Briefly describe the importance of thoroughly testing a macro before deployment. What precautions might you take to ensure consistency across platforms for end users?


Answer 1


Answered below


A macro or macroinstruction is a programmable pattern which translates a sequence of inputs into output. It is a rule that specifies how a certain input sequence is mapped to a replacement output sequence. Macros makes tasks less repetitive by representing complicated keystrokes, mouse clicks and commands.

By thoroughly testing a macro before deployment, you are able to observe the flow of the macro and also see the result of each action that occurs. This helps to isolate any action that causes an error or produces unwanted results and enable it to be consistent across end user platforms.

Related Questions

Which of the following peripheral devices can be used for both input and output? mouse touch screen on a tablet computer printer CPU



mouse printer CPU touch screen


on a tablet computer hope this helps you :)

What is the quick key to highlighting a column?
Ctrl + down arrow
Ctrl + Shift + down arrow
Right-click + down arrow
Ctrl + Windows + down arrow


The quick key to highlighting a column is the Ctrl + Shift + down arrow. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is column?

The term column refers to how data is organized vertically from top to bottom. Columns are groups of cells that are arranged vertically and run from top to bottom. A column is a group of cells in a table that are vertically aligned. The column is the used in the excel worksheet.

The quick key for highlighting a column is Ctrl + Shift + down arrow. To select downward, press Ctrl-Shift-Down Arrow. To pick anything, use Ctrl-Shift-Right Arrow, then Ctrl-Shift-Down Arrow. In the Move/Highlight Cells, the was employed. The majority of the time, the excel worksheet was used.

As a result, the quick key to highlighting a column is the Ctrl + Shift + down arrow. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about the column, here:



its (B) ctrl+shift+down arrow

hope this helps <3


Write a program that reads the input.txt file character by character and writes the content of the input file to output.txt with capitalize each word (it means upper case the first letter of a word and lowercase remaining letters of the word)



def case_convertfile( file_name):

    with open(" new_file","x") as file:

         file.close( )

    with open("file_name", "r") as txt_file:

     while True:

            word = txt_file.readline( )

            word_split= word.split(" ")

            for word in word_split:

                  upper_case = word.uppercase( )

                  file= open("new_file","w+")

                  file= open("new_file","a+")


     txt_file.close( )

     file.close( )


This python function would open an existing file with read privilege and a new file with write and append privileges read and capitalize the content of the old file and store it in the new file.

What is resource management in Wireless Communication? Explain its advantages



This is a management system in wireless communication that oversees radio resources and crosstalks between two radio transmitters which make use of the same channel.


Radio Resource Management is a management system in wireless communication that oversees radio resources and crosstalks between two radio transmitters which make use of the same channel. Its aim is to effectively manage the radio network infrastructure. Its advantages include;

1. It allows for multi-users communication instead of point-to-point channel capacity.

2. it increases the system spectral efficiency by a high order of magnitude. The introduction of advanced coding and source coding makes this possible.

3. It helps systems that are affected by co-channel interference. An example of such a system is the wireless network used in computers which are characterized by different access points that make use of the same channel frequencies.

Write an interactive program to calculate the volume and surface area of a three-dimensional object.



I am writing a Python program:

pi=3.14 #the value of pi is set to 3.14

radius = float(input("Enter the radius of sphere: ")) #prompts user to enter the radius of sphere

surface_area = 4 * pi * radius **2 #computes surface area of sphere

volume = (4.0/3.0) * (pi * radius ** 3) #computes volume of sphere

print("Surface Area of sphere is: ", surface_area) #prints the surface area

print("Volume of sphere is: {:.2f}".format(volume)) #prints the volume        


Please see the attachment for the complete interactive code.

The first three lines of print statement in the attached image give a brief description of the program.

Next the program assigns 3.14 as the value of π (pi). Then the program prompts the user to enter the radius. Then it computes the surface area and volume of sphere using the formulas. Then it prints the resultant values of surface area and volume on output screen.

