how does the author use figurative language in paragraph 1? to show why message does not like winter


Answer 1

The author uses figurative language to highlight the contrast between slow and abrupt changes in the passage. Option 2 is correct.

The author uses the phrase "blasting its way into our village" to describe the sudden and violent nature of the change that comes into the narrator's life and the village. This use of figurative language emphasizes the contrast between this sudden change and the slow and gradual changes that the narrator has witnessed in the past, such as the decline of her father's importance and the aging and death of her parents.

By contrasting the slow changes with the sudden and violent one, the author highlights the profound impact of the new change and its disruptive nature. The use of figurative language, in this case, contributes to the meaning of the passage by emphasizing the importance of recognizing and responding to sudden and significant changes in life. Hence Option 2 is correct.

To learn more about figurative language, here


The complete question is:

Change I had known before, and it had been gradual. My father had been a headman once, a person of consequence in our village: I had lived to see him relinquish this importance, but the alteration was so slow that we hardly knew when it came.

I had seen both my parents sink into old age and death, and here too there was no violence. But the change that now came into my life, into all our lives, blasting its way into our village, seemed wrought in the twinkling of an eye.

How does the author use figurative language to contribute to the meaning of the passage?

by illustrating the close relationship between the narrator and her parentsby highlighting the contrast between slow and abrupt changesby describing the destruction inflicted upon the villageby summarizing the important experiences that shaped the narrator’s life

Related Questions

Which of the following would Cassatt probably not have painted?

A A woman hanging laundry on a clothesline

B A man being crowned king

C A woman giving a child a bath


B. A man being crowned king.

The fisherman watched the river flow. It flowed slowly. It was calm. It was green.


Answer: The fisherman watched the river flow slowly, calm, and green.


The fisherman would watch the green river flow. It flowed calm and slowly.

This is the best way to put it

All i need is for you to find me two poems from that period. Thank you so much!
Find two poems to analyze from the contemporary period. You must use poems written by the poets on this list.

Adrienne Rich
Alice Walker
Anne Sexton
Elizabeth Bishop
Eudora Welty
Flannery O'Connor
Gwendolyn Brooks
James Baldwin
Lorraine Hansberry
Ray Bradbury
Tennessee Williams


The two poems to analyze from the contemporary period are: 1. Adrienne Rich, "Diving Into the Wreck", 2. Elizabeth Bishop, "One Art".

What is contemporary period?

The contemporary period is a period in history that began in 1945 and is still ongoing today. It is marked by rapid technological advancements, globalization, and the rise of modern science. During this period, the world has seen major changes in technology, communication, and politics. The spread of the internet has allowed for a more interconnected world than ever before and has allowed for the spread of new ideas and innovations. Art and literature have also seen new trends and movements due to the increased access to new forms of media. Additionally, the world has seen the rise of new countries, the fall of old empires, and the introduction of new ideologies. This period has seen major progress in social justice, the acceptance of new forms of human rights, and the growth of the global economy. The contemporary period is a period of immense change and progress, and one which will continue to shape the world for years to come.

To learn more about  contemporary period


Read the information below and use it to answer the constructed-response item.

1. The state legislature has to decide whether to fund a proposal to repair roads or a proposal that would increase funding for new school construction.

2. Describe the benefits and opportunity cost of the decision. What is the best way for the state government to determine which proposal to fund?

3. Explain your answer. Include details and examples to support your answer.



1. Benefits and opportunity cost of the decision:

The benefits of funding the proposal to repair roads include better infrastructure and transportation, which can reduce commute times, increase safety, and stimulate economic growth. On the other hand, funding the proposal to increase funding for new school construction could improve education quality and create new jobs in the construction industry.

The opportunity cost of choosing one proposal over the other is the benefits that could have been gained if the alternative proposal was chosen. For instance, if the state legislature chooses to fund the road repair proposal, they will forego the benefits that could have been gained if the new school construction proposal was chosen, and vice versa.

2. The best way for the state government to determine which proposal to fund:

The state government can use a cost-benefit analysis to determine which proposal to fund. This approach involves identifying the costs and benefits of each proposal and comparing them to determine which proposal offers the greatest net benefit.

