Give answer of the following question ?​

Give Answer Of The Following Question ?


Answer 1


Let's go to Daman, maybe next week?

Ramala, you need to do it, now!

It needs some more sense.

The police recently caught the criminals.

The teacher told that that water flows downwards

Someone has stolen my pen!

I hope this helped!

Related Questions

pls what is networking and can you tell what it means to you ​



the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.

"the skills of networking, bargaining, and negotiation"


the linking of computers to allow them to operate interactively.

"the demand for wireless networking is increasing rapidly"

Thank You! Please mark me Brainliest!

explain the availability of magazines....plzz answer this soon, i need it soon.thank u



A magazine is an ammunition storage and feeding device for a repeating firearm, either integral within the gun (internal/fixed magazine) or externally attached (detachable magazine). The magazine functions by holding several cartridges within itself and sequentially pushing each one into a position where it may be readily loaded into the barrel chamber by the firearm's moving action. The detachable magazine is sometimes colloquially referred to as a "clip", although this is technically inaccurate since a clip is actually an accessory device used to help loading ammunitions into a magazine.[1][2][3]

The idea that America was a special
nation, different from any other



American Exceptionalism


It is the idea that the country is inherently different from others. It argues that values, political system, and historical development of the U.S. are unique in human history. With the implication that the country "is both destined and entitled to play a distinct and positive role on the world stage."

Mark as brainliest ;)

Which statement best describes the impact of rhetorical
techniques in this excerpt?



The use of inclusive language emphasizes hope for a better relationship in the future.

Describe persuasive language



but i don't think persuasive language could be

Write a letter to the chief of the planning commission dragging her/his attention in proper implemention of the stategies adopted to fulfill the obejectives set by current economic plan of nepal.



Chief of the Planning Commission



 Good day!

 The spread of the worldwide viruses was extremely disruptive and had a severe influence on the country's economy. Unemployment applications are on the rise, and returning migrants may have a negative impact on poverty reduction.

Our nation may still suffer if measures to conform to a tourist industry are not implemented. I'm writing to offer measures that will substantially assist us in overcoming the economic impacts of CO-VID. One is the improved infrastructure to provide people easier access, as well as environmental management and tourism diversification. These items might considerably assist us in recovering from the co-vid and combating any bad effects it may have had on the country.

Effective immunization efforts might also help the country's tourist and hospitality industries reopen. The epidemic has had a significant impact on local companies, and providing livelihood options can assist them to offset the pandemic's effects on their family. To promote community growth and conservation, investments should be focused on the community's livelihood. Nepal's growth has been sluggish in recent years, with the arrival of Co-vid exacerbating the problem.

We should also engage in digital trade and e-commerce in general, which has the potential to transform Nepal's economy. This might lead to more efficient domestic and digital payment systems, as well as consumer protection that adheres to international standards.

I hope this letter finds you well. We are looking forward to your support and we know that we just need to help each other in times like this. It's never too late for us.

Thank you so much!


Nepal like any other country has been hit hard by the global pandemic and is experiencing direct impacts on the country's economy so for this letter, I focused more on how it would be possible to improve the current economic status of the country.

Degrees of comparison
Of the following
Please take



honest more honest most honest

cheap cheaper cheapest

jealous more jealous most jealous

brave braver bravest

lazy lazier laziest

quiet Quiter/more quiet Quietest/mostquiet

Shay more shay most shay

necessary more necessary most necessary

bad worse worst

good better best

much more most

Mark me as brainlist

Please help ASAP!!!!!



"perfect" is the adjective


Adverb - describes the verb

Adjective - describes the noun

nearly - adverb

perfect - adjective

costume - noun

found - verb

"perfect" describes the costume

"nearly" describes the word "found" in other words tells us the timing.

(hopefully this help you understand)

Perfect, you find the adjective so perfect is describing how the costume is or looks, so perfect would be your adjective. And then the word in front of it is nearly witches your bold words so you can tell that your answer would be “perfect”

mr. kulkarni is the .........of our college. he is the man of .........​



Mr.kulkarni is the owner of our college.

what tone the author invoke when he writes "only a woman could have believed it?