The psuedocode for this program is given below:

PROGRAM SphereVolume


NUMBER radius, surface_area, volume  

INPUT radius

COMPUTE volume = (4/3) * pi* radius ^3

COMPUTE surface_area = 4 * pi * radius ^ 2

OUTPUT volume , surface_area


Gwen is starting a blog about vegetable gardening. What information should she include on the blog's home page



The correct answer is "List of posts with the most recent ones at the top".


A website that includes someone else's thoughts, insights, views, etc. about a writer or community of authors and that also has photographs as well as searching the web.It indicates that perhaps the blog should distinguish between different articles about the site because then customers who frequent the site will observe and experience the articles on everyone's blogs.

So that the above would be the appropriate one.

Consider the following Stack operations:

push(d), push(h), pop(), push(f), push(s), pop(), pop(), push(m).

Assume the stack is initially empty, what is the sequence of popped values, and what is the final state of the stack? (Identify which end is the top of the stack.)



Sequence of popped values: h,s,f.

State of stack (from top to bottom): m, d


Assuming that stack is  initially empty. Suppose that p contains the popped values. The state of the stack is where the top and bottom are pointing to in the stack. The top of the stack is that end of the stack where the new value is entered and existing values is removed. The sequence works as following:

push(d) -> enters d to the Stack


d ->top

push(h) -> enters h to the Stack


h ->top

d ->bottom

pop() -> removes h from the Stack:


d ->top

p: Suppose p contains popped values so first popped value entered to p is h

p = h

push(f) -> enters f to the Stack


f ->top

d ->bottom

push(s) -> enters s to the Stack


s ->top


d ->bottom

pop() -> removes s from the Stack:


f ->top

d -> bottom

p = h, s

pop() -> removes f from the Stack:


d ->top

p = h, s, f

push(m) -> enters m to the Stack:


m ->top

d ->bottom

So looking at p the sequence of popped values is:

h, s, f

the final state of the stack:

m, d

end that is the top of the stack:


Write a method named coinFlip that accepts as its parameter a string holding a file name, opens that file and reads its contents as a sequence of whitespace-separated tokens. Assume that the input file data represents results of sets of coin flips. A coin flip is either the letter H or T, or the word Heads or Tails, in either upper or lower case, separated by at least one space. You should read the sequence of coin flips and output to the console the number of heads and the percentage of heads in that line, rounded to the nearest whole number. If this percentage is 50% or greater, you should print a "You win!" message; otherwise, print "You lose!". For example, consider the following input file: H T H H T Tails taIlS tAILs TailS heads HEAds hEadS For the input above, your method should produce the following output: 6 heads (50%) You win!



Here is the JAVA program:


import java.util.*;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException{ //the start of main() function body, it throws an exception that indicates a failed  attempt to open the file

Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("file.txt")); //creates a Scanner object and a File object to open and scan through the file.txt    

coinFlip(input);    } //calls coinFlip method

public static void coinFlip(Scanner input) { //coinFlip method that accepts as its parameter a string input holding a file name

while(input.hasNextLine()) { //iterates through the input file checking if there is another line in the input file

Scanner scan = new Scanner(input.nextLine()); //creates a Scanner object

int head = 0; // stores count of number of heads

int count = 0; //stores count of  total number of tokens

while(scan.hasNext()) { //iterates through the sequence checking if there is another sequence in the input file

String token=; // checks and returns the next token

if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("H")||token.equalsIgnoreCase("Heads")) { //compares H or Heads with the tokens in file ignoring lower case and upper case differences

           head++;                } //if a token i.e. any form of heads in file matches with the H or Heads then add 1 to the number of heads

           count++;            } //increment to 1 to compute total number of counts

double result = Percentage(head, count); //calls Percentage method passing number of heads and total counts to compute the percentage of heads

System.out.println(head + " heads " + "(" + result +"%)"); // prints the number of heads

if(result >= 50.00) { //if the percentage is greater or equal to 50

System.out.println("You win!");} //displays this message if above if condition is true

else //if the percentage is less than 50

{System.out.println("You lose!");}  }    } //displays this message if above if condition is false

public static double Percentage(int h, int total) { //method to compute the percentage of heads

double p = (double)h/total* 100; // divide number of heads with the total count and multiply the result by 100 to compute percentage

return p;    } } //returns result


The program is well explained in the comments mentioned with each line of the above code. I will explain how the method coinFlip  works.

