how does melinda secret help plot advance from the first to the second marking term?


Answer 1


Melinda's secret helps advance the plot from the first term to the second term by showing how her silence is harming her more than they are helping her.


I have never read this story but it seems like a very good one.

Related Questions

Write an argumentative essay about Julius Caesar on who is the most influential person in this play


In Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar, the most influential character is undoubtedly Caesar himself. Throughout the play, his presence and actions shape the course of events.

How is Julius Caesar influential?

Firstly, Caesar's oratory skills are unmatched, which is evident in his speeches to the people of Rome. For instance, in Act 1, Scene 2, Caesar delivers a speech in which he appeals to the crowd's emotions, saying, "I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition? Yet Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man." Secondly, Caesar's military conquests have made him a revered figure, with soldiers and citizens alike looking up to him as a hero. As Antony remarks in Act 3, Scene 2, "When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept: ambition should be made of sterner stuff." These examples illustrate Caesar's charisma and ability to sway people to his side.

A counter-claim could be that Brutus is the most influential character in the play, as he leads the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar. However, while Brutus is a key player in the events that unfold, he ultimately fails to achieve his goals and bring stability to Rome. In contrast, Caesar's actions have far-reaching consequences, both during his life and after his death.

As Mark Antony says in Act 3, Scene 1, "O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low? Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils, shrunk to this little measure?" Caesar's impact on history cannot be overstated, and his role in the play reflects this.

To know more about Julius Caesar, visit:


Why is so little known about Shakespeare's life?


William Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago, and many records from that time are lost or never existed in the first place

suggest how sports bodies can promote positve behaviour during the matches​



Sports bodies can promote positive behavior during matches by implementing the following measures:


Code of Conduct: Develop a code of conduct for players, coaches, and spectators that outlines the acceptable behavior during the matches. This can be communicated through various mediums such as social media, posters, and announcementsStrict enforcement of rules: Enforce the rules and regulations strictly and consistently to ensure a fair play. This can be done by having an impartial referee or umpire, who has the power to penalize the players and the coaches for unacceptable behavior.Education and awareness: Provide education and awareness programs to players, coaches, and spectators about the importance of positive behavior during the matches. This can be done through workshops, seminars, and training sessions.Reward positive behavior: Acknowledge and reward the positive behavior during the matches. This can be done by awarding the fair play trophy or certificate to the players or team that displays the best sportsmanship during the match.Penalties for negative behavior: Impose penalties such as fines, suspension or expulsion from the match, for negative behavior such as verbal abuse, aggressive behavior, and cheating.Role models: Appoint role models or ambassadors who can promote positive behavior during the matches. These role models can be sports personalities who are known for their positive attitude and behavior on and off the field.

Please answer fast I will be waiting please be fast



The term that is not part of the RADAR method is "Add".

RADAR is an acronym for a problem-solving method that stands for the following steps:

R - Recognize the problem

A - Analyze the problem

D - Develop an action plan

A - Act on the plan

R - Review the results

The RADAR method does not include the step "Add", but it includes "Apply" as part of the action plan development. The "Apply" step involves selecting and applying a solution or action plan to solve the problem. The other steps, Replace, Reorder, and Analyze, are part of the problem analysis and action plan development.

Mark me as Brainliest!!

The answer is : Add

Read this passage. Select the expanded sentence in this passage. The bullet train left the train station. As it rounded the first corner, it picked up speed. Quickly the speedy train moved toward its destination. Passengers inside the train ate tea and cookies. As it rounded the first corner, it picked up speed. Passengers inside the train ate tea and cookies. Quickly the speedy train moved toward its destination. The bullet train left the train station


There are two words from the given passage which have suffixes that are hysterical and contemptible.

A letter or group of letters that you add at the end of a word, and that changes the meaning of the word or the way it is used. First of all, you need to know what a suffix is, in simple words it is an addition that you basically glue onto a word - you have the basic form of a word (for example, play), and then you add the suffix at the end (-ing), and you get a new word (playing).