Like a snarkey tone, it might be wrong but that’s at least what I think

Help me everyone, God will bless you ..:)

Vegetarianism has become the most popular diet among the young generations facing the new millennium. This discipline eliminates the intake of meat and in some cases also the consumption of dairy products and eggs. Are there enough reasons to make you change your eating habits? My purpose is to prove that vegetarianism is the diet that offers more benefits to our health, spirit, and society.

Nowadays, health is the number one individual and governmental concern. Health is a fragile factor and its behavior relies mostly on the nutritional quality of the food we ingest. A balanced non-vegetarian diet allows the consumption of all four main food groups including meat and other animal by-products that are important protein and fat sources. Most of us consume more proteins and fats than we need. An excess of proteins can cause kidney failure and/or osteoporosis, and a high-fat diet can eventually lead to heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes. On the other hand, vegetarians get protein from grains, beans, vegetables, and low-fat food. This is how they reduce the risk of most diseases caused by fats. It is a myth to believe that vegetarians don't get enough proteins or that their diet is not balanced because they don't eat meat. The key is

variety and accurate combinations of energy and protein sources. If I were asked to describe a vegetarian, I would immediately mention they are very disciplined people. It has been proven that there exists a remarkable correlation between the people who succeed and people who follow a disciplined lifestyle. People who are faithful to the disciplines they have acquired show integrity, a remarkable behavior and they are usually in a good mood. Vegetarians, always concerned about quality and discipline, develop a greater social responsibility that motivates them to improve their environment.
Moreover, environmental issues have been capturing public attention because of their relevancy and increasing deterioration of our quality of life. If you are concerned about the environment, consider that massive meat production can have a negative impact on tropical rain forests, soil stability, and air and water quality. Large extensions of forests have been cut and changed into grasslands that provide cattle with food. To conserve grasslands, fertilizers and other chemical substances are used; consequently, soil and water resources are polluted. Even though there are methods that avoid this kind of deterioration, producers prefer to ignore them so they can keep satisfying the increasing meat demand without affecting their production rates.

Vegetarians' life spans are increased and through this discipline they learn to live quality life in all the possible aspects. Besides, their beliefs are congruent with their lifestyle and they take responsibility and action for problems within their own bodies and in their surroundings. Take a look at yourself. Is your health at risk? Have you been able to reach your goals? Are you a factor of change and improvement within your society? You must at least try becoming a vegetarian now that you know it is a tempting challenge and an exciting experiment that has advantages and no risks. Do it for your body, for your lifestyle, or for your environment, but do it. Stop letting others have all the credit, the fun, and the quality.

1. What is the writer's purpose in writing the text above

2. What is the most popular diet among the young people these days?

3. What is the main reason for being a vegetarian?

4. What are the consequences of consuming more proteins and fats than one needs?

5. How does the writer falsify the myth saying vegetarians don't get enough proteins or that their diet is not balanced because they don't eat meat?

6. Where do vegetarians get proteins from?

7. How does the writer prove his claim that vegetarians are very disciplined people?

8. How can massive meat production have a tropical rain forests, soil stability, air and water quality? negative impact on

9. How do vegetarians learn to live a quality life in all the possible aspects?

10. What is the function of rhetorical questions in the last paragraph?



1. The writer wants us to try changing our food habits. she wants us to  at least try becoming a vegetarian now that we know it is a tempting challenge and an exciting experiment that has advantages and no risks.

2. Vegetarianism has become the most popular diet among the young generations facing the new millennium.

3. vegetarianism is the diet that offers more benefits to our health, spirit, and society.

4. An excess of proteins can cause kidney failure and/or osteoporosis, and a high-fat diet can eventually lead to heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes.

5. The writer says that vegetarians get protein from grains, beans, vegetables, and low-fat food. The key is  variety and accurate combinations of energy and protein sources.

6.  vegetarians get protein from grains, beans, vegetables, and low-fat food.

7. The writer says that if she were asked to describe a vegetarian, she would immediately mention they are very disciplined people. It has been proven that there exists a remarkable correlation between the people who succeed and people who follow a disciplined lifestyle. People who are faithful to the disciplines they have acquired show integrity, a remarkable behavior and they are usually in a good mood. Vegetarians, always concerned about quality and discipline, develop a greater social responsibility that motivates them to improve their environment.

