describe what happens when two dna fragments with complementary sticky ends join, and speculate how the activity of dna ligase ensures that the join is permanent.


Answer 1

When two DNA fragments with complementary sticky ends join, the activity of dna ligase ensures that the join is permanent is catalyze the formation of a phosphodiester bond they form a stable bond.

DNA ligase has a unique property that enables it to catalyze the formation of a phosphodiester bond between the 3'OH of one nucleotide and the 5' phosphate of the other, resulting in the formation of a new phosphodiester bond and the loss of a water molecule (dehydration reaction). When two DNA fragments with complementary sticky ends join, the sticky ends anneal to each other, and the base pairs form hydrogen bonds. This creates a short-lived intermediate that can be further stabilized by the action of DNA ligase. The DNA ligase enzyme then binds to the junction of the two strands and catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond, joining the two DNA fragments permanently.

This occurs through a complex series of reactions that involve a high degree of specificity and accuracy. The binding of the DNA ligase enzyme to the DNA ends is driven by specific recognition sequences that are present on the DNA fragments. These recognition sequences allow the enzyme to bind to the DNA and guide it towards the correct site of ligation. Overall, DNA ligase ensures that the join is permanent by catalyzing the formation of a covalent bond between the two DNA fragments. This reaction is specific and accurate, ensuring that the two fragments are joined together in the correct orientation and position.

Learn more about DNA ligase at:


Related Questions

which of the following factors might decrease the rate of change of the population as the logistic curve approaches the carrying capacity? select one: a. intraspecific competition b. climate c. predation d. a and c


The factor that might decrease the rate of change of the population as the logistic curve approaches the carrying capacity is intraspecific competition. Hence, option A is the correct option.

What is carrying capacity?

Carrying capacity is defined as the maximum number of species that can be supported in a specific region without the depletion of natural resources. Population growth is sustained until the carrying capacity is reached by the population. When a population grows to its carrying capacity, it means that the environment has reached its maximum limit for a particular species, and further growth will be limited by the available resources.

A logistic curve is a curve that shows population growth and how it approaches its maximum value over time. It plots population growth as a function of time and shows a sigmoidal (S-shaped) curve as the population reaches the carrying capacity.There are different factors that might decrease the rate of change of the population as the logistic curve approaches the carrying capacity. One of the factors that might decrease the rate of change of the population as the logistic curve approaches the carrying capacity is intraspecific competition. Intraspecific competition occurs when members of the same species compete for the same resources. As a result of intraspecific competition, population growth slows down, and the logistic curve begins to approach the carrying capacity.

Therefore, the correct option will be A.

Learn more about Carrying capacity here:


BZ 2008 jun
(a) The dig show a section dugh a heally hag anda secti
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Name the structures labelled A and B
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State the name of the disease shown in the diagram and explain your reasons for this
Name of disease
(i) Explain the effects that the disease will have on the process of gaseous exchange in
the diseased lung.



(a) The structures labelled A and B in the diagram are:

A - Capillaries

B - Alveoli

(1) Healthy lung

(2) Diseased lung

The disease shown in the diagram is emphysema.

(3) Explanation:

Emphysema is a respiratory disease that affects the alveoli, the tiny air sacs in the lungs responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the bloodstream. In emphysema, the walls of the alveoli are damaged, leading to the formation of larger, less efficient air spaces. This causes a reduction in the surface area available for gas exchange, leading to impaired breathing and reduced oxygen supply to the body.

As the walls of the alveoli break down, the lungs lose their elasticity and become less able to expel air. This results in a buildup of air in the lungs, which can cause shortness of breath and other respiratory symptoms. In addition, the capillaries around the alveoli may become damaged, leading to reduced blood flow to the lungs and further reducing the efficiency of gas exchange.

Overall, emphysema reduces the efficiency of the process of gaseous exchange in the lungs by reducing the surface area available for gas exchange and impairing the ability of the lungs to expel air. This can lead to reduced oxygen supply to the body and other respiratory symptoms.