Having this in mind, there are two correct options here: hysterical (derived from hysteric + suffix -al), and contemptible (derived from contempt + suffix -ible).

Visit here to learn more about the Suffix:


Please help me please please help


1.Which among the personal vocation are you inclined to?

2.What is/are the sign/s you have to consider such vocation?​


A strong inclination or desire for a particular job or line of action. especially a divine summons to the life of a religious.

What is your calling?

God calls each person to live the specific life of good acts that God has planned for him or her. This is known as a personal vocation. Personal vocation includes one's condition in life and is important for every free decision one makes; it cannot be reduced to a vocation as one's state in life.

Which four types of careers are there?

Our vocation can take one of four alternative paths: marriage, convent life, the priesthood, or living alone. We are meant to draw nearer to God through each of these callings. In a marriage, the purpose of the relationship is for each partner to advance spiritually and grow together.

What are the telltale indicators of a monastic vocation?

Regular participation in parish activities and a special love of the liturgy, where we encounter Christ in word and sacrament, are indications of a monastic vocation.

To know more about the vocation visit;


john is giving a presentation at his office. during his speech, john controls his tone of voice, how fast he is talking, and how he articulates his words. john is using which of these nonverbal code?


John is using his tone of voice, speed of speech, and articulation of words as nonverbal code during his presentation. These are all aspects of his delivery that help him convey his message effectively and make an impact on his audience.

During his speech, John is controlling his tone of voice, how fast he is talking, and how he articulates his words. John is using the nonverbal code.

Speech can be defined as the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. It is a way of communicating with others through language. Speech is a means of expressing one's thoughts and emotions, as well as exchanging knowledge and ideas with others.

Tone of voice refers to the way words are spoken, which can indicate mood or emotion. Tone of voice can reveal a person's feelings or attitude. It can convey a message that is different from the words spoken. Tone of voice is often used to add emphasis or convey meaning, and can also be used to persuade or influence others.

Nonverbal code refers to all forms of communication that are not based on spoken or written language. This includes things like facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and gestures. Nonverbal codes can be used to convey meaning, emphasize points, or add emphasis to spoken words.

Articulates refers to the way words are pronounced or spoken. It is the act of producing speech sounds and patterns. The way words are articulated can affect how they are perceived and understood by others. Accurate articulation is important for effective communication.

John is using the nonverbal code.

Learn more about Non-verbal code here:


John is using his tone of voice, speed of speech, and articulation of words as nonverbal code during his presentation. These are all aspects of his delivery that help him convey his message effectively and make an impact on his audience.

During his speech, John is controlling his tone of voice, how fast he is talking, and how he articulates his words. John is using nonverbal code.

Speech can be defined as the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. It is a way of communicating with others through language. Speech is a means of expressing one's thoughts and emotions, as well as exchanging knowledge and ideas with others.

The tone of voice refers to the way words are spoken, which can indicate mood or emotion. The tone of voice can reveal a person's feelings or attitude. It can convey a message that is different from the words spoken. The tone of voice is often used to add emphasis or convey meaning, and can also be used to persuade or influence others.

Articulates refers to the way words are pronounced or spoken. It is the act of producing speech sounds and patterns. The way words are articulated can affect how they are perceived and understood by others. Accurate articulation is important for effective communication. Therefore John is using nonverbal code.

Learn more about Non-verbal code here:


What is the MAIN idea of the section “Every organism has purpose”?

A living thing has purpose and goals, but a non-living thing does not.
Everything on Earth has a purpose, even muscles, organisms, or mountains.
A short-term goal of organisms is to self-generate.
A long-term goal of organisms is passing on their genome to offspring.


The main idea of the section "Every organism has a purpose" is that everything on Earth, including living and non-living things, has a purpose. This purpose may vary based on the individual item, but it exists nonetheless. Therefore the correct option would be 'B.'

