ACTIVITY 2 - Direction: Underline the correct word or words in the parentheses in the sentences below.

1. If anybody here has a cell phone (they / he or she) should turn it off now.

2. Many high schools now require (its / their) students to take a computer course.

3. Each of the actresses who auditioned believes (she/they) should be chosen for the role.

4. Students complain that (they / the maintenance crew) keep(s) the library too hot.

5. While Eric was adding sugar to his coffee, he spilled (it / the sugar) all over the table.

6. Someone offered to show me a copy of next week's history test, but I said that I didn't believe in (this / cheating).

7. If high school juniors and seniors take a special class to prepare them for SAT's (you will / they will) probably have a higher score.

8. I know spring is really here when (I/ you) see neighborhood kids playing baseball.

9. If you want to advance in this company, (we/you) must be willing to work overtime.

10. if you want to succeed in life, (you, I) must sacrifice.​


Answer 1


1 they 2 its? 3 she (actresses are usually female actors are usually male unless considering both genders) 4 the maintenance crew 5 it 6 cheating 7 they will 8 I , 9 you 10 you


pretty sure these are right

Related Questions

Review the curriculum used in the early care and education program where you work or volunteer. Answer these questions:

What are at least two ways families’ funds of knowledge are infused into the curriculum? What is at least one additional way families’ funds of knowledge could be infused into the curriculum?
What are at least two ways children’s funds of knowledge are infused into the curriculum? What is at least one additional way children’s funds of knowledge could be infused into the curriculum?
What are at least two ways children’s funds of knowledge are considered within observations and individualizing? What is at least one additional way children’s funds of knowledge could be infused observations and individualizing?





Select how text structure and text features support the overall meaning of the text.

They can ask good questions.
They can move the story along.
They can provide cool pictures.
They can support the central idea.


Text structure and text features support the overall meaning of the text by supporting the central idea. The correct option is “They can support the central idea. ”

Text structure refers to the way a text is arranged to convey meaning to the reader. It explains how the writer builds the content of the text, the order and method of presenting ideas and arguments, and how the writer connects the different parts of the text.

Text features are elements of a text that are not part of the main body of the text but are included to enhance its usefulness, readability, or visual appeal. They are intended to provide readers with additional information to help them understand the text. Examples of text features include headings, subheadings, bulleted lists, photographs, and captions.

Text structure and text features support the overall meaning of the text by supporting the central idea. They provide readers with information that helps them understand the writer's message. Text features, such as headings and subheadings, help readers to organize the content of the text, making it easier to navigate and comprehend. Bulleted lists and tables help readers to absorb information quickly and easily. Photographs and other visuals can help to illustrate and enhance the text, providing a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Therefore, text structure and text features play an essential role in supporting the central idea of the text.

You can learn more about the central idea at:


What are effective ways to address the "sinister structural causes and consequences" of structural racism?



Addressing the "sinister structural causes and consequences" of     structural racism requires a comprehensive, multi-pronged approach that involves individual, community, and systemic changes. Here are some effective ways to address structural racism.

Educate yourself and others: It is important to recognize and understand the ways in which structural racism operates in different systems, including education, healthcare, employment, and criminal justice. By learning about the history of racism and the impact it has on marginalized communities, individuals can better understand how to combat it.
Advocate for policy changes: Advocating for policy changes at the local, state, and federal levels can have a significant impact on addressing structural racism. Policies such as criminal justice reform, affordable housing initiatives, and affirmative action can help to level the playing field for marginalized communities.
Address implicit bias: Implicit bias refers to the unconscious attitudes or stereotypes that people hold about certain groups. By addressing implicit bias through training programs and policies, individuals and organizations can work to reduce the impact of bias on decision-making processes.
Promote diversity and inclusion: Promoting diversity and inclusion in all areas of society, including workplaces, schools, and communities, can help to dismantle the structural barriers that perpetuate racism. By actively seeking out and promoting diversity, individuals and organizations can help to create a more equitable society.
Support grassroots movements: Grassroots movements led by marginalized communities can be a powerful force for change. By supporting these movements and amplifying their voices, individuals and organizations can help to bring attention to the impact of structural racism and advocate for change.