(please mark my answer as brainliest)

the cochlea is a membranous labyrinth containing structures essential for the propagation of sound waves to the cochlear nerve, which transmits the stimulus to the auditory cortex for neural interpretation. what is the function of the basilar membrane, hair cells, and tectorial membrane? drag and drop the terms to fill in the blanks. terms will be used more than once. view available hint(s)for part e resethelp 1. sound waves cause the blank to vibrate 1 of 6 2. hearing receptors are embedded in the 2 of 6 3. the structure that bends the hearing receptors but does not vibrate itself is the 3 of 6 4. hearing receptors are connected to the blank by supporting 4 of 6 5. as a result of this vibration, blank is/are 5 of 6 6. hearing receptors are called blank.


The function of the basilar membrane, hair cells, and tectorial membrane are as follows: The sound waves cause the basilar membrane to vibrate first. The hearing receptors are embedded in the hair cells. The structure that bends the hearing receptors but does not vibrate itself is the tectorial membrane. The hearing receptors are connected to the basilar membrane by supporting cells. As a result of this vibration, hair cells are bent. Hearing receptors are called hair cells.

The cochlea is an organ of the inner ear that is shaped like a snail shell. It contains tiny hair cells that are responsible for picking up sound vibrations and transforming them into nerve signals that can be interpreted by the brain.

The cochlea contains a fluid-filled cavity that is set in motion by sound vibrations. The basilar membrane is a structure that runs along the length of the cochlea and separates the fluid-filled cavity into two chambers. When sound vibrations enter the cochlea, they cause the basilar membrane to vibrate.

This vibration causes the hair cells, which are embedded in the basilar membrane, to bend. The tectorial membrane, which is located above the hair cells, does not vibrate but is responsible for bending the hair cells when the basilar membrane vibrates. The bending of the hair cells causes electrical signals to be sent to the brain, which are then interpreted as sound.

Hence, the sound waves cause the basilar membrane to vibrate first. The hearing receptors are embedded in the hair cells. The structure that bends the hearing receptors but does not vibrate itself is the tectorial membrane. The hearing receptors are connected to the basilar membrane by supporting cells. As a result of this vibration, hair cells are bent. Hearing receptors are called hair cells.

To know more about cochlea, refer here:


We discussed looking time" studies in which infants saw a block, a small screen was placed in front of it, and then a car rolled along a path even though the block was in the way. Children displayed long looking times; i.e., they were surprised. This research showed that a. the infants were in Piaget's concrete operational stage of development b. the infants were in Piaget's formal operational stage of development c. the infants had moved beyond Piaget's formal operational stage of development d. Piaget had underestimated the cognitive capacities of infants


Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development include the following: Sensorimotor stage of development, Preoperational stage of development, Concrete operational stage of development, Formal operational stage of development

1. Sensory-motor stage of development: This stage of development is characterized by a child's interaction with the environment through the senses and the actions of the child's body.

2. Preoperational stage of development: The child begins to understand the use of symbols to represent objects, but they still view the world egocentrically.

3. Concrete operational stage of development: The child is capable of understanding logic and relationships between objects in the physical world.

4. Formal operational stage of development: The child is capable of abstract thinking and can reason about hypothetical situations, scientific concepts, and philosophical problems.

Thus, we can conclude from the given information that the infants had moved beyond Piaget's formal operational stage of development. They have now attained the concrete operational stage of development.

To know more about Piaget, refer here:


Explain how a DNA double helix provides a template for its own replication, and describe the resulting daughter helices in terms of their sequence and the distribution of parental and newly synthesized DNA strands.


DNA double helix is the molecule that provides a template for its own replication.

