Which element of art does Louise Bourgeois use in Maman?



Answer 1
The answer could be C. Value
Answer 2

The correct option is A. Balance element of art does Louise Bourgeois use in Maman.

Steel and marble were used to build her spider sculpture. The spider's body was raised above the ground and supported by eight short legs, allowing spectators to freely move underneath. Two pieces of steel were used to construct each ribbed leg.

How tall is the Maman sculpture?

The huge sculpture, which stands over 30 feet tall, is one of Louse Bourgeois's many ambitious projects. More than any other artist of her era, the Bourgeois explored the depths of human feeling over the course of a massive body of work spanning more than sixty years.

She acquired her own tiny press and practiced intaglio methods at Stanley William Hayter's Atelier 17, which she favored. Bourgeois gave up printmaking when she switched to sculpture later in the 1940s and didn't pick it back up until the late 1980s when it then became an essential part of her work.

Learn more about Maman Sculpture here:


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What type of texture is a wood carving .?



Best wood for wood carving should have a fine and robust texture; White Pine is a good wood for beginner carvers because it is soft. White pine also has a soft, straight grain texture, ideal for relief carving, whittling, and carving in the round. While most Pinewoods are so soft that they could only resist force less than 500 pounds, a Radiata Pine Wood can resist up to 710 pounds.


In Fact, For Any Example, Well, for this purpose, the woods of broadleaf forest trees are usually used. Of course, all broadleaf trees are not suitable for carving, as they have a large, heterogeneous texture, like oak or elm. The chosen wood for wood carving should be as knotted and rot-free as possible.

What characterizes tempera paintings?

A. their brilliance and gloss (not correct)
B. their flat, matte finish
C. their secular subjects
for Plato ​




B. their flat, matte finish

Can someone give me a song/piece of music that empowers you- one that makes you think you can do anything and explain in 3-5 sentences why it does?



Uhm….ig a song called “Stand out fit in” by one Ok rock i think thats the artist


I can’t relly describe why but if you

listen to the song then it could describe why I feel like that. Sorry if this is no help


Express yourself - Madonna


The song's lyrics directly address women and urge them to not settle for men who don't treat them like the queens that they are.

Was bedeutet Rhytmus und Takt?​




Takt ist ein Puls, dass man natürlich fühlen kann.

Rhythmus ist das Zeitmuster in der Musik.

Entschuldigung für mein schlechtes Deutsch.

Which of these were artistic developments in the 20th century?
A. Expression of emotions grew more intense and images were often distored to further intensity the emotion
B. The United States began to shape world culture.
C. New languages for art were created as old traditions were questioned.
D. All of the above.



All of the above



D. All of the above :)


Hope this helps! Have a nice day :)

What types of subjects do artists depict in their works?
What are some influences?



Artists depict subjects such as people, landscapes, nature, every day objects (food, pans, and pots etc.), architecture, and historical subjects. Artists are pretty much influenced by anything and everything around them. Their influence for an artwork could come from their childhood, emotions, nature, memories, life, favorite movies, work, and other artists etc.

What is a drawing called that is made when figuring out where things will go in a final composition?

A basic
B loose
C preliminary
D formal


The answer is c. Not loose.

Preliminary is a drawing called that is made when figuring out where things will go in a final composition.

A preliminary drawing is an art term to refer to those drawings that have been made at the beginning of a design process for art or architecture in which the distribution of how things will go in a final composition is expressed. One of the most characteristic aspects of a preliminary is that it is generally more complete than the sketches.

According to the above, the correct answer is C. because it mentions the type of drawing that meets the definition presented. While the other options are not adequate.

Learn more in:

Hola como amanecieron yo acabo de llegar del bar me quede dormida en el bar pero con amigos jajajajajajajajaja


yo amaneci bien y tu... :D


eso es gracioso, me desperté de alguna manera en el suelo jajaja

how to become a dancer​



There's no specific route into becoming a dancer, though you do need to train and practice. To get the job you'll also have to audition. You may consider training independently, or you could apply to go to a conservatoire to study dance


You should have also physical fitness,discipline, teamwork, creativity and most important thing is you should have capacity and confidence.

when was the Mona Lisa first Made ​



it was painted between 1503 and 1519 it now hangs in the Louvre Museum

3. List three places where you could go to get more information on art that interests you but that you wil
not study in this course. (3 points)


New York

Yiyi's favorite kind of comedy is the kind that wasn't supposed to be funny in the first place. What kind of film does Yiyi love most

A. slapstick comedy
B. campy comedy
C. situation comedy
D. physical comedy


C because situation comedy was never supposed to be funny but yiyi loves it
I think it would be C. Situation comedy

What is an effigy, what is it?


An effigy is usually a sculpture which represents that of a person.