In addition, the state government could consult with experts in transportation and education to evaluate the potential impact of each proposal on the state's infrastructure and economy. They could also gather public opinion and input through surveys, public forums, and other outreach efforts to determine which proposal aligns better with the needs and preferences of the constituents.

3. Explanation:

The decision of whether to fund the proposal to repair roads or the proposal to increase funding for new school construction involves trade-offs, as each proposal offers unique benefits and opportunity costs. Therefore, the state government should use a cost-benefit analysis and seek input from experts and constituents to determine which proposal offers the greatest net benefit for the state.

For example, if the state has a significant transportation problem that negatively impacts its economy, then the proposal to repair roads may offer the greatest net benefit. However, if the state has a growing population and a need for additional school facilities, then the proposal to increase funding for new school construction may offer the greatest net benefit. By carefully considering the costs and benefits of each proposal, the state government can make an informed decision that aligns with the state's priorities and goals.

connection between text to text in chapter 5 night by elie wiesel



Explanation: Night, Chapter 5: Explore Further

This lesson gave you a summary of chapter 5 of Elie Wiesel's Night. Take a look at the following prompts to learn more about this important book.

Compare and Contrast

Night is just one of many influential works about the Holocaust. You have probably encountered others already. Choose any work of film or literature about the Holocaust and write an essay comparing and contrasting one or more aspects of the two works, like their characters, their plot, their historical accuracy, and more.

Examples: Schindler's List (1993); Number the Stars by Lois Lowry; The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank; Life is Beautiful (1997). Keep in mind that some of these works may not be suitable for younger audiences.

Deeper Dive

When it comes to the Holocaust, there is a great deal to be learned. Do some research of your own and create an annotated timeline of events leading up to the Holocaust. There is no set date at which you should begin your timeline, so you should make that decision based on your research. You can go into a lot of detail about a short period of time or you can do a much broader overview of many years.

Personal Reflection

Reading books like Night can be emotionally challenging, especially for students who have historical ties to the Holocaust. This is a good opportunity to think about your personal feelings toward this book. Write a reflection on the book so far and how you feel about it. This can be a good way to process difficult media and might help you approach the rest of the book with a clear head.

A Child Called "IT" by Dave Pelzer
Chapter Two "Good Times"
1. How does David describe his family in chapter two?
2. How does the mother described in chapter two differ from the mother described in chapter one
3. How did his mother act when it was holiday time?
4. Describe David's experience at the Russian River.
5. What do you think happened to David's mother to make her change so
Vocabulary: Modest, Scour, Meticulously, Destiny, Constructive, Blitz


David recalls that in the early 1960s, his family is ideal. He and his two brothers, Ronald and Stan, are fortunate to have loving parents and a magnificent home with a stunning view of the Golden Gate Bridge.

What are a few quotes from David Pelzer's A Child Named It?

Childhood should be carefree and filled with outdoor activities, not a horror in the depths of the psyche. "One could start out with less than enviable circumstances and rise to the top from within." "My soul become so frigid on the inside that I hated everything.

What did his mother do to David Pelzer?

He describes how, from the age of four to twelve, his mother physically and psychologically abused him. He talks about his mother starving him, making him drink ammonia, stabbing him in the stomach, setting a gas stove on fire, and making him eat his own vomit.

To know more about Davidelzer here:


The Invasion of the Lionfish
What was once just an attractive aquarium fish has recently become one of the biggest menaces in the Atlantic. The lionfish was accidentally introduced into the Atlantic Ocean in the 1990s. Because it has no natural predators, it has adapted quickly to its new home. The lionfish now threatens to destroy native fish populations in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico.

The lionfish spreads quite rapidly. Lionfish spread faster than any other invading species. Experts have called the invasion in the Atlantic the worst marine invasion of all time. The lionfish's success comes from an ability to reproduce all year round. In addition, they are greedy eaters with a fondness for small fish and crustaceans. They will eat anything smaller than they are. Lionfish love the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Since their first sighting, they have rapidly multiplied. In some locations, scientists estimate that lionfish populations exploded by 700 percent between 2004 and 2008 alone.