DNA replication takes place in a semi-conservative manner, which means that each strand of DNA acts as a template for the synthesis of a new strand of DNA. The process of DNA replication begins with the unzipping of the DNA double helix by the enzyme DNA helicase. This process creates two single-stranded DNA templates that provide a blueprint for the synthesis of two new strands of DNA. These newly synthesized strands are then joined together by the enzyme DNA polymerase, forming two new DNA double helices. The sequence of the daughter helices is exactly the same as the parental strands because each new strand is made by pairing complementary nucleotides with the existing template. One strand serves as the template for the synthesis of a new strand, while the other serves as the template for the synthesis of the other new strand. Thus, each daughter helix is made up of one parental and one newly synthesized DNA strand. This process results in two new DNA double helices that are identical to the original DNA molecule.

Learn more about DNA replication at


2. all of the following are accurate pairings of a researcher with their contributions regarding learning except: a. ivan pavlov - demonstrated how the acquisition of a cr depends on pairing the cs and the us (c b.f. skinner - designed an operant chamber to study how operant behavior is reinforced and shaped john b. watson - showed the importance of learning by watching a model and imitating the model's behavior e. edward tolman - demonstrated learning occurs but may not be apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it martin seligman - contributed to our understanding of how learned helplessness develops in animals and humans


All of the following are accurate pairings of a researcher with their contributions regarding learning except John B. Watson - showed the importance of learning by watching a model and imitating the model's behavior.

Learning is an ever-present phenomenon in humans and animals, and researchers and scientists have been examining its nuances for decades. Numerous discoveries and experiments were conducted to help us understand the learning process better. Research in the field of learning helped us gain insight into how people learn and how the learning process can be enhanced to improve educational outcomes.

Ivan Pavlov demonstrated how the acquisition of a CR depends on pairing the CS and the US. B.F. Skinner designed an operant chamber to study how operant behavior is reinforced and shaped. Edward Tolman demonstrated that learning occurs, but it may not be apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it. Martin Seligman contributed to our understanding of how learned helplessness develops in animals and humans. John B.

Watson did not contribute to our understanding of how learned helplessness develops in animals and humans; therefore, he is the researcher who is not paired correctly with his contribution.

To know more about Learning please visit :


retinal interneuron in the inner nuclear layer that integrates signals across adjacent segments of retina question mark is called


The retinal interneuron in the inner nuclear layer that integrates signals across adjacent segments of the retina is called a horizontal cell.

Retinal interneurons are neurons that are entirely within the retina and are not directly responsible for detecting light. They are either photoreceptor cells or neurons that process information from photoreceptor cells. Horizontal cells, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, and ganglion cells are the most well-known types of retinal interneurons, and they play a crucial role in visual processing in the retina, which is part of the eye that detects light.A horizontal cell is a retinal interneuron that operates within the inner nuclear layer of the retina, extending to both adjacent sides of the bipolar cell, as the question statement suggests. Horizontal cells obtain signals from photoreceptor cells in the same plane, which are frequently cones. They pass signals between them and modify the signals so that they are combined and transmitted to bipolar cells in a form that is easier for them to understand. Their major function is to assist in the computation of contrast, color, and orientation. The horizontal cell is a vital element in the neural pathways that make up the retina, and it contributes to visual processing.

Learn more about retina:


Viruses that utilize reverse transcriptase belong to the virus families
A) Retroviridae and Picornaviridae.
B) Herpesviridae and Retroviridae.
C) Hepadnaviridae and Retroviridae.
D) Herpesviridae and Poxviridae.
E) Rhabdoviridae and Herpesviridae.


The correct option is C, Viruses that utilize reverse transcriptase belong to the virus families Hepadnaviridae and Retroviridae.

Viruses are tiny infectious agents that can only replicate inside a host cell. They consist of genetic material, either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid. Some viruses also have an outer envelope made of lipids.

Viruses are not considered living organisms because they cannot carry out metabolic processes on their own and rely on host cells for reproduction. Once inside a host cell, the virus hijacks the cell's machinery and uses it to make copies of itself. This can lead to cell damage and the release of new viruses, which can go on to infect other cells.

To learn more about Viruses visit here:


what is the role of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes


Proto-oncogenes encourage the cell to develop, split, and progress through each cell cycle checkpoint. When a proto-oncocogene mutates, it transforms into an oncogene and no longer pauses at cell checkpoints to ensure its regular function. Tumor-suppressor genes inhibit cell development. DNA repair enzymes correct mistakes.