Method coinFlip accepts a string holding a file name as its parameter. It opens that file and reads its contents as a sequence of tokens. Then it reads and scans through each token and the if condition statement:

if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("H")||token.equalsIgnoreCase("Heads"))

checks if the each token in the sequence stored in the file is equal to the H or Heads regardless of the case of the token. For example if the first token in the sequence is H then this if condition evaluates to true. Then the head++ statement increments the count of head by 1. After scanning each token in the sequence the variable count is also increased to 1.

If the token of the sequence is HeAds then this if condition evaluates to true because the lower or upper case difference is ignored due to equalsIgnoreCase method. Each time a head is found in the sequence the variable head is incremented to 1.

However if the token in the sequence is Tails then this if condition evaluates to false. Then the value of head variable is not incremented to 1. Next the count variable is incremented to 1 because this variable value is always incremented to 1 each time a token is scanned because count returns the total number of tokens and head returns total number of heads in the tokens.

Percentage method is used to return the percentage of the number of heads in the sequence. It takes head and count as parameters (h and total). Computes the percentage by this formula h/total* 100. If the result of this is greater than or equal to 50 then the message  You win is displayed otherwise message You lose! is displayed in output.

The fact that the speed of a vehicle is lower than the prescribed limits shall relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection. True or false



the answer is false ........

The fact that the speed of a vehicle is lower than the prescribed limits shall relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection is not true.

What is intersection in the traffic rules?

An intersection serves as the point where many lanes cross on the road which is a point where driver is required to follow the traffic rules.

However, the above statement is not true because , a driver can decide not  decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection, even though it is a punishable offense in traffic rules.

Read more on traffic rules here:


A machine on a 10 Mbps network is regulated by a token bucket algorithm with a fill rate of 3 Mbps. The bucket is initially filled to capacity at 3MB. How long can the machine transmit at the full 10 Mbps capacity


2+4= this gbhfchgcjdxbhdch is correct

is the highest education degree available at a community college.



The answer is "associate".


The two-year post-school degree is also known as the associate degree, in which the students pursuing any of this degree, which may take as little as 2 years to complete the course, although many prefer to do it at the same rate. Its first two years of a Bachelor (fresh and sophomore years) were covered by an Associate degree.

Consider the following calling sequences and assuming that dynamic scoping is used, what variables are visible during execution of the last function called? Include with each visible variable the name of the function in which it was defined.a. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun2; fun2 calls fun3b. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun3c. Main calls fun2; fun2 calls fun3; fun3 calls fun1d. Main calls fun3; fun3 calls fun1e. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun3; fun3 calls fun2f. Main calls fun3; fun3 calls fun2; fun2 calls fun1void fun1(void);void fun2(void);void fun3(void);void main() {Int a,b,c;…}void fun1(void){Int b,c,d;…}void fun2(void){Int c,d,e;…}void fun3(void){Int d,e,f;…}



In dynamic scoping the current block is searched by the compiler and then all calling functions consecutively e.g. if a function a() calls a separately defined function b() then b() does have access to the local variables of a(). The visible variables with the name of the function in which it was defined are given below.