To combat the invasion, wildlife agencies have sponsored lionfish derbies. In these derbies, local scuba divers are invited to harvest lionfish. In addition, many states offer recipes for preparing and eating lionfish to encourage harvesting. Lionfish have to be handled carefully because of their venomous spines, but they are apparently delicious. Increasing the harvest of lionfish will help. However, scientists estimate that more than a quarter of the population would have to be taken every month to stop the growing population.

The lionfish has targeted our most fragile and important ecosystems. Scientists are working tirelessly to learn as much as they can about this predator. We may never be able to completely remove the threat, but many fishermen and seafood fans are hoping we can figure out how to control it.

Work Cited
Wilcox, Christie. "The Worst Marine Invasion Ever." Slate. July 1, 2013.

Read this line from the text:

What was once just an attractive aquarium fish has recently become one of the biggest menaces in the Atlantic.

What does menaces mean in this sentence? (5 points)

A deadly threat

An exaggerated issue

A slight problem

A mild concern



a. A deadly threat.


The word "menaces" in this sentence means "a deadly threat". This is because the sentence is describing how the lionfish has become a menace or danger to the native fish populations in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico, indicating that it poses a serious threat to the ecosystem.

Summarize "The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" and compare it with the
painting of the same name. What are the similarities and differences?



I hope that helps, please don't forget to give a Brainliest :) any feedback is appreciated. Hope you have a great day!

"The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" is a poem by William Carlos Williams that describes the Greek mythological figure Icarus falling from the sky after flying too close to the sun with wings made of feathers and wax. The poem focuses on the indifference of nature and the world to Icarus's fall, with the farmer continuing to plow his field and the ship sailing by without noticing. Williams portrays the tragedy of Icarus's fall as a small and insignificant event in the grand scheme of things.

In contrast, the painting "The Fall of Icarus" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder portrays a more vivid and dramatic scene. In the painting, Icarus is depicted as a small figure falling into the sea while people on land and a ship at sea are shown reacting to the event. The painting highlights the contrast between the tragic fate of Icarus and the mundane activities of the people around him. The painting also suggests the theme of the danger of ambition and overreaching.

The similarities between the poem and the painting are the central focus on Icarus's fall and the contrast between his tragedy and the indifference of the world around him. However, the poem emphasizes the insignificance of Icarus's fall, while the painting portrays it as a more significant event with a broader impact on the people around him. Additionally, the poem portrays the fall from a distance and through the eyes of an observer, while the painting puts the viewer right in the midst of the action.

"The Landscape of the Fall of Icarus" is a poem by W. H. Auden that describes a scene of everyday life, with a farmer plowing his fields and a ship sailing on the sea. The poem then mentions the mythological figure Icarus, who is often depicted falling from the sky after flying too close to the sun with wings made of wax.

The painting of the same name, "The Fall of Icarus", is a work of art by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. The painting depicts a landscape with a small figure of Icarus falling into the sea, while the rest of the scene shows people going about their daily activities, seemingly unaware of the tragic event happening in the background.

The similarities between the poem and the painting are that they both portray a landscape with everyday scenes of life, alongside a tragic event involving Icarus. Both works also suggest that people often focus on their own concerns and may not notice significant events happening around them.

The main difference between the two works is that the poem focuses more on the landscape and the everyday scenes of life, while the painting focuses on the tragedy of Icarus and the contrast between his fall and the mundane activities of the people around him. The painting is also more visual, providing a specific image of Icarus falling into the sea, whereas the poem leaves the event more open to interpretation.

Overall, both the poem and the painting explore the theme of human fallibility and the contrast between the smallness of human concerns and the vastness of the natural world.

I am looking for an online work.Any assistance will be appreaciated


For online work, there are a lot of options available for the people. You can either start freelancing or join a company that offers remote work.

Some of the popular freelancing platforms are Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, etc. where you can find projects that suit your skills and start earning money. Another option is to join a company that offers remote work. Nowadays, many companies are hiring people to work remotely. You can search for such jobs on websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, etc. and apply for the positions that match your skills and experience. It is important to note that online work requires discipline and time management skills as you will be responsible for completing your tasks on time without any supervision. Therefore, make sure you are self-motivated and can manage your time effectively. I hope this helps! Good luck with your search for online work.