What does "Every organism has a purpose" emphasizes?

The section emphasizes that organisms have short-term and long-term goals, such as self-generation and passing their genome to offspring.

Why does every organism have a purpose?

Every organism has a purpose because it has evolved and adapted to its environment through natural selection. This means that the traits and behaviors of each organism have been shaped by its environment and the challenges it faces. Each organism has unique characteristics and abilities that allow it to survive and thrive in its territory.

To learn more about organisms, visit here:


Dear Mom,

I think we should get a pet dog. Dogs make great pets because they are loyal.

They help deter criminals, like thieves. They also help boost people’s moods because

they are friendly and playful. Doctors have even found that owning a dog can improve

a person’s health. They reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and they help prevent

allergies, asthma, and eczema in children! You might think that I am not responsible

enough to have a pet dog. But, I have demonstrated responsibility by making my bed

every morning and doing my homework every afternoon. I know that I would be

responsible for walking our pet dog and cleaning up after it. Getting a pet dog would

be good for our whole family!

Love, Natalie

arguments lang po​


Dear Natalie,

Thank you for expressing your interest in getting a pet dog. I appreciate that you have done some research and highlighted the benefits of having a dog. I agree that dogs can make great pets and have many positive effects on our health and well-being.

However, getting a pet dog is a big responsibility and requires a lot of commitment. It's important to consider the time, effort, and expenses that come with owning a pet dog. We would need to make sure that we are able to provide a safe and loving home for the dog, with enough space for it to exercise and play.

Before we make a decision, we need to discuss this as a family and consider everyone's opinions and concerns. We also need to research different breeds and their characteristics to find a dog that would fit well with our lifestyle and personality.

If we do decide to get a pet dog, we would all need to be responsible for taking care of it, including feeding, walking, grooming, and cleaning up after it. I'm glad that you have shown responsibility in your daily routines, but having a pet dog would require even more responsibility.

Let's continue this conversation and do some more research before making a decision. I appreciate your thoughtful and mature approach to this topic.

Love, Mom

When Atticus asks Scout if she understands, and she says that she does, and that having it another way would be like​


The phrase you are referring to is likely from the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. In the novel, there is a scene where Atticus, the father of the main character Scout, explains to her the importance of empathy and the need to try and understand other people's perspectives.

What does empathy mean?
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings and experiences of another person. It involves putting oneself in someone else's shoes, imagining what they might be feeling or experiencing, and trying to understand their perspective.

When Atticus asks Scout if she understands his lesson, she responds by saying that she does. Atticus then tells her that "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."

Scout responds by saying that she understands, and that having it any other way would be like "shootin' a mockingbird." This phrase is a reference to the novel's title, where Atticus tells his children that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird, as they do nothing but sing and make people happy. The phrase "having it another way" refers to not understanding other people's perspectives and therefore not treating them with the respect and empathy that they deserve.

In other words, Scout is saying that it would be wrong to not try and understand other people's perspectives, just as it would be wrong to harm a mockingbird. This phrase highlights the novel's themes of empathy, understanding, and the need for individuals to view the world from different perspectives in order to truly understand others.

To know more about novel visit:

Topic: The Boston Massacre ( Write the answer in your own words)

Do you believe anything was wrong with African Americans joining with white Patriots in harassing the Redcoats?

Could the Boston Massacre have been avoided? How?


It is not right to harass anyone, including Redcoats, regardless of race or ethnicity.

What is the  Boston Massacre?

Joining together in harassing Redcoats could be seen as a form of mob violence and does not align with the values of non-violent protest.

The Boston Massacre could have been avoided if there had been better communication between the colonists and the British soldiers. The tension between the two groups was already high, and the presence of the British soldiers on the streets of Boston only added to it. The British soldiers could have been better trained in how to deal with the colonists, and the colonists could have been better informed about the reasons for the presence of the soldiers.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize that the Boston Massacre was a tragic event that resulted in the deaths of several people. It is a reminder of the need for peaceful conflict resolution and the dangers of violence.