8. Massive meat production can have a negative impact on tropical rain forests, soil stability, and air and water quality. Large extensions of forests have been cut and changed into grasslands that provide cattle with food. To conserve grasslands, fertilizers and other chemical substances are used; consequently, soil and water resources are polluted. Even though there are methods that avoid this kind of deterioration, producers prefer to ignore them so they can keep satisfying the increasing meat demand without affecting their production rates.

9. -

10. - sorry


most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the greenhouse


Answer:Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the “greenhouse effect” — warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space.

Explanation:Hopefully this helps:)

can u answer this !?





To find a cliché (meaning “Overused”) look for the sentence that you hear most frequently or one that seems like it is used most often. I believe that the phrase entered in answer B portrays that the best.

Exam Task
This is part of a letter you receive
from an Australian friend.
I start at my new school after the
holidays. I don't know anyone
there. Do you think I'll get on with
everyone? How can I make new
Now write a letter to your friend
giving some advice. (100 words)



just be yourself and write people come to you.

be friendly and kind to everyone no matter who they are or how they treat you.

it's ok not to have best friend or make friends write away , speak with various people.

joint clubs/ extracurricular activities or go to social event to meet people.

make me brainliest

What is the social impact of the bhopal gas tragedy



Though the Bhopal gas tragedy took place close to 29 years ago, the city is still experiencing the effects of the gas leak. Around 3700 people died almost immediately following the incident in December 1984. The immediate cause of death was due to choking, circulatory collapse and pulmonary oedema (filling up of fluid in the lungs). Further post mortem reports revealed that people died not only of suffocation but also because the toxins had caused swelling in the brain, leading to disorientation and finally death, due to collapse of the nervous system. Other conditions include degeneration of the liver, and kidneys and rotting of the intestines. The stillbirth rate was 300% and neonatal mortality (death as an infant) was about 200% right after the tragedy.

Years later, the effects of the gas leak are still seen.In the year 2002 a report published by the Fact-Finding Mission on Bhopal found a number of toxins, including mercury, lead, trichlorobenzene, dichloromethane and chloroform in the breast milk of nursing mothers. In 2004 BBC Radio 5 broadcast reported that the area where UCIL had set up the plant, was still contaminated with toxic chemicals including benzene hexachloride and mercury, which were stored in open containers and in some cases spilled into the ground. In 2009 the same body also took samples from a commonly used hand pump situated north of the plant and found that the water contained 1000 times the World Health Organisation's recommended maximum amount of Carbon tetrachloride, a known carcinogen.

Since then clinical studies have shown that the survivors have still been suffering from debilitating conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, recurrent chest infections, keratopathy and corneal opacities. They also showed that the following generations were suffering from respiratory, neurologic, psychiatric and ophthalmic symptoms.

Studies have found that exposure to methyl isocyanate leads to toxicity of the immune system, and alters the DNA of a person, leading to chromosomal instability. Babies born to pregnant woman exposed to MIC in the first trimester of pregnancy, showed symptoms of persistent immune system hyper-responsiveness (responses that are not in line with the amount of irritant present) .There has been a drastic increase in the number of babies born with physical as well as mental deformities. Children are born without arms or legs and are often unable to speak or care for themselves. Doctors in the region say that these deformities are very different from conventional birth defects and therefore very difficult to treat.

With recent news that third generation children of survivors are still showing debilitating deformities, and the funds meant to rehabilitate the victims are warming some politicians' pockets, It is appalling that the Indian judicial system has not taken enough action against the culprits.


Match the sensory detail with the correct sense.

1. The penny whistle is a charming piece of musical ingenuity A. touch

2. ride on the elephant in the Johannesburg Zoo B. sight

3. chipped brick and tin huts C. sound



1. The penny whistle is a charming piece of musical ingenuity C. sound

2. ride on the elephant in the Johannesburg Zoo B. sight

3. chipped brick and tin huts A. touch

Who does grendel say his father is





Im not 100% sure but, since Grendel declines to battle Hrothgar in the first scene, and Hrothgar informs Beowulf that Grendel's father is nothing to be afraid of, it's possible that Hrothgar is Grendel's father.