Genes that inhibit tumour growth. These genes instruct your cells on when to halt replication (copy themselves), fix DNA, or eliminate themselves. If these genes are switched off when they should be turned on, cancer can form. Oncogenes. When it's time for your cells to develop, these genes inform them.

Cancers can be caused by a mutation in one of the pair's proto-oncogene alleles. As a result, oncogenes show hostile behaviour. Tumor suppressor genes and proto-oncogenes are two types of genes that can cause cancer.upon transformation. The word oncogenes essentially means "cancer genes," and these genes cause uncontrolled cell development. Normal genes that aid in cell growth are proto-oncogenes. An oncogene is a cancer-causing gene. Uncontrolled cell proliferation is one of the hallmarks of malignancy. As a result of proto-oncogenes...

Mycoplasmas do not have a cell wall containing peptidoglycan, thus they are resistant to penicillin since the drug interferes with peptidoglycan synthesis. This is an example of _________ resistance.


The given statement implies that since Mycoplasmas lack a cell wall containing peptidoglycan, thus they are resistant to penicillin, which interferes with peptidoglycan synthesis. This is an example of structural resistance.

Structural resistance is a resistance mechanism that protects bacteria against the effects of antibacterial agents. The microbial cell's structure and function contribute to the resistance of antibacterial agents.

The bacteria's structure and function include cell membranes, proteins, and organelles. The resistance mechanisms can result from the following:-

Cell wall alterationsPumps in the efflux systemDestruction or inactivation of antibiotics by enzymesAltered binding site

Mycoplasmas are a group of bacteria that do not have a cell wall, but they contain a cell membrane that protects the bacteria's cells. Therefore, antibiotics like penicillin that target the bacterial cell wall are ineffective against Mycoplasmas. Hence Mycoplasmas have developed structural resistance to penicillin.

Learn more about peptidoglycan


Resuelve los problemas b (70%) 1. Repite el ejemplo 1, pero ahora el objeto está ubicado a 5 cm del espejo. 2. Repite el ejemplo 1, pero usando un espejo convexo. ​


After performing the activity the position of the image is 3.33 cm behind the convex mirror and the magnification is 0.66.

u=-5 cm, f=10 cm

We know that,





The position of the image is 3.33 cm behind the convex mirror.




The image is virtual and erect.

Learn more about convex mirror here


you discover a new drug that blocks the movement of all substances through the nuclear pores of the nucleus. would your drug affect the copying of dna into mrna, translation of the mrna into a protein, or both? briefly explain your answer.


If a new drug is discovered that blocks the movement of all substances through the nuclear pores of the nucleus, then it would affect both the copying of DNA into mRNA and translation of the mRNA into a protein.

The nuclear pores present on the nuclear membrane allow the movement of substances in and out of the nucleus. The copying of DNA into mRNA and translation of mRNA into a protein both require the movement of substances through these nuclear pores. Since the new drug blocks the movement of all substances through these pores, both the processes will be affected.

A brief explanation:

DNA is present in the nucleus and RNA polymerase enzyme, which is involved in the transcription process, also enters the nucleus. The RNA molecule produced from the transcription process must exit the nucleus and enter the cytoplasm to be translated into proteins. Hence, the nuclear pores play an essential role in the movement of the RNA molecule from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. As a result, both the copying of DNA into mRNA and translation of mRNA into a protein are affected when the movement of substances through these nuclear pores is blocked.

Here you can learn more about the nuclear pores


antibodies ______ . a. produce granzymes that puncture bacterial cell membranes b. tag pathogens for destruction by other cells c. lyse infected cells with perforins destroy pathogens directly


Antibodies tag pathogens for destruction by other cells. They produce granzymes that puncture bacterial cell membranes, lyse infected cells with perforins, and can also directly destroy pathogens.