Overall, addressing the "sinister structural causes and consequences" of structural racism requires a long-term commitment to systemic change at all levels of society. By working together to promote equity and justice, we can create a more inclusive and just society for all.

1 which themes are illustrated in unoka's song to the kite (a bird that similar to a hawk
2 from one day a neighbour to okoye rolled his goatskin and departed comment on what is revealed about the ibo traditional way of life in the passage
3 how does achebe introduce a feeling of foreboding at the end chapter and what is the purpose of this technique ​


In Chinua Achebe's novel "Things Fall Apart", Unoka's song to the kite reflects several themes, including the transience of life, the struggle for identity, and the tension between tradition and change.

How are these themes illustrated?

Firstly, Unoka's song speaks to the transience of life. He sings of the kite, "hovering, soaring, and gliding" and how "life is like a kite." This highlights the fleeting nature of life, and how we must make the most of our time before it is gone.

Secondly, Unoka's song also touches on the struggle for identity. He compares the kite to a bird that has no real place to call home, saying "The bird has no resting place / And the fowl is never at home." This highlights the idea that people, like the bird, may struggle to find their place in the world and may feel like they do not belong.

Lastly, Unoka's song reflects the tension between tradition and change. He sings of how the kite used to be made with traditional materials such as raffia and bamboo, but is now made with modern materials like paper and string. This shows how the world is changing, and how traditional ways of life are being replaced by new ones.

To find out more about "Things Fall Apart", visit:


FILL IN THE BLANK complete the sentence below by typing the correct response into the box. the language of informal speech is called________


The language of informal speech is called colloquialism.

Colloquial language is informal language that is commonly used in everyday conversation, as opposed to more formal or literary language. It often includes slang, regional expressions, contractions, and other forms of informal language that may not be considered appropriate in formal writing or speech.

Colloquial language can vary by region, age group, and social group, and it is often used to convey a sense of familiarity and informality between speakers. While colloquial language may be appropriate in certain situations, it is important to be aware of its use and to adjust one's language accordingly depending on the context and audience.

To learn more about Colloquial language, here


Eat balanced food and remain healthy. (Passive voice)





This is an open-ended reading response. You are free to choose your own topic or theme related the readings from weeks 7-8.
(The Crito, Thoreau, King, Friedman). What stands out as most significant to you and why?
Please post your reading response (500 words) here. Although not required, you are encouraged to read and respond to the




By this, Socrates means that if he were to act unjustly then he would harm some important part of himself and when he acts justly, then he benefits that same part. In fact, Socrates holds that the health of this part of us is far more important than the health of the body.

apprender your verbes reguliers 6 points plus



See both English and French versions



Bien sûr, voici six verbes réguliers courants en anglais et leurs formes au passé

Marcher (passé : marché)

Parler (passé : parlé)

Regarder (passé : regardé)

Aimer (passé : aimé)

Cuisiner (passé : cuisiné)

Nettoyer (passé : nettoyé)

Notez que les verbes réguliers en anglais forment leur passé en ajoutant "-ed" à la forme de base du verbe. Il est important de se rappeler que les verbes irréguliers ne suivent pas ce modèle et ont des formes au passé uniques qui doivent être mémorisées.


Walk (past tense: walked)

Talk (past tense: talked)

Watch (past tense: watched)

Like (past tense: liked)

Cook (past tense: cooked)

Clean (past tense: cleaned)

Note that regular verbs in English form their past tense by adding "-ed" to the base form of the verb. It's important to remember that irregular verbs do not follow this pattern and have unique past tense forms that must be memorized.

please help don't ai generate

After reading the excerpt from "Nicholas Goes Fishing," answer the question below. Use the rubric in the materials for help if needed.

