Biomass is a :
(a) Dry weight of living organism
(b) Fresh weight of living organism
(c) Dry weight of dead organism
(d) Fresh weight of dead organism

(1) only a (2) a,b (3) c,d (4) only c


Answer 1

Answer: 1. only A

Explanation: bio means living

Answer 2


(a) Dry weight of living organism

hope this help you

Related Questions

A researcher found a beautiful plant while traveling in Alaska and collected its seeds. When she came back to Florida, she soaked some of the seeds in pure water and some of these seeds in a water hormone solution. When she put all of the seeds in the soil to grow, only the seeds that had been soaked with the hormone germinated. The hormone most likely was



auxins and cytokinins


the two hormones induce growth for plants

What is a gene??????



A gene is a unit of heredity


A gene is a unit of heredity that is passed from a parent to their offspring and is responsible for determining a certain trait of the offspring.


A gene is a unique sequence of nucleotides that makes up a chromosome and controls how a cell (or virus) can assemble monomers into polypeptides or nucleic acid molecules.

According to the ESRT, the rate of temperature increases below the Earth's surface is greatest between depths of



Between depths of tectonic plate boundaries and the outer core.


The rate of temperature increases below the Earth's surface is greatest between depths of tectonic plate boundaries and the outer core.  At the depth, some of the heat comes from the Earth's core while most of the heat comes from decay of radioactive elements, mainly uranium, thorium and potassium that is located in rocks of the crust. So we can say that the the increase in temperature with depth varies with the chemical composition and age of the rocks.

What process takes place in these nodules? 1 A. Photosynthesis B. Decomposition C. Nitrogen fixation D. Water absorption ​



I THINK the answer is Water absorption



Which of these statements about photosynthesis is correct?
Both photosynthesis and respiration require the same amount of energy for metabolic processes, such as synthesis and the breakdown of carbohydrates.
Photosynthesis releases energy for metabolism, whereas respiration requires energy for the breakdown of carbohydrates.
Photosynthesis requires energy for the synthesis of carbohydrates, whereas respiration releases energy during the breakdown of carbohydrate





One gene pair can influence other gene pairs, with their combined activities producing some effect on phenotype; this called ________________. In Labrador retrievers, one gene pair codes for the quantity of melanin produced while another codes for melanin deposition. Still another gene locus determines whether melanin will be produced at all--lack of any produces an albino (recessive).





Genetics can be defined as the scientific study of hereditary in living organisms such as humans, animals and plants

In Genetics, a gene pair has the ability to influence other gene pairs based on their combined activities which produces some effect on phenotype; this is called epistasis.

112g Fe + 64g S = FeS


The correct answer is 176 g

Lactase is a human enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of lactose in milk.
At which temperature does lactase work faster?
A 0°C
B 18°C
C 37°C
D 100°C​



Maybe 37°C


Because at 100°C enzyme gets denatured so maybe its 37°C .

I hope it's Right if not then advance sorry :)

Tại sao khi chi bị đau một bộ phận nào đó trong có thể những ta vấn thấy toàn có thể bị ảnh hưởng ?



Sorry I can't understand anything

What are australopiths, how many groups are there, and what do they date to? Which one is derived and therefore not part of our direct evolutionary line?


Answer and Explanation:

Australopithecines were a group of ancestral animals that were very similar to chimpanzees, but had common characteristics with humans, which is something normal, when we think that these animals are one of the ancestors of human beings. These animals walked on two legs, like humans, but they had very small brains and teeth that were bigger and heavier than those of humans. There were eight groups of australopithecines and they date from 8 million to 1.5 million years ago.

Among these groups, it is believed that Australopithecus afarensis is a group that has no direct ancestry with humans, being a group that did not thrive during the evolutionary process.

Diane Dodd raised different fruit fly populations on different food sources. She found that after about 40 generations the evolution of reproductive isolation was under way. The mechanism of evolution responsible for this was Group of answer choices



Natural selection.


Natural selection can be defined as a biological process in which species of living organisms having certain traits that enable them to adapt to environmental factors such as predators, competition for food, climate change, sex mates, etc., tend to survive and reproduce, as well as passing on their genes to subsequent generations.

Simply stated, natural selection entails the survival of the fittest. Therefore, the species that are able to adapt to the environment will increase in number while the ones who can't adapt will die and go into extinction.

In this scenario, the mechanism of evolution responsible for this was natural selection because after about 40 generations the evolution of reproductive isolation was under way for the fruit fly. Thus, the more the offsprings that are reproduced by the parent organism, the more likely are they to survive.