What rhetorical device is
evident in the following
passage from Thomas Paine's
"The Crisis, No.1"?
Wars, without ceasing, will
break out till that period
arrives, and the continent
must in the end be
conqueror; for though the
flame of liberty may
sometimes cease to shine,
the coal can never expire.
A. repetition
B. parallelism
C. emotional argument
D. establish a common ground



C. Emotional Argument


An Emotional Argument is a rhetorical device used to spark the interest of the audience. An emotional appeal utilizes emotions as a means of communicating a position in the absence of factual evidence that logically supports the major ideas presented. The goal of this technique is to establish a connection and gain sympathy.

The protagonist and antagonist are in conflict with each other.


The protagonists and antagonists are usually in conflict with one another yes

Guided Practice

Read the sentence and answer the question that follows.

People still remember John F. Kennedy’s famous words “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

Which correctly shows where a colon is needed in the sentence?

words: “Ask

famous: words

do: for

remember: John



A. Words: "Ask"

this is quotated information...

weigh the jar ( Passive)​



The jar has been weighed.


Hope it helps.

1. A. focus B. open C. chore D. impose
2. A. generation B. advice C. typical D. elegant
3. A. manners B. conflicts C. objects D. viewpoints
4. A. decision B. impose C. arise D. organisation
5. A. restricted B. obliged C. respected D. beloved



C chore

A generation

A manners

D organisation

A restricted

Short Answer:
15. "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" and "The Choice" address a similar topic related to the
power of rhetoric in the political arena. Write a well-developed paragraph analyzing how both
dramas treat this topic. Use evidence from both dramas to support your response.



Rhetoric is the study and practice of persuasion. To inform, educate, persuade, or motivate specific audiences.

Persuasion and rhetoric play an important role in many events and outcomes in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. In fact, Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, about the assassination of the great Roman leader, is frequently used as a textbook on rhetoric. Brutus and Mark Antony's dueling speeches in Act III, Scene 2 are classic examples of various rhetorical appeals and devices. Brutus' speech, in which he urges people to put aside their emotions and consider what is best for Rome, uses logos, while Antony's emotional tribute to his friend uses pathos. Both speeches use parallelism and repetition to make their points stick in the listeners' minds. Brutus speaks first, followed by Antony, each trying to sway the crowd. It's a great way to see how words can move people, change their minds, and inspire action. Brutus addresses the populace in prose rather than verse, presumably to keep his speech simple and on the level of the plebeians. He quickly persuades the people that Caesar had to die or he would become a tyrant and cause them all pain. He wishes to convey that this message is from a concerned Roman citizen, not a greedy usurper. This is a masterful speech by Antony. The phrase "Brutus says he was ambitious, / And Brutus is an honourable man" accrues new levels of sarcasm with each repetition. Affirming Caesar's wealth, sympathy for the poor, and refusal to accept the throne when offered, Antony disproves Brutus' accusation of ambition. He makes the plebeians pity him and his case by openly weeping in front of them.

In contrast, "The Choice" contrasts riches and rags, depending on the speakers' choice. To choose between two options, both of which may lead to happiness, but for how long, is the power of rhetoric felt in the poem. "Houses of marble, and billowing farms, Pearls to trickle between my hands, / Smoldering rubies to circle my arms" are examples of figures of speech and imagery used to help readers visualize the scene. Houses of marble, and billowing farms, Pearls, to trickle between my hands, / Smoldering rubies, to circle my arms". The line, "you'd only a lilting song, / Only a melody, happy and high". The writer evokes emotions by telling her story of love and her choices. The ethos-driven lesson or message relies on the author's reputation. He chose simplicity over grandiosity and money. Her love isn't materialistic. But she wonders if her choice was correct.

5. I promise I ___________home in time for dinner. A. Will be B. Will have been C. Am going to be



A. Will be


Because it is the most logical

1 Would you like to have lunch with me on sunday hesaid to me
2 Would you like a cup of tea Jain said



can you please complete your questions?

cause it doesn't make sense

A prefix is a word component found at the end of the term.

True or False ?