Based on this story, a reader could claim that Nicholas is willing to learn and grow. What evidence can you find to support this argument? Using direct quotations and paraphrases, support this argument with three examples. Even though this question is based on a single, provided passage, please show your understanding of citations by including them whenever necessary. Since the author of the story is not listed, include only the story's title in your citations. Use details to support your answer.


In "Nicholas Goes Fishing," there is evidence to suggest that Nicholas is willing to learn and grow. There are many instances for this.

How can you conclude that Nicholas is willing to learn fishing?

Firstly, when Nicholas arrives at the fishing spot, he is initially impatient and frustrated with his lack of success. However, after observing his grandfather's technique, he asks for advice and is willing to learn from his grandfather's expertise. As the story states: "Nicholas asked his grandfather how he did it. 'Well,' said his grandfather, 'you have to be patient and quiet...'"

Secondly, when Nicholas's grandfather catches a fish, he encourages Nicholas to try to catch one himself. Although Nicholas is hesitant at first, he eventually takes his grandfather's advice and tries again. The story states: " 'Try again,' said his grandfather, 'you'll get it this time.'" ("Nicholas Goes Fishing")

Finally, after catching his first fish, Nicholas is excited and eager to catch more. He even begins to offer his own advice to his grandfather, showing that he has learned and grown from the experience. As the story states: "Nicholas was very proud of his fish, and he had learned a lot from his grandfather... He even gave his grandfather a few tips on how to catch a bigger fish next time." ("Nicholas Goes Fishing")

To find out more about "Nicholas Goes Fishing", visit:


2. Examine Kate's final speech on marital duty carefully. What evidence can you fine (in that speech or elsewhere in the play) that she is delivering this passage seriously? On the other hand, what suggests that she may not believe her own words completely?​



hdjfnyhsjxjg dtre g s f ge t s y e f ey f e t ug s y g w y ye y u

Exercise 6 You recently went on a school trip. Your teacher has asked you to write a report about the trip and make suggestions for the year.





On a recent school trip, we had the opportunity to learn and experience many new things outside of the classroom. Our trip was both fun and educational, and I would like to share my thoughts and suggestions for future trips.


Our trip took us to the local science museum, which was an excellent choice for a school field trip. We had the chance to learn about different scientific concepts and engage in hands-on activities that allowed us to apply what we learned in class. The museum had a wide range of exhibits, including interactive displays, live demonstrations, and multimedia presentations. The exhibits covered a variety of topics, including physics, biology, chemistry, and astronomy.

Learning Experience:

The trip was an excellent learning experience, and I was able to understand many scientific concepts that were previously unclear to me. The hands-on activities were especially helpful in making the concepts more concrete and easy to remember. The museum staff was knowledgeable and engaging, and they were able to answer our questions and explain complex ideas in a way that was easy to understand.


While the trip was overall a success, there are a few suggestions that I would like to make for future trips. Firstly, it would be great if we could have more time to explore the museum and participate in more activities. Although we were able to see and do a lot during the trip, there were some exhibits that we missed due to time constraints.

Secondly, I suggest that we have more field trips to other places of interest. It would be great to have trips to historical landmarks, art galleries, and natural history museums. This would allow us to learn about different topics and explore new interests.


In conclusion, the recent school trip to the science museum was a great success. It was an engaging and educational experience that allowed us to learn outside of the classroom. I would like to thank our teacher for organizing the trip and making it possible. I look forward to future trips that will allow us to explore new places and learn about different topics.

What is the significance of the title New kid by Jerry Craft.



What is new kid by Jerry Craft about?

- Seventh grader Jordan Banks loves nothing more than drawing cartoons about his life. But instead of sending him to the art school of his dreams, his parents enroll him in a prestigious private school known for its academics, where Jordan is one of the few kids of color in his entire grade.


The title "New Kid" by Jerry Craft is significant because it highlights the experience of being the new kid at school and the challenges that come with it. The main character of the book, Jordan Banks, is a young Black boy who is starting seventh grade at a prestigious private school where he is one of the few students of color. As the new kid, Jordan must navigate a new environment, make new friends, and deal with the microaggressions and racism he experiences from some of his classmates.