What are antibodies? Antibodies are a protein produced by a type of white blood cell called a B cell that helps in the recognition of and responses to invading antigens (foreign substances). Antibodies are also referred to as immunoglobulins.

Antibodies are capable of targeting specific pathogens in the body, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, as well as recognizing and tagging them for destruction by other cells. Antibodies can identify and attach to pathogens, allowing other cells in the immune system to identify and destroy them. Some antibodies bind to and inhibit the ability of the pathogen to infect cells, while others tag the pathogen for destruction by other cells (e.g., macrophages) that can engulf and digest the pathogen.

Antibodies assist in the recognition of antigens on the surface of cells or in bodily fluids by the immune system. They are made up of four polypeptide chains that are linked together by disulfide bonds, and they have two identical ends that are antigen-specific. Antibodies protect the host by neutralizing pathogens in a variety of ways, including complement activation, opsonization, and activation of the adaptive immune response.



What happens in the thylakoid membrane during light-dependent reactions?


During the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, the thylakoid membrane is the site of the electron transport chain and ATP synthesis.

The thylakoid membrane contains two photosystems, Photosystem I and Photosystem II, that absorb light energy and convert it into chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH. The light energy is used to excite electrons in the chlorophyll pigments of the photosystems, which are then transferred to a series of electron carriers in the electron transport chain.

As electrons move through the chain, a proton gradient is established across the thylakoid membrane, which is used to synthesize ATP via ATP synthase. At the end of the electron transport chain, the electrons are used to reduce NADP+ to NADPH, which is then used in the Calvin cycle to synthesize glucose.

To learn more about thylakoid membrane refer to


A food chain is usually part of a larger____


A food chain is usually part of a larger food web.  The food web will show all the feeding relationships in the ecosystem.

What is a food web?

A food chain is usually part of a larger food web. A food web represents the complex interconnections between different food chains within an ecosystem, showing the flow of energy and nutrients between different organisms.

In a food web, multiple food chains are interconnected, with some organisms occupying multiple positions as both predators and prey. The concept of a food web highlights the interconnectedness of different organisms within an ecosystem and the importance of maintaining balance and stability in natural systems.

Learn more about food web:


How do the events of meiosis I promote the production of new combinations of alleles?
a.) via both independent assortment and crossing over between sister chromatids
b.) via independent assortment alone
c.) via crossing over between homologous chromosomes only
d.) via both crossing over between homologous chromosomes and independent assortment
e.) via crossing over between sister chromatids only


C. Via both crossing over between homologous chromosomes and independent assortment. In meiosis 1, homologous chromosomes separate from one another, In meiosis 2, sister chromatids separate.

In meiosis 1, two diploid daughter cells are formed, whereas four haploid daughter cells are created in meiosis 2. Chromosomes condense in the nucleus' middle during meiosis I and pair with homologues during crossing over. Thereafter, the chromosomal pairs separate and migrate to the opposite ends of the cell.

The cell divides for the first time, resulting in the formation of two cells. The two cells will go through meiosis II, where they both divide into two more cells, each having one of the sister strands (chromatids) of each dissociated chromosome, creating four haploid cells with distinct genetic makeup.

Learn more about homologous chromosomes here:


following an injury to your hand, the injured area appears red and swollen. it feels painful and warm to the touch. what is the cause of these symptoms? see section 11.12 (page) . A. natural killer cells B. the complement system C. external defenses D. the inflammatory response


Answer: The Inflammatory Response

Explanation: The damaged cells release chemicals including histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins. These chemicals cause blood vessels to leak fluid into the tissues, causing swelling

Where does the energy come from to add a uracil to the 3' end of a transcript? the cell's supply of ATP the hydrolysis of all three phosphate groups from the incoming UTP molecule the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate from the incoming UTP molecule the hydrolysis of a terminal phosphate from the incoming UTP molecule the energy released by allowing the uracil to complementary base pair with an adjacent thymine Which one of the following RNA types is MOST abundant in mammalian cells? snRNA mRNA rRNA tRHA miRNA Which one of the following statements about RNA is CORRECT? RNA uses the same pyrimidine bases as DNA. RNA has the same 5-carbon sugars as DNA. RNA uses the same purine bases as DNA. RNA is a more stable molecule than DNA. All of these choices are correct.