Read more about freelancing here:


1Verbs are the most important of all tools. 2They push the sentence forward and give it momentum. 3Active verbs push hard; passive verbs tug fitfully. 4Most verbs also carry somewhere in their imagery or in their sound a suggestion of what they mean: flail, poke, dazzle, squash, beguile, pamper, swagger, wheedle, vex. 5I would bet that no other language has such a vast supply of verbs so bright with color. 6Don’n n t choose one that is dull or merely serviceable. 7Make active verbs activate your sentences. 8Also, try to avoid verbs that end in a preposition; that preposition weakens the force of the verbs. 9For example, don’t “set up” a business that you can “ establish.” 10Don’n n t “come upon” an object that you can “discover,” or “take hold of”f f one that you can “grab.”
While considering the passage above, the word "verbs" could be:

the topic

the main idea

a supporting detail

none of the above



The word "verbs" could be the topic of the passage.


The passage is primarily discussing the importance of verbs and their role in pushing sentences forward and giving them momentum. The first sentence explicitly states that "verbs are the most important of all tools." Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the topic of the passage is centered on verbs.

Select a poem you have read and explain how its form contributed to its meaning.




One example of a poem where form contributes to its meaning is "Sonnet 18" by William Shakespeare. This poem is a sonnet, a form of poetry that has strict rules and conventions, including 14 lines and a specific rhyme scheme.

In "Sonnet 18," the form contributes to the poem's meaning by emphasizing the speaker's attempt to immortalize the subject of the poem, who is described as "more lovely and more temperate" than a summer's day. The use of the sonnet form, which is often associated with love poetry and is traditionally used to express intense emotions, underscores the speaker's deep affection for the subject and the importance of the message he is trying to convey.

Additionally, the rhyme scheme of the sonnet - ABAB CDCD EFEF GG - helps to structure the poem and create a sense of symmetry and balance. This contributes to the poem's overall theme of the subject's enduring beauty and the speaker's attempt to preserve it through poetry.

Furthermore, the final couplet of the sonnet - "So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee" - provides a memorable conclusion to the poem, emphasizing the power of art to transcend time and preserve beauty. The couplet's rhyme and meter help to emphasize its significance and make it stand out as a memorable conclusion to the poem.

In this way, the form of "Sonnet 18" contributes to its meaning by emphasizing the speaker's deep affection for the subject, creating a sense of symmetry and balance, and underscoring the power of poetry to preserve beauty and transcend time.

what is the depth of (A AND B) => D


The depth of (A AND B) is D. To calculate this, you need to find the maximum of the depths of A and B. So, if the depth of A is x and the depth of B is y, then the depth of (A AND B) is max(x,y) = D.

A boolean expression is a statement or combination of statements that evaluates to either true or false. It typically involves the use of logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT to compare values or conditions. Boolean expressions are commonly used in computer programming and in various fields of engineering and mathematics where logical reasoning is important. For example, in programming, boolean expressions are often used in conditional statements (if/else) and loops to control program flow based on certain conditions.

Learn more about Boolean expression:


Question 2: Use appropriate adverbs of degree (a bit, a little, very, extremely or pretty) according to the context of the sentences given below. 1. I am..... tired. But I will definitely try to come with you. 2. I am not able to make out the answer. It is ........ confusing. 3. The boy found the and disagreed to marry her. 4. The arrangements of the birthday party were....... nice. One could not help, but appreciate them. 5. We can think of some other place. This one is... boring 6. The paintings and carvings at Ajintha and Verul are.......... beautiful. spell bound. They liked the speech ......... much. 7. The audience were.......... 8. He slowed down the speed 9. This building............. It look like a haunted place now. 10. She sings....... She can try her hand at singing. ..........that he might not meet with an accident.​



1 very 2bit 3pretty 4very5exteremly 6exteremly7pretty8little9exteremly

1. I am a bit tired. But I will definitely try to come with you.
2. I am extremely confused. It is very confusing.
3. The boy found the girl pretty unattractive and disagreed to marry her.
4. The arrangements of the birthday party were very nice. One could not help, but appreciate them.
5. We can think of some other place. This one is a little boring.
6. The paintings and carvings at Ajintha and Verul are extremely beautiful. They liked the speech pretty much.
7. The audience were extremely captivated.
8. He slowed down the speed a little.
9. This building looks like a haunted place now. It is pretty scary.
10. She sings very well. She can try her hand at singing. I'm a bit worried that he might not meet with an accident.