The title also emphasizes the theme of identity in the book. As Jordan tries to fit in at his new school, he struggles with balancing his own identity and interests with the expectations and stereotypes of others. He is torn between his love for art and his desire to fit in with the popular crowd, and he grapples with the pressure to conform to the expectations of his teachers and classmates.

Overall, the title "New Kid" captures the central themes of the book, including the challenges of adapting to new environments, the complexities of identity and belonging, and the impact of race and ethnicity on social dynamics.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the word study approach outlined by Bear et al. (2020) in Chapter 1 of Words Their Way?
Group of answer choices

Word study occurs in hands-on and matching activities that engage learners in categorizing, comparing, and contrasting words.

Word study is engaging for learners when it involves repeated practice, drills, memorization, and an emphasis on teaching rules.

Word study should help students think critically about words so they understand how spelling works.

Word study should incorporate both analytic and synthetic phonics.




According to the word study approach outlined by Bear et al. (2020) in Chapter 1 of Words Their Way, the following statement is NOT true:

Word study is engaging for learners when it involves repeated practice, drills, memorization, and an emphasis on teaching rules.

In fact, the approach emphasizes that word study should NOT involve rote memorization or drilling, but rather, it should engage learners in hands-on and meaningful activities that allow them to explore and discover how words work. This includes activities such as sorting, comparing, and contrasting words based on their patterns and features, as well as analyzing the relationships between words and their meanings. The approach also emphasizes the importance of helping students develop a deep understanding of how words work, rather than just memorizing spelling rules or patterns.

Jelata and Heather are both engineers at the same company. Neither one of them is the boss of the other. Jelena tells Heather that she needs to finish her project by noon. What dimension of relationship messages does it exemplifies?


The dimension of relationship messages that exemplifies the given scenario is "assertiveness."

Assertiveness is the dimension of relationship messages that exemplifies the given scenario. Assertiveness is a personal characteristic that reflects the ability to stand up for oneself and assert oneself in a constructive manner. When someone expresses an opinion or belief confidently, assertiveness comes into play.

In the scenario provided, Jelena informs Heather that she must complete her assignment by noon, which is an act of assertiveness. Jelena is expressing her demands with confidence and without aggression, and neither of them is subordinate to the other.

In addition to assertiveness, there are three other dimensions of relationship messages: responsiveness, self-disclosure, and power.

Distance, context, nonverbal cues, and environment are all factors that influence relationship messages. They determine how messages are delivered and received, as well as how people react to them. People must be mindful of all of these elements in order to communicate effectively.

To learn more about relationship, click here:


in paragraph 5 the author describes how different spiders catch their prey using what pattern of organization?


The author compares the rates at which various spiders capture their prey. This book explains the many prey items that spiders catch as well as the creatures they consume.

How do different types of spiders capture their prey?

Some species, as we saw in the last section, create complex webs to trap flying insects. Many wolf spiders and other spiders look for meals on the ground. Spiders that build trap doors excavate holes,

Which spiders consume their prey?

The majority of house spiders are carnivores and like to consume a range of common household insects, including flies, cockroaches, earwigs, mosquitoes, fleas, moths, and ants. Also, the species has a big impact on the type of diet they consume and survival.

To know more about spiders and prey visit:-


Which part of the novel Namesake do you not like? Why not? How would you change it in any way?


I think it would be powerful to see Gogol's reaction to his father's passing, and how it has shaped him.

What is Namesake?

Namesake is a novel by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri. The book follows the story of a Bengali couple who immigrate to the United States and give birth to a son, whom they name Gogol. The story explores themes of identity, cultural assimilation, and the immigrant experience as Gogol navigates his life as a second-generation Indian-American.

The novel was first published in 2003 and was later adapted into a film of the same name in 2006. The book has been highly acclaimed and has won numerous awards, including the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award, the New York Public Library's Young Lions Fiction Award, and the National Book Critics Circle Award.