The entering UTP molecule breaks down the pyrophosphate.

Where can one find uracil?

The nitrogenous base uracil is one of the four found in the RNA molecule. Except for the substitution of thymine for uracil, all of these nitrogenous bases are also present in deoxyribonucleic acid, including the pyrimidine-derived uracil and cytosine, as well as the purine-derived adenine and guanine (DNA).

Why does DNA substitute thymine for uracil?

DNA uses thymine rather than uracil because it offers a stronger protection against photochemical change and makes the genetic information more robust. To store all the info required for life to function, this is required.

To know more about pyrophosphate visit :-


The National Park Service protects habitats such as the Florida Everglades. Which explanation states the importance of conserving habitats?
answer choices
A. Habitat conservation protects biodiversity in the region.
B. Habitat conservation encourages the use of limited resources.
C. Habitat conservation prevents the introduction of nonnative species.
D. Habitat conservation contributes to reducing the gene pool in native species.


(A.) Habitat conservation protects biodiversity in the region is the correct explanation that states the importance of conserving habitats. Habitat conservation is the process of protecting the natural environment and wildlife, including flora and fauna.

Habitat conservation aims to protect, conserve, and restore biodiversity and natural ecosystems by preserving and conserving the habitats of rare and endangered species. The Florida Everglades is an example of a habitat that is protected by the National Park Service (NPS). The NPS is a United States federal agency that manages all national parks, many national monuments, and other conservation and historical properties. The importance of conserving habitats. Habitat conservation is essential because it plays a critical role in preserving biodiversity in the region.

By preserving habitats, we can ensure that biodiversity and ecosystems are preserved for future generations. Conserving habitats helps to maintain ecosystem services such as air and water quality, soil fertility, climate regulation, and nutrient cycling.The protection of habitats also helps to prevent the introduction of non-native species. The introduction of non-native species into an ecosystem can cause imbalances and disruption of the ecosystem. This can lead to the decline and extinction of native species.

Habitat conservation also helps to protect genetic diversity in native species. Genetic diversity is critical for the survival of a species. Habitat conservation helps to maintain the gene pool of native species by ensuring that they are not subjected to inbreeding or genetic drift. Therefore, Habitat conservation protects biodiversity in the region is the correct explanation that states the importance of conserving habitats.(A.)

For more such questions on  Habitat conservation


Chlorophyll reflects (does not absorb) which color of visible light? Select one:
a. red
b. yellow
c. orange
d. green
e. blue


The correct answer is option D.

Chlorophyll reflects green light, which gives its distinct green color. Chlorophyll gives off the green color of leaves. Green light is one of the components of the visible light spectrum and has a wavelength of 550 nm.

this component of the male duct system carries sperm from outside the body into the abdominal cavity.


The male reproductive system includes several structures that work together to produce, store, and deliver sperm. One of the key structures involved in this process is the vas deferens.

The vas deferens, also known as the ductus deferens, is a muscular tube that carries sperm from the epididymis (where sperm mature and are stored) to the urethra. The vas deferens is located within the scrotum and is part of the spermatic cord, which also contains blood vessels, nerves, and other structures.

During ejaculation, the smooth muscles in the wall of the vas deferens contract, propelling the sperm through the duct and into the urethra. From there, the sperm are mixed with seminal fluid from the prostate gland and other accessory glands before being ejaculated from the body.

It is important to note that the vas deferens does not carry sperm from outside the body into the abdominal cavity. Instead, it carries sperm from the testes, where they are produced, to the urethra, where they are ejaculated from the body during sexual activity.