In main() function three integer type variables are declared: a,b,c

In fun1() three int type variables are declared/defined: b,c,d

In fun2() three int type variables are declared/defined: c,d,e

In fun3() three int type variables are declared/defined: d,e,f

a. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun2; fun2 calls fun3

Here the main() calls fun1() which calls fun2() and fun2() calls func3() . This means first the func3() executes, then fun2(), then fun1() and last main()

Visible Variable:  d, e, f        Defined in: fun3

Visible Variable: c                 Defined in: fun2 (the variables d and e of fun2  

                                                                                                     are not visible)

Visible Variable: b                  Defined in: fun1 ( c and d of func1 are hidden)

Visible Variable: a                 Defined in: main (b,c are hidden)

b. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun3

Here the main() calls fun1, fun1 calls fun3. This means the body of fun3 executes first, then of fun1 and then in last, of main()

Visible Variable: d, e, f           Defined in: fun3

Visible Variable:  b, c              Defined in: fun1 (d not visible)

Visible Variable:  a                  Defined in: main ( b and c not visible)

c. Main calls fun2; fun2 calls fun3; fun3 calls fun1

Here the main() calls fun2, fun2 calls fun3 and fun3 calls fun1. This means the body of fun1 executes first, then of fun3, then fun2 and in last, of main()

Visible Variable:  b, c, d        Defined in: fun1

Visible Variable:  e, f             Defined in: fun3 ( d not visible)

Visible Variable:  a                Defined in: main ( b and c not visible)

Here variables c, d and e of fun2 are not visible

d. Main calls fun3; fun3 calls fun1

Here the main() calls fun3, fun3 calls fun1. This means the body of fun1 executes first, then of fun3 and then in last, of main()

Visible Variable: b, c, d     Defined in: fun1  

Visible Variable:   e, f        Defined in:  fun3   ( d not visible )

Visible Variable:    a          Defined in: main (b and c not visible)

e. Main calls fun1; fun1 calls fun3; fun3 calls fun2

Here the main() calls fun1, fun1 calls fun3 and fun3 calls fun2. This means the body of fun2 executes first, then of fun3, then of fun1 and then in last, of main()

Visible Variable: c, d, e        Defined in: fun2

Visible Variable:  f               Defined in: fun3 ( d and e not visible)

Visible Variable:  b               Defined in:  fun1 ( c and d not visible)

Visible Variable: a                Defined in: main ( b and c not visible)

f. Main calls fun3; fun3 calls fun2; fun2 calls fun1

Here the main() calls fun3, fun3 calls fun2 and fun2 calls fun1. This means the body of fun1 executes first, then of fun2, then of fun3 and then in last, of main()

Visible Variable: b, c, d       Defined in: fun1  

Visible Variable: e               Defined in: fun2  

Visible Variable: f                Defined in: fun3  

Visible Variable: a               Defined in: main

PROGRAM 8: Grade Converter! For this program, I would like you to create a function which returns a character value based on a floating point value as



This function will return a character grade for every floating-point grade for every student in the class.

function grade( floatPoint ){

      let text;

      switch ( floatPoint ) {

        case floatPoint < 40.0 :

             text= " F ";


        case floatPoint == 40.0 :

             text= " P ";


        case floatPoint > 40.0 && floatPoint <= 50.0 :

             text=  " C ";


        case floatPoint > 50.0 && floatPoint < 70.0 :

             text=  " B ";


        case floatPoint >=70.0 && floatPoint <= 100.0 :

             text= " C ";


        default :

            text= "Floating point must be between 0.0 to 100.0"


     return text;



This javascript function would return a character grade for floating-point numbers within the range of 0.0 to 100.0.

Cloud computing gives you the ability to expand and reduce resources according to your specific service requirement.

a. True
b. False



a. True


Cloud computing can be defined as a type of computing that requires shared computing resources such as cloud storage (data storage), servers, computer power, and software over the internet rather than local servers and hard drives.

Generally, cloud computing offers individuals and businesses a fast, effective and efficient way of providing services.

In Computer science, one of the most essential characteristics or advantages of cloud computing is rapid elasticity.

By rapid elasticity, it simply means that cloud computing gives you the ability to expand and reduce resources according to your specific service requirement because resources such as servers can be used to execute a particular task and after completion, these resources can then be released or reduced.

Some of the examples of cloud computing are Google Slides, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive etc.

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