I don't like the way Ashoke's death is handled in The Namesake. I find it jarring and abrupt. I think it would be more effective if there was more focus on his life and more of a build-up to his death. I would also like to see more of his impact on Gogol's life and how his death has changed him.

Learn more about Namesake from given link


C. Punctuate the following sentences.
1 the study was carried out by christine zhen-wei qiang
of the national university of singapore
2 professor rowans new book the end of privacy 2014 is
published in new york
3 as Keynes said its better to be roughly right than
precisely wrong
4 three departments law business and economics have
had their funding cut
5 thousands of new words as app enter the English
language each year
6 the bbc world service is broadcast in 33 languages
including somali and vietnamese
7 she scored 56% on the main course the previous
semester she achieved 67%




The study was carried out by Christine Zhen-Wei Qiang of the National University of Singapore.

Professor Rowan's new book, The End of Privacy (2014), is published in New York.

As Keynes said, "It's better to be roughly right than precisely wrong."

Three departments - Law, Business, and Economics - have had their funding cut.

Thousands of new words, as apps enter the English language each year.

The BBC World Service is broadcast in 33 languages, including Somali and Vietnamese.

She scored 56% on the main course the previous semester; she achieved 67%.

Pick the best option, the correct sentence among the following is
Akram is a young telented Pakistani boy.
Akram is a Pakistani young talented boy.
Akram is a talented young Pakistani boy.
None of these


The correct sentence among the given options is "Akram is a talented young Pakistani boy."

In the given options, the correct sentence is "Akram is a talented young Pakistani boy."

It is because the sentence follows the correct adjective order. In English, adjectives have a specific order that they must follow when used together in a sentence. The correct order of adjectives is as follows:

Opinion (or observation) Size Age Shape Color Nationality or Origin Material Purpose

So, the correct order of adjectives in this sentence is "talented" (opinion), "young" (age), "Pakistani" (origin), and "boy." Therefore, the correct sentence is "Akram is a talented young Pakistani boy."

Learn more about adjective at


In which category does this word belong? spoonerism You may need to use a dictionary. A.
Sound pattern
Literary device
Part of a narrative


Answer: B

Explanation: definition: a verbal error in which a speaker accidentally transposes the initial sounds or letters of two or more words, often to humorous effect, as in the sentence you have hissed the mystery lectures, accidentally spoken instead of the intended sentence you have missed the history lectures.

I’m stuck on this question

Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present the idea of redemption (the idea of being saved) in A Christmas Carol?
Write about:
• how Dickens presents the idea of redemption in this extract
• how Dickens presents the idea of redemption in the novel as a whole.



In the extract, Dickens presents redemption as a gradual and transformative process, demonstrated through the character of Jerry Cruncher. Initially portrayed as a rough and brutish man, Jerry's exposure to the selfless acts of others and his own act of saving a life lead to a change in his character and a desire to do good. Through this transformation, Dickens suggests that redemption is possible for even the most flawed individuals.

Throughout the novel as a whole, Dickens presents redemption as a recurring theme, demonstrated through the redemption arcs of several characters. From the ultimate redemption of Sydney Carton through his selfless sacrifice, to the redemption of Miss Pross through her courageous defense of Lucie Manette, Dickens suggests that redemption is possible for anyone who seeks it. He also emphasizes the importance of selflessness and sacrifice in the redemption process, as characters such as Dr. Manette and Charles Darnay are redeemed through their willingness to give up their own desires for the greater good. Overall, Dickens presents redemption as a complex and challenging process, but one that is ultimately attainable through acts of kindness, sacrifice, and selflessness.


in excerpt from dogs helping dogs what is the author point of view about dogs who give blood


According to the author of "Excerpt from Dogs Helping Dogs," canines who donate blood to certain other dogs are performing an essential service.

Will dogs aid other canines?