An effigy is an often life-size sculptural representation of a specific person, or a prototypical figure. Lately, the term is mostly used for the make-shift dummies used for symbolic punishment in political protests and for the figures burned in certain traditions around New Year, Carnival and Easter.

In this activity, you will research and explain in detail any one image capturing process that was historically in use. You could include various
details including its advantages and disadvantages.


History of photography, method of recording the image of an object through the action of light, or related radiation, on a light-sensitive material. The word, derived from the Greek photos (“light”) and graphein (“to draw”), was first used in 1830 Bs.

This article treats the historical and aesthetic aspects of still photography. For a discussion of the technical aspects of the medium, see photography, technology of. For a treatment of motion-picture photography, or cinematography, see motion picture, history of, and motion-picture technology

One image-capturing process that has been in use all through history is the old-fashioned (pencil on canvas) drawing.

How is image drawing done?

This simply involves the use of canvas (which could be leather or paper) and pencil (or old-fashioned coal or oil) to capture an image for record purposes.

According to historians, drawing was invented before written language. It evolved from the use of cave walls to record information (during the Paleolithic Age - about 30,000 years ago).

What are the advantages?

Drawing helps to capture the situation as it was when it was recorded.

How about demerits?

The demerits of this method of capturing image is that it is dependent on the memory of the artist as well as their ability to draw.

Learn more about image capturing at:

Meanings of -
- Micro
- Binary
- Ternary
- Rondo
- Twelve-bar Blues
- Strophic
- Through-composed
- Theme and Variation
- Introduction
- Bridge
- Coda


Hey there! I'm happy to help!



Micro is most likely referring to microtones, which are frequencies between two common notes (for example, a tone in between C and C#). Microtonal music can be produced digitally or could be executed by two instruments which are tuned to slightly different frequencies. This provides a very interesting effect and allows for musical exploration of these different notes.



Binary form is a musical form that usually involves two sections: A and B. These sections are related in some way and strung together into the same piece, but they are usually in different keys. It is normally structured AB, ending with the B section. This form was more commonly used during the baroque and classical periods of music.



Ternary form is a musical form that involves three sections. The most common structure here is ABA, with an opening section, a middle section, and a closing section. In sonatas, these are referred to as exposition, development, and recapitulation.



A rondo is a form of music that is based around a theme, and this theme is constantly returned to. This can also happen to multiple themes. It is normally in a 7-part form (ABACABA). This shows that you can have other themes repeated (B is repeated twice, A repeated 4 times). The C section is usually longer and can contain variations on the other themes, but it is normally in a contrasting style.



This is one of the most famous chord progressions in blues music. Usually the way this music is performed is a melody is written over the initial 12 bars which is played by a musical group, it is repeated, and then different instruments improvise over those 12 chords, accompanied by the rhythm instruments (piano, drums, bass guitar, etc.). This chord progression usually goes (I, I, I, I, IV, IV, I, I, V, V, I I), where I is the tonic, IV is the subdominant, and V is the dominant).



Strophic music is music that is the same. For example, singing a nursery rhyme, a religious hymn, or a song like "99 bottles of beer on the wall" is using strophic form because the same melody or musical idea is repeated over and over again with different verses.



This is the opposite of strophic music. Each verse in this case has a different melody or some sort of variation on it that makes it not the exact same every single time.



This is a musical form that exposes a theme and then goes through many different variations on that main melody. Different variations include a different key, a different rhythm, there could be lots of ornamentation around it, it could be made a different part (alto, with a new soprano voice), etc. All of these different variations could be combined into one piece.



The introduction is music that comes before the theme or main melody. It could be a single note leading into it, a whole flourish of arpeggios, dramatic chords, scales, or anything to hook you into the piece.



A bridge is music that serves as a transition between different melodies, ideas, or themes. For example an arpeggio, chromatic scale, or a build up of notes can all serve as a transition. Bridges can be very amazing and grand or they can be very simple.



A coda is an ending section of a piece. They act as a last hurrah for the piece. They tie up the piece and conclude it. These can have similar elements to a bridge but they lead to the final chord and not another theme, for example.


Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

The Florentine Camerata can best be described as:
A. the founders of opera.
B. coloratura singing.
C. Italian chamber music.
D. an opera house in Florence.


I think the answer is D


Founders of opera


Certain forms of body art are expressed and interpreted differently by different cultures. Detail a form of body art that has different interpretations in different cultures, and explain why it is interpreted differently.