Additionally, there is a better chance of having good or beneficial traits being passed from the parent organism to her offsprings.

Các tuyến nào sau đây được gọi là các tuyến pha?



tuyến tụy, tuyến sinh dục


InformationHow did
the discovery of isotopes disprove one part of
Dalton's atomic theory


Answer: Because Daltons theory states all atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties.


The discovery of isotopes demonstrated that atoms of the same element can have different atomic weights, implying that atoms of the same element are not identical in every way. 

What is Dalton's atomic theory?

Dalton's atomic theory postulated that matter is made up of indivisible particles known as atoms, and that atoms of the same element are all identical and cannot be created or destroyed.

Compounds are formed by the simple combination of atoms into compound atoms.

Dalton, John Experiments with gases became possible at the turn of the nineteenth century, prompting John Dalton to propose a modern theory of the atom based on certain assumptions.

Dalton's theory is debunked. This is because Dalton's theory states that all matter is made up of identical, indivisible, and indestructible atoms. Isotopes have the same element but a different number of neutrons.

Thus, this way, the discovery of isotopes disprove one part of Dalton's atomic theory.

For more details regarding Dalton's atomic theory, visit:


Write the different function of different type of teeth.​



to help break down food.

help in digestion due to enzymes.

they help break down food

3. What is one thing that can be done to help improve areas that produce a lot of runoff?


Answer: hi, im here to help :3

so, you can either use plants, use pesticides and fertilizers less often or the one thing i know is consider a rain barrel.

Where is amyglada located in a brain ? How does it function ?​


Short Answer: The amygdala is located in the brain and its functions are related to emotional learning.


The amygdala is a brain structure located in the temporal lobe of the brain. Its functions are related to the emotional system of the brain, and memory. In addition, the amygdala has been shown to influence the emotional learning process. The amygdala is mainly responsible for the formation and storage of memories associated with emotional events, so external sensory stimuli reach the basolateral group of the amygdala, where associations are formed with memories of the stimulus (mainly related to fear).

Dental plaque Group of answer choices anchors teeth to their bony sockets. is calcified organic matter on the surface of teeth. protects teeth from bacteria-induced tooth decay. forms a bone-like protective layer. consists of food particles trapped in a sticky matrix.



dental plaque consists of food particles trapped in a sticky matrix.

I hope this helps

In humans, ventilation, digestion, and blood flow are important biological processes. Explain the relationship between the structure of tissues or organs and one of these processes.



I am assuming the question is asking how do the processes relate to one another.


Ventilation happens in the lungs, where carbon dioxide and oxygen are exchanged in the alveoli. This is done via cappilaries that surround the alveoli. Cappilaries are small blood vessels, which are collecitelvy part of the blood flow system (circulation) of the body. In reguards to the digestion, there are capillaries in the vili (which are tiny finger-like structures) so that they can pick up the nutrients during digestion. Another way blood flow and digestion are connected is because the stomach is a muscle, thus is moves and requires energy. That energy comes from the oxygen and nutrients that is supplied by the blood. These are just some examples.

How does coronavirus causes severe pneumonia?



please mark me brainliest


The new coronavirus causes severe inflammation in your lungs. It damages the cells and tissue that line the air sacs in your lungs. These sacs are where the oxygen you breathe is processed and delivered to your blood.


The new coronavirus causes severe inflammation in your lungs. It damages the cells and tissue that line the air sacs in your lungs. These sacs are where the oxygen you breathe is processed and delivered to your blood. The damage causes tissue to break off and clog your lungs