But new research by a group of researchers led by Mylene Quervel-Chaumette just at Messerli Research Center at the University of Vienna demonstrates that dogs do comprehend and react to signals of stress in those other canines, particularly those they are the most familiar with. Dogs belong to a pack, which means they are sociable beings that love to be with other animals. This activity also serves as a survival strategy. Because they are reliant on each other to thrive, packs are successful.

To know more about Excerpt visit:


Which of the following statements most accurately describes Rainsford’s transformation while on the island?


The correct answer to the question is: The island changes his perception of the outside world and those around him. Option A is the right choice.

How is Rainford's change depicted?

Rainford's change on the island is a work of fiction, and any serious themes should be treated with caution.

Rainford's first goal was to put space between himself and the rest of the world, and to that end, he had plunged onward, propelled by the acute surge of something resembling fear.

From the given four options, none of the other options accurately describe Rainford's change while he was on the island. They describe his difficulty and change in his beliefs.

To find out more about Rainsford’s transformation, visit:


The full question is:

Which of the following statements most accurately describes Rainsford’s transformation while on the island?

The island changes his perception of the outside world and those around him.He learns the difficulty of coming to compromise with someone of a different background.He goes from believing he is a hunter, to being the General’s prey.His position on hunting animals changes due to his thrilling experiences on the island.

What are the differences between Adnan’s case and Justin Wolfes case in episode 7 season one “the opposite of the prosecution” serial podcast.




show and


They don't deliver the letters themselves. They _____ a separate delivery service.


Answer: They use a separate delivery service.


Write an article for publication in your School magazine on the topic. My Role Model and how he or she has influenced me


As a student, having a role model is essential to shape one's values, beliefs, and aspirations. My role model is my mother, who has been a significant influence in my life.

Growing up, my mother was always there for me, providing support and guidance. She is a strong and independent woman who has overcome many challenges in her life. Despite facing adversity, she remained optimistic and resilient. Her positive attitude towards life taught me to approach every challenge with a can-do attitude.

One of the most important lessons I have learned from my mother is the value of education. She always emphasized the importance of learning and encouraged me to pursue my academic goals. She never missed an opportunity to provide me with the resources I needed to succeed.

My mother's work ethic is another trait I admire. She is a hardworking and dedicated individual who puts in the time and effort required to achieve her goals. She has taught me that success is not handed to you on a platter, and you have to work hard for it.

In addition to her work ethic, my mother's kindness and compassion have also influenced me. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and goes out of her way to make a difference in the lives of others. Her acts of kindness have taught me to be empathetic towards others and to make a positive impact in the world.

In conclusion, my mother is my role model, and I am grateful for the impact she has had on my life. Her resilience, positive attitude, work ethic, and kindness have influenced me in many ways. She has taught me the importance of education, hard work, and making a positive impact on the world. I hope to emulate these traits and make her proud of the person I become.

TRUE/FALSE. Locking your vehicle doors while driving provides better protection in a collision by preventing occupants from being ejected.





educated guess

(In Story the wonder) On the first day of school, Ms. Petosa asked each student to share two things you want other
people to know about you". What things did August share and why do you think he chose those?


August's choices reflect his desire to be seen as a typical kid with interests and hobbies like anyone else, despite his facial differences.

What is the moral of the Story the wonder?

The moral of the story is to be true to yourself and embrace your uniqueness. It encourages readers to have the courage to express their true selves and be confident in who they are. It also reminds us that everyone has something special to offer and that we should appreciate the gifts and talents of those around us.

The moral of the story "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio is that kindness and empathy can go a long way in making a positive difference in people's lives. The story encourages readers to treat others with kindness, respect, and compassion, regardless of their physical appearance or differences.

August shared that he was an artist, and that he liked to draw. He chose these topics because they are both things that he is passionate about and that make him unique. He wanted to show the other students that he had something special to offer and that he was a creative person. He wanted to let everyone know that he was an individual and that he was different from the other students.