Which sentence below uses the correct form of the pronoun? (HINT: each pronoun should make sense in the sentence on its own) A. Brenda gave the plane tickets to he and we. B. Don't leave without letting he and Jamie know where you're going. C. They and her loved the rush they got from the speeding roller coaster. D. As the roller coaster started to move, a sinking fear fell over her and him.​


D. A sinking fear descended upon her and him as the roller coaster began to move makes use of the appropriate pronoun.

What exactly is the pronoun rule?

There are three types of pronouns: nominative (I, you, he, she, it, or they), possessive (my, your, his, her, or their), and objective (me, him, her, him, us, them). When the pronoun is the subject of your sentence, use the nominative case, and always start a statement with the other person's name.

How many different pronouns are there?

The Seven Different Pronoun Categories. The personal pronoun, the demonstrative pronoun, the interrogative pronoun, the relative pronoun, the indefinite pronoun, and the reflexive pronoun are the seven sorts of pronouns that writers in both English and English as a second language must understand.

To know more about Pronoun visit:


What is rejustible in Agriculture​



i don't think there's a word called rejustible


What is the meaning of "avoiding concessions of principle or for the sake of atmosphere"?



That the U.S. would not concede (concession), meaning give in/surrender on principles (fundamental truths that serve as a basis of our society)  or for the sake of atmosphere- so that the atmosphere-tone/mood of the relationship would improve


Hope this is clear enough ;)

Basically, The U.S. would not give in to keep the peace, or give up on principles.

1.2 Revise the suggested questionnaire so that it is more suitable. Include 5 reasons for taking a Gap year. Submit a copy of a new, revised questionnaire. (8) Marks​


Five possible reasons for taking a gap year could be:

Rest.Recognize yourself.Travel.Experience new situations.Make new plans.What is a gap year?

A gap year is a year where the individual does not carry out his/her most common activities such as work, and school, among others.

The reasons for taking a gap year can be very different, but most of the time, the individual seeks to rest and learn more about himself. Some people fly, exchange, and spend time with their families, among others.

Learn more about a gap year:


14. They ……… an apartment now because they
can't find a cheap house.


Answer: live


What is most likely the reason Isabel Flores included the following details about the Apollo program (paragraph 1)?

The Apollo program alone has led to many innovations. They include new athletic shoes, solar panels, heart monitors, pacemakers, and cordless tools. Both the U.S. government and businesses have been able to patent and generate revenue from these inventions.

Answer choices for the above question

A. To show that there are benefits to costly manned space programs

B. To show that nothing good comes out of manned space programs

C. To show that these innovations are more important than space exploration

D. To show that manned space programs are only good for businesses



A. To show that there are benefits to costly manned space programs


in sarah hrdy article mothers and others in what way does she describe human breeding behavior?


Sarah Hrdy's article "Mothers and Others" describes human breeding behavior as being unique among primates in that it involves a high degree of cooperative care from individuals other than the biological mother.

Hrdy argues that this cooperative breeding strategy, which involves extended family members, alloparents, and other group members, has been a key factor in the evolution of human sociality and intelligence. According to Hrdy, this strategy allowed early humans to allocate more resources to child-rearing and to expand their social networks, which in turn facilitated the development of complex cultural practices and language.

Hrdy also emphasizes that the social and ecological context of human breeding behavior has varied across different cultures and historical periods, and that these variations have shaped the specific forms of cooperation and care that have emerged in different contexts. Overall, Hrdy's article provides a comprehensive overview of human breeding behavior and highlights the importance of social cooperation and cultural diversity in shaping this behavior.

Learn more about Sarah


what is the view of love presented in Aimee Nezhukumatathils poem small murders ​


"Small Murders" presents a nuanced view of love that encompasses both the joy and the pain that comes with it. The poem suggests that love is not always easy, but that it is worth the effort and sacrifice that it requires. It encourages readers to embrace the complexities of love and to accept that it involves both beauty and pain


In "Small Murders," Aimee Nezhukumatathil presents a complex view of love that encompasses both joy and pain. The poem suggests that love is not always easy and can involve sacrifice and heartache.