Learn more about  Boston Massacre from


Scallops and clams are both mollusks. A mollusk is a sea creature that has a hard shell but a soft body. Scallops and clams both feed by pulling water into their shells and sifting out tiny plants and animals. This food that floats by in the ocean is called plankton. The scallop lives on the ocean floor in shallow water. A clam makes its home by burrowing deep into sand and mud.

Scallops and clams...

They eat different kinds of food.

They have different types of bodies.

They have different ways of feeding.

They make their homes in different places.




They make their homes in different places.

2.1. Define the term "discrimination," and mention THREE negative psychological
consequences which discrimination based on HIV status could have on young learners.
(1+3) (4)
22 State FOUR ways in which a good self-awareness can decrease the likelihood of learners
turning to discriminating behaviours.
2.3. Indicate FOUR signs that a learner who suffers from low self-esteem as a result of
discrimination may show.
(4x1) (4)
(4x1) (4)



2.1. Discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of individuals or groups based on certain characteristics or attributes such as race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or in this case, HIV status. Three negative psychological consequences that discrimination based on HIV status could have on young learners are:

1. Lowered self-esteem and self-worth due to being stigmatized and ostracized by others.

2. Increased stress and anxiety caused by the fear of rejection, discrimination, or bullying.

3. Negative impact on mental health, leading to depression, isolation, and social withdrawal.

2.2. Four ways in which good self-awareness can decrease the likelihood of learners turning to discriminating behaviors are:

1. Encouraging self-reflection to understand one's own beliefs, attitudes, and biases.

2. Promoting empathy and understanding towards others by recognizing their unique perspectives and experiences.

3. Creating a culture of respect and inclusion by valuing diversity and promoting equality.

4. Developing effective communication skills to foster positive relationships and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.

2.3. Four signs that a learner who suffers from low self-esteem as a result of discrimination may show are:

1. Avoiding social situations and withdrawing from group activities.

2. Expressing feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy.

3. Becoming overly self-critical and perfectionistic.

Experiencing physical symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, and loss of appetite.

(please mark my answer as brainliest)

The food you eat has an blank on your overall health.Getting the right amount of vitamin minerals and protein can blank how you think exercise and sleep


The food you eat has an impact on your overall health. Getting the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and protein can affect how you think, exercise, and sleep.

How does food impact your health overall?

The food you eat provides your body with the necessary nutrients and energy to function properly. Vitamins and minerals play an essential role in many bodily processes, including maintaining a healthy immune system, producing red blood cells, and supporting bone health. Protein is also essential for building and repairing tissues and supporting muscle growth.

When you don't get enough of these nutrients from your diet, it can affect your overall health, including your cognitive function, physical performance, and sleep quality. For example, a lack of certain vitamins and minerals can lead to fatigue, mood changes, and difficulty concentrating, while insufficient protein can cause muscle weakness and fatigue. On the other hand, consuming the right amount of nutrients can help improve your cognitive function, support healthy physical performance, and enhance your sleep quality.

Therefore, getting the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and protein through a balanced and nutritious diet can have a significant impact on how you think, exercise, and sleep.

Learn more about a nutritious diet here:


Brutus is the main character in the play, Julius Caesar. Select one: O True O False​


Answer: True


Despite its title, Brutus serves as the protagonist of Julius Caesar. Caesar dies midway through the play and has little influence over the events that unfold.

Hope this helps!!! :)

Tolkien took many points of inspiration from Beowulf, including the name of his hero, Frodo. What is the source of Frodo’s name?
Group of answer choices

Hrothgar’s son

Ingeld’s father

Unferth’s nephew

Wiglaf’s brother


According to the question of inspiration, none of the above is the source of Frodo’s name.

What is inspiration?