Mark me as Brainliest

A ball is launched from the ground with a horizontal speed of 30 m/s and a vertical speed of 30 m/s. What is the ball’s horizontal acceleration at the top of its trajectory?
A. 10 m/s/s
B. 30 m/s/s
C. 15 m/s/s
D. 0 m/s/s
The factor(s) that most affect the gravitational force between two objects are:
A. mass and distance
B. density and distance
C. mass and size
D. density and size
What comes out of the bottom of a space shuttle?
A. Lava
B. Hot gas
C. Plasma
D. Water
A 1,500 kg truck drives at 20 m/s. How much kinetic energy does it have?
A. 450,000 J
B. 3,000,000 J
C. 30,000 J
D. 300,000 J
A bicyclist moves at a constant speed of 4 m/s. How long it will take for the bicyclist to move 36 m?
A. 9 s
B. 18 s
C. 12 s
D. 6 s
Why is friction useful between your feet and the ground?
A. It's not useful
B. Wears away your sneakers
C. Slows you down
D. So you don't fall over
What is the unit for kinetic energy?
A. Kg
B. N
C. Joules
D. N/m
If Vector A is (6, 4) and Vector B is (-2, -1), what is the resultant?
A. (4,5)
B. (4,3)
C. (8,5)
D. (8,3)
Your initial speed is zero. If you increased your speed by 4 m/s after only 2 seconds and continue to accelerate at the same rate, what will your speed be after 10 seconds?
A. 30 m/s
B. 40 m/s
C. 10 m/s
D. 20 m/s
You cover 750 m in 25 seconds. What is your speed?
A. 25 m/s
B. 30 m/s
C. 35 m/s
D. 40 m/s
The same net force is applied to object A and object B. The observed accelerations of the two objects are not the same; object A has an acceleration three times that of object B. Which of the following is correct?
A. Object A has one-third the mass of object B.
B. Object A has three times the mass of object B.
C. Object A has more friction than object B.
D. Object A has a different, less streamlined shape than object B.
Is friction acting on a moving ship useful?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Not sure
D. Maybe
A 12 kg ball is held 2 m above the Earth. How much GPE does it have?
A. 24 J
B. Not enough info
C. 240 J
D. 144 J
A car travels south at 30 m/s for 5 minutes. What is its velocity?
A. 30 m/s South
B. 30 m/s
C. 300 m/s South
D. 300 m/s
An object maintains its state of motion because of
A. Inertia
B. Momentum
C. Force
D. Acceleration
If I double the spring constant of a spring, what happens to its EPE if stretched the same distance?
A. Halves
B. Disappears
C. Not enough info
D. Double
If I were to take a ball to the moon, where gravity is 1/6th that on the Earth, what will happen to its GPE if I hold it at the same height both places?
A. 1/6th as much
B. Disappear
C. Not enough info
D. 6 times as much
A 40 kg bike traveling down the road has a negative acceleration. What is true of the force?
A. It is positive
B. It is zero
C. It doesn't exist
D. It is negative
Forces that act together are called what type of pairs?
A. Left-right
B. Happy-sad
C. Action-reaction
D. Up-down
A satellite’s original velocity is 10,000 m/s. After 60 seconds it’s going 5,000 m/s. What is the acceleration?

A. -83 m/s2
B. -250 m/s2
C. 83 m/s2
D. 250 m/s2
If the sun were more massive, what would happen to Earth’s gravity with the sun?
A. increase
B. would be 0
C. would be infinite
D. decrease
The amount of matter in an object is called its
A. Force
B. Mass
C. Balance
D. Weight
An object with a mass of 15 kg has an acceleration of 4 m/s2, what is the resultant force?
A. 19 N
B. 3.75 N
C. 600 N
D. 60 N
How long does it take me to travel 500 m at a speed of 50 m/s?
A. 10 s
B. 25,000 s
C. 15 s
D. 2500 s


1. D
2. A
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. C
10. B
11. B
12. B
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. D
18. D
19. C
20. A
21. A
22. B
24. A

describe the process of digestion in a person who had beans for lunch time​



The processes of digestion include six activities: ingestion, propulsion, mechanical or physical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation. The first of these processes, ingestion, refers to the entry of food into the alimentary canal through the mouth.

Competitive divers pull their limbs in and curl up their bodies when they do flips. Just before entering the water, they fully extend their limbs to enter straight down. Explain the effect of both actions on their angular velocities. Also explain the effect on their angular momenta.



whats an angular momenta ?



Why are reflex actions rapid and automatic? *

1. They do not go to the brain.
2. They do not go to the spinal cord.
3. They involve the conscious part of the brain.
4. They do not involve the conscious part of the brain.



4. They do not involve the conscious part of the brain.


A reflex action follows this general sequence and does not involve the conscious part of the brain. 

ayudaa por fa es para mañana
teniendo en cuenta la lectura uno de los métodos más rápidos económicos y eficaces para eliminar las bacterias del agua es la
A. desinfección
B. esterilización
C. cloración
D. inmunización


La respirate Es C. Cloración

From earliest to latest, the overall sequence of early development proceeds as follows: A) gastrulation → organogenesis → cleavage B) ovulation → gastrulation → fertilization C) cleavage → gastrulation → organogenesis D) gastrulation → blastulation → neurulation E) preformation → morphogenesis → neurulation



C) cleavage → gastrulation → organogenesis

your welcome!