Throughout the poem, the speaker describes a series of small murders that take place in the natural world, such as a bird killing a grasshopper or a fox killing a rabbit. These violent acts are juxtaposed with moments of tenderness and love, such as a mother bird feeding her young or a child picking wildflowers for a loved one.

The poem suggests that love is not always straightforward and can involve moments of pain and loss. The speaker describes the "small murders" that take place within relationships, such as arguments and misunderstandings, that can cause emotional pain and hurt. However, the poem also suggests that these moments of pain and loss are an inevitable part of love and can be transcended through forgiveness and understanding.

Which word below completes this synonym/antonym analogy? A. ingest B. confront C. friends D. mistake pacifist: warmonger :: avoid:​


Answer: Option B, Confront is a direct antonym of avoid.


Confront means to meet someone face to face with hostile or argumentative intent.

Avoid means to stay away completely.

13. My grandfather has died.
(Rewrite beginning: Death.


Death of my grandfather was natural.

What is Grammar?

Grammar is a language's system. Grammar is sometimes referred to as a language's "rules," but no language has rules*. When we say "rules," we mean that someone created the rules first and then spoke the language, as if it were a new game. However, languages did not begin in this manner. Languages evolved from people making sounds into words, phrases, and sentences. There is no universal language. Every language evolves over time. What we call "grammar" is simply a snapshot of a language at a specific point in time.Is it necessary to study grammar in order to learn a language? "No," is the short answer. Many people worldwide speak their native language without having studied its grammar.

To know more about Grammar, click on the link :


The latin root tactus is part of the word tangent. What does Tangent mean?
A. leading
B. winding
C. touching
D. traveling



I think the answer is leading

The Latin root tactus means "touch," and it is indeed part of the word tangent. A tangent is a line that touches a curve or a surface at a single point without intersecting it. Therefore, the correct answer is C. touching.

fill in the Blanks to complete the sentences


A group of artist started the Pop Art movement in the 1950s and soon many more around the world joined in. Pop Art changed the way people thought about art. The artists used bold colors and simple shapes to create vibrate pieces. Many Pop Artist incorporated pictures from comic books, ads, and popular cultures. In other words, everyday life was integrated the art work.

Who are the group of artists that started the Pop Art culture?

Pop Art marked a significant shift in modernism's direction by reviving recognizable motifs taken from media and popular culture. Pop was born in the United Kingdom in the 1950s amid a postwar socio-political atmosphere where artists gravitated toward celebrating everyday objects and elevating the ordinary to the level of fine art.

The above answer is in response to the full question;

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences

A group of artist started the Pop Art ............... in the 1950s and soon many more around the world joined in. Pop Art changed the way people thought about art. The artists used .............. to create vibrate pieces. Many Pop Artist incorporated pictures from comic books, ads, and popular cultures. In other words, everyday life was ............... the art work.

Find more useful information on pop art movement;


Read the following quote from a letter written by Hernan Cortes to King Charles V in 1520. “I will say no more than that the manners of the people, as shown in their intercourse with one another, are marked by as great an attention to the proprieties of life as in Spain, and good order is equally well observed; and considering that they are barbarous people, without the knowledge of God, having no intercourse with civilized nations, these traits of character are worthy of admiration.” From this quote, why is Cortes surprised by the good nature of the people?


They pay close attention to the proprieties of Spain.

They are barbaric.

They have no knowledge of God or other civilized nations.

They have good manners and good order.





“I will say no more than that the manners of the people, as shown in their intercourse with one another, are marked by as great an attention to the proprieties of life as in Spain

Cripple me father summery


Ramanujan, ''Cripple Me Father'' is a short prose poem in which the narrator asks God to cripple him, blind him, deafen him, and restrain him to keep him from going places, doing things, hearing things, or searching for things that might interfere with the narrator's spirituality.

my role model is my mother i need that essay​



                             My mother is my role model

My mother is my role model, and I have admired her since I was a child. She has played a significant role in shaping me into the person I am today. Her selflessness, resilience, and hard work are traits that I have always admired and aspired to emulate.