Inspiration is the feeling of being motivated and excited to take action. It is a powerful force that can help us to create and achieve our goals. Inspiration is often associated with creativity, ambition, and passion, and it can come from within or from external sources. It can be sparked by a powerful emotion, a meaningful moment, or a thought-provoking idea. Inspiration is the fuel that keeps us going and is essential to achieving our dreams. It can bring clarity, focus, and motivation, which in turn helps us to stay on track and make progress.

To learn more about inspiration


Complete Question

Tolkien took many points of inspiration from Beowulf, including the name of his hero, Frodo. What is the source of Frodo’s name?

Group of answer choices

Hrothgar’s son

Ingeld’s father

Unferth’s nephew

Wiglaf’s brother

None of the above

help!! Select the linguistic formula that represents the verb phrase in the following sentence.



Option one


Helping verbs "help" the main verb of a sentence to express the main verb's tense, mood, or voice.

Let's break down the sentence and highlight the verbs:

You could have been cleaning your room all night!

Could is a helping verb.

Have is a helping verb.

Been is a helping verb.

Cleaning is an action verb.

Therefore, the linguistic formula is:

Helping verb + helping verb + helping verb + action verb.

5 paragraph about systemic racism in education (High school +) 4 facts about it and real life cases with an example of my topic (MLA CITATION)



Systemic racism in education, particularly in high schools and beyond, is a pervasive issue that can have significant effects on the academic, social, and emotional well-being of students of color. There are several facts that illustrate the extent of this problem. First, students of color are disproportionately disciplined and suspended compared to their white counterparts. Second, they are often placed in lower tracks or courses that offer fewer opportunities for advanced learning. Third, students of color frequently face unconscious bias from teachers and administrators, which can affect everything from grading to recommendations for college admissions. Finally, students of color are underrepresented in higher education, which can limit their opportunities for upward mobility.

One real-life example of systemic racism in education is the story of Texas high school student Ahmed Mohamed. In 2015, Mohamed, who is Muslim and of Sudanese descent, brought a homemade clock to school to show his engineering teacher. However, the clock was mistaken for a bomb, and Mohamed was handcuffed and arrested. While the incident itself was a clear case of racial profiling, it also revealed the ways in which systemic racism operates in schools. Mohamed was suspended from school for three days, and his family ultimately decided to move to Qatar. The incident drew widespread attention and sparked discussions about the need for schools to address racial bias.

Another example of systemic racism in education can be seen in the case of Harvard University's admissions policies. In 2018, the university was sued for allegedly discriminating against Asian American applicants. While Harvard maintained that it considers race as just one of many factors in its admissions process, the case highlighted the ways in which admissions policies can be influenced by unconscious bias. This bias can manifest itself in many ways, such as the expectation that students of certain races should be "well-rounded" and excel in multiple areas, or the assumption that students from certain racial backgrounds may not have had access to the same educational opportunities as their white counterparts.

A third example of systemic racism in education is the way in which history is taught in schools. Many high school curricula have been criticized for glossing over the experiences of people of color, particularly African Americans. This can lead to a lack of understanding about the history of racism in the United States, and can perpetuate stereotypes and misconceptions. For example, the 1619 Project, a collection of essays and articles about the history of slavery and its legacy in the United States, has been criticized by some conservative politicians and educators who claim that it promotes a "divisive" and "unpatriotic" view of American history.

To address systemic racism in education, there are several steps that schools and educators can take. First, it's important to acknowledge that racial bias exists and to work actively to address it. This can involve training for teachers and administrators on unconscious bias, as well as policies that promote diversity and inclusion. Second, schools can work to provide students of color with access to higher-level courses and opportunities for enrichment. This can help to close the achievement gap and provide a pathway to higher education. Finally, it's important to ensure that history and social studies curricula accurately reflect the experiences of people of color and the history of racism in the United States.

When Trevor Noah learned to speak six different languages growing up. What impressed you about the ways that Trevor and his mother navigate neighborhoods, cultures, and family; and how did language make that possible?