Learn more about Story the wonder from given link


Now that you have discussed the author's purpose for writing the selected reading, do you think the author's writ
effectively achieves their purpose? What led you to this

In total, the reflection should be three fully developed paragraphs (5-8 sentences each) in length (consider one sectio
question). Remember to refer to the rubric below to make sure you are fulfilling the requirements for this assignment.


I believe she thoroughly verified her case. The author bolstered her argument by sharing firsthand details of her experiences as a writer and regularly comes to her mother's aid when others do not treat her with the respect or care she deserves.

What does the essay "Mother Tongue" discuss?

In her essay "Mother Tongue," Amy Tan discusses the difficulties of growing up with a mother who speaks "broken" English. Tan describes her own struggle to understand and be understood by others when speaking about complex ideas, and how her mother's limited English ability affected their relationship. Tan argues that language can be both a bridge and a barrier to communication, and that people should be judged on their ideas and thoughts rather than their language abilities. Tan uses personal anecdotes and examples to illustrate her points, highlighting the importance of understanding and embracing linguistic and cultural diversity. Ultimately, Tan emphasizes the need for society to recognize and value the diversity of language and to acknowledge the cultural differences that can come with it.

To find out more about mother tongue, visit:


verbal or written attack, especially of a belief or dogma the reversal of the normal order of words


Verbal or written attack, especially of a belief or dogma = polemic

The reversal of the normal order of words = inversion

"Polemic" refers to a verbal or written attack, especially on a belief or dogma. It is a forceful and bitter criticism that often includes personal insults or invective language. Polemic can be used to persuade or to express anger and frustration.

"Inversion" refers to the reversal of the normal order of words in a sentence or phrase. This is often done for emphasis or to create a poetic effect. For example, instead of saying "the cat sat on the mat," inversion could be used to say "on the mat sat the cat." Inversion is a common literary device in poetry and rhetoric.

To learn more about Polemic and Inversion, here


meaning as it does in the sentence below: My mother wrote a note to the teacher about why I was sick. A( Did you NOTE the color of her hair today)B( The play ended on a happy NOTE. )C(Her voice broke when she tried to sing the high NOTE.) D( We got a NOTE in the mail from the Wilsons) . Choose the sentence in which the CAPITALIZED word has the same mooning as it does in the sentence below:​



D( We got a NOTE in the mail from the Wilsons) .


The word "note" has many different definitions. In the provided sentence, and in option D it means something written down.

The word "note," as used in option A means to notice, in option B means expressing a certain mood, and in option C means single tone or pitch

Hope this helped ;)