One of the qualities that I admire the most about my mother is her selflessness. She has always put the needs of her family first, and she never complains or asks for anything in return. Despite being a single mother, she has always managed to provide for my siblings and me, ensuring that we have everything we need to succeed in life. Whenever I am faced with a difficult decision, I always think about what my mother would do, and that helps me make the right choice.

Another trait that I admire about my mother is her resilience. She has faced many challenges in her life, but she has always managed to overcome them with grace and strength. Whenever I am feeling down or facing a difficult situation, my mother's words of encouragement and support help me find the strength to carry on. She has taught me that no matter how tough life gets, there is always a way forward.

Finally, my mother's work ethic is something that I have always admired. She has worked hard her entire life to provide for her family and give us a better life. She has never given up or let setbacks get her down. Her dedication and commitment to her work have inspired me to work hard and pursue my dreams.

In conclusion, my mother is my role model because of her selflessness, resilience, and hard work. She has taught me valuable life lessons and has been a source of inspiration and support throughout my life. I am grateful to have her as my mother, and I hope to one day be as great of a role model to my own children as she has been to me.



everything she does she do it with love and care also she is avery strong women who keeps her one what i can say is that she is a one word women

On the "Comprehension Handouts" document attached to Project 6 in Blackboard, the first handout is a Story Impression for Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco. Using all the words that are included in the Story Impression, write a prediction below for what you think will happen in the story. If you have read Pink and Say, then you can use the words to write a summary of the story. Please be clear if you are writing a prediction or summary.


Story Impressions are an educational method that stimulates interest and enables pupils to foresee reading material. Two Civil War kid soldiers who become friends are the subjects of Patricia Polacco's novel Pink and Say.

What serves as the book Pink and Say's central theme?

The notion of friendship forging strong relationships that are comparable to those of family and kin is the key premise of Pink and Say. Yet, it is based on family lore passed down orally by Patricia Polacco. Pinkus Aylee (Pink), a member of the 48th colored regiment, and Sheldon Curtis (Say), a Union soldier. When Pink discovers Say dying on the battlefield, they are both engaged in combat against the "illness of servitude".

Say is injured when Pink finds him on a battlefield and rescues him by bringing him to his mother's house. Pink and Say spend more time getting to know one another as Say gets better, deepening their bond. Ultimately, the guys are apprehended and split up; uncertain of one another's fate. Families will be reminded of the atrocities committed during the Civil War by this heartbreaking story.

To learn more about Pink and Say, visit:


Reading comprehension


Honey Bees are one of the most easily recognised animals and the most widely tamed bee species on the planet. They vary in colour but are typically brown with a banded pale yellow and brown belly.

Why are honey bees the most important?

Bees perform an essential role in the preservation of our planet. We rely on them to pollinate the food we need to live, as well as many of the trees and flora that provide refuge for a variety of animals.

The western honey bee (Apis mellifera) is the most prevalent of the 7-12 honey bee species found globally. Apis is Latin for "bee," and mellifera is Latin for "honey-bearing" or "honey carrying," alluding to the species' honey output.