Can someone help me ASAP with these 2 questions please


Trevor Noah's ability to speak six different languages allowed him and his mother to navigate and connect with different neighborhoods, cultures, and family members, showcasing the power of language as a tool for communication and understanding.

What is a language?

A language is a system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar used by a particular group of people to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. It allows individuals to convey information, exchange ideas, and express emotions. There are thousands of languages spoken worldwide, each with its own unique set of rules, vocabulary, and cultural significance.

In his memoir "Born a Crime," Trevor Noah discusses how growing up in apartheid South Africa with a Swiss-German father and a Xhosa mother who spoke several African languages allowed him to navigate different cultures and neighborhoods. Trevor and his mother spoke different languages depending on their surroundings, which enabled them to blend in with different groups and avoid potential danger.

Language made it possible for Trevor and his mother to communicate and connect with people from different backgrounds, which allowed them to adapt and survive in a society that was heavily segregated and discriminatory. Their ability to speak different languages also gave them a unique perspective and insight into the diverse cultures of South Africa, which is reflected in Trevor's comedy and commentary on social and political issues.

To know more about communication visit:

Identify the type of figurative language used in each of the quotations.
"Juliet is the sun"
"Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, /Who is already sick and pale with grief. . . "
"Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye / Than twenty of their swords!"
"My life were better ended by their hate / Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love."



1. Metaphor

2. Personification

3. Hyperbole

4. Paradox



the first one is hyperbole

the second one is personification

there's a reason fish live in saltwater. pepper makes them sneeze. what is the text's most likely purpose? qizzlet


The most likely purpose of the given text is to amuse the reader.

What is the likely purpose of the text?

The text “There’s a reason fish live in saltwater. Pepper makes them sneeze.” is a humorous statement that is not meant to be taken literally. The statement might be amusing to some individuals who enjoy wordplay or jokes.

As a result, the text's most likely purpose is to entertain the reader. The statement does not relate to anything factual or any scientific concept about fish living in saltwater. It is just a joke that is not meant to convey any serious message. The purpose of the statement is to amuse or entertain the reader with its humor.

In summary, the given statement "There’s a reason fish live in saltwater. Pepper makes them sneeze." is intended to entertain or amuse the reader. It is not meant to convey any factual information about fish or saltwater.

Learn more about the author's purpose at


2. Look back over the speech and find a line that is filled with ethos. Write it down. What does this fact show us about Jobs?


The phrase "I've been rejected but I was still in love" demonstrates Jobs' readiness to own his mistakes, his dedication to his job, and his capacity for vulnerability, which helped him gain the audience's trust and respect.

Steve Jobs' speech included the sentence "I've been rejected but I was still in love," which demonstrates a potent use of ethos, or believability, to make his point. Jobs demonstrates to his audience that he is not flawless and that he has had failures just like anybody else by acknowledging his failure at Apple and his eventual return. This openness enables him to establish a personal connection with his audience and foster a sense of trust and genuineness. He also shows a strong commitment and dedication by using the term "love" to express his enthusiasm for his work at Apple, further establishing his credibility as an effective leader. In sum, Jobs' application of ethos in this phrase demonstrates his capacity to engage his audience and deliver his message in

learn more about demonstrates jobs  here:


write a short story ending with moral Where there is a will, there is a way​


I have struggled all my life to find a way to succeed and be truly happy. If I would only take a chance and not be so stuck in my ways. I decided that when I turned eighteen I would travel around the world and do all the things I was scared to do. When eighteen came around I kept my word and took chances and made the realest friends I have ever had. I now realized that, if there is something that you want you should always go for it. If there’s a will, there is a way.

You are the main speaker for your in an inter-school debate competition on the mention The home has more influence on the child than the school" Write a debate speech.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. The topic of this debate is "The home has more influence on the child than the school". My stance is that the home has more influence on the child than the school.