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The atomic radius for Se is larger than Br, and the first ionization energy for Se is greater than Br. The atomic radius for Br is larger than Se, and the first ionization energy for Bris greater than Se. The atomic radius for Se is larger than Br, and the first ionization energy for Br is greater than Se. The atomic radius for Br is larger than Se, and the first ionization energy for Se is greater than Br. 4. Investigate: In the DESIGN tab, remove the cartilage from one of your designed arms. Compare thenumber of repetitions this arm can do compared to the arm with cartilage 5. In the diagram below, Aircraft A is flying East and maintaining a groundspeed of 340 kt (a kt = speed of 1 NM / hr). Aircraft B is flying in the same direction as aircraft A but 210 NM ahead, maintaining a ground speed of 280 kt. Aircraft A will catch Aircraft B at Point X. What distance will Aircraft B have travelled when this event occurs? What physical property would have made a mineral appropriate for use as an old-time window covering before glass was widely available? FEEDBACK: To be used as a window pane, a mineral needs to be split into thin, large layers. Soft, brittle layers would not be appropriate for window panes. for her new mortgage, jessica wants to pay one point as an upfront fee to get a lower interest rate on the loan. if her loan amount is $200,000, how much will she pay for the lower rate (point)? If you are making a left turn from a two way street into a one way street you must start the turn from the _____ abc hit may turn into any lane that is safely open carol was asked by her boss to develop a master budget for the company she works for, ''the big spoon.'' she doesn't know where to start with this project. which budget would you suggest she start with, and why? place the following steps for assigning costs to units of product using process costing in order. instructions choice 1 of 5. identify the total costs to be accounted for. toggle button identify the total costs to be accounted for. choice 2 of 5. assign costs to batches of work toggle button assign costs to batches of work choice 3 of 5. compute the equivalent units of production. toggle button compute the equivalent units of production. choice 4 of 5. record the physical flow of resources. toggle button record the physical flow of resources. choice 5 of 5. compute costs per equivalent unit. toggle button compute costs per equivalent unit. 1. Avril deposited $800 in his bank at 1.5% for five years.Use the simple interest formula to calculate the amount of interest Avril will earn. Calculate the future value of her deposit.2. Phyllis borrowed $1,000 at 2% APR for six months. Use the simple interest formula to calculate the total amount of interest Phyllis will pay if she pays $200 two months into the loan and the rest at six months.3. James deposited $500 in his bank at 4.5% for 90 days.Use the simple interest formula to calculate the amount of interest James will earn using exact interest.Calculate the future value of the deposit.4. On May 4 Ariel signed a simple discount note for $3,500 at 3 1/2% for 60 days.Use the simple interest formula to calculate the amount of interest Ariel will pay using ordinary interest.Calculate the proceeds she will receive on May 4.Calculate the amount she will pay at maturityDetermine the date it will be due.5. What is the APY (effective rate) for 16% APR compounded quarterly? Round to hundredths.6. Louisa invested $4,500 at 4% interest compounded semiannually for two years. Calculate the future value of Louisa's investment using Exhibit 11-1 or the formula FV = P(1 + R)n.7. Cleve wants to know how much he would need to deposit now in order to have $8,000 in five years at a rate of 6% compounding quarterly. Use Exhibit 11-2 or the formula P = FV/(1 + R)n.8. I want to borrow $900 for 20 days from a payday loan store. The payday loan finance charge is $12 per $100 borrowed up to $400, and $10 per 100 on the amount over $400. What is the dollar amount of interest I am paying? What is the APR of this loan?9. Using Exhibit 12-1 or the formula, calculate the future value of an ordinary annuity with a quarterly payment of $1,000 made at the end of each quarter for four years compounding quarterly at 8%.10. Using Exhibit 12-1 or the formula, calculate the future value of an annuity due with a monthly payment of $50 made at the beginning of each month for 2.5 years compounding monthly at 6%. How are the people contributing to the economy of the country? from the condition of my guest costume he seemed to think that it might also serve him as his dressing room. Why does he think so? Answer on basis of the guest by Saki. Suppose a product's revenue function is given by R(q) = - 7q + 600qr. Find an expression for the marginal revenue function, simplify it, and record your result in the box below. Be sure to use the proper variable in your answer. (Use the preview button to check your syntax before submitting your answer.) Answer: MR(q) = Michael owns 100 shares of stock in the Samson Electricals Corporation, but as a stockholder he does not have the right to vote in stockholders' meetings. In this scenario, Michael owns common stock. True or False? Which of the following could be a logical or realistic accounting period for a business that is creating financial statements? (Check all that apply.)Multiple select Let y denote the number of broken eggs in a randomly selected carton of one dozen eggs. y 0 1 2 3 4 ply) 0.60 0.20 0.15 0.03 0.02 (a) Calculate and interpret Hy My = 0.20 (b) In the long run, for what proportion of cartons is the number of broken eggs less than jy? (Round your answer to two decimal places). Enter a number. Does this surprise you? Yes O No 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 (c) Explain why sy is not equal to = 2.0. 5 This computation of the mean is incorrect because the value in the denominator should equal the maximum y value. This computation of the mean is incorrect because it does not take into account that the number of broken eggs are all equally like O This computation of the mean is incorrect because it includes zero in the numerator which should not be taken into account when O This computation of the mean is incorrect because it does not take into account the number of partially broken eggs. There are 30 students in Mr. Hall class. 1/3 of the students are traveling somewhere this summer. Of those traveling, 1/5 are going out of the country. How many students are traveling out of the country?