What does the TN-ELDS contain?
A. The Learning Standards for all children in Tennessee
B. The Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards
C. The Early Learning Development Standards needed for school
D. A curriculum for developmentally appropriate child care



The Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards.


B is correct one.

viết 1 đoạn văn diễn dịch từ 8-10 câu theo lối diễn dịch có dùng từ có lẽ với câu chủ đề lòng biết ơn là phẩm chất đạo đức cần có ở mỗi người


Explain what you want done so I can help

Which sentence correctly uses in appositive phrase?



The third option. My father, a huge baseball fan, taught me to throw when I was three,


It is correct because it renames the noun (my father) next to it.

Answer: i believe the answer is the third option.

"My father, a huge basketball fan, taught me to throw hen i was three"


3 . I tell him to be quiet, but he takes no notice of it. (Convert to a complex sentence)​



Although I tell him to be quiet , he takes no notice if it.

Other Questions
......................................................... What would be the equation for this word problem? Jack drove y miles in 20 mins. If he continues at the same rate how many miles can he drive in the next 15 mins? Suppose that you have generated the estimates listed below from a pro forma analysis for a company that had requested a three year loan. The loan is a $1.5 million term loan with the equal annual payments of principals. The P&I payments are due at the end of each year with the annual interest rate = Prime rate + 2%. Yr.1 Yr. 2 Yr. 3 Capital expenditure 250,000 125,000 75,000 Cash dividends 140,000 140,000 140,000 Cash flow from operations before interest expense 750,000 780,000 800,000 Assuming the Prime rate = 8% each year. What will be the interest payment at year 2? a. 25,000.b. 50,000.c. 100,000.d. 150,000.e. 200,000. In A Journey to the Center of the Earth if the Theory or Central Fire were true, what would be happening?The humans would become roasted very quickly.The rocks should become more solid as they get closer to the center of the Earth.The temperature should be increasing as they descend into Earth.The temperature should be decreasing as they descend into Earth. what percent is equal to 7/25 Please help explanation if possible what has 4 eyes but cant see? what's the cell wall of a onion made up of? Carbon dioxide at a temperature of 0oC and a pressure of 600 kPa (abs) flows through a horizontal 40-mm- diameter pipe with an average velocity of 2 m/s. Determine the friction factor if the pressure drop is 235 N/m2 per 10-m length of pipe. The alpha male and female of a wolf pack produce offspring, but the rest of the individuals in the pack do not. This is an example ofO biotic potentialO group behaviorO intraspecific competitionO interspecific competition Does anyone know this pls What official at the state level is the equivalent of the president at the federal level?A. senatorB. governorC. mayorD. vice president Driving "under the influence" includes all of the following except drinking alcohol before driving smoking while driving taking opioids before driving taking valium before driving Question twoThe lengths of the sides of a triangle are in the ratio 2:3:4. The shortest side is 14cm long. Find the lengths of the other two sides What is the translation from the preimage to the image in the graph? write the equation in point -slope form using this graph Cuando Patty era pequea, siempre iba al parque con su mam. A ella le gustaba tocar y oler las flores all. Cuando corra, siempre se caa y se lastimaba sus rodillas. Eso dola mucho y siempre terminaba llorando. Patty era una nia muy hermosa con largas pestaas y ojos de color caf.Qu haca Patty en el parque?A.Dorma.B.Tocaba y ola las floresC.Jugaba a la pelotaD.Paseaba con su perro. 1.8>4.7+wDoes anyone know what this may be ? Thank you very much . Please Help!Function: y=x^2+5x-7Vertex: (___,___)Solutions: (___,___) and (___,___)* i thought the vertex was (-5/2,-53,4) but apparently im wrong since it keeps saying it* i need answers please in a fruit punch drink,the 3 ingredients are apple juice,orange juice and cramberry juice.if 3/4 of the drink is apple juice and 1/10 is orange juice then write the ratio of cranberry juice to apple juice to orange juice in its simplest form Which of the following is true of solutes dissolving in water? a) C2H4 will dissolve because it is able to hydrogen bond. b) CH3CH2OH will dissolve because it contains a polar bond. c) HCI will not dissolve because it connot hydrogen bond. d) KBr will not dissolve because it contains all ionic bonds.