First, it is important to recognize that the home is a child's primary social environment. Children learn the language and culture of their family, as well as values and behaviors. At home, parents and guardians provide the most direct and personal form of guidance for their children. This is why the home has an even more profound effect on a child's growth and development than the school. Second, children spend much more time in their home environment than at school. Even when school is in session, children spend the majority of their time outside of the classroom.

At home, children learn more life skills and lessons that cannot be taught in the classroom. Finally, it is important to recognize that the home is a child's safe haven. Even when faced with difficult situations, children can turn to their family and home for support. This is why the home has a much larger influence on a child's development than the school. In conclusion, I believe that the home has more influence on the child than the school. Thank you for your attention.

Learn more about debate speech here:



by Ashley Merryman

central idea?


In "Losing Is Good for You," Ashley Merryman makes the case that rewarding kids all the time is a toxic social practice that needs to cease right away because it diminishes the real value of winning.

About Ashley Merryman:

Ashley is a bestselling author, well-regarded lecturer, and ardent supporter whose goal is to see everyone thrive. Get to know Ashley better.

He discusses the relationship between leadership and success and character. How organisations create favourable conditions for people and entities. She imparts knowledge on how to be at one's finest. even when everything is at its worst.

Merryman has a Georgetown University law degree and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Cinematic Arts from the University of Southern California.

To know more about toxic social practice, Click here:


In the story Ann Fights for Freedom why did it happen




I hope this helps, please don't forget to give a Brainliest :) any feedback is appreciated. Hope you have a great day!

glossary, discussion questions, and nonfiction material on the Underground Railroad.

The story "Ann Fights for Freedom" happened because Ann's family was enslaved, and they dreamt of being free. However, when the master planned to sell Ann and her younger brother to different owners because of his debts, Ann realized that they needed to escape. She was convinced that they had to flee to the North through the Underground Railroad.

Despite the dangers that lay ahead, Ann and her family embarked on the perilous journey, hoping to achieve their freedom. However, their journey was not without its challenges, as they faced the constant threat of slave catchers, who were determined to capture and return them to slavery.

As they continued their journey, Ann's father disappeared during an encounter with slave catchers, leaving the family devastated and uncertain about their future. However, Ann remained determined to reach the North and convinced her mother to keep moving forward, even when it seemed impossible.

Ultimately, through perseverance, courage, and determination, Ann's family survived the journey to their freedom in the North. The story highlights the bravery and resilience of those who fought for their freedom during a difficult and dangerous time in history.

identify patterns review the overall pattern of organization that author james swanson used in this piece. how is the organizational pattern in the introduction different from each of the chapters?


The overall pattern of organization that author James Swanson used in this piece is a comparison and contrast of different elements. The introduction offers an overview of the topic and general points of

comparison and contrast between the elements. Each chapter then goes into more detail on each element, exploring similarities and differences between them. The introduction is different from the chapters in that it provides an overall summary of the piece, while the chapters provide more detailed analysis.

The author James Swanson uses a chronological pattern of organization in this piece. The organizational pattern in the introduction is different from each of the chapters as explained below.

Introduction: The introduction is a general overview of Abraham Lincoln's assassination. It gives a brief background of what happened that fateful day.Chapter 1: The first chapter mainly talks about the background of Lincoln's assassination.Chapter 2: The second chapter describes Lincoln's last days in detail.Chapter 3: The third chapter talks about the murder of Lincoln in detail.Chapter 4: The fourth chapter provides an overview of the aftermath of the assassination.

Overall, the author James Swanson has used a chronological pattern of organization in this piece. The organizational pattern in the introduction is different from each of the chapters. The introduction gives a general overview of Abraham Lincoln's assassination. On the other hand, each of the chapters focuses on a specific area of Lincoln's assassination.

For instance, chapter one talks about the background of Lincoln's assassination, chapter two talks about Lincoln's last days, chapter three talks about the murder of Lincoln, and chapter four provides an overview of the aftermath of the assassination.