In the Sepik tribe in New Guinea scarification is an initiation rite for young men. They slice the mens’ chest, back, and buttocks with a bamboo edge to test their strength and self-discipline. The Sepik tribe believe that crocodiles created the humans, and the scars in their scarification represent teeth marks of the crocodile that “swallowed” the young man during the ceremony. Scarification in the West is growing in popularity, as a way for young people to stand out and be ‘different’.   In some African and Asian cultures a long neck is seen as the ideal of beauty, and to achieve this ideal they use neck rings to stretch their necks. Neck rings are a number of spiral coils that are added on gradually to stretch the neck, and put weight on the shoulder blades to make them deform causing the illusion of a longer neck.Aboriginal body painting or art and personal ornamentation is an ancient tradition which carries deep spiritual significance for the Australian Indigenous People. Their cultural rituals including body painting differ between Aboriginal Tribes and topographic location. It is related to spiritual matters and is very creative in character. The specific designs and motifs used by the Aboriginals reveal their relationships to their family group, social position, tribe, precise ancestors, totemic fauna and tracts of land. There are very strict guidelines to how the body painting and adornment is carried out and an Aboriginal person is not allowed to just use any motives or adornment in their transformation. They must follow traditional, respected patterns. The person adorned with the body paint often takes on the spiritual part of their ancestor dancing, immersed in their character.

∛if a sprinkler waters 1 over 8 of a lawn in 1 over 2 hour, how much time will it take to water the entire lawn?

2 hours

4 hours

10 hours

16 hours


I’m pretty sure it’s 4 hours..

Hope this helps..

I need help with questions 1 , 2 , 3 and 4. This is for music it’s due tomorrow please help!


Vas happenin!!!
Hope your day or night is going well
The first one is whole notes all you have to do is draw circles sick of them

2. The space whole draw them in between the two lines and draw six of them

3. G, F, A, G, B, A, C , D, F , C , E, D, F
4. B, A, C, B, D, C, E, D, F, E, G, F, F

Hope this helps *smiles*
Sorry if any of this is wrong I tried

who is better tay-k or bobby shmurda ?



Tay k fasho


bobby don't got as many hits

Tay-k most likely because bobby shmurda doesnt seem to be as popular

Which sculpture process is additive
which is subtractive?


Additive sculpture means that materials are built up to create the sculpture's form. Subtractive sculpture means the artist starts with a larger piece of material and removes some of it until only the desired form remains.

What are the types of Renovation? ​



there are 4 types of renovation


1) Basics

2) Curb appeal

3) value added

4) personal preference

Que es lo que piensas o que sabes sobre el tema audiovisual

es urgente ayuda


What do you think or what you know about the audiovisual subject

help is urgent
El tema audiovisual se trata principalmente de sonidos. Esto puede ser música, cintas, grabaciones, películas, etc. Se trata de darle al oyente una imagen mental a través del audio. Esto se hace comúnmente a través de canciones líricas, pero hay muchas otras formas en las que el tema audiovisual se manifiesta. Ocurre con más frecuencia de lo que cree.

Algunos ejemplos podrían ser escuchar el chisporroteo de la comida en una sartén y crear una imagen en su cabeza sobre cómo podría ser o verse la comida.

Otra forma en que podría usarse es escuchando a algunos de tus artistas de canciones favoritos e imaginando los sentimientos que están tratando de expresar.

¡Espero que esto ayude un poco a entender qué es el tema audiovisual!

in your opinion do toji fushigoro and mugumi fushigoro look alike?​



I mean, sorta, yeah.

Kinda I guess so …….,,

What is semiotics?

the study of signs and communication
the study of emotional appeals
the study of logical appeals



the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.





Semiotics is an investigation into how meaning is created and how meaning is communicated. Its origins lie in the academic study of how signs and symbols (visual and linguistic) create meaning. ... Viewing and interpreting (or decoding) this sign enables us to navigate the landscape of our streets and society.

introduction to art history and criticism


Art history is the study of objects whereas criticism is the disapproval of something.

Art history is the study of objects and materials created by different cultures that were present around the world in history. These arts are used by the people for their daily usage which is a true form of art while on the other hand, Criticism is the expression of disapproval of something on the basis of mistakes in it or Criticism is the skills acquire to write analytically and teaches readers how to think critically about the world. It is also creates awareness about cultural values, and ideas on which all people depend on it.

A life-like painting of a turkey walking on dirt with foliage behind it.

Which of the following statements best describes James Audubon’s intentions when he painted, Wild Turkey?



u didn't include the statements tho

Describe the assembly process and list five possible materials suitable for use in an assemblage.



Fine art is used to creat beauty and pleasure while looking at the art. However, applied art is aesthetic and used to perform a specific duty.

Candy wrappers, water bottles, cans, bird nests, and trash bins


Did as best as I could.

Which of the following people or businesses may benefit indirectly from a theatrical production?

Grocery stores near the theater
Restaurants near the theater
Paid actors in the production
Town’s tax collector



resturant near theater

When notes are written on a line of the staff, that line must go through the _______ of the note


Jus look and the answer above
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