Learn more about  vas deferens here:


Which of the terms below best describes a regulatory mechanism in which the end product of a metabolic pathway inhibits an enzyme that catalyzes an early step in the pathway? cooperative inhibition allosteric inhibition metabolic inhibition feedback inhibition Which process/ processes involve base-pairing as a part of its/their mechanism? translation of mRNA to form polypeptide OOOO none is correct DNA replication all are correct transcription of DNA to form RNA


The term that best describes a regulatory mechanism in which the end product of a metabolic pathway inhibits an enzyme that catalyzes an early step in the pathway is feedback inhibition.

What is feedback inhibition? Feedback inhibition is a type of metabolic regulation that allows cells to regulate their metabolism through the use of enzymes. The rate of a metabolic pathway is slowed by feedback inhibition when an enzyme at the beginning of the pathway is inhibited by its end product.

The pathway continues to function as long as the end product is in low demand, but as the end product accumulates, it eventually inhibits the pathway, preventing excess synthesis of the end product.

Feedback inhibition is a method of regulating enzymatic activity in which the activity of an enzyme is inhibited by the product of the pathway it is involved in. It is a negative feedback mechanism that controls the rate of the metabolic pathway.

To know more about feedback inhibition, refer here:


Which adaptation would be the most beneficial to mammals of both the taiga and marine aquatic biomes



Fat is made up of adipose tissue which acts as an insulator in the body due to its fat storage. these fat molecules are bad conductors of heat and do not allow the conduction of heat. Hence, the thick layer of fat for insulation is an adaptation for mammals of both taiga and marine aquatic biomes.

Answer: 8/9

Explanation: add the demanutior

if a population leaves hardy-weinberg equilibrium due to selection how does it return to hardy-weinberg equilibrium?


a population leaves Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium due to selection it can return to the equilibrium by . 1. A large population size 2. No migration (immigration or emigration) 3. No mutation (change in DNA sequence)4. No natural selection 5. Random mating (no selection for mates).

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium assumes that there is no selection for or against any genotype in the population. In reality, this is rarely the case. If a population's genotypic frequencies deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, selection may be one cause.

There are two types of selection: directional selection and stabilizing selection. If a population's genotypic frequencies deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, selection may be one cause.

Stabilizing selection occurs when the average genotype is favored over the extremes. In this case, both the favored and disfavored alleles decrease in frequency. There are a few potential scenarios in which a population might return to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after leaving it due to selection:

1. If the selection pressure is removed, the population may return to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

2. If the favored allele reaches 100% frequency, the population will return to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium because there will no longer be any variation in the population.

3. If a new mutation occurs and creates a new allele, the population may return to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium if the new allele is neutral and does not confer a selective advantage or disadvantage.

4. Finally, if gene flow (migration) is introduced into the population, it may return to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

To know more about Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium here:


How would you classify a prokaryote that lives in hot springs that have a low pH at Yellowstone National Park?A. Extreme HalophilesB. ChemoautotrophC. ThermoacidophileD. Methanogen


The prokaryote that lives in hot springs that have a low pH at Yellowstone National Park would be classified as a Thermoacidophile (option C).

Thermoacidophiles are microorganisms that thrive in environments with high temperatures and low pH (acidic conditions). They are adapted to live in extreme environments, such as hot springs, geysers, and hydrothermal vents, where temperatures can exceed 80°C and pH can be as low as 1.0.

In Yellowstone National Park, there are many hot springs that are acidic and have high temperatures, making it an ideal environment for thermoacidophilic microorganisms. These microorganisms are able to survive and carry out metabolic processes, such as energy production, in these extreme conditions. Extreme Halophiles (option A) are microorganisms that thrive in environments with high salt concentrations.

Know more about Thermoacidophiles here:


Drugs that target RNA polymerase are direct inhibitors of. A. DNA replication. B. translation. C. reverse transcription. D. transcription.


Drugs that target RNA polymerase are direct inhibitors of transcription.

RNA polymerase is an enzyme that helps to create RNA from DNA. It is an essential enzyme that is involved in gene expression by regulating the transcription of DNA into RNA.