Learn more about author James Swanson here:


The overall pattern of organization that author James Swanson used in this piece is a comparison and contrast of different elements and chronological patterns of organization in this piece which is as followed

Introduction: The introduction is a general overview of Abraham Lincoln's assassination. It gives a brief background of what happened that fateful day.

Chapter 1: The first chapter mainly talks about the background of Lincoln's assassination.

Chapter 2: The second chapter describes Lincoln's last days in detail.

Chapter 3: The third chapter talks about the murder of Lincoln in detail.

Chapter 4: The fourth chapter provides an overview of the aftermath of the assassination.

Overall, the author James Swanson has used a chronological pattern of organization in this piece. The organizational pattern in the introduction is different from each of the chapters. The introduction gives a general overview of Abraham Lincoln's assassination.

For instance, chapter one talks about the background of Lincoln's assassination, chapter two talks about Lincoln's last days, chapter three talks about the murder of Lincoln, and chapter four provides an overview of the aftermath of the assassination.

Learn more about author James Swanson here:


The interjection eh is a _______ used primarily by Canadians.
A) juggernaut
B) kowtow
C) shibboleth
D) nabob


I think it’s D not sure Nabob

Effective listening happens without conscious effort. true false


Answer:  False

Explanation: In order to effectively listen to someone you need to comprehend what they are saying and you can not accomplish this without conscious effort.

Hope this helps! :)

38 Points‼️ #2
Discussion Board Prompt:
Objective Summary

One of the skills we have discussed in this unit is writing an objective summary about a piece of literature. In this Discussion Board we are going to write an objective summary from one of our unit texts, following the format and guidelines from our knowledge about objective summaries found in this unit’s lessons.

You will write an objective summary of ONE of the two texts below.

The Crucible, Act 2, Part 1 by Arthur MillerLinks to an external site.
“To Build a Fire,” Part 1 by Jack LondonLinks to an external site.
Read or reread the text carefully to gain a clear understanding of the central ideas, key details, and possible theme of the text.

Identify and describe the central idea(s) discussed in the text.

Write a sentence or two identifying the text, the author, and the central idea. (Suggestions: Use the term central idea in your answer. Think about this sentence as a type of topic sentence for your objective summary paragraph).

Next, write sentences that answers and summarizes EACH of the following questions:

Who is/are the character(s) in this text?

Where does this text take place?

What happens (the events) in this text?

When do things happen? (Think about the time span of the passage? Think about order of events).

Why do things happen the way they do? (Be descriptive, but remain subjective).

How do things happen or unfold? (Be descriptive, but remain subjective).

Finally, conclude your paragraph by writing a sentence or two where you identify a possible theme for this text and support that with key details from your own objective summary.



Answer below


"To Build a Fire," Part 1 by Jack London is a short story about a man and his dog traveling through the wilderness of the Yukon Territory in Canada. The central idea of the story is the struggle for survival in harsh and unforgiving natural conditions.

The main character is an unnamed man who is traveling through the wilderness with his dog.

The story takes place in the Yukon Territory of Canada during the winter.

The man and his dog are traveling through the wilderness when the man makes a series of mistakes that lead to a dangerous situation. He starts a fire to warm himself up but accidentally extinguishes it with snow that falls from a tree. He tries to build another fire, but his hands are too numb to handle the matches, and he ultimately fails to start a fire. The story ends with the man and his dog continuing on their journey, with the man starting to worry about his survival.

The events in the story take place over the course of one day.

The man's lack of experience, poor decision-making, and failure to understand the dangers of the environment lead to his struggles for survival. He underestimates the severity of the cold and does not adequately prepare for the journey, leading to his failure to start a fire.

The events of the story unfold through a series of missteps by the man as he tries to survive in the harsh wilderness. The narrator describes the man's thoughts and feelings, as well as his interactions with his dog.

A possible theme for this story is the unforgiving power of nature and the struggle for survival in harsh conditions. The man's mistakes and lack of preparation highlight the danger and unpredictability of the natural world.

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