Learn more about Honey Bees


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Rank the following elements by electron affinity, from most positive to most negative EA value. Rank from most positive to most negative. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. (sodium, iodine, oxygen, arsenic, neon) If you are making a left turn from a two way street into a one way street you must start the turn from the _____ abc hit may turn into any lane that is safely open carol was asked by her boss to develop a master budget for the company she works for, ''the big spoon.'' she doesn't know where to start with this project. which budget would you suggest she start with, and why? Armando opened a new savings account with an initial deposit if $250. Which combination will result in a zero balance in armandos account? Early adopters, although not as fast as innovators, are quick to purchase a new product. Identify all of the following characteristics that are typically associated with early adopters:- are less risk seeking than innovators- have less disposable income than innovators- tend to be opinion leaders of a particular product category- are youngest in age of all consumer category groups FILL IN THE BLANK interest groups are more likely to succeed when their request has ___ salience and when it has ___ conflict place the following steps for assigning costs to units of product using process costing in order. instructions choice 1 of 5. identify the total costs to be accounted for. toggle button identify the total costs to be accounted for. choice 2 of 5. assign costs to batches of work toggle button assign costs to batches of work choice 3 of 5. compute the equivalent units of production. toggle button compute the equivalent units of production. choice 4 of 5. record the physical flow of resources. toggle button record the physical flow of resources. choice 5 of 5. compute costs per equivalent unit. toggle button compute costs per equivalent unit. A farmer has a rectangular field with an area of 3/4 square mile. The field is 1/2 mile wide. What is the length of the field?A. 2/3B. 1 1/3C. 2 2/3D. 3/8 1. Avril deposited $800 in his bank at 1.5% for five years.Use the simple interest formula to calculate the amount of interest Avril will earn. Calculate the future value of her deposit.2. Phyllis borrowed $1,000 at 2% APR for six months. Use the simple interest formula to calculate the total amount of interest Phyllis will pay if she pays $200 two months into the loan and the rest at six months.3. James deposited $500 in his bank at 4.5% for 90 days.Use the simple interest formula to calculate the amount of interest James will earn using exact interest.Calculate the future value of the deposit.4. On May 4 Ariel signed a simple discount note for $3,500 at 3 1/2% for 60 days.Use the simple interest formula to calculate the amount of interest Ariel will pay using ordinary interest.Calculate the proceeds she will receive on May 4.Calculate the amount she will pay at maturityDetermine the date it will be due.5. What is the APY (effective rate) for 16% APR compounded quarterly? Round to hundredths.6. Louisa invested $4,500 at 4% interest compounded semiannually for two years. Calculate the future value of Louisa's investment using Exhibit 11-1 or the formula FV = P(1 + R)n.7. Cleve wants to know how much he would need to deposit now in order to have $8,000 in five years at a rate of 6% compounding quarterly. Use Exhibit 11-2 or the formula P = FV/(1 + R)n.8. I want to borrow $900 for 20 days from a payday loan store. The payday loan finance charge is $12 per $100 borrowed up to $400, and $10 per 100 on the amount over $400. What is the dollar amount of interest I am paying? What is the APR of this loan?9. Using Exhibit 12-1 or the formula, calculate the future value of an ordinary annuity with a quarterly payment of $1,000 made at the end of each quarter for four years compounding quarterly at 8%.10. Using Exhibit 12-1 or the formula, calculate the future value of an annuity due with a monthly payment of $50 made at the beginning of each month for 2.5 years compounding monthly at 6%. How are the people contributing to the economy of the country? I need help with these answers (PLEASE) true/false. of the sales plan can be done either with quantitative methods like a sales quota, or behavioral methods like customer satisfaction measures. ASA, SSS, SASDefine each postulate and give a well written and visual example of each term. Include as much detail as possible Lucia and Maria are business women who decided to invest money by buying farm land in Brazil. Lucia bought 111111 hectares of land in the first month, and each month afterwards she buys 555 additional hectares. Maria bought 666 hectares of land in the first month, and each month afterward her total number of hectares increases by a factor of 1. 41. 41, point, 4. They started their investments at the same time, and they both buy the additional land at the beginning of each month. What is the first month in which Maria's amount of land exceeds Lucia's amount of land? Authoritarianism spread in Latin America during the 1930s largely because ofthe Great Depression.the rise of communism.American exports.fear of the powerful landowners. from the condition of my guest costume he seemed to think that it might also serve him as his dressing room. Why does he think so? Answer on basis of the guest by Saki. Suppose a product's revenue function is given by R(q) = - 7q + 600qr. Find an expression for the marginal revenue function, simplify it, and record your result in the box below. Be sure to use the proper variable in your answer. (Use the preview button to check your syntax before submitting your answer.) Answer: MR(q) = Michael owns 100 shares of stock in the Samson Electricals Corporation, but as a stockholder he does not have the right to vote in stockholders' meetings. In this scenario, Michael owns common stock. True or False? Which of the following could be a logical or realistic accounting period for a business that is creating financial statements? (Check all that apply.)Multiple select Renin, released by the kidneys, causes a (decrease) in blood pressure.