Which was most likely an effect on society that resulted from improvement in handling blood during world war l and world war ll?



Effective food supply was most likely an effect on society that resulted from improvements in blood handling during World War I and World War II.


Name the electrolyte in the electrolysis of sodium chloride solution​



Sodium metal and chlorine gas can be obtained with the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride. Electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride yields hydrogen and chlorine, with aqueous sodium hydroxide remaining in solution.


Molten sodium chloride

Cathode: Na+(aq) +e ….>Na(s)

Anode: 2Cl-(aq) +2e…..>Cl2(g)

Sodium chloride solution.

Cathode: 2H-(aq) + 2e…>H2(g)


explain the systemic circulation ​



Systemic circulation is also called general circulation in these circulation the oxygenated blood from the aorta moves towards the whole body (to each and every organ).

The aorta is divided into ascending and descending aorta. The ascending aorta supplies oxygenated blood to ascending or upper body parts and descending aorta supplies oxygenated blood to descending or downward body parts.

Hope it helps you! \(^ᴥ^)/

The sugar in RNA is, the sugar in DNA is
deoxyribose; ribose
glucose; deoxyribose
ribose; glucose
ribose; deoxyribose



Last choice: ribose; deoxyribose


Ribose (otherwise known as D-ribose) is a sugar found in RNA (ribonucleic acid). It alternates with phosphate groups to create the “backbone” of the RNA polymer.

Deoxyribose (sugar in DNA) is one of the three components of nucleotides for DNA. Each nucleotide consists of a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base:  adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine, and deoxyribose.

Glucose is a type of sugar which is a common and crucial energy source in living organisms and is often a component in various carbohydrates. Plants can create glucose by going through a process called photosynthesis, and once it's done with the process, they use the glucose (sugar) as their food for energy.

1. Explain using diagram how monomers are arranged in Thermoplastic and Thermosettingplastics.​



In thermoplastics, the arrangement of monomeric units is linear and in thermosetting plastics, it is cross-linked. Thermoplastics are usually soft, weak and less brittle, so can get soften on heating and stiffen on cooling. They can be melted, remoulded and recycled easily.

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state 3 essential features of curriculum integration which expression is equivalent to (4 square root 5 to the power of 3) to the power of 1/2 Matthew 6 states, "...your will be done." What is God's will? Which expressions are equivalent to 2^52^4? Check all that apply. Summarize:How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and older people wishing they were young again. Each age has its own pleasures and pains, and happiest person is the one who enjoys what age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets. Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. A child is fed and looked after by his parents. It is impossible that he will be ever again so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always representing new things to the child-things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too familiar. A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain or in the snow. His first visit to the sea side is a marvelous adventure. But a child has his pains, he is not as free as he wishes to be and as he thinks older people are. He is continuously being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong. His life, therefore, is not completely happy. The diagonals of a quadrilateral must be bisect each other and be perpendicular to gurarantee that the quadrilateral is a parrelogram A carbon resistor has a resistance of 976 ohms at 0 degrees C. Determine its resistance at 89 degrees C (2/3)^x-1=27/8, find x. Please add a step-by-step explanation.[tex]( \frac{2}{3} ) {x - 1 = \frac{27}{8} }^{?} [/tex] two example of viruses rectangle a is dilated to form rectangle b. what is the scale factor used . While planning a hiking trip, you examine a map of the trail you are going on hike. The scale on the map shows that 2 inches represents 5 miles.If the trail measures 12 inches on the map, how long is the trail? If AABC is reflected across the y-axis, what are the coordinates of A'? Need help on this please!!! 10 points!!! derive expression for pressure exerted by gas A car driving down a road runs of gas and will eventually stop because of:A. FrictionB. ThrustC. It will remain in motion foreverOD. Gravity Rex buries 6 bones in the backyard on Monday then he buries more on Tuesday he buried a total of 10 bones how many did he bury Tuesday? please help me with my question I will mark as brainliest for the first correct answer Two astronomy students travel to South Dakota. One stands on Earths surface and enjoys some sunshine. At the same time, the other descends into a gold mine where neutrinos are detected, arriving in time to detect the creation of a new radioactive argon nucleus. Although the photon at the surface and the neutrinos in the mine arrive at the same time, they have had very different histories. Describe the differences. Find the slope of the line passing through the points (-2, -8) and (9,-8).slope: You throw two four-sided dice. Let the random variable X represent the maximum value of the two dice. Compute E(X). Round your answer to three decimal places.