RNA polymerase produces a strand of RNA using one strand of DNA as a template. There are many drugs that target RNA polymerase, and they are used as inhibitors of transcription.

Direct inhibitors of RNA polymerase are commonly used to treat cancer, bacterial infections, and viral infections. These drugs act by blocking the enzyme from synthesizing RNA molecules.

By inhibiting RNA synthesis, these drugs can prevent the expression of certain genes, which can be useful in treating various diseases.

To know more about transcription, refer here:


why is scientific knowledge considered to be dependable?


Scientific knowledge is considered dependable because it is based on facts, evidence, and theories that have been rigorously tested.

Scientific knowledge is established through the scientific method, a process that which involves observation, forming hypotheses, testing the hypotheses, and a drawing conclusions based on the results of the tests. The results of scientific experiments and studies must be reproducible and repeatable in order to be accepted by as valid. Additionally, all conclusions must be verifiable by other researchers and members of the scientific community. Ultimately, scientific knowledge is considered dependable because it is based on a well-established and tested methodology.  

To learn more about Scientific knowledge :



according to the program, which animal has a higher percentage of slow-twitch muscle fibers?


Working draft horses are known for their exceptional strength and endurance, which is partly attributed to their high percentage of slow-twitch muscle fibers.

Slow-twitch muscle fibers are characterized by their ability to contract for longer periods of time, allowing the horse to maintain a sustained level of activity over extended periods. In contrast, fast-twitch muscle fibers are characterized by their ability to contract quickly and powerfully, but for shorter durations. Draft horses are bred and trained for tasks that require prolonged physical exertion, such as pulling heavy loads, which makes the slow-twitch fibers more advantageous. This adaptation has resulted in draft horses having a higher percentage of slow-twitch muscle fibers compared to other horse breeds that are bred for speed and agility.

Learn more about Slow-twitch muscle here:


why does the addition of colchicine arrest the cells in prometaphase and metaphase?


By impeding the development of spindle fibrils, the alkaloid medication colchicine (Colchicum autumnale) halts mitosis in metaphase and delays the division of centromeres and centrioles.

An inhibitor of mitosis is colchicine. A medication that prevents mitosis or cell division is known as a mitotic inhibitor. At the metaphase phase of cell division, spindle formation is prevented by colchicine.

Chromosome separation cannot occur once cells start to go through mitosis. All cells starting mitosis after receiving colchicine will be stopped at the metaphase stage if it is administered to an animal or added to a cell culture. This offers a practical method for measuring mitotic rate, particularly in tissues where this rate is low. Studying metaphase chromosomes can benefit from colchicine treatment.

Learn more about colchicine here:


Which of the following best explains how the pattern of DNA arrangement in chromosomes could be used, in most cases, to determine if an organism was a prokaryote or a eukaryote?
a. Prokaryotic DNA - Single circular chromosome | Eukaryotic DNA - Multiple linear chromosomes
b. Prokaryotic DNA - Single linier chromosome | Eukaryotic DNA -Multiple linear chromosomes
c. Prokaryotic DNA - Multi chromosome | Eukaryotic DNA - Single chromosome
d. Prokaryotic DNA - Single circual chromosome | Eukaryotic DNA -Multiple linear chromosomes


That's correct! Prokaryotes, such as bacteria, typically have a single, circular chromosome that contains all of their genetic material. This chromosome is located in the cytoplasm of the cell and is not enclosed in a membrane-bound nucleus.

What is a nucleus ?

A nucleus is a specialized structure that is found within cells. It is the central part of the cell that contains genetic material in the form of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The nucleus is responsible for regulating gene expression, controlling cell division, and maintaining the integrity of the genetic material.

In eukaryotic cells, which include animals, plants, fungi, and protists, the nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle that is surrounded by a double membrane called the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope has small pores that allow for the exchange of molecules between the nucleus and the rest of the cell.

Prokaryotic cells, which include bacteria, do not have a distinct nucleus. Instead, their genetic material is contained in a region called the nucleoid, which is not surrounded by a membrane.

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