological breakthrough in the early industrial period was an engine that burned coal to boil water and create steam, which was used to drive mechanical devices.

What was the industrial revolution?

The Industrial Revolution was a period of great change that occurred during the 18th and early 19th centuries in which new machines were invented, new forms of power were developed, and production methods changed significantly.

It began in Great Britain and spread to other countries such as the United States.

What were the effects of the industrial revolution?

The Industrial Revolution brought many changes to society, including new inventions, new forms of energy, and new ways of manufacturing goods.

It also led to the growth of cities and an increase in the number of people who lived in them, as well as the rise of a new class of people who were wealthy but did not own land.

To know about mechanical devices refer here:


how did the invention of the cotton gin impact the south?


The invention of the cotton gin had a significant impact on the south.

Eli Whitney, an American inventor, patented the cotton gin in 1794, revolutionizing the cotton industry by increasing its production speed and profitability.The cotton gin made it easier to extract cotton fibers from its seed. Prior to the invention of the cotton gin, cotton processing was done manually, which was a labor-intensive process. With the cotton gin, it became easier to extract cotton fibers, which made cotton production much more profitable.

As a result, cotton became the South's leading crop, as the production of cotton boomed. Slave trade in the southern states also became more profitable because of this reason.However, the invention of the cotton gin also had negative consequences. It led to an increase in the demand for slaves. Because of this, the slave trade, which was already thriving in the South, expanded. More slaves were needed to keep up with the increased demand for cotton production.

For such more questions on  cotton gin impact:


culture difference in east berlin and west berlin


From 1949 to 1990, East Berlin served as East Germany's (GDR) de facto capital. Originally, it was the 1945-established Soviet section of Berlin. West Berlin was the term used to describe the American, British, and French sectors.

What are culture difference in east berlin and west berlin?

The two Germanys under their occupying administrations took quite different directions. West Germany developed into a market economy, western capitalist nation, and ally of the U.S., U.K., and France. East Germany, on the other hand, came under the communist regime and was linked with the Soviet Union.

The Berlin Wall separated the city from 1961 until 1989, entirely enclosing its western portion. As a result, a city with a unique governmental standing and a highly distinctive way of life emerged as a historical anomaly.

Berlin is regarded as a global hub for the arts and creative sectors. Many cultural institutions, many of which are well-known internationally, are showcasing the city's rich legacy. a large number of youth, cultural entrepreneurs

Learn more about berlin:


President Eisenhower took an activist role when he pushed for two large government programs to help transportation and trade, the St. Lawrence Seaway and
a. Expanded public housing
b. Federal Highway Act (Interstate System)
c. The school construction bill
d. The Tennessee Valley Authority


President Eisenhower took an activist role when he pushed for two large government programs to help transportation and trade, the St. Lawrence Seaway and b. Federal Highway Act (Interstate System).

President Eisenhower took an activist role when he pushed for two large government programs to help transportation and trade.

The first was the St. Lawrence Seaway, a navigable waterway connecting the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.

The second was the Federal Highway Act, commonly referred to as the Interstate System. This act authorized the construction of a 41,000-mile network of highways that would connect all major cities in the United States.

The other options (a. Expanded public housing, c. The school construction bill, d. The Tennessee Valley Authority) are not programs championed by President Eisenhower.

To know more about Federal Highway Act  refer here:


according to raiders of the lost ark, in what third intermediate period city was the lost ark located?


Tanis, an ancient Egyptian city from the Third Intermediate Period, was where The Lost Ark was discovered (1070-664 BCE). It is now known as Sân el-Hagar.

During the Tanite monarchs' rule in the Third Intermediate period of Egyptian history, the site, located in the Nile Delta northeast of Cairo, served as the capital of the 21st and 22nd dynasties. After Thebes, Tanis was the second ancient capital of Egypt and is a real city in the Nile delta. Even though it has been conjectured that the Ark of the Covenant may indeed be interred there, it was never a lost city as depicted in the movie.

To know more about Egyptian cities refer to the link below :


What is an example of militarism in World War 1?



Germany is an example of militarism in WWI because Germany began competing with the British for having the largest navy in the world, as well as developing new weapons like poison gas and submarines, the latter being a great tool in surprise attacks.


How would a reduction in the snail population affect this ecosystem?


It would cause decreased competition between spiders and owls.


It would cause increased competition between grasshoppers and beetles.


It would cause increased competition between wood mice and shrews.


It would cause decreased competition between spiders and wood mice


A reduction in the snail population would likely have significant ecological effects on the ecosystem, but it is unlikely that it would directly cause decreased or increased competition between the other species mentioned in the answer options. Here option E is the correct answer.

Snails are important herbivores in many ecosystems and play a role in the nutrient cycling of the ecosystem. If their population were to decrease, there may be a reduction in the amount of plant material being consumed and a corresponding increase in the biomass of plants. This may also lead to changes in the composition of the plant community, as some species may be more vulnerable to herbivory than others.

Additionally, snails are an important food source for a variety of other organisms, including birds, small mammals, and predatory insects. A reduction in the snail population may cause a decline in these predator populations, which could lead to a shift in the predator-prey dynamics of the ecosystem.

In summary, while a reduction in the snail population may indirectly impact competition between other species, its primary effects are likely to be related to changes in nutrient cycling and predator-prey relationships within the ecosystem.

To learn more about snail population


Complete question:

How would a reduction in the snail population affect this ecosystem?

A. It would cause decreased competition between spiders and owls.  

B. It would cause increased competition between grasshoppers and beetles.  

C. It would cause increased competition between wood mice and shrews.  

D. It would cause decreased competition between spiders and wood mice

E - None of these

What was Franklin D Roosevelt's administration to the problems of the Great Depression?



Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration implemented a range of policies to address the problems of the Great Depression. This period is often referred to as the New Deal era, which lasted from 1933 to 1939.

One of the key initiatives of the New Deal was the establishment of government programs to create jobs, such as the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration. These programs employed millions of people and helped to stimulate economic activity.

The New Deal also included a range of measures to stabilize the banking system and prevent further bank failures. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was established to insure bank deposits, and the Glass-Steagall Act separated commercial banking from investment banking.

Roosevelt also implemented policies to support farmers, including the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which paid farmers to reduce production and raise crop prices. Other New Deal programs included the National Recovery Administration, which established codes for fair competition and minimum wages, and the Social Security Act, which provided for old-age pensions and unemployment insurance.

Overall, the New Deal marked a significant shift towards greater government involvement in the economy and the welfare of citizens. While there is debate among historians about the effectiveness of specific New Deal policies, most agree that the New Deal had a significant impact on American society and helped to alleviate some of the worst effects of the Great Depression.

(please could you kindly mark my answer as brainliest)

which strategy did mahatma gandhi use to help gain independence for india after world war ii?


After World War II, Mahatma Gandhi employed a number of tactics to aid India in achieving independence, but one of his most well-known tactics was peaceful resistance or civil disobedience.

What do Gandhian tactics entail?

The four pillars of Gandhian thought—truth, nonviolence, Sarvodaya, and Satyagraha—as well as their significance make up Gandhian philosophy.

What did Gandhi contribute most to India's struggle for independence?

There aren't enough words to adequately describe Gandhi's role to the struggle for Indian independence. The British were forced to leave India by him and other Indian freedom fighters. His nonviolent aim, his nonviolent programmes, and his voice inspired millions of people.

To know more about World War visit:-


during WW2 does the Constitution give the government authority to restrict individual rights in favor of public safety?


During World War II, the United States government did claim the authority to restrict individual rights in favor of public safety, and this was upheld by the Supreme Court in several landmark cases. However, the Constitution itself does not explicitly grant this authority.

Instead, the government relied on the doctrine of "emergency powers," which are powers that are implied by the Constitution but not specifically enumerated. The Supreme Court has recognized that in times of war or national emergency, the government may have broader powers to protect national security and public safety, even if this involves some restriction of individual rights.

For example, in the case of Korematsu v. United States (1944), the Supreme Court upheld the forced relocation and internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, even though this violated their constitutional rights. The Court reasoned that the government's interest in national security outweighed the individual rights of Japanese Americans.

However, it is worth noting that these decisions have been widely criticized as violations of civil liberties and human rights, and the government's use of emergency powers has been controversial throughout American history. Ultimately, the question of when and how the government can restrict individual rights in the name of public safety remains a subject of ongoing debate and interpretation.

What was the result of Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare?


The objective was to starve England before the English bar crushed Germany. On May 7, 1915, the German submarine U-20 torpedoed the Lusitania, a Cunard traveler liner, off the shore of Ireland. Almost 1,200 everyone, including 128 Americans, lost their lives.

On 4 February 1915, Germany proclaimed a disaster area around England, inside which shipper ships were sunk without warning. This 'unrestricted submarine fighting' rankled neutral countries, particularly the United States. The strategy was deserted on 1 September 1915, following the deficiency of American lives in the torpedoed liners Lusitania and Arabic.

Subsequent to neglecting to seize control of the ocean from the English at the Battle of Jutland in 1916, Germany resumed unrestricted submarine fighting on 1 February 1917. This, coupled with the Zimmermann Wire, brought the United States into the conflict on 6 April. But the new U-boat bar almost succeeded and between February and April 1917, U-boats sank in excess of 500 vendor ships. In the final part of April, a normal of 13 boats were sunk every day.

to know more about the battle of Jutland click here:


Which of the following nations hosted
the "Great White Fleet" of the United
States in 1908 and, as a result, decided to
create a large navy of their own?
A. India
B. France
C. Japan
D. Russia



C. Japan hosted the "Great White Fleet" of the United States in 1908 and, as a result, decided to create a large navy of its own.

areas of the northeast and midwest with coal and iron resources; once the center of american industry.


Areas of the northeast and midwest with coal and iron resources; once the center of american industry is the Northeast and Midwest regions  which is Rust Belt is a colloquial term used to describe the geographic region stretching from New York through the Midwest

What is the area with iron resources?

The Northeast and Midwest regions of the United States were once the center of American industry due to their abundant coal and iron resources. Some of the major areas in these regions with coal and iron resources include Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Known as the "Steel City," Pittsburgh was the center of the American steel industry due to its proximity to coal mines and access to transportation routes like rivers and railways.

Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland was another major center of steel production, with easy access to Lake Erie for transportation and abundant deposits of iron ore and coal in the surrounding areas.

Learn more about resources at:



all of them


What is the purpose of each plant structure?
transports water and nutrients
transports foo



transports water and nutrients

The early Jamestown colony had a high death toll for all the following reasons EXCEPT:
a. Poor relations with the local natives
b. Hunger
c. Ingesting poisonous plants
d. Disease


The early Jamestown colony had a high death toll for all the following reasons EXCEPT for ingesting poisonous plants.

What is Jamestown?

Jamestown is a city in the United States. It is situated in southeastern Virginia, on the James River's banks, across from Newport News. The town, which was the capital of Virginia for more than 80 years, is one of the state's earliest permanent English settlements

In 1607, Jamestown was established by the London Company, and it served as the capital of Virginia until 1699.When the London Company established Jamestown in 1607, life was harsh for the early Jamestown colonists.

They encountered a variety of issues, including a lack of access to clean water, food shortages, and conflicts with indigenous tribes.

This was an issue they encountered in the beginning of the Jamestown settlement. In fact, some historians believe that disease was the biggest contributor to the high death toll. Although they had a difficult time in Jamestown, many colonists did survive and flourish, and today, the town is a vital piece of American history.

To know more about Jamestown colony refer here


These changes helped England industrialize because they led England to become more efficient in the planting and harvesting of crops. The harvests became more successful and easy to manage. Because of this, cities grew around what were once small farming communities. Since it was easier to harvest as well, more people went to work in factories.


Agricultural revolution helped England industrialize because they led England to become more efficient in the planting and harvesting of crops. The harvests became more successful and easy to manage. Because of this, cities grew around what were once small farming communities. Since it was easier to harvest as well, more people went to work in factories.

A farming revolution occurs when farming methods significantly advance in a relatively short amount of time. As a result, more food is produced. In the history of humanity, there have been three agricultural revolutions. Around 10,000 B.C., the Neolithic Revolution, also known as the First Agricultural Revolution, started. Humans transitioned from being hunter-gatherers to being herders and subsistence farmers. Around 300 years ago, in the 18th century, the British Agricultural Revolution, also known as the Second Agricultural Revolution, got its start.

The systematic crop rotation and selective breeding of livestock were two significant changes to farming methods. Between the mid-17th and late 19th centuries, there was an unprecedented rise in agricultural production in Britain known as the British Agricultural Revolution, or Second Agricultural Revolution.

Learn more about Agricultural Revolution at:


an atlatl is a. a spear thrower that acts as an extension of the human arm b. a word shared among all new world languages, suggesting the word came into the new world with pleistocene hunters c. always made of wood, so never found archaeologically d. used only by men because women's bones are not strong enough


An atlatl is a spear thrower that acts as an extension of the human arm. The correct option is a.

An atlatl is a tool that dates back to the Paleolithic period and was used by ancient hunter-gatherers. It is composed of a handle, shaft, and a cup or hook on the end that helps hold the spear in place. This extension of the human arm allows the user to throw the spear with greater force and accuracy. Atlatls can be made of wood, bone, stone, and other materials, and so can be found archaeologically. Men and women could use atlatls, as strength is not a factor in using the tool.

It was first used by early humans in the Paleolithic era, long before the advent of the bow and arrow. Although the atlatl fell out of favor as technology advanced and other weapons were created, it was used in some regions of the world up until the 20th century. The atlatl's use is now mostly confined to sports or cultural festivals in various parts of the world.

Learn more about an atlatl here:


how has us interventionism in latin america caused immigration to the us


Historically, American foreign policy in Latin America benefited the US at the price of vulnerable communities that have endured and continue to battle for security, survival, and dignity. As a result, millions of Latin Americans have fled their homeland in search of new opportunities in the United States and abroad.

What factors contribute to Latin American immigration to the United States?

Argentina and Chile were driven to migrate due to authoritarian administrations, poor economic conditions, and internal armed conflicts, while a shift in American policies made immigration more possible. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, considerable emigration from the region was motivated by social and economic difficulties.

What role did Latin America have in the formation of the United States?

Latin America is the United States' largest foreign supplier of oil and its fastest-growing economic partner, as well as the primary source of illegal drugs and documented and undocumented immigration, all of which illustrate the region's and country's continually changing relationship.

Learn more about American foreign policy:


why was the fall of the berlin wall a significant moment?


The dissolution of East Germany and the formal reunification of the German state following the democratic lines of the West German Basic Law took place on 3 October 1990, 339 days after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, and was the first significant step toward German reunification.

What is meant by German reunification?German reunification, which took place between 2 May 1989 and 15 March 1991, was the process of re-establishing Germany as a single sovereign state. The Cold War and, finally, the Soviet Union, began to end with the collapse of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. On October 3, 1990, West Germany and Soviet-occupied East Germany, also known as the German Democratic Republic, were reunited. A year later, the Soviet Union fell apart. The People's Chamber and the Bundestag approved a unification treaty in September, and on October 3 it came into force. The two halves of divided Berlin were united into one Land, and the German Democratic Republic joined the Federal Republic as five extra Länder.

To learn more about German reunification, refer to:

what happened to the german sphere of influence in china after world war i ended? a the league of nations governed it as a mandate. b it was given to japan. c germany turned it into a colony. d china regained control.


After the end of World War I, the German sphere of influence in China was given to Japan.

The German sphere of influence in China was made up of the Shandong Province and other territories in northern China. Japan fought on the side of the Allies during World War I and was given the right to manage these territories in northern China at the Treaty of Versailles. This infuriated the Chinese, and there were protests all over the country. They were already angry because they had been promised at the Treaty of Versailles that they would regain control of their own country, but Japan's occupation of northern China was seen as an infringement of their sovereignty.

This statement is backed up by answer B

learn more about  World War I here:


When the President recommends to Congress laws he wants passed, he is acting as the



Chief Legislator


This is one of the roles of the President as outlined in the Constitution of the United States. The Chief Legislator has the power to influence the legislative agenda by recommending and vetoing laws. The President may also work with members of Congress to craft legislation and negotiate compromises to ensure that bills become law.

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1 liter of 0.9% normal saline is to infuse over 8 hours. The drop factor is 15 gtt/mL. How many drops should infuse per minute. If rounding is necessary, round to the nearest whole number. ____ gtt/min in the heliocentric model of the solar system, one planet passing another in its orbit gives rise to ... let x1 and x2 be two independent random variables both with mean 10 and variance 5. let y 2x1 x2 3 2. find the mean and the variance of y. according to the textbook the war crimes trial serves other purposes what was the purpose holocaust for what values of integer x will branch 3 execute? if x < 10 : branch 1 else if x > 9: branch 2 else: branch 3 57.0 ml of 0.90 m solution of hcl was diluted by water. the ph of this diluted solution is 0.90. how much water was added to the original solution insert your answer rounded to 3 significant figure. please answer for me 54.2 consider the competing species model, equaltion 54.1 sketch the phase plane and the trajectories of both population the labor force is the sum of the ______ and ______. LESSON 2 REVIEWTime and Place1. UNDERSTANDING CONTEXT What were the particular challengesthat the United States faced in fighting the war in the Pacific?Building History-Social ScienceAnalysis Skills Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. Since the ROA measures the firm's effective utilization of assets without considering how these assets are financed, two firms with the same EBIT must have the same ROAb. Suppose a firm wants to maintain a specific TIE ratio. It knows the amount of its debt, the interest rate on that debt, the applicable tax rate, and its operating costs. With this information, the firm can calculate the amount of sales required to achieve its target Tie ratio, c. Suppose ali firms follow similar financing policies, face similar risks, have equal access to capital, and operate in competitive product and capital markets. However, firms face different operating conditions because, for example, the grocery store industry is different from the airtime industry. Under these conditions, firms with high profit margins will tend to have high asset turnover ratios, and firms with low profit margins will tend to have low turnover ratios. d. Klein Cosmetics has a profit margin of 5.0, a total assets turnover ratio of 15 times, no debt and therefore an equity multiplier of 1.0, and an ROE of 75%. The CFO recommends that the firm borrow funds using long-term debt, use the funds to buy back stock and raise the equity multiplier to 20. The size of the firm cassets) would not change. She thinks that operations would not be affected, but interest on the new debt would lower the profit margin to 4,5%. This would probably not be a good move, as it would decrease the ROE from 7.5% to 6.5% e. Even though Firm A's current ratio exceeds that of Firm B, Firm O's quick ratio might exceed that of A. However, if A's quick ratio exceeds B's, then we can be certain that A's current ratio is also larger than B's 20pcm3 og a gas has a pressure of 510mmhg what will be the volume of the pressure is increased to 780mmhg, assuming there is no change in temperature what is 2 1/2 + x = 3 1/2. Please answer it quick Toms yearly salary is $78000Calculate Toms fortnightly income. (Use 26 fortnights in a year.)Fortnightly income = $ Estimat the number and wattage of lamps. which would be required to illuminate a workshop space 60x1.5 meteres by means of lamps mounted 5 metres above the working Plane The average illumination required is about 100 wt. coefficient of utilisation = 0.4 luminous efficiency 16 lumens per watt. Assume a space-height ratio of unity and a cundle Power depreciation of 20% Two blocks of unequal mass are tied together with a massless string that does not stretch and connected via a frictionless and massless pulley. Mass one, M1, rests on a frictionless table top. Mass two, M2, is released and both blocks begin to move....The blocks accelerate at the same rate since they are connected. What is the acceleration? kate expects to receive an annuity that pays $5,000 at the beginning of each year for 10 years. assuming the interest rate is 5%, what is the present value of this annuity? round your answer to the nearest dollar.multiple choice question.$38,609$62,890$40,539$66,034 consider a risky portfolio. the end-of-year cash flow derived from the portfolio wits be either $40,000 or $180,000, with equal probabilities of 0.5. the alternative riskless investment in t-bills pays 4%. if you require a risk premium of 10%, how much will you be willing to pay for the portfolio? a) $57230 b) $28704 c) $75000 d) $96491 Which one of the following is a budgeting approach that explicitly demands continuous improvement and that incorporates expected improvements in the resultant budget?1) Flexible budgeting.2) Activity-based budgeting (ABB).3) Zero-base budgeting (ZBB).4) Kaizen budgeting.5) Time-driven activity-based budgeting (TDABB). what pollutant that is put directly